SD Sales and Distribution SAP R/3 Enterprise Release 470x200 Release Notes © Copyright 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. Some software products marketed by SAP AG and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. Microsoft®, WINDOWS®, NT®, EXCEL®, Word®, PowerPoint® and SQL Server® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. IBM®, DB2®, OS/2®, DB2/6000®, Parallel Sysplex®, MVS/ESA®, RS/6000®, AIX®, S/390®, AS/400®, OS/390®, and OS/400® are registered trademarks of IBM Corporation. ORACLE® is a registered trademark of ORACLE Corporation. INFORMIX®-OnLine for SAP and Informix® Dynamic Server Incorporated. TM are registered trademarks of Informix Software UNIX®, X/Open®, OSF/1®, and Motif® are registered trademarks of the Open Group. 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Design: SAP Communications Media SAP System Table of Contents SAP AG ______________________________________________________________ 8 8.1 8.2 8.2.1 8.3 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.4 8.4.1 8.4.2 8.4.3 8.5 8.5.1 8.6 8.6.1 SD Sales and Distribution Subcontracting with Chargeable Components (New) SD-BF Basic Functions SD-BF-AS Material Sorting Material Sorting SD-SLS Sales Modifications to the Order BAPI in the Store Order SD-SLS-RE Complaints SD-SLS-RE-SR Sales Returns Sales Returns SD-BIL Billing Complaints Processing (New) SD-BIL-EM Empties Management Empties Management SD-BIL-RB Rebate Processing SD-BIL-RB-PL Pendulum List Indirect Sales Pendulum List SD-BIL-RB-ENH Extended Rebate Extended Rebate Processing SD-EDI Electronic Data Interchange Outbound Processing of PRICAT Messages (Changed) SD-POS POS Interface SD-POS-OUT POS Interface - Outbound IDoc Copy Management 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 ______________________________________________________________ SAP AG iii SAP System ______________________________________________________________ 8 SD Sales and Distribution 8.1 Subcontracting with Chargeable Components (New) Use As of SAP R/3 Enterprise Extension Set 2.00, companies in Japan can use the system to handle subcontracting processes involving chargeable components. The solution is based on the Subcontracting with Chargeable Components solution previously available as an add-on from SAP Japan. The functions from the add-on are now part of the standard system. The add-on has been discontinued. You can now activate the solution for each valuation area separately. In the add-on, this was not possible. Some of the programs available in the add-on are not available in the Extension Set. They are: Program Vendor Subcontracting Data Maintenance Vendor/Customer Master Maintenance Chargeable Info Record Maintenance Customizing Program Die Master Maintenance Die Master Deletion Die Master Reload Technical Name /SAPNEA/SAPMJSCA /SAPNEA/SAPMJSCC /SAPNEA/SAPMJSCD /SAPNEA/SAPMJSCF /SAPNEA/SAPMJSCB /SAPNEA/J_SC_05 /SAPNEA/J_SC_07 For more details about the solution, see the SAP Library documentation listed below. Effects on Customizing In the IMG activity Activation Switch for SAP R/3 Enterprise Extension Set, activate Extension Set EA-SCM. Then carry out the IMG activities for Subcontracting with Chargeable Components in Customizing for Materials Management (MM), by choosing Inventory Management and Physical Inventory -> Subcontracting with Chargeable Components. See also SAP Note 641298 SAP Library -> SAP R/3 Enterprise Application Components -> Financials -> Country Versions -> Asia-Pacific -> Japan -> Subcontracting with Chargeable Components ______________________________________________________________ SAP AG 1 SAP System ______________________________________________________________ 8.2 SD-BF Basic Functions 8.2.1 SD-BF-AS Material Sorting Material Sorting Use As of SAP R/3 Enterprise 2.00 (EA-APPL 200) you can use the Material Sorting component. In the Material Sorting component, the system displays the material items on a document in the order you specified in Customizing. The system sorts the material items of a document when the assigned form is printed. Each form can be assigned a sort variant that determines the sort sequence in the form. Each sort variant can include up to six table fields. The name of the fields defines the criteria for sorting the material in the document. The fields either come from the document item table (VBAP) or from the material master (MARA). The system sorts the main items and re-appends the subitems to the corresponding main items after sorting. The system allocates the sorted items a new additional item number and writes the sorted items back to the print structure. Effects on Existing Data Existing data is not affected. Effects on Data Transfer You must enter the forms before you make settings for material sorting otherwise the system does not recognize the form and rejects it as an incorrect entry. Effects on System Administration There are no effects on system administration. Effects on Customizing The settings for material sorting are in the SAP Reference IMG under: <ZK>Sales and Distribution -> Basic Functions -> Output Control -> Material Sorting. To use material sorting, you must define the forms on which you want the system to take account of a particular sequence of material items in Customizing. You must make settings at the following points in Customizing: o Sort Variants o Material Sorting: Sales Documents o Material Sorting: Shipping Documents o Material Sorting: Groups o Material Sorting: Billing Documents ______________________________________________________________ SAP AG 2 SAP System ______________________________________________________________ See also For more information on material sorting, see the SAP Library. 8.3 SD-SLS Sales 8.3.1 Modifications to the Order BAPI in the Store Order Use In SAP R/3 Enterprise Retail 2.0 (EA-RETAIL 200) you can use the following functions in the Store Order: o You can control whether SAP R/3 should round a purchase oredr quantity. In the outbound delivery status, the rounding is activated. It is only for store goods receipts and load building that SAP R/3 does not perform rounding. o You can now transfer the net price in the condition table to the store order. However, you cannot enter a condition type for this. o When calling the store goods receipt ot the purchase order copy, SAP R/3 does not trigger a message control anymore. For all other applications that call the store order, the message control is activated. The additional functions are based in the PO_BAPI_CREATE1 BAPI enhancement. See also For more information about the Store Order, see the documentation on SAP Retail (SAP Library -> SAP R/3 Enterprise Application Components -> Logistics -> SAP Retail) in the Purchasing area. 8.3.2 SD-SLS-RE SD-SLS-RE-SR Complaints Sales Returns Sales Returns Use As of SAP R/3 Enterprise 2.00 (EA-APPL 200) you can use the Sales Returns function. You can enter sales returns for full products that have been returned by customers due to quality defects. The function provides an accurate overview of the physical warehouse stock, and the corresponding postings and analysis results. The Sales Returns component in SAP R/3 Enterprise provides a user-friendly solution for managing the ______________________________________________________________ SAP AG 3 SAP System ______________________________________________________________ sales returns process: o You can enter the returns document with or without reference to a previous sales document. o To enter the analysis result, you can use the order items from the returns document as templates. o The system can allocate the order items from the returns document a result from the analyses and settle them immediately. The result can be allocated to one item individually or to multiple items. o The system can check the entries for the analysis items to see if they are logical. o The system generates detailed logs and document flows showing the latest status of sales returns processing. Based on the result of the analysis, the system generates the relevant credit memos (SAP SD documents) and the documents for the warehouse stock postings (SAP MM documents). Effects on Existing Data Existing data is not affected. Effects on Data Transfer The data transfer is not affected. Effects on System Administration If the system generates the follow-on documents in the background, you must schedule report /BEV1/SR_BATCH_PROCESSING as a periodic background job. You should also maintain the Customizing table Recipient for Express Mail for Background Processing. Effects on Customizing The settings for sales returns are in the SAP Reference IMG under: Sales and Distribution -> Sales -> Sales Returns. If you want to use the full scope of functions, you must make individual settings at the following points in Customizing for sales returns: o Special document types for sales returns o Analysis key o Other informal analysis keys (for evaluations, statistics, and so on) o Refunding key o Analysis keys must be assigned to item categories o Order fields must be assigned to goods movements o Recipient for express mail for background processing o Filling facilities (for evaluations, statistics, and so on) o Content (for evaluations, statistics, and so on) o Keg lock (for evaluations, statistics, and so on) The following settings must be made: o Document Types for Sales Returns ______________________________________________________________ SAP AG 4 SAP System ______________________________________________________________ o Analysis Key o Refunding Key o Assign Analysis Key to Item Categories See also The special functions for sales returns are available in SAP EASY ACCESS under: Logistics -> Sales and Distribution -> Shipping and Transportation -> Results of Sales Returns Analysis. For more information, see the documentation on sales returns. 8.4 SD-BIL Billing 8.4.1 Complaints Processing (New) Use As of SAP R/3 Enterprise Retail 2.00 (EA Retail 200), you can use the Complaints Processing function. This function lets you enter a complaints reason and create all sales and billing documents with reference to a billing document. You can change the quantity, unit of measure, material, and certain conditions in the documents. A maximum of two documents can be generated for each complaints reason. You can also display an overview of the documents that have already been generated for a billing document, such as credit memos and returns. Effects on Customizing If you want to use the Complaints Processing function, you must first make the appropriate settings in Customizing for Sales and Distribution under Billing -> Billing Documents -> Define Reasons for Complaint. See also For more information, see the SAP Library under SAP R/3 Enterprise Application Component -> Logistics -> Sales and Distribution -> Billing -> Complaints Processing. 8.4.2 SD-BIL-EM Empties Management Empties Management Use As of SAP R/3 Enterprise 2.00 (EA-APPL 200) you can use the Empties Management component. The ______________________________________________________________ SAP AG 5 SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Empties Management component is an enhancement of the SAP R/3 standard functions and deals with the entry, processing, evaluation, and output of empties data from empties processing (in the beverage industry, for example). You can use empties management to monitor and track the movement of empties between vendor and customer. The component has its origins in the beverage industry and is now to be used in other sectors. The Empties Management component is available in SAP SD and offers the following functions: o Bills of material (BOMs) and trackability of empties For all movements of the full product, the system keeps track of the corresponding empties in the document items. This allows constant monitoring of the flow of empties, both within and outside of the company. Using the BOMs of category 5, the system automatically assigns a full product (for example, beer) the relevant empties (bottle or crate). The Empties Management component uses the BOM explosion to show the dependency between full products and empties in the order. o Empties update and management of empties stock accounts The empties update is an automatic, continuous, and up-to-date recording of all empties movements. The data is only updated when billing takes place, thus defining a clear point for determining the external status (that is, the empties stocks at the customer). The system manages the empties stock accounts and updates empties movement data for the account holder. You determine a standard partner role for the account holder (sold-to party (SP), ship-to party (SH), bill-to party (BP), or payer (PY)). The system can keep track of the value and quantity of the empties stock, manage empties as fixed assets or current assets, and manage empties deposits. o Check functions and output of empties stocks Special forms and evaluations provide you with information about empties whenever you require it. The aim of the check functions is to identify customers who have empties debts and notify them accordingly. By carrying out a value-based grouping of empties, the system can compile lists of all bottles that are debited with the same amount (plastic bottles, glass bottles, and so on). An empties block has been added to the SAP R/3 standard delivery note, allowing the system to display empties (usually linked to the full product). Empties can now also be printed on SAP R/3 standard invoices through the addition of an empties block and an empties account. The form Balance Confirmation for Monthly Empties Balances is a statement for the customer and shows which empties were last moved for a period and when they were moved. The Empties Evaluation Report is a statistical evaluation and can be used to sort and cumulate empties data. The empties evaluation report is used primarily to evaluate empties data internally. o Archiving of data records from the empties tables The files on which the empties update is based can be very extensive in production operation. Archiving the data frees system capacities and improves performance. Only empties tables are archived. There is no link to invoice archiving. Effects on Existing Data The volume of data has increased since new empties data is generated in the various empties table. In the Basis empties table, the system generates one billing document record for each relevant empties item. The data records are cumulated for monthly periods in the subsequentempties tables. By archiving the system can reduce the dataset. However, the dataset should only be reduced if the system no longer requires the empties data. Effects on Data Transfer ______________________________________________________________ SAP AG 6 SAP System ______________________________________________________________ The data transfer is not affected. Effects on System Administration There are no effects on system administration. Effects on Customizing The settings for empties management are in the SAP Reference IMG under: Sales and Distribution -> Billing -> Empties Update. There is no delivery Customizing for the Empties Management component in the R/3 Enterprise Extension Set 200 release. See also For more information on the Empties Management component, see the SAP Library. 8.4.3 SD-BIL-RB Rebate Processing SD-BIL-RB-PL Pendulum List Indirect Sales Pendulum List Use As of SAP R/3 Enterprise 2.00 (EA-APPL 200) you can use the Pendulum List component. The Pendulum List component is used to enter indirect sales and sales volumes in the SAP R/3 System. The Pendulum List component provides the following functions: o To simplify the confirmation of indirect sales or sales volumes for wholesalers, the system can generate a request list on paper or as a file. o You can enter the indirect sales or sales volumes as confirmed by the wholesaler either manually or automatically in the system. o The system can write the indirect sales or sales volumes manually or automatically to the Sales Information System (SIS). o The requests and confirmations for indirect sales or sales volumes can be cancelled if required. Effects on Existing Data Existing data is not affected. Effects on Data Transfer The data transfer is not affected. Effects on System Administration ______________________________________________________________ SAP AG 7 SAP System ______________________________________________________________ The creation of request lists, automatic entry of indirect sales or sales volumes, and update of indirect sales or sales volumes can be started as background jobs. Effects on Customizing The settings for the pendulum list are in the SAP Reference IMG under: Sales and Distribution -> Pendulum List Indirect Sales. To use the full scope of the pendulum list, you must make settings at the following points in Customizing: Pendulum List Indirect Sales o o o General Settings - Maintain Role Assignments - Maintain Origin Indicator - Maintain Interface Control - Maintain Document Types for Indirect Orders - Maintain Function Module Call for Order Creation - Define and Assign Status - Maintain Control Definitions - Transport Control Definitions - Transport Control Definitions 2 Output Control - Assign Higher-Level Sales Organization - Assign Sales Organization for Output - Assign Output Mediums - Maintain Output Files and Directories Define Periods - Define and Assign Period Control - Maintain Period Split - Maintain Period Groups - Maintain Period Table See also The special functions for the pendulum list are in SAP EASY ACCESS under: Logistics -> Sales and Distribution -> Pendulum List Indirect Sales. For more information on the pendulum list, see the SAP Library. ______________________________________________________________ SAP AG 8 SAP System ______________________________________________________________ SD-BIL-RB-ENH Extended Rebate Extended Rebate Processing Use As of SAP R/3 Enterprise 2.00 (EA-APPL 200) you can use the Extended Rebate Processing component. The Extended Rebate Processing component is an integrated enhancement of the standard rebate functions. Extended Rebate Processing provides the following functions that are integrated with the standard rebate processing: o More flexible rebate settlement using a variable key in the rebate information structure. When the rebate information structure is updated, the system can include selected data from the billing documents in the variable key. The system transfers this data to the billing document when the credit memo is created. This means that the system can transfer the rebate-incurring material to the credit memo instead of the settlement material. The system can transfer partners from the billing documents, allowing multiple rebate recipients for one and the same condition. o Periodic settlement of rebate agreements. Instead of the previous periodic partial settlement, which always took the entire validity period of an agreement into account, the system can now also carry out partial settlements where it only takes account of the individual period for the settlement. The system settles individual periods like separate agreements, especially regarding the use of scales and fixed amounts. o Handling of indirect rebate agreements. By using pro forma billing documents, the system makes indirect data available for rebate processing. With special calculation types and condition formulas, the system can use planning data to form accruals and actual data for rebate settlement. o The new functions are fully integrated into the standard system, unlike the existing beverage-specific enhancements. This means that many of the previous restrictions in rebate processing no longer apply. The system can use the condition exclusion, condition basis formulas, condition value formulas, and the exclusive condition access in the access sequence. There are no restrictions either in the use of calculation types and scale indicators. Effects on Existing Data Existing agreements are not affected by extended rebate processing. There are no effects on existing data. Effects on Data Transfer There are no effects on the data transfer. Effects on System Administration If the existing solutions are replaced by the extended rebate processing, you may have to schedule new background jobs. This applies to the settlement using the new procedure and also to the update of indirect sales from the customer-specific information structure. New forms are usually required for the rebate settlement due to the different data structure. Effects on Customizing ______________________________________________________________ SAP AG 9 SAP System ______________________________________________________________ o The settings for Extended Rebate Processing are in the SAP Reference IMG under: Sales and Distribution -> Billing -> Rebate Processing -> Extended Rebate Processing. o Existing Customizing settings are not affected. o The new rebate procedure as of Release 4.6A in the standard must be activated before you can use Extended Rebate Processing. o Extended Rebate Processing is activated using the rebate information structure S469. o New order types and billing types are delivered for rebate settlement, as are item categories, copying control, and relevant assignments. o The pricing procedure BVRBTI and the condition formula 329 are delivered for updating indirect sales. See also For more information on Extended Rebate Processing, see the SAP Library. 8.5 SD-EDI Electronic Data Interchange 8.5.1 Outbound Processing of PRICAT Messages (Changed) Use As of SAP R/3 Enterprise Retail 2.00 (EA-RETAIL 200) there is a change management function available in the outbound processing of the price catalog (transaction VPRICAT). You can use this function to copy and copy master data, user-specific fields and planned changes in the price catalog. You can also display these user-specific fields and send them in the PRICECATALOGUE02 IDoc. There are also new BAdIs available for filling the price catalog. 8.6 SD-POS 8.6.1 SD-POS-OUT POS Interface POS Interface - Outbound IDoc Copy Management Use As of SAP R/3 Enterprise Retail 2.0 (EA-RETAIL 200) you can have the system copy outbound IDocs for specified recipients from the existing IDocs of particular recipients. You do not have to have the system generate assortment lists for all stores, for example. Instead, you can have them generated for a few reference stores. Finally, you can copy their outbound IDocs in accordance with particular rules from the existing outbound IDocs. This can greatly improve performance. ______________________________________________________________ SAP AG 10 SAP System ______________________________________________________________ You can use a BAdI to change the reference IDoc if necessary. See also For more information, see the SAP Retail documentation (SAP Library-> SAP R/3 Enterprise Application Components -> Logistics -> SAP Retail) under the area Distributed Data Processing -> POS Interface -> POS Interface - Outbound. ______________________________________________________________ SAP AG 11