Digital Marketing module

Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is a 15-credit elective module which sits within the suite of Level 4 modules.
To gain the CIM Level 4 Certificate in Professional Marketing learners are required to pass both
mandatory modules plus one elective module. However, each module can be taken as a
standalone module to gain a module award.
Aim of the module
This module is about appreciating the importance of the ever-evolving, dynamic digital landscape,
and understanding how to develop skills to improve digital marketing effectiveness. It provides
awareness of the nature of the challenges and opportunities within the digital environment and
outlines the skills and tools required to support and enhance marketing activities. It identifies the
importance of effective digital monitoring and measurement techniques that enable organisations
to improve digital marketing effectiveness performance.
Module structure
The module comprises three units of two learning outcomes each. Each learning outcome will be
covered by the related assessment criteria and will be assessed by way of portfolio. The
assessment will require submission of a work-based portfolio which is broken down into three tasks
– research, plan and report.
The learning outcomes and assessment criteria, along with the indicative content, are detailed in
the Digital Marketing module content which follows.
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CIM Level 4 Certificate in Professional Marketing Qualification Specification
Please refer to the CIM Level 4 Certificate in Professional Marketing Qualification Specification for
all other information relating to the CIM Level 4 Certificate in Professional Marketing including:
CIM Professional Marketing Standards
The Level 4 qualification structure
Who it’s for
Entry requirements
The Modular Pathway
Credits and learning hours
Modes of study
How it’s assessed – assessment methodology
How the assessments are delivered and when
How it’s graded
When are results issued?
Module specifications
What we mean by command words
Transition arrangements
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Level 4
Credit value: 15
Notional learning time: 130-150 hours
Purpose statement
Digital marketing is a constantly evolving and increasingly important discipline within modern
marketing. This module will enable you to build essential skills in order to identify, integrate
and monitor effective digital tactics to deliver enhanced marketing activities.
Module weighting
LO 1 – weighting
LO 2 – weighting
LO 3 – weighting
LO 4 – weighting
LO 5 – weighting
LO 6 – weighting
Overarching learning outcomes
By the end of this module students should be able to:
The digital landscape
 Understand the opportunities and challenges presented through the disruptive digital environment
 Assess the impact and influence of the dynamic digital environment
Digital toolkit
 Know how key digital tools can support and enhance marketing
 Understand the relevance of digital platforms and channels in context
Digital in action
 Develop digital activities to support and enhance multichannel marketing
 Apply the key principles involved in monitoring and measuring digital marketing effectiveness
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Learning outcomes
The learner will:
Assessment criteria
The learner can:
Indicative content
1. Understand the opportunities and
challenges presented through the disruptive
digital environment
1.1 Appraise the scope, innovation and
opportunities associated with digital
marketing offered by new technologies
1.2 Summarise the benefits of digital
marketing and the online vision
1.3 Discuss the integration of online and
offline marketing concepts and applications
1.4 Demonstrate the increasing importance
of customer focus for effective digital
marketing activity
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Internet of things
Location-based marketing
Data mapping
Big data
Misalignment of international development
Kurzweil’s law of accelerating returns
Geographic coverage
Customer reach
Comparative cost
24/7 availability
Speed of customisation
Real-time marketing
Apps and co-creation
Diminishing attention span
Customer experience
Immersive social TV experience
Dual screening and multitasking
Acquisition, retention and loyalty
Word of mouth in the world of social
Corporate trolling
Identify target markets
Research customer needs
Develop mix for target audiences
Customer journey
2. Assess the impact and influence of the
dynamic digital environment
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2.2 Demonstrate how the Internet is used as 
a vehicle for revenue generation
2.3 Assess the changes in online customer
behaviour as a result of the dynamic digital
2.1 State the reasons for the rise in online
consumer power
Reduced search costs and effort
Product and price comparisons
Power of customer review
Online consumer choice and convenience
Product choice and availability
Mobile and electronic commerce
Subscriptions and membership
Revenue from advertising and pay-per-click
Lead generation
Data and CRM
Added value created
Quality and levels of interaction
Convenience and usability (heatmaps)
Two-way communication
Perception of credibility
Brand image and corporate reputation
Customer expectations
Learning outcomes
The learner will:
Assessment criteria
The learner can:
Indicative content
3. Know how key digital tools can
support and enhance marketing
3.1 Identify the role of digital marketing
communication within the extended marketing mix
3.2 Identify the digital communications mix
 7 Ps
 Brands
 Blogs and chat
 Video sharing
 Social networks
 Wikis
 Podcasts
 Groups and forums
 Widgets
 Photo sites
 Advertising
 Gaming and viral marketing
Mobile or handheld devices:
 Mobile communication devices and phones
 Laptops
 Tablets
 Wearables
Fixed Appliances:
 Telephones
 Desktop computers
 TV and radio
 Kiosks
 Web pages, microsites, blogs, portals, links,
e-mail, SMS
 SEO including international
 Conversion rate optimisation
 Online and offline integration
 Active listening mechanisms
 Presentation software
 Integrated branding
3.3 Describe how digital hardware can be
effectively coordinated
3.4 Describe how digital communications tools
can be effectively coordinated to enhance
customer experience
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4. Understand the relevance of digital
platforms and channels in context
4.1 Describe the process and stages in digital
4.2 Appraise platforms and online interchange for
different contexts
4.3 Outline different online transaction contexts
4.4 Explain the application of different automated
and non-automated sales and support activities
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Technology adoption and diffusion
Staged consumer adoption process
Staged business adoption process
Factors influencing speed and extent of
 Depth and breadth of coverage
 Analytics and metrics
 Collaboration and workflow
 Engagement
 Scalability
 Provider of growth and longevity
 B2B
 B2C
 C2C
 C2B
 G2G
 G2B
 G2C
 B2G
 C2G
Natural conversation banners
Shopping carts
Automated repeat purchase settings
Call to action elements
Real-time online sales and support:
 E-mail sales campaigns
 SMS sales campaigns
 Sales affiliate and sales networks
 LlivePerson support, integrated live chat
 Social media sales channels
Learning outcomes
The learner will:
Assessment criteria
The learner can:
Indicative content
5. Develop digital activities to support
and enhance multichannel marketing
5.1 Illustrate the principle actions of digital
marketing campaigns
5.2 Demonstrate the advantages and
disadvantages of multichannel marketing
5.3 Illustrate how online campaigns can offer
marketers more creative, flexible and responsive
5.4 Recommend a digital marketing plan
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Read article
Place order
Request information
Make contact
Increased penetration and market reach
Augmented reality
Interactive displays
Interstitials and superstitials
Integration with key customer analysis and
segmentation data
The application of integrated campaigns
utilising multiple channels
Viral marketing and gaming
Online tracking of customer behaviour
Plan, reach, act, convert, engage
Set objectives
Online marketing options: acquisition,
retention and/or brand building to enhance
customer relationships (CRM)
Integration with offline plan
6. Apply the key principles involved in
monitoring and measuring digital marketing
6.1 State the purpose of measurement for
digital campaigns
6.2 Demonstrate an understanding of the
application of the procedures used for
measuring digital campaigns
6.3 Recommend performance measures
using online metrics to determine
performance against objectives
6.4 Explain the populations measured in
digital campaigns
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 Marketing productivity
 Marketing mix decisions
 Customer satisfaction and involvement
 Market share and forecast demand
 Identifying improvements
 Primary and secondary data
 Onsite (log files and tagging)
 Offsite (panels, VOC)
 Usability studies
 Tracking studies
 Conversion funnels
 Reports, presentations and dashboards
 Key performance indicators (KPIs)
 Big data
 Social analytics
 Listening tools
 ROI and LTV
 Response rates
 Campaign reviews
 Key performance indicators for continuous
 Customer analysis
 Online buyer and search behaviour
 Online survey methods to capture data
and enrich customer insights
 Affiliate networks
 Social networks
 Customers and non-customers
 Visitors
Sample assessment material
The following sample assessment material for Digital Marketing has been produced to
provide a true reflection of the live assessments and should be used as a guide and study
aid when preparing for the live assessment.
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CIM Level 4 Certificate in Professional Marketing
Digital Marketing
Sample assessment
The assessment comprises SIX compulsory tasks.
Task 1 is worth 5 marks.
Task 2 is worth 25 marks.
Task 3 is worth 15 marks.
Task 4 is worth 25 marks.
Task 5 is worth 20 marks.
Task 6 is worth 10 marks for presentation of information.
Candidate guidance:
Answer all tasks
The available marks are shown alongside each part of the task
10 marks are available for overall format and presentation of information
Read all tasks carefully before attempting them
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In in your role within the marketing function of an organisation of your choice, your
manager has asked you to assess the appropriateness of various digital marketing
activities in regards to relationship marketing for your different customer segments.
You have been asked to keep a blog as evidence of digital marketing activity trialled
and the outcomes of this.
As part of this activity you have been asked to engage as a consumer with three
organisations via digital media to see how effective other companies are at engaging
and building/maintaining relationships with customers and how this digital marketing
activity relates/integrates with more traditional media and other elements of the
traditional marketing mix.
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Please refer to the module specification for assessment criteria details.
Record a two-minute video to explain your chosen organisation’s background
including products and services, the target markets, market share and describe
your role in the organisation. The video clip should be posted onto an
appropriate site such as YouTube or DailyMotion. This will be embedded within
your blog (see Task 6).
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(5 marks)
Assessment criteria covered in Task 2:
AC1.1, AC1.2, AC1.3, AC1.4, AC3.1, AC3.2, AC3.3, AC3.4
Please refer to the module specification for assessment criteria details.
Create content using FIVE different digital marketing activities for engaging
and building relationships with a target market appropriate for your chosen
The choice of digital activity is open, however, you must demonstrate the use
of at least THREE different digital channels across the activities, including, but
not limited to:
- websites
- social media
- search engine marketing
- e-mail
The activities need to be appropriate for the target audience and the message
being delivered for building and/or maintaining relationships with that
You will demonstrate how each digital marketing activity is integrated with
other media (including traditional marketing media) within the organisation in
order to create an integrated approach to relationship marketing. These FIVE
digital marketing activities will be evidenced within your blog (see Task 6).
(5 marks
per task)
(Total - 25 marks)
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Assessment criteria covered in Task 3:
AC2.3, AC4.1, AC4.3, AC5.1, AC5.2, AC5.2, AC5.3
Please refer to the module specification for assessment criteria details.
In the role of a consumer, engage with THREE different organisations (from
different industries) using THREE different digital marketing channels (one per
The choice of digital channel is open but must allow two-way communications
(dialogue) with the organisation.
These organisations should be ones that you are familiar with and use on a
regular basis (an example could be your bank, your local supermarket and a
fashion brand you are passionate about).
When engaging with these organisations reflect how they engage and
encourage you to be more active with them. Assess how they respond and
build conversation with you (choice of media is up to the student).
Finally, compare and contrast the different approaches taken by the three
organisations. The evidence collected will be presented in the blog (see Task
6) and used within your presentation (see Task 4).
(5 marks
per task)
(Total – 15 marks)
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Assessment criteria covered in Task 4:
AC2.1, AC2.2, AC2.3, AC3.3, AC3.4, AC4.1, AC4.2, AC4.3, AC4.4
Please refer to the module specification for assessment criteria details.
Create a presentation for the senior management (eg PowerPoint or similar
tool with speaker notes) of up to 12 slides. Compare and contrast the
approach taken by the three organisations in Task 3.
Assess and evaluate what worked well and which activities were less
successful for you and justify why. Explain how these approaches may lead to
more sales and longer relationships for the organisations involved from your
own personal experience. Justify how these organisations have improved or
lessened your loyalty based on the recent communications/digital marketing
activity in Task 3.
Explain whether consumer behaviour has had an impact on the approach
taken by these businesses. Evaluate how well the digital marketing activity
integrates with the traditional and offline marketing activities of the organisation
in regards to building and maintaining customer relationships.
Explain how the tools used by the three organisations could be applied to your
own organisation.
Embed this presentation within your reflective blog (see Task 6).
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(25 marks)
Assessment criteria covered in Task 5:
AC4.3, AC4.4, AC5.1, AC5.2, AC6.1, AC6.2, AC6.3
Please refer to the module specification for assessment criteria details.
Your manager has asked you to create a mind map in which you are required
to explore how your organisation can utilise different platforms and media for
different contexts, for example, to create more sales, to build relationships.
Use the mind map to present the principle actions and elements required,
using appropriate platforms and media, for conducting a digital marketing plan
and measuring the performance of the digital marketing plan.
This mind map is to be included within your reflective blog (see Task 6).
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(20 marks)
Assessment criteria covered in Task 6:
AC4.3, AC4.4, AC5.1, AC5.2, AC6.1, AC6.2, AC6.3
Please refer to the module specification for assessment criteria details.
Create and develop a reflective blog using a suitable platform such as
WordPress or Blogger.
During the blogging activity the author is required to reflect on their own digital
marketing activities, both for their chosen organisation and as a consumer.
Assess and evaluate what has been successful and what has not in regards to
building and maintaining customer relationships and why. You should compare
and contrast your experience as a consumer to that as your approach for your
own organisation and the usefulness and appropriateness of each
tool/media/activity used.
You should indicate your findings from each of the activities undertaken and
assess how each of these activities interlink to create/build/maintain a
relationship with the audience. You should also consider how the digital
marketing activity relates to the traditional and offline media to create an
integrated approach.
You should make reference and evidence the activity as well as the video
(Task 1), the presentation (Task 4) and the mind map (Task 5). The blog
should consist of no more than 12 entries (maximum 200 words per entry).
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(10 marks)
TASK 1 MAXIMUM time limit: 2 minutes
Using the portfolio appendix guidelines, provide a background to your
chosen organisation.
Guidance notes:
The video must be no more than two minutes in length and must be
embedded into the blog.
TASK 2 MAXIMUM word count: 200 words per blog entry
Digital tools activity. Each task should be evidenced in a separate
blog entry that covers the five separate tools used. The evidence
should include screenshots, links, attachments, etc to demonstrate
the activities carried out. This should be reflective in nature.
This task should be carried out over a period of five weeks. You need
to evidence the activity within the reflective blog including images,
screenshots, attachments and feedback from the activities
conducted. You are required to use five different digital marketing
activities and these are to be appropriate for the organisation and
target markets involved.
Guidance notes:
The choice of digital tool can be considered from, but not limited to:
- websites
- forums
- social media (use a site like to ascertain
which social media sites are most relevant for you and your
- pay-per-click or banner advertising
- e-mail
- e-CRM
- e-newsletters
- affiliate marketing
- virtual exhibitions
- virtual worlds such as Second Life
Consider activities already used by the organisation or discuss with
the Marketing Director/Manager new tools appropriate to use for this
As the marketing activity is conducted, evaluate the appropriateness
of the tools used for the target market, the response desired if any,
the content of the message and how these activities could have been
more successful. Consider what worked well and how they could
have been improved. This reflective nature of the activity is vital in the
blog (Task 6).
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TASK 3 MAXIMUM word count: 200 words per blog entry
Each task should be evidenced in a separate blog entry that covers
the three separate tools used by the student. The evidence should
include screenshots, links, attachments, etc to demonstrate the
activities carried out. This should be reflective in nature.
This task should be carried out over a period of three weeks. You
need to evidence the activity within your reflective blog including
images, screenshots, attachments and feedback from the activities
conducted. You are required to use three different digital marketing
tools and these are to be appropriate for organisation and the target
markets involved.
You should decide on which tools are most appropriate based on
their relationship with the three organisations and the nature of the
organisation activities.
Guidance notes:
The choice of digital media/tools is open but must be related to how
the organisations are attempting to build and/or maintain relationships
with consumers. Tools to consider include but are not limited to:
- forums
- social media including Facebook, Google+, Twitter
- blogs
- newsletters
- e-mail
- virtual exhibitions
- virtual worlds such as Second Life
The blog entries need to be reflective, considering what worked well
in engaging, what did not and why this was the case. The blog entries
should also assess the messages used and the level of interactivity of
the communications.
TASK 4 MAXIMUM slide count: 12 slides
Presentation (PowerPoint or similar tool with speaker note facility).
Guidance notes:
The words within the presentation slides do not count towards the
word count. Slides should be developed with the internal audience in
mind, candidates should, while clearly explaining relevant theories
and concepts, avoid jargon and slides containing a great deal of
information, they must look professional. The 12 slides do not
include a welcome slide or a summary slide, an additional two slides
can be used for these making 14 slides in total.
The presentation should include images/screenshots of the activities
to evidence understanding and knowledge of appropriate digital
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marketing tools.
The speaker notes should complement the slides. Similarly the
speaker notes should all make sense without the slides.
Speaker notes should be complete enough for the person delivering
the presentation to fully understand what they need to say, but they
do not actually need to be a script. An extended bullet point style
could be used, but sufficient detail should be included, particularly in
relation to descriptions of relevant theory and concepts. Greater detail
than appears on the slide is needed.
TASK 5 MAXIMUM page count: 1 page
Mind map, to be embedded within the blog.
Guidance notes:
There are many freely available mind mapping software tools
(examples include and/or mindmeister) which you can use
to produce the mind map, or you can use the draw features in Word
or PowerPoint (or similar) providing that it can be saved and included
within the reflective blog.
For the plan, you are free to choose any relevant model such as
SOSTAC ® relevant to the selected organisation to demonstrate the
planning stages and campaign tools appropriate to use.
TASK 6 MAXIMUM word count: 2400 words
Reflective Blog.
Guidance notes:
Use a blogging tool such as WordPress or Blogger. Make sure you
date stamp each blog entry and you embed the required tasks within
this blog.
ALL TASKS MUST be completed and evidenced within this blog.
The blog must be reflective around your own activities as a marketer
and as a customer.
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50-59% Clearly defined their role, the company and its current position
in the marketplace.
Evidence of the tasks being created/completed via the blog. Content
which would engage with consumers using an appropriate variety of
messages and media. Use of three different categories of media.
Evidence of the tasks being created/completed via the blog. Content
which would demonstrates engagement with organisations using an
appropriate variety of digital marketing tools. Use of three different tools
Discussion of the digital marketing activities. Some comparison and
justification of what was successful and why. Appropriate presentation
Clearly defined elements of a digital plan in context to the organisation
with measures included.
60-69% Clearly defined their role, the company and its current position
in the marketplace kept in context to digital marketing and to the context
of the theme (relationship marketing).
Evidence of the tasks being created/completed via the blog. Content
which would engage with consumers using an appropriate variety of
messages and media. Use of three different categories of media.
Student has considered limitations and implications of the approach
taken and self-reflected on the work produced with justification for the
media used.
Student has evaluated the tools used and assessed how these have had
an impact on their perception of and loyalty to the companies in
question. Student has compared and contrasted between the different
Detailed discussion in the speaker notes, appropriate use of theory to
justify comments and discussion. Evaluation of the approaches taken by
the organisation. Demonstration of how to apply the models to the
context of the candidate’s organisation.
Justification of planning approach and measures used based on the
tools/tactics proposed, recognition of the importance of objectives.
70%+ Clearly defined their role, the company and its current position in
the marketplace with more in-depth discussion using examples to help
illustrate points.
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Evidence of the tasks being created/completed via the blog. Content
which would engage with consumers using an appropriate variety of
messages and media. Use of three different categories of media.
Clear recommendations made for future approaches for the organisation
based on findings and learning.
Student has evaluated the tools used and assessed how these have had
an impact on their perception of and loyalty to the companies in
question. Student has compared and contrasted between the different
approaches. Student has also made links to theory to help justify
discussion and to add depth to answer.
Thorough evaluation of the use of the communication tools by the
organisations with recommendations of how they could be adapted for
adoption by your organisation.
Justification of planning approach and measures used based on the
tools/tactics proposed, recognition of the importance of objectives
with consideration of contingency and elements such as integration with
traditional marketing plans and activities.
50-59% A detailed blog that has attempted all elements required
including referencing with appropriate format and presentation of
60-69% A detailed blog that has attempted all elements required
including referencing with appropriate format and presentation of
information with evidence of wider reading to help justify and to build
70%+ A detailed blog that has attempted all elements required including
referencing with appropriate format and presentation of information with
evidence of wider reading to help justify and to build discussion in a
thoroughly professional manner. Excellent presentation throughout.
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