B OTH S I D ES OF T HE LI N E In modern motion control applications, "power" means "motor", and a developer's choices are limited. One chooses either a traditional rotary motor or a newer linear model. Since the goal in most applications is the transformation of rotary motion to linear motion, one might conclude that using a linear motor would give the developer an innate advantage. There are many reasons why one might want to use a direct-drive, permanent-magnet, brushless linear motor: • • • • • • • • • High speed capability, typically 3 to 5 m/s (up to 10 m/s) High acceleration, typically 5g and up Very low settling time Very high accuracy and/or repeatability Very long travel (several meters) Very quiet operation Reliable operation for your global operation Cost is approaching traditional methods that use precision ball screws Attaining market differentiation from your competitors After reviewing these benefits and having decided to use a direct-drive, permanent-magnet linear motor for the linear application, the next step is to choose among the available technologies. Essentially, this breaks down to selecting either a zero-cogging ironless motor or an iron core motor. I'll outline the benefits of each and show why, in many cases, the iron core is a better solution in terms of both cost and performance. Let's first review the construction differences. Figure 1 - Thermally conductive epoxy encapsulates an ironless motor's windings. Ironless linear motors Ironless refers to the construction of the coil assembly (often called the glider or forcer). Using copper windings that are arranged in an epoxy or other nonmagnetic core and encapsulated with a thermally conductive epoxy. A metallic stiffener, secured to the edge, serves as a mounting surface. This technology is often called an epoxy, or slotless, motor since there is absolutely no iron in the magnet field and hence no slots (Figure 1). The magnet ways, or channels, for an ironless motor are composed of two plates. Each plate has magnets of opposing polarity mounted to it, arranged in a U shape (Figure 2). Magnet ways can be used in unity or butted together to achieve any desired length. Figure 2 -The magnet ways of an ironless motor are arranged in a U shape. Iron-core linear motors Iron core refers to coil assembly construction in which copper coil windings are inserted in a low-less steel lamination that serves as the coil assembly structure. The entire assembly is encapsulated in a thermally conductive epoxy, which stiffens the structure and seals the assembly. We can picture this type of linear motor as a rotary brushless motor cut lengthwise and laid flat (Figure 3). The magnet ways of an iron-core motor are made of an iron plate carrying a single row of magnets with alternating polarities (Figure 4). In most cases, this plate is mounted directly on the machine bed and several plates of standard length are butted together to make a desired length. An iron-core linear motor. Figure 3 - Rotary (l) and linear ( r ) brushless motors. There are five key parameters that affect the selection, equipment design, and implementation of a linear-motor-driven machine: cogging, attractive force, peak force, acceleration, and accuracy. Figure 4 -A single row of alternating -polarity magnets forms an iron-core. Cogging Cogging, a disturbance present only in ironcore motors, is defined as the force variation when the coil is pushed along the magnet ways, and results from the variable reluctance path of the magnetic circuit; note that the cogging measurement is made with no power to the motor. Just like in a rotary brushless motor, skewing the magnets, the lamination stack, or both can minimize the cogging, which is typically only 3-5% of rated force. A significant advantage of using unskewed magnets and lamination stacks is eliminating the cosine effect, which allows for the most efficient use of the available magnet flux, maximizing available force. In any case, because the frequency of the cogging is very low due to the relativity high motor pitch (typically more than 1 inch between two magnets of the same polarity), it is very easy to make an electronic compensation with the amplifier. Cogging should not be confused with the force ripple observed when the motor is energized and driven with a perfect sinusoidal current. This force ripple is due to the manufacturing tolerance of not only the coil and magnet placement, but also the variation of flux from magnet to magnet. Note that the force ripple is present in both ironless and iron-core motors and is a function of both the motor and, more significantly, the drive electronics. Figure 5 - Newton's Second Law affects coil costs. Coil 1 Magnet Way 1 net Way 1 Magnet Way 2 Figure 6 -A balanced load design configuration. Coil 2 Attractive Force There is a fixed relationship between the peak force of the linear motor and the attractive force. With commonly available, high performance neodymium iron boron magnets, the ratio of attractive force to peak force is approximately 4:1. This means, for example, that for a motor with a rated peak force of 800 lbf,, the attraction force is approximately 3,200 lbf. Figure 7 - Both base and slide must be thick enough to prevent deflections; a rigid structure improves system performance. This corresponds to the weight of an average car, but due to the high efficiency of the linear bearings available today (with a typical friction coefficient of 0.002 to 0.003), the additional moving force is only 3,200 lbf, times a friction coefficient of 0.003, or 9.6 lbf. Thus, the attractive force represents a low percentage of the peak motor force (in this case, only 1.2%). Many linear bearings are available to handle high loads in both perpendicular and side-loaded directions. Therefore, while the machine structure does have to be designed correctly to adequately handle the attractive force,the penalty on the coil sizing is very minor; simply oversizing the motor by a few percentage points will correct it. Figure 8 - Mounting linear bearings close to the motor (a) reduces thickness requirements and lowers weight; wider spacing (b) may result in considerable slide deflection. Peak Force Because of the large air gap in an ironless motor and the absence of iron to concentrate the flux, the peak and continuous forces are lower than in an iron-core design with the same surface area. The iron less design has a limited thermal conduction path between the coils and the mounting bracket (small contact area), and, in many cases, it is recommended that you thermally isolate your machine from the coil to avoid heat transfer. So the net result is low forces produced; ironless motors are Figure 9 -Mounting the linear encoder close to the limited to a few hundred pounds of bearing (a) minimizes yaw errors and improves settling times; distant mounting (b) can cause signal errors. available force only. In an iron-core motor, the coils have an effective thermal path to the steel lamination stack (whose mass is several times that of the coils), and the small air gap between the magnets and coil assembly produces a very large motor force. The coil is usually mounted on a large plate that acts as a heat sink to improve the thermal resistance of the system, resulting in higher attainable peak and continuing higher attainable peak and continuous forces. A single coil assembly can achieve 3,000 to 5,000 lbf of peak force. If we compare the same coil surface area of the two technologies, an iron-core coil creates 2.5 times the force of an ironless design. This is achieved with half the volume of magnets since the iron-core motor uses only a single row. One drawback of the iron-core motor is the saturation effect of the magnetic circuit. In applications with very low duty cycle, the ratio of peak force to continuous force can reach up to 5:1 or 6:1 for an ironless motor and approximately 3:1 for an iron-core motor. A comparison of the peak force/peak current ratio to continuous force/continuous current ratio will yield similar numbers if the ratings are derived at or below the saturation point. If the ratios are very different, this means the published peak force is obtained at a higher demagnetization level. Some suppliers are more conservative than others, but realistically, very few application have a very low duty cycle. Acceleration An ironless motor has a low mass due to its lightweight construction, which results in a much higher acceleration than seen in an iron-core motor. Typically, the theoretical acceleration (peak force is divided by the coil weight) is four times higher than for an iron-core motor with comparable force. The key word here is theoretical, since mounting the coil ion a structure reduces the practical acceleration due to the actual moving mass. For example, if the mass to carry is nine times the weight of the coil, the practical acceleration will be only one-tenth the theoretical acceleration. Also keep in mind that a low coil mass means a low thermal time constant; an ironless coil will heat faster than an iron-core coil. Now an easy thing to remember: if you double your acceleration requirement (let's say going from 2 to 4 g) you will also double the cost of your coil (Figure 5). The reason for this is that force, proportional to the acceleration, is also proportional to the surface area of the coil. If you cannot grow in coil length you will have to grow in coil width, and, in that case you double the cost of your magnet ways. If you cannot grow in length or in width, you will have to either use a water-cooled coil or place a second coil somewhere in the design. In summary: establish realistic goals for your machine, study the overall machine cycle time (including all the other parts), and do not over specify your acceleration requirement. If you need to double the available power, try first to double the speed; this will involve having to double the available current (or voltage) of the amplifier, but this is more cost-effective than doubling the size of the linear motor. Accuracy Conventional wisdom holds that an ironless motor with an air-bearing structure will allow the best possible accuracy. Experience shows that a good iron-core motor, combined with a very good positioner and quality linear bearings, can achieve both higher stiffness and position with repeatability within a few nanometers. Table 1 summarizes the features of both iron-core and ironless motors. Machine Structure There is no freebie here: if you want to boost the dynamic performance of your machine (increase acceleration, speed or both), you can't simply replace a leadscrew, rack-andpinion, or timing belt arrangement with a high-performance linear motor. The old timers in motion control certainly remember that replacing a brushless motor with higher speed and acceleration was useless if no change was made to the mechanics. This has never been truer than with linear motors. Some practical design guidelines can help you focus on the right approach. The success of your project depends on good implementation of the machine by your best mechanical engineer-one experienced in structural design, mechanics, dynamics, and kinematics. I also recommend that you work closely with your motion control supplier, who preferably has long experience in motion control and makes his own motors and drives. Depending on your needs and requirements, you may want to seek recommendations on configurations that feature a moving coil, a moving magnet, or a special design to cancel out or balance the attractive force on your bearing structure (Figure 6). Do not hesitate to seek guidance and advice on your machine design at an early stage. Good iron-core design practices As shown in Figure 7, the thickness of the coil support (e1) should be the same as that of the base support (e2) and should be such that the calculated vertical deflection is very small. This will increase the frequency resonance of the system and provide a very low settling time with good electronics. The bearing supports should be located as close as possible to the coil. This will minimize the vertical resonance of the linear encoder's reading head (Figure 8). The encoder should be located as close as possible to the linear bearing, either inside or outside (Figure 9). The encoder's reading head should be mounted very rigidly and should allow for both an air-gap height adjustment and a lateral adjustment to centre the head on the linear encoder tape. Table 2 lists some typical applications for ironless and iron-core linear motors. For functional or technical reasons, some are clearly limited to a single technology, but a large percentage can use either technology. By using the correct design approach, many ironless application could be switched to iron-core motors, thus improving performance while lowering cost. Table 1- Ironless vs. iron-core linear motors Ironless Motor Zero Cogging Iron-Core Motor Low Cogging Notes Typcially less than a Small % OK for >95% applications Low coil mass High coil mass N/A High coil + Magnet ways mass Low coil + magnet ways mass Important only if there is more than one Axis (the second axis Has to carry the first) High peak-to-RMS Force/current Peak current limited to 3x's continuous current Many applications need high force High acceleration Medium acceleration N/A Low inductance Medium inductance N/A Low electrical time Constant High electrical time constant N/A High thermal resistance Low thermal resistance N/A Low electrical time Constant Medium electrical time constant N/A Low forces (few hundred lbs) High forces (few thousand lbs) More than one order of magnitude; more force with iron-core motors Table 2-Typical linear-motor applications Low moving weight <5 lbs Medium moving weight 5-50 lb High moving weight 50-20,000 lb Ironless Motors Semiconductor applications Iron-Core Motors Small Conveyor Packaging, Conveyor Robotics Machine-tool applications