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Understanding Heart Disease
The fatty substances build up, layer upon layer, and form a
The heart is a muscle that pumps blood throughout the body.
the artery, decreasing or blocking the flow of blood.
hard substance called plaque. The plaque buildup narrows
Like other muscles, the heart needs a steady supply of oxygen
to function. Blood carries oxygen to the heart and the rest of
What’s at Risk
the body through blood vessels called arteries. Sometimes a
fatty material called plaque builds up in the arteries. This can
narrow the arteries and inhibits the flow of blood and oxygen.
Damage to a coronary artery causes less blood to flow to the
Plaque buildup in the coronary arteries can lead to a heart
heart muscle. The decreased blood flow may lead to chest
pain, a common symptom of angina. When a coronary artery
is blocked, oxygen-rich blood can’t reach the heart muscle
beyond the block, and a heart attack occurs. If the muscle
Healthy vs. Unhealthy Arteries
goes without oxygen for too long, that part of the heart
Healthy arteries have flexible walls and smooth inner linings.
muscle dies.
Blood flows freely through them to deliver oxygen all over the
body. Coronary arteries, which lie on the outside surface of
Arteries to the brain can become blocked. When this
the heart, deliver oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle.
happens, part of the brain can’t get oxygen and is damaged,
causing a stroke. Stroke can result in speech and memory
If an artery’s inner lining is damaged, cholesterol and other
problems, paralysis and even death.
harmful fats in the blood can collect in the artery wall. This
buildup forms plaque, which narrows the channel where
If an artery that carries blood to the kidneys is blocked, the
blood flows. As a result, less blood can flow through. If plaque
kidneys may be damaged.
breaks open or a blood clot forms, the artery may be blocked
entirely. With heart disease, these problems occur in the
The aorta is the body’s main artery. If this artery is damaged,
coronary arteries. Heart disease is also called coronary artery
the affected section can weaken and balloon out, which is
disease or CAD.
called an aortic aneurysm.
If the arteries in the leg are clogged with plaque, you may
How Heart Disease Develops
have cramping or aching in your thighs, calves or buttocks
Heart disease develops when plaque clogs or blocks one or
when you walk. This is known as peripheral artery disease
more coronary arteries. These arteries carry oxygen-rich blood
or PAD.
to your heart muscle.
Atherosclerosis develops in stages. First, medical conditions,
poor lifestyle habits or other factors damage the walls of the
coronary arteries. Cholesterol and other fatty substances in
the blood collect on the damaged artery walls.
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