Mailed free to requesting homes in Webster, Dudley and the Oxfords 508-764-4325 ONLINE: WWW.WEBSTERTIMES.NET 6 56525 10421 3 COMPLIMENTARY HOME DELIVERY/75¢ ON NEWSSTANDS Front page quote Friday, January 2, 2009 2 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • Friday, January 2, 2009 JANUARY Webster Lake Association members pose with the mannequin of Einstein set up outside of Action Marina Saturday, Jan. 19, for the group’s 2008 Webster Lake “Ice-Out” event. Lake Association members are, from left, Ken Mroczek, Jim Winslow, Brian Houlihan, Tim Hill and John Real. The event ended when Einstein finally cracked through the ice in March. Oxford resident Stephen J. Hohne poses next to Massachusetts state lotto Executive Director Mark Cavanagh. Hohne won $10 million in January in the state’s Billion Dollar Blockbuster game. He bought the winning ticket at a Shaw’s Supermarket in Auburn. Students at the Alfred M. Chaffee Elementary School were treated to a morning of magic with a message Friday, Jan. 4. In a demonstration held inside the school’s gymnasium, kids participated in an interactive program with the magician with a message that bullying can be overcome, but only if we work together. Jason Patterson, owner of Guardian Self Defense in Dudley, with a student in his dojo. Patterson, who holds a third-degree black belt in Okinawan Go-Ju-Ryu Karate, has training in many other forms of martial and mixed martial arts. Patterson made the move to Dudley in January after operating out of a rented studio in Webster. Worcester County District Attorney Joseph D. Early turns to law enforcement officials including Webster Police Chief Timothy Bent, left, during a press conference held Monday, Jan. 28, in Berlin, after a Webster shooting earlier in the week left an Auburn resident dead and another man wounded. Susan Lewis, left, and assistant Donna Sauro, right, pose with Leo the Traveling Lion and members of the kindergarten class at Park Avenue Elementary School Wednesday, Jan. 16. A bulletin board outside Ms. Lewis’ classroom housed clippings and photographs from many of the places Leo the Lion has visited. Among the highlights, hanging with coalition soldiers in Iraq and relaxing in Hawaii. WE BUY SCRAP GOLD Globe TRANSMISSIONS And Auto Repair TRANSMISSION TUNE-UP CRANE SERVICE 59.95 $ Expires 02/03/09. 30 Ton Capacity Has Your Engine Light Been Coming On? FREE Diagnostic Test … That’s Right… FREE Checkups for Your Engine & Transmission. We Do ALL Auto Repairs: Brakes, Front End, Exhaust, and much more! All Work Guaranteed • Our Prices Will NOT Be Beat! 508-764-9400 Cormier Jewelers Central St. Southbridge (508) 764-7415 405 E. Main St. (Rt. 131) Southbridge, MA 162' Vertical Reach Reasonable rates After a unanimous vote from the Board of Selectmen Tuesday, Jan. 15, Michael J. Boss was officially named police chief for the town of Oxford. 508-476-9793 Free Estimates 508-347-2305 HOW TO USE A STONEBRIDGE PRESS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER TO PLACE A RETAIL AD: DIANE CAMERON, EXECUTIVE (508) 909-4110 TO PRINT AN OBITUARY: E-MAIL: OR send to Webster Times, 25 Elm St., Southbridge, MA 01550 DENISE DARGIE, ASSISTANT (508) 909-4108 - TO SUBMIT A LETTER TO THE EDITOR: E-MAIL: OR send to Webster Times, 25 Elm St., Southbridge, MA 01550 SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES: CUSTOMER S ERVICES REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIA LEAMING (800) 367-9898, EXT. 139 TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD: (508) 765-6940 TO FAX THE WEBSTER TIMES: DIAL (508) 764-8015 TO SUBMIT CALENDAR ITEMS: E-MAIL: OR send to Webster Times, 25 Elm St., Southbridge, MA 01550 TO SOUND OFF: CALL 508-909-4079 PRESIDENT AND PUBLISHER FRANK G. CHILINSKI (860) 928-1818, EXT. 104 CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER RON TREMBLAY (800) 367-9898, EXT. 102 EDITORIAL STAFF EDITOR - ADAM MINOR (508) 909-4142 STAFF WRITER - PATRICK SKAHILL (508) 909-4129 EDITOR-AT-LARGE - WALTER BIRD (860) 928-1818, EXT. 103 ADVERTISING STAFF ADVERTISING MANAGER JEAN ASHTON (800) 367-9898, EXT. 104 LOCAL ADVERTISING STAFF DIANE CAMERON, EXECUTIVE X(508)909-4110 DENISE DARGIE, ASSISTANT X(508)909-4108 PRODUCTION MANAGER JULIE CLARKE (800) 367-9898, EXT. 105 VISIT US ONLINE: THE WEBSTER TIMES (USPS#024-928) IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY STONEBRIDGE PRESS, INC., 25 ELM ST., SOUTHBRIDGE, MA 01550. PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID AT SOUTHBRIDGE, MA 01550. POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO WEBSTER TIMES, P.O. BOX 90, SOUTHBRIDGE, MA 01550 Closets Home Offices Garages “Check It Out!” By Diane “Check It Out” by Diane is a column featuring “bits of information” on local businesses. If you have any suggestions for a future “Check It Out” please call 800-3679898 ext. 110 or (508)909-4110, or email at The DCU Worcester Bridal Expo, the largest two day bridal event in the Worcester area, returns to the DCU Center on January 10-11, 2009. It will feature bridal gowns, elegant formal wear, door prizes, fashion shows, live music and entertainment, DJ’s, photographers, videographers, limousine services, floral designs, food samples, bakeries, and banquet facilities. Brides-to-be can plan their entire weddings in just one weekend. Brides will be able to enter a drawing to win a Grand Prize Wedding Package Give away. The lucky winner will receive a Bahama Cruise courtesy of; a certificate towards a bridal gown courtesy of David’s Bridal; a set of china for 4 - courtesy of Celebrity China and Crystal; a limo package courtesy of Southern New England Limousine; a tuxedo package courtesy of Men’s Warehouse; and a wedding cake courtesy of Price Chopper. The DCU Bridal Expo is produced by Jenks Production, Inc, and runs Saturday, the 10th, from 11:00am to 6pm. and Sunday the 11th from 11:00am until 5:00pm. Visit them online at for $1.00 off coupon admission, and for more details. Check it out, and don’t forget to tell them… Diane Sent You!! F Friday, January 2, 2009 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • 3 E B Oak Hill Christian School celebrated its 100th day of the 2007-08 school year in February, and in doing so, each class collected personal hygiene products to be donated to Victory in Christ Ministries in Worcester. The school as a whole collected 565 personal hygiene products for those in need and presented them to Pastor Muriel Sanborn of Victory in Christ Ministries in Worcester. On Tuesday, Feb. 5, the residents of Christopher Heights in Webster celebrated Mardis Gras. They were entertained by singer/pianist Sandy Robinson. Crowns, beads and chocolate coins were passed out, in keeping with the tradition. Everyone enjoyed the celebration. R U A Former Webster Fire Chief Douglas Babcock was the guest of honor Saturday, Feb. 9, at Point Breeze Restaurant in Webster as friends and family gathered to honor the chief in his retirement. Pictures of Chief Babcock greeted guests as they signed in and a blessing of thanks was given before dinner was served by the department Chaplin. State Rep. Paul Kujawski spoke in honor of the chief, as well as Babcock’s daughter. Later in the evening, Babcock was given a rocker by the Social Club. R Y On Monday, Feb. 11, at the Alfred M. Chaffee school in Oxford, seniors met with second graders in Colleen Rea’s class, coming together over a Valentine’s Day crafts project aimed at getting the town’s youth more in tune with its aged population. Pictured, two Oxford seniors helped this young man through a crafts project in Ms. Rea’s second grade classroom First-place winners pose with ribbons won during Webster Middle School’s first annual “Interest Fair,” held Thursday, Feb. 28. Winners included Susan Rivera, Drew Loce, Zachary Tremblay, Caleb Lally, Michael Walsh, Cayanne Chenevert, Katie King, Patrick Ledue, Cameron Young, Dominic Rivera, Aaron Renaud and Matthew Bernier. 4 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • Friday, January 2, 2009 MARCH Area seniors congregated at Dudley Middle School in early March to take part in an Intergenerational Program run by the school and the town’s Council on Aging. Seniors went to the school and participated in computer classes and Scrabble with the students. On a crisp day of spring Saturday, March 22, Oxford’s beautiful bandstand was abuzz as the Easter bunny came to town once again to greet all the children who eagerly await its arrival each year. During a drill demonstration Wednesday, March 26, at the Oxford High School, Cadet Amy L. Fish, Unarmed Regulation Team Commander, reports in with her team to the reviewing officer at the Annual Inspection Ceremonies. Visible team members, from left, are Cadets Lindsay LaRochelle, Elizabeth Raymond, Jessica Rodier, Amy Gaddis, Kathleen Coonan and Joshua Boucher. Students in kindergarten and the first grade from St. Anne School remembered the birthday of Dr. Seuss in March with some special activities based on some of his famous stories. A frame lifted from a video posted on in March depicting a mock “fight” between Shepherd Hill Regional High School teacher Thomas R. Reidy, first-year English teacher, and a freshman at the shool. Controversy from the video, which has since been removed from YouTube, garnered significant media attention, including a visit from Fox 25 Boston. The Dudley and Charlton communities came together Friday, March 7, in the second annual “Dodge for Darfur” tournament at Shepherd Hill Regional High School to raise money for the Darfur region in Sudan torn apart by a raging war. Pictured, the “Los Chupacabras” team takes a second to pose for a group photo. Harbro Auto Now Offers Remote Starters!!! Some people like their car freezing cold for the ride to work every morning. Most people don’t. For those of you who don’t, Harbro now offers remote car starters. Erika Sinni, center, poses with members of the Dudley Board of Selectmen after its meeting Monday, March 10. Sinni, now a senior at Shepherd Hill Regional High School in Dudley, co-chaired the meeting after winning an essay contest detailing “What the U.S. Constitution Means Today.” Selectmen are, from left, Brian Germain, Paul Joseph, Anthony DiDonato, Jo-Ann Szymczak and Steven Sullivan. Gift Cards Available. Warm up someone you love this Christmas. That is, unless you already bought them that snow scraper. Come in today to buy a Harbro Gift Card of $100 or more, and receive a voucher for a FREE OIL CHANGE!!! Offer Expires: 01/09/09 Must present this coupon to receive voucher. Call today for more information: 508-234-6767 TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS: Harbro Sales & Services, Inc. Harbro Sales & Services, Inc. 103 Worcester Rd. (Rt. 12) 546 Providence Rd. (Rt. 122) Webster, MA 01570 Linwood, MA 01525 Phone: 508-943-6969 Phone: 508-234-6767 “ASE Certified Service department for ALL of your SERVICE needs” Children and their parents and grandparents look for bunny eggs outside of the Chester C. Corbin Public Library during the “Bunny Egg Hunt” Tuesday, March 18. • THE WEBSTER TIMES • 5 Friday, January 2, 2009 APRIL Students from Oxford High School transformed into a cast of Disney characters in April, hosting a dinner Wednesday, April 16, for Daniel Depatie, a five-year-old Oxford resident diagnosed with cancer in late 2007. Pictured, Lauren Cheney, with David Heeps, left, and John Burke. In April, the Webster Times caught up with Webster resident Will Wellman who after two car accidents and weeks of strenuous rehabilitation, is hoping to make a difference in the lives of others by sharing his extraordinary story of determination. Kara Trucheon, left, with Justin Everett, Tyler Woodrow, Aurthur Powell and Alaina Bauchard. In the stroller are Kara and Justin’s son, Jayson, left, and Alaina and Tyler’s son Gabriel — at the First Annual “Walk-a-Thon” in April for Nick Dubois, a Shepherd Hill student who was killed in a car accident last year Officer Aaron Suss and Red, of the Webster Police Department’s K-9 unit, were on hand to educate residents about the department’s crime-sniffing division during the Webster-Dudley Business Alliance’s Earth Day Expo held Tuesday, April 22. More than 50 volunteers turned out to Park Avenue Elementary School in Webster Friday, April 25, to volunteer their time and talents in helping to build a new playground for the students. Pictured, two young volunteers enjoy the satisfaction of breaking in the new equipment. On Saturday, April 12, Little Leaguers gathered to kick off the season with a parade and the first day of games. Pictured, the players react as the announcement is made to the crowd declaring the season has officially begun, and the Red Sox were all smiles and ready for action as the league assembled at the Municipal Center for opening day. Fourth-graders at Dudley Elementary gathered in the school auditorium Friday, April 18, for a musical performance entitled “A Better You ... A Better Me: Building Character Through Music,” featuring a wide variety of songs about fair play and respect. The event was dedicated to Marilyn O’Connor, a member of the school’s reading support staff, who retired from Dudley Elementary at the end of the 2007-08 school year. Your Hometown Heating Specialist Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 to 5:00 Tel# (508)248-9797 DON’T PAY TOO MUCH FOR OIL! $ • Fri. price 12/26/08 was 1.99 per gallon • Call for the most up to date daily price or visit us at ** 24 Hour Emergency Service Available** “Call Us First!” *prices subject to change THS ON ash! 6 Me As C /09 Samxp. 1/31 E 6 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • Friday, January 2, 2009 MAY Bartlett High School sent the Class of 2008 on their way at commencement ceremonies Friday, May 30. Graduates were urged by their peers, as well as their principal, to not only remember where they came from, but also to look to their futures — and ultimately, achieve their goals. Members of the Color Guard lead the way down East Main Street in Webster during the Annual Webster-Dudley Memorial Day Parade Monday, May 26. A row of graduates stand as their peers continue to make their way to their stage seats at Bay Path Regional Vocational Technical High School’s commencement ceremonies in May. Members of the Shepherd Hill Regional High School marching band perform a routine of patriotic songs as they make their way toward the Veteran’s Court of Honor adjacent to Webster Town Hall during the Memorial Day Parade Monday, May 26. Children from Webster Fundamentals Childcare Center check out some rainbow trout before the annual fish restocking of Webster Lake held Friday, May 16. State Rep. Paul Kujawski addressed students with an official from the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife during the annual trout restocking at Memorial Beach in Webster. Webster School Committee nominee Shawn Collins, left, and Board of Selectman candidate Jeffrey Duggan, pose outside of Town Hall on Main Street Monday, May 5, during Webster’s Annual Town Election. Both Collins and Duggan won their respective positions. Southbridge resident and 17-year-old Bay Path Regional Vocational Technical High School graphic arts senior Jamie Cloutier’s won the “Dance, Don’t Chance” contest in May, which had students throughout the state producing 60-second videos promoting safe driving methods and urging them not to drink alcohol underage, especially during prom season. Pictured, Cloutier is interviewed by a television news network yesterday after receiving her award. Dudley voters hit the polls at the Dudley Municipal Complex Monday, May 5, for the town’s Annual Election. Friday, January 2, 2009 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • 7 JUNE Shepherd Hill graduate Kathleen Walsh, left, and junior Chelsea Dodge take time for a photo during their rally outside the White House in Washington D.C. in June. Walsh, who served as Student Council president during the past school year, worked diligently since her junior year to develop genocide awareness at Shepherd Hill by spearheading events such as the school’s “Dodge for Darfur” night and the visit of Francis Bok, a former Sudanese slave to the school. Gianna M. Belsito, an 8-year-old Dudley resident who attends Dudley Elementary School, had her very first haircut in May. She had all her original baby locks cut for the very first time Sunday, May 25. She bravely and happily donated 10 inches to Locks of Love, a public non-profit organization providing hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children under age 18 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. Pictured, John Vanderaa sits atop a 1951 model McCormick tractor Thursday, June 19, during the Dudley Grange’s annual Strawberry Festival. The festival regularly attracts residents from Dudley and its surrounding towns for an evening of food, music and fun. Lauren Reilly, 2, takes in the Strawberry Festival atop an old McCormick tractor. Reilly was one of many children who got their fill of strawberries and sugar. Joshua Bussiere is happy to pose with his frog following the festival’s annual frog-leaping contest! Shepherd Hill Regional High School graduated 285 students Sunday, June 1, at the DCU Center in Worcester. One young fan asks Twister for an autograph during a Community Education Program hosted by the Pearle L. Crawford Library Friday, June 27, at the Dudley Municipal Complex. “Pirate Pride” ran deep Friday, June 6, as Oxford High School said goodbye to the Class of 2008 at commencement ceremonies. Throughout the emotional night, speakers urged students to fight for their dreams, and several reminded the graduates of their progress, from wide-eyed freshmen to senior year. Firefighters prepare to raise the ladder after responding to a fire at 237 W. Main St. in Dudley Thursday, June 26. No one was injured in the blaze, which caused an estimated $100,000 worth of property damage to the vacant two-family home. 8 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • Friday, January 2, 2009 J U L Y Six-year-old Jenson Slauenwhite and his father Jason were the winners of the “Chief for a Day” Raffle sponsored by the Dudley PTO in July. The two went to the Dudley Police Department on Tuesday, July 1. In addition to being given some gifts from the department, both received a tour of the station and police cruisers, met with different members of the department, received some hands on fingerprinting experience, and much more. Pictured above are Jenson and Dudley Police Chief Steven Wojnar. Dancers from the O’Shea-Chaplin Academy of Irish Dance in Boston perform at the Celtic Festival Sunday, July 12, at Indian Ranch. Kiara Rivera, left, excitedly takes a moment to pose with Gov. Deval Patrick at the Webster-Dudley Boys and Girls Club Wednesday, July 23. The facility, which officially opened last month, regularly attracts upwards of 160 students per day to its after school and summer programs. Children and parents from the MOMS Club of Dudley visited the Webster Fire Department Wednesday, July 9, touring the station, getting up close and personal with some of the equipment, and learning about the importance of fire safety. Pictured, Jared Tucker, 4, tries on a headset during his tour of the Webster Fire Department. All children were given a hands-on tour of the facility and given activity books promoting fire safety by local firefighters. Residents packed the shores of Webster Lake last Thursday, July 3, lining the beach with blankets and lawn chairs as they settled in for the town’s annual Independence Day celebration. Having trouble affording your mortgage? Are you on the verge of foreclosure? There are many ways to get out of a home you can no longer afford. Foreclosure is one of the hardest & the most detrimental for both the homeowner & the lender. It is a process that destroys the homeowner's credit, embarrasses the family and strips an owner of dignity. For owners who can no longer afford to keep mortgage payments current, there are alternatives to bankruptcy or foreclosure proceedings. One of those options is called a "Short Sale." When lenders agree to do a short sale in real estate, it means the lender is accepting less than the total amount due. A short sale typically is executed to prevent a home foreclosure. Often, a bank will agree to a Short Sale if they believe that it will result in a smaller financial loss than foreclosing. For the home owner, the advantages include avoidance of having a foreclosure on their credit history. Additionally, a Short Sale is typically faster and less expensive than filing bankruptcy or a foreclosure. Foreclosure is expensive for a mortgage lender. Mortgage Lenders are not in the business of foreclosing on houses, they are in business of making loans. They don't want the house back. They prefer to have the Fair Market Value of the property, which in this Buyer's Market, is typically less than the mortgage amount. If you think a Short Sale maybe right for you, or if you want to learn more, call now to find out how you can avoid Foreclosure and save your credit. We are here to help you every step of the way. The announcement paid for by Allworth Realty 1-800-596-7137 ID. 2022. For more information. ATTENTION All Tax Preparers Starting January 9th Through April 10th… The Webster Times will be featuring area tax professionals in a directory to help customers filing their taxes. Call Diane or Denise at 508-909-4110 or email to reserve space. Children and parents from the MOMS Club of Dudley visited the Webster Fire Department Wednesday, July 9, to take a tour and learn a little about fire safety. Pictured, Brody Wagoner, 5, poses with firefighter Paul Dearny and Luke Wagoner, 3. BANKRUPTCY IS AN OPTION ★ Most People are Eligible ★ If you are facing foreclosure or overwhelmed by bills, harassed by creditors, and feel you just can’t get ahead, call now and find out your legal rights. Attorney Rose Clayton 508-832-9006 We are a Debt Relief Agency. We provide assistance to individuals to file for bankruptcy relief pursuant to the provisions of the bankruptcy code. RUBBISH REMOVAL 10% DISCOUNT With This Ad A CALL WE HAUL Fast, Reliable Rubbish Removal Attics, Basements, Garages Household Items, Appliances, Demolition WE TAKE IT ALL! 1-800-414-0239 CALL ANYTIME Friday, January 2, 2009 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • 9 August Students from the Webster Dudley Boys and Girls Club got together at Webster Lake for the annual “BookA-Cruise” Thursday, Aug. 14. Students were taken out for boat rides and received free food as a reward for their summer reading accomplishments. Rock ‘n’ roll was the name of the game at Indian Ranch Saturday, Aug. 9, and Sunday, Aug. 10, in Webster, as the popular concert venue hosted thousands of fans and two classic rock acts — Grand Funk Railroad and Kansas. On the eve of the new school year, the Dudley Elementary School held an open house Friday, Aug. 22, for incoming parents and students new to the school. Pictured, Nathan Gomez, Joshua Bagley and Bradley Mayotte pose with Physical Education teacher Mrs. McNamara during the tour. Amber Coons, 7, left, poses for a quick shot with Mazie the Clown and Mimi Agyemang, 3, during National Night Out held Tuesday, Aug. 5, at Memorial Beach in Webster. The yearly event is aimed at bringing the community and law enforcement officials together. Despite the rain that began a half hour before the party was scheduled to start, the Summer Fun Fest at Oakwood Rehabilitation and Nursing Center in August was still a great time had by all! Clarity and Bella entertained the kids with face painting and balloon animals, the Webster Fire Department taught fire safety, there were games galore under the tents for the kids, raffles, homemade pizza by the kitchen staff and music by Paul Belanger gave everyone who attended an evening to remember. North Oxford resident Michael S. Elliott poses on the top of the White House in August, with the Washington Monument in the background. Elliott was chosen along with seven chimney sweeps from all over the country to clean nearly 40 chimneys at the White House. Out of the eight, Elliott was chosen to clean the fireplace in the Oval Office. CHEAP BOOZE GOOD WINE Second-grader Joseph McGonagle rings an antique bell situated outside of Park Avenue Elementary during the first day of school Tuesday, Aug. 26. The bell is used to signal buses early in the school day. FAIR PRICES GREAT SERVICE Fred D. Giovaninni HANDYMAN SERVICES All Types of Repairs In & Out Rte. 197 • Free Estimates • General Carpentry • Dry Wall Repair • Renovations Marty’s of Dudley MA #155844 Call 508.904.9728 No Job Is Too Small • Items Assembled • Interior Painting • SM Landscaping Jobs • Etc… Insured Dudley, MA M SALI COUNSELING Psychotherapy Services for Children, Adolescents, Adults & Seniors •Anxiety/Depression • ADHD • Substance Abuse • PTSD • Panic Attacks • Eating Disorders • Relationships • Grief/Loss and Other INDIVIDUAL, COUPLES & FAMILY Call (508)987-3771 • 316 Main St., Oxford, MA WIC Accessible 10 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • Friday, January 2, 2009 VIEWPOINT THE DEADLINE to submit letters to the editor and commentaries for next week’s newspaper is Friday at noon. SEND ALL ITEMS to Editor Adam Minor at THE WEBSTER TIMES — 2008 — can you dig it? A STONEBRIDGE PRESS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER 25 ELM STREET, SOUTHBRIDGE MA 01550 TEL. (508) 764-4325• FAX (508) 764-8015 w w w. w e b s t e rt i m e s . n e t FRANK G. CHILINSKI WALTER C. BIRD JR. STONEBRIDGE PRESS PRESIDENT AND PUBLISHER STONEBRIDGE PRESS WEEKLIES EDITOR-AT-LARGE T ADAM MINOR EDITOR THE WEBSTER TIMES AND THE AUBURN NEWS EDITORIAL Looking back, moving forward Where do I begin? At the end of 2007, I wrote the following: “This editor may have only joined the staff at the Auburn News in June and July, but it feels as THE MINOR though it’s been an entire year’s worth DETAILS of experiences.” ADAM Well, this year, at MINOR the end of 2008, it truly has been an entire year’s worth of experiences, and I’m grateful to have shared them all with you. A lot of stories stick out in my mind this year — inspirational, tragic, you name it — the towns had their share of moments. There are so many in fact, that I couldn’t even begin to write about them without going over the space limit on this page. After all, words can only say so much. When it all comes down to it, it is the pictures that say it all. That is why we chose to do a photo issue for our “Year in Review” this year — because pictures are more powerful than words can ever hope to be. So, whether the photos you find in these pages make you laugh, bring back a memory, or bring tears, remember that you all have the opportunity to create your own memories this year, and we look forward to this time next year — the end of 2009 — when we can sit down, open up the photo album that was 2009, and look back at all the memories with all of you. So this year, dust off those cameras, snap away and send us your best — you never know when your photo may be featured in the Auburn News. We love to run photos from the community, so please, feel free to send them my way at, or mail at 25 Elm St., Southbridge, MA 01550. You can also send them to Auburn News reporter Teresa Franco at Despite the hardships of the economy this year, the Auburn community somehow found a way to make the town better, and we salute you for that. Here’s to the hope that 2009 holds for all of us. Adam Minor may be reached at 508909-4142, or by e-mail at Are you a Webster, Dudley or Oxford resident with an idea for a guest column? We want to hear it! E-mail ideas to aminor@ he recent “weather events” seem to me an apt summation of 2008. The ice and snow storms of December remind me of just what a tumultuous year this has been — not just in terms of the weather, but in terms of politics, the economy, wars, dissension, and the general uneasiness that takes us into the 10th year (if you start with 2000) of the 21st century. It was, after all, a year of great highs and lows, of record-breaking gas prices (more than $4 a gallon, remember?) followed by the lowest gas prices in more than a decade. We don’t understand what caused either the unprecedented hikes or the heavensent drop, but we’ll enjoy the latter while we have it, and prepare for the next round of inexplicable fluctuations. It was also a year of unrelenting political turmoil, with record-breaking (astronomical, really) amounts of money being S OU spent on presidential campaigns that wore us out IKE T with polls, predictions, and prognostications that told MARK us who would win at any ASHTON given point in time and seemed to determine the outcome for us, or in spite of the concerns of a good many Americans. In terms of the economy, we also broke records — most of them related to record drops in the stock market, record collapses of major banking and lending institutions, record losses of jobs and retirement funds and savings. Big Oil recorded record profits and CEOs of even failing corporations enjoyed record bonuses while you and I agreed (though I don’t recall being asked) to provide record “bailouts” of those who were responsible for our predicament in the first place. It all calls to mind the ancient bit of wisdom: “When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.” But in 2008, we didn’t stop digging; we simply threw more money (your money and my money) into the hole to help the hole diggers climb out on the backs of regular Americans. But the recent lousy weather, I think, gives us real reason for hope. As inconvenient and potentially life threatening as it was, it brought many people back to an appreciation of what was — and is — truly important. Although our town (Southbridge) was spared in the ice storm that left thousands of our friends, co-workers, and acquaintances powerless for days, we all know of someone who was in dire need and found succor from family, friends, or even strangers. The snowstorms that followed the ice storms brought us real signs of hope by bringing back the equilibrium; everybody got hit equally hard (OK, so Fitchburg is the exception that proves the rule!); everybody had a hand in the cleanup and a stake in the recovery. This was when the hole digging stopped and the “digging out” began — as a communal effort. Whether with snow blowers or snow shovels, our neighborhood tackled the storm falls efficiently. Individuals emerged from house after house and machined or manhandled the snow to clear paths to the street or sidewalk, and to reclaim the family vehicle(s) from thick white canopies of snow. (It’s worth mentioning that in our neighborhood the octogenarian across the street, my mom’s high school classmate, is typically the first one out and about, the one who goes farthest afield with his snow blower, clearing at least half the street-length of sidewalks. Sometimes he even turns the corner onto the next street. And the next one. He sets the example. Maybe it has to do with his generations having made it through both the Great Depression and the Big War. Maybe our current difficulties aren’t so difficult to him!). In any case, my appreciation of “digging out” was further heightened when I made it down to the Post Office for our final Christmas mailing and found a dozen or so Christmas carolers raising spirits with their “joyful noise.” I thought they must be collecting for some worthy cause and tried to give them a donation, but they insisted they didn’t want anything — except to spread the word of the real meaning of Christmas. That’s when it hit me that I had spent all morning just getting dug out and downtown for Saturday errands and they had done all that and found the time and energy to spread Christmas cheer. Then I remembered the local food pantries, the toy drives, the overcoat collections, and the emergency heating oil funds that have been launched of late. And I decided that Dickens was right: It can be the “best of times” and “the worst of times” at the same time. It’s in dealing with the worst that we can discover our best, turning fear into faith and despair into hope. That’s when I decided that “digging out” is what it’s all about. That’s how we get out of snowstorms and back into life, and how we’ll get out of economic hardships, disheartening scandals, moral dilemmas, and social injustices. Digging out is how we’ll have to start 2009, no doubt. There’s a whole lot of winter left, but there’s also a whole lot of endurance, generosity, and Christian charity left as well — at least in our neighborhood. And if necessary, one of us will drive my mom’s classmate over to your neighborhood to help get your digging out started. A Y L I LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Business Alliance thanks tree lighting helpers To the Editor, The Webster Dudley Business Alliance wishes to thank the following sponsors of Webster’s First Annual Tree Lighting Celebration. The Webster residents would not have enjoyed the lighting, music, and refreshments without their sponsorship. A. J. Wheeler Associates LLC; Booklovers’ Gourmet; Donna and Ted Farrow; Gentex Optics; Graphics Unlimited; Hometown Bank; Hubbard Regional Hospital; Price Chopper of Webster; Pulaski Brass Band; Say Yes to Yoga; Starry Night Café; Michael Suprenant, DPW Superintendent; The Party Planner; Third Eye Image Gallery & Studio; United Church of Christ, Federated; Webster Child Care Collaborative; Webster-Dudley Boys & Girls Club; Webster-Dudley-Oxford Chamber of Commerce; Webster-Dudley Rotary Club; Webster Emblem Club; Webster Five Cents Savings Bank; Webster Lodge of Masons. Thank you also to the volunteers who made sure everyone had a great time! Kevin Esposito, the Webster DPW and Fire Departments for getting the lights installed and ready for the celebration; Milton Morse; Naomi Christienson; Robin & Bob Craver; Joe Gadbois; Sean Dillon; Regina Kontoes, Margaret Sheahan and Gladys Gorski from the Webster Emblem Club; Norbert Savard; and, of course, Santa Claus! CARYL SAVARD, DEB HORAN, REBECCA LEONARD WDBA TREE LIGHTING CELEBRATION COMM.ITTEE How cell phones may affect your 911 call M any people who wish to To avoid this problem, you should cut expenses have program your cell phone with the eliminated traditional local emergency number for your land based phones in area. Here in Dudley, our business their homes. They choose to use line of 508-943-4411 can be added as a cellular phones in place of the contact number under whatever title more conventional phone servicdeemed appropriate (police, emeres. This is a cost saving measure gency, etc.). You should call this numin some cases, however; it is ber first in the event of an emergency HIEF S important to understand how this here in town. This will ring directly may effect a 911 emergency call to our dispatch center and assistance ORNER placed from your cell phone. A can be provided to you much faster. recent incident brought this It should be understood that you STEVE information to my attention and I could still call 911 from your cell thought it was important to share phone for emergency purposes. Many WOJNAR with the readers of this column. cell phones which have been disconOur department has located within the dis- nected or are no longer in service are capable patch office the Town 911 call center. Any call of calling this number should the need arise. to 911 from a traditional land based phone in It is important for people to be aware of the town should be automatically received in our process in place to handle these calls when dispatch center. This is not necessarily the they are made from a cell phone. It is also case with cell phone calls made with our important to make a follow-up call if there is town borders. Instead of going directly to us any possibility your initial call may have at the local station, the calls are initially been “dropped.” It is better to make several received at regional dispatch centers run by calls and know your message was received the Massachusetts State Police. In some than to take a chance that your only call did cases, due to our proximity to the State of not arrive to its intended destination. Connecticut, the call may be received by a On behalf of everyone at the Dudley Police regional center in that state. Where the call Department, I wish you and yours a safe, goes initially is determined by the location of healthy, and happy New Year. the cell tower that first receives the call. The regional center will then re-direct the call to Thanks again for your questions and comthe appropriate community or agency for ments. Please send them to me at the Dudley emergency service. This can take a few min- Police Department, 71 West Main St., Dudley, utes to complete the transfer, depending on MA 01571, or e-mail the type of emergency, the known informa- Opinions tion, etc. With the possibility of “dropped” expressed in this weekly column are those of calls, it is important to understand that your Chief Wojnar only and unless clearly noted, do local emergency department may not receive not reflect the ideas or opinions of any other this call before it has been disconnected. organization or citizen. C C ’ LETTERS POLICY Letters to the editor are always welcome, and may be sent to The Webster Times, 25 Elm St., Southbridge MA 01550 or via e-mail at Be sure to include a name and residence. Please refrain from sending letters via fax, and be sure to supply a home address and phone number to allow for confirmation. Allow at least 48 hours for a response. Letters must be submitted by noon Friday to ensure publication in the following week’s issue. Every effort will be made to accommodate late submissions, but inclusion can not be guaranteed. The rules of good taste and libel will, of course, apply to all submissions. Personal attacks will not be published. The editor retains the right to edit all letters. SOUND OFF POLICY In addition to the Letters to the Editor section, the Webster Times offers an anonymous forum allowing callers to “Sound Off ” about the hot-button issues and topics in their towns. The “Sound Off ” line can be reached 24 hours a day, at 508-909-4079. Names may be omitted for “Sound Off ” calls only, although you may leave a name or initials. All comments should be made clearly and concisely, to minimize the potential for mistakes. Please remember that libelous comments, personal attacks and material that cannot be verified will not be published. “Sound Offs” may be sent to The Webster Times, 25 Elm St., Southbridge MA 01550 or via e-mail at with “Sound Off ” in the subject line. All “Sound Off ” submissions are due by noon on Fridays. We look forward to hearing from you! Mark Ashton writes a weekly column for Stonebridge Press publications. Friday, January 2, 2009 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • 11 VIEWPOINT A Flying Leap: Oh, the Agony of Defeat! M y New Year’s resolution for the great 2009 is to not break my neck. This may sound strange, though it is certainly not unreasonable … provided I refrain from all things that involve a sled, a 10 foot hill, and running, jumping, flying leaps onto snow tubes. I have a problem with flying leaps. A flying leap over an air conditioner box this summer resulted in a broken pinky toe, which I swear sometimes still bothers me when I try to balance all of my body weight on that one toe. I have been told this happens to anyone who tries to balance their entire body weight on a single small toe, but I refuse to believe it. In any case, I took Flying Leap Number Two this past weekend, during our epic snowstorm. It occurred as I began to demonstrate, for all siblings present, the act of correctly mounting a snow tube so as to maximize the speed of said snow tube down a rather petite hill in our backyard. One thing I did accomplish in my demonstration was, in fact, maximizing speed … of some kind. I believe the sort of speed I maximized may be classified as the wrong sort — as in, the sort that quickly lands you on your face in a drift of snow on a hill with your neck bending sideways as your entire body begins twisting above you, back stretching until you are balancing your all of your weight on your head and neck before you come crashing and tumbling down the 10foot hill. It does, in fact, hurt more to balance one’s body weight unexpectedly on one’s neck than to purposefully, half-faking it, attempt to maybe sort of balance one’s body weight on one’s toe. And, yes, I am an expert at demonstrating the unique and thrilling technique of the flying leap. I’d never tried it in the snow until that day, but after ascertaining the damages — a crumpled self trapped in snow, wind knocked out of me, as RISTAL family members screamed that I’d broLEAR ken my neck — I believe that, indeed, the KRISTINA idea of taking a flying REARDON leap down a rather small hill may actually be worth the risk. This is, of course, not for the faint of heart. It is, however, for Slovenians. You see, I believe I was only living up to my great Slovenian heritage as I attempted this glorious sledding feat. If I had been on skis, my fall would have rivaled that of Vinko Bogataj. What, you say? Who is Vinko Bogataj? He is the skilled skier who made accidentally cartwheeling down ski slopes an art, forever etched into the memory of popular culture in his “Agony of Defeat” clip shown time and time again on ABC’s “Wide World of Sports.” And yes, we are both Slovenian. Better yet, my fall was really that good. I know this because there is photographic evidence. This evidence K K is in the form of a photo (well, obviously I know, but I’m getting there:) taken by my mother as I fell. I will describe the scene: Me: Hey, everybody! Watch this! I’m going to clear a new path for the sled! Man, this snow is deep — but wait a second, in order to do this, you’ve really got to throw yourself into it, take a flying leap — [Running start, jump onto snow tube, having been covered in snow and being rather slippery, slide directly off snow tube without snow tube moving even a half centimeter, and crash fantastically, appearing to have snapped my neck and be paralyzed for life.] Mother’s Camera: *Flash!* SNAP! Sister: Oooh — oooh, God, that looks painful. [Runs over.] Father: Can you move your neck? Can you move? Me: [Silence] 14-year-old Brother: I’ll help! [Throws snowball in my face.] Me: Hey! Mother’s Camera: *Flash!* SNAP! Sister: This is not funny! Put that thing away — *Flash!* SNAP! You can clearly see, from the above scene, that all members of my family were equally concerned about my well-being. In all reality, I must stress to young readers that the art of the flying leap is one which is perhaps unable to be mastered, even by experts like me. It is because I am an expert that I survive flying leaps, though it is impossible, I have proven, to escape without seriously risking one’s life. Therefore, it would be not be wise to attempt any such feats ever, anywhere, under any circumstances. And it would be even more unwise to attempt any such feats without a mother with a camera standing nearby, ready to snap a picture of you balancing on your neck at the exact moment of the flying leap’s demise. Well, you know … I’m just sayin.’ Kristina Reardon contributes a column to Stonebridge Press Newspapers. In the end, it was Obama and the economy, stupid W hat will be our lasting memory of 2008? Is there a singular event that came to define the year that was? Or was it a collection of happenings and occurrences that shaped the year as a whole — a kaleidoscope, if you will, through which we can view the 12 months we now leave in the rearview mirror? You will find no unexpected answers to those questions in this column. Without a doubt, the two most significant events of the past year were the election of Barack Obama as our next president and the swift and decisive collapse of an economy that, in hindsight, was built for precisely such a fate. Both were, at once, both national and local in scope. In the former case, we witnessed perhaps the greatest example of perfect timing ever. It was the collision of a man who believed he was destined to lead and nation of people who were desperate for a new leader. It was the genius of a political machine that through traditional presidential campaigns on their ear, realizing that there were millions of potential voters out there who had long ago broken from the traditional things in life. They are the electronic generation. The age of new comCall them IRD S munication. Generation Text or Cellular Nation. Call them Webites. Call EST them what you will. Obama and his handlers WALTER tapped into technology in a way their rival campaign did BIRD JR. not. It was, quite simply, fate that saw this upstart politician come into a play at a time when both technology and political unrest had so many of us in their grips. While McCain turned to the past and get folks to tap into their inner fighter, Obama stared unfalteringly into the future and dared others to take a peek with him. He promised the moon; not a startling departure from many liberals before him. The difference is that, for the first time in perhaps fourplus decades, there was an army of people thirsting for just that kind of promise. It didn’t seem to matter too much whether it could, or would, ever be fulfilled. What mattered is that suddenly a nation saw a chance to make history, to elect a president literally unlike any other before him, to not only distance itself from an administration with whom it had grown disillusioned, but completely amputate it. Obama seized the opportunity before him. And the bottom fell out. Not from under Obama, of course, but from B ’ N under the rest of us. The economic platform on which we had all been standing — but had long since forgotten was even there — finally gave out. We swore we hadn’t heard any creaking, hadn’t seen any signs of rot. In truth, the signs were aplenty. It’s just that we thought others were keeping watch. They weren’t. The collapse of Wall Street and the calamity among banks, the auto industry and the real estate market didn’t just sting us. It knocked us down to the canvas. Sadly, thousands are still lying there, not completely unconscious, but as groggy as Apollo Creed and Rocky Balboa in the final round of their second confrontation. The difference between this situation and that however is that, beyond the fact that one was a movie and the other is reality, is that the round is still going on. The bell hasn’t yet sounded. So there we are, millions of us, flailing around wildly in hopes that we can grasp the bottom rope, then the next, and the next and, ultimately, the top rope, where we can, like that stubborn and determined Rocky Balboa, pull ourselves onto our feet and declare victory. What we absolutely can’t afford to be is Apollo Creed, the game but cocky fighter who, when push came to shove, couldn’t keep his grasp on the ropes, and slid, pathetically and devastatingly, back down to the canvas. There are options for those who can not keep their pets C hristmas — my to a landlord and offerultimate favorite ing to pay a little more RITTER holiday. The than the rental asking time of the year price may help — espeORNER when most people hope cially if the landlord is for snow and probably an animal lover. MICHELLE the only time that they Of course, if these LEFLECHE do. After all, it’s almost solutions are not feasiimpossible to visualize ble, you can Google the perfect New England “Massachusetts No Kill Christmas without it. It’s the Shelters.” This will provide a time of the year when our trou- listing of all the no-kill shelters bles are often lessened by the in the state. You can also try spirit of the season. Connecticut or Rhode Island noUnfortunately, the bright kill shelters, depending on how lights symbolizing the season far you are willing to go to find seem a bit dimmer this year due your pet a safe place. to the tough economic times. In If you have a purebred dog, my own business and in my you may try that particular occupation as animal control breed’s rescue group. I have a officer, I receive calls every day listing of all these groups. I can from people who are losing their be reached at 508-949-8653 or 508homes and cannot take their 736-4247. If your dog is an beloved pets with them. Most English Springer Spaniel, please local shelters are overflowing contact me, as I am a member of and are unable to take these pets New England English Springer in. It is heart wrenching to think Spaniel Rescue. of the difficult position these We are all feeling the financial people are in. strain of the economic situation. With no alternative, some peo- Increased costs for vet care are ple find themselves forced to resulting in lapses in regular vet release their pets to fend for care for many pets. Please themselves — hoping some one remember that vet care is very will find them and provide a important to the health and well home. Unfortunately, there are a being of your pet. Vets may be lot of people who use this able to establish a type of method as an easy solution for “Christmas Club” fund that will ridding themselves of a no allow minimal weekly or monthlonger wanted pet and have ly payments that will accumuabsolutely no remorse in doing late and be available as a credit so. for when annual vaccinations If you find yourself in the are due or medical treatment is position where you have to move necessary. and cannot take your pet, try to For all those who support the find a relative or friend or a Webster Animal Shelter through boarding facility that may offer a monetary donations or by proreduced rate, that may be willing viding food, bedding, or other to provide a temporary foster necessities, I would like to home for the pet until you are extend my heartfelt appreciation able to find a place that will for your kindness. The greatest accept pets. Sometimes talking gift this Christmas is the gift of C C you wonderful folks who have helped reopen the shelter and continue to support our efforts to remain a no-kill town shelter. Thanks to your help, our animals at the shelter have a warm, safe, comfortable home until reunited with their families or until they find a new loving forever home. Gidget, the last pit mix pup and Scrappy, the black and white Spaniel mix pup were transferred to Dog Orphans in Douglas and I am pleased to report that both have already been adopted in less than two weeks. Thank you, Dog Orphans! At the present time, four dogs are available to adoption at the shelter — “Shaggy” a neutered male Schnoodle found on Thanksgiving on Brookline Street; “Scruffy” an intact male American Eskimo; “JJ” our intact male Chihuahua/Jack Russell (?) mix; and “Tiny” an intact male Chihuahua. On hold is a beautiful, friendly, female black with white cat found in School Street area. If anyone knows who this beauty belongs to or has any information regarding where she came from or is interested in any of our adoptable pets, please contact animal control at 508-7364247. Until next time, enjoy the holidays and please remember those less fortunate — people and animals. If you can provide a helping hand to those in need, please do. Giving is the greatest gift of all. Michelle Lafleche is the animal control officer for the town of Webster and submits a periodic column for the Webster Times. Without question, 2008 was the year of Obama and the economy. There were other subplots, to be sure, including the introduction of a heretofore unknown Alaskan with a penchant for both hunting and interviews with Greta Van Susteren. Oh and there were still a couple of wars going on. The camera, however, was squarely focused on those two subjects. On the one hand, we had the Chicago senator who proved to be agile enough to avoid even the most seemingly treacherous of political pitfalls. Agility? Were he a football player, he would have rivaled Gale Sayers. On the other, the economy. Seemingly healthy one minute, but Brian Piccolo the next. The year 2008 has come to a close. But the two stars of 2008 are still with us — one for at least the next four years, the other we better hope is but a distant memory in four years. So now it’s 2009. A new president will come into power. Where he leads us is anybody’s guess. The economy will continue to struggle, at least for now, according to the experts. When it regains its full health? That’s anybody’s guess as well. In the meantime, you may want to rent “Rocky II.” It will lift your spirits. He reaches the top rope. Walter Bird Jr. may be reached at 508-9094017, or at Going to church… and the mall B y the time you read this, the annual question of “Merry Christmas!” or “Happy Holidays!” will be set aside for another year, and the general goodwill of the season and the screams of appreciative children (I hope) will render that discussion a distant memory. But as I write this, I am in the middle of observing my faith by going to church and preparing to observe the holiday by going to the malls. I am like most Christians who were brought up “right.” I know that in order to really celebrate the birth of my savior, I must spend an average of 40 hours at stores during the month of December. I must put up lights and I must put up a tree. These are traditions and truly do have a significance around the notion of spreading good will. It is important to admit that waiting in line at the mall stinks. Also, there is no easier way to ensure that you are going to walk 10 miles on a given day than by starting your visit to the mall with a parking spot that is about a mile and a half away from the door. I will confess that I get impatient while shopping, and that I medicate myself by eating Mrs. Fields’ cookies or the free samples at Lindt’s Chocolates. Given that roughly 75 percent of Americans are Christian, and only a few denominations do not observe Christmas in a relatively similar fashion, it is not surprising that some of us would get upset by the “secularization” of Christmas. That is having store clerks and others offer wishes of “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas.” The priest at my parish offered a very thoughtful article about his views in the bulletin just this week. It will surprise nobody that I am do not join with those who are offended. I am not fond of the word “Merry.” It is not a word that I use much and it doesn’t address for me what is most important about Christmas. But, I will concede for now, that in general terms it means “joyous.” Now, there’s a word I can appreciate. I want to be joyous about this holiday. But I want to be joyous not because of buying or receiving presents. I want to be joyous because I believe that the birth of Christ represents a call to peace. That is what I believe the season has come to mean in the larger, universal context. I started off by saying that I am observing my faith by going to church, and observing this holiday by going to the malls. That is cynical, but it has become too true. In 2001, in the American Religious Identification Survey, it was found that 5.2 percent of people were nonChristian and 15 percent reported being of no religion, agnostic or atheist. A more staggering statistic from that survey is that 40 percent of those surveyed who identified with a given religion did not belong to a church. While an awful lot of people will have gone to the mall at every given opportunity during this month of December, will just as many people have gone to church more often during this month? My point is that I think it is over the top to be offended by whatever term is used. Already holiday is obviously derived from “holy day.” Every government approved day off in this country is called a holiday. While those of us who are Christian know that Christmas is observing the birth of Christ, so many of us spend more energy on the secular than the religious anyway. It is also worth mentioning that Christmas is the only government-sanctioned holiday of religious origin that happens during a workweek and mandates a day off for American workers. Given this special treatment, is it not surprising that those without religious beliefs or those of other faiths would have opinions on the appropriateness of further emphasizing the inherent inequitable treatment. Remember, we are a country guaranteed by the Constitution as having a separation of church and state. But let’s face it; this discussion is not about the Constitution. It is about us Christians feeling like someone else is taking something away from us. But I don’t really think the taking away is an external action. I think Christians have actively participated in the secularization of Christmas. Before I make the case that every person with whom I come in contact has to greet with “Merry Christmas” or “Joyous Christmas,” I must be sure that I am observing my faith and not the other aspects of the holiday season. When I am certain that the holiday has indeed become more of a “holy day” for me than anything else, I will join those who want to hear the phrase “Merry Christmas” exclusively once again. Art Dubois contributes a column to Stonebridge Press Newspapers. 12 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • Friday, January 2, 2009 SPORTS -THE YEAR IN PICTURES The Bay Path Minutemen won their second championship in December, and first since 2004, when the team defeated Bristol Plymouth, 26-6, at Veteran Memorial Stadium. Pictured, offensive stars Erik Peterson, Matt Hall and Granger Stenman, from left, celebrate after the victory. The Webster Youth Soccer Boys U12/Division II team won the MAYS (Midland Areas Youth Soccer) Championship on Sunday, June 22, and competed in the Mass Tournament of Champions in Lancaster, Friday, June 27, to Sunday, June 29. From left, Coach Tim Tondel, Coach Archie Suprenant, top row, from left, Jacob Simonis, Jack Cieszynski, Michael Rapoza, Jeremy Rabidou. Second row, from left, Brian Tondel, Jesse Suprenant, Drew Cutress. Bottom row, from left, Ryan Canty, Adam Daigneault, Artur Lachcik, Evan Anderson. On Saturday, June 7, the Auburn Rockets won the Central Mass. Division 2 finals, 11-1, over rival Oxford at Tivnan Field. Pictured, Oxford’s Joe Piscitelli did his best to keep Auburn from growing their lead. On Tuesday, April 22, Bay Path pitcher Ryan Turner, pictured, was almost un-hittable — literally. Turner took a no-hitter into the seventh inning against Pathfinder, but an infield single by Kyle Pubieglo ruined the no-no bid for Turner. However, his team came out on top, 10-0. After a nearly decade-long drought, the Oxford Junior League All-Stars were once again the toast of Central Massachusetts. The team of 13- and 14-year-olds finished its undefeated run through the District 5 tournament Saturday, July 12, with a 7-3 win over Douglas at Greenbriar Park — the first time Oxford has won the championship since 1999. Pictured, Douglas starting pitcher Justin DeFreites, right, tries to grab the ball at home plate and prevent Oxford’s starting pitcher, Nick Lemey, left, from scoring the team’s third run. Shepherd Hill’s Nick Bolio makes his way toward the end zone in a 35-7 win over Worcester South in October. Bartlett’s Nick Kiritsis goes up for a lay-up against Shepherd Hill in February. In the game, Shepherd Hill scored 10 three-pointers en route to an 83-74 win. The win secured a berth in the postseason for the Rams. Shepherd Hill’s Nicole Devlin puts a charge into a ball, one of the few hard-hit balls on the afternoon for third-seeded Shepherd Hill Monday, June 2, as they fell 3-1 to Gardner in postseason play. Friday, January 2, 2009 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • 13 SPORTS -THE YEAR IN PICTURES The Shepherd Hill golf team headed into its match Thursday, Oct. 16, undefeated. This time, instead of facing only one other opponent, a total of 12 teams took the course at Leicester Country Club for the Southern Worcester County League Championship. Once again the Rams came out on top, shooting a team score of 312. Shepherd Hill also took home the individual medalist, as Matt Schmidt, pictured, shot an even par 70. On Monday, April 21, the Shepherd Hill softball team’s bats came alive against Tantasqua. The game was eventually called off when the Rams built up a 16-1 lead with two outs in the sixth inning. Shepherd Hill pitcher Meg Lennon, pictured, allowed only one run, and was 2-for-4 at the plate. Area football squads did not fare so well during the annual Thanksgiving Day rivalry games. In Webster, the Bartlett Indians were shut out by the Southbridge Pioneers, 33-0; in a close one in Sturbridge, Tantasqua narrowly beat Shepherd Hill, 33-27, to remain undefeated; and in Auburn, the Oxford Pirates were easily handed their 10th loss of the season, losing their ninth straight Thanksgiving Day game to the Auburn Rockets, 4212. Two area cheerleading squads proved they are the best of the best Saturday, March 15. The Bartlett High School Cheerleading Team was near perfection, claiming their first New England High School Championship at Woburn Memorial High School, accumulating 202 points, and the Division III Crown. Meanwhile, on the same day, the Shepherd Hill Regional High School cheerleaders placed third at the New England Championships, held at Walpole High School. Sharp Co. Heating Have your boiler or furnace cleaned to reduce oil consumption. We provide repairs and installations 24 Hour Service Available 860-315-7237 or 508-243-2157 TIRED OF FINDING THE PERFECT JOB ...IN CHICAGO? All local. All the time. 14 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • Friday, January 2, 2009 SEPTEMBER Left and above: The American flag flew at half-staff Thursday, Sept. 11, as Shepherd Hill Regional High School hosted a remembrance ceremony for those who lost their lives in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. The Bartlett High School Class of 1988 held their 20th year reunion Saturday, Sept. 6, at Point Breeze Restaurant in Webster. Hundreds of bikers from all over the region convened at the Oxford American Legion Hall Sunday, Sept. 21, for the Gold Wing Road Riders Association 18th Annual Chicken Barbeque, which raised money for the New Hope Battered Women’s Shelter, which has an office in Webster. Left and above: On Saturday, Sept. 13, Dudley Youth Soccer Club officially opened the gates to its new home — Lavoie Field — thanks to the generosity of Norman and Esther Lavoie of Webster. The Lavoie family generously donated 10 acres of land to Dudley Soccer, and also funded the majority of the construction costs. Their son-in-law, Bruce Dodge, handled the majority of the project’s early planning. The Sts. Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Festival was held Saturday, Sept. 6, and Sunday, Sept. 7, at 35 Lake Parkway, Webster. The festival featured Greek food specialties and pastries, live Greek music on Saturday, and dancing. The festival also provided children’s activities, including puppet shows (pictured), pony rides, two moon walks, a ball pit, ice-cream trucks, bean bag tosses, a duck pond, balloon dart game, arts and crafts and more. The Dudley Hill Golf Club hosted its third annual charity golf tournament, Rally For A Cure, on Saturday, Sept. 13, and raised $7,600, topping last year’s fundraising donations to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation and the Adam Bullen Memorial Foundation. Friday, January 2, 2009 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • 15 O C T Oxford High School held its Spirit Day, which was held in advance of Homecoming Weekend, Friday, Oct. 3. Pictured, senior “troops” break ranks and start their celebration. Left, the brothers Dwyer: Sam, 3, Max, 7, and Jack, 5, dressed up as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and a Power Ranger during “Haunted Halloween Happenings” at the Oxford Public Library Thursday, Oct. 30. O B E R On Sunday, Oct. 5, the First Congregational Church of Dudley hosted an outdoor spiritual celebration of all animals, coinciding with the Feast Day of St. Francis, patron saint of animals. The service took place on the grounds of the Grange and the Dudley Town Common (next to Nichols College). Many people and their pets came to participate in this service. There were lots of dogs, a couple cats, a hamster, and even a millipede. Dudley resident and Civil War expert Bob Ducharme poses with a rifle used by a member of the 15th Massachusetts Infantry at the Oxford Civil War Museum Friday, Oct. 10. The museum opened Saturday, Oct. 18. In preparation for Halloween, several area residents flocked to Webster — in particular, Hot Costumes, located on 175 Main St. in Webster. Pictured, Justin Regis, 10, right, holds up a scary mask as his sister, Kaylee, 7, checks out some garbs for her Halloween costume next week. Youngsters get silly before heading to the “Bison’s Den” at Nichols for cookies and punch during the Webster Dudley Boys and Girls Club’s annual trick-or-treating festivities at Nichols College Wednesday, Oct. 22. Start the New Year with Free Advertising! Buy 3 ads & get the 4th ad FREE!! Color & Black & White ads Available! Call Diane at 508-909-4110 or Nearly 150 people braved the weather to support Hubbard Hospital’s mammography department at the hospital’s first ‘Small Town Heart’ Breast Cancer 5K Walk/Run Sunday, Oct. 5. 16 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • Friday, January 2, 2009 NOVEMBER Voters from all around the region came out in record numbers Tuesday, Nov. 4, for the presidential election, showing between 60 and 75 percent turnout. In Dudley, polling officials handled near constant lines, as 70 percent of the town’s 7,216 registered voters turned out to the polls. Kindergartener Hannah Cushing fills out her ballot in the library of Mason Road during a mock election Monday, Nov. 3. West Brookfield author Ralph Masiello interacts with children as he puts the finishing touches on a dragon he drew for Clara Barton students Wednesday, Nov. 19. State Rep. Paul Kujawski celebrates his victory over Republican challenger Kevin Kuros on Election night, Tuesday, Nov. 4, at Point Breeze Restaurant in Webster. Webster and Dudley took a brisk morning in November to honor the town’s veterans at the Webster-Dudley Veterans Day Parade Tuesday, Nov. 11. Pictured, Robert Marshalkowski, left, accepts an appreciation award from Webster Dudley Veterans’ Council Commander Charles Walley. On Sunday, Nov. 9, Guardian Self Defense organized a day of Community Service in tribute to Veterans Day. The students of the self-defense school worked hard to help community veterans out of respect for those who have served our country. They visited the Corbin Cemetery in Dudley and raked and cleaned up around the stones of our deceased veterans. Members of the Polish American Veterans (PAV) and the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) were two groups that came out for the formal dedication of a monument erected in honor of the 64 local soldiers killed in World War II Tuesday, Nov. 11. Pictured, veterans Al Beland, left, Don Baker, Joe LaPlante and George Bibeau march toward the monument with a memorial wreath. ATTENTION READERS! Please look at the label on the front page this week’s newspaper. If it says RESIDENT, you MUST fill out the coupon below to guarantee your FREE weekly home delivery of the Webster Times. If you haven’t sent us this coupon, this may be your last delivery of the Webster Times... To qualify for the most timely mailing permit, the U.S. Post Office requires us to have a signed card on file for our records. Please fill out the card at right IMMEDIATELY and mail to us. PLEASE MAIL THE COUPON AT RIGHT TO: WEBSTER TIMES, 25 ELM ST., SOUTHBRIDGE, MA 01550 *If your name is on your label, or if you have already filled out a coupon please ignore this message. Your free delivery of the Webster Times will continue YES, PLEASE CONTINUE TO DELIVER THE WEBSTER TIMES TO MY ADDRESS BELOW EVERY WEEK! I UNDERSTAND THAT IT IS FREE OF CHARGE. Name: Mailing Address: Town: Zip: Your Signature: (Required by U.S. Post Office) Date: Webster Times 25 Elm St., Southbridge, MA 01550 Your address will remain confidential. Under no circumstances will your address be made available to outside organizations, other than the U.S. Postal Service. DECEMBER Friday, January 2, 2009 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • 17 A youngster enjoys a visit with Santa during the Webster Tree Lighting Ceremony held Thursday, Dec. 11, at the United Church of Christ, Federated. Students sing their hearts out to parents and teachers during their annual holiday concert, “December Gifts,” held Thursday, Dec. 11. Bonfires, hot cocoa, crafts, hayrides and Santa! It could all only spell one thing — Winter Wonderland! On Friday, Dec. 12, and Saturday, Dec. 13, the shores of Memorial Beach were transformed into a little slice of the North Pole with children and their parents turning out in high numbers despite the day’s inclement weather and low temperatures. Webster and Dudley youngsters got in the holiday spirit Thursday, Dec. 11, during two tree lighting events at the United Church of Christ, Federated in Webster and the Dudley Municipal Complex. Both events featured food, fun, caroling and a visit from Santa Claus! The Oxford Lions held their annual holiday event at the bandstand in December. The daylong event featured a visit by Santa who distributed gifts to all children who stopped by to visit. Shepherd Hill Regional High School Drama Club students performed William Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” the first weekend in December. Pictured, students in costume act out a scene Friday, Dec. 5. SAY YOU’RE IN ANOTHER STATE. WASHINGTON YOUR HOUSE ISN’T FOR EXAMPLE. YOU WANT YOUR CLEAN ITSELF. BUT IT’S MIDNIGHT. (508)347-5075 (508)764-6677 GOING TO LOCAL NEWS, FIND SOMEONE WHO WILL ON OUR EASY-TO-USE ONLINE DIRECTORY. All local. All the time. NO PROBLEM. Get all you local news and more, 24/7 online. All local. All the time. Students at Park Avenue Elementary livened up the holidays Thursday, Dec. 18, during their annual Holiday concert hosted by Music Teacher Brian Hicks. The concert, “A Jazzy Holiday Season,” was presented by Park Avenue second graders and students from the school’s multi-age class. Songs included “The Holiday Spirit,” “Chipmunk Christmas,” (featuring a solo from Michael Russo), “A Perfect Winter Day,” “When We Give, We Receive,” “Snow Day,” and “A Reason for the Season.” The show concluded with a parent sing-a-long to the old Christmas classics “Jingle Bells” and “Frosty the Snowman.” 18 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • Friday, January 2, 2009 Gov. Deval Patrick is introduced by State Rep. Paul Kujawski, D-Webster, at the annual meeting of the Webster Lake Association held Tuesday, Feb. 12, at Point Breeze Restaurant. It was one occasion when parents wouldn’t mind monkey play on the part of their kids. In fact, monkeying around was the name of the game at Jacob Edwards Library in Southbridge Thursday, July 17, when Doug the Monkey Guy (Doug Smith of Webster) made an appearance with his simian friend, Norman, a capuchin monkey who tries to get the attention of Michaela White of Dudley. Alexa Erickson, 10 months, of Dudley, looks curiously at the camera as she waits patiently in her stroller during a canine obedience class held at the Southbridge Community Center Saturday, April 5. The Danskin Women’s Triathlon made a stop at Webster Lake Sunday, July 27. In total, 2,468 athletes took part in the annual event, which raises money for breast cancer research. Pictured, Tracy Mccurdy of Wellesley, who finished in fourth place, heads for the bike section while exiting the water after a half-mile swim. Fran Flynn, “magician extraordinaire” visited the Corbin Library in Webster Tuesday, Feb. 19, entertaining local children with an hour long magic show well attended by kids and parents alike. On Saturday, Feb. 23, Webster Town Hall hosted East Coast Championship Wrestling superstars in an action-packed, high-flying program featuring Rick Fuller, Tommaso Ciampa, “The Puerto Rican Punisher” Don Vega and “Bonecrusher” Sampson. Town Engineer/Planner David Manugian, left, architect John Mac Milan, Police Chief Michael Boss, Selectman John Saad, Selectman Hank LaMountain, Board of Selectman Chairman Jennie Caissie, Selectman Daniel Coonan and Town Manager Joseph Zeneski take the first scoop of dirt from the future home of the new Oxford Police Station at 503 Main St. Tuesday, July 8. Mo Morrill, left, daughter Kendall and sons Tyler and Ryan pose as they give a $4,000 donation to former Red Sox All-Star and Jimmy Fund Chairman Mike Andrews. Tyler, a sixth-grader at the Webster Middle School, read 4,000 pages in one month as a fundraiser in memory of his friend, Alexander Ba, who passed away from cancer in November 2007. You can TRUST our advertisers in The Webster Times B SECTION Bringing in the New Year turn to page B5 INDEX Obituaries. . . . . . . . B2 & B6 Religion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B5 Real Estate. . . . . . . . . . . B4-5 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B3 Legal Notices . . . . . . . . B6-7 Business Directory . . . . B3 Friday, Jan. 2, 2009 Give Lake CUSTOM DESIGNS • QUALITY DIAMONDS & GOLD $ CASH $ PAID FOR GOLD & UNWANTED JEWELRY WE PAY TOP $$ SAME DAY * Jewelry Repair * Ring Sizing * Watch Batteries Replaced 129 E. MAIN PLAZA • WEBSTER (next to Friendly’s) ~ 508-943-3150 Pierpont Ch Pond Saturday January 10 7:00AM - 3:00PM Raindate: Saturday Jan. 24 $Prizes For: Longest Pickerel, Longest Bass, Longest Other FEE: $10.00 Questions? Call Dave – 508-248-7573 g agog ogg arg gagoggchaubun manchaug a gu Fast! Easy! CHARLTON 5X10 $49.00 10X10 $67.00 10x20 $104.00 Car Storage nga m Gifts aug g Convenient! Sweatshirts and T’s ~ Linen Map Towels by Stevens Linen Aerial Photos ~ Tapestry Throws Etched Beer & Wine glasses “Images Of America, Webster” book 154 Thompson Road 2 Cranberry Road • Webster, MA exit 1 off 395 N&S 508.943.6698 NOT VALID FOR CURRENT MEMBERS • OFFER EXPIRES JANUARY 31st, 2009 ATTENTION All Tax Preparers Starting January 9th Through April 10th… The Webster Times will be featuring area tax professionals in a directory to help customers filing their taxes. Call Diane or Denise at 508-909-4110 or email to reserve space. ALL YOU CAN EAT LUNCH & DINNER BUFFET Lunch: 11:15am - 2:30pm • Dinner 3:00 pm - 8:30 pm Sunday Lunch Buffet $6.95 774-239-4216 508-987-3054 100 BUILDING - Additions Decks & Sheds REMODELING - Kitchen, Bathrooms & Basements LANDSCAPE & CONSTRUCTION Planting Beds, Retaining Walls, Brick Pavers 21 Harris St., Webster, MA • 508-943-9801 Featuring music by “THE RECLINERS” Free Admission Specials All Day DON’T FORGET Friday Nite Meat Raffles Start 1/16 STORM DOORS Joe Boucher - Fully Licensed & Insured E-mail Sunday, January 25th • 2-6pm Happy New Year (Men, Women & Children) (508)943-8888 WE DELIVER TO WEBSTER, OXFORD & DUDLEY 508-943-4900 Our Year TSKK Kick-Off Party Roast Beef Sandwiches Madelyn’s Hair Salon 395 Exit 2 By Exxon Gas Station (Across From Cranston Printworks) Business Hours: Sunday - Thursday, 11:30am-10pm; Friday & Saturday 11:30am-11pm (behind Wind Tiki, 1st floor of the Sterling Realty Building) th $5.00 From Chinese Restaurant LOUNGE DINE IN & TAKE OUT 11 Worcester Rd. (Rte. 12), Webster, MA 01570 MARK’S HOME MAINTENANCE & MINI BACKHOE Dudley, MA 508-949-3033 CELL 774-230-4196 Mark Berthiaume Owner/Operator All Types Of Repair Professional Service Excavating Gravel Spreading Post Holes Sono Tubes Light weight/Compact BUY HERE PAY HERE 0% INTEREST ALWAYS • No Paperwork Fees • No Hidden Costs • 2 Proofs of Residence Required • Down Payment Required* 50 $ PER WEEK* COME PICK OUT YOUR CAR Farrar Auto Body, Inc 204 Main St. • Oxford, MA 508-987-3223 2 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • Friday, January 2, 2009 OBITUARIES Bernard S. Wilga, 87 DUDLEY — Bernard S. Wilga, 87, of 21 Oakwood Ave., died Wednesday, Dec. 24, in St. Vincent Hospital, Worcester, after a long illness. He leaves his wife of 65 years, Dorothy (Johnson) Wilga; one son, Dean Wilga, and his wife Kathy of Thompson, Conn.; two daughters, Donna DeArmond and her husband Peter of Putnam, Conn., and Linda Johnson and her husband Louis of South Dennis; three brothers, Paul Wilga of Dudley, Gerald Wilga of Thompson and Raymond Wilga of Harwich; five grandchildren, Glenn and Danny Wilga, Peter and Laurie DeArmond, and Heidi Cassidy; three greatgrandchildren, Haley, Nick and Emily; and several nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by a brother, Robert Wilga, of Dudley. Born in Worcester, he was the son of the late Stanley and the late Eva (Budrow) Wilga. Donald P. Castonguay Sr., 81 He lived in Quinebaug, Conn., for 25 years, coming to Dudley in 1980. Mr. Wilga proudly served in the Marine Corps during World War II. After the war and returning from overseas, he began a long career at Boston Gas, working as a service technician and retiring in 1979. A member of the VFW Post 6055 in Southbridge, Mr. Wilga was a member of the World War II National Museum in New Orleans and a supporter of the memorial brick program. The funeral was private from Bartel Funeral Home & Chapel, of Dudley. Burial was in Elmvale Cemetery in Woodstock, Conn. The Wilga family was honored to have the Webster-Dudley Veterans Counsel provide full military honors at the cemetery. Memorial contributions in his honor may be made to the VFW Post 6055, 219 Everett St., Southbridge, MA 01550; the American Diabetes Association, 330 Congress St., 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02110; the New Orleans WWII National Museum Brick Program, ( or the World War II Museum, 945 Magazine St., New Orleans, LA 70130. Eunice J. Ratcliffe, 75 OXFORD — Eunice J. (Davis) Ratcliffe, 75, formerly of Rocky Hill Road, died Friday, Dec. 19, in her home. She is survived by her husband of 58 years, Kenneth N. Ratcliffe Sr.; three children, Sandra F. Daigneault and her companion Dennis Girardin of Oxford, Kenneth N. Ratcliffe Jr. and his wife Robin of Oxford, and Neal K. Ratcliffe and his wife Christine of Dudley; four brothers, Frederick Davis of Florida, Arthur Davis and Philip Davis, both of Oxford, and Gerald Davis Webster; three sisters, Iona Gauthier of Florida, Beverly Chauvin of Connecticut, and Joyce Thibert of Ohio; five grandchildren, Warren White, Jody LaPerle and her husband Peter, Kenneth Ratcliffe III, Amanda Chase and her husband Johnathan, and Ryan Ratcliffe; two great grandchildren, Kaylyn and Rylee LaPerle; and many nephews, nieces, sistersand brothers-in-law. She was predeceased by four brothers, Irving, Alfred, Russell, and Charles Davis; and a sister, Pauline Davis. She was born in Charlton, the daughter of the late Van and Florence (Cove) Davis, and lived in Oxford for 72 years and the last three in Webster. Mrs. Ratcliffe was a member of the Oxford United Methodist Church in Oxford. She was an avid bingo player and loved the Red Sox. She enjoyed spending time with her family, friends, and especially her grandchildren. A funeral service was held Monday, Dec. 22, at the Oxford United Methodist Church, 465 Main St., Oxford. Burial will be at a later date at North Cemetery, Oxford. Calling hours were held Sunday, Dec. 21, at Paradis Funeral Home, 357 Main St,. Oxford. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the VNA Care Hospice, 120 Thomas St., Worcester, MA 01608, or to a charity of one’s choice. For more information, visit Mary N. Mosher, 81 LEICESTER — Mary N. (Conner) Mosher, 81, of Main St., died Tuesday, Dec. 23, at Knollwood Nursing Home. She was predeceased by her husband of 15 years, John Mosher of Leicester, who died in 1965. She is survived by a daughter, Mary Ellen LeBlanc and her husband Ted of Oxford; two grandchildren, Jeffrey LeBlanc of Providence and Stacy LeBlanc of Boylston; and a niece, Joan Clark and her husband John of Leicester, and several great nephews and nieces. She was predeceased by a sister, Sally O’Brien of Cherry Valley. Mrs. Mosher was born in Worcester, the daughter of the late Benjamin and Sarah (Millett) Connor, and lived in Cherry Valley for 66 years before moving to Leicester 15 years ago. Mrs. Mosher was retired from Millbrook Distributors in Leicester. Previously, she worked at Worcester City Hospital in Worcester. In her retirement, she worked part-time at Clark Manor Nursing Home in Worcester. She attended St. Joseph’s Church in Leicester. She enjoyed vacationing and spending time with her grandchildren. A funeral Mass was held Saturday, Dec. 27, at St. Roch’s Church, 332 Main St., Oxford. Burial will be private at a later date at Cherry Valley Cemetery. Calling hours were held Saturday, Dec. 27, at Paradis Funeral Home, 357 Main St., Oxford, prior to the Mass. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to St. Roch’s Church, c/o St. Vincent de Paul Society, 334 Main St., Oxford, MA 01540, or to the Adam Bullen Memorial Foundation, 24 Charlton St., Oxford, MA 01540. PUTNAM — Donald P. Castonguay Sr., 81, of 218 Woodstock Ave., died Saturday, Dec. 20, at home. He leaves his wife of 63 years, Lydia M. (Lannaville) Castonguay, of Putnam; two sons, Donald P. “Butch” Jr. and his wife Christine Castonguay of Putnam, and Michael P. and his wife Judy Castonguay of Woodstock; a brother, Walter “Jack” Wilson, of Pomfret; two sisters, Mildred Cole of Belchertown and Marjorie Brown of Killingly; five grandchildren; three great-grandchildren and two stepgrandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by a brother, Harold Castonguay, and by two sisters, Dorothy “Dot” Williams and Pauline “Polly” Muraco. The son of the late Harold and Alice (Perry) Wilson, he was born in Lynnfield, Mass., and lived in the Putnam-Pomfret area most of his life. Mr. Castonguay was a retired mechanic, having worked 15 years at R.B. Greene in Danielson, numerous years for Barstow Transportation and 18 years for Medbury Trowbridge. A World War II United States Navy veteran, Mr. Castonguay was a member of the VFW Post 1523, in Putnam. He was an avid golfer and a devoted family man. The funeral was held Tuesday, Dec. 30, at the Putnam Congregational Church with the Rev. Tom Meyer officiating. Burial will be in Abington Cemetery in the spring. ShawMajercik Funeral Home, of Webster, Mass., is honored to handle the arrangements. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Hospice of Northeastern Connecticut, 320 Pomfret St., Putnam, CT 06260. Leo P. Cazeault, 81 OXFORD — Leo P. Cazeault, 81, of Winter Street, died Friday, Dec. 26, at Kindred Parkview Hospital in Leicester. He leaves his wife of 57 years, Thelma R. (Bacon) Cazeault, of Oxford; five children, Leo P. Cazeault Jr. of Thompson, Conn., Sharon M. Ito of Woodstock, Conn., Bonnie J. Bray of Oxford, Heidi M. Mellen of Thompson, Conn., and Wayne A. Cazeault of Oxford; six grandchildren, Brandon, Brianne, Kyle, Kory, Courtney and Chelsea; and many nephews and nieces. He was predeceased by three brothers, Charles, David and Raymond; and three sisters, Florence, Evelyn and Irene. The son of the late Arthur and Georgianna (Donais) Cazeault, he was born in Worcester and was a lifelong resident of Oxford. He graduated from Oxford High School. Mr. Cazeault was a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II, proudly serving with the Seabees. He owned and operated Cazeault’s Garage on Main Street in Oxford for nearly 50 years, retiring in 1996. He was a member of the VFW Post 5663 and the American Legion Post 58, both in Oxford. A military graveside service will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 3, at North Cemetery, Main Street, Oxford, with the Oxford Memorial Honor Guard participating. There are no calling hours. Paradis Funeral Home, 357 Main St., Oxford, is directing the arrangements. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the Worcester Animal Rescue League, 139 Holden St., Worcester, MA 01606 or to the Oxford Memorial Honor Guard, c/o Al Vigeant, 33 Chestnut Hill Road, North Oxford, MA 01537. The Rev. Thomas E. Chase, 78 MILFORD/WEBSTER — The Rev. Thomas E. Chase, 78, formerly of Purchase Street, died peacefully Sunday, Dec. 21, in UMass Memorial Hospital, Worcester, surrounded by his family. His beloved wife of 53 years, Mary B. (Bowman) Chase, died Nov. 11, 2004. He leaves six children, Kathryn C. Corman of Milford, Thomas E. Chase Jr. and his wife Valerie of Guilford, N.H., Edie A. Ortiz and her husband Joseph of Milford, Stephen L. Chase of Columbus, Ga., Deborah L. Chase of Augusta, Maine, and Kevin P. Chase of Shrewsbury; a brother, Robert R. Chase, of Fairhaven; a sister, Grace Eastwood, of Albuquerque, N.M.; 13 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; nephews and nieces. A son of Andrew and Edith (Mack) Chase, he was born and raised in New Bedford and lived there 50 years. He graduated from New Bedford High School in 1948. In 1979, he moved to Bangor, Maine, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Maine and a Master of Divinity from Bangor Theological Seminary in 1984, when he was ordained to the priesthood. For more than 25 years, the Rev. Chase was a printer at the New Bedford Standard Times and the Fall River Herald News. As a priest, he served in Maine as an associate until being named rector of the Church of the Reconciliation in Webster in 1986, where he served until 1994. He then was rector of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Sutton from 1995 to 2001, when he retired. The Rev. Chase was a member of Trinity Episcopal Church in Milford, the rector emeritus of the Church of the Reconciliation in Webster and was a full instructor at the Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge. He was originally a member of the Masonic Temple in New Bedford and then a member of the George H. Tabor Masonic Lodge in Fairhaven, where he served as master twice and as district deputy from 1972 to 1974. He belonged to the Quinatisset Grange in Thompson, Conn., and the Azab grotto in Dudley. He was a former member of the Webster-Dudley Rotary Club and had been named a Paul Harris Fellow. The funeral was held Saturday, Dec. 27, at the Church of the Reconciliation in Webster. The Rt. Rev. Gordon P. Scruton, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts, presided. Burial was at the convenience of the family. The Sitkowski & Malboeuf Funeral Home, of Webster, handled arrangements. Donations in his memory may be made to a charity of the donor’s choice. Abigail’s Jewel Box™ WE’RE HERE TO HELP Always Worth the Trip! Top Dollar Paid for Your Unwanted Valuables ! Diamonds (1/2 carat and up) ! Platinum ! ! Gold ! Gold Watches ! Gold & Silver Coins ! ! Extra Paid for Fine Jewelry ! We Treat You With Respect ! 860-928-1300 Open: Thurs. - Sun. 11- 5 76 Main Street, Putnam, CT Your Full Service Jewelry Store If you want the most $ when you sell, come see us. Call Kathy 1-800-353-2476 Scanlon Funeral Service Since 1947 38 East Main Street Webster, MA 01570 (508)943-1298 “Ask the Families We’ve Served.” TONY PIETTE WELL TESTING • Water Quality & Quantity Testing • Install & Repair Water Pumps, Tanks & Filters • Over 20 Years Experience • Water Pump Service • Fully Insured 508-949-1771 or 860-974-2512 ~Arts & Framing~ The Loft and the Galleries Custom framing experience, art & frame restoration, and great art! W-S 10-5, Sun 11-5 WWW.ARTSANDFRAMINGPUTNAM.COM GALLERY-By-The-Falls Fine Art • Contemporary to Folk Wed-Th 10-5 pm • Fri & Sat 10-7 pm • Sun 11-5 pm 860.963.0105 112 Main St. • Putnam, CT 06260 860.974.1167 Richard J. Williams Sr., 63 WEBSTER — Richard J. Williams Sr., 63, of Webster, passed away Tuesday, Dec. 23, in UMass/Memorial Healthcare, in Worcester, where he was surrounded by his family. He leaves his devoted wife of 35 years, Beverly A. (Caskey) Williams; four children, Richard J. Williams Jr. and his wife Tanya of Danielson, Conn., Nicolle A. Williams of Putnam, Conn., Robert L. Williams and his wife Monique of Putnam, and Leah M. Williams of Webster; three precious granddaughters, Jadyn Elizabeth, Beverly Madison and Ava Reese; two brothers, Jack Williams of Virginia, Minn., and Butch Williams of Duluth, Minn.; two sisters, Emily Dumas of Port Ste. Lucie, Fla., and Marge Shoots of Duluth, Minn.; and many nephews and nieces. HEATING SERVICE Gas • Oil • Geothermal • Heat Pumps HEATING AIR CONDITIONING Michael J. Williams Inc. SHEET METAL FABRICATION Est. 1988 508.949.0035 • 860-923-9831 He was preceded in death by his brother, Tommy Williams, of Hudson, and by his sister, Frances Averson, of Omaha, Neb. Born and raised in Duluth, Minn., he was a son of Warren “Rip” and Frances (Knaus) Williams. He moved to Webster in 1983. He graduated from East High School and attended the University of Minnesota, both in Duluth. Mr. Williams was a resident engineer for the Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority for many years, before retiring in 2005. A man of deep and unwavering faith, Mr. Williams was a communicant of St. Joseph Basilica and a member of the Knights of Columbus. He was also a member of the Auburn/Webster Elks. He was an avid hunter and fisherman, belonging to the Singletary Rod and Gun Club in Sutton. Mr. Williams and his brothers spent their youth learning the sport of ice hockey under their father’s guidance. He would later teach his own children to skate and coach his sons in the Crusader Hockey League for several years. One of his many friends said, “He was a true inspiration and taught a lot of us how to live and die.” His strength, perseverance and undying love will be carried on in the hearts of his family. A memorial Mass was held Monday, Dec. 29, at St. Joseph Basilica. Burial was private. Scanlon Funeral Service handled arrangements. Donations in his memory may be made to St. Joseph Elementary School, 53 Whitcomb St., Webster, MA 01570. Turn To OBITUARIES page B6 Friday, January 2, 2009 CALENDAR Saturday, Jan. 3 N. GROSVENORDALE, CT Breakfast Buffet — Saturday, Jan. 3, 7 to 10 a.m., United Methodist Church, 954 Riverside Dr., North Grosvenordale, Conn. Adults: $6. Children: $3. Call 860923-2936 for more information. AUBURN The January meeting of the Massachusetts Society of Genealogists Inc., Worcester Chapter, will be held Saturday, Jan. 3, at the Auburn Public Library which is located at 369 Southbridge Street in Auburn, Massachusetts. The meeting room will open at 9:30 a.m. with the meeting beginning at 10 a.m. The speaker will be Sandra Goodwin who is past president of the Massachusetts Society of Genealogists Inc., professional speaker, teacher and long-term genealogist. Sandra’s talk is titled “Census and Sensa-bility: Getting the Most from Census Information.” Ever wonder about “other” types of censuses? Where to find them? How can they help you? How to use the online censuses? How to get the most from each census to help break through your brick wall? Come and learn the answers to these and many more questions! Bring your morning coffee and donuts as well as a friend! For more information on future meetings and speaker subjects, visit our Web site, Sunday, Jan. 4, 2009 is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served and there will be an activity for children. For more information, visit or call 508-987-2056 x105. Thursday, Jan. 8 AUBURN Thursday, Jan. 8, at 7 p.m. — The Evening Book Discussion Group at the Auburn Public Library will discuss “Skeletons at the Feast” by Chris Bohjalian. Everyone is invited to participate. Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., TuesdayFriday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., closed Sunday. Call 508-949-6232 for more information. DUDLEY During the month of December library fines will be forgiven, in exchange for a donation of non-perishable food items. The library will donate these to Webster Dudley Food Share. This applies to late fees only, not replacement costs for lost items. For more information about the Dudley Library Food for Fines program in December or any event sponsored by the Library, please call the Library at (508) 949-8021. DUDLEY The January meeting of the Dudley Woman’s Club will be held Monday, Jan. 12, at the Dudley Municipal Complex, 71 W. Main St., Dudley, at 7 p.m. The program for the evening will be sponsored by the Education Department and will be presented by Jane Cain, director of the Pearl L. Crawford Library. Her topic will be “What Should I Do Next?” Our Giving Project for the month will be the collection of new and gently used children’s books, CD’s and DVD’s for the Children’s Room at the library. Hostesses for the evening will be Jane Cain and Chris Lavoie and the invocation will be given by Elaine Gould. The Dudley Women’s Club is open to all women from Dudley and the surrounding towns and we welcome you to join us at the January meeting and find out what we are all about. For more information, call 508-949-1251. Donate your books — Webster Recycling Commission is now collecting donations of used ooks, CDs, DVDs, videos and audio books. Drop off your contributions at their local donation container to keep books out of the trash! How to donate — Drop them off at Webster Police Station, 57 Thompson Rd., Webster, MA 01570. Donations may be made in this container anytime. For more information, call Got Books? at 978327-7600, or visit WEBSTER Drop off old books, videos, CDs, and DVDs at the Police Station parking lot. Got Books recycles your old books, and finds new homes for them. All proceeds (four cents a pound) will go directly into the C.A.R.E. (Children’s Anti Drug & Resistance Education) account. This account helps fund the program for the fifth grade students. Your donation of used books is greatly appreciated. Saturday, Jan. 17 Celebrate Clara Barton’s birthday and tour the historic home where she spent her childhood at the Clara Barton Birthplace Museum, 66 Clara Barton Rd., during an open house from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Sunday, Jan. 4, 2009. The American Red Cross will hold a blood drive at the event to celebrate the life of the woman who founded the American Red Cross. Clara Barton was born on December 25, 1821 in Oxford. Anyone interested in donating blood at this special event is urged to schedule an appointment by calling 1-800-GIVE LIFE or online at Walk-ins are also welcome. All presenting blood donors will receive a voucher for a free pound of Dunkin Donuts coffee as a thank you. Donors must be at least 17 years old, weigh at least 110 lbs. and be in good general health. Please bring identification. Learn about the founding of the American Red Cross in the museum’s new Red Cross Room. A special exhibit will feature rarely seen artifacts, including a 100-year-old first aid kit. This event Send all calendar listings and happenings to Editor Adam Minor by mail to the Webster Times, 25 Elm St., Southbridge, MA 01550, by fax to (508) 764-8015, or by e-mail to All calendar listings must be submitted by noon Friday,, to be published in the following weeks edition. WEBSTER Monday, Jan. 12 OXFORD • THE WEBSTER TIMES • 3 REGION DUDLEY The First Congregational Church of Dudley, 135 Center Rd., is having a Pork Roast Dinner Saturday, Jan. 17. The menu will include pork roast, applesauce, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans with bacon and tossed salad. Dessert is gingerbread with real whipped cream. Servings will be at 5 p.m. AND 6:15 p.m.. Adults: $8; Preteens: $4. Children 5 and under FREE. Reservations are advised. Please call Teri Greene at 508-731-0421. Tickets also sold at the door. Handicapped accessible. Parents, students and teachers. Here is an opportunity to ski or snowboard affordably. You can ski six Saturday nights at Wachusett Mountain for $105 beginning Saturday, Jan. 10 and ending Saturday, Feb. 14. You could also possible ski for free if you have Fallon Community Health Plan as your health care provider. This ski or snowboard program is open to students, parents and teachers. For more information, call Dick Lisi at 508-410-1332 or e-mail to WEBSTER ONGOING WEBSTER January Photography Show — “Marginal Ways,” photographs by Jodie Goodnough will be on display Jan. 3-31 at Booklovers’ Gourmet, 55 East Main St., Webster. Meet the artist Saturday, Jan. 10, from 2 to 4 p.m. Hours: Monday & Sons of the American Legion Post #184 of Webster is currently holding its annual membership drive. Membership is open to any son or grandson of an American veteran. Annual dues are $15. Please make checks payable to the Sons of the American Legion. Checks may be sent or dropped off at the post home on Houghton Street in Webster. BUSINESS DIRECTORY A. Jeffers Tree Service °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Tree Removals Logging Land Clearing Firewood WOOD LOTS WANTED °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° FREE ESTIMATES Call (774)239-0285 Central Mass Home Improvement √ Finish/Rough Carpentry √ Interior/Exterior Painting √ Tiling Work √ Pre-Finished Hardwoods √ Remodeling √ Small/Large Projects ~Call today for an estimate!~ 508-326-7022 WILSON CLEANING Total Home Cleaning * Windows * Walls * Carpets * Floors, Upholstery Emergency Soot, Fire & Flood Clean-up Quality Thorough Experience 508-248-7172 Office 508-832-4444 FRESH START PAINTING “Give Your House a Fresh Start” Free Estimates Interior/Exterior Powerwashing Fully Insured Over 20 Years Experience (508)320-0867 Frank (774)280-1544 John DiGeronimo PAINTING Residential Specialist Quality Affordability & Trust Without Compromise Interior rooms As low as $110 Ceilings $70 Woodwork $80 Specializing In: • Color Changes • Foyers & Stairways • Wallpaper Removal Cell 508 577 7940 James DiGeronimo Serving Central MA And Beyond Giles Brothers Carpentry Framing, Additions, Finish Carpentry, Ceramic & Hardwood Floors, Decks, Siding, Door & Window Replacement, Kitchen Cabinets & Counters Free Estimates (508)949-2384 Paul (860)923-9707 Peter Licensed and Insured Glenn LeBlanc Plastering 26 Years Experience Quality Workmanship Fully Insured Specializing In Small Jobs Patches, Ceilings, Walls & Additions Call (508)943-7896 HANDYMAN Nate Dumais FOR HIRE IT’S ALL ABOUT WOOD By The Day Or The Hour Save Time & Money Low Rates! Painting & Carpentry Tile Work, Floors & Decks Siding &Windows Kitchen & Bathrooms Free Estimates Licensed & Insured MA Lic. #102690 Call Andre 508-943-8651 JIM’S ROOFING & HOME IMPROVEMENT ~Offering Complete Roofing Services~ Repairs • New Roofs • Re-Roofs • Replacement Windows and Doors • Siding • Decks ROOFTOP SNOW REMOVAL Fully Insured 508-765-6040 John Daly Plumbing & Heating Prompt Service Add A Basement Bath/ No-Digging Floor Solar Water Heaters Water Filters & Softeners Gas/Appliance Hookup Any Kind Of Repair Work The Homeowner’s Plumber! Fully lic’d & ins’d 508-892-0366 508-471-0431 Call anytime Morin Maintenance •Spring and fall cleanup •Landscaping •Lawn Maintenance •Property Maintenance •Full Handyman Services •Snow/Trash Removal Free Estimates Fully Licensed & Insured (508)347-0110 Free Call (508)612-6427 Full-Service Building & Remodeling Nathan Dumais - Owner All Types Of Carpentry, Roofing, Siding, Windows and More... Office (508)248-9763 Cell (508)479-5269 Peter J Voas Electrical Contracting Master Electrician License #15014A • Fully Insured • A Member Of The Better Business Bureau • MC/Visa/Discover Accepted Satisfaction Guaranteed ROOFING Superior Roofing Inc. SNOWBLOWING SHOVELING SANDING “The Name Says It All...” Residential Commercial Driveways Walkways Shingles Single Ply Systems Free Est. Call Mike 508-234-6161 Emergency Fence Repairs Licensed & Insured 508-248-0027 Ma. Lic.#123015 Ma. Lic.#065084 508-764-6838 NO JOB TOO SMALL PLUMBING & HEATING Rudnicki Roofing Inc. WALLPAPERING RESIDENTIAL / COMMERCIAL SERVICES Residential & Commercial ‹›‹›‹›‹›‹›‹›‹›‹›‹›‹›‹›‹›‹›‹›‹›‹›‹› All Types Of Roof Repairs ‹›‹›‹›‹›‹›‹›‹›‹›‹›‹›‹›‹›‹›‹›‹›‹›‹› Residential & Commercial Chimney Replacement/Repair Over 25 Years Of Experience • Quality Work • Customer Satisfaction • Painting & Sheet Rock • Power Washing • Carpentry • Suspended Ceilings • Laminated Flooring • Ceramic Tile Fully Insured MA. Reg. 137576 INDOOR/OUTDOOR BOILERS INSTALLED DRAIN CLEANING AVAILABLE ~LICENSED & INSURED~ *OVER 30 YEARS IN* *BUSINESS* Rene Martel 508-867-3770 508-414-7792 CALL RON FENNEUFF (508)892-8115 PAINTING PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CBC PAINTING Exterior/ Interior Quality Workmanship & Satisfied Customers for over 20 Years Fully Insured Free Est. 508-278-3316 1-800-640-3316 PEST CONTROL Accurate Pest Control Full Pest Control Services Over 27 yrs. experience Reasonable Rates Owner Operated 508-757-8078 Ask for David Hight Auburn, MA Leicester , MA All types of repairs Interior & Exterior Carpentry, Painting, General Plumbing & Electrical, Doors & Windows, Gutter Maintenance, Handyman Services, Apt. Maintenance & Renovations “No job too small” 508-943-3651 R&J Home Improvement • Bathrooms • Kitchens • • Decks • Floors • Roofs • • Small Backhoe Services • • Framing & Additions • • Door & Window • • Replacements • Free Estimates Justin (508)631-6795 Ray (508)414-2188 Licensed & Insured FREE Estimates 508-949-3030 Fully Insured & Licensed Saunders & Sons Roofing Talk to the owner directly. I’m on the job from start to finish. Call Bill Toll Free 1-866-961-ROOF 508-765-0100 MA Reg # 153955 CT Reg # 0609329 Fully Insured Free Estimates References Available *Now Accepting All Major Credit Cards* SHARPCO HEATING All Your Heating Needs! Service & Installations Call For FREE Estimates Guaranteed Lowest Price! Licensed & Fully Insured We Service Pellet Stoves! 508-243-2157 508-425-1409 SEARCH LOCAL. IT’S A NO-BRAINER AND LIGHT PAINTING Vinyl Paper Handprints Grasscloth Silks Murals Etc. Immaculate Work Fully Insured Call Deborah 508-965-7077 Find what you’re looking for, quick and easy. All Local. All the time. TheHeartOf LOCAL NEWS, ONLINE 24/7. AVAILABLE WHEN YOU ARE. All local. All the time. 4 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • Friday, January 2, 2009 111 East Main Street, Webster, Massachusetts 508-943-9306 508-987-0767 1-800-552-7444 Lake Realty/Premier Real Estate Licensed in MA & CT Jules Lusignan Maureen Cimoch T.A. King Brandy Mehlhouse Ellen Therrien Paul Fenuccio NEW PRICE SEASON’S GREETINGS!!! NEW PRICE NEW PRICE WEBSTER – 13 Highcrest Park! 5Rm Townhouse! Move Right In! Fully Applianced Kit! Spacious Liv Rm! 2 Huge Bdrms! 1.5 tile Baths! Ample Closet Space Throughout! Recent Carpet & Paint! Central Air! Priced to Sell! $144,900.00 DUDLEY – Best “New” Value 65 Eagle Dr! 2,698'! 9Rms! Entry Foyer! Custom Granite Kit! 3/4 Bdrms! Master Bath! 2.5 Baths! Office (4th Bdrm)! 20x20 Fam Rm! All Hrdwds & Tile Flooring! C/Air! 2Car Garage! 3/4Acre! 2x6Construction! $389,900.00 DUDLEY – 160 Dudley Oxford Rd! 8Rm Cape! New Paint! New Carpets! Fireplace! Hrdwds! 4Bdrms! 2.5Baths! Mstr Bath w/Marble Tile! FamRm! 2Tier Deck! 2Car Gar! .82 Acre! Below Assessment! $244,900.00 DUDLEY – 221 W. Main St! Conveniently Located 6 Rm Cape/Ideal Business Location! 23,500' Lot! Liv Rm w/Carpet over Hrdwds! 1st Flr Master & Den w/Hrdwds! 2 Second Flr Bdrms w/Hrdwds! Porch! Garage w/Storage! 3 Yr Old Roof & Vinyl Siding! $189,900.00 WEBSTER – 9 Sears Ave! Well Maintained 6Rm Split! Applianced Kit w/Breakfast Bar! Din Area w/Slider to Deck! Spacious Liv Rm! 3 Bdrms! Lower Level Ideal to Finish! Newer Roof! 2 Car Garage! Huge AG Pool! Corner Lot! $229,900.00 NEW PRICE WEBSTER – 126 Thompson Rd! Ideal Home/Professional Building/Business Residence Combo! 11Rm Expanded Cape! Frplcd! 1st Flr Master/Bath! 2Rm Bdrm Suite/Studio! 50X50 Steel Building w/12X50 3Rm Office Space w/1/2 Bath, 3 Doors - 6 Vehicles - Storage! 16X32 Pool! Live & Work from this Great Location! $489,900.00 NEW PRICE (508) 832-6888 • Fax: (508) 832-9054 CLAIRE RAINVILLE $249,900 LEICESTER - New construction ready in 30 days. 4 bedrooms, 3 bath Ranch with cathedral ceiling, hardwoods, ceramic flrs, open flr plan with slider to oversized deck, walk-out lower level has bedroom, bath & family room, slider to back yard (poss. in-law or extended family set up) 1-car attached garage. All this for only $249,900. A must see! Claire Rainville, REMAX Acclaim 508-365-3837 Acclaim 567 Southbridge Street, Auburn, Massachusetts 01501 (508) 832-6888 Ext. 222 • Fax: (508) 832-9054 Caroline Bianchi OXFORD: Just Reduced!! Transfer of Owner! Must Sell! Mint condition 5 room ranch, 3 bdrms, 2 full baths incl. master/jet tub/granite counter top, cathedral ceiling living & kitchen with dinette area, recessed lights, fireplace living rm, cherry cabinet, fully appl. kitchen, 2 car garage. $233,000 Visit my web site to view WEBSTER – 32 Main Street! Retail & Office Spaces! 2 Units! Front Building – Retail 1696’ 1st Fl, 459’ 2nd Floor! Rear Building – 600’ Office Space! Multiple Uses! Investment, Business Use or Both! Off Street Parking! 9312’ Lot! $209,900.00 WEBSTER LAKE Access - 118 WEBSTER LAKE – Middle Pond OXFORD – 26-1 Thayer Pond Dr! 4Rm Lakeside Ave! More Land & House for Waterfront Lot! One of the Absolute Best Condo! 816’ Garden Unit! Water View! Less $$/Taxes! Idle Your Boat to Open Shorelines on the Lake! Perfectly Level! Recently Remodeled! Applianced! Marble Waters! Swim Just Steps Away! Nature Sandy Beach! Western Exposure Across Tile Bath! 1 Bedroom! Central Air! Pool! Lovers Back Yard! 7 Rm Contemp Cape! the Widest Expanse of the Lake with Move-in Condition! Frplcd Fam Rm! 3 Bdrms! Master Bath! 2.5 Sunsets to Die For! 10,183’! $129,900.00 Baths! Don't Pass it By! $364,900.00 Town Services! $325,000.00 WEBSTER LAKE – South Pond! 80’ Waterfront! Perfect 8Rm Custom Colonial! Panoramic Views! Granite Kit! Formal Dining! Frplcd Liv Rm! Master Bdrm/Bath w/Lake Views! Family Rm! 3 Bdrms! 3.5 Baths! Hrdwds! Cathedrals! 2 Car Garage! $749,900 WEBSTER LAKE Middle Pond – Reid Smith Cove! Western Exposure – Beautiful Sunsets! 7Rms! 3/4 Bedrooms! Cathedrals! 1.5Baths! Garage! $498,900.00 2 Additional Waterfront Lots – 8500’! Each $249,000.00 Maher Real Estate Ann Marie Sorensen Danielle Therrien Helen Vangsness RE MILLBURY-”Short Sale” Very motivated seller! 2 BR Ranch w/finished L.L. Recent updates! Priced at 198,000! D O CE ND DUIC CO E R RIF Ronald Garabedian DU CE AUBURN: Pristine 2 BR, 1.5 ba, Condo in Pond View Complex. 15’ LL family room, designated parking for 2 vehicles! REDUCED! $168,500 Janice Ward All local. All the time. Diane Pacevicz Franny Gaudette From all of us at Century 21 Maher Real Estate DUDLEY: Young, Spacious 2700+ sf. home, 2 full and 2 half baths, eat-in kitchen w/ Corian, hardwoods, fplcd FR, 2 tiered deck, pool! $350,000 E AL R Judy Empie A Happy & Prosperous New Year to all our clients. D TS OR SH TE Maryann Johnson Anne Coulson AUBURN-REDUCED!-6 Rm, 3 BR 2 ba w/2 fireplaces! Finished LL for family room or in-laws! 1 acre lot on cul-de-sac! $269,900 INTEREST RATES ARE LOW! We Offer Buyer & Seller Representation Call Today! 508.832.5831 Anne Greenberg Joyce Johnson Owner/Broker 508-958-1742 Sandra Loughlin Owner/Manager 508-769-2605 Sue Kusz Lorraine Jankowski Elie Kahale Chic Beland ILY AM 2F T N OW HO US E WEBSTER-Very nice vinyl-sided 2 OXFORD: Reduced! Nice 3BR, 1.5 bath family w/2 br's each fl. Fully applc'd, 1st fl new kitchen w/center isle and brkfst area. Adorable! Off st parking..2 driveways. Reduced! $189,900 S GE RA GA 4+ end unit townhouse w/full basement, small 5 unit complex, small pets welcome. Just Reduced! $147,000 ••• RENTALS ••• Auburn - 6 RM, 2 BR, Private Yard, Near Mall $1200+ CHARLTON-Lovely 4 BR, 2 Ba Cape on 1.8 acres! New windows/roof, finished L.L. 4+ Garages! $310,000 SOUTHBRIDGE: Brand new, top quality 2 BR, 1.5 ba, 2 story condo! Granite and fully appl. kitchen peninsula, gas fireplace, Central air, large walk-out basement! Reduced! $199,000 Auburn - 10 RM, 5 BR, 2.5 BA, Pool, Nice Yard! $2575.00 Webster - Waterfront 3 BR, 2.5 BA, Garage! $2000+ ######################################################################################################################## Licensed in CT. & MA “Independently owned and operated” JO-ANN SZYMCZAK, CRS, GRI, SRES 508- 943-7669 CONNIE NEDOROSCIK, REALTOR 508-949-3205 View OPEN HOUSES JANUARY 4 TH ... CALL FOR DETAILS SPENCER - $309,000 WEBSTER - Concord Court off Bigelow Rd DUDLEY - A-FRAME Dudley Office Space Available Modern Building DUDLEY - Tobin 6500 sq. ft. 50 plus parking spaces Farm, 2400 sq. ft. Handicap accessible 10 Valley View Dr. Ranch, 4 BR, 3 baths, • Waterview • 2 Baths $9.00 sq. ft. • New Construction 2-C-6, view plans. • New Solar Hot Water System • Granite Counters • Energy Efficient Heat Included • Fireplace • $239,900 • Potential 23x14 room over garage $449,900 WEICHERT FINANCIAL SERVICES...Stephanie Sodeni 508-407-5212 771 Southbridge St., Auburn, MA John Lacob . . . . . . . . 774-287-6756 Butch Daviau . . . . . . . 508-407-5123 Judy Butler . . . . . . . . 508-769-7357 Barry Dworman . . . . . 978-502-9169 Gerry Mahaney . . . . . . 774-239-6178 Real Estate on the Rise! Hope is proud to donate a portion of every commission to a local non-profit charity of OUR clients choice! 43 East Main St. • Webster, MA 01570 Sharon Pelletier Broker Owner June Cazeault Sales Associate 508.943.4333 FIND THEM ALL ON OUR ONLINE DIRECTORY. Ask About the $7,500 Federal Tax Credit! 508-832-5831 Auburn 1-800-563-7019 • Licensed in MA&CT Visit to view homes. EASY-TO-USE WEBSTER LAKE - Killdeer Island WEBSTER LAKE - Spectacular 7 Rm Colonial w/Character & Charm! Views Across Middle Pond! 85' Ideal 2nd Home or Enjoy Year Rd! Waterfront! Huge 20,202' Lot! 11 Rms! Fireplaced! Hardwoods! 2/3 Bdrms! 2 3 Lake Facing Bdrms! 4/5 Bdrms! Baths! Enjoy Nearby Indian Ranch! Ever Master Bath! 3.5 Baths! 2 Frplcs! Changing Water Views! $409,900.00 In-law Apartment! 2 - 1st Flr "Offices"! Additional Adjacent Buildable C/Air! And More! Waterfront Lot! $219,900.00 $749,900.00 ######################################################################################################################## LEICESTER: Colonial, 8 rms, 3 bdrms, 2.5 baths, oak cabinet kitchen to step down family rm, living rm/hardwood flrs, fireplace, master bedroom suite/jet tub/separate shower stall/double sink, lower level game room/knotty pine, in-ground pool set on 1.32 acre wooded lot, 12X12 exterior shed. Minutes to Rtes. 56, 20 & Mass Pike. $309,900. Visit my web site to view BANKS, STOCKS AND LOANS, OH MY! WEBSTER LAKE – 50’ WATER FRONT! 2 Lots as One! On the Lake 3,660', across the Street 10,488’! Panoramic Views of North Pond! Build Your Dream Home! Look Directly Out at the Lake! All the Benefits of a Direct Waterfront at a Fraction of the Price & Taxes! $269,900.00 ###################################################### Acclaim 567 Southbridge Street, Auburn, Massachusetts 01501 ON DEPOSIT WEBSTER – 353 School Street! 2 Family Ready to Move In! Pick Your Apartment - Choose Your Tenant! Identical Flr Plan w/ Bonus Rm on 2nd Flr! Pantry Kitchens, Formal Din Rms, 24' Liv Rms, 3/3 Bdrms! Recent Heat & Roof! 3 Stall Garage! Off Street Parking, Handicap Ramp! $199,900.00 WEBSTER LAKE – Waterfront Lot! WEBSTER LAKE – Middle Pond! Prime Southwestern Build Your Waterfront Vacation Home on Exposure – Spectacular Sunsets! this South Facing "South Pond" Piece of 80’ Waterfront! Level 31,005’Lot! Paradise! 5,486’! Ideal "Solar" Setting! 7Rms! 2 Complete Kitchens! Tired of Cooking, Having Company, 3Bdrms! 3 Baths! Sandy Beach! Walk to Point Breeze Restaurant! Garage! $239,900.00 $698,900.00 ####################################################### WEBSTER LAKE! 6 S. Point Rd! South Pond - Southern Exposure! 95' Waterfront! Ideal Summer or Yr Round Use! 9,823' Lot! Liv Rm w/Lake Views! Open Flr Plan! 2 Bdrms! Full Walk-out Lower Level - Finish for More Rms! Priced Below Assessed Value! $398,900.00 WOODSTOCK - 1979 Route 198! 8Rm Cape! Private/Wooded 3.26 Acres! 3 Bdrms! 1.5 Baths! 2-Car Garage! Sunroom! Deck! Needs TLC! Conveniently Near Southbridge Line, I-84, Rte 20 & MA Pike! $229,900.00 WEBSTER – 36 Wakefield Ave! 6+ Rm Split! 3 Bdrms! Applianced Kit & Din Rm w/Ceramic! Liv Rm w/Hrdwds! Yr Rd Sunroom w/Cathedrals! Full Bath! 17,108' Lot! Nearby Beach! $199,900.00 WEBSTER – 46 Upland Ave! Well Maintained Ranch Style Duplex! 5/4 Rms! 3/2 Bdrms! 1.5/1 Baths! Convenient! Replacement Windows! Hardwoods! New Roof! Recent Boilers! Circuit Breakers! Full Basement! 2 Car Garage! $199,000.00 WEBSTER – 367 Thompson Rd! 8Rm Cape! Move-in Condition! Applianced Kit w/Wood Flr! DinRm w/Hrdwds! Frplcd LivRm! 4Bdrms! 2Baths! Super LL FamRm - Walk-out to 16x24 Deck! 3Z Oil! 1/2 Acre! Below Assessment! $244,900.00 WEBSTER – 121 Thompson Road! Custom 2004! "L" Shaped Colonial! Ideal Place to Live and Work From! 7 Rms! Super Kit! 3 Bdrms! 1.5 Baths! Walk-out Lower Level! C/Air! Porch! Patio! Deck! Turn-around Drive! Walk to Webster Lake! $319,900.00 WEBSTER – 49 Lake Parkway! Super Convenient! Huge 60’ 7Rm Ranch! Cabinet Packed Kit! Frplcd LivRm! Family Rm! 3Bdrms w/Hardwood Floors! Tile Bath! Half Acre Corner Lot! Interior Cosmetics Needed! Garage! $209,900.00 NEW LISTING NEW LISTING DUDLEY – 109 W. Main St! Stately Brick DUDLEY – 14 Edward Rd! 8+ Rm DUDLEY – 26 West Main St! Ideal Colonial! Multi Use! 13 Rms! Single Fam Colonial! 1/2 Acre Corner Lot! Fully Professional Building! Parking to the w/Inlaw Apart / Super 2 Family! Business Applianced! Din Rm w/Chair Rail! Fam Rear! Suitable for a Number of Zoned! Live & Work From Here! Park Like Rm! 1st Flr Laundry! 15x15' Master Opportunities! Updated Colonial! High Grounds! 6/7 Rms! 2/4 Bdrms! 2 Frplcd Liv Bdrm w/Full Bath! 2.5 Baths Total! 3/4 Traffic Count! Excellent Visibility! Rms! 3 Baths! Brand New Furnace! Bdrms! 2 Car Garage w/Openers! $189,900.00 Check It Out!!! $369,900.00 Neighborhood Setting! $289,900.00 WEBSTER LAKE - Exceptional Property! Spectacular Sunsets! 100' Waterfront! 5700'! 4 Fireplaces! Cherry Library! Granite Kitchen! Media Rm! Black Pearl Foyer! Tray Ceilings! Master Suite & Office Suite! Lake Level w/Kitchen &10x20 Resistance Pool! Gardens! Security! And More! $1,799,900.00 THOMPSON – 15 Rachel Dr! Updated 7 Rm Ranch! Cabinet Packed Kit! Din Area w/Sliders to Mahogany Deck! 3 Bdrms! Wood Trim Throughout! Replacement Windows! Partially Finished Lower Level w/Wood Stove & Brick Hearth! Shed! Garage! $194,900.00 Chris Wojciechowski HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! NEW PRICE WEBSTER – 4 Kenneth Ave! Brand New 6Rm Colonial! Quiet Cul-de-Sac! 3Bdrms - Master w/Master Bath! 2.5 Baths Total! Pick Your Carpeting & Counters! Deck! Oil Heat! Town Services! And More! $249,900.00 Adrienne James John Kokocinski • • #1 on the Internet H A P P Y H O L I DAY S ! ! ! WEBSTER - "BRAND NEW" 10 Rm 3,120' Colonial w/9' Ceilings! Granite Kit w/Tile Flr! Din Rm, Liv Rm, 16x26 Frplcd Fam Rm, 1st Flr Office all w/Hrdwds! 4 Bdrms! Master w/Whirlpool Tub! 2.5 Baths! 18x36' Bonus Rm! Pick Your Granite, Cabinets & Carpet! CVac! Network Wired! Hydro Air! $389,900.00 Gary Williams Each Office Independently Owned and Operated 90 Worcester Road Webster $279,900. Spacious 2,361 sf custom cape! Business zoned! Superb location for professional bldg or very fine personal residence!! Quality craftsmanship & extraordinarily well maintained! 4 huge brs. 2 like new ceramic full baths ~ 1 on ea level! Gleaming hardwood floors throughout! Beautifully unique kitchen! 30x24 LL workshop! 9 Frederick Street Webster $325,000. Sale or lease *3 commercial units w/incredible potential* Very appealing waterfront building w/97' direct riverfront! Major updates are done! Including: 30yr architect roof, quality vinyl siding, security lighting, 3 heating/ ac units, 3 electrical services, sprinklers & more! Natural gas, town water/sewer! Large level parking lot! Real Estate Listings Anthony Alfama . . . . . 508-451-0471 Sophie Diaz . . . . . . . . 508-328-4921 Scott Kunkel . . . . . . . 508-479-0139 Sharon Liberty . . . . . . 508-864-7375 Michelle Roy . . . . . . . 508-735-0972 Sullivan Real Estate Group Robert Scully . . . . . . . 508-239-6178 Laurie Sullivan . . . . . . 508-529-0611 Ann Trotto . . . . . . . . . 508-615-7890 Theodore Zajkowski . . 774-696-3103 Sandi Grzyb . . . . . . . . 508-943-6960 508-832-2262 505 Washington St., Auburn, MA 01501 Auburn - $180,000 First time home buyers or buyers looking to down size. Single family, 1100 s.f. living area, 5 room, 3 br, 1 bath,and basement. Ideal for commuters! $180,000. Call Eric forshowing. 508-868-9970. NOW IS THE TIME!!! Give us a call to prepare your home for the Spring Market. Auburn Rental-Condo $1500 per month. Mint condo in great commuter location. Bright sunny 4 room, 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath with attached garage and full basement. Applianced kitchen, dining area with sliders to deck. Hookup for washer and dryer in basement. Minutes from Mass. Pike, 290, 395 or RT.s 12 and 20 Spencer - $475,000 Stiles waterfront. Enjoy year round activity on full recreational lake. Updated heating system, all new windows and storm doors, recent roof. New Title V septic system.Cabinet packed kitchen opens into fireplaced family room. Living room with fireplace with slider to deck. Lot size includes 2 lots across the street that has the well on it. Friday, January 2, 2009 Not everyone is jumping off the cliff The educator and philosopher, Will Durant, said, “A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within.” With that in mind, many Americans cringe at what they see around them, fearing the demise of a great nation. EYOND Advertisements, movies and public conversations have THE EWS sunk to new moral lows; our society as a whole seems to have forfeited the sacred, the JOHN pure and the modest values HANSON that made our country great. Greed and corruption now dominate much of the corporate and political world. Intact families and decent relationships are hard to come by. Hard work, honesty and decency are rare gems in a culture that has removed God from school and the public square and replaced Him with the gods of humanism, science and selfishness. It seems like “everybody’s doing it.” Many of you may remember your parents trying to save you from making the same poor choices your peers were making by arguing, “Just because your friends jump off a cliff, doesn’t B P mean you have to jump off too!” Maybe you are numbered among those who stand dumbfounded at the sea of humanity that is unthinkingly marching toward moral and social suicide. You might be troubled by the overabundance of bad news, bad attitudes and bad relationships. But not everyone is jumping off the cliff. There are bright lights shining in a dark world. Look for them. Celebrate them. Be one of them. Allow me to share just one example of a bright light in our dark world. There are a group of teenagers and young adults, who attend the church I pastor, who have chosen to live on a higher plane than their culture. Not only do they attend church, but they are all involved in some kind of ministry. Several years ago several of them came to me and requested that I allow them to meet for prayer. I gladly agreed and the prayer meetings have been life-changing for them and a great blessing to our assembly. Then, more recently, a few of these youth began writing a weekly blog. They are sharing their values and proclaiming their faith — on their own steam. Their comments can be viewed at If you take time to read their blog, you will quickly notice that the young people mentioned above are choosing to live lives of purity and integrity. They don’t smoke, drink, cuss, sleep around, take off their clothes in public, or watch dirty movies. They are choosing to live addictionfree, chaste and unashamed of their faith. Refreshing, isn’t it? The fact is that, just as civilizations are conquered from within, individuals can only be conquered when they allow themselves to be changed from within. No matter how godless, violent, or immoral the world around us becomes, you and I have control over who we are as individuals. There are still people who are choosing well. There are still families and groups of people who are holding themselves to high standards and enjoying the benefits of hard work, faithfulness and biblical lifestyles. There are still people who attend church regularly, meet in one another’s homes for prayer, and show Christian love to those around them. Some people are standing firm; they’re not jumping. Keep your dignity. Insure integrity within your own mind and heart. Take advantage of God’s promise to fill you with His Spirit and give you inner strength. Choose life. Find others who are doing the same. Be a bright spot in a dark world. Not everyone is jumping off the cliff. Bishop John Hanson is pastor of Acts II Ministries of Thompson CT, where people strive for moral and spiritual excellence. Learn more at Bring in the New Year with Bill McCarthy I hope you enjoy this year’s photo collage featuring some of the great local and regional acts from the 2008 Not So Quiet Corner/Getting in Tune pages. 2009 promises to be another great year of live music for our area, and who better to kick it off than our own musical Baby New Year, Bill McCarthy. He’ll be performing his awesome brand of acoustic power pop favorites and more this Friday, Jan. 2, at Admiral T.J. O’Brien’s in Sturbridge, Mass. Bill also hosts an exciting open mic each Thursday at O’Brien’s, so stop in to hear so of the best up and coming local talents. Musicians can sign up in advance to perform by visiting w w w. a n g e l f i r e . c o m / m a 2 / openmcc and e-mailing Bill at Happy New Year, and I look forward to Getting in Tune with you in 2009! FRIDAY, JAN. 2 • White Chocolate, Mocha Java, The Humans, Sun Lea — 8 p.m., Lucky Dog, Worcester, Mass. • Dr. Robert — Sakura Tokyo, Worcester, Mass. • Bill McCarthy — 9 p.m. to midnight, Admiral T.J. O’Brien’s, Sturbridge, Mass. • Irish Session with The Pikeys: Rose and Fred Higgins, Patrick Fyfe and Friends — 9 p.m., Dark Horse Tavern, 12 Crane St., Southbridge, Mass. • Curtis Brand and open mic — 7:45 p.m., Vanilla Bean Cafe, Pomfret, Conn., $5. • RAM — 9 p.m., Altones, Jewett City, Conn. • A Night at the Rock Opera — 8 p.m., The Wolf Den, Mohegan Sun, Uncasville, Conn. MONDAY, JAN. 5 • Open mic — 8 p.m., Dark Horse Tavern, 12 Crane St., Southbridge, Mass. TUESDAY, JAN. 6 • Bill McCarthy’s Open Mic — 7:30 p.m., Greendale’s Pub, Worcester, Mass. THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF THE RECONCILIATION, 5 N. Main St., Webster, MA 01570, 508-943-8714, Web site:, e-mail:, office hours: Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Rev. Janice C. Ford, Pastor and Priest-inCharge. Sunday Services of Holy Eucharist at 10 a.m. (with coffee hour following), and 5 p.m. (quiet service). Sunday School begins at 9:30 a.m. Nursery care available beginning at 9:45 a.m. CATHOLIC APOSTOLIC NATIONAL CHURCH, hosted at the Church of the Reconciliation, 5 North Main St. For information, contact: Father Brian D. McIntyre, SCR (508) 641-5672 saintjoseph5672 Holy Mass every Sunday at 4 p.m Prayers for healing on the, 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month at 6:30 p.m. FAITH ASSEMBLY OF GOD, corner of Lincoln and Nelson streets. (508) 943-6758. The Rev. Kent Whitecotten. Sundays, 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. CHURCH OF CHRIST-WEBSTER, 168 Main St. in the “Joslin House,” corner of Mechanic Street. (508) 765-6067. Evangelist Peter Capoccia. Bible study Sundays, 9 a.m., worship Sundays, 10:30 a.m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF WEBSTER, 33 E. Main St. (508) 943-3554. The Rev. Thomas B. Harmon. Sundays, 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Adults’ and children’s Sunday school, 10 a.m. HOLY TRINITY CHURCH, NATIONAL CATHOLIC, 68 Lake St. (508) 943-0608. Rev. Dr. Stanley Kaszubski, interim pastor. Saturdays, 4 p.m. All are welcome. STS. CONSTANTINE AND HELEN CHURCH, 35 Lake Parkway. (508) 949-7623. The Rev. Luke A. Veronis. Divine Liturgy Sundays, 9:30 a.m. (summer) or 10 a.m. (September to May). SATURDAY, JAN. 3 • Live country music — 4 to 7 p.m., The Knights of Columbus, 1017 Riverside Drive (Route 12), North Grosvenordale, Conn. • Say When, Joshua Tree, Ernie and The Automatics, Tim Blane — 4 p.m., The Wolf Den, Mohegan Sun, Uncasville, Conn. WEBSTER SHARING GOD’S LOVE MINISTRY, 9 E. Main St. (508) 949-6497. Pastor Richard Mongeon. Sunday School, 10 a.m. Services, 11 a.m. Wednesday bible study, 6 p.m. All are welcome. Handicapped accessible. MARK RENBURKE SUNDAY, JAN. 4 CHURCH LISTINGS SACRED HEART OF JESUS, 18 E. Main St. (508) 943-3140. The Rev. Michael J. Roy. Saturdays, 4 p.m. Sundays, 9 and 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Sunday morning worship a 8 a.m. and 10 a.m., June, July and August. GETTING IN TUNE • Brandt Taylor — Spruce Street Tavern, 8 p.m., Clinton, Mass. • The Dave Rivers Group, Goosepimp Orchestra, Acoustic BJ, Opel — 8 p.m., Lucky Dog, Worcester, Mass. • Dr. Robert — Sakura Tokyo, Worcester, Mass. • Paul Geremia — 8 p.m., Vanilla Bean Cafe, Pomfret, Conn., $20. • 2Parquettes (Larry and Will) — 9:30 p.m., The Gold Eagle, 8 Tracy Road, Dayville, Conn. • A Night at the Rock Opera — 8 p.m., The Wolf Den, Mohegan Sun, Uncasville, Conn. • THE WEBSTER TIMES • 5 ST. JOSEPH BASILICA, St. Joseph Basilica, 53 Whitcomb St., Webster, MA 01570, 508-943-0467, Rev. Monsignor Anthony Czarnecki, Saturdays, 4 p.m., Sundays, 7 a.m. and 11 a.m. (Polish), 8:15 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. (English), Holy Day Vigil, 5 p.m., Holy Day Masses, 7 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. (English) 8:15 a.m. (Polish) 7 p.m. (Bi-lingual). ABOVE: Getting in Tune 2008 BELOW: - Bill McCarthy WEDNESDAY, JAN. 7 • RAM — 9 p.m., Lucky’s, Foster, R.I. THURSDAY, JAN. 8 • Bill McCarthy’s Open Mic — 8 p.m., TJ O’Brien’s, Sturbridge, Mass. • Songwriter Sessions with Lisa Martin — 7 p.m., Vanilla Bean Cafe, Pomfret, Conn. • Johnny and the East Coast Rockers — 7 p.m., The Wolf Den, Mohegan Sun, Uncasville, Conn. If you’re a live act who would like to be featured, know of someone else who is or simply want to let us know about an upcoming gig, e-mail me at GettingInTune@MarkRenburke. com. Anything I get before Friday of each week will make the following Friday’s paper. Keep the music live and not so quiet here in Northeastern Connecticut and Central Massachusetts! ST. LOUIS CHURCH, 15 Lake St. (508) 943-0240. The Rev. Joseph Marcotte. Saturdays, 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Sundays, 7, 9 and 11 a.m. (English) and 1 p.m. (Spanish). UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST, FEDERATED, 4 Church St. (508) 943-0061. Sundays, worship and service at 10 a.m. DUDLEY CALVARY ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH, 105 Southbridge Road. (508) 949-3711. The Rev. Patrick O’Loughlin. Sundays, 10:30 a.m. Adult Bible study, Wednesdays, 7 p.m. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF DUDLEY, Conant Memorial, United Church of Christ, 135 Center Road. (508) 943-7320. Rev. John R. White. Sunday Worship 10 a.m. Sunday School 10 a.m. Nursery provided. Adult Study Sun. 8:30 a.m.. Sign Language Interpretation: Available fourth Sunday of the month. Open & Affirming Congregation. All are welcome. Handicapped Accessible. ST. ANDREW BOBOLA, 54 W. Main St. (508) 9435633. The Rev. Joseph Szwach. Saturdays, 4:45 p.m. Sundays, 9:15 a.m. (in Polish), 8 and 10:30 a.m. (in English). ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA CHURCH, 22 Dudley Hill Road. (508) 943-0470. The Rev. Paul Campbell. Sat., 4 p.m. Sun., 8:30 and 11 a.m. ST. COLUMBA ANGLICAN CHURCH, Nichols College Chapel, Center Road. (860) 779-3476. The Rev. Donald Farrell. Sundays, 10 a.m. OXFORD CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS, 9 Old Webster Road. (508) 987-1083. Bishop Fred Cox. Sundays, 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. • Auctions • FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF NORTH OXFORD, 693 Main St. (508) 987-5633. Pastor Renee D. Kaufman. Sundays, 9:15 a.m. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, 355 Main St. (508) 987-2211. The Rev. Samuel W. Young. Sundays, 9:30 a.m. STILES RESERVOIR GRACE CHURCH “EPISCOPAL, 270 Main St. (508) 987-0084. Holy Eucharist (Rite 1), Saturdays, 6:30 p.m., Sundays, 8 a.m. Prayer, Sundays, 10:10 a.m. Holy Eucharist (Rite 2), Sundays, 10:30 a.m. OAK HILL BIBLE CHURCH, 40 Sacarrappa Road. (508) 987-0287. Senior Pastor Glenn Rice. Sundays, 9:30 a.m. Sunday school, 11 a.m. OXFORD UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, 465 Main Street (508) 987-5378, the Rev. Paula Fletcher. Sunday Worship, 10 a.m. Nursery care provided. Sunday School for Kindergarten through Adults at 9 a.m ST. ANN’S CHURCH, 652 Main St. (508) 987-8892. The Rev. James M. Steuterman. Saturdays, 4 p.m. Sundays, 9 and 11:00 a.m. ST. ROCH’S CHURCH, 334 Main St. (508) 987-8987. Monsignor Louis R. Piermarini. Saturdays, 4 p.m. Sundays, 8:15, 9:30 and 11 a.m. TABERNACLE OF PRAISE ASSEMBLY OF GOD, 8 Maple Road. (508) 987-7707. The Rev. Sue Lynch. Sundays, 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Bible study, Wednesdays, 7 p.m. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH, 70 S. Main St. (508) 987-1248, Pastor Andrew Simon, Sundays, 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.; Sunday School, 9 a.m.; weeknight worship on Tuesdays at 6 p.m. 6 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • Friday, January 2, 2009 OBITUARIES Marvin W. Simpson, 84 Continued from page B 2 Doris R. Graham, 82 QUINEBAUG, Conn. — Doris R. (Bernard) Graham, 82, of 430 Fabyan Road, died Sunday, Dec. 21, at home. She was the wife of Raymond Graham, who died in 2001. She leaves two sons, Robert G. Graham of Dublin, Ireland, and Bernard R. Graham of North Grosvenordale; two daughters, Karen Graham-Hardell of North Grosvenordale and Rae A. Deslauriers of Quinebaug; five grandchildren and four great-grandchildren; and her companion, Norman Despelteau, of Putnam. The daughter of the late Henry and Lillian (Raymond) Bernard, she was born in North Grosvenordale and lived in Quinebaug all her life. Mrs. Graham was the office manager at Archambault Insurance in Putnam for many years. She was a member of the Daughters of Isabella and the Ladies of Saint Anne. The secretary for the Putnam Seniors, she was very active in the Thompson, Putnam and Oxford senior centers. Her funeral was held Saturday, Dec. 27, at St. Joseph Church in North Grosvenordale. Private entombment was in the St. Joseph Garden of Peace Cemetery in Webster. Shaw-Majercik Funeral Home, of Webster, was in charge of arrangements. In lieu of flowers, donations in her memory can be made to Hospice of Northeastern Connecticut, Pomfret Street, Putnam, CT 06260. WEBSTER — Marvin W. Simpson, 84, of Webster, formerly of Top View Drive in Quinebaug, Conn., died Sunday, Dec. 21, in Worcester. Born in Sturbridge, he was the son of the late Eugene and Frances (Clarke) Simpson. Marvin moved from Sturbridge to Southbridge in 1950 and then to the Quinebaug, Conn., in 1962, where he resided until moving to Webster in 2002. He was the husband of the late Lillian (Kazlusky) Simpson for 46 years, whom he married in Saint Joseph Rectory, North Grosvenordale, Conn., Jan. 7, 1950. Mr. Simpson was employed by American Optical as a Pricing Manager until his retirement. He was a World War II Navy veteran. He was a Mason in Sturbridge, and had many hobbies, among them, golfing, bowling, playing cards, visiting casinos, and traveling. Mr. Simpson leaves his son, Gregory Simpson and his wife Li-Chen Peng of Middletown, Conn.; six brothers, Roger of Dudley, Arnold of Southbridge, Gordon and Raymond of Sturbridge, Calvin of Detroit, Mich., and Charles of Birmingham, Mich.; and several nieces and nephews. Friends and relatives visited Marvin’s family Friday, Dec. 26, in the Valade Funeral Home, 23 Main St., N. Grosvenordale, Conn., with a Mass of Christian Burial in Saint Stephen Church, 130 Old Turnpike Rd., Quinebaug. Burial with military honors was Saturday, Dec. 27, in Saint Casimir Cemetery, Muhlenberg, Penn. Flowers are welcome or donations may be made to Protectors of Animals, P.O. Box 24, South Glastonbury, CT 06073. LEGALS NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Patricia S. Davis to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., dated June 16, 2005 and recorded with the Worcester County (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds at Book 36647, Page 351, of which mortgage Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. is the present holder, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing, the same will be sold at Public Auction at 1:00 p.m. on January 16, 2009, on the mortgaged premises located at 11 Highcrest Park, Building 3, Unit 2, Highcrest Condominium, Webster, Worcester County, Massachusetts, all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, TO WIT: Unit 2 in Building 3 of the Highcrest Condominium, which was created pursuant to Master Deed dated July 24, 1986 and recorded with Worcester County Registry of Deeds in Book 9638, Page 361, as amended. The Unit is laid out as shown on the plans recorded with said Master Deed and on a copy of a portion of which is recorded with the first unit deed out of said unit and to which is affixed a verified statement in the form provided in M.G.L. Ch. 183A, Sec. 9. It is subject to and with the benefit of the obligations, restrictions, rights and liabilities contained in General Laws Chapter 183A, the Master Deed and the By-Laws filed therewith. The Condominium and each of the units is intended for residential purposes and other uses permitted by the applicable Zoning Ordinances and as set forth in the Master Deed. For mortgagor's title see deed recorded with Worcester County (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds in Book 32640, Page 40. These premises will be sold and conveyed subject to and with the benefit of all rights, rights of way, restrictions, easements, covenants, liens or claims in the nature of liens, improvements, public assessments, any and all unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax liens, water and sewer liens and any other municipal assessments or liens or existing encumbrances of record which are in force and are applicable, having priority over said mortgage, whether or not reference to such restrictions, easements, improvements, liens or encumbrances is made in the deed. TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars by certified or bank check will be required to be paid by the purchaser at the time and place of sale. The balance is to be paid by certified or bank check at Harmon Law Offices, P.C., 150 California Street, Newton, Massachusetts 02458, or by mail to P.O. Box 610389, Newton Highlands, Massachusetts 02461-0389, within thirty (30) days from the date of sale. Deed will be provided to purchaser for recording upon receipt in full of the purchase price. The description of the premises contained in said mortgage shall control in the event of an error in this publication. Other terms, if any, to be announced at the sale. COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC. Present holder of said mortgage By its Attorneys, HARMON LAW OFFICES, P.C. 150 California Street Newton, MA 02458 (617) 558-0500 200809-0146 - GRN December 26, 2008 January 2, 2009 January 9, 2009 NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Kevin R. Turner a/k/a Kevin Turner to Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., dated September 19, 2005 and recorded with the Worcester County (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds at Book 37350, Page 323, of which mortgage Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. is the present holder, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing, the same will be sold at Public Auction at 11:00 a.m. on January 15, 2009, on the mortgaged premises located at 68 Pleasant Street, Unit 27, Fairway Woods Condominium, Oxford, Worcester County, Massachusetts, all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, TO WIT: Unit No. 27 (the 'Unit') of Fairway Woods Condominium created pursuant to Mass. General laws c.183A by master Deed dated August 1, 1986, and recorded with Worcester County Registry of Deeds in Book 10010, Page 111, as amended of record. The Unit is laid out as shown on the plans recorded with the first Unit Deed of record to which is affixed a verified statement in the form provided by G.L.c. 183A s. 9. The Unit is conveyed, together with garage GF1 and together with an undivided 1. 52nd of 1.923076923 precent interest in the common areas and facilities of the Condominium. The Unit is conveyed subject to and with the benefit of the terms and provisions of (a) M.G.L. c.183A; (b) the Master Deed; (c) the Declaration of Trust and documents establishing the organization of unit owners and the By-Laws as amended and (d) the first Deed of said Unit. For mortgagor's(s') title see deed recorded with Worcester County (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds in Book 37350, Page 320. These premises will be sold and conveyed subject to and with the benefit of all rights, rights of way, restrictions, easements, covenants, liens or claims in the nature of liens, improvements, public assessments, any and all unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax liens, water and sewer liens and any other municipal assessments or liens or existing encumbrances of record which are in force and are applicable, having priority over said mortgage, whether or not reference to such restrictions, easements, improvements, liens or encumbrances is made in the deed. TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars by certified or bank check will be required to be paid by the purchaser at the time and place of sale. The balance is to be paid by certified or bank check at Harmon Law Offices, P.C., 150 California Street, Newton, Massachusetts 02458, or by mail to P.O. Box 610389, Newton Highlands, Massachusetts 02461-0389, within thirty (30) days from the date of sale. Deed will be provided to purchaser for recording upon receipt in full of the purchase price. The description of the premises contained in said mortgage shall control in the event of an error in this publication. Other terms, if any, to be announced at the sale. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Present holder of said mortgage By its Attorneys, HARMON LAW OFFICES, P.C. 150 California Street Newton, MA 02458 (617) 558-0500 200808-1804 - BLU December 19, 2008 December 26, 2008 January 2, 2009 NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Christopher Allan Chasse to Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., dated November 22, 2006 and recorded with the Worcester County (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds at Book 40219, Page 172, of which mortgage Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. is the present holder, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing, the same will be sold at Public Auction at 9:00 a.m. on January 12, 2009, on the mortgaged premises located at 2 Linwood Street , Webster, County, MA, all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, TO WIT: A certain parcel of land with the buildings thereon of as nature and description and all the privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging, situated on the easterly side of Summer Street and the southerly side of Linwood Street, and being shown as parcel “B” on a plan entitled “Plan of Land in Webster, Mass. Surveyed for Laurent mongeau dated February 29, 1980 a, Robert F. Para, Land Surveyor and recorded with the Worcester District Registry of Deeds, Plan book 473, Plan 117, further bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pipe on the easterly side of Linwood Street, at the northwest corner of tract herein described; THENCE North 79 decrees 23’ East along the southerly side of Linwood Street, a distance of one hundred forty-nine and 40/100ths (149.40) feet to an iron pipe; THENCE South 13 degrees 06’ 50” East along Parcel “A”, a distance of one hundred fifty-eight and 91/100ths (158.91) feet to an iron pipe; THENCE South 81 degrees 20’ 50” West along land of the Inhabitants of the Town of Webster, a distance of thirty-five and 00/100ths (35.00) feet to an iron pipe; THENCE North 9 degrees 41’ 10” West along land now or formerly of Donald Gilbert, a distance of ninety-eight and 00/100ths (98.00) feet to a stake; THENCE South 79 degrees 11’ 06” West along land now or formerly of Gilbert, a distance of one hundred twenty-two and 10/100ths (122.10) feet to an iron pipe on the easterly side of Summer Street; THENCE North 11 degrees 25’ West along the easterly side of Summer Street, a distance of sixty and 00/100ths (60.00) feet to the iron pipe at the point of beginning. Containing an area of 12,135 square feet. Being the same premises as described in the Deed recorded in Book 35374, Page 175. For mortgagor's(s') title see deed recorded with the Worcester County (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds in Book 40219, Page 171. These premises will be sold and conveyed subject to and with the benefit of all rights, rights of way, restrictions, easements, covenants, liens or claims in the nature of liens, improvements, public assessments, any and all unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax liens, water and sewer liens and any other municipal assessments or liens or existing encumbrances of record which are in force and are applicable, having priority over said mortgage, whether or not reference to such restrictions, easements, improvements, liens or encumbrances is made in the deed. TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars by certified or bank check will be required to be paid by the purchaser at the time and place of sale. The balance is to be paid by certified or bank check at Harmon Law Offices, P.C., 150 California Street, Newton, Massachusetts 02458, or by mail to P.O. Box 610389, Newton Highlands, Massachusetts 02461-0389, within thirty (30) days from the date of sale. Deed will be provided to purchaser for recording upon receipt in full of the purchase price. The description of the premises contained in said mortgage shall control in the event of an error in this publication. Other terms, if any, to be announced at the sale. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Present holder of said mortgage By its Attorneys, HARMON LAW OFFICES, P.C. 150 California Street Newton, MA 02458 (617) 558-0500 200705-1084 - BLU December 19, 2008 December 26, 2008 January 2, 2009 NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Richard Bailey to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., dated November 14, 2005 and recorded with the Worcester County (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds at Book 37788, Page 129, of which mortgage U.S. Bank, N.A. as trustee is the present holder, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing, the same will be sold at Public Auction at 1:00 p.m. on January 14, 2009, on the mortgaged premises located at 31 Rocky Hill Road, Oxford, Worcester County, Massachusetts, all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, TO WIT: A certain parcel of land with buildings thereon located on the southerly side of Rocky Hill Road in the Town of Oxford, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, shown as Lot 4 on a plan entitled ''Revised Plan of Land in Oxford, Massachusetts owned by Betty Caplette Builder, Inc.'' dated September 13, 1987, and recorded with the Worcester District Plan Book 583, Plan 125. BEGINNING at the northwesterly corner of the lot to be conveyed at a point on Rocky Hill Road; THENCE S. 68° 54' E. a distance of 76.00 feet; THENCE along a curve to the right with a radius of 20 feet a distance of 30.04 feet to a point; THENCE S. 17° 10' W. by the northerly line of a ''proposed roadway'', a distance of 223.09 feet to a point; THENCE N. 57° 17' 11'' W. a distance of 85.63 feet to a point; THENCE N. 15° 46' 52'' E. a distance of 106.68 feet; THENCE N. 12° 45' E. a distance of 119 feet to point of beginning. Said lot containing 20,140 square feet. For mortgagor's(s') title see deed recorded with Worcester County (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds in Book 37788, Page 127. These premises will be sold and conveyed subject to and with the benefit of all rights, rights of way, restrictions, easements, covenants, liens or claims in the nature of liens, improvements, public assessments, any and all unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax liens, water and sewer liens and any other municipal assessments or liens or existing encumbrances of record which are in force and are applicable, having priority over said mortgage, whether or not reference to such restrictions, easements, improvements, liens or encumbrances is made in the deed. TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of Five Thousand ($5,000.00 ) Dollars by certified or bank check will be required to be paid by the purchaser at the time and place of sale. The balance is to be paid by certified or bank check at Harmon Law Offices, P.C., 150 California Street, Newton, Massachusetts 02458, or by mail to P.O. Box 610389, Newton Highlands, Massachusetts 02461-0389, within thirty (30) days from the date of sale. Deed will be provided to purchaser for recording upon receipt in full of the purchase price. The description of the premises contained in said mortgage shall control in the event of an error in this publication. Other terms, if any, to be announced at the sale. U.S. BANK, N.A. AS TRUSTEE Present holder of said mortgage By its Attorneys, HARMON LAW OFFICES, P.C. 150 California Street Newton, MA 02458 (617) 558-0500 200709-1905 - ORE December 19, 2008 December 26, 2008 January 2, 2009 NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Thomas P. Damstrom to New Century Mortgage Corporation, dated June 30, 2005 and recorded with the Worcester County (Northern District) Registry of Deeds at Book 36698, Page 178, of which mortgage Turn To LEGALS, page 7 Friday, January 2, 2009 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • 7 LEGALS LEGALS continued from page 6 U.S. Bank National Association, as Trustee for the Structured Asset Investment Loan Trust, 2005-9 is the present holder, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing, the same will be sold at Public Auction at 3:00 p.m. on January 12, 2009, on the mortgaged premises located at 185 Main Street , Oxford, Worcester County, Massachusetts, all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, TO WIT: The land in Oxford, Massachusetts, with the buildings thereon located on the westerly side of South Main Street, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the northeasterly corner of the tract herein conveyed at an iron pipe driven in the ground on the westerly side of South Main Street, in said Oxford, it being the southeasterly corner of land now or formerly of Wilfred P. Trombley, known as the garage lot: THENCE N. 77 degrees West about Two hundred seventeen and 5/10 (217.5) feet by said land of Wilfred P. Trombley to an iron pin driven in the ground at land now or formerly of one Victor Casavant et ux; THENCE S. 26 degrees 30' West Fifty-nine (59) feet by land of said Casavant to an iron pin driven in the ground; THENCE S. 32 degrees 10' West Four and 4/10 (4.4) feet by Iand of said Casavant to an iron pin driven in the ground; THENCE S. 77 degrees East about Two hundred thirty and 5/10 (230.5) feet by other land now or formerly of Trombley to a stone bound W.C.H. on the westerly side of said South Main Street; THENCE N. 15 degrees 15' East Sixty-one and 7/10 (61.7) feet by the westerly side of said South Main Street to the point of beginning. For mortgagor's(s') title see deed recorded with Worcester County (Northern District) Registry of Deeds in Book 30215, Page 341. These premises will be sold and conveyed subject to and with the benefit of all rights, rights of way, restrictions, easements, covenants, liens or claims in the nature of liens, improvements, public assessments, any and all unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax liens, water and sewer liens and any other municipal assessments or liens or existing encumbrances of record which are in force and are applicable, having priority over said mortgage, whether or not reference to such restrictions, easements, improvements, liens or encumbrances is made in the deed. TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of Five Thousand ($5,000.00 ) Dollars by certified or bank check will be required to be paid by the purchaser at the time and place of sale. The balance is to be paid by certified or bank check at Harmon Law Offices, P.C., 150 California Street, Newton, Massachusetts 02458, or by mail to P.O. Box 610389, Newton Highlands, Massachusetts 02461-0389, within thirty (30) days from the date of sale. Deed will be provided to purchaser for recording upon receipt in full of the purchase price. The description of the premises contained in said mortgage shall control in the event of an error in this publication. Other terms, if any, to be announced at the sale. U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR THE STRUCTURED ASSET INVESTMENT LOAN TRUST, 2005-9 Present holder of said mortgage By its Attorneys, HARMON LAW OFFICES, P.C. 150 California Street Newton, MA 02458 (617) 558-0500 200801-2791 - YEL December 19, 2008 December 26, 2008 January 2, 2009 NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Joy Garcia to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., dated April 26, 2006 and recorded with the Worcester County (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds at Book 38873, Page 260, of which mortgage U.S. Bank National Association as Trustee is the present holder, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing, the same will be sold at Public Auction at 3:00 p.m. on January 14, 2009, on the mortgaged premises located at 162 Main Street, Oxford, Worcester County, Massachusetts, all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, TO WIT: The land with the buildings thereon described as follows: BEGINNING at the southwesterly corner of the tract to be conveyed at an iron pin driven in the ground on the easterly line of Main Street, Massachusetts State layout of 1933, also being the northwesterly corner of land now or formerly of Nicholas C. Chomes and Michelina M. Chomes; THENCE Northerly by the easterly line of said Street by a curve to the left whose radius is two thousand thirty-two and 50 (2032.50) feet and length is seventy-five (75.0) feet to an iron pipe driven in the ground at land now or formerly of Nelson Cournoyer; THENCE by land now or formerly of Coumoyer, South 69 37' East, one hundred seventeen and sixty-five hundredths (117.65) feet to a stake on the westerly tine of the former State Highway, layout of 1916; THENCE by the westerly line of said Highway, South 38 55' West, eighty-five (85.0) feet to an iron pod drive in the ground at land of aforesaid Chomes; THENCE by said land of said Chomes, North 65 28' West, eighty-seven and twenty-five hundredths (87.250) feet to the point of beginning. Containing 7,981 sqaure feet. Subject to restrictions of record. For mortgagor's title see deed recorded with Worcester County (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds in Book 26138, Page 308. These premises will be sold and conveyed subject to and with the benefit of all rights, rights of way, restrictions, easements, covenants, liens or claims in the nature of liens, improvements, public assessments, any and all unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax liens, water and sewer liens and any other municipal assessments or liens or existing encumbrances of record which are in force and are applicable, having priority over said mortgage, whether or not reference to such restrictions, easements, improvements, liens or encumbrances is made in the deed. TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of Five Thousand ($5,000.00 ) Dollars by certified or bank check will be required to be paid by the purchaser at the time and place of sale. The balance is to be paid by certified or bank check at Harmon Law Offices, P.C., 150 California Street, Newton, Massachusetts 02458, or by mail to P.O. Box 610389, Newton Highlands, Massachusetts 02461-0389, within thirty (30) days from the date of sale. Deed will be provided to purchaser for recording upon receipt in full of the purchase price. The description of the premises contained in said mortgage shall control in the event of an error in this publication. Other terms, if any, to be announced at the sale. U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AS TRUSTEE Present holder of said mortgage By its Attorneys, HARMON LAW OFFICES, P.C. 150 California Street Newton, MA 02458 (617) 558-0500 200711-0371 - YEL December 19, 2008 December 26, 2008 January 2, 2009 MORTGAGEE’S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage given by Raymond J. Phelps and Susan J. Latour-Phelps to AMC Mortgage Services, Inc., dated February 16, 2007 and recorded with the Worcester County (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds at Book 40788, Page 1 of which the Mortgage the undersigned is the present holder by assignment for breach of the conditions of said Mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing same will be sold at Public Auction at 09:00 AM on January 15, 2009 at 167 West Main Street, Dudley, MA, all and singular the premises described in said Mortgage, to wit: The land referred to herein is situated in the State of Massachusetts, County of Worchester described as follows: A certain parcel of land with the buildings thereon situated in the town of Dudley, commonwealth of Massachusetts, on West Main Street in said town bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of the land to be conveyed and the southerly sideline of West Main Street.; Thence S. 10 degrees 36' 00" W. 308.26 Feet to a point; Thence S. 11 degrees 43' 17" W. 307.92 feet to a point; Thence S. 76 degrees 00' 00" E. 387.00 feet to a point; Thence N. 02 degrees 56' 49" W. 732.00 feet to a point; Thence S. 77 degrees 35' 10" W. 227.4 feet to the point of beginning. Being the same premises conveyed to the grantor by deed of Richard R. Kelly and Ramona L. Kelly, recorded with the Worcester District Registry of deeds book 18185 page 184. Excepting therefrom a certain parcel of land containing 43,560 square feet, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of the aforesaid parcel; Thence S. 10 degrees 35' 53" W. 178.79 feet to a point; Thence S. 13 degrees 45' 03" W. 75.56 feet to a point; Thence S. 10 degrees 04' 40" W. 16.74 feet to a point; Thence S. 04 degrees 28' 31" W. 37.44 feet to a point; Thence S. 11 degrees 43' 17" W. 197.92 feet to a point; Thence S. 76 degrees 00' 00" E. 57.00 feet to a point; Thence N. 22 degrees 26' 31" E. 295.02 feet to a point; Thence N. 05 degrees 05' 22" W. 250.00 feet to a point; Thence S. 77 degrees 35' 10" E. 50.01 feet to the point of beginning. The premises are to be sold subject to and with the benefit of all easements, restrictions, building and zoning laws, unpaid taxes, tax titles, water bills, municipal liens and assessments, rights of tenants and parties in possession. TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS AND 00 CENTS ($5,000.00) in the form of a certified check or bank treasurer’s check will be required to be delivered at or before the time the bid is offered. The successful bidder will be required to execute a Foreclosure Sale Agreement immediately after the close of the bidding. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid within thirty (30) days from the sale date in the form of a certified check, bank treasurer’s check or other check satisfactory to Mortgagee’s attorney. The Mortgagee reserves the right to bid at the sale, to reject any and all bids, to continue the sale and to amend the terms of the sale by written or oral announcement made before or during the foreclosure sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. The description of the premises contained in said mortgage shall control in the event of an error in this publication. TIME WILL BE OF THE ESSENCE. Other terms if any, to be announced at the sale. US Bank National Association, As Trustee of Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust Inc, Asset Backed Pass Through Certificates, Series 2007-AMC4 Under the Pooling and Servicing Agreement Dated June 1, 2007, Present Holder of said Mortgage, By Its Attorneys, Orlans Moran PLLC, P.O. Box 962169, Boston, MA 02196, (617) 502-4100 (214.7498/Phelps)(12/19/08, 12/26/08, 01/02/09)(136382) December 19, 2008 December 26, 2008 January 2, 2009 NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Jennifer Galligan to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., dated October 24, 2005 and recorded with the Worcester County (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds at Book 37645, Page 331, of which mortgage Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee for Morgan Stanley Loan Trust 2006-NC2 is the present holder, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing, the same will be sold at Public Auction at 4:00 p.m. on January 26, 2009, on the mortgaged premises located at 6 West Dudley Road, Dudley, Worcester County, Massachusetts, all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, TO WIT: The land in said Dudley with the buildings thereon situated in West Dudley on the southerly side of Paper Mill Road, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the northwesterly corner thereof, at an iron pin at the end of a stone wall on the southerly side of Paper Mill Road, at land of M. Inez Jordan; Thence N. 65 degrees 29' E. by the southerly side of Paper Mill Road 23.2 feet to an iron pin at land of Rhode Island Card Board Company; Thence by land of Rhode Island Card Board Company; S. 24 degrees E.156.05 feet to an iron pin, and N. 63 degrees 18' E 239.5 feet to an iron pin on the westerly bank of the Quinebaug River, and continuing in the same course by land of said Company a further distance of 20 feet more or less to said River; Thence southerly by the Quinebaug River 463 feet more or less to said Jordan land at the line of a stone wall extended easterly; Thence S.73 degrees 02' W. by said Jordan land 15 feet more or less to an iron pin on the bank of said River, and continuing in the same course along said stone wall by said Jordan land 315.38 feet to an iron pin at a corner of walls; Thence along wall by said Jordan land; N. 20 degrees 39' W. 168.71 feet to an iron pin, and N. 24 degrees W. 398.39 feet to the point of beginning. For mortgagor's(s') title see deed recorded with Worcester County (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds in Book 37645, Page 329. These premises will be sold and conveyed subject to and with the benefit of all rights, rights of way, restrictions, easements, covenants, liens or claims in the nature of liens, improvements, public assessments, any and all unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax liens, water and sewer liens and any other municipal assessments or liens or existing encumbrances of record which are in force and are applicable, having priority over said mortgage, whether or not reference to such restrictions, easements, improvements, liens or encumbrances is made in the deed. TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars by certified or bank check will be required to be paid by the purchaser at the time and place of sale. The balance is to be paid by certified or bank check at Harmon Law Offices, P.C., 150 California Street, Newton, Massachusetts 02458, or by mail to P.O. Box 610389, Newton Highlands, Massachusetts 02461-0389, within thirty (30) days from the date of sale. Deed will be provided to purchaser for recording upon receipt in full of the purchase price. The description of the premises contained in said mortgage shall control in the event of an error in this publication. Other terms, if any, to be announced at the sale. DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE FOR MORGAN STANLEY LOAN TRUST 2006-NC2 Present holder of said mortgage By its Attorneys, HARMON LAW OFFICES, P.C. 150 California Street Newton, MA 02458 (617) 558-0500 200802-1590 - YEL January 2, 2009 January 9, 2009 January 16, 2009 NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Gwen E. O’Neil to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., dated June 14, 2007 and recorded with the Worcester County (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds at Book 41316, Page 233, of which mortgage Aurora Loan Services, LLC is the present holder, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing, the same will be sold at Public Auction at 3:00 p.m. on January 28, 2009, on the mortgaged premises located at 201 Main Street, Oxford, Worcester County, Massachusetts, all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, TO WIT: The land with the buildings thereon and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging, situated in Oxford, Worcester County, Massachusetts, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the most easterly corner of the tract to be conveyed at an iron pipe driven into the ground on the westerly line of Main Street, being Massachusetts State Highway Route Number 12, Layout of 1933, and said pipe also being the most southerly corner of land now or formerly owned by the Worcester County Electric Company; THENCE by the westerly line of said highway, s. 22’ 44’ ninety-three and 06/100 (93.06) feet to a Massachusetts State Highway boundary post at the beginning of a curve; THENCE southerly by the westerly line of said highway, by a curve to the left whose radius is 2,032.50 feet and length is seven feet to an iron pipe driven in the ground at other land now or formerly of Victor Casavant et ux; THENCE by said land of Casavant, N. 71’ 57’ W. one hundred twentysix (126) feet to an iron pipe driven in the ground; THENCE by other land now or formerly of said Casavant, N. 54’ 30’ W. one hundred forty-seven and 50/100 (147.50) feet to a drill hole in a concrete boundary post at land now or formerly of the Town of Oxford; THENCE by land of the Town of Oxford, n. 18’ 17’ E. ninety-three and 77/100 (93.77) feet to an iron pipe driven in the ground at land now or formerly of Worcester County Electric Company; THENCE by land of said Company, S. 64’ 58’ E. two hundred seventy-seven and 60/100 (277.60) feet to the place of beginning. Containing 27,279 square feet, more or less. For my title see Deed recorded with the Worcester County Registry of Deeds in Book 41316, Page 231. For mortgagor’s title see deed recorded with Worcester County (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds in Book 41316, Page 231. These premises will be sold and conveyed subject to and with the benefit of all rights, rights of way, restrictions, easements, covenants, liens or claims in the nature of liens, improvements, public assessments, any and all unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax liens, water and sewer liens and any other municipal assessments or liens or existing encumbrances of record which are in force and are applicable, having priority over said mortgage, whether or not reference to such restrictions, easements, improvements, liens or encumbrances is made in the deed. TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars by certified or bank check will be required to be paid by the purchaser at the time and place of sale. The balance is to be paid by certified or bank check at Harmon Law Offices, P.C., 150 California Street, Newton, Massachusetts 02458, or by mail to P.O. Box 610389, Newton Highlands, Massachusetts 02461-0389, within thirty (30) days from the date of sale. Deed will be provided to purchaser for recording upon receipt in full of the purchase price. The description of the premises contained in said mortgage shall control in the event of an error in this publication. Other terms, if any, to be announced at the sale. AURORA LOAN SERVICES, LLC Present holder of said mortgage By its Attorneys, HARMON LAW OFFICES, P.C. 150 California Street Newton, MA 02458 (617) 558-0500 200809-1223 - GRY January 2, 2009 January 9, 2009 January 16, 2009 8 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • Friday, January 2, 2009 ☎ TOWN-TO-TOWN CLASSIFIEDS ☎ A STONEBRIDGE PRESS PUBLICATION ☎ 1 DECEMBER, 31, 2008 Town-to-Town CLASSIFIEDS HOME TOWN SERVICE, BIG TIME RESULTS TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-536-5836 4x8 Open Trailer 010 FOR SALE 010 FOR SALE (3) Twin White Laminate Beds 1996 Tigershark Two-Seat Jetski & Trailer w/Underdrawer Storage, Headboards & Nightstands. $200 All (2) Twin Canopy White French Provincial Beds. 2 Bureaus, Nightstand, Lingerie Chest, w/Green Lingerie Chest. $250 All 508-892-4982 $1275 5-Phone Executone Office Telephone System $450 Back up Powerpack for Computer, $100 Antique Stainless-Steel Milkcan, $25 Antique Singer Sewing Machine, $50 IBM Selectric Typewriter & Table, $100 *Price Reduced* Pedestal Table Italian made, all wood, Black finish, oval shape. built in leaf, 16 “ wide, 49” long, (without leaf) 38” wide-30” high. $325. 010 FOR SALE 200+ Music CD’s $8.00 each or 10 for $75. No rap. Email your want list: Craftsman Miter Box with back saw. This is not cheap plastic. $65.00. 508-461-9097 Call (508)949-7539 Call (508)943-7215 2006 Jazzy Select Motorized Wheelchair In great condition. $1900 or best offer. Call (508)892-1908 Size 185-65R-15. Used only 10K miles, paid $280, will sell $140. Call (508)765-9049 after 4:30pm Never used w/factory coating. 1/2 inch shank. NOT FOR HAND ROUTER. $185.00 Delta Lathe Reproducer Fits 12" & 14" Delta Lathes $450 Backpack Never Used $100 Call (508)943-7215 6000 BTU A/C 8’ Fisher Plow 508-832-7414 35MM Camera Pentax K-1000 ‘98 Sundowner (Extra High, Extra Wide), Dressing Room. Mint Condition. $9400 4 Spartan All Season Tires 6 Shaper Bits Blue & Gold. Matching Wingback Chair Included. $400 2-Horse Trailer (2) 34.75”W/48”H Asking $50 OBO Per Set 774-262-8929 Call (508)885-5560 $50 Stereo With Speakers $50 Both in excellent condition and tuned, Price includes move to 1st floor location in Worcester County. Please call 508-885-3705 With Screens: (4) 22.75”W/40”H (10) 22.75”W/48”H (9) 22.75”W/56”H With Crank Opening (1) 40.75”W/41”H Newly done over. Asking $525. 3-Year Old Formal Living Room Couch 2 Pianos 16-Year Old Double Pane Windows VISIT US ONLINE with assortment of lenses 2 electronic flashes, and many other accessories. Sell all for $250. Call (508)943-5954 or days (508)943-7704 413-245-7055 20 Foot Dual Axel Flat Bed Trailer Medium Duty. 2500 GVW All Newly Rebuilt. $899 OBO 508-769-2351 4x8 Folding Ping-Pong Table On Wheels. $65 508-248-6863 Call 508-278-7958 Old stlye off 1995 F-250. Frame & Hydraulics included. $750 or best offer. Call Jeff @ (978)857-0305 All French Country Ethan Allen Furniture 3pc Wall Unit Tables -Sofa, Butler, End & Nested tables Queen-Size Couch/Sleep-sofa Soft pastel colors Leave Message 508-208-8401 Can schedule viewing on weekends Amana Air Conditioner 010 FOR SALE 18,000 btu only used 4 summers, 2 heavy for me to lift. $400 new, sell for $200. Ask for Pat, (508)885-5542 Antique Stool & Lavatory Porcelain Handles. (2)Glass Doors For Kitchen Cabinet 2 Solid Wood Doors 6’8”x32” (1)4 Lights, (1)15 Lights 3 Wood Frame Solid Glass Door 24”x50” 30-Gallon Electric Hot-Water Heater LP Gas Wall heater 712-299-5239 Lovely piece imported from Manchester, England. Over 100 Years Old. Carving, Columns, 7 Drawers, Serving Area, Burl Inlay Detail. Small Shelves For Candelabra. Appraised At $2400 74” High x 63” Wide x 23” Deep. Excellent Condition. Asking $750 508-671-0013 Beauty Salon Equipment Baldwin Spinnet Piano 2 back to back, free floating styling stations, $200 each or best offer. Call Suzanne (508)886-6494 With Seat Included. Medium Tone Wood. Good Condition. Will Include Beginner's Piano Instruction If Wanted. Bernina 640 Sewing Machine Moving, Must Sell! New In April ‘08. Used Only A Few Hours. Comes With All Accessories Including BSR Stitch Regulator Foot, Walking Foot, 1/4 Inch Foot. Has 570 Stitch Patterns, 5 Alphabets, Thread Cutter And More. REDUCED! $3500 Call Nancy 508-867-3900 $300 Call Nancy 508-867-3900 Baseball Card Collection 25,000+ Cards, Memorabilia, 40 Autographed Baseballs, Including Hall Of Famers $3500 FIRM Everything Must Go! Furniture Men’s Clothing Pictures Many Miscellaneous Items No Reasonable Offer Refused 508-949-6425 $20 508-347-7441 Entertainment Center $200/BRO, like new. Redecorating and need space. Store-new condition, MUST SEE! (508)832-3684 Baldwin Piano APARTMENT LIQUIDATION Black & Decker Auto Buffer Beautiful Furniture Call (508)341-4659 Email For Photo Price Is $1250 1964 Handpainted Picture. Painter Has Gallery In Vietnam. $300 Athena Stereo Speakers 3ft tall x 1ft wide, excellent quality, fantastic sound. 2 speakers. Asking $380 for pair. 774-230-1763 508-248-6949 Came Back With Him From Vietnam... 010 FOR SALE Antique Tall, Mirrored Sideboard/ Dresser/Foyer Piece Antique Red Vermont Casting Gas Heater Excellent Condition. Asking Price $1700 Call 508-867-5677 Or Office 508-755-0972 010 FOR SALE Dale Earnhardt Collection Beveled Glass Coffee And End Table Set Misc. Items, Including Certified Used Tire Of The #3 Chevy. $300 781-801-4061 Contemporary Style, $100 All In Excellent Condition 508-987-2502 Brand New Clawfoot Tub Front load washer & dryer set. $1200. $400 508-867-9566 Call (774)364-0367 Monday-Friday 9-7 Saturday 9-5 Sunday 12 noon-4PM Home of the REM Dog 522 Southwest Cutoff (Rte 20) Worcester, MA 01607 37 Years Doing Business in Central Mass & Worcestrer County Office 508-757-7224 Cell 508-847-0354 90 Days Bumper To Bumper Warranty • “Where Customers Send Their Friends” 10,888 $ 2005 1/2 Audi A4 Sport 2002 Mitsibusi Eclipse 2005 Chevrolet Cobalt 2004 Mazda 6 2005 Accura T-L 2002 Nissan Altima Leather, 6 speed Quattro, sunroof, dark blue with beige 2 door, coupe, automatic, leather interior 4-door, automatic, air conditioning, silver Automatic, 4 door, spoiler, auto, moonroof, alloys White pearl, automatic, tan leather, 39K, factory warranty 4 Cylinder, Automatic, 57K, moonroof, spoiler, loaded $ 14,888 $ or 249/month $ 4,888 $ or 88/month $ 5,999 $ or 99/month $ 9,888 $ or 177/month $ $ 16,777 $ or 269/month or $ 7,888 159/month 2004 Mazda 6 2006 Pontiac GXP 5 Door, Sport edition, 41,000 miles, loaded, V6, hatchback, bright red, 1 owner Chrome Wheels, black, loaded, 37K, 1 owner $ 12,888 $ 10,888 4,888 $ 2005 Mercedes Benz C230 Kompressor, 4 door, automatic, sport package, bright red, loaded $ or 17,777 288/month $ 2006 Jeep Commander 6 cyl., leather, loaded, 44K, silver, 3rd seat, moonroof $ 12,888 $ or 199/month 2005 Toyota Scion TC Coupe 2-door 5-speed, low miles, sunroof, hatchback $ 9,999 $ or 179/month 2004 Chevrolet Monte Carlo V6, 2 door, auto, full power, cruise, tilt, loaded, 71k, silver, auto $ 5,888 $ or 129/month 2006 Hummer SVT Pickup 2003 Honda Accord EX Black/black leather, 20” wheels, DVD player, navigation $ 27,888 $ or 399/month 6 cylinder, V6, leather, moonroof $ 2005 Cobalt SS 2005 Ford Freestyle AWD 2004 Mercury Mountaineer 2003 Kia Sorrento EX 2 door, super charge, sunroof, leather, yellow, 37,000 miles V6, 3rd seat, DVD, moonroof, 1 owner, black with gray 6 cylinder, auto, Premium, 3rd seat, leather, sunroof, 72K 4 door, 4x4, 61K, leather, loaded, moonroof 10,888 $ or 188/month 12,888 $ or 199/month 2004 Toyota Rav4 4x4 2003 BMW 325I 2007 Pontiac Grand Prix Limited, loaded, 22K, white 4 door, automatic, 6 cyl., 52K $ 13,999 $ or 229/month 2004 Subaru Impreza Outback 5 Dr., Liftback, 48K, auto, red $ 9,800 $ or 179/month $ 13,888 $ or 219month 2008 Volvo S40 4 door, sports package, 13K, moonroof, leather, new body, silver $ 17,777 $ or 288/month $ 6 cylinder, loaded, 22K, red, factory warranty $ 9,999 $ or 188/month 2001 Honda Civic EX 2003 Saab 93 2001 Lincoln Navigator 4 door, 5 speed, blue, loaded Automatic, black, 4 cyl., loaded 2002 Dodge Ram 1500 SLT Pickup 4x4 $ 5,888 $ or 119/month $ 7,444 $ or 149/month $ 4x4, loaded, 72K, black, 1 owner $ Regular cab, long bed $ 7,777 $ or 159/month 3,888 $ or $ 7,888 159/month 2001 Ford Mustang GT 2007 Dodge Charger SXT 2007 Pontiac G6 GT 2004 Tahoe LT 4x4 4-door, 6 cylinder, alloy wheels, red, loaded Coupe, white, leather, sunroof,, loaded, 40K 3rd seat, leather, moonroof, DVD, loaded, 72K, black $ $ 11,888 $ or 188/month 7,999 $ or 149month 10,888 $ or 188/month 2004 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer 4x4 2002 Toyota Camry $ 2006 VW Jetta 2003 Saturn Vue AWD, 4 door, 47K, loaded 11,888 $ or 188/month 3rd seat, automatic $ V8, auto, leather, loaded, white, 61K 2.5 liter, 5 speed leather, moonroof, 37K, black $ 7,888 $ or 149/month 9,888 $ or 177/month 2005 Jeep Unlimited 2004 Pontiac Grand SE 5,888 $ or 129/month 7,777 $ or 159/month $ 6 speed, soft top, 56K, A/C, green V6, FWD, full power, red, 50K $ 2000 Ford Expedition 4x4 XLT $ 7,888 $ or 149/month 4 door, maroon w/tan leather, moonroof $ 7,888 $ or 149/month 92K, automatic, sunroof $ 7,888 $ or 157/month $ 10,888 $ or 199/month 2005 Jetta GL 2.5 Liter, 5 speed, loaded, leather, moonroof, 25K $ or 2002 Nissan Maxima SE Moonroof, automatic, dark blue $ $ 11,999 $ or 188/month 12,888 199/month $ or 5,888 99/month $ All prices and monthly payments that are shown reflect a down payment of $2,000 or a $2,000 trade in. Credit score of 699 or higher at an interest rate of 6.49% at 78 months. Credit score of less will reflect in an adjusted payment or down payment. $0 down would adjust payment $35.00 per month and payment. ALL ROADS LEAD TO… REM AUTOMOBILES ALL ROADS LEAD TO… REM AUTOMOBILES ALL ROADS LEAD TO… REM AUTOMOBILES ALL ROADS LEAD TO… REM AUTOMOBILES Find it! Buy it! Sell it! Want to know how to sell something in Town-to-Town Classifieds? Turn the page to use our classified coupon. ➥ 2 ☎ TOWN-TO-TOWN CLASSIFIEDS ☎ A STONEBRIDGE PRESS PUBLICATION ☎ 010 FOR SALE 010 FOR SALE Black GE Refrigerator Cherry Dining Room Table Like New, $275 Frigidaire Dryer 2 Years Old, $200 Large Capacity Washer 2 Years Old, $200 Call Rick 508-987-2486 With 2 leaves, 4 side chairs and 2 captains chairs. Only $500. Cherry TV Armoire Only $300. Must be seen to appreciate. Prices are negotiable. (508)864-1092 Brand New Bunk Beds and 2 Dressers Chickering Spinet Piano Baby Grand & Bench Beautiful wood frame includes mattresses, pillows, ladder (never used). $2000 or best offer. Call (508)987-1594, leave message will return call. Brand-New $700. 1993 Chevrolet Camaro; 21,270 miles, all original, $5000. Call (508)765-9316 leave message Automatic Scrubbing Power-Head Christmas Sports Card Specials $500 Reconditioned Prop 19” Pitch, Fits Merc Cruisers $85 508-826-2029 Brass Full Size Headboard and Footboard Baseball/Football Basketball/Hockey Racing/Boxing Rookies/Stars/Sets/Singles All Cards 75% Off Book! Including Vintage Cards Like Mantle/Williams/Etc. 508-864-9223 Coffee Table Asking $100. 46” x 28” $30 508-248-6505 Before 9pm Rattan porch Set Love seat chair and glass coffee table. Floral cushions on seat. $200. Colonial Wood Hutch and Base Call (508)234-2735 Campground Membership 14 Resort Style Amenities & Outdoor Recreation Facilities. Transferable 2 Lifetimes (Fee To Be Paid By Seller). Use Own RV/Tent Or Rent Campground’s RV/Cabin. Originally Paid $8000 Honey pine finish. Asking, $350. Antique Chezck crystal set, valued at over $1800. Hand cut, very ornate. Appraised. Will sell for $900. Glass and brass dinette set Perfect for 1st apartment. $50. Reduced To $2500 OBO 508-347-9319 Car Paper Masker For Painting Quick Mask 12” Bench Masker #3612 with 3 rolls of paper. $65.00 or BRO. Call Ray at (508)867-6706 Car Seat $20 Boy’s (3-4 yr) Bike $35 Call (508)943-6367 Complete Hair Salon Set up equipment. $5000 or best offer. Everything you need to set up your beauty shop. Please call (774)452-1760 or email for pictures Computer Compaq FS7600 Trailer-Type, With Hydraulic Lift. $800 OBO Lexmark Printer/Copier/Fax Lexmark Printer All For $550 OBO Computer Desk (Corner) $195 OBO Office Chair (Cully) $65 Entertainment Center 58”x52”x19”, Solid Wood $300 Numerous Dog Breed Books 860-974-9811 508-867-9734 Catalina Jacuzzi Computer 774-272-2459 Case Tractor 1948 VAC With Sickle-Bar Mower. Asking $1650 OBO International Harvester Two-Row Corn Planter 7-Person, Runs Great. Has Cover, Automatic Opener, 100 Jets. $1000 Call 508-248-5531 508-922-5315 Cedar Chest & Rocker Multi-Colored Cushioned Top, Cherry Wood Cedar (Hope) Chest and Matching Rocker. Both In Excellent Condition. Asking Cedar Chest $300 Rocker $200 Call 508-756-2607 Cherry Bedroom Set $1900 Maple Dining Room Set With Hutch $350 Oak Vanity Table With Chair $90 Stereo With Speakers/Woofer $45 (2)Sofas $150/$300 Toaster-Oven New $40 B.O. For All 508-278-2729 508-314-6700 Couch For Sale 3 Cushion - Lightweight Easy to move! Victorian Rose Print Mostly cream with blue and mauve flowers Good condition $40.00 Dudley - 508-949-8343 CPU, Printer/Scanner/ Copier-In-One, Windows XP, Flat-Screen Monitor, Desk (Great Condition) Asking $500 Call 774-200-1561 Dark Wood Curio 55” Wide x 77” Tall, 18” Deep Glass Doors On Top, With Three Drawers Below. $500 Highchair $50 White Crib Mattress Included $300 508-885-2866 Deluxe Rattan Extra Large Dog Crate 41” long, 27” wide, 28” high. $125 or best offer. December, 31, 2008 010 FOR SALE 010 FOR SALE Designer Wedding Dress Fishing Rods, Reels, Boxes, Plugs, Streamers, Etc. Archery Equipment Never Worn! Christina Wu Strapless Gown with train. Size 8. Purchased at Kleinfelds NYC. Elegant beading with organza & silk/satin material. $700. Sporting goods, Machinist Tools & Auto Tools, most half Handicap walkers, $10-$30. 35MM Canon Camera $200 (508)885-5189 Prices Negotiable! Call (508)949-2528 Dirt Bike 2003 RM65 Suzuki Great condition, asking $1200. Call (774)696-3360 Double Window New, Vetter High Pro 4 With Screens. Measures 76”Long 61”High $650 OBO Marine Hemi Engine 1959 With Latham Blower And Four Carburetors $8000 OBO Frigidaire Side by Side Ice maker, filtered water. 2 years old, like new. $399 or best offer. Call (508)234-9328 Frigidaire Stackable Washer & Dryer Call 508-259-8805 Dresses Wedding, Prom, Cocktail. All brand new. Electric Dryer Used 6 months, $100. Washer used holds x-large loads, $50. Solid oak kitchen table, 5 chairs, 2 leafs, $100 or best offer. Good condition wrought iron & glass coffee table & end tables inlay w/stone, very nice, $50. Apartment size freezer, $50. Works well. Call (508)340-2098 Furs 2 Custom-Made Size 8 Extra-Long Mink Coats (1)Ranch Mink (1)Unique (Three Coats In One) Zip In-And-Out Jacket, Below Knee & Midcalf-Length Best Offer 508-347-5483 508-987-0977 GE Fridge Entertainment Center For Sale 24.6 Cubic Feet, Almond, Top Freezer, Ice Water Dispenser. Used 2 Years. $500 Call 508-765-9373 After 5pm For More Information Leave Message 508-234-5535 Estate Furs Girls Clothing 1 long, Grey, Persian lamb coat. Size small w/matching hat. In excellent condition, $500/BO. 1 long Black Persian Lamb. Size large. In good condition, but worn. $300/BO. Large quantity of high quality, brand name Girls Clothing For Sale Age: Infant-3T Come choose from the best at the age level you need. Call 508-347-5344 (508)987-8483 Everything Must Go!! Glass-Top 36” Octagonal Table Portable Dishwasher with butcher block top, $250. Farmers table with 5 chairs, $200. Oak cabinets, various sizes, six pieces, $400. $50 Oak Queen Post Headboard/Footboard $50 Gas 32” Fireplaces $50 each Freezer (17cu.ft.) $200 5’x8’ Oriental Rug $30 Oak TV Cabinet $40 Call (508)328-3438 Exercise Equipment Weider weight bench, preacher curl and leg extension with Olympic bar. 295lbs of weight, $250. 50lb punching bag, $50. Curl bar, 85lbs or weight, $40. or 508-637-1046 Extang Trifecta Tonneau Cover 508-347-5782 Golf Clubs Left-Handed. 3 Drivers, 9 Irons. Including Putter, Bag & Bag Boy. Asking $250 Call Anytime For Details 508-248-1677 “Gould” Water Pressure Booster Pump Fits ‘06 Ford F150 crew cab with 5 1/2 ft. bed. Like new, $275. Call (508)987-0859 Fischer Spinnet Piano With bench. Very good condition, 55”Lx25”Wx41”H. $700. 3/4 HP w/220 volt 3-phase variable speed controller, $600. Call (508)765-5724 Call (508)476-1859 Call Matt at (774)535-1799 Dental Chair Heavy Duty 9’ Fisher Highway Plow Grandfather Clock Electric operates well, Would be great for tattoo parlor, etc. 3 to choose from. $50 each. Call (508)987-3143 Entertainment Center Solid Oak Wood, Custom Made. Custom Side Door For Tapes, Excellent Condition. 62” Wide, Can Fit Up To A 30” TV $250 Firm Ask For Bob 508-963-0714 One-way plow, set up for backhoe or truck, $650. Fisher Snow-Foil Type Heavy Duty 8’ Plow for truck $500 Heavy Duty Hobart Meat Grinder. Floor type with large bowl. $375 Briggs & Stratton 12HP Vertical Riding Mower Engine, $95 Used 15” Monitor $25 Comes With Engines, Cars, Buildings And Accessories. Lots Of Time & Money Put Into It! Pictures Available. Email: Or 774-402-1274 Hot Tub ‘07 model; 6 person, 32 jets, with all options. Waterfall, aroma-therapy, lighting, with cover, full warranty. Brand new in wrapper. Cost $7000, sell for $3800. Call (860)244-9544 Jenny Lind Or Spool Bed Jewelry New 14K Ruby & Diamond Yellow gold cross pendant, $300 or best offer. Also gemstone rings & pendants, best offers. Call Shirley (508)248-3005 John Deere Snowthrower For LX And GT Series Lawn & Garden Tractors. 42 Inch, Used Once(Honest!) Includes Chains, Weights, And Operator’s Manual $1500 774-745-0242 Email For Pictures Or Questions Keyboard Stand, Case and Chair New, never been used. Top of the line. Bought at Gordon’s Music last fall. Paid over $600 will sell for $325 firm. Please contact (508)450-7150 Kroeger-Gildemeester Piano c/ 1852 Patent, Mahogany. $2000 Walnut, Winchester chime, $200. Designers Mother-of-theBride Gown Size 8, Pewter color with elegant beading, matching jacket paid $700, asking $250. Call (508)461-9097 Call (508)885-4303 HP Scanner $50 Also: Custom Made Moses Baskets. (508)765-7322 w/Faucet & Sprayer 43” x 22” $100 $500 Fireplace Screen w/ Glass $25. Computer $50 Lexmark Copier/ Printer/Scanner $50 2-Speed Hot Tub Pump $50 3 VCR’s $50 Each 2 Microwaves $20 Each Call Beverly 413-245-4587 Lace Wedding Gown Full-Length, Size 12. $200 508-735-9493 Like New! Large Two-Level Light Oak Coffee Table $125 Good Condition 8’ x 11’ Karastan Oriental Rug New Fringe & Professionally Cleaned $350 Call Rich 508-826-2029 Living Room Couch And Matching Chair Floral Design Fabric $150 413-245-9001 Living Room Furniture FlexSteel Couch, Chair & Ottoman. La-Z-Boy Couch & Recliner. All Items High Quality, Like New. Email For Photos 401-316-4793 Long Black Leather Coat women’s, size 20W, $25. Call (508)987-6180 Machinist Tools Tool chest, also other odds and ends. Call (508)234-8034 Mags With Tires For E-Z-Go Golfcart New! 8 American Craftsman Replacement Windows Please call (508)404-5470 Moving Sale 2 couch and chair sets, $300 each. Miscellaneous bedroom furniture, best offer. Call (774)766-0359 Moving Sale NordicTrack Ski Machine Good Condition. $75 Plus: Lots Of Old Records, Canning Jars, New Shoes (Size 9), Stainless Restaurant-Style Pans, Collector Plates From Bradford Exchange, Very Cheap! 508-987-1504 Mahogany Pineapple Headboard & Footboard Full Sized With Rails. Fair To Good Condition (From 1920’s) Asking $175 General electric-hot point refrigerator, top mount-no front, $250. Frigidaire dishwasher, sink mount. Not hard plumbed, $250. General Electric-Hot Point dryer, $150. Maytag-Oversized capacity washer, $150. General Electric 10,000 BTU window mount air conditioner, $150. Samsung 5,000 BTU window mount air conditioner, $75.00 MOVING! Dudley 508-949-3025 MY GOOD-BYE YOUR GOOD BUY to well-cared for BR chest of drawers, twin beds, dresser, mirror; LR sofa, end tables, bookcase, bric-a-brac; round pine dinette table, ladder-back chairs. $450 Maytag Washer & Dryer “racing champ”, clear window, $5 and up. Moving - Must Sell Excellent Condition $200 Each 508-942-2723 NEW Motorized Scooter 23” Frame, 24 Gears, Shimano 105 Derailer. Black & Gold, Ridden Only 4 Times. Original Cost $800 Asking $350 508-764-9309 Giant 6061 LADIES DRESSER Living Room Set Microwave $30. Large capacity air conditioner, $100. Ladies size 6 Harley boots, $50. Men’s leather jacket, small, $75. Bread maker, $15. Toaster oven, $15. Fold-up rocker, $100. Call (774)745-0153 From The Scooter Store. Never Used Asking $1000 OBO 508-347-6561 New Snap-On Harley Davidson Collectors Edition Toolbox Black and chrome with Harley logos & flames. 5, H x 3, W 12 drawers. Must be seen. $4000 firm. New Woodmaster Planer/Molder 2 Available 9.75”W x 54.125”L 22” H $60 Each Peter 508-832-7414 Contemporary Style $150 (Negotiable) 508-892-1107 Call 508-248-1411 Contact Dale (508)943-8692 after 6pm. Metal Steam Radiator Covers Oak Bedroom Set Queen bed and mattress, hutch, nightstand and dresser with mirror. All in excellent condition. Mattress brand new. $1300 or BO. Mahogany TV and Video Stand $50. Brand New Entertainment Center Black chrome and glass asking $500 or BO. $250 36” TV $250 Loveseat/Recliner Maroon, $400 Kid’s Recliner Blue, $50 Hoover Commercial Vacuum $100 7’ Artificial Christmas Tree $50 508-450-1054 Oak Roll-top Desk 7 drawers, 7 cubbies, very good condition, $200. Call (508)478-7577 after 3pm 32”x52” Oak Desk $60 508-347-2203 508-757-7796 Noon-6pm $125 Jane Fonda Non-Motorized Treadmill $125 Technalon Car Cover Fits Car 16’-17’6” $60 508-885-9992 Oak Entertainment Center Nascar Diecast Models Men’s Bicycle Nordic Trac Walk Fit Skier/Rower Moving Sturbridge/East Brimfield Area Must Sell 4 Chairs $100 508-764-3625 Queen, $399. Brand new in plastic full warranty. Call (508)779-0438 ask for Justin Call (860)377-7549 or (860)928-1135 Table With Tile Top Memory Foam Authentic Therapeutic NASA Mattress 9500 series. Low E, full screen, 6 over 6 grille. White vinyl, 34 1/4 x 48. Paid $1400. Asking $1000 or best offer. Nancy 508-867-3900 You pick up between 9/14 & 9/21 Call Jeff at (802)380-0844 w/Seashell Border Call Tom (978)597-3033 90” Sofa Love Seat Oriental Rug (Machine-Made) 2 Matching End-Tables Take The Whole Set For $1000 Or Best Offer 508-867-9650 Mint Condition Handicapped Scooter Garden Leisure 6 Seater Hot Tub with lounger, $3800/BO. Weider Pro 9940 dual weight bench, $150. Trampoline, $75. Brand new computer armoire, $450. Plow For John Deere Garden Tractor Truck Liner For 6’ Bed Rug (7’x10’) Medium, $200 All Excellent Condition Handmade Lead Chandelier 010 FOR SALE $1,200 Or Best Offer Call Between 3pm-5pm (508)949-7638 Best Offer For: Brown Italian Leather Jacket Large, With Mirror & 2 Armoires $1700 For All (Negotiable) 010 FOR SALE Moving Must Sell Christmas China $10 Featherweight Sewing Machine Dinette Set Seating for four w/glass top and three bar stools. $500. Large Double Stainless-Steel Sink REDUCED! HO Scale Train (508)764-3625 Good Condition, $300 781-801-4061 010 FOR SALE Asking $2500 For All 508-987-2419 Full-Sized, White Old DeWalt Siding Table Saw Patio Set EVERYTHING MUST GO! 1 Romani Grand Daddy Dryer 1 Romani Clipper Vac (B&B Model) 1 42 Inch Hydraulic Grooming Table 1 Hydro Surge Bather Like New $300 OBO Call Phil 508-234-3348 Great Condition $200 Entertainment Center Grooming Equipment 3/4 bed with spring and rails in good condition. Asking $150. Provincial Hutch with glass doors and shelves on top, 3 shelves and doors below. Carved in flowers, $300. Kenmore Refrigerator Call (508)981-6762 010 FOR SALE With 18” Drum Sander Attachment. 5HP Motor. Weighs 420lbs. Also, 120A, 2HP, Shop Fox Vacuum With All Attachments, Hooks Up To All Three. Mint Condition. Books/Manuals Included Asking $3500 OBO Call John 508-949-1051 Piano Baldwin Spinnet Light brown color. Bought at Steinerts. Good condition, $700. Call (508)885-4320 Oriental Splendors! Framed matted international cat stamps, original Chinese paintings, Silk sarees, Chinese and Indonesian gongs, a giant Taiko drum, Australian didjeridus, shadow puppets, Egyptian inlaid tambourines and boxes, all must be sold to cover veterinary expenses for our sanctuary of homeless cats with medical/age frailties. Retired rescue-foster home must raise money to help these beings. More available; reasonable offers accepted. 413-245-0459 Brimfield, MA Outdoor World Resort Special Master Membership, Unlimted Lifetimes. Includes Free Camping, All Amenities, RV/Tent Sites Or Rent A Furnished Cabin, Plus Entertainment. WOW! All For $900 Transfer Fees Paid! Call Now! 1-407-433-9320 Park Model RV 2002, 12x40 (like brand new) on beautiful lot in campground can be used for a full 6 months (15 April-15 October every year) Lot paid for until 2097. $48,000 Call Don (508)344-9499 Peavey Stratocaster $175. Drum set, $250. Peavey bass, $200. Fender bass amp, $200. Line-6 Spider amp, $300. Electric drums, $450. Tascam 4-track recorder, $100. MM1 16 channel mixer, $100. (508)943-3813 Pecan Dining Room Set 6 Chairs, Large Table, Large Hutch with Glass Doors, Serving Buffet, And Table Pads. Very Nice Condition. $500. 774-922-3166 CLIP AND MAIL Write your ad here: Town-to-Town CLASSIFIEDS HOME TOWN SERVICE, BIG TIME RESULTS TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-536-5836 Name: VISIT US ONLINE “Use our Bargain Box” Sell items from A to Z “Including your used automobile!” H We’ll run the ad until you’ve sold the items H H Runs in all 11 papers H H Use up to 30 words H H Only $44.00 H H Yes, we’ll bill you! H Address: Town: Zip: Phone: Mail to: Town-to-Town Classifieds P.O. Box 90 Southbridge, MA • 01550 Fax: 508-764-7645 Questions: Call our friendly staff 1-800-536-5836 Email: *The Bargain Box rate not apply to businesses, real estate or rentals of any kind. For information on special rates for businesses, real estate and rentals call our friendly staff at 1-800-536-5836 DECEMBER, 31, 2008 010 FOR SALE Penn 6 wt. Flyrod New Condition Call 508-278-6419 Piano Baldwin Spinnet With Bench. Good Condition. $950 Sauna Finnleo, Portable, Comes In 2 Pieces. Perfect For Two. Assembles In Minutes. Simply Plugs Into Standard Household Outlet. $500 508-347-5725 Piano Maghogany, Werlitzer Spinnet, With Bench. Good Condition. $800 Includes Training Books 508-987-8885 Call After 5pm Piano Whitney upright with bench. Needs to be refinished. $400 or best offer. Call (508)278-6501 Pioneer Elite Pro-520 HD Projection TV 2003 Model, Top Of The Line. 52” Screen. Excellent Condition. $400 508-347-1224 Prom Dress Sale 010 FOR SALE Snow Tires 4 P225-60-R17. Tires like new, winter ‘07. $300 or best offer. Call (508)234-7930 Snow Tires P235/75R15 $50 Roof Racks For Van $15 8’ Tunnel Cover (For Pick-Up Truck) $200 10” Craftsman Table Saw $50 508-873-1394 Solid Marble Cocktail Table Grey with vine detailing, pointed oval shape. Originally $1200, selling for $250 (508)943-7360 Solid Oak Contemporary Style Desk Simple Lines, 30” x 60”. $200 OBO Please Call For More Details 508-446-3967 Solid Oak Queen Bedroom Set $750. Lighted round curio end table, $50. Iron twin bed, $200. Steins, $25. Dolls, $25. 2 Bureaus $100 Each SOLID PINE HUTCH For Sale Mint/Lighted 3 Glass Top 6’4”H x 56”W x 19”D $250 Call Kim 508-347-5171 Call (508)832-9981 Sony 50” XBR Projection TV Mahogany Braided Edge Table With Center Wine Rack. Includes Two Barstool Chairs, Beautifully Designed, Fabric Still Covered In Plastic, Brand New. Asking $400 Please Call 508-987-2798 Queen Anne Couch Two Matching Wingchairs $450 Cherry Coffee Table Two End Tables $100 42” Temple Stuart Maple Hutch Glass Doors $250 Brown Paisley 81” Couch Matching Chair $450 508-867-8948 Rainbow Outdoor Play Center Assorted Golf Clubs $1100 or best offer. Lane 2 piece sectional with recliner, $1000 or best offer. Queen size bed with cherry wood frame, $700. Call (508)347-2764 Sound System High End Home Theatre With Receiver Pair McIntosh THX loud speakers, McIntosh THX center speakers, MX (Miller and Kreisel THX subwoofer, Yamaha RX-V3200 Receiver, remote control. Rarely used. Paid $6000 Asking $750 FIRM Call Ken (508)234-3042 Speedaire Air Compressors 3 ph 30 & 80 gallon. Onan Generators 5k W. Scale 1k lbs. Best offer on all listings. Call (508)347-1223 Spinet Piano and Bench Family Snow Ski Set Skis, Poles, Boots, Etc. Used Gamecube Games 508-764-4838 $800. Country Blue plaid loveseat and chair. $450. Wilson ladies clubs, bag, cart, $200. All excellent condition. Will consider reasonable offers. Real Ranch Mink Jacket Spinnet Piano (Steinert) Very Good Condition $800 or best offer 508-943-2444 Refinished Chairs Natural Or Painted Finish, Some Decorated. Singles To Sets Of Six. Very Reasonable! 508-764-4493 Samsung 61” HDTV-DLP TV with stand for sale for $1500. Call (508)733-5047 for appointment. Santa Barbara Spa/Hot-Tub 105 Jets, 7 Person. Upright Therapy Lounge, Neck & Foot Massage, 2 Additional Therapy Seats Plus Cooldown Area. Waterfall/Volcano, Lights (Different Colors). Starry Night Blue With Red Maintenance Free Vinyl Cabinet. One Year Old Paid $8000 New Asking $6000 Will Deliver Call (508)867-8532 $1000. Sunfish sailboat w/trailer, $700. Jenny Lind 3/4 bed, $250. Sailboard & sail (new), $500. Dresser set, $200. Player piano w/rolls, $600. Lexmark printer, $50. Call Karen (508)885-3192 Stainless Steel Bird Cage (17inx17inx36in) $50. Leave message for “Doc” (860)974-9973 State Quarters Un-circulated, rolled. Boxes of 500. Starting at $21 per roll. Also Gold Presidential dollar rolls. Call for more information, (508)832-3029 or (508)272-3433 Steam Radiator Covers 43” long x 40” high x 13” deep, 37”x40”x13” and 24”x40”x13”. All white, in good condition. Over $1000 if new. All three for $400 Call (508)832-5546 Call (508)864-8578 Technics Keyboard Schwinn Electric Scooter SX-KN 5000 with bench and stand. Programmed-excellent condition. $800. Needs new battery, $60. Air hockey table, $50. Flute with case, $250. (508)764-6560 Scooter for Sale Comes with 2 new batteries. Asking $450 or best offer. Call (508)867-2430 Sears 7100BTU Thermo Spa/Hot Tub 5 seats with double lounge cover and chemicals included. Excellent condition, Blue inside. Never been exposed to outside elements. $4000 or best offer. Call (508)248-5426 Toro Commercial Lawnmower Pro-Line Series, With 44” Deck And Trac Vac Collection System. Great For Picking Up Grass Clippings And Leaves. $1500 508-832-7414 Troy-Built 4 Cycle Gasoline-cultivator. Excellent condition. $175.00. Call (508)892-8623 TV and Surround System 32” Sony Trinitron TV $350. Extended warranty good until 5/31/09. Surround system including dvd player $400. Call (508)943-0089 Call (508)867-9222 Current Gowns-Daughter is Senior. Sizes 6-8. Originally priced from $200-$300. Some shoes and jewelry. Cash only. Pub/Bar Set 010 FOR SALE Call (508)885-4777 The Book Bear Unique Bar Solid Oak with lighted stained glass canopy, brass top and foot rail, 2 chairs, 72” high, 64” wide, 22” deep. $1200 or BO. Call (508)450-5836 Used Restaurant Equipment 10-50% Off Our Purchase Price Refrigeration 6 Burner Stove Convection Oven Bar Top & Barstools Freezers Sinks 508-347-5503 Utility Trailer Paid $2600 Asking $1500 508-765-5763 Vintage Cameras And Movie Camera With Projectors Vintage Radios 100’s Of LP Records Over 50-Year Old RC Allen Adding Machine Photo Security System, complete with all necessary items including plastic holders Video security system complete with two videos and two cameras and all necessary cables. (Camel) Neon Sign - 50 Years Old - Still In its Original Box Many Old Tools, Over 50 Years Old 508-335-1973 For Appointment Located In Webster Vintage Coin-Operated Jukeboxes Complete and Working With 100 45 RPM Selections Prices range from $675 to $2900 Also Available Assorted Coin-Operated Cocktail Video Games and Vintage Pinball And Much More! 508-335-1973 For Appointment Located In Webster Wedding Dress In sealed box. White with veil, worn once. $200 or best offer. Call (508)248-6601 White Wedding Gown Never Worn Size 8, long sleeves beaded and lace. Terra mid length vale, cathedral vale, slip. Paid $1400 for all, asking $800 or best offer. Call (508)-365-8528 Women’s & Teen’s Clothing Excellent Condition. Clothes, Boots, Pocketbooks, Etc. 508-278-5745 Books! Books! Books! Wood Stove We have 50,000 lively old books at THE BOOK BEAR Vermont Castings Resolute $1595 Call 508-347-3292 Leave Message Air Conditioner $75 Wood/Coal Stove Queen-Sized Headboard & Frame $75 4-Drawer File Cabinet $25 Pier One Wicker Table & Two Chairs With Removable Glass Top $95 Two-Piece TV/Microwave Hutch $75 508-397-5289 Shenandoah Wood Stove Takes 20" to 24" logs. Asking $150 or best offer (860)928-4015 We have books for the scholar, collector and general reader. Located on Route 9 in West Brookfield, halfway between Amherst & Worcester. Open 7 days a week, 10am-6pm We Also Buy BOOK COLLECTIONS, LIBRARIES & ESTATES! CALL FOR INFO. 508-867-8705 or call Toll Free 877-809-2665 Gibraltar With Blower Attached. $500 BRO Class 3 Trailer Hitch Bike Rack Holds 4 Bikes. $100 BRO 774-289-1226 XBOX 360 Premium 20GB hard drive 2 wireless controllers, 1 wireless headset, 2 games, (Skate & Halo). Excellent condition, 2 month old. Asking $450 for all. Call (508)278-3317 100 GENERAL 107 MISC. FREE FREE WOOD PALLETS You pick up. Monday thru Friday 8am-noon. Stonebridge Press 25 Optical Drive (located behind Southbridge Hotel & Conference Center) 200 GEN. BUSINESS 203 SNOWMOBILES 1998 Arctic Cat 440 $2000. 2000 Arctic Cat 600 ZRT $4500. 2002 Arctic Cat Thundercat $5500. All run great. Call (508)949-0482 2002 800 Polaris X-Package Low Mileage. GREAT Shape! $3500 OBO Call Bob 508-248-2962 2005 Arctic Cat F7 Snowmobile Low Miles, Real Fast. 2005 Arctic Cat 440 Z-Model Snowmobile Like Brand New! $7500 For Both 508-987-9313 3 Snowmobiles & Trailer $2200 Arctic Cat 1994 ZR7000, 1989 530, 1985 Yamaha Snow Scoot, 1992 Wells Cargo Enclosed Trailer 2 Place. Pull Starts, No Reverse Or Handwarmers. 774-263-1837 204 WATER EQUIPMENT 1994 Sea-Doo Bombardier SP94 With Trailer Excellent Condition, Runs Great. Seat Just Recovered, Low Hours On Jet Pump. Has Been Winterized, Will Need Cover. $1600 Call Deb 508-965-7077 205 BOATS 14’ Starcraft Aluminum Deep-V “Quabbin Special” Comes With Trailer, 18 HP Mercury, Downrigger, Fishfinder, Bilge Pump, Windshield, Canopy Top. Plus Many Extras. $1895 Or Best Offer. Call For Pics/Details 508-885-6171 16’ Hurricane Tri-Hull Ford 2.3L I/O, trailer, $2500 Trolling Motor, Electric Winch, Evinrude Tanks, Bimini Top, '96 Conversion Van, Black Water Pipe, Gas Grill, Chiminea. 518-480-1143 17 Foot Glastron Sierra 177 4.3 Mercruiser I/O Only 156 Hours On Engine Power Steering, Trim Control, AM/FM Radio, Soft Top, Mooring Cover, w/Glastron Trailer, Skis, Vest & Etc., Maintenance Manuals and Supplies $8000 For More Info Call 413-245-7501 205 BOATS 265 FUEL/WOOD 1994 24’ Bayliner 2452 Cut, Split & Delivered. Seasoned $230 per cord. with only 300 hours ready to go. Full electronics, full bimini enclosure and sleeps 4. Enclosed bathroom for the ladies. EZ loader trailer, $14,999/BO. (508)479-9130 1998 16ft Lund Pro-Sport Anniversary Edition Fish/Ski, 90HP, low maintenance trailer, depth finder, full top, storage cover, original prop, excellent condition. $11,250. Call (508)347-6340 2004 Larson Runabout Bowrider 17.6’, Mercruiser 3.0L 135HP I/O motor. Includes 2005 trir. Full cover w/bimini, AM/FM/CD player, depth finder. Plus extras. Mint condition. $13,000. Call (508)278-9259 2004 Sweetwater Pontoon Boat Well kept, 20 foot, seats 11. 25 Yamaha 4 stroke/< 100 hours. Asking $9750. Call (508)344-3075 2006 Bayliner 185 Runabout 135 I/O HP w/extended swim platform, custom cover, trailer, coast guard safety package, used at most 20 hours. $13,750. Call (508)868-1972 17’8”, 92” Beam Yahama 115HP Four Stroke Engine (5 year full warranty) Minn Kota Trolling Motor (70lb thrust) Tons Of Extras! This Boat Is Loaded! $27,000 New REDUCED!!! Yours For $17,000 Beautiful Boat! Must See! Dan Kenney 508-527-3820 25 Foot Godfrey Sanpan Pontoon Boat 115 HP Yamaha outboard engine, Royal aluminum canopy with skylights, dual batteries with switch, docking lights, S/S ladder, Ski tow bar. $9600. Call (508)943-5682 71 Chris Craft 31ft Flybridge Cruiser twin 327 engines sleeps 6, full head and shower, all fiberglass. $7350. Call (508)333-1790 Larson 1997 Ski-Boat 19 Foot, With Volvo Penta Engine. With Trailer. $7000 508-373-8413 260 ANTIQUES Route 169 Antiques 884 Worcester Street, Southbridge MA Looking to purchase antiques and collectibles, single items or entire estates. We buy it all also do on site estate sales and estate auctions. Call anytime, Mike 508-765-9512 265 FUEL/WOOD 1980 Galaxy Bowrider Country Cordwood 17’ Ski/Fishing., Fiberglass Hull, I/O Merc Cruiser Engine. Includes Cover And Trailer. Good Condition. Now Under New Ownership! Green Firewood Cut, Split & Delivered Asking $2500 508-885-5549 1986 Bow Rider 170HP I/O Mercruiser with EZload trailer. Great shape. Call (508)826-2926 1987 25 Ft Marlin Cabin Cruise 260 HP, I/O Merc., Runs, Needs Little TLC $5200 OBO With Trailer 1978 22 Ft Searay Cabin Cruise Needs Motor & Outdrive, No Trailer. Needs Work. $200 1990 Kawasaki 650 TS Jetski Needs Work. $300 OBO 413-245-6130 508-981-6400 $150/Cord Serving Spencer/Rutland And The Surrounding Towns 413-967-4697 EPA Program Qualified E-Classic OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACE From Central Boiler. Meets 2010 emissions limits. Makes less smoke and burns less wood. Call 508-882-0178. FIREWOOD Cut & Split Per Cord 128 cubic feet Seasoned $230 Call (413)245-3306 Firewood Cut/Split $245 All Ash $235 Fully Seasoned Per Cord Call (508)764-6043 or (774)262-9462 Firewood Green $150. 128 cubic feet. Delivered (508)735-7072 Firewood Green, $140 128 cubic feet. (508)476-3073 or (774)696-7879 Fire Wood Cut, Split & Delivered 1 Cord $200 Call Paul 508-769-2351 508-987-5349 Daycare Daily/weekly rates Training Basic-Advanced Group or private Tours 10am-4pm Exceptional boarding environment with unique daycare setting Monday-Friday daycare available State of the art indoor training facility <><><><><><><><><><> Snow Plowing Free Estimates 508-892-7251 Ask For Justin Pellet Stove Practically Brand New! $900 FIRM Wood Burning Stove $350 OBO 508-731-0556 Group or private day and evening classes Bagged Shavings Beginner Obedience Starting Soon Beginner Agility Starting Soon All Breed Grooming Available “It’s all about the dogs!” Call Terri 508-832-9394 508-885-3036 TREE-LENGTH FIREWOOD or visit our website 8 Cord Loads Green $900 413-530-2331 281 FREE PETS FAN-C-PET FREE DOG Mobile Grooming Salon Found 9-Year Old Miniature Pinscher, Male. Very Thin. Not Good With Children, Good With Adults. MUST Be Willing To Care For Special Needs Pet, Possible History Of Abuse. Will Need Veterinary Care Call After 4pm 774-402-1353 283 PETS A CHANCE FOR LIFE NEEDED FOR BEAUTIFUL CATS & DOGS Vicki Kelley Professional Groomer 20 Years Exp. “We Go Right to Your Door” 508-987-2419 Tested, vetted, and ready for love. Please consider these, “homeless” pets for adoption. SECOND CHANCE ANIMAL SHELTER. Call 508-867-5525 LOOKING FOR A PUPPY? Come visit out country kennel in Charlton. Various purebred and mixed breed puppies. Shots, dewormed, vet checked, health guaranteed. Credit cards accepted. Monthly Payment Plan Available (508)248-1184 Lovebird Cages Many Types, Includes A Variety Of Bird Toys. Breeding Boxes, Supplies & Information. All Offers Considered. All Calls Returned. Going... Going... Gone to the Dogs Training and behavior management in your home. Positive methods used. Certified Pet Dog trainer and member APDT Call Renelle at 508-892-1850 email: Peek-a-Pooh Mix Vacation Coverage And Daily Dog Walks Pure Bred Puppies Laughlin Kennel 284 LOST & FOUND PETS LOST CAT Long Haired Cat (Brownish Grey), Lost On Highland Street, Southbridge, 12/18. Could Be Headed To Maple Terrace. Answers To ‘Mo’ Please Help Us Find Him! 508-765-3839 Northern High Farm Brookfield Horses For Kids Program Is An 8-Week Program Designed For Cold Weather With Some Classroom And Hands-On Work With Our Safe School Horses. Designed For Kids With No Horse Experience To Gain Confidence In A Fun Environment. Please Call 413-205-9050 Or 508-867-9493 Stowe Farm HORSE BACK RIDING LESSONS Indoor & Outdoor Arenas TRAIL RIDES Also: Horses, Goats and Bunnies For Sale Call For Information 295 BUILDING SUPPLIES Harvey Windows New - Still Wrapped (2) Big 41 1/2 x 57 R.O. Double Hung, Vinyl, White Both For $300 508-278-7835 298 WANTED TO BUY $ ROSS RECYCLING We Pay More!! In-Home Pet Care Call (508)867-8128 Kiln-Dried Pine Paper Bags. 3.25 Cubic Feet $4.75 Each (No Limit) Pick Up In West Brookfield Rock Valley Farm 508-867-2508 (508)865-9860 Spencer 774-745-0173 Little fluff balls, born 11/19/08. 3 black males, 1 black female, 1 black and white female. Will grow to approximately 14lbs. $150. Brookfield. Puppy Kindergarten Starting Soon Excellent Condition Hardly Used. $350 Full-Sized, One Owner. 80k Miles, Excellent Condition. $1200 Call After 3pm 205 Federal Hill Road Oxford, MA 286 LIVESTOCK New Competition Obedience 1987 Pontiac Safari Wagon 508-987-0077 Agility obedience and conformation Russo Coal/ Wood Stove Call 508-987-7161 WOOD LOTS WANTED Natural foods Reiki Flower Essences Feng Shui Other times by appt. please! Cut & split. $200 for green, $240 for seasoned per cord. 30 mile radius from Worcester for free delivery. Cuddy cabin, fully equipped, low hours on engine. Very good condition. $7,900. Call 508-885-3689 Boarding Luxury suites, walks, treats, & one on one playtimes available. M&M Services 16’ Evinrude 20HP Motor, Trolling Motor & Trailer. RUNS GOOD. Cut, Split & Delivered Seasoned Collinswood K-9 Services New Energy! New Stuff! Experienced caring staff Firewood FIREWOOD Call (508)865-2227 New Owners! Call (774)696-0387 1992 Bass Tracker 1992 Sunbird 19’ with trailer • Newly rubber-matted sleeping areas. • Large individual runs, outdoor exercise pens, country walks • Large indoor play area •Bathing available Open M-F 8:30am-10:30am 3:00pm-5:00pm Saturday & Sunday 8:30am-5:00pm Like new, $1500. Hearthmate woodstove, great shape, $500. Over thirty breeds available. Health checked/guaranteed. State licensed. Call (508)326-0346 285 PET CARE Apple Acres Kennel Jotel 400F Woodstove FREE Delivery For Brimfield & 10-Mile Radius. Delivery Charge For Other Areas. Call Pete 508-612-7338 Asking $3495. Call (508)476-2534 285 PET CARE Firewood 2006 Polar Kraft Kodiak V 178 SC Great Family Boat. Tubing, Skiing, Fishing. Excellent On Gas, Trailers Easily. ☎ TOWN-TO-TOWN CLASSIFIEDS ☎ A STONEBRIDGE PRESS PUBLICATION ☎ 3 Call Allyson At 774-293-1590 Fully Insured Great References Mention This Ad And First Visit Is FREE! All Scrap Metals, Cars, Trucks Batteries, Copper Wire, Appliances... 64 Tucker Hill Rd. Putnam, CT 06260 860-928-7165 $$$$ J&L Pet Sitting Service Professional at Home Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Member of National Association of Professional Pet Sitters Established 1996 Certified • Bonded • Insured 508-347-3826 CASH PAID For your unwanted musical instruments in any condition! *Guitars*Amplifiers*Drums* Saxes*Trumpets* *Keyboards*Pro Audio*Etc. Call: 508-765-9352 Open Mon-Sat (10-6) 339 Main Street Southbridge, MA 01550 4 ☎ TOWN-TO-TOWN CLASSIFIEDS ☎ A STONEBRIDGE PRESS PUBLICATION ☎ December, 31, 2008 Carriers/Motor Route Drivers Wanted Southbridge Evening News is now accepting applications for the following areas: Sturbridge, Brimfield, Wales and surrounding areas Positions are Part Time and Monday Through Friday. (mid-mornings) 402 GENERAL SERVICES 457 LAWN/GARDEN TREE WORK A&H JUNK REMOVAL MASONRY MOVING CLEANING & DEMOLITION Debris Cleanup Stumping Wood & Brush Removal General Yardwork Large Trees Heavy Equipment Service (Excavators, Dump Trucks, Bobcats) 508-397-3411 500 REAL ESTATE 501 REAL ESTATE WANTED Applications are available at: 25 Elm Street Southbridge, MA or call (508)909-4139 298 WANTED TO BUY CASH PAID For Coins And Jewelry Buying/Selling Gold & Silver One Piece Or Collection Lee’s Coins & Jewelry 239 West Main Street East Brookfield (Route 9 - Panda Garden Plaza) 508-637-1236 508-341-6355 310 GENERAL HELP WANTED 310 GENERAL HELP WANTED Cleaners Wanted Truck Drivers Wanted Looking for energetic, honest and dependable persons who can keep up with a fast growing company. Perfect for Mother’s hours. 10-15 hours weekly. Must have own car. Call Tammie 508-347-3275 DRIVERS Part-Time/On-Call For Sanding & Snowplowing CDL License Required. Robbins 508-987-2897 Foster Parents Wanted Paying Top Dollar For Silver Coins, Silver Dollars, Gold Coins, Paper Money, Canadian Coins & Currency Also Wanted: Silver & Gold Jewelry And Silverware. Banks Recommend Us! FREE Honest Appraisals Prompt Cash Payments L&L Coin Call Thomas 508-450-1282 WAR RELICS & WAR SOUVENIRS WANTED WWII & Earlier CASH WAITING! Call: 1-508-688-0847. All Calls Promptly Returned. I’ll Come To You At Your Convenience. 30 Years Experience. 300 HELP WANTED 305 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Oil Burner Business 1986 Astro Van, 126k Actual Miles, Full Set Of Shelves, Includes SootMaster Vacuum Cleaner And Brushes, Back Rack, Efficiency Kit, Milwaukee Sawzall. Numerous Controls, Primaries, Transformers, And Iron/Copper Fittings, Pipe Cutters, Sheet Metal Tools (Snips, Benders, Etc.) Top Half Large Rollaway, Large Selection Of Burner Parts, Site Glass, Washers, Glass Cutters, And Miscellaneous Handtools. Complete Box Of Assorted Nozzles And Oil Filters. $3400 Buy It Today, And Do A Service Call On The Way Home! Call Brian 508-943-4175 Seeking Quality Homes Throughout Central MA To Provide Foster Care To Children In Need. 24/7 Support. Generous Reimbursement. $600 Gas Incentive Tired of long hours and low pay? Have you recently been laid off or just looking for a new career? Then consider becoming a Certified Professional with training at NEBES! Our programs include: Bookkeeping Office Administration Tax Management and are tailored to the adult learner, so class times will be informative, exciting and enjoyable. You can take classes either live or though online methods. Basic math and English skills are all that are required and within 3 months you could be earning a very good salary with a career that is in demand. Financial aid, in house financing (no interest), and state assistance are available. Call 800-974-0041 or visit us online at Victoria Place Salon & Day Spa Has Openings For F/P Experienced Stylists Pay Negotiable, Based On Experience. Friendly Staff, Professional Atmosphere, 14 Years In Business In Worcester. Contact Bonnie 508-792-1980 311 PART-TIME HELP WANTED Devereux Therapeutic Foster Care 508-829-6769 Mystery Shoppers Earn Up To $100 Per Day! Undercover Shoppers Needed To Judge Retail & Dining Establishments. Experience Not Required 877-787-6583 PASTOR Overlook Masonic Health Center, Charlton, is seeking a part time Pastor to assist with Sunday services two Sundays a month, along with one-to-one visitations with residents. Must have a great comfort level working with the elderly, good organizational skills, and possess a compassionate personality. Apply online at Send resume to HR Dept., P.O. Box 1000, Charlton, MA 01507; E-mail to No phone calls please. EOE Part-Time Chauffeurs For Oxford Limo Company. Non-Smoking, With Clean Driving Record, Good Customer Service, Have Cell Phone/Computer, CDL w/P Endorsement A Must! Familiarity With Boston Or Experience A Plus. 508-731-0226 Per-Diem To Detail & Maintain Limousines Must be mechanically inclined, motivated, and dependable. Non-smoking with Valid License & Dependable Transportation. Must Pass CORI/Drug & Background Check. Flex Hours. Call 508-731-0505 Post Office Now Hiring! Avg Pay $20/hour, $57K/year, including Federal benefits, OT. Placed by adSource, not affiliated with USPS, who hires. 1-866-533-4717 Want More Money, Respect And A Career That’s In Demand? Class A CDL with Hazmat. Day Driving Throughout Northeast. Company Based in North Brookfield. Retirees Welcome! No Overnight Loads. (508)867-3235 School Store Clerk Needed At Valley View School, Located In North Brookfield. 2-5 Hours Per Week. Please Call Melissa Rudge At 508-867-6505 Between 9am-5pm (Weekdays) Sheet Metal Mechanics We Are Looking For Experienced Mechanics For Commercial And Industrial Work. We Will Provide Permanent Positions, Excellent Compensation And A Benefits Package. Apply: J.J. Bafaro Inc. 9 Winter Street Worcester, MA Winter Break Work $19.25 Base Appt. Flexible FT/PT Sales/Service. No Experience Necessary. Temp/Perm. Ideal For Students! All Ages 17+ Conditions Apply. Call Now 508-797-0600 Brook Haven Assisted Care Part-Time Employment Immediate Openings: RP/CNA/HHA Taking Applications: LPN Shift Aide Applicants must be energetic and well-groomed. Call Nancy 508-867-3325 19 West Main St. West Brookfield, MA 320 MEDICAL/DENTAL Home Health Aides Needed Part-time Work when you want! Days or weekends. Competitive salary. Travel Stipend and mileage reimbursement. Car necessary. Clients located in and around Sturbridge, Webster, Charlton, Northbridge and Uxbridge surrounding towns. Spanish speaking encouraged to apply. Call Monday-Friday, 9am-3pm Only Independence Healthcare Call (508)767-1776 AA/EOE Part-Time Social Worker Needed For 22-Bed SNF, 12 Hours Per Week. B.S.W. Required. Send Resume To: Holy Spirit Health Care Center Attn:Administrator 72 Church Street Putnam,CT 06260 Fax 860-963-0686 EOE 333 SURROGATE MOTHERS Surrogate Mothers Wanted Established Surrogacy Program seeks loving women to carry couples’ biological babies 21-45, prior birth experience required, non-smokers, generous compensation. 1-888-363-9457 Clean Out Attics, Garages, Cellars, Houses, Apartments, Offices, Stores, Etc. Appliances Demolition Small Buildings ATTN: Landlords Or House Owners Clean & Paint Interiors We Do The Work! 10% Discount With This Ad Call 800-844-0034 Call The Junk Man SNOWPLOWING Trees Cut Brush/Limbs Removed Removal of Metal, Appliances, Furniture, TV’s. Construction materials Cellars & Attics cleaned. Demolition of small buildings, Tires. Leaves removed. Small Residential Moves. Furnaces Removed Check-our-down-toearth prices first! Weekends also! Central Mass and Connecticut 508-347-7804 or 413-262-5082 433 CLEANING * TLC Home * Cleaning Have You Heard The Phrase, “GOING GREEN?” We Use & Supply Organic Cleaners To Ensure Your Family’s Safety. Holiday Gift Certificates Available For That Special Someone! A Perfect Gift! CALL TAMMIE TODAY FOR A CLEANER TOMORROW! 508-347-3275 774-230-7885 Office/Homes Spring Or Fall Cleanings Weekly/Bi-Weekly Or Monthly Cleanings Flexible Hours/Days Registered/Insured/ Bonded References Available 442 LICENSED DAY CARE *************** The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Office of Child Care Services requires that all ads placed in the newspaper for child care (daycare) in your home include your license number. 448 FURNITURE At Reasonable Rates LOCAL ROOF SNOW REMOVAL & DE-ICING Don’t Allow Roof Damage From Deep & Heavy Snow! Eliminate Dangerous Icicles, Dams, & Leaks! Serving Webster & Surrounding Towns Call Now! 508-864-7595 All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to The Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status (number of children and or pregnancy), national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, or any intention to make an such preference, limitation or discrimination. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate that is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertising in this newspaper are available on and equal opportunity basis. To complain about discrimination call The Department of Housing and Urban Development “HUD” toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. For the N.E. area, call HUD ad 617-565-5308,. The toll free number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275 505 APARTMENTS FOR RENT Brookfield Hyde Street Nice Two Bedroom, Near School. Washer/Dryer Hookups. Friendly Pets Ok. $800/Month + Utilities. 508-885-4018 Furniture Facelifting, Painting, Caning, Stripping to Refinishing, And Repairs. Guaranteed. Free Estimates. Pick-up & Delivery. Antique Doctor 508-248-9225 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apartments Available Prices start at $845/month. Includes heat, hot water, A/C, pool, fitness center & children’s program. Off street parking. Call (508)476-3777 Dudley 3 bedroom apartment. Hardwood floors, large kitchen/dining, quiet neighborhood, front porch, off-street parking, washer in basement. Stove included. Gas heat. No smoking, some pets OK. Lead Paint Certificate. First/Last & Security $900/month plus utilities. Call (508)987-5441 Dudley For Rent Two Bedroom Apartments. $650 Three Bedroom Apartments $700-$900 Please Call 508-943-1685 Dudley One Bedroom Apartment. Includes Heat, Hot Water, & Washer/Dryer. Appliances, Off-Street Parking, Secured Building. 508-943-8826 508-304-5742 North Brookfield 28 Spring Street 3 large rooms, first floor. $625/monthly. References and security required. No pets. Washer/dryer hookups. Section 8 Welcome Office Open From: Monday-Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm Weekend & Evening Appointments Available Brookside Terrace 11 Village Drive Southbridge,MA 01550 (508)764-7675 C&C Properties LOOK & COMPARE 2 Bedroom Luxury Condo On Southbridge/Charlton Line. Appliances, Gas Fireplace, $795/Month Also, Quality 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apartments! Appliances, Off-Street Parking. Sturbridge Two bedroom apartment. Appliances, off-street parking, coin-op washer/dryer on premises. $750/month including hot water. Sturbridge Completely furnished efficiencies. All utilities and cable. $200 per week. Call Tammy at 508-579-0539 Available 1/1/09 508-248-1899 Douglas (2) Two Bedroom Apartments. Includes: Heat, Hot Water, Appliances, Parking, Plowing, Yard Care. Private Entrance, Large Closet, Coin-Op Laundry. Convenient Location. First Floor $890 Second Floor $875 508-476-2508 508-341-2486 505 APARTMENTS FOR RENT Southbridge 3-4 bedroom apartments 1st & 2nd floor; All apartments are Section 8 approved and are in move in condition. First and security deposit required and no pets. Excellent landlord, so apartments don’t stay vacant. Call now (774)402-4281 for availability and showings. Southbridge Providing Realty Management Services To Eastern Connecticut & Central Massachusetts. ____________________ Looking To Sell Your Property? I am buying Multi-Family & Condo Properties, With Assumable Mortgages, Seller-Financing, or Creative Terms. Let’s Make A Deal That Works For Both Of Us! ____________________ *APARTMENTS* * AVAILABLE * Maria Ave. 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath Condo Off-Street Parking, Security, Updated Dishwasher, Washer/Dryer. $875 North Street 2 Bedroom, Second Floor $650 2 Bedroom, First Floor $675 Coombs Street 3 Bedroom, Washer/Dryer Hookups. Section 8 OK Leased! One Bedroom, Third Floor $575 36-38 Main Street Southbridge, MA (860)256-7582 BRAND NEW APARTMENTS! For more info (508)867-4277 Small One Bedroom Apartment, Second Floor. Stove & Refrigerator, Off-Street Parking. $400/Month First/Last & Security. No Pets. Call Peter 508-882-3177 Or Nellie 508-347-2774 North Brookfield Second Floor, Two Bedroom Apartment. Appliances, Private Yard & Off-Street Parking. $750/Month Some Pets Welcome. Call Rick 508-736-2551 1 bedroom apartment. Off street parking, refrigerator and stove included, washer/dryer hookups. No pets. $725 per month includes heat and hot water. references required. Call 508-765-0885 Southbridge 12 Cohasse Street Small One Bedroom, Second Floor. Includes Stove and Refrigerator. $500 per month. First & Last Required. Utilities Not Included. Call 508-248-1899 Southbridge 12 Cohasse Street Available 1/1/09 508-248-1899 (Linwood) 508-234-2025 508-473-4576 Southbridge Fair landlord seeks quiet law abiding citizens and families. 51 Green Ave Available January 1st! Barn Boards & Wood Beams! Awesome 3 Bedroom Apt. On Third Floor. W/D Hookups, Personal Storage. Reasonably good credit, references required. No dogs please, illegal drug users need not apply. Section 8 OK Call Louis at 860-869-9074 Leave a message and a time when I can reach you. Southbridge FIRST MONTH’S RENT FREE Clean Four Room Apartment, Third Floor. One Year Lease & References Required. First & Last. $575/month Call 508-765-0386 Weekdays 9:30a-5:30p To Apply No Pets, No Waterbeds Southbridge Large 1 Bedroom Apartment Completely Remodeled $650/Month 3 Bedroom Apartment Completely Remodeled $850/Month 4 Bedroom Apartment Completely Remodeled $950/Month Available Now! Section 8 Welcome 508-320-2175 Southbridge Large 2 Bedroom Apartment For Rent. Off-Street Parking, Brand New Carpets, Clean. Pets Negotiable. $750/Month Please Call 508-764-1401 Southbridge Large 3-bedroom apartment. 1st floor, newly renovated, & de-leaded. Washer/dryer hookups, enclosed porch. Great neighborhood. $850/month plus utilities, First/last/security deposit & credit checks. No pets 508-347-7433 Southbridge To Apply Call 508-765-0386 9:30am-5:30pm Northbridge Clean, Cozy, Quiet. Off-Street Parking. $800/Month Plus Security. Includes Heat, Hot Water, Stove, Refrigerator, Blinds & Carpeting. Available Now Call (508)765-2658 Southbridge Call (508)867-4395 NO PETS, NO SMOKING. Southbridge Clean 4 room, 2 bedroom duplex apartment. Stove, refrigerator, hookups, basement, yard, good area. No pets. Credit check, first/last & security. $600 per month, plus utilities. Call (508)765-5852 2 Bedrooms/$775. Available now. Stove, refrigerator and dishwasher included. Secure building. Off-street parking. NO Pets. Large Three Bedroom, Third Floor. $800/Month Heat & Utilities Not Included. First & Last Required. First Floor, Four Room Apartment. 508-826-9654 Large Three Bedroom, Second Floor. Freshly Painted. New Wall-To-Wall Carpeting, Hot Water, Range, Clothes Dryer, Refrigerator, All Included. Highly Efficient To Heat! No Pets/Waterbeds $750/Month One-Year Lease North Brookfield Spacious and sunny large 1 bedroom in center. New windows, eat in kitchen, laundry and parking. $550 per month. Beautiful Two Bedroom Apartment, With Balcony. Completely Redone! New Everything $675/Month Plus Utilities First + Security Required. No Pets. Leased! North Brookfield North Brookfield Center INCOME LIMITS APPLY Need Help Managing Your Property? Need Help With Tenant Placement? SOUTHBRIDGE Affordable 2 Bedroom Apartments For Rent. Spacious, Fully Applianced. A/C In Every Unit! • On-Site Laundry • Basketball Court • Playground • Pool Out Of Town Owner? Call (508)867-2478 Or (508)867-7404 Brookside Terrace Starting at $696 505 APARTMENTS FOR RENT Douglas Large Two Bedroom In Elegant Older Home On Main Street. Includes Washer & Dryer. Partially Furnished. Separate Eating Area, Hardwoods, Plenty Of Storage! Parking Off-Street. Pay Heat & Electric. First/Last & Security $750/Month New const. Heat/hot water. 1 & 2 bedrooms Elevator accessible, onsite laundromat, trash removal, private parking. Appliances included. Small One Bedroom. Off-Street Parking. $600/Month Heat & Utilties Not Included. 400 SERVICES 402 GENERAL SERVICES ************** EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY ************** Charlton 400 SERVICES Douglas Call Cliff 508-476-1700 Call (508)765-0501 Have Your Furniture Professionally Restored 505 APARTMENTS FOR RENT Southbridge 2 bedroom, 4 room cozy third floor apartment. Washer/dryer hookup, gas heat, no smoker no pets, First and last months rent. $675 per month. Call (508)765-6007 Southbridge 2nd Floor Of 2-Family House. 2 Bedrooms, Just Remodeled, Nice Location. No Smoking/Pets. $600+Utilities Section 8 Welcome Call 413-219-7642 For More Info. Leave Message, Will Return All Calls! Southbridge Modern 1 bedroom, quiet downtown area. $600 per month Includes heat, hot water and appliances. Lease, security, deposit and reference required. Call (508)347-7709 Southbridge Modern 2 Bedroom Apartments. Appliances, Off-Street Parking. Immediate Occupancy! $675-$725/Month 774-258-0147 Southbridge NEW LISTING! Clean & Spacious 5-Room, 3 Bedroom Apartment With Updated Bathroom $775 AVAILABLE NOW! 5-Room, Two Bedroom $750 Available January Washer/Dryer Hookups, Refrigerator & Stove, Fenced Yard, Porch, Off-Street Parking, Ceiling Fans Throughout. No Pets. No Smoking First/Last & Security Call 508-765-8730 Southbridge Nice 3 Bedroom Apartment, Second Floor. Wall-To-Wall Carpet, Washer/Dryer Hookup. No Pets. First/Last & Security. Accepting Housing 508-764-7383 774-230-7520 Southbridge 3 bedroom 2 level apartment. Fresh paint, new windows. Washer/dryer hookup, big back yard and deck. Storage area, separate utilities. $775/month Call (508)764-4283 Southbridge 3 Room, 1 Bedroom Apartment. Stove & Fridge. Good Location. No Pets. $495/Month First & Security. Call And Apply 413-245-0235 Or 774-230-3079 Southbridge 3 room-1 bedroom 1st floor in quiet area. Heat, hot water, gas stove, washer/dryer, refrigerator all included. Pay own electric lights. $700 per month for one person/$750 for two. First/last. Call (508)764-1484 Southbridge Non-Smokers Only. Cozy Three Room, One Bedroom. Stove & Fridge. $495/Month First & Security, Credit Check. Cats OK. 413-283-5445 Leave Message Southbridge One Bedroom, Second Floor Apartment In Nice Residential Area. Hardwood Floors, Washer/Dryer Hookups, Gas Heat. Off-Street Parking. Pet Welcome. $600/Month Call 508-612-9363 Southbridge Second Floor, Two Bedroom. Stove, Refrigerator. Hardwood Floors. Hot Water Included. No Pets. First, Last & Security $675/Month 508-829-5853 DECEMBER, 31, 2008 505 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 505 APARTMENTS FOR RENT Southbridge Sturbridge Two Bedroom Townhouse. 1.5 Bath, All Applianced, Private Driveway, Yard. Washer/Dryer Hookups. No Smoking, No Pets. $800/Month Plus Utilities First & Security One-Year Lease. Free Electric, Heat, Hot Water Included In One Or Two Bedroom. All Appliances. $900 or $1000/month Off-Street Parking 508-765-5129 Southbridge Two Bedroom Townhouse. Off-Street Parking, Washer & Dryer Hookup, Separate Utilities. Immediate Occupancy First/Last & Security Decent Credit Only $625/Month Broker/Owner 508-864-8155 Southbridge Two Bedroom. Fresh Paint, All Hardwood Floors, Huge Backyard, Off-Street Parking. Last House On Dead-End Street. First & Last Month’s. No Pets. $750/Month (Heat Included) 774-230-5746 Southbridge Webster 2 & 3 bedroom apartments available. Applianced, washer/dryer hook-ups. No pets. Section 8 Ok. Starting At $700 First and security. References and credit check required. Call (508)596-8497 Southbridge Wonderful, 3 bedroom apartment, $750/month. Sunny and updated. Section 8 Approved. Also: 2 Bedroom Apartment, Third Floor. $650/Month Call (508)259-4367 Southbridge: Large 1 bedroom modern. Wall to wall, appliances included, coin-op laundry, no pets, lease and security. $575 and up, utilities not included. Call (508)764-2866 Spencer 2 bedroom, living room, kitchen, laundry room. Forced hot air gas furnace, large yard, quiet area, small pets welcomed. $725 per month. Call (508)867-8707 Spencer Great One Bedroom. Top Level; Bedroom, Small Office, Bath. Lower Level; Open Kitchen/Living/Dining, 1/2 Bath, Laundry. Quiet Lake View, Pool. First/Last & Security Deposit. Criminal/Credit Check Starting At $825/Month INCLUDES UTILITIES 508-885-5216 Spencer Two Bedroom Apartment, W/D Hookups, Stove & Fridge, Trash Included. New Carpet & Paint, Etc. No Pets. $725/Month Partial Heat Included 774-230-7146 1738 House 508-347-1101 Sturbridge Sturbridge Heights (Hall Road) Spacious 1 Bedroom. First & Last. $650/month. Also Available Brand New Two Bedroom Applianced Apartments. Starting At $845/Month Call (508)729-3429 Uxbridge One bedroom apartment with loft, stove and refrigerator included. $650 per month plus utilities. First and last. Also have garage for rent for $100/month. Call (508)278-6319 Wales Main Street Quiet One Bedroom Apartment. With Stove, Refrigerator, Laundry Room. Electric Included. Heat & Cable Not Included. First & Security Required. $600/Month 413-245-9433 508-612-7284 Warren Half-Duplex, Two Bedroom, 1.5 Bath. Full Cellar, Large Yard, Propane Heat. No Pets. $800/Month First/Last & Security 413-245-1241 Webster NORTH VILLAGE 2 bedroom units starting at $760!! Heat and hot water is included. Must income qualify. Section 8 Vouchers Accepted. Please call (508)987-1595 Webster 18 Mechanic Street Furnished Studio Apartment. Shared Bathroom. With All Utilities, Laundry, Off-Street Parking. $125/Weekly For Rental Application Call 508-943-9452 Apply In Person Fri/Sat Morning 9am-Noon Webster 1st floor 3 room, 1 bedroom apartment newly renovated. Stove and refrigerator included. off street parking, $525 per month. First and security required. No dogs. Credit check and references required. Call (860)935-9177 Webster Second Floor, Brand-New Five-Room Apartment. Off-Street Parking. Coin-Op Washer/Dryer. No Pets. Call 508-943-8232 505 APARTMENTS FOR RENT Webster 2 & 3 Bedroom Apartments Starting at $165/week Dudley One Bedroom Apartments. Starting At $140/Week 505 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 510 COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS Webster Chase Mill Complex Pine Grove Cemetery (Formerly Ethan Allen) Located In Dudley, MA Indoor/Outdoor Space Available For Immediate Lease For Storage, Light Industrial, Manufacturing, Office. Call Today For Info 774-280-6026 Whitinsville, MA All Adjoining, Side-By-Side. Good Location Near Front/Path. Asking $1100 Each Or $3000 For All 3 Spacious 2 Bedroom Apartment. 2nd Floor, Gas Heat. Coin-Ops, Off-Street Parking. $675 Per Month. First & Security Deposit Call 508-410-1319 Southbridge 2, 3 & 4 Bedroom Apartments. Starting At $150/week All are newly remodeled, carpeted, stove & refrigerator included. Section 8 Approved. No Pets Allowed Security Deposit & References Required Call 774-289-1714 Webster 2 Bedroom Apartment Second Floor. Off-Street Parking. Appliances And Heat Included. No Pets. $700 per month. Webster Three Bedrooms, First Floor. Updated Bathroom, Large Kitchen with Appliances, Washer/Dryer Hookups, Wood Floors, Storage, Nice Backyard, Off-Street Parking, Near Downtown $950/month First & Security Available Immediately! Call 508-951-2641 Webster Call (508)450-6421 Two Bedroom Apartments. Coin-Op & Off-Street Parking. Second & Third Floor Available. No Pets. $600/month First/Last & References Webster 508-943-1076 After 5pm 5 Room Apartments Available, 2nd Floor. Great Condition, Off-Street Parking, 10 & 12 Boyden Street Call 508-259-5453 Or 508-245-3430 Webster First Floor 6-Room Two Bedroom, With Enclosed Porch. Off-Road Parking. First & Security. No Pets. Available January 1st 860-306-4876 Webster First Floor, Four Room Apartment. With Parking. Stove, Refrigerator, And Coin-Op Laundry In Basement. No Pets. First/Last & Security Required. Section 8 Approved $650/Month 508-864-7595 Webster Large One Bedroom, Second Floor. Off-Street Parking. No Pets. First & Security, References. $595/Month Call 508-943-8755 Before 7pm Webster Large Three Bedroom Apartment, Third Floor. Off-Street Parking, Small Backyard. No Pets. $795/Month First & Security, References. Call 508-943-8755 Before 7pm Webster Prospect Estates 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments. 1 Month Free Rent Now Available: Historical Buildings Must Income Qualify SECTION 8 CERTIFICATES WELCOME Call (508)943-9567 E.H.O. Aut Webster OPEN NOW!!! Tri-State Speedway Indoor Go-Kart & Amusement Center Spencer Office Space Bright & Spacious Rooms In Beautiful, Historic Victorian. Centrally Located On Route 9. Ample Parking. Great Location. Variety Of Floorplans Available. Call Scott 508-320-2814 Or Neil 508-868-1043 Southbridge Retail Space Two Bedroom, De-Leaded. Near Park & School. Available January 1st $500/Month First/Last & Security 508-304-3141 Main Street, high visibility. $1300 per month plus utilities. West Brookfield Commercial/Office Space For Rent In The Heart Of The Business District. From $425 To $795 Per Month. 508-248-0847 1 and 2 bedrooms, walk to beautiful town common. Stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, washer/dryer hookups, nice yard. $595-$750/month plus utilities. No pets. First and last. Call (508)868-5911 or (508)867-2398 Call (508)765-5995 Sturbridge Webster For Rent 2 bedroom apartment second floor. Off street parking, washer/dryer hookup. $800 per month, plus utilities. No pets. Call for more details, (413)436-9544 West Brookfield Mobile Home At Madden Estates A 55-And-Over Mobile Home Park. 2 Bedroom, Country Setting 1 pet, hookups, $650-First, Last, Security. One Home Available Now! Also Selling New Mobile Homes Call (508)867-7972 West Brookfield Motel Rooms For Rent Daily & Weekly Rates All Rooms Have Microwave & Fridge, Some Rooms Have Kitchenette. Housekeeping Service Copper Lantern Motor Lodge 508-867-6441 14,000 Square Feet And Anything In Between... Owner Will Give You Price You Can’t Refuse! 508-753-3670 515 CONDOS-RENT/SALE Spencer Two Bedroom Condo. Bright, Modern, Contemporary Style. Hardwood, Tile, & Appliances. Great Kitchen. Beautifully Landscaped Grounds. Convenient Location. Rent To Own! (6 Months Credit) From $850 Call Scott 508-320-2814 525 HOUSES FOR RENT East Brookfield Small Two Bedroom Ranch. $950/Month First & Security Washer/Dryer, Stove & Refrigerator. Credit Check. Call 413-967-4937 Whitinsville 1, 2 or 3 bedroom apartments. Large rooms, with appliances. Off-street parking. No pets. No utilities included. First/Last & References Call (508)476-7856 3 Lots 508-234-5389 Cemetery Lot For Sale Worcester County Memorial Park, Paxton, MA. Garden Of Heritage II, 609B, 2 Lots (1 & 2) $1500 For Both Call 508-347-3884 Leave Message If No Answer West Brookfield House For Rent 1 Bedroom, Large Private Yard, Lake Rights. Newly Renovated. First/Last & Security Available Immediately $650/Month 508-867-7363 Worcester County Memorial Park-Paxton, MA 2 Lots (#408A) available in the beautiful Garden of Valor II. $5,000 for both. Call (508)987-0531 CEMETERY LOTS: Two in the Garden of Valor at Worcester Memorial Park in Paxton. $1500/best offer. Please call 508-885-5133 Cemetery Plots at Worcester County Memorial Park in Heritage I. 2 lots. $1200. Call (508)987-6180 Cemetery Plots Worcester County Memorial Park, Paxton; 2 Person, Garden Of Faith. $1400 OBO (For Both) Currently Sells For $2100 Direct From WCMP. Please Call 508-892-1679 Garden of Prayer 3 lots, side by side, buy two for $2000 and get the third free. Choice ground. Worcester county memorial park, Paxton MA. Call (508)234-7116 Two Cemetery Lots Worcester County Memorial Park In Paxton $900 For Each, $1800 For Both Call Cheryl 413-245-4181 WORCESTER COUNTY MEMORIAL PARK; Paxton, MA 2 adjoining lots. Asking $1500 or Best Offer for both call (508)867-3820 Worcester County Memorial Park Garden of the Cross 2 lots side by side. Price $3500 for both. Call (508)721-8924 720 CLASSICS 720 CLASSICS 725 AUTOMOBILES 725 AUTOMOBILES Truck Rails 1989 BMW 325i 1995 Toyota Supra 705 AUTO ACCESSORIES Chrome Tube For 8’ Bed Great Condition $95 For Set 2002 BMW 325ci Convertible 1997 Chevy Blazer 4x4 Steel Belted, 205/65 R15 Like New $150 4 Cooper Weather Master S/T Snow Groove Tires 225/55 R17 Like New $200 508-867-2560 Evenings A-1 Condition 4 new Yokohama High Speed Rain Tires 195-50-R15/82V on mint 5 Bolt American Racing Wheels. Fits Accord, Sentra, Camry, Corolla, Miata, Neon and many more. Call Tom ask if they will fit your car. Best Reasonable Offer Spencer 774-745-0173 Third Row Bench Seat For Ford Expedition (Eddie Bauer) Tan Leather, Excellent Condition. Fits Model Years ‘97-’02 $150 860-935-0039 Used Auto Parts GM Chrome Slotted Wheels 15”, 5-Lug Bolt Pattern For Full-Size GM. $200 Set Of 4 454 Complete GM Block With Fuel Injection $1200 508-259-8805 715 AUTO SERVICES D&M Towing & Recycling Paying CASH For Your Junk & Unwanted Vehicles Fully Licensed & Insured Cars, Trucks and Farm Equipment Wanted Call D&M Towing 508-887-3645 TOLL-FREE 1-877-820-2TOW 91 day Guarantee. Large inventory of engines, transmissions, tires & glass. Excellent service. Free parts locating service. Also Available: New and Used Auto Parts Amherst-Oakham Auto Call (800)992-0441 or (508)799-9969 Inquire at: 1985 Buick Riviera Must Sell My Beautiful, Restored Pride & Joy! 135k Original Miles. Pretty Blue With Black Landau Roof. Plush Interior. Mechanically Good. $2500 OBO 508-476-1721 1962 Buick Electra 225 4-Door, Excellent Running & Body Condition. 36k Original Miles. Light Grey. Price Negotiable Call Laurie 508-450-5740 1987 Chevy Monte Carlo LS Light Blue, 2-door hard-top, 5.0 V8 automatic, perfect velour interior, 1-owner, 120K miles. Bought new at Diamond Chevrolet. Very good condition, runs great. $2500. (508)347-9386 1984 Firebird SE H06, air, auto locks doors & windows. Cast wheels, Chapman. Best offer. Call (617)872-3230 1973 Green VW Beetle Recent Engine, Good Tires Best Offer 413-245-3530 4 lots in the Garden of the Cross, which is the oldest garden in the park. Value $7000, asking $6000. Will sell separately. Call (508)892-8685 550 MOBILE HOMES 14x70 Mobile Home W/56ft addition which includes 24x12 den, 14x12 work room w/sink and 18ft porch w/handicapped ramp. Large hallways/doors, for wheelchair. New roof/windows. $98K plus park share. 14x70 Mobile Home with central air. Mint condition to move in. Many new extras. Located in attractive over 55 park in Sturbridge. Call Joe (508)347-8976 1983 Mobile Home 14’x70’, Liberty Brand. Two Bedroom, All Remodeled With Attached Screenhouse. Park Share Included. $69,000 OBO 508-867-5043 Brookfield 55 Plus Community. Nanatomqua Mobile Home Park. 2 Bedroom, 1 1/2 Bath, Carport, Screen Porch, New Appliances, New Roof. 508-892-7228 774-262-7307 Nanatomqua Mobile Home Park (55 And Over) 2 Bedroom with 1-1/2 Bath, Living Room, Large Kitchen, Laundry Room With New Appliances, And Door To Back Porch. REDUCED $79,900 508-868-4662 Retiring? Think Of A Mobile Home In A Beautiful Park In Sturbridge. Two Bedrooms, One And One Half Bath, Deck, Patio, New Roof, New Windows, And Many Updates. $89,500 508-347-8791 Sturbridge $99,900 (Park Share Included) Charming, Move-In Ready. Fully Applianced, C/A, Open Floor Plan. Two Bedrooms, One Large Bath. Maintenance Free. Shaded. Monthly Fee $180. Includes Taxes, Cable TV And More! Why Rent? 860-315-7122 Sturbridge Retirement Community Completely Rebuilt In 2002. New Floors, Walls, Doors, Windows, Kitchen Cabinets, Bathroom. Carpeting On All Floors Except Kitchen & Bath. New Vinyl Siding. 508-735-9639 550 MOBILE HOMES Sturbridge Mobile Home 55+ 1 Bedroom, Ideal Location, Close To Everything. New Floors, Carpets, Paint, Windows, Shower, Cabinets & Counters. Newer Furnace, A/C & More. Washer/Dryer. $37,500 508-347-7027 Year Round or Winter Home This 1475 sq. ft. 2 bedroom 2 full bath, fully furnished, like new home inside and out, is in a beautiful 55 and older gated community. It’s located in Fort Pierce, FL., just minutes from beaches and great fishing. Many other extras. $79,900. Make an offer. Call (508)779-0311 565 ROOMS FOR RENT Spencer Rooms Available Professionally Managed. Historic Building. Common Kitchen/Living Areas. Security Deposit & References Required. Please Call George 508-791-3224 EOH 575 VACATION RENTALS Florida Disney Area All the comforts of home, with the attractions nearby. 2 Bedroom, 2 bath condo. Sleeps 6, Full kitchen, pool, tennis and more! $75/per night. Reserve now for Winter & Spring 508-885-4078 Florida Fort Myers Beach One Bedroom Beach Cottage. March 1st-14th $1200/Weekly (Off-Season) Weeks December & April From $450/Weekly All Clean, Quiet & Well Equipped. Near All Attractions. 774-262-0340 WELLS, MAINE Village By the Sea 2 bedroom/2 bath condo. Pool complex, with jacuzzi and exercise room, outdoor pool, in-unit laundry, A/C, cable. Daily Rate $80-$90 Call For Details (508)429-7568 motive 705 AUTO ACCESSORIES 4 Cooper Weather Master S/T Tires Worcester County Memorial Park, Paxton Brookfield 700 AUTOMOTIVE Red convertible new black top new transmission, automatic, runs perfect, $5500. Call (413)245-4587 546 CEMETARY LOTS Bill, (508)347-5463 Cemetery Lots for Sale 1000 Square Feet To West Brookfield 546 CEMETARY LOTS ☎ TOWN-TO-TOWN CLASSIFIEDS ☎ A STONEBRIDGE PRESS PUBLICATION ☎ 5 Twin-Turbo, Stock, 6-Speed. Original. 60k, Black-On-Black, Leather, Two-Owner Car. $50,000 FIRM 1973 Pontiac Trans-Am 4-Speed, With 455cu. White, Burgundy Interior, Original, Matching Numbers. 90k. $50,000 FIRM 508-344-2660 Corvette 1978 Anniversary Black T-Top, 57k Miles. New Exhaust, Starter, Etc. $5500 OBO Excellent Condition. 38,883 Miles. Automatic Transmission With Sports Shift Mode. Grey Leather Heated Seats. Car Is Loaded. Harmon-Kardon Sound System, Premium Wheels, Etc. $19,999 Used Motor Ready To Be Installed. Vehicle Is In Good Condition NEW PRICE $800 Call Anytime 774-230-3504 Contact Josh 508-885-7085 2004 Chrysler Town & Country 2005 Buick Century One Owner, 23,500 Miles. Black Custom Paint, Fully Loaded, Perfect Condition $18,000 Or Best Offer Call 508-764-3723 New tires, new brake job, Runs excellent. Loaded. $4200 508-713-3513 774-230-0899 Antique Black Jaguar 1999 Buick Park Ave 1972 XJ6. Body, paint and chrome nearly perfect, New Michelin pin stripe tires and many spare parts. Best Reasonable Offer. Call Tom (Spencer) (774)745-0173 725 AUTOMOBILES 1999 Audi A4 1.8T 82k Miles. 19” Chrome Wheels, Body Kit, Custom Paint, Plus Many Extras. Asking $9,800 or best offer (508)717-9244 2005 Chrysler Pacifica AWD, 138k Miles, Mostly Highway. New Tires, Great Family Car, Well Maintained. $6500 OBO Photos Available Call Bill & Andrea 860-377-0396 860-928-1064 Loaded, like new, leather, 122K miles. $4500. Call (508)752-8683 1993 Cadillac Fleetwood Florida car. 46k miles, regular gas; 17-18 in city 27-28 highway. Fully loaded, Light Blue with Light Blue leather interior. $6200. Call (508)832-3029 or (508)272-3433 2004 Chevrolet Monte Carlo LS Black/Grey, Excellent Condition, 43k Miles. $9500 508-987-1350 2000 Chevy Malibu V6, 126k Miles, A/C, Power Everything. CD Player. $2000 OBO MUST SELL! 508-762-6773 2005 Corvette Coupe 17K miles, auto, GPS, OnStar, etc. Excellent condition. REDUCED! Asking $28,000. MUST SELL! Call (508)397-6409 2007 Dodge Charger SXT Only 1,400 Miles, Pearl-Coat Red, Grey Interior. 3.5L V6, Lots Of Toys. NO Bank Lien $19,595 OBO Must See! Sharon 774-287-2031 2000 Dodge Caravan 56,000 miles, excellent condition. Non-smoker, am/fm/cd, recent tires. Asking $3900. 1983 Lincoln Town Car 20,000 miles, estate car. Excellent condition. Always garaged. $3900 or best offer. (508)317-7092 725 AUTOMOBILES 1996 Dodge Intrepid ES Sedan 119k Miles, Good Condition. $1495 BO Call 508-764-5317 After 5pm 1994 Dodge Intrepid 86k Miles, Needs Transmission Work. Good Body, Strong Engine, Good Tires. Nice Car Asking $700 OBO Call Before 8pm 508-892-4434 725 AUTOMOBILES 2003 Ford Mustang Mach 1 Azure Blue with Black leather. 18K miles, like brand new. Couple after market parts. $17,500. Call (508)987-8486 2000 Ford Taurus SES 3.0L V6, Loaded, Ice Cold A/C. $1995 1996 Saturn SL 1992 Dodge Stealth 4-Cylinder, Cold A/C, Great On Gas, CD System. Very Reliable - Must See! $1495 OBO 774-208-3313 Red, Mint Condition. $6500 OBO 508-347-3613 1999 Ford Mustang 1985 Fire-Engine Red Mazda RX7 6-Cylinder Automatic, 94k Miles, White. Power Seats, Windows, Locks & Steering. Very Good Condition. $4995 Call 508-764-4570 1.1L Rotary Engine. Mint Condition. Single Owner, 54k Miles. Always Garaged, No Rust, Sunroof. Runs Beautifully. $5000 508-845-9237 2003 Ford Mustang GT With 22k Miles, Custom Exhaust, Pro 5.0 Shifter, Ebiach Lowering Springs. Clean Car, Mint Condition. Garaged In Winter. $14,000 OBO 508-864-9692 508-764-1401 1999 Ford Ranger Extended Cab Pickup V6, 4.0L 131,780 Miles. Recent Tuneup, Tires, Brakes. Runs Well. $3500 (Book Value $6000+) 860-923-1848 1998 Ford Contour LX Blue. Reliable, Runs Great, 133k. Good Tires, Recent Brake Job. $1700 Or Best Offer 508-892-9212 1997 Olds Regency Nice solid driver 105K highway miles, loaded with moonroof, needs nothing. Asking $3500. Call (860)974-3022 1992 Ford Escort Runs Great, 92k Miles. $1200 860-942-0464 6 ☎ TOWN-TO-TOWN CLASSIFIEDS ☎ A STONEBRIDGE PRESS PUBLICATION ☎ 725 AUTOMOBILES December, 31, 2008 725 AUTOMOBILES 1995 Geo Prizm SPORTS UTILITY VEHICLES 2006 Scion XB 110K miles, Red, 4 door sedan, recently, reconditioned, new starter, runs great. Moving must sell quick!! $2500 or best offer. Call (508)341-4434 or (860)857-4168 1999 GMC Suburban SLT Still In New Condition! Has 19k Miles On It. Carries Platinum Warranty, Good Until 2012, Or 70k Miles. All Options, 35-40MPG, Burgundy Exterior. Excellent Inside/Out. $15,000 4x4, Leather, Remote/Keyless Entry, 130k Miles, Good Condition. 508-943-5954 508-612-6398 Black/Tan, Leather, 40k, Fully Loaded, Chrome Rims/Grill/Rocker Panels/Pillars, Brand New Snow Tires, Extra Set Of 18” Chrome Rims with Tires. New Brakes Sharp Car! Mint! $13,500 obo 774-289-9074 508-864-3846 2003 Dodge Durango 2006 Volkswagen Jetta 1999 Mercury Cougar 92k, V6, 5 Speed, All Options. College Forces Sale $3800 OBO Call 508-476-3907 508-335-1283 Call (508)949-6914 1993 Volvo 240GL 1996 Mercury Grand Marquis Blue Hill Edition Loaded, White w/ Blue Interior, 90k Miles $2,995 obo Corvette 1988 1992 Chevy Corsica Blue, 119k Miles, Good Condition 6 Cylinder Automatic $1,195 obo “Look Winter’s Coming” 1997 S-10 Blazer 4x4, 2 door, recent parts, needs little work, runs great, good tires, winter ready. $1500 or best offer. Wanted Old Camaros 1967-1969 including parts, pieces in any condition. Will consider other models. (508)615-5959 2006 Mustang Convertible Call (774)262-8060 Call (860)633-0869 Silver, 44,500 Miles, Excellent Condition. $11,500 860-916-8247 SPORTS UTILITY VEHICLES 2008 Pontiac G5 1996 Ford Bronco XLT Brand New! Low Mileage. 2-Door Coupe, Midnight Blue. Bought For $18,000 Sell For $14,500 740 MOTORCYCLES 774-230-4485 1999 Compo HD Hardtail Call (508)949-1525 2001 PT Cruiser Limited Just Painted, Completely Rebuilt, Must See! Asking $8000 Or BRO 508-566-2721 1998 Ford Expedition Silver w/ Leather, Loaded One Owner A Loved Car!!! Low Price Reflects 114k, New Timing Belt, and Extensive Tune-up 2006 Harley Davidson Sportster XL883C Only 85k Miles. Eddie Bauer, Blue w/Tan Interior. Seats 8, Leather, 3-Zone Climate Control, PW/PD, Heated Power Seats. Tow Package, Only Towed Camper Twice Per Year $4900 OBO 508-949-2414 REDUCED $5700 (508)476-3715 White with saddle bags. 2,091 miles. $6000. Also Harley helmet, jacket and gloves for sale. Call (508)949-0621 17,716 New Chevy New 2009 Chevy SILVERADO Stk. #T8111 21,072 $ Chevy IMPALA Stk. #I9004 26,890 $ 2009 Chevy Stk. #3663PA 7,999 $ 2003 Nissan 9,999 $ 2003 Chevy XTERRA 4X4 VENTURE VAN Stk. #3777PA 8,999 $ 2005 Saturn ION Stk. #3886P $ 7,999 Stk. #3637P $ 6,999 2006 Chevy IMPALA Stk. #T60538B 9,999 $ Less than 30 hours use, mint condition/needs nothing. Paid $3200, asking $2200 or best offer. Call (508)867-8434 after 5:30pm White/Blue, Max Of 20 Hours On Bike. Upgrades Include Full Yoshimara Exhaust, Stage II Jetted, Skid Plates, Nerf Bars, DG Bumper, Reverse. Transferable Warranty. Serious Inquiries Only! $3800 FIRM Call 774-230-4350 2007 Suzuki Boulevard 1500cc 2002 12x40 Park Model RV (like brand new) on beautiful lot in campground can be used for a full 6 months (15 April-15 October every year) Lot paid for until 2097. $48,000 Call Don (508)344-9499 2001 24 ft. Travel Camper Trailer 1987 Yamaha XV535 Motorcycle 508-892-1550 All works, call for details! Call from 8am-7:30pm. Best time to call 4pm-7:30pm 59,920 Miles, New Battery, Owner’s Manual, Service Manual Included. $900 OBO Call Robert 508-987-5167 2005 Suzuki C50 Boulevard Cruiser SEASON ENDING SPECIAL! $5,500 or best offer Black/Grey, 300 Miles, Mint! $4899 508-885-9892 508-753-5529 1997 24’ Dutchman Pop-Up Camper 17,232 $ New 2009 Chevy MALIBU Stk. #A9005 13,192 $ New 2009 Chevy 2007 Pontiac Stk. #T8089A $ 9,999 2006 Chevy AVEO Stk. #3781P $ 7,999 2008 Chevy MALIBU Stk. #3878P $ 9,999 1-800-282-4356 129 Worcester St., Southbridge, MA 01550 3400 miles, lots of upgrades, mint condition, handles great. $7200 or best offer. Won’t last long! Call (508)347-8969 100th Anniversary 2003 Harley Davidson 883 Hugger, 12k Miles. Includes Harley Hard Leather Bags, Dual Seat, Extra Chrome, Luggage Rack, Cover, & Windshield. $5500 508-943-3004 (508)729-9177 2002 Citation 31Ft. Travel Trailer $13,999. One owner, kept on site, nice camper, includes back ladder, spare tire, awning, electric jack, sleeps 6, lots of storage, huge bathroom, queen bed, 1 large slide-out in living room & dinette area. Pictures on Call (508)868-2502 2005 Honda VT750 Shadow Spirit 2004 XL 883 Harley Davidson Gray, 6ft with sliding front window & side windows & locking back window. Used 2 months, brand new. Stored in heated garage. Fits Ford Truck Super Cab. $1100. 2006 Suzuki LTZ 400 Call (508)987-6313 $7500 OBO 35’ Park Model Trailer 2002 Featherlite 2 Horse Trailer 750 CAMPERS/TRAILERS Only 1800 Miles 2006 Camp Out Truck Cap Two seater, new battery and recently serviced. Excellent condition. Includes trailer and cover. $2500 or best offer. Call (508)234-0252 One Owner, Runs Great, New Sprockets and Chain. Son has outgrown it. $1600 OBO Call 508-764-1515 or (Cell) 508-450-6458 Two-Tone (Red/Black), DG Big Straight Pipes, Gel Seat & Stock Seat. Cobra EFI Programmer, K&N Filter. Extra Chrome Pieces Added. 750 CAMPERS/TRAILERS Call (508)987-1519 for more details 413-245-6130 508-981-6400 Mint Condition, Low Mileage, Always Garaged. Pearl Blue/Metallic Silver Flame, Chrome Backrest. Asking $4500 OBO Call 860-792-0506 750 CAMPERS/TRAILERS 1998 Kawasaki 750 Xi Sport Jetski 2003 Kawasaki KX65 Dyna Wide Glide. 19K miles, good shape, extra lights, extra chrome, forward controls. $7500. PLEASE PRESENT THIS AD WHEN PURCHASING YOUR VEHICLE. THE 5 YEAR 100,000 MILE WARRANTY IS GM FACTORY POWERTRAIN COVERAGE ON 2007/2008/2009 MODELS ONLY.NEW CAR PRICE INCLUDES ALL REBATES TO DEALER, PRIOR SALES EXCLUDED. TAX, TITLE, REG., & DOC. FEES EXTRA. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS. MUST TAKE DELIVERY BY 1/3/09. 508-764-4356 2005 Kawasaki 250 Bayou ATV New Brakes, Runs Excellent, Good Condition $1200 OBO GRAND CHEROKEE 4x4 GRAND PRIX GT Stk. #3664P Excellent Condition, Aftermarket Lights, Brand New Battery, New Tires, Electric And Kick Start And Runs Like New. Garage Kept. Comes With Kids Racing Boots & Gloves. A $1600 Value For $1000 FIRM “A REAL MUST SEE”, Great X-Mas Gift!!! Call Randy 508-765-5097 $2800 OBO 508-765-9266 “TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR!!” 2004 JEEP 2004 90cc Polaris Predator ATV 2000 Yamaha 200 Blaster 1994 Harley Davidson Stk. #C9011 2005 Buick 745 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES Excellent Condition, 24k Miles. White & Black. New Chain & Tire. VERSE LS COBALT EXPRESS CARGO VAN TRAStk. #T9013 Stk. #T8105 LESABRE IN GREAT CONDITION! Cleaned And Stored In Garage After Every Use. Only Had One Owner. Going To College! Must Sell! 1994 Honda CBR 600 SEE SOME RED… SAVE SOME GREEN!! 13,309 2002 HONDA XR100R 1200 Sportster 15,500 miles, excellent condition, registered, many extras! $7000 or BO 508-764-8754 n The Price O e h The Tag Is Tay! Price You P $ Hardly Used! Paid $3200 Asking $1800 Firm (508)987-0557 Call (508)248-3646 Mon. -Thurs. ...9-8 Fri. ..............9-6 Sat. ..............9-5 “Good people selling good cars Sun. ............11-4 in a great community” $ 2003 Honda CRF-150 1998 Harley Davidson Just bought, has 84 miles. Paid $4000 but too old to ride. $2990 FIRM. Call (774)280-2630 Call David, (508)234-0631 $1400 2008 Honda Rebel CMX250C 356 miles, showroom condition, bike can be seen at 364 Main Street, Oxford. $2700. Pristine condition, Candy Apple Red, many chrome extras, less than 2000 miles, $7500 firm. Free mini bike with purchase. 860-792-1168 Call (508)864-3198 2005 Aquila 250 Cruiser 4x4, 1 owner, no accidents, never smoked in, interior 99%, runs perfect, Green/Grey, brush guard, needs rear fenders, $3500. 2001 Harley Davidson 1200 Sportster Pearl Blue, Screaming Eagle, Carb/Pipes, Forward Pegs, Drag Bars, Fat Boy Back Rim, 21” Spoked Front Rim. Lots Of Chrome Added, 1,493 Miles, Flawless. Asking $5800 Silver, 49k Miles. Excellent Condition. CD/AM/FM Radio. Asking $14,200 774-364-1133 Or After 5pm 508-886-7184 Ask For Linda Excellent Condition. New T-Top, Tires & Interior. Over $11k Invested. Asking $7500 OBO 1-508-943-1128 1-508-341-3164 Asking $4500 860-617-7335 2000 Harley Davidson XL883 Custom 2004 Jeep Liberty Sport 4-Door Sedan, 132k Miles. Runs Fine. No Rust. CD, Automatic. $2300 OBO 508-867-6023 9500 Miles, Crash Bars, Highway Pegs, Saddle Bags, Passenger Pegs & Pillion, Custom Grips. Excellent Condition Looks & Runs Great. Yellow & Black, Mint Condition With New Parts. 3000 Miles. $4950 508-892-4495 ABS, A/C, Alloy, AWD, 7 P.Seats, H.Seats, R/Boards, Fully Loaded, New Tires. 95k Miles, 4x4, 4.7L. $7000 OBO Call Rick At 508-245-5715 Or Rob 508-764-0626 Black, fully loaded, leather, 5 disc CD changer, heated seats & mirrors, sunroof, front, side & rear air bags. $14,900. 2004 Honda VTX 1300 Retro 2002 Harley XLH 883 Sportster Second Owner, 6-Cylinder, Electronic Shift-on-The-Fly 4 Wheel Drive. Very Clean, Runs Great, Needs Nothing! 94k Miles, 22MPG. Asking $6000 Standard, Recent Brakes, A/C, Roof Racks. Looks & Runs Great. $5,500 OBO 508-987-3244 2004 Harley Davidson Ultra Classic Call (508)943-0242 2001 Chevy Blazer LT 2001 Subaru Forrester 740 MOTORCYCLES 5500 miles, $17000. $6500 2002 Lincoln LS 740 MOTORCYCLES (508)867-6124 Model 1007 Sleeps 6 Great Condition. Heat, Refrigerator, Stove, Etc. $2700 413-537-0619 1989 24’ Terry Travel Trailer Excellent Condition, New Battery, Tires, & More. Receiver & Sway Bars Included. Must See To Appreciate. $3400 or best offer. 508-885-6215 2006 Keystone Sprinter Travel Trailer 31 Feet, New Tires, Well Maintained, Slide-Out, Awning, Ladder. Sleeps 6. Dual Cam Hitch, TV, AC/Heat. $17,500 508-943-8240 Extra high and wide. Rear load, front unload, like new. Asking $9500. 2005 Fleetwood PaceArrow 37A Motorhome 18K miles, loaded, no pets/smokers. Two slide outs, tv’s A/C’s & furnaces. Electric awning & levelers, workhorse 8.1L Vortec w/5 speed, lots of extras. Low $90’s. Call (508)885-4727 2001 Fleetwood Elkhorn Truck Camper Like new, used only a few times. Fits 6’ truck bed. Queen, sleeps 4, all amenities, asking $8,700. Must see! Truck also available. Call (508)892-8861 1990 Ford 350 Class-C Camper 50k Miles, Twin Beds In Rear. Sleeps 6, Very Good Condition. Roof Air, Furnace, Generator, Fully Self-Contained. With Tow Dolly. Ready To Go $10,900 508-347-3262 2000 Kropf 40’ Park Model With 39’x10’ enclosed all aluminum sun room with windows and doors. Ready to move in! Can be dismantled to move. Many extras. $24,000. Call 727-457-2491 1998 Lance Squire 9800 Truck Camper 11’ 3” A/C, electric jacks, 3 burner stove/oven, sleeps 5, 30 gallon propane tank, generator ready. Full dry bath, solar panel, 2 awnings, double sinks. $7200. Call Mike (508)949-9174 1990 Nomad In Campground Sleeps 6, Screen & Rain Room On Deck, New Plastic Shed, 3-Burner Gas Grill, Deck Funriture, Or Towable With P/Jack. Many Extras Best Offer! 413-433-1479 Fully equipped, furnished with 10’x35’ attached enclosed room. Heated, A/C, friendly neighbors, large field, family activities, access to new built in pool, inexpensive comfortable living, located in Woodstock CT. Park open April-Oct. $40,000 includes lot. 2009 assessment and the R.E. Tax (508)278-7616 or (508)450-0689 1988 Skamper Pop-Up Camper Asking $1500 Well-kept, Immaculate. Garaged 10 Years And Used Infrequently. Sleeps 6. Vinyl Pull-Outs In Excellent Condition, Galley-Style Kitchen With Stove, Sink, And Icebox. Furnace And AC/DC Power Converter With Battery, Spare Tire And Carrier. Moving, Must Sell! 508-476-1767 2000 Sunnybrook RV Asking $14,000 30’, Excellent Condition. Circular Shower, Solid Wood Table & Chairs, Couch Bed. Call 702-493-8704 2003 TrailCruiser 26’, queen bunk house, light weight, stereo, micro, A/C, heat, 6 gallon hot water, tub/shower. $8000 firm. Call (508)579-8141 2000 Winnebago Chieftain Model 35U 40k Miles, Loaded, Many Extras. No Pets/Smoking. Must See! Asking $55,000 508-269-1710 2001 “Woodland Park” Beautiful Custom Design, 40’ Park Model Trailer. Sliding Glass Door Entrance, Full Bath, 3 Slide-Outs, Sleeps 8 Central Air Winter Insulation Package Paid $47,000 New. Asking $29,995 OBO 617-524-6220 Camper/RV 2001 Coachhouse 52k Miles, Completely Self-Contained Camper Van. Shower, Toilet, Sink, Stove, Generator, Auxiliary Batteries, and MORE! Asking $27,000 MUST SELL! $22,000 (508)765-8848 Waterfront Lot With 32 Foot 2004 RV On 1 1/2 Mile Lake, In Beautiful Resort Campground $42,999 508-989-8165 Coleman Niagra Pop-Up Great Condition! Heat, Inside/Outside Stoves, Slide-Out Dinette, Refrigerator, Inside/Outside Shower, Toilet, Lots Of Storage. Sleeps 6-8. Asking $8000 508-248-5620 760 VANS/TRUCKS 1986 Chevrolet C-20 Pickup Nice Flat Bed, Cab Painted 4 Years Ago (Red), No Rust, 155k Miles. Runs Strong. $2300 413-245-6130 508-981-6400 2003 Chevy Venture 75K miles, in very good condition. Asking $6000 or best offer. Call Tatyana, (508)949-6082 1994 Chevy 3/4 Ton 350 V8, 2WD, excellent condition, 190k miles, new tires, recent brakes and tuneup. $3000. Call (774)272-1192 1994 Chevy Lumina Van 6 cylinder, 7 seats. Original owner, good brakes and tires. 230,000 miles but still runs great. $800. Call (508)278-0138 1989 Chevy 1500 Short bed Z71 off road. $1500 or best offer. Call (774)280-2480 2003 Dodge Ram 1500 Extended cab, 4.7L, 4WD, runs excellent, bed liner. $8100. Call (508)347-7832 2001 Dodge Dakota 4 Wheel Drive, Extended Cab One Owner, Mint Condition. Fully Loaded! Bedliner & Cover, Remote Start, 12 Disc CD, Visors, Steps, Electric Windows/Locks/Mirrors, Full Rear Seat. $9000 obo (508)757-5211 DECEMBER, 31, 2008 760 VANS/TRUCKS 1997 Dodge Caravan Good Condition Asking $1700 OBO 774-289-1321 1997 Dodge Van 2500 V6, 47,500 Miles, New Muffler, New Carpet, Shelves, Tires Almost New. $1400 OBO Call 413-297-6171 Anytime 1997 Dodge Dakota Sport 4x4 Power everything, 122K miles, looks good, runs good. Rhino spray on bedliner. Asking $4000. Call (508)867-3741 1994 Dodge Caravan High Mileage, Runs Good. New Snow Tires. $500 508-254-0152 760 VANS/TRUCKS 760 VANS/TRUCKS 760 VANS/TRUCKS 760 VANS/TRUCKS 760 VANS/TRUCKS 1988 F-250 1999 Ford F-150 Pickup 1994 Ford F150 XLT 4x4 Xtracab Pickup 1996 Isuzu Oasis Mini-van 2003 Silverado 2500 HD (looks like a Honda Odyssey). Runs great, very clean, everything works. Kelly Blue Book says $4100, but will sell for $3700. Call (508)892-8690 Crew cab, 6.0, auto, 4x4, grey, loaded, leather, tonneau, chrome step, tow package, excellent condition. 2WD, automatic transmission, 300 cubic inch fuel injection, 6 cyl, 75K miles, no body rot, runs excellent, $1075. Call (508)779-0216 (774)633-0661 1997 F150 4x2, third door, six passenger, V6, 116K, A/C, 6-CD changer, power windows/locks, tow package, runs great, one owner, always maintained, all recent brakework done, very clean, some rust, dependable. $4500. (508)277-7829 2000 Ford Windstar LX Dual Sliding Doors. Ice Cold A/C, Tinted Windows, Power Everything. Runs Great! Very Good Mileage. $2250 OBO 774-208-3313 115k Miles, Fully Loaded. Extended Cab. 4x4, Capped, With Hitch. Asking $4500 508-765-4808 1996 Ford E-250 Looks Good, Runs Excellent! V8, PW, PL, Cruise, 5-Speed, Cold A/C. $2,900 OBO 3/4 Ton Heavy Duty, Extended Utility Van. 2003 Honda TRX250 EX ATV 75k Miles On Engine, 186k Original Miles. Well Maintained. A/C, Tool Shelves. Great For Floor Coverings! $2100 Call Mike 508-269-2420 “California” 1967 F-250 Service Truck with lumbertack. New engine, 6x6x10’ (enclosed). 2-3 Motorcycle Trailer Haulmark 2006 Harley “Dyna” Street Bob, Black cherry, 2000 miles. 12 foot, pungo 120, kayak with paddle, vest. (951)522-0573 Runs Great! Looks Great! $2100 OBO 860-634-0581 1985 Ford F-600 Box Truck low miles, runs good, needs some new brake lines. $1000 or best offer. Call (508)922-3936 2003 Isuzu NPU 16 ft Box Truck V8 automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes. Runs great, very clean, 10 ft loading ramp. $10,000. Call (774)230-1437 2004 Nissan Quest 3.5S Mini-Van **MUST SELL** 49k Miles, Dual Sliding Doors, 3rd Row Flat Folding Bench Seat, Well-Maintained, Excellent Family Transportation And Value. $11,200 OBO 508-864-1613 1998 Nissan Frontier Pickup 4 cylinder auto, bedliner, $4700. Call (508)765-6168 Truck Cap For 1999 Dodge Pickup (Short-Bed) $700 obo 508-892-0526 Call (978)697-0706 1996 Town & Country LXI Van 240k Miles, Recent Sticker & Tires. Needs Exhaust. $900 OBO Call 508-943-3812 Or 508-259-9403 765 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 1980 Ford 555 XL Tractor Backhoe New motor in 1995, many new hoses, pins, bushings. Runs good. Asking $10,000. Call (508)764-2101 CAT D8H Bulldozer Cable Blade - Power Shift Runs Good $12,000 (860)928-3477 ☎ TOWN-TO-TOWN CLASSIFIEDS ☎ A STONEBRIDGE PRESS PUBLICATION ☎ 7 765 HEAVY EQUIPMENT 767 VEHICLES WANTED John Deere 450C $ 6-Way Blade. Pins, Bushings, Rollers, Sprockets All In Excellent Shape. Engine Has Been Rebuilt. Great Deal For $8500 508-476-7250 ROSS RECYCLING Michigan Payloader & Backhoe Model 75 All Scrap Metals, Cars, Trucks Batteries, Copper Wire, Appliances... Snowplow Diesel, Runs Good Also: Gravely Tractor And Parts We Pay More!! 64 Tucker Hill Rd. Putnam, CT 06260 860-928-7165 Call (508)347-7300 767 VEHICLES WANTED High-top Mini Wheelchair Van Needed In excellent running condition with fully automatic wheel chair lift and closing doors. Please leave message (508)764-2807 VEHICLES FOR PARTS 1968 Dodge Coronet RT Only A Shell. Asking $800 508-885-7480 Or 774-289-4752 North American Car & Truck of the Year Will Be Two Safe Selections by the Jurors BY KEITH GRIFFIN Journalists are fond of lists, especially at the end of the year when things can be kind of slow in the news department. Automotive writers are no exception. That’s why I’m glad the finalists for the North American Car of the Year and Truck of the Year are announced in December. It always gives me something to write about. In case you missed it, this year’s nominees are two European automakers, two domestics and for the first time a Korean automaker. Two of the six vehicles are new, clean diesels that can be sold in all 50 states. In 16 years this is the first time a diesel-powered vehicle has been a finalist, according to a press release from North American Car of the Year, and now there are two. A group of 50 automotive journalists voted the Ford Flex, Hyundai Genesis and Volkswagen Jetta TDI as finalists for the 2009 North American Car of the Year. I know a lot of these guys and I’m not surprised by their selections. The manufacturers have put on a full-court press for all three of these vehicles, so it’s not shocking to see them make the final cut. The Dodge Ram, Ford F-150 and Mercedes-Benz ML320 BlueTEC are finalists for the 2009 North American Truck of the Year. The semi-finalists for Car of the Year were Audi A4; BMW 1 Series; Cadillac CTS-V; Dodge Challenger; Ford Flex; Honda Fit; Hyundai Genesis; Jaguar XF; Lincoln MKS; Mazda 6; Nissan GT-R; Pontiac G8; Toyota Venza; and Volkswagen Jetta TDI. Frankly, I’m stumped by the omission of the GT-R, but I sense a bit of burnout on this sports car. It’s received a lot of hype and writers might be getting sick of it. Personally, I would have bumped the Audi A4 for the Jetta TDI, but I haven’t driven the TDI so my opinion might be different. I hope to drive it someday soon. The semi-finalists for Truck of the Year were: BMW X6; Chevrolet Traverse; Dodge Ram; Ford F-150; Honda Pilot; Infiniti FX35/50; Kia Borrego; MercedesBenz ML320 BlueTEC; Nissan Murano; Subaru Forester; and, Volkswagen Tiguan. I’ve only driven the Borrego briefly and found it pleasant enough. The same is true of the Honda Pilot, but I’ve spent a week with it. The BMW X6 is a horrible vehicle that should have never been made. I can’t fault the judges on their selections because I don’t have any personal experience with the finalists. So, in an atypical move for a self-important journalist, I’m not going to voice an opinion on the truck of the year. It’s not going to stop me from making a guess, though. It’s going to be the Dodge Ram – for emotional 2009 Dodge Ram will be the North American Truck of the Year. reasons. Now that it appears Chrysler is going to survive – and Ford doesn’t need a bailout - the jurors are going to want to give Dodge a boost. The VW Jetta TDI uses some new technology to be a 50-state compliant clean diesel. Even if it doesn’t win the award, there is one reason to consider the Jetta TDI. It comes with a $1300 Federal Income Tax Credit. The Internal Revenue Service issued a certification letter affirming that it qualifies for an Advanced Lean Burn Technology Motor Vehicle income tax credit. The jurors, though, are not going to be swayed by the diesel technology or the tax credit. The TDI, in my opinion, is not going to be a winner because they know Americans are not ready to embrace diesel yet. I would, though, because the Environmental Protection 2009 Ford Flex will be the North American Car of the Year. Agency estimates the Jetta TDI clear visibility and it’s a comfort- convinced the jurors are going to at 29-mpg city and 40-mpg highable vehicle that could be driven vote against an established way. long distances comfortably. Fuel brand like Ford. I think the The tough choice for me is between the Ford Flex and the economy for a people mover this jurors are probably pleased they voted for a Korean manufacturer Hyundai Genesis. I love them size is respectable at 17-mpg city and 24-mpg highway. for the first time. They’re not both and think either would be a going to follow through with a great selection. The Flex is an The Hyundai Genesis delivers great value. This truly is a luxubrave overall vote for the SUV people are going to want. It’s ry car that is packed full of techHyundai Genesis. It’s a shame packed full of technology that’s pleases both genders and all nology found on cars costing tens because this is a car that is going of thousands of dollars more. to finally set Hyundai on a path ages. Plus, this seven-passenger But, at $42,000 for its top-of-the- to respectability among a wide swath of car buyers. crossover drives like a much line model with all the bells and whistles, this is not a car with a So, in my humble opinion, the smaller vehicle. In a road test North American Car of the Year around New York City, luxury price tag. But, let’s be honest. There are people out is going to be Ford Flex and the Westchester County, and there who are not comfortable North American Truck of the Fairfield County, and for a week being trendsetters. They want to Year is going to be Dodge Ram. behind the wheel in our part of New England, it handled all demonstrate their wealth by Please feel free to drop me an email at types of roads with aplomb. going with established brands. Happy New Year! That’s the one thing that’s going Acceleration was good. It has to hold the Genesis back. I’m not 8 ☎ TOWN-TO-TOWN CLASSIFIEDS ☎ A STONEBRIDGE PRESS PUBLICATION ☎ December, 31, 2008 ALL THIS WEEK