ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEM DESIGN FOR A REVENUE CYCLE Zheng Wang PROJECT Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in ACCOUNTANCY at CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SACRAMENTO SPRING 2009 ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEM DESIGN FOR A REVENUE CYCLE A Project by Zheng Wang Approved by: , Committee Chair Yan Xiong, Ph.D. Date I 1 II,- Oq A ii Student: Zheng Wang I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University format manual, and that this Project is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to be awarded for the Project. Monica Lam, Ph.D., Associate Dean for Graduate and External Programs College of Business Administration iii Date Abstract of ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEM DESIGN FOR A REVENUE CYCLE by Zheng Wang Accounting Information System (AIS) is an important system using modem information technology resources together with traditional accounting controls and methods to provide users the financial information necessary to manage their organizations. In this project, Resource-Event-Agent diagram (REA) is used as a tool for conceptual data modeling, and Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is used as a tool for process modeling. The simple REA and DFD Diagrams are used to explain what they are and how to design them. Based on the nine-step design and implementation process, a sample accounting information system is demonstrated for the revenue cycle of the Wale's Wholesaler. In the example, REA model and DFD model for the revenue cycle are established first. Then these two models are converted to Microsoft Access relational database using primary keys iv and foreign keys. In addition, Microsoft Access forms are designed for recording, maintenance, and report processes in the revenue cycle. Committee Chair Yan Xiong, Ph.D. Date: -S IV. 0I' I v I TABLE OF CONTENTS Page List of Tables ........................................................ List of Figures ...................................................... viii ix Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................... 1 1.1 Purpose of This Project ...................................................... 1 2. AIS, REA AND DFD OVERVIEW ...................................................... 2 2.1 AIS Overview ...................................................... 2 2.2 REA Overview ...................................................... 4 2.3 DFD Overview ...................................................... 6 3. SYSTEM DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION ............................................... 8 3.1 Business Overview ...................................................... 8 3.2 Nine-step Process Design Overview ...................................................... 9 3.3 Applying Event-oriented Modeling Approach ............................................. 9 STEP 1: Identify significant events ...................................................... STEP 2: Identify related resources ................................................... 10 ... 10 STEP 3: Identify related agents ...................................................... II STEP 4: Identify all relationships ....................................................... 11 STEP 5: Specify the optionality and cardinality of relationships ..................... 12 STEP 6: Identify the attributes of events, resources, and agents ...................... 13 STEP 7: Identify the information processes .............................................. 15 STEP 8: Design the structure of the data repository ..................................... 18 vi STEP 9: Microsoft Access Implementation ...................................... 21 4. SUMMARY ...................................... 28 References 29 ........................................ vii LIST OF TABLES Page 1. Table 1 Inventory ...................................... 18 2. Table 2 Cash ...................................... 19 3. Table 3 Returned Merchandise ...................................... 19 4. Table 4 Sales Call/ Contact Customer ...................................... 19 5. Table 5 Sales Order ...................................... 19 6. Table 6 Distribution ...................................... 19 7. Table 7 Cash Receipts ...................................... 20 8. Table 8 Returns ...................................... 20 9. Table 9 Employee ................. 20 10. Table 10 Customer .20 11. Table 11 Sales Items .21 12. Table 12 Return-Items .21 viii LIST OF FIGURES Page 1. Figure I A simple Accounting Information System .............................................. 2 2. Figure 2 A simple Data Flow Diagram .......................................................... 7 3. Figure 3 REA Diagram for Wale's Wholesaler Revenue Process ............................ 15 4. Figure 4 Context Diagram for Wale's Wholesaler Revenue Process ....................... 16 5. Figure 5 Event Recording Level 0 DFD for Wale's Wholesaler Revenue Process ....... 17 6. Figure 6 Tables ............................................................... 18 7. Figure 7 Customer Table Design View .......................................................... 22 8. Figure 8 Customer Table Datasheet View ..................................................... 23 9. Figure 9 Inventory Table ............................................................... 23 10. Figure 10 Relationship among Tables ......................................................... 24 11. Figure 11 Sales Order Form ............................................................... 25 12. Figure 12 Inventory Form ............................................................... 26 13. Figure 13 Employee Form ............................................................... 26 14. Figure 14 Customer Balance Query Design View ............................................ 27 15. Figure 15 Customer Balance Query ............................................................ 27 ix 1 Chapter I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose of This Project The purpose of this project is to design an Accounting Information System (AIS) for Wale's Wholesaler's business revenue cycle. Wale's Wholesaler is a hypothetical food and beverage wholesaler that purchases goods in large lots from producers, breaks bulk, repacks and distributes in small lots to local grocery stores. In this project, Resource-Event-Agents (REA) is used as a tool to design logical data model for Wale's Wholesaler, and Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is used as a tool to design logical process model. REA and DFD diagrams are then mapped to relational tables and forms in a Microsoft Access Database Management System (DBMS). This project is completed under the direction of Professor Xiong, Yan. I appreciate her guidance and helpful comments she's provided. 2 Chapter 2 AIS, REA AND DFD OVERVIEW 2.1 AIS Overview An accounting information system (AIS) invented by esteemed professor Karen Osterheld is the system of records a business keeps to maintain its accounting system. This includes the purchase, sales, and other financial processes of the business. An AIS combines the study and practice of accounting with the design, implementation, and monitoring of information systems. Such systems use modem information technology resources together with traditional accounting controls and methods to provide users the financial information necessary to manage their organizations. Figure I shows an example of the data inputs and information outputs from an accounting information system. Inputs Processes outputs tdaatoiancialstatemefts . Accoun-ingSstem invoices receipts amendments to data -_ _ __ Figure 1: A simple Accounting Information System f_ 1 management infotation L _ _ _~~~~~~~A~ 3 AISs cover all business functions from backbone accounting transaction processing systems to sophisticated financial management planning and processing systems. Financial reporting system starts at the operational levels of the organization, where the transaction processing systems capture important business events such as normal production, purchasing, and selling activities. These transactions are classified and summarized for internal decision making and for external financial reporting. Cost accounting systems are used in manufacturing and service environments. These allow organizations to track the costs associated with the production of goods and/or performance of services. In addition, the AIS can provide advanced analyses for improved resource allocation and performance tracking. Management accounting systems are used to allow organizational planning, monitoring, and control for a variety of activities. This allows managerial-level employees to have access to advanced reporting and statistical analysis. The systems can be used to gather information, to develop various scenarios, and to choose an optimal answer among alternative scenarios. The development of an AIS includes five basic phases: planning, analysis, design, implementation, and support. The time period associated with each of these phases can be as short as a few weeks or as long as several years. The first phase is the planning of the project. This entails determination of the scope and objectives of the project, the definition of project responsibilities, control requirements, project phases, project budgets, and project deliverables. The analysis phase is used to both determine and document the accounting and business processes 4 used by the organization. Such processes are redesigned to take advantage of best practices or of the operating characteristics of modem system solutions. The design phase takes the conceptual results of the analysis phase and develops detailed, specific designs that can be implemented in subsequent phases. It involves the detailed design of all inputs, processing, storage, and outputs of the proposed accounting system. The implementation phase consists of two primary parts: construction and delivery. The support phase has two objectives: 1) to update and maintain the AIS and 2) to continue development by continuously improving the business through adjustments to the AIS caused by business and environmental changes. 2.2 REA Overview Resources, Events, Agents (REA) is a model of how an accounting system can be reengineered for the computer age. The REA model was first conceptualized in a 1982 Accounting Review paper as a framework for building accounting systems in a shared data environment that anticipated the collaborative information systems settings of the present, both within enterprises and between enterprises. It describes a business as a set of economic resources, economic events and economic agents as well as relationships among them. The model's core feature was an object pattern consisting of two mirror-image constellations that represented semantically the input and output components of a business process. The REA acronym derives from that pattern's structure, which consisted of economic Resources, economic Events, and economic Agents. 5 REA treats the accounting system as a virtual representation of the actual business. It creates computer objects that directly represent real-world-business objects. There is a separate REA model for each business process in the company. A business process roughly corresponds to a functional department, such as sales, purchases, conversion or manufacturing, human resources, and financing. Use of the REA approach can yield: (Ir)more efficient operations by helping identify non-value-added activities, by storing financial and nonfinancial data in the same central database, and greater support for management decisions; (2) increased productivity through the elimination of non-value-added activities; (3) competitive advantages. The key elements of REA model are resources, events and agents. Economic resources are defined by Ijiri [1975, pp 51-2] to be objects that (1) are scarce and have utility and (2) are under the control of an enterprise. Cash and inventory are the example of economic resource. Economic events are defined by Yu [1976, p 256] as 'a class of phenomena which reflect changes in scarce means resulting from production, exchange, consumption, and distribution." Examples of economic events are sale, purchase and cash receipts. Economic agents include persons and agencies who participate in the economic events of the enterprise or who are responsible for subordinates' participation, including internal agents and external agents. Employees, such as salespersons, cashiers, are internal agents. The venders and customers are external agents. There are many types of relationships in the REA framework: (1) stock-flow relationships, (2) duality relationships, and (3) participation and control relationships. Relationships between 6 economic events and economic resources are called stock-flow relationships because they either increase or decrease the resource-there is inflow or outflow of the resource as a result of the event. In an economic exchange context, every resource increasing (decreasing) economic event will eventually have a corresponding resource decreasing (increasing) economic event. This coupling between resource increasing and decreasing events is referred to in REA terms as a duality relationship. Duality relationships link each increment in the resource set of the enterprise with a corresponding decrement. (Ijiri, 1975, Ch.5). Increments and decrements must be members of two different event entity sets: one characterized by transferring in (purchase or cash receipts) and the other characterized by transferring out (sale or cash disbursement). Control relationships are 3-way associations among (1) a resource increment/decrement (event), (2) an inside party, and (3) an outside party. The responsibility relationships indicate that higher level units control and are accountable for the activities of subordinates. 2.3 DFD Overview A data-flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the "flow" of data through an information system. It is one of the most commonly used systems-modeling tools. DFDs show the flow of data from external entities into the system and how the data moved from one process to another. They are composed of four simple components: processes, flows, stores, and terminators. The first component of the DFD is known as a process. It shows a part of the system that transforms inputs into outputs. The process is represented graphically as a circle. Its name will describe what the process does. A flow is represented graphically by an arrow into or out of a process. It is used to describe the movement of chunks, or packets of information from one part of 7 the system to another part. The store is used to model a collection of data packets at rest. The notation for a store is two parallel lines. A terminator is graphically represented as a rectangle, represent external entities with which the system communicates. Typically, a terminator is a person or a group of people, such as customers. Figure 2 is a simple DFD. Database Input System tput Figure2: A Simple Data Flow Diagram Usually, the overall DFD is organized in a series of levels so that each level provides successively more detail about a portion of the level above it. The context diagram shows the overall context of the system and its operating environment and shows the whole system as just one process. It is a top level data flow diagram, and only contains one process node that generalizes the function of the entire system in relationship to external entities. The level 0 diagram shows the main processes of the system. Each of these processes can be broken into further processes. A process model will have one, and only one, level-I diagram. A level 0 diagram must be balanced with its parent context level diagram. Each process in the level 0 diagram is decomposed into an even-lower-level (level 1) diagram containing its subprocesses, then continues on the subsequent subprocesses, until a necessary and sufficient level of detail is reached. 8 Chapter 3 SYSTEM DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION 3.1 Business Overview Wale's Wholesaler (Wale) is a food and beverage wholesaler, located in the south Bay Area California. It purchases goods in large lots from producers, breaks bulk, repacks and distributes in small lots to local grocery stores. The revenue process of Wale's Wholesaler is very simple and classic. Upon employment each salesperson is assigned to serve a separate group of customers. When customer data are initially entered into Wale's information system, the customer is immediately assigned to a salesperson. The new salesperson may works with a senior salesperson for a period. The salespersons contact customers including potential customers by call or personal visits. These contacting may get orders from customers. The sales order is transmitted to distributing team. The distribute clerks distribute merchandise from warehouse to customers. One distribution may contain one or several sales. One sales order may be distributed more than once if the items ordered are not currently in stock. Then cashiers collect accounts receivables. Although the vast majority of cash receipts come from customers (any particular cash receipt would be from only one customer) for sales, some cash receipts come from other sources (e.g., bank loans). For this project, we assume that all cash receipts are from customers. Every cash receipt is processed by exactly one of Wale's several cashiers and is deposited into one of Wale's bank accounts. Some merchandise may be returned for some reason. The return clerks process the return and issue allowance. The key events relating to this revenue processes can be summarized as following: 9 * Contacting existing and potential customers * Executing sales orders * Distributing merchandise to customers * Collecting payments from customers * Accepting returns and granting allowances to customers 3.2 Nine-Step Process Design Overview STEP 1: identify significant events (what is occurring?). STEP 2: identify related resources (what is being used/obtained?). STEP 3: identify related agents (who is involved?). STEP 4: identify relationships. STEP 5: specify the optionality and cardinality of relationships. STEP 6: identify the attributes of events, resources, and agents. STEP 7: identify the information processes. STEP 8: design the structure of the data repository. STEP 9: implement the design. As a result of applying the first eight steps, we will have a REA diagram, context diagram and a level 0 DFD, and a set of tables. Then in step 9, we use Microsoft Access to implement a database oriented revenue system. 3.3 Applying event-oriented modeling approach 10 Let's now specify a detailed process of developing a REA model and related set of DFDs by using the nine-step modeling approach. Step 1: Identify significant events What is occurring is the significant event in the business cycle. The significant events related to revenue processes in Wale's Wholesaler include: (1) Contacting existing and potential customers, (2) Taking sales orders from customers, (3) Distributing ordered merchandise to customers, (4) Collecting account receivables from customers after merchandise are distributed to them and (5) Processing returns from customers and allowances to customers. In a REA diagram, the events entities should be arranged in the middle with the earliest event at the top and the last at the bottom. Step 2: Identify related resources When we consider the resource, we are looking for what is being used or obtained? Resources typically have an "asset" connotation, such as inventory, cash. It's possible that there are multiple resources associated with a single event. In this project there are three related resources: inventory merchandise, cash and returned merchandise. Inventory is not a classical resource in "sales call" event, but the main purpose to contact costumers is to get inventory sold. Inventory decreases as a result of "sales order" event. Cash receipt leads to cash increase. The returned merchandise is a result of "return and allowance" event. In the REA diagram, resources are drawn 11 to the left of events. A label is used to describe the relationship between the resource and the event. Step 3: Identify related agents Agents are those who are involved in the business process. Agents could be within or outside the organization, internal or external. Customers are the main external agents in the revenue process. Customers are contacted by salesperson, sales orders are made to customers, and merchandises are distributed to customers. The company receives returns and collects cash from customers. Internal agents included in the project are salesperson, distribution clerk, cashiers and return clerk. Salespersons contact the existing customers and the potential customers and take the sales orders. Distribution clerks distribute the ordered merchandise. Cashiers collect accounts receivables. Return clerks accept and process returns and allowance. There are also other employees in the company, such as purchase representative, receiving clerks. But they are not involved in business revenue process. However, all employee data would be stored in one employee table. In the REA diagram, agents are drawn to the right of the events and a label descriptive of the relationship between the agent and the event is used. Step 4: Identify all relationship The relationship between the events, resources, and agents identified in step1 to 3 must be specifically identified. The "inventory" resource is related to the "salesperson" and "customers" agents through the "contact customers" and "sales order" events. The "inventory" resource is also 12 related to the "distribution clerks" and "customers" agents through the "distribution" event. The "cash" resource is related to the "cashiers" and "customers" agents through the "cash receipts" event. The "returned merchandise" resource is related to the "returns clerks" and "customers" agents, through the "return and allowance" event. There is no direct relationship between inventory and cash resources. Returned merchandise represents inventory that is sold early but is returned later for all kinds of reasons. Not all inventory sold would be returned by customers. There is no direct relationship between any two agents. There are interrelationships between events. "Contact customer" event may result in a "sales order" event. The delivery of merchandise ordered is a relationship between "sales order" event and "distribution" event. The payment of distributed merchandise directly connects the "distribution" and "cash receipts" events. There is also a direct relationship between "distribution" and "return and allowance" events, for the merchandise delivered might be returned for any reason. Step 5: Specify optionality and cardinality A basic diagram will result from application of the first four steps. Now we can expand the basic diagram into an REA diagram by adding the optionality and cardinality of relationships. A salesperson might have no customer contacts or have many customer contacts. Each customer contact must be performed by at least one salesperson (two or more salespersons may visit customers together). Each contact may talk about many inventory items, or none (some contact might for other reasons). Each contact may result in one or more sales order. It's also possible there is no sales order at all. Every sales order comes from one or several contacts. The loyal customers may call salesperson to place orders without contact. One customer may have either 13 one or many sales orders or no orders. One salesperson can take more than one sales orders or no order (new salesperson). A sales order must be placed by one customer and taken by one salesperson. Every sales order may have at least one distribution. It is possible that the items in-stock are not enough to fulfill one order. That will result in two or more distributions. Each distribution may have at least one order. Sometimes, Wale combines two orders in one distribution. Each distribution may have at least one inventory item. One type of inventory can be on many distribution or no distribution (the item is never sold). Every distribution is exactly distributed by one clerk, and one clerk can deliver many distributions, or none (new hired clerk). A customer may be related to many cash receipts and every cash receipt is associated with one customer. One cash receipt is related to at least one distribution, and one distribution has at least one cash receipts. One cash receipt is collected by exactly one cashier, but one cashier can have many cash receipts or none (new cashier). A customer may have one or more returns, but one return is made by exactly one customer. Every return clerk may process many returns, or none (new clerk). However, every return is taken by exactly one return clerk. A distribution may result in many returns or no return. A customer may return many items from different distributions. So one return may related to many distributions. One returned merchandise must relate to at least one return. Step 6: Identify the attributes of events, resources, and agents. Each resource, event and agent has a number of attributes. Attributes related to the "inventory" resource include item number, price for sale, quantity on hand, reorder point, item name and description. The attributes for the "returned merchandise" have a little different, including item 14 number, name, quantity returned, reason for return. For cash resource, it is necessary to record account number, bank name and current balance. Regarding the "contact customers" event, it is necessary to record the contact date, time, the salesperson who made the contact, the customer to whom the contact was made, and the contact result. The attributes of the "sales order" event include sales order number, date, items ordered (name, price, quantity), salesperson who takes the order and customer who places the order. For distribution events, the attributes include sales order number, the name and quantity distributed, date, distribution clerk. The "cash receipts" event has following attributes: Check number, customer, amount, date and cashier who make the receipt. Regarding the "returned merchandise" event, it is necessary to record the customer who makes the return, date, returned item and quantity, reason for return, returns clerk who accept the returns. It is also important to record the distribution number that the returned item is related to. All internal agents have the same attributes, including employee number, name, hired date, birthday, address, telephone number, salary and the department. The customers' attributes include customer number, name, contact information, account balance, and the credit limits. Attributes can be more clear by using tables in Figure 4. Based on the above six steps, the REA diagram can be constructed now. For ease of exposition, the Attributes are omitted. Resources are shown in the left column, events are shown in the middle, and agents are shown in the right column. The "O" indicates an optional relationship. The 15 "I" indicates a mandatory participate relationship. The "N" indicates the "many" relationship. Figure 3: REA Diagram for Wale's Wholesaler Revenue Process Step 7: Identify information processes. Each significant event will need a recording process. Contact customers, sales orders, distribution, cash receipts and returns and allowance are the events in this project requiring recording information processes. Inventory, cash and returned merchandise are resource entities requiring 16 maintenance information processes. Customers and employees are the agent entities requiring maintenance information processes. There are a lot of documents and reports that must be generated through a reporting process, such as sales invoice, distribution documents, receipts of cash collection and confirmation of returns and allowances. The entire system can be view as one overall business revenue process. Inputs to process are received from customers and employees. Outputs of system, information about order acknowledge, receipts, credit-memos, go to customers. Based on this high level event, a context diagram can be created as shown below. I Customers items wantee order ditibt UG~istribution | details i CollecIton | Clerk 9~~~~~ |Returns w~~~~elails clerk| Figure 4: Context Diagram for Wale's Wholesaler Revenue Process 17 The context diagram only shows input to and output from the overall system. A level 0 DFD can show further details about process. In particular, recording process Level 0 DFD should be constructed for the events on the REA diagram, maintenance process Level 0 DFD should be constructed for all resources and agents on the REA diagram, and reporting process Level 0 DFD should be constructed for all reports to be generated. These Level 0 DFDs show the specific steps involved in the overall process and the data stores accessed and updated. Figure 5 is the recording process Level 0 DFD for the Wale's Wholesaler revenue process. I Satfsersons I Cumtomei table Iv Order Contact Add 1111 Returnetd maIUhandise table Relums asnd allowances table Figure 5: Event Recording Level 0 DFD Diagram for Wale's Wholesaler Revenue Processes 18 Step 8: Design the structure of the data repository Now, we will convert the above REA diagram to relational tables-designing the data repository. Following is a quickly review of the conversion rules: (I) A separate table is created for each entity, (2) Attributes are created for each entity and the primary key in each entity is identified, (3) All optional relationships are treated as mandatory many relationships, (4) The primary key of the entity on the "one" side of a relationship is posted to the table of the entity on the "many" side of a relationship (5) A separate table is created for the relationship itself for entities participating in a many-to-many relationship with the primary key of each table being posted to the new relationship table to form a composite key. (Advanced System Analysis &Design, Chapter 5) Mechanically applying the conversion rule, we get the following tables. Figure 6: Tables Table 1: Inventory Attributes Item ID, Name, Description, Price, Quantity, Reorder points Primary Key Item ID Foreign Key Table 2: Cash 19 Attributes Account Number, Bank, Balance Primary Key Account Number Foreign Key Table 3: Returned Merchandise Attributes Item ID, Name, Description, Reason for return, Quantity Primary Key Item ID Foreign Key Table 4: Sales Call/Contact customer Attributes Contact ID, Date, Time, Employee ID, Customer ID, Result Primary Key Contact ID Foreign Key Employee ID, Customer ID Table 5: Sales Order Attributes Sales Order ID, Date, Item ID, Employee ID, Customer ID, Item Quantity Primary Key Sales Order ID Foreign Key Item ID, Employee ID, Customer ID Table 6: Distribution Attributes Distribution ID, Employee ID, Customer ID, Sales order ID, Date, Item ID, Quantity 20 Table 7: Cash Receipts Attributes Check Number, Customer ID, Employee ID, Amount, Date Primary Key Check Number Foreign Key Customer ID, Employee ID Table 8: Returns Attributes Returns ID, Item ID, Quantity, Reason, Date, Distribution ID, Customer ID, Employee ID Primary Key Returns ID Foreign Key Item ID, Distribution ID, Employee ID, Customer ID Table 9: Employee Attributes Employee ID, Name, Date Hired, Contact Information, Gender, Date of Birth, Salary, Department Primary Key Employee ID Foreign Key Table 10: Customer Attributes Customer ID, Name, Discount Term, Credit Limit, Contact Information, 21 Balance Primary Key Customer ID Foreign Key Table 11: Sales-Items Attributes Sales Order ID, Item ID, Quantity Primary Key Sales Order ID, Item ID Foreign Key Table 12: Return-Items Attributes Return ID, Item ID, Quantity returned, Reason for return Primary Key Return ID, Item ID Foreign Key Step 9: Microsoft Access implementation Now we can implement the above design by using Microsoft Access. 1. Create tables, designate the primary key The first step in the implementation process is to create tables and designate the primary key. By Double-click on "create table on design view", we get a table, then define each field. Following 22 are screen shots from Microsoft Access. Figure 7 and 8 are the design view and datasheet view of Customer table. Figure 9 is the datasheet view of Inventory. v Customer ID Name _ _ jText Text Currency Text Balance Address __ _ City__ ____ ___ Text_____ Text jState Text _ _ipo_ 'Text Telenhone Text_____ _ Contact Person _Number____ _ 1-VXCredit Limit ___ _ ____Text Term__ __ _. Field Size ____ format Inp t Mask __ ___ '~Caption_ Validation Text ___ Required_ Allowi Zero Length__ Indexed Unicode Compression _ IME Mode i~S-entence Mod e _ gs_ ____ _ __ _____ _ Default Value ________ Validation Rule__ it ..... - ___ _ __ No _______ Yes _ _____ _ 'Yes (No Duplicates ,Yes On .____ Figure 7: Customer Table Design View _ ___ one -___N _ _ _. _ _ __ 23 r_ _ shop , _Snack 4 __ Carson ' s Earl _E4O02 Cash and Carry _ _ 03 Woods gas statE 4004 ini Mart _ (4005 'Disks Shop _ ,4006 _Korea_ arket > 4007 Dasah market K.4008 $2, 900. 00 1308 E El Cat~ino Rt,S~ant~aCisara~,,A. $1,896.00 $3,500.00 $1, 288. 00 $879.00 $2,944.00 $2, 888.00 $5, 879. 00 968 He~nderson Ave sinyvale _-CA___ CA San Jose 244 17th Street 355 1 Frement Ave. Sunnyvale -CA 201 Ponetory Ave. Santa Clara CA CA 10855 Western Ave ,San Jose 1970 Mission Blvd Santa Clara CA CA 50505 Stevens Creel Cupertino 905 94086 95120 94087 95051 95123 95050 95014 Figure 8: Customer Table Datasheet View C 70002 LE70003 70004 ' S 70005 E 70006 U 70007 I_70008 f 70009 I70010 1.50 _Coca Cola Classical Soda 2 . Arizona Arnold Iced Tea 42 - $_1.00 $6.50 Aquafina Purified Water 24Heinz Easy Squech ketchuip I _ S259. $3.59 Cheetos Crunchy 13 Oz $3.00 _ Lays Classic 11 Oz Bud Light Lime Beer 12-12 1 $13.49 $4. 49 Kelloggers Nutrigrain Chen_ $5.59 Carnation Instant breakfast $3.59 . General Kills cheerios Cere _ 1000 1000 100 500 1000 1000 500 1000 1000 1000 _ lOo Coca Cola $1.20 100 Arizona-_ $0. 70$6.00 10 Aquafina $2.19 ,50 Heinz $3.20 100 Cheetos 50 100 50 Bud Light $12.00 100 Kelloggers $4.00 100 Carnation $4. 49 $3.00 1OO Cheerios Figure 9: Inventory Table 2. Establish relationships between tables After all the tables are created, we have to establish the relationship between these tables. Figure 8 shows the relationships of tables in our project. It maps to the REA diagram: the resource tables in the left, the event tables in the middle and the agent tables in the right. The tables are interrelated through a series of one-to-many relationships. 24 Figure 10: Relationship among Tables Based on the above table structure, we can consider the various information processes involved (i.e., recording, maintenance, reporting processes) and how they are implemented in Microsoft Access. Step 3 is related to the recording and maintaining information processes. Step4 is related to the reporting process. 3. Create forms In this project, there are five significant events: contact costumer, sales order, distribution, cash receipt and returns and allowance. For each event, a recording process database form is required. 25 The "Sales Order Form" shown below will be used to record information about the sales order event. This form maps to process 2.0 (record sales order) in the Level 0 DFD . Sals Order ID > Date 01/28/200 CustomerID 4001 Salesperson ID G001 _ Sales-Item i I Figure 11: Sales Order Form Figure 12 and 13 are single table database forms. These forms related to maintaining information process. Maintaining processes will be needed for each resource and agent entity on the REA diagram. Figure 11 and 12 only show one resource (inventory) and one agent (employee). Each form can be used to add, delete or update information about inventory and employee. 26 _I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I Item ID Name C1ColaoClassicalSoda2L '. t Sates Price $1.50 u 1000 Quantity E Reorder point Vendor 100 Coca Cola $1.20 $ Cost Figure 12: Inventory Form Employee ID 'lmi Name Alice Brooks l077Colkmbia Street Address -an Jose City State HiredDate - ICA Zip _ _9512 Phone nrnber i408-555-1232 Gender F - $36,0r0000 Salary 4/23A19T Date of Birth Commission rate l _ _ _ Figure 13: Employee Form 4. Create queries and report for all information processes '6 6 27 Accounting and other non-finance reports are generated through queries in Access. The reporting process merely extracts data from one or more tables to provide the information that user required. For example, we want to get a list of customers whose account balance is greater than $2000. A query can be performed on the Customer table by specifying a criteria on the Account Balance field. The following figure 14 and 15 show the Access query design view and the report for the example. Customer ID | m _ Namem Account Balance Address i.Custr C ' B E st~ g Cus ~en-__ Sort,4Ascendirn _D N _e Accounlt 5a'Bsace Custca ----- _ Cuseha r ~~~=2000 __ Figure 14: Customer Balance Query Design View |ustomer _ _ __ II I Name !Snack shop |= 4003 4 4006 _ 4007 14008 _ "Cash and Carry Mart Disks Shop _ _ _Korea Market Dasah market _ _ _ _ . Figure 15: Customer Balance Query IAccount BaLanceIg $2,900.00 $_3,500. 00 $2,944.00 I $2, 88600 _ _ _ $5,879.00 _ 28 Chapter 4 SUMMARY This project presented a database view of business revenue cycle. An overview of related business processes was first presented. A logical data model was then developed using the REA approach. Applying the conversion rules, the REA model was converted to relational tables. From a process modeling perspective, both a context diagram and a Level 0 data flow diagram (DFD) were constructed. An Access implementation of the design was then demonstrated. Tables and the relationships between tables in Access were described. A variety of Access forms for implementing recording, maintaining, and reporting processes were also shown. Finally, the process of generating a non-accounting report was shown. Using Access queries, listing of customers with an account balance greater than $2000 was generated. 29 REFERENCES Uday S. Murthy, Ph.D., ACA. Advanced System Analysis & Design. McCarthy, W.E. 1982. The REA accounting model: A generalized framework for accounting systems in a shared data environment. The Accounting Review (July): McCarthy, W.E. 554-77. 2003. The REA Modeling Approach to Teaching Accounting Information Systems. Issues in Accounting Education: Vol. 18, No.4 November 2003 pp.4 2 7 - 4 4 1 James A. Hall Accounting Information Systems, 4h Edition IDG's S-D visual Series Master Microsoft Office 2000 Visually, Events, Agents 161611 9