Jan 1971 - Kansas State University

Forrest C. PO!;t.:~. CF:J:.irm'1J'1
~1.J.r.3h.1.:l H... . ~'::'arch Found:ltion
Seeret4riat ","d Neu·oldlef'
Det'artmen! of U;,t"ry
Unive~s:tY' or Florid~l
Gaint!3viU~, r~ll)ric1a 3~ti01
Geor;:e nn,er
UniV'~r:sity r'!t CJ.li!ornia
at Sant", Cruz
Albert A.
Arthur L. Funk, Secretary
Arr.erlcan Committee i.
State University
a!filia ted with:
Comite Interna6on:l1 d·lli,toir.
de Ia 2· Guerre )rlJnd:~I~
32, rue do Leningr:;d
Martin ElmneMon
Ac.adia Ur.iver::ilty
F. Delzell
Vanderbilt Gn;;·er:;ity
Number 4
February 1971
Paris VIII", Franc.
Hnrofd C. Deuts("~
Univenity of ::.l:r.nesot:l
Stanley L. F"lk
Industria: Cori~J"e of the
Armed :Fored
Plenary session of the International Committee
Arthor L. Funk
U"lver.ity of F1"rida
Hans Gatzke
Yale Gnivenity
Stanley H0ffmann
lI""'ard Cni,ersity
H. Stuart Hug!:e.
Harvard University
MaurIce !oht:o!'f
Ofiiee of t~,e C!:ief of
Military Hic,~)ry
F.me5t 1\Iay
Harvard Gniversity
nartm0uth Collcse
George L. !.!o""
Unive.,!!y of 'Yi,eo!!.!n
Ma" Salvad"ri
Smith CoU"ge
.John L. !'Or.e'l
Vnlver:;!ty of
Loul. Snyder
City Colle;:e of Ne\v York
Werner Warrnbrunn
Pitzer CoUeze
Cerh~rcl L. \Yeinb·'1"lr
tIniversity of ~1icbi~an
Gordon Wri::ht
Stanfo"d Univers!t7
On Sunday, August 23, 1970, the International Committee on
the History of the Second World War met. at Moscow. Represented
were: AUSTRIA tSteiner), BELGIU~·1 (Vam"e1kenhuyzen), BULGARIA
(Bojinov), C1L\ADA (Conway), UNITED STATES (Blum, Funk, Wright),
FRANCE CUchel), HUNGARY (Vass), INDIA (Chakravorty), ITALY (Parri),
NORWAY (Skodvin) l-lETHERLANDS. (de Jong) , POLAND (Jedruszczak,
Nadajczyk), \vEST GER}!Al-.'Y (Petzina), EAST GER.:·1ANY (Schumann),
(Harjanovich) • (Absent: DEN:·1ARK, GREAT BRITAIN, ISRAEL, TURKEY)
After welcoming the representatives, President Parri turned
the meeting over to the secretary general, Henri Michel. Hr. Michel
commented on the continuing enlargement of the international group,
and mentioned that negotiations for affiliation were pruceeding with
Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Finland, and Algeria.
The session then turned to the election of permanent officers.
Mr. Parri indicated that he was not a candidate for re-election.
Thereupon General Dhi1in proposed that Parri be named honorary
president and that Henri Michel be elected president. This was
approved by unanimous vote. Dhi1in and }~rjanovich were elected·
vice presidents, de Jong was confirmed as treasurer, and it was
agreed that the secretariat should move to Milan. The new secretary,
named later, is G. Rochat, of the National Institute for the History
of the Italian Liberation Movement, Via Arzaga, 16, 20146, ~li1ano,
The foregoing offices will be held for five years, until the
next plenary session in 1975, which will coincide with the meeting
of the Congress for Historical Sciences, to be held in the United
States. Nembers to the Executive Committee were also elected. For
the period 1970-73: Norway, Canada, Belgium, India, Poland, Hungary,
Rumania, and West Germany; for the period 1973-75: Sweden, United
States, Great Britain, Turkey, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Austria,
East Germany.
The National Archives) with which the American Committee on the
History of the Second World War is cooperating, is planning a conference
on World War II records) to be held in Washington June 15-16) 1971.
Under the auspices of the International Committee, a number of
conferences are tentatively planned: 1972--in Norway or Sweden, a
conference on Scandinavia in the war; in 1973--in Budapest, a conference
on World War II historiography; in 1974--in Paris, coinciding with the
30th anniversary of French liberation, a conference devoted to the
liberation theme; in 1975--in the United States, coinciding with the
ICHS conference, a session on policy and strategy during the Second
World War.
Notices on Research tacilities
U.S. Army Military History Research Collection. This new research
center, located at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania 17013, is a field
activity of the Office of the Chief of Military History. It has the
most comprehensive library, over 200,000 volumes, on pre-World War II
military history and geography in the United States. It has materials
of great interest to students of the Second World War, including the
papers of General Omar N. Bradley. Under the direction of Colonel
George S. Pappas) the Research Collection publishes a new bulletin,
ilperspectives in Military History, 11 which is providing valuable infor-­
mation to scholars.
MacArthur Memorial: Bureau of Archives (198 Band Street, Norfold, Va.
23510). General Douglas MacArthur's personel papers, including 95 feet
of private correspondence, 1932-1964, are available for research purposes.
The collection also includes records of General Headquarters, Southwest
Pacific Area, 1942-45 (75 feet) and many other official materials per­
taining to MacArthur's career.
U.S. Naval History Division. The resources of this division are now
located in the Washington Navy Yard, 9th and M Streets, S.E., Washington,
D.C. 20390. These resources include a specialized 120,000 volume library
and many microfilms. The Operational Archives has extensive collections
relating to naval films. The Operational Archives has extensive collections
relating to naval operations, strategy, and policy, primarily dating from
1940 to the present. Detailed information can be found in the revised
edition of U.S. Naval History Sources in the Washington Area and Suggested
Research Subjects, available on request.
Comit~ d'Histoire de la 2~me guerre mondiale.
At the administrative offices
of the French Committee on the History of the Second World War, 32 rue de
Leningrad, Paris VIII, there are considerable research facilities. The
French Committee, which is attached to the Prime Minister's office and
to the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifigue, is administered by
historians, and is composed of University professors, Government
representatives, and distinguished individuals. It supervises six
research groups and 100 departmental correspondents. It publishes
the Revue dtHistoire de la 2eme guerre mondiale, well known to scholars
as the unique periodical devoted to this subject, (Eighty issues have
so far appeared.)
To professors and qualified researchers the Committee makes
A specialized library of 10,000 volumes
Collections of archives and newspapers (especially the underground
800 microfilm rolls of German, French, and American documents
A collection of 15,000 photographs
Collections of maps (on deportation and on the Resistance)
Various card catalogues (especially of organizations throughout
the world which specialize in World War II studies, and of
sources for the history of the war)
Statistics (on deportation and on opposition to the liberation)
A chronology (on cards) of the underground Resistance
Materials for exhibits
A wide range of contacts in France and abroad
A list of publications sponsored by the Committee and a special
bulletin, explaining its methods and undertakings, which
may be obtained on request.
In a forthcoming issue, the Revue dtHistoire de la 2eme guerre mondiale
will concentrate on the theme: "Roosevelt and the War.~' The articles,
solicited by Professor George Baer as advisory editor, include:
"Roosevelt and the Politics of Economic Mobilization,1l by Albert A. Blum;
"Roosevelt and Lend-Lease," by Robert W. Coakley; "Roosevelt as a Military
Strategist,l1 by Richard Leighton; "Roosevelt and the Department of State,n
by Fred B. Misse; llRoosevelt and Marshall,!! by Forrest C. Pogue.
Books and Dissertations
This list supplements the entries in Newsletter No.3 (Dec., 1969).
Attention is called to Janet Ziegler's World War Two: Books in English
Cscheduled for puhl~catirm by ltoover rust • .:rune:~ ;1911)_ and to Louis
Xon:on \s. '~KQ:t'ldwar IT':' A Survey o;e Recent Writings. ~~ in the A..meri'xmn
Histdrica~Review (Dec., 1970).
Dupuy, R. E. World War II: A Compact History. Hawthorn, 1969
Granatstein,J. Under Fire: Soldiers and Civilians in Europe. St. Martin's,
Gustavson, Carl G. Europe in the World Community since 1939. Allyn and
Bacon, 1970.
-4Hoyle, Martha Byrd. A World in Flames: The History of World War II.
Atheneum, 1970.
Liddell Hart, Sir Basil. History of the Second World War. Cassell,
March, A. (ed.) Darkness over Europe. Rand McNally, 1969.
Michel, Henri. La guerre de l'ombre. Paris: Grasset, 1970.
Reeden, R. Story of the Second World War. Hawthorn, 1970.
Repolles Aguilar, Jose. La Segunda Guerra Mundial. Barcelona, 1968.
Adams, Henry H. Years of Deadly Peril: The Coming of the War, 1939-1941.
McKay, 1969.
Baker, Leonard. Roosevelt and Pearl Harbor. Macmillan,/1970.
Baumont, Maurice. Les origines de la 2eme guerre mondiale. Paris: Payot,
Cassels, Alan. Mussolini's Early Diplomacy. Princeton, 1970.
Divine, Robert A. (ed.) Causes and Consequences of World War II.
Quadrangle, 1970.
Eubank, Keith. The Origins of World War II. Crowell, 1969.
Haight, John MeV. American Aid to France. 1938-1940. Atheneum, 1970.
Hooper, S.E. (ed.). The Deeper Causes of the War and its Issues.
Books for Libraries, 1970.
Jedrzejewicz, Waclaw (ed.). Diplomat in Berlin, 1933-1939; Papers and
Memoirs of Josef Lipski, Ambassador of Poland. Columbia U. Press, 1969.
Kleine-Ahlbrandt, W. L. (ed.). Appeasement of the Dictators. Holt, 1970.
Lubek, Sister M. E. U.S.-Czechoslovakian Relations, 1918-1948.
Georgetown Ph.D., 1969.
Lafore, Laurance D. The End of Glory: An Interpretation of the Origins
of World War II. Lippincott, 1970.
Mackintosh, J. The Paths that Led to War, 1919-1939. Kennikat, 1970.
Maddux, T. R. American Relations with the Soviet Union, 1933-41. Michigan
Ph.D., 1969.
Mosley, Leonard. On Borrowed Time: How World War II Began. Random House,
Papp, N.C. The Anglo-German Naval Agreement of 1935. Conn. Ph.D., 1969.
Robertson, Esmonde M. (ed.) The Origins of the Second World War. St.
Martin's, 1970.
Rock, William R. Neville Chamberlain. 1969.
Toscano, Mario. DeSigns in Diplomacy: Pages from European Diplomatic History
in the Twentieth Century. Johns Hopkins, 1970.
Trefousse, H. L. Germany and American Neutrality, 1939-1941. Octagon, 1969.
Warren, V.C. Jr. Russo-German Relations, 1933-36. Kentucky Ph.D., 1968.
Weinberg, Gerhard L. The Foreign Policy of Hitler's Germany: Diplomatic
Revolution in Europe. 1933-36. Chicago U. Press, 1970.
Command and Direction of War
Burns, James MacGregor. Roosevelt; The Soldier of Freedom. Harcourt, 1970.
Catton, BFuce. The War Lords of Washington. Greenwood Press, 1969.
Ambrose, Stephen E. The Supreme Commander: The War Years of General Dwight
Eisenhower. Doubleday, 1970.
- - - ------------
Chandler, A. D. Jr" and S. E. Ambrose (eds.). The Papers of Dwight D.
Eisenhower. 4 vols. Johns Hopkins, 1970.
Gardner, Brian. Churchill in Power: As seen by his Contemporaries.
Houghton~Mifflin, 1970.
General Eisenhower on the Military Churchill; A Conversation with Alistair
Cooke. Norton, 1970.
Higgins, Trumbull. Soft Underbelly. Macmillan, 1968.
Hobbs, J. P. (ed.), Dear General: Eisenhower's Wartime Letters to Marshall.
Johns Hopkins, 1970,
James, D, Clayton. The Years of MacArthur. Vol. I (1880-1941). Houghton
Mifflin, 1970.
Long, Gavin. MacArthur as Military Commander. Van Nostrand, 1969.
Thompson, R. W. Montgomery the Field Marshall. The Campaign in Northwest
Europe, 1944-45. Scribners, 1969.
Warth, Robert D, Joseph Stalin. Twayne, 1969.
Weygand, Jacques. Weygand, Mon pere. Paris, Flammarion, 1970.
Blumenson, Martin. Sicily. Ballantine Books, 1969.
Blumenson, Martin. Bloody River: The Real Tragedy of the Rapido. Houghton
Mifflin, 1970.
Carell, Paul.
Scorched Earth: The Russian-German War, 1943-1944. Little
Brown, 1970.
Carse, Robert. Dunkirk, 1940: A History. Prentice-Hall, 1970.
Couture, Claude-Paul. Operation \IJubilee: 11 Dieppe, 19 aout 1942,
Paris: France Empire, 1969.
Ellis, Lionel F. Victory in the West. Vol. 2: The Defeat of Germany.
United Kingdom Military Series: History of the Second World War.
London: ffi1S0, 1969.
Elstob, Peter. The Battle of the Reichswald. Ballantine Books, 1970.
Essame, H. The Battle for Germany. Scribners, 1969.
Normandy Bridgehead. Ballantine Books, 1970.
Garfield, B. The Thousand-Mile War: World War II in Alaska and the
Aleutians. Doubleday, 1969.
Gray, Peter. D Day. HcGraw-Hill, 1970.
Hibbert, Christopher. The Battle of Anzio. Ballantine Books, 1970.
Harkins, P. D. When the Third Cracked Europe, Army Times, 1969.
Haupt, Werner. North African Campaign, 1940-1943. London: Macdonald, 1969.
Howarth, D. A. We Die Alone. Collins, 1970.
Jackson, W. G. F. The Battle for Rome. Scribner's, 1969.
Jung. Die Ardennen Offensive 1944/45. Musterschmidt, 1969.
Lewin, R. (ed.). The War on Land: The British Army in World War II-An
Anthology of Personel Experience. j}f.orrow, 1970.
Macksey, K. J. Crucible of Power: The Fight for Tunisia. Hutchinson, 1970.
MacCloskey, Monro. Planning for Victory--World War II. Richards
Rosen Press, 1970.
Achieving Victory--World War II. Richards Rosen Press, 1970.
McKee, Alexander. The Race for the Rhine Bridges. Stein & Day, 1970.
Macksey, Kenneth. Allied Armour. Ballantine Books, 1970.
Mason, David, Breakout from Normandy. Ballantine Books, 1969.
Raid on St. Nazaire. Ballantine Books, 1970.
Orpen, N. D. East African and Abyssinian Campaigns. Purnell, 1969.
.... _-.~_....
Randle, E. H. Safi Adventure. Eldnar Press, 1970.
Sajer, Guy. The Forgotten Soldier. Harper & Row. 1971.
Sevruk, V. (ed.). How Wars End: Eye Witness Accounts of the Fall of
Berlin. Moscow; Progress Publishers, 1969.
Strawson, J. The Battle for North Africa. Scribner, 1970.
Turney, Alfred W. Disaster at Moscow: Von Bock's Campaigns, 1941-42.
New Mexico, 1970.
Williams, John. France: Summer 1940, Ballantine Books, 1970.
Woodruff, William. Vessel of Sadness. London: Chatto & Windus, 1970.
Yale, W. W., White, I. D., Manteuffel, H. E. von. Alternate to Armageddon: The Peace Potential of Lightning War. Rutgers, 1970.
Young, Peter. Commando. Ballantine Books, 1969.
Andrews, Allen. Air Marshals: The Air War in Western Europe. Morrow,
Berger, Carl. The B-29. Ballantine Books, 1970.
Caidin, Martin. Zero. Ballantine Books, 1969.
Flying Forta. Ballantine Books, 1970.
Clarke, R. W. et al. The 100 Days that Shook the World, Christopher
Marlowe Press, 1969.
Clostermann, P. The Big Show, Chatto and Windus. 1969.
Coughlin, T. The Dangerous Sky: Canadian Airmen in World War II.
Ryerson, 1968.
Doll, Tom. Flying Leathernecks in World War II. Aero, 1970.
Farrar-Hockley, Anthony. Airborne Carpet. (Arnhem) Ballantine Books,
Francillon, R. J. U.S. Army Air Forces in the Pacific. Aero Publications,
Frankland, Noble. Bomber Offensive. Ballantine Books, 1970.
Freeman, Roger A. The Mighty Eighth: Units, Men and Machines. Doubleday,
Galland, A. The First and the Last. Methuen, 1970.
Inoguchi, R., et al. Divine Wind: Japan's Suicide Squadrons in World
War II. Grosset & Dunlap, 1970.
Lawrens, A. The Lindemans Affair. (Arnhem.) Wingate, 1970.
MacDonald, Charles. Airborne. Ballantine Books, 1970.
McDowell, E. R., and W. N. Hess. Checker tail Clan. Aero, 1969.
Mason, H. M. Duel for the Sky: Fighter Planes and Fighting Pilots of
World War II. Grosset & Dunlap, 1970.
Maurer, M. (ed.). Combat Squadrons of the Air Force: World War II.
Washington, D.C., 1969.
Olsen, J. Aphrodite: Desperate Mission. (Attack on Missile Sites)
Putnam, 1970.
Price, Alfred. Birth and Death of the Luftwaffe. Ballantine Books, 1970.
Pictorial History of the Lufwaffe. Arco, 1969.
Schuyler, K.C. Elusive Horizons. Yoseloff, 1969.
Shores, C. F., and H. Ring. Fighters over the Desert. Arco, 1970.
Taylor and Moyes. Pictorial History of the P~F. Vol. III. Arco, 1971
Townsend, Peter. Duel of Eagles. Simon Schuster, 1970,
Hezlet, Vice Admiral Sir Arthur. Aircraft and Sea Power. Stein &
Day, 1970.
Turner, R. E. Big Friend, Little Friend. Doubleday, 1969.
Vader, John. Spitfire. Ballantine Books, 1969.
Pacific Hawk; Kittihawks in the South Pacific, Ballantine
Books, 1970.
Verrier, Anthony. The Bomber Offensive. Macmillan, 1968.
Werrell, K. P. The Tactical Development of the Eighth Air Force in
World War II. Duke Ph.D., 1970.
White, E. L. Ten Thousand Tons by Christmas. Vantage, 1970
Sea Operations
Barbey, D. E. MacArthur's Amphibious Navy. U.S. Naval Institute, 1969.
Carse, Robert. A Cold Corner of Hell. CMurmansk convoys) Doubleday~
Cooper, Bryan. The Battle of the Torpedo Boats. Stein & Day, 1970.
PT Boats. Ballantine Books, 1970.
Donovan, Robert. PT - 109. Faucett, 1970.
Gasaway, E. B. Grey Wolf, Grey Sea. Ballantine Books, 1970.
Gibson, G. P. Enemy Coast Ahead. Morley-Baker, 1969.
Hoyt, E. P. Raider 16. World Publications, 1970.
Murray. W. Atlantic Rendezvous. Nautical Publishing Co., 1970.
O'Connor, Raymond J. (ed.). The Japanese Navy in World War II. U.S. Naval
Institute, 1970.
OIFlaherty, S. J. Abandoned Convoy: The U.S. Merchant Marine in World
War II. Exposition, 1970.
Peillard, Leonce. Histoire gen~rale de la guerre sous-marine, 1939-1945.
Paris: Robert Laffont, 1970.
Potter, J. D. Fiasco: The Breakout of the German Battleships. Stein
and Day, 1970.
Smith, P. C. Task Force 57: The British Pacific Fleet, 1944-1945.
Kimber, 1969.
Werner, H. A. Iron Coffins: A Personal Account of the German U-Boat
Battles of World War II. Holt, 1969.
Winton, J. The Forgotten Fleet: The British Navy in the Pacific, 1944­
1945. Coward-McCann, 1970.
Roscoe, Theodore. On the Seas and in the Skies: A History of the U.S.
Navy's Air Power. Hawthorn, 1970.
Unit Histories
Bowlby, A. Recollections of Rifleman Bowlby, Italy 1944. Cooper, 1969.
Frank, B. M" and H. I. Shaw Jr. Victory and Occupation. Vol, V of the
History of U.S. Marine Corps Operations in World War II. Washington,
Roy, R. H. The Seaforth Highlanders of Canada, 1919-1965. Evergreen, 1969.
Smith, S. E. (ed.). The United States Marine Corps in World War II.
Random House, 1969.
Swinson, A. The Raiders: Desert Strike Force. MacDonald, 1969.
Giles, Janice Holt. The Damned Engineers. (29lst at Ardennes). Houghton
Mifflin, 1970.
Harmon, Gen. E. N. (with M, and W. R. MacKaye). Combat Commander:
Autobiography of a Soldier. Prentice Hall, 1970,
Barrett, J. W. British and American Foreign Relations with Spain, 1942­
45. Georgetown Ph.D., 1970.
Clemens, Diane Shaver. Yalta. Oxford, 1970.
Conte,A. Yalta. Wingate, 1970.
Dallek, R. (ed.). The Roosevelt Diplomacy in World Har II. Holt, 1970.
Feis, Herbert. The Atomic Bomb and the End of 1:Jorld 1,{ar II.
Princeton, 1970. (Revised paperback edition of "Japan Subdued,!1
originally published in 1961.)
From Trust to Terror: The Onset of the Cold War. Norton, 1970.
Fetzer, James A. Congress and China, 19~1-1950. Michigan State Ph.D., 1969.
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1946. Paris Peace Conference:
Vol. III, Proceedings, Vol. IV, Documents. 1:Jashington, D.C., 1970.
Marion, Carol J. Ministers in Moscow: U.S., Russian, British military
cooperation during ~orld War II. Indiana Ph.D., 1970.
Reves, E. The Anatomy of Peace. Smith, 1969.
Kuhn, Axel. Hitlers Aussenpolitisches Prograrrnn. Klett, 1970.
Steinert, M. G. Capitulation, 1945. Constable, 1969.
The Tehran, Yalta, and Potsdam ConfeLences; Documents. Moscow, Progress
Publishers, 1969.
Wood\vard, Sir Lle\Jellyn. Brit ish Foreign Policy in the Second World War.
VoL I (1939-/+1). London: HHSO, 1970.
Barker, A. J. Soviet Infantry Weapons of World Har II. Arco, 1971.
Brovffi, Frederic J. Chemical Warfare: A Study in Restraints, 1915-1945.
Princeton, 1968.
Bradley, R. B. Aid Man! Vantage, 1970.
Chamberlain, P. and C. Ellis. Tanks of the World, 1916-1970. Arms &
Armour Press, 1970.
Deloste, G. C. Histoire postale et militaire de la deuxieme guerre
mondiale. 1969.
Ford, Briali. German Secret Weapons. Ballantine Books, 1969.
Granatstein, J. L. Conscription in the Second World War, 1939-1945.
Ryerson, 1969.
Green, William. War Planes of the Third Reich, 1935-l945~ Doubleday,
Hartcup, G. The Challenge of War: Britain's Scientific and Engineering
Contributions to World War II. Taplinger, 1970.
Hogg, Ian V. The Guns, 1939-1945. Ballantine, 1970.
German Secret Weapons of World War II. Arco, March 1971.
Jones, Robert H. The Roads to Russia: United States Lend-Lease to the
Soviet Union. Oklahoma, 1969.
Schlauch, Wolfgang. Rustungshilfe an die Verbundeten im zweiten
Weltkrieg. Darmstadt: Wehr und Wissen, 1967.
Silvera, John S. The Negro in World War II. Arms, 1969.
Stone, James H. (ed.). Crisis Fleeting: Original Reports on Military
Medicine in India and Burma in the Second World War. Washington, D.C.,
Von Senger und Etterlin, F. M. German Tanks of World War II. Stackpole,
Ziel, Ron, Steel Rails to Victory. A photographic history of Railway
operations during W.W. II. Hawthorn (Prentice-Hall) 1970.
Refugees, War Prisoners, etc.
Alagiani, P. lfy Prisons in Soviet Paradise. Palm, 1969.
Garcia, R. L. and E. J. Beall. American, You Die. Vantage, 1968.
Goldstein, C. I. The Bunker. Philadelphia, 1970.
Leboucher, F. Incredible Mission. (Rescue of Jews) Doubleday, 1969.
Levy, Claude, and Paul Tillard. Betrayal at the Vel d'Hiv. Hill and
Wang, 1969.
Moir, Guthrie (ed.) Beyond Hatred. Lutterworth, 1969.
Neave, A. Saturday at M. I. 9. Hodder, 1969, (U.S.: The Escape
Room, Doubleday, 1970.)
Newman, S.A. How to Survive as a Prisoner of War. Franklin, 1970.
Steinberg, Lucien. La revolte des Justes: Les Juifs contre Hitler.
Paris, Fayard, 1970.
Stone, J. F. A Holiday in Hit1er1and. Carlton, 1970.
Taylor, G. Piece of Cake. Heinemann, 1969.
Yahi1, Leni. The Rescue of Danish Jewry. Philadelphia, 1969.
Cal~n, T. D.
Free as a Running Fox. Dial, 1970.
Secret Service, Espionage, etc
Amort and Jedlicka. The Canaris File. (Thumme1 case.) Wingate, 1970.
Elliott-Bateman, Michael. The Fourth Dimension of Warfare. Vol. I:
Intelligence, Subversion, Resistance. Praeger, 1970.
Ford, Corey. Donovan of OSS. Little Brown, 1970.
Goldsmith, John. The Accidental Agent. (SOE). Leo Cooper, 1970.
Kirkpatrick, Lyman B. Jr. Captains without Eyes: Intelligence Failures
in World War II. Macmillan, 1969.
Manwell, Rober, and Heinrich Fraenke1. The Canaris Conspiracy. McKay,
Perrault, Gilles. The Red Orchestra. Barker, 1968.
Thorpe, Elliott R. East Wind Rain: The Intimate Account of an Intelligence
Officer in the Pacific, 1939-49. Gambit, 1969.
Winterbotham, F. W. Secret and Personal. London: Kimber, 1969.
Asian and Pacific Theatre; Japan
Adamson, I. The Forgotten Man. Roy, 1970.
Ball, William. Australia and Japan. Tri-Ocean, 1969.
Beede, J. They Hosed them Out. Wingate, 1969.
Belote, J. H. and M. Williams. Typhoon of Steel: The Battle for
Okinowa. Harper, 1970.
Conroy, R. The Battle of Bataan. Collier-Macmillan, 1970.
Coox, Alvin D. Japan. Ballantine Books, 1970.
Franks, Benis M. Okinawa. Ballantine Books, 1970;
Gilchrist, A. Bangkok Top Secret. Hutchinson, 1970.
Hachiya, Michihiko. Hiroshima Diary: The Journal of a Japanese Physician.
Chapel Hill, 1969.
Coffey, Thomas M. Imperial Tragedy: Japan~ Experience of War, 1941-1945.
World, 1970.
Kirby, S. W. The War against Japan. Vol. V: The Surrender of Japan.
(United Kingdom Military Series: History of the Second World
War.) London: ffi1S0, 1969.
}~cintyre, Donald.
Leyte Gulf. Ballantine Books, 1969.
Martin, Bernd. Deutschland und Japan im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Gdttingen:
Musterschmidt 1969.
Meo, Lucy D. Japan's Radio War on Australia, 1941-45. Melbourne, 1969.
Mellnik, Brig. Gen. Steve. Philippine Diary, 1939-1945. Van Nostrand
Reingold, 1969.
Moriya, Todashi. No Requiem. Tokyo: Hokuseido, 1968.
Payne, Robert. Chinese Diaries, 1941-1946. Weybright & Talley, 1970.
Shaw, Henry I. Tarawa. Ballantine Books, 1969.
Shewmaker, Kenneth E. Americans and Chinese Communists, 1927-1945.
Cornell. To be published, 1971.
Swinson, Arthur. The Fall of Singapore. Ballantine Books, 1969.
Toland, John. The Rising Sun: The Decline & Fall of the Japanese
Empire, 1936-45. Random House, 1970.
Hnilicka. Das Ende auf dem Balkan 1944/45. Musterschmidt, 1969.
Orlow, Diettrich. The Nazis in the Balkans: A Case Study of Totalitarian
Politics. Pittsburgh, 1968.
Ritter, Harry R. J. Hermann Neubacher and the German Occupation of the
Balkans, 1940-45. Virginia Ph.D., 1969.
---Grant Duff, S.
Cass, 1970.
A German Protectorate:
The Czechs under Nazi Rule.
Amaury, Philippe. Les deux premi~res experiences d 'un !'Minist~re de
l'Information" en France (1939-1944). Paris: Pichon, 1969.
Aron, Robert. Histoire de l'epuration. Vol. 2. Paris: Fayard, 1969.
Beau, Georges, and Lepold Gaubusseau. R5: Les SS en Limousin, Perigord,
et Quercy. Paris: Presses de la Cite, 1969.
Beaufre, A. Memoires, 1920-1945. Paris: Presses de la Cite, 1969.
Bree, Germaine (ed.). Defeat and Beyond: An Anthology of French
Wartime Writing, 1940-1945. Pantheon, 1970.
Conquet, Alfred. Aupres du marechal Petain. Paris: France Empire, 1970.
Delperrie de Bayac, J. Histoire de la Milice. Paris: Fayard, 1969.
Dreyfus, Paul. Vercors: citadelle de liberte. Paris: Arthaud, 1969.
Counelle, Claude. Le dossier Laval. Paris: Plon, 1969.
Griffiths, Richard. Marshal Petain. Constable, 1970.
Michael, Bernard. Les grandes enigmes de la liberation. Boulogne:
Beauval, 1969. 3 vols.
Newhouse, John. De Gaulle and the Anglo-Saxons. Viking, 1970.
Ryan, Stephen. Petain the Soldier. Barnes, 1969.
Van der Post, Laurens. The Prisoner and the Bomb. Moscow, 1971.
Milward, Allan S. The New Order and the French Economy. London, 1969.
~~----------- - - ~
Sherwood, John M. Georges Mandel and the Third Republic.
Watson, General. Echec a'Dakar, Paris: Laffont, 1968.
Wolf, Dieter. Doriot. Paris: Fayard, 1969.
Stanford, 1970.
GermanJ and Austria
Ackerman, Josef. Himmler als Ideologe. Musterschmidt, 1970.
Bollmus, Reinhard. Das Amt Rosenberg und seine Gegner. DVA, 1970
Boelcke, Willi A. (ed.). Deutschlands RUstung im Zweiten Weltkrieg.
Athenaion, 1970.
Bracher, Karl Dietrich. The German Dictatorship: The Origins, Structure,
and Effects of National Socialism. Praeger, 1970.
Brandt, Willy. Drausson: Writings in Exile (1933-1947). Wolff, 1970.
Burke, Richard T. The German Panzerwaffe, 1920-1939. Northwestern Ph.D.,·
Cartier, Raymond. Hitler et ses generaux. Paris: Jl ai lu, 1969.
Duprat, Francois. Histoire des SS: Leurs unites, leur campagnes,
leurs chefs, leur organisation. Paris: Sept. Couleurs, 1968,
Eichholtz, D. Geschichte der deutschen Kriegswirtschaft, 1939-1945.
Berlin: Akademie - V., 1969.
Gallo, Max. La nuit des longs couteaux. Paris: Laffont, 1970.
Gimbel, John. The American Occupation of Germany, 1945-49. Stanford,
Gramal, H.; Mommsen, H., Reichharat, H,-J., Wolf, E. The German
Resistance to Hitler.
California, 1970.
Hesse, E. Der Sowjet-Russische Partisanenkrieg 1941-1944. Musterschmidt
H8hne, Heinz. The Order of the Death's Head: The Story of Hitler's SS.
Coward-McCann, 1970.
Guderian H. Panzer Leader. Joseph, 1970.
Huttenborger, Peter. Die Gauleiter. DVA, 1969.
Herzstein, Robert E. (ed.). Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich. Houghton
Mifflin. Announced for 1971.
Huher, Ii. (ed.). Das Dritte Reich. Munich, 1969. 6 vols.
Hutton, J. Bernard. Hess: The Man and His Mission. Macmillan.
Scheduled for June, 1971.
Keegan, John. The Waffen SSt Ballantine Books, 1970.
Lane, Barbara Miller. Architecture and Politics in Germany, 1918·-1945.
Cambridge, Mass., 1968.
Manvell, Roger. SS and Gestapo. Ballantine Books, 1969.
Nehring, W. K. Geschichte der deutschen Panzerwaffe 1916-45. Berlin:
Propylaen, 1969.
Nicholls, A. J. Weimar and the Rise of Hitler. St. Martins, 1968.
Nuremberg Trials. Material is being edited for reprint by Prof. Gerhard
Weinberg of Michigan.
Orlow, Dietrich. The History of the Nazi Party, 1919-1933. Pittsburgh,
Peterson, Edward N. The Limits of Hitler's Power. Princeton, 1969.
Reck-Malleczewen, F. P. Diary of a Man in Despair. Macmillan, 1970.
Sche'urig, B. Free Germany; The National Committee and the League of
German Officers. Wesleyan, 1969.
Simpson, Amos E. Hjalmar Schacht in Perspective.
The Hague:
Speer, Albert. Inside the Third Reich: Memoirs. Macmillan, 1970.
Steinert, Marles G. Twenty~three days: The Final Collapse of Nazi
Germany. Walker, 1969.
Suchenwirth, Richard. Command and Leadership in the German Air Force.
Arno, 1969.
(Most recent of the 12 studies made for the U.S. Air
Force by Luftwaffe officers & Published by Arno, 1959---).
Wiener, J. W. The Assassination of Heydrich. Grossman, 1969.
Willertz, John R. National Socialism in Marburg, 1933-45. Michigan
Ph . D., 1970.
Wykes, Alan. The Nuremberg Rallies. Ballantine Books, 1970.
Zahn, Gordon C. German Catholics and Hitler's Wars. Dutton, 1970.
Great Britain and Commonwealth
Calder, A. The People's War: Britain, 1939~1945. Pantheon, 1969.
FitzGibbon, Constantine. The Blitz on London. Ballantine Books, 1970.
Henrey, M. G. London under Fire, 1940-1945. Dent, 1969.
Mason, F. K. Battle over Britain. Doubleday, 1969.
Sinel, L. P. (ed.). The German Occupation of Jersey. Howard Baker, 1969.
Wood, D. H., and D. D. Dempster. The Narrow Margin: The Battle of
Britain and the Rise of Air Power, 1930-·1940. Arrow, 1969.
Woods, Frederick. A Bibliography of the Works of Sir Winston Churchill.
Toronto, 1969.
Wright, Robert. The Man who Won the Battle of Britain (Air Chief
Marshal Dowding) Scribners, 1970.
Jordon, W. Conquest without Victory. Hodder, 1969.
Kedros, Andre. La resistance grecque (1940-44). Paris: Laffont, 1966.
Tsatsos, Jeanne. The Sword's Fierce Edge: A Journal of the Occupation
of Greece, 1941-1944. Vanderbilt, 1969.
Dreisziger, N. A.
Hungary's Way to World War II.
Toronto, 1968.
Buffarini, Guido. La vera verita.
(Papers of Mussolini's police chief.)
Sugar, 1970.
Fornari, H. D. Mussolini's Gadfly: Roberto Farinacci. CUNY Ph.D., 1970.
Lussu, J.S. Freedom has no frontier.
Joseph, 1969.
Novak, Bogdan C. Trieste, 1941-1954. Chicago, 1970.
Rosengarten, Frank. The Italian Anti-Fascist Press, 1919-1945
Western Reserve, 1968.
Rusinow, Dennison I. Italy's Austrian Heritage, 1919 - 1946
Oxford, 1969.
Schroeder. Ita1iens Kriegsaustritt 1943. Musterschmidt. 1969.
Maass, Walter B.
The Netherlands at War, 1940-1945.
Abe1ard- Schuman, 1970.
Gar1inski, Jozef, Poland, S. O. E., and the Allies. London: Allen &
Unwin, 1969.
Kosiarz, Edmund. Poles on the Seas, 1939-1945. Warsaw: Interpress, 1969.
Bantea, Col. Eugen et a1. Romania in the War against Hitler's Germany,
August 1944-May 1945. Bucharest: Meridiane, 1970.
Romania in the First Years of the Popular Revolution, 1944-1947.
Bucharest: Publishing House for Political Literature, 1971.
Soviet Union
Anzu1ovic, J. V., Jr. The Russian Record of the Winter War, 1939-40.
Maryland Ph.D., 1968.
Be1oborodov, A. They Did Not Pass. (Battle of Moscow) Moscow: Progress
Publishers, 1969.
Constantini, A. L'Union Sovietique en guerre. Paris: Impr. Nationa1e,
1969. 3 vol.
Khrushchev Remembers. Translated and Edited by Strobe Talbott. Little
Brown, 1970.
Konev I. Year of Victory; The Last 100 Days of World War II. Moscow;
Progress Publishers, 1969.
Jukes, Geoffrey. The Defense of Moscow. Ballantine Books, 1970.
Kursk. Ballantine Books, 1969.
Salisbury, Harrison E. The 900 Days; The Siege of Leningrad. Harper
& Row, 1969.
Shtemenko, General S. M. The Soviet General Staff at War, 1941-1945.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1970.
Zhukov, Georgi K. Marshal Zhukov's Greatest Battles. Harper & Row,
1969. An abridged version of the German edition: Erinnerungen und
Gedanken (Stuttgart: DeutscheVerlags - Ansta1t, 1969).
Steenberg, Sven. V1asov. Knopf, 1970.
United States
Barker, A. J.
Pearl Harbor.
Ballmtine Books, 1969.
Blum, John Morton. Roosevelt and Morgenthau. (Revision and condensation
of Morgenthau Diaries) Houghton Mifflin, 1970.
Bosch, William J. Judgment on Nuremberg: American attitudes toward the
German War Crime Trials. North Carolina, 1969.
Clinard, M. B. The Black Market. Patterson Smith, 1969.
Edsinger, E. E. (ed.). The 1940's: Profile of a Nation in Crisis.
Anchor, 1969.
George, J. H. Jr. U.S. Postwar Relief Planning, 1940-43. Wisconsin
Ph.D., 1970.
Girdner, A. and A. Loftis. The Great Betrayal. Macmillan, 1969.
Gardner, Lloyd C. Architects of Illusion: Men and Ideas in American
Foreign Policy, 1941-49. Quadrangle, 1970.
Hart, Scott. Washington at War, 1941-1945. Prentice-Hall, 1970.
Industrial Mobilization for War: History of the War Production Board,
1940-45. Vol. I: Program and Administration. Greenwood, 1969.
Lindbergh, Charles A. The Wartime Journals of Charles A. Lindbergh.
Harcourt, 1970.
McFarland, K. D. Secretary of War Woodring and the Problems of Readiness,
1936-40. Ohio State Ph.D., 1969.
Offner, Arnold A. (ed.). America and the Origins of World War II.
Houghton Mifflin, 1971.
Orser, William E. The Social Attitudes of the Protestant Churches
during the Second World War. New Mexico Ph.D., 1969.
Pearl Harbor Hearings. Material is being edited for reprint by Prof.
Gerhard Weinberg of Michigan.
Pluth, E. J. The Administration and Operation of German Prisoner of War
Camps. Ball State Ph.D., 1970.
Schapsmeier, E. 1. and F. H. Prophet in Politics: Henry A. Wallace and
the War Years, 1940-1965. Iowa State. Announced for 1971,
Smith, Perry McCoy. The Air Force Plans for Peace, 1943-45. Johns
Hopkins, 1970.
Spicer, Edward H. et al. Impounded People. Japanese-Americans in the
Relocation Centers. Arizona, 1969. (Reprint of 1946 Report.)
Thomas, D. S. T., and P. S. Nishimoto. The Spoilage. California, 1969.
Trefousse, H. L. What Happened at Pearl Harbor. Twayne.
Tuchman, Barbara. Stilwell and the American Experience in China,
1911-1945. Macmillan, 1971.
Waldmeir, J. J. American Novels of the Second WO:E:ld i;Tar. Mouton, 1969.
Yank. Issues from June 17, 1942 to Dec. 28, 1945 have been published in
a 4-volume clothbound set by Arno Press.
Avakumovic, Wan. Mihailovic prema nemackim documentima. London; N~se
Delo, 1969.
Christman, H. M. (ed.). The Essential Tito. St. Martin's, 1970.
Deakin, F. W. The Germans and lipartisanl! Warfare in Yugoslavia.
Prcela, J. and S. Guldescu (eds.). Operation Slaughterhouse: Eyewitness
Accounts of post-war massacres in Yugoslavia. Dorrance, 1970.
This selective list of significant publications in French~ 1960-1970,
has been provided by the library of the Comite d1Histoire de la 2eme
guerre mondiale (M. Rauzier, librarian).
Amouroux (Henri). La Vie des Fran~ais sous 1 'occupation. Paris:
Fayard, 1961.
la liberation de Paris. Paris:
Astier (Emmanuel). De la chute
Gallimard, 1965.
Aron (Robert). Histoire de llepuration. Paris: Fayard, 1967-1969.
2 vol.
Badia (Gilbert). Histoire de l'Allemagne contemporaine: 1917-1962.
Paris: Ed. Sociales, 1962. 2 vols.
Baumont (Maurice). La grande conjuration contre Hitler. Paris: Del
Duca, 1963.
Baumont (Maurice). Les origines de la deuxieme guerre mondiale. Paris:
Fayard, 1969.
Bellanger (Claude). ~esse clandestine, 1940-1944. Paris: A. Colin,
Costantini (Col. A.). L'Union Sovietigue en guerre. Paris:
Nationale, 1969.
Chautemps (Camille). Carnets secrets de l'armistice, 1939-1940. Paris:
Plon, 1963.
Couture (C.P.). Operation PJubilee l ;: Dieppe, 19 aout 1942. Paris:
France-Empire, 1969.
Les deux guerres mondiales: Bibliographie selective (J, De Launay~
H. Michel, J. M. d'Hoop, et. al •.. ) Bruxelles: 1964.
Cartier (R.). La seconde guerre mondiale. Paris: Larousse, 1966.
Documents diplomatiques fran~ais, 1932-1939. Paris: Impr. Nationale,
Danan (M.), La Vie politigue
~lger de 1940
1944. Paris: L.G.D. J., 1963.
Delarue (Jacques). La Gestapo. Paris: Fayard, 1962.
Delarue (Jacques). Trafics et crimes sous lloccupation. Paris: Fayard,
Delperrie de Bayac (J.). Histoire de la Milice, 1918-1945. Paris:
Fayard, 1969.
Dreyfus (Paul). yercors, citadelle de liberte. Paris: Arthaud, 1963.
Gallo (Max). L'Italie de Mussolini, Paris: J. Perrin, 1964.
Gallo (Max). Histoire de l'Espagne franquis~~. Paris: Laffont, 1969.
Les Grandes Unites fran~aises. Historigues succints, Guerre 1939-1945.
Impr. Nationale, 1967. 3 vol. + 1 album of maps.
Guide bibliographigue sommaire d'histoire militaire et coloniale fransaise.
Service Historique de l'Armee de terre, 1969.
Juin (Marechal). Memoires. Paris: Fayard, 1960. 2 vol.
Latreille (Andre). La seconde guerre mondiale. Paris: Hachette, 1966.
Mayer (Daniel). Les Socialistes dans la Resistance. Paris: P.U.F., 1968.
Michel (Henri). ~es courants de pensee de la R~sistance. Paris:
P. U. F., 1963.
Michel (Henri). ,!Libliographie cr,itigue de la Resistance an Europe. Paris:
Grasset, 1970,
Michel (Henri). La seconde guerre mondiale. Paris: P.U.F., 1969. 2 vol.
-16Nogueres (R.). Ristoire de la resistance francaise de 1940
1945. Paris:
Laffont, 1967. 2 vol.
Michel (Renri). Vichy annee quarante. Paris: Laffont, 1966.
Mordal (Jacques). La Bataille de France, 1944~1945. Paris: Arthaud,
Moulin, (Laure). Jean Moulin. Paris: Presses de la Cite, 1969.
Nobecourt (R.). ~es secret de la propagande en France occup¢e. Paris:
Laffont, 1967. 2 vol.
Perrault (Gilles). Le secret du Jour J. Paris, Fayard, 1964.
Les relations militaires franco-belges, mars 1936- 10 mai 1940. Collogue
d'historiens fransais, belges et hollandais. Paris: C.N.R.S., 1963.
Robichon (J.). Jour J. en Afrique: 8 novembre 1942. Paris: Laffont,
Spaak (P.R.). Combats inacheves. Paris: Fayard, 1969. 2 vol.
Tillon (Charles). Les F. T. P.: Temoignage-pour servir
de la Resistance. Paris: Julliard, 1962.
Tournoux (J.P.). Petain et De Gaulle. Paris: Plan, 1964.
Willard (Germaine). De Munich
Vichy; La drole de guerre. Paris: Ed.
Sociales, 1969.
Wormser-Migot (Olga). Le Systeme concentrationnaire nazi (1933-1945).
Paris: P.D.F. 1968.
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