to the September 2014 issue of Hangar Tales.

Volume XX, Issue 2
In This Issue:
WarbirdsNews 2014
Airshow Report
Staggerwing Restoration
C-119 Progress Report
Searchlight Project Update
September 2014
2014 Airshow Report by WarbirdsNews
In the finger lakes region of New York there is a village called Geneseo. In this village, down a gravel road, there is an airfield with a grass
runway. On this grass airfield, for one weekend every July, one of the
greatest gatherings of warbirds in the country takes place. It is called
“The Greatest Show on Turf.” The Geneseo-based National Warplane
Museum hosted warbirds this year from both the US and Canada,
including many rare aircraft. Warbirds headlining the show included
the Military Aviation Museum’s de Havilland DH-98 Mosquito, Fagen
Fighters’ Lockheed P-38G Lightning “Ruff Stuff ” and the Canadian
Warplane Heritage Museum’s Westland Lysander Mk3A.
Keuka Lake Amateur Radio
Fly-in Pancake Breakfast
Founded in 1994, the National Warplane
Museum, formerly known as the 1941
Historical Aircraft Group, is dedicated to
the restoration, preservation, display, and
flight of aircraft of the World War II and
Korean War eras, as well as the recognition
of all United States Military personnel for
their service and sacrifice.
The National Warplane Museum’s “Return to Normandy” project
was also a major theme for this year’s show. Their Douglas C-47 known
as “Whiskey 7” made the grueling trip back to Europe this June to
participate in the D-Day 70th Anniversary celebrations. A D-Day veteran herself, “Whiskey 7” lead the second wave of paratroop drops on
(Continued on page 7)
Telephone: 585.243.2100
Fax: 585.245.9802
Hangar Tales
BJ’s Corner
Docents Needed
Hi everyone! Another year has passed for the National
Warplane Museum to hold their Airshow.
We will be needing extra volunteers over the spring
and summer months, especially on Sundays. Even if
you can only volunteer one Sunday, it will be greatly
appreciated. With the name change, the 70th Anniversary of D-Day, and the Return to Normandy project we
expect to see a larger number of visitors to the museum.
Arrival day was exciting to see the grounds come
alive with all the planes coming for this big event
Saturday was people of all ages to see the show and
buy our Official Souvenir Program, shirts, and items to
make the day of memories. We had over 100 Veterans,
over 100 military Re-enactors, many food vendors,
and article item vendors. But most amazing were the
Warplanes. Pilots come from all over the country just
to make this show a special event.
Now that the Airshow is over, it does not mean we
are not doing things down here. The next event is the
Corn/BBQ Chicken Roast that I am chairperson. This
fundraiser is for all the Volunteers that helped within
the year of fundraisers, tours, events, and hard work
to keep the Museum alive. We want people to come
and see what we have done, to have plane rides, to
meet new people and yes to join our Museum family.
Please save the date September 7th, from 1:00 til ????
On weekends, l like to have two volunteers on-site.
One to greet the visitors and oversee the store, the
second volunteer to act as a tour guide. The hours are
10:00 am till 4:00 pm. We’ll be having a Docent (tour
guide) Refresher Course on a Saturday sometime in
the near future. If you have any questions, call Donna
at the office 585-243-2100 or e-mail:
By Donna Walker
Hope to see you there.
By B.J. Vogt
D-Day Conneaut 2014, August 22-23
Museum member Dave Zuppelli recently attended the
D-Day re-enactment at Conneaut, Ohio. He writes,
“The photo is of me and Mr. John Bistrica (left) who
is in the photo I am holding. The picture was taken on
D-day Omaha Beach. Mr . Bistrica told me that the
dark mass in the picture just in front of was a Sherman
Tank with a Number 9 on it. He went up to the tank to
check to see if anyone was alive inside. ‘It was quiet, so
I moved down the right side of the beach.’ I zoomed
into the dark area on the picture and you can tell there
was a definite “9” painted on the tank. I could have
spent all day talking with him.”
September 2014
Staggerwing Restoration
FT478 is a GB-2 Traveller Mk I manufactured by
Beech Aircraft and shipped to the English Naval Air
Force on April 4, 1944. This aircraft, serial number
6704, was posted to 781 Squadron, Lee-on-Solent from
1944 to 1 January 1945. Then, it was posted to 701
Squadron Heston until September 1945.
After WW II, FT478 was returned to the US and
released from service in 1947. It was moved from Long
Beach CA to Alaska, and then back to Europe after a
1983 restoration. Granger Haugh acquired the aircraft
in 1994, with 725 total hours and 300 engine hours in
1994. NC582 was operated from Fallbrook Air Park,
L-18, and French Valley Airport, F-70, until 2010 when
Haugh donated the aircraft to the 1941 Historical
Aircraft Group, now known as the National Warplane
Because of its service in WW II, NC582 was scheduled for eventual rehabilitation to its original 1944
configuration. However, a taxi accident in 2012 caused
some wing, engine and prop damage. Because of resource limitations the National Warplane Museum has
been waiting to begin the rebuild.
In February 2014, Granger Haugh volunteered to
rebuild FT478 to its original 1944 specifications. Upon
completion, sometime in 2016, the aircraft will return
to the National Warplane Museum as a flying example
of the WW II GB-2 Traveller.
It was decided that Mark Lightsey, owner of Aerocraftsman at Flabob Airport (RIR) would do the
rebuild. Mark has a history of rebuilding Travel Airs,
Wacos and other one-of-a-kind aircraft. Phil Nussbaum, who maintained the aircraft 1994 to 2010, will
act as the technical advisor for the project.
During the week of 21 to 24 April, FT478 was
disassembled in the NWM hanger in Geneseo, NY by
Museum staff members Jon Cassano, Roger Ludwig,
Andy Swanson and John Swanson assisted by Becky
Reeb, Phil Nussbaum, and Granger Haugh.
Day #1 - the vertical and horizontal stabilizers were
removed and panels removed to access the many bolts,
nuts, and cotter pins. It was noted that in 1944 mechanics had much smaller fingers.
Day #2 - the flying, and landing wires were removed
and all wing bolts loosened. Using a fork lift, the wings
were removed and the various parts were readied for
Day #3 - the truck, trailer and Bill Willmeroth of
Deland Barnstormers arrived and the aircraft fuselage
was fork-lifted onto the trailer.
Day #4 - the wings, engine, and all the other parts
were loaded and Bill left for Oklahoma to drop the
engine at Covington for tear down and inspection.
The above image is an exapmle of the WWII paint
scheme of the Royal Navy Air Service (RNAS).
Photo by Barry Friend.
Via Gary Lampman
Hangar Tales
2014 Airshow Report in
The National Warplane Museum at Geneseo, New
York, has always been a destination for Canadian aviation enthusiasts as well as vintage aircraft owners. For
three decades, the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum, The Great War Flying Museum and individuals
from Ontario and Quebec have participated in the annual airshow now called “The Greatest Show on Turf.”
Held on the second weekend of July, the 2014 Geneseo
airshow saw the CWH send its DC-3 Dakota “Canucks
Unlimited” and Westland Lysander.
The GWFM was also present to demonstrate a
WWI dogfight. Three Tiger Moths from Ontario also
ventured down. One, named Marilyn, is named after a
long-time volunteer who makes her home available to
the crew. Andrew and Eric Boyd from the Pitts Special
Aerobatic Team have become regular attendees and en-
joy the rural grass strip airshow. Other notable Canadian additions to the show included long-time airshow
pilot Glenn Goldman who flies an RCAF marked T-34
Mentor and Olivier Lacombe from Mascouche, Que.,
with his Harvard Mk.4.
The star performer was also no stranger to Canada,
the Military Aviation Museum’s de Havilland Mosquito, MK114, originally built at Downsview. It was also
in Canada on Father’s Day weekend for the Canadian
Warplane Heritage Museum events.
Airshow Review and photos by Eric Dumigan
Attention Amazon Shoppers!
Do you want to help support the 1941 Historical
Aircraft Group/National Warplane Museum? Take
advantage of’s “smile” donation program
by going to our website and clicking on the Amazon
link. Share with your friends and family to donate to
this worthy organization. All donations will go to the
Museum’s general operations fund.
September 2014
2014 Airshow Photos by Pierre Laprand
Hangar Tales
Gone West - Gary Mitchell
If you are a history buff or interested in stories about
World War ll, be sure to visit the National Warplane
Museum’s D-Day veteran C-47 (DC-3 civilian designation) W7, or Whiskey Seven, as she is affectionately
and familiarly known. The Airshow weekend saw her
flights dedicated to the memory of Gary Mitchell who
was the original ”shaker and mover” that put her on
to her historic return to Normandy where 70 years
earlier she’d been the lead aircraft of the second wave,
dropping members of the 82nd Airborne over St. Mere
“l very much doubt Whiskey Seven would have
gone back to Normandy were it not for Gary who
conceived the idea and put together the $250,000 campaign that made it possible,” said museum member,
Stirlin Harris.
Gary was an accomplished pilot and type-rated in
Whiskey Seven and was friends with so many of the
volunteers at the museum. He is missed on many levels, first and foremost as a true friend who was always
there for you.
Born in 1941 in Sacramento, California, he earned
a BS in Civil Engineering from Stanford and then went
on to work on construction projects in California, Colorado, Canada and Brazil. He enjoyed flying his family
to vacations all over Mexico.
He moved to Geneseo, NY in 2000 to be near his
grandchildren, Mitchell and Veronica Vitale. He became a museum member almost immediately and fell
in love with Whiskey Seven. In 2011, he traveled to
Normandy and was awed by the celebrations of liberty
that W7 helped bring about. He got the idea then that
W7 should return to Normandy for the 70th anniversary of D-Day.
He was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2008 and
fought the battle bravely with multiple surgeries and
chemotherapy for many years. He worked tirelessly
to raise money to Return W7 to Normandy up until
he succumbed to his illness on September 22, 2013.
Recently, Chief Pilot Chris Polhemus kept a promise
that he made to Gary. At Gary’s memorial service, held
at the Lakeville airfield, with Dick Ash in Whiskey
Seven’s left seat and Chris in the right, they flew down
the airstrip where Gary kept his plane and dropped his
ashes in what looked like a white trail of smoke. We
have no doubt his boundless spirit is with W7 at all
By Stirlin Harris
September 2014
Normandy, France on June 6th, 1944. On that day she
dropped seventeen men of the 82nd Airborne Division
on a drop zone near St. Mere-Eglise. This past June,
she again dropped paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne
and the Liberty Jump Team on the same drop zone to
commemorate the 70th Anniversary of D-Day.
The 2014 edition of “The Greatest Show on Turf ”
began with the replica WWI aircraft of
The Great War Flying
Museum in Brampton, Ontario. A British
Sopwith Strutter and
a French Nieuport
duked it out with the
Red Baron’s Fokker Dr.
1 in a mock aerial dogfight. This performance
led quickly to fly-bys
from the L-birds, then
fast and slow classics,
Stearmans and Texan/SNJ/Harvard. The Lysander,
Lightning, Mosquito and L-39 Albatross also flew solo
flypasts as well.
Rob Holland flew aerobatic routines in his MX2,
and the father and son team of Andrew and Eric Boyd
performed in their Pitts Specials. Warbird aerobatics
followed with John “Skipper” Hyle in his Harvard,
Scott “Scooter” Yoak in his P-51D Mustang “Quick
Silver and Mark Murphy in the P-51D “Never Miss.”
Midway through the show the crowd joined in with a
Salute to Veterans of all services from the United States
and Canada. The organizers invited all veterans present
to show center for recognition by the audience. While
the Canadian and American National Anthems rang
out, a missing man formation with two Mustangs, a
Corsair and the Lightning passed overhead.
The show also included a Corsair and Japanese Val
dogfight while a B-25 Mitchell bombed the airfield,
complete with pyrotechnics. In honor of the 70th Anniversary of D-Day, “Whiskey 7” dropped the Liberty
Jump Team while two P-51 Mustangs flew top cover.
The Liberty Jump Team dresses in WWII uniforms
and equipment, but uses modern parachutes for safety.
Between flying acts there was plenty to fill the time,
including an antique/vintage car parade and a military
vehicle parade. On Saturday a group of over fifty Viet
Nam War veterans on a cross-country motorcycle trip
made the airshow one
of their stops. They
quickly put together
a motorcycle parade
which the Geneseo
crowd enjoyed greatly.
Living history re-enactors, complete with
mess tents, hospital
and a motor pool
provided commentary
on life in the service
during WWII. Dressed
in accurate period
clothing, they added the human element as they posed
for photographs with historic vehicles and aircraft.
The Geneseo airshow has long appealed to spectators, because of its intimate feel. The crowd isn’t separated from the aircraft and pilots, unlike many other
shows where the planes are parked on a ramp far away
from the crowd. At Geneseo the spectators mingle with
the planes and pilots. When aircraft must fly, a crew of
volunteers and Civil Air Patrol cadets direct the crowd
to a safe distance, but still give the spectators close-in
views as the planes start and taxi to the runway.
The Geneseo Rotary Summer Festival and Sidewalk
Sales were also going on during the same weekend.
Outdoor concerts, arts, crafts and food vendors filled
the Village Park and Main Street. On Friday night,
the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra performed its
Summer Spectacular with evening fireworks. Add this
to “The Greatest Show on Turf,” and you come up with
a fantastic summer weekend for the whole family.
By Tom Pawlesh,
Hangar Tales
C-119 Progress Report - A Flash of Color
to keep birds out while I applied masking tape. George
also helped with the masking.
The zig-zag lines on the sides of the Boxcar are called
the “Flash.” After re-drawing and careful masking, we
started the red painting of these markings. This is the
first time since the early 90’s that these markings have
been seen on the port side of the aircraft. The black
outline trim will be added later. We also painted the
tops and bottoms of both wing tips.
The outside of the tail fins are ready for painting. An
area marked with an “X” is to be left unpainted because it is where the ensign will eventually go. During
the airshow, I met a couple of guys from the Canadian
Warplane Heritage Museum who are putting us in
touch with a “decal expert” who can us help with this.
To get ready for the airshow, I started painting the
gear wheels. Tom Stroh helped with this. Kevin had
repaired and painted the antenna, and then set to work
on its installation.
Meanwhile, Paul has been busy cleaning the dorsal
and ventral fins before starting the next stage of painting. The tail fins will also be part of the next painting
stage. One of the ventral fins has already been painted.
Paul riveted sheet metal to the backs of the tail fins
Special note
At this point we have to thank several people for helping us get the red paint we are using. It started with
Canadian NWM member Bill Reid, whose research
put us in touch with Ron Wylie and Ken Kennedy of
the Jet Aircraft Museum in London, Ontario, Canada.
They were able to come up with the Canadian Colour
Standard code and its US Federal equivalent.
Then we had the help of Sherwin-Williams Geneseo Store Managers Jesse Warren and Matt Walker,
who were able to formulate a custom mixed paint that
matched the original color used by the RCAF. I wrote
a letter to the Sherwin-Williams Company, and after a
phone conversation with their District Manager, was
able to negotiate a donation of two gallons of paint,
two quarts of hardener, and all sundries, saving us
about $300.00 in costs. We are very, very, grateful to all
for their help and generosity.
By Dave Kolchuk
September 2014
Searchlight Restoration Project
The big day is here, the light is done ! We wrapped the job around 9pm last night. I would like to thank all of the
gang who lent a helping hand throughout the day; Steve, Chip, Ron, Zack, Taro, Bill, Bob, and Brian - Thanks
guys !!
The big day has come for the crew - we rolled out the light too ... can you guess where? Here are Paul, Zack and
Brian by the light - a special thank you to Brian - for getting the unit to light up.
Hangar Tales
Keuka Lake Amateur Radio Association
• To develop ties with other services and establish
relationships with community organizations,
The Keuka Lake Amateur Radio Association (KLARA)
is a fun-loving, community-service-minded group of
ham radio operators based out of Steuben and the contiguous counties in the Southern Tier of New York.
• To provide emergency communication services,
This year, as they have done for five years in a row,
KLARA hosted a Special Event Station on the amateur
radio bands, promoting the Geneseo Airshow. Hams
around the country made contact with KLARA members at their radios on the grounds of the air show,
• To promote enjoyable Amateur Radio-related
KLARA is pleased to share that at their one-day
exam preparation sessions, over 35 new radio operators obtained their FCC licenses in the past year!
KLARA members and supporters have provided
communications services to the Wine Country Classic
Boat Regatta and the WineGlass Marathon, collaborated with the National Weather Service in Binghamton
NY as trained weather spotters, and participated in
emergency communications drills with local hospitals
and nursing homes. Please visit our Facebook page
Keuka Lake Amateur Radio Association, for more information.
heard a bit about the historic planes in the air and on
the ground, and were eligible to receive a certificate
proclaiming the contact during this event. Many ham
radio operators collect Special Event certificates the
way some folks collect postcards.
KLARA holds monthly meetings, often with special
speakers (a recent meeting featured two FBI agents),
on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.,
usually at the Civil Defense Training Center, 7220 St.
Rte 54 in Bath, NY. The Mission of the Keuka Lake
Amateur Radio Association (KLARA) is:
• To promote interest in Amateur Radio communication and advancement of the radio art,
• To conduct programs, trainings, and exercises
that enhance the skills of the members, and educate the community,
At the Geneseo Air Show, KLARA members who
aren’t “on the air” can be found volunteering at the
Airshow. You may see them driving trams, acting as an
airshow courier, answering phones and assisting in the
office, or selling items at the store.
Are you planning to attend the 2015 Geneseo Airshow? Look for the campers with the antennas strung
from one to another, and stop by to say hello!
By Debbi Koehler, KB2WEY
September 2014
Fly-in / Drive-in / Bike-in / Skate-in
Walk-in / Drop-in / Come any way you can-in
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Starting at 1:00 pm
Adults - $10.00, Kids 5-12 - $6.00, Under 5 - Free
Stearn’s Chicken • Corn • Salt Potatoes • Tomatoes
Cucumbers • Rolls • Desserts • Beverages
Music by the Honeoye Falls Community Band
Sponsored by the
National Warplane Museum
Geneseo Airport • Rte 63
West of SUNY Geneseo
585 . 243 . 2100
Hangar Tales
2014 Pancake Breakfast
On June 2nd, our annual Fly-in Pancake Breakfast was
held at the Geneseo Airport. About 240 guests were
served and 31 aircraft were in attendance. One plane
flew in from Vermont. Photos by Steve Martz.
September 2014
2014 Airshow Photos by Michel Côté
Hangar Tales
Do you think you have a thankless job? Here is volunteer Roger Ludwig mowing the grounds Wednesday night
before the airshow. The mowing never ends! (Photo by C. E. Smith)
September 2014
National Warplane Museum Calendar of Events - 2014
Boldface items are National Warplane Museum events. Please contact the event sponsors directly for more information.
Rocket Launch - January 1 - Contact: David Riedel (585) 621-6174; cell (585) 739-6354; -
Lunch with “The Manhattan Dolls” - May 15 - Contact: NWM Office (585) 243-2100;
WNY Free Flight HOBO Meet – May 17-18 - Contact: Lyle Whitford 716-807-4748
NYPOWER Rocket Meet High-power Model Rocket Launch – May 24-26 - Contact: David Riedel (585) 621-6174;
cell (585) 739-6354;
WNY Free Flight – May 31-June 1 - Contact: Lyle Whitford 716-807-4748
Fly-In Pancake Breakfast – June 1 - Contact: NWM Office (585) 243-2100;
MARS Sport Launch Club Meet - June 7-8 - Contact: David Riedel (585) 621-6174; cell (585) 739-6354;
Geneseo Airshow - The Greatest Show on Turf© – July 12-13 (Arrival day, July 11)
Contact: NWM Office (585) 243-2100;
Note: Monthly Dinner Meeting for July will be held on Thursday, July 10.
Hangar Dance – July 12 - Contact: NWM Office (585) 243-2100;
Flying Aces Non-Nats Meet – July 14-19 - Contact: Ross Mayo (814) 397-5202; -
(NOTE - 8:00 am registration in Swanson Hall)
MARS Sport Launch Club Meet – July 26-27 - Contact: David Riedel
(585) 621-6174; cell (585) 739-6354;
VFW Annual Roast/Picnic – August 3 - Contact: Roger Johnson; (585) 367-2444;
WNY Free Flight Practice - August 8-10 - Contact: Lyle Whitford (716) 807-4748
MARS Rocket Sport Meet – August 16-17 - Contact: David Riedel (585) 621-6174; cell (585) 739-6354;
WNY Free Flight – August 22-24 - Contact: Lyle Whitford (716) 807-4748
MARS Sport Launch Club Meet – September 6-7 - Contact: David Riedel (585) 621-6174; cell (585) 739-6354;
Chicken Barbecue/Corn Roast – September 7 - Contact: NWM Office (585) 243-2100;
WNY Free Flight SAM 86 Contest & Great Grape Gathering – September 12-14 - Contact: Roy E. Smith - (613) 389-9887 or
(613) 634-1024 (work);
MARS Fall Finale Sport Launch Club Meet – October 4-5 - Contact: David Riedel (585) 621-6174; cell (585) 739-6354;
Veterans Open House - November 11 - Contact: NWM Office (585) 243-2100;
HAG Annual Christmas Party – December 11 - Contact: NWM Office (585) 243-2100;
National Warplane Museum
3489 Big Tree Lane
PO Box 185
Geneseo, NY 14454-0185
U.S. Postage
Permit #35
Geneseo, NY
Application for Membership
(For Family memberships, please list all names.)
Address: e-Mail:
Membership entitles you to free admission to the airshow, and museum, a 10% discount at the museum store, one-year
subscription to Hangar Tales, a window sticker for your car, and a membership card, which is required for admissions and
Dues: Life Membership (ages 18-59) = US$600
Life Membership (ages 60 or older) = US$500
Annual C-47 Club dues= US$250
Annual Adult dues (ages 18-59) = US$35
Annual Family dues (Two adults & children under 18) = US$75
Annual Senior Citizen (60 or older) dues
= US$30
Annual Junior (17 and under) dues = US$15
Please check one: Renewal
New membership
Complete this form, or a photocopy, and send with payment to:
National Warplane Museum, PO Box 185, Geneseo, NY 14454-0185