Proceedings of ICFD11: Eleventh International Conference of Fluid Dynamics December 19-21, 2013, Alexandria, Egypt ICFD11-EG-4039 Computational Modelling of H-type Darrius Vertical Axis Wind Turbine with Multi Element Airfoil Blades Ahmed M. El Baz1 , Aly R. Refaey2, Mohannad Y. Mohammed2 and Abdallah W. Youssef2 Renewable Energy Systems Simulation Lab Department of Mechanical Power Engineering Faculty of Engineering Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt 1 Associate Professor, Corresponding Author, email: 2 Graduate Students ABSTRACT Vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT) have received considerable attention in the recent years due to their advantages compared with horizontal axis wind turbines in urban applications. The Darrius rotor and the H rotor turbine are VAWTs which employ airfoil shaped blades to extract energy from the wind by virtue of their high lift capability. More research work is needed to increase the power coefficient of this type of wind turbines to match with higher demand for power in small scale applications. Also, further work is also needed to enable the H rotor to become self-starting. The objective of this study is to examine H rotor turbine performance using multi element airfoil blades. The work considers effects of adding a trailing edge flap to the airfoil. Trailing edge flap geometry such as relative length and flap angle relative to chord length are examined. The present work shows that this design outperforms that of conventional airfoil by 15% at low speed ratios. Moreover, the flap angle can improve the self-starting capability of the turbine by increasing the lift force on some blades in the stand still condition. KEYWORDS Wind turbine, H-shape Darrius, Vertical axis, CFD INTRODUCTION With the depletion of fossil fuel energy, alternative energy sources as well as renewable energy have become the most popular field of research interest. Wind turbines are considered one of the most commonly used turbomachine for power generation nowadays so that it has been increasingly investigated. From the perspective of urban application, Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) has many advantages over the widely used conventional Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT). Eriksson et al [1] made a comparative study of three different wind turbines (HAWT, Darrius VAWT and HVAWT) from the most important aspects including structural dynamics, control systems, maintenance, manufacturing and electrical equipment. A case study was presented where the three different turbines were compared to each other. They concluded that the vertical axis wind turbine appears to be advantageous to the horizontal axis wind turbine in several aspects. Darrius and H turbine research have examined many design parameters of these turbines [2-7]. These parameters include blade profile shape, aspect ratio, solidity, tip speed ratio as well as others. Some recommendations for the optimum values of such parameters are now available in the literature. The majority of VAWTs typically start producing power at wind speed as low as 3 m/s, which is called the cut in speed. The rated wind speed may be as high as 11 m/s at some sites according to the location selected to install the wind turbine. The maximum wind speed a wind turbine can continue operation is called the cut out speed which may reach 14 m/s. Determining the most frequent wind speed at which the wind turbine will operate is required to predict its performance and the characteristic dimensions of a wind turbine. Once the operating wind speed has been chosen, the first step in wind turbine design is to select the optimum operating tip speed ratio λ which is defined: λ = ωR/U∞ (1) where ω is the rotational speed of the turbine, R is the tip radius of the turbine and U∞ is the wind speed. Fig. 1 is a schematic of a straight-three bladed fixed-pitch H-rotor wind turbine. The geometry of the turbine can be 1 Copyright © 2013 by ICFD11 defined through the rotor diameter, height and a dimensionless parameter known as the solidity: σ = Nc/Drotor (2) where N is the number of blades and c is the blade chord length. The turbine blade is usually constructed of symmetric airfoils (e.g. NACA 00xx). The performance of the turbine is dependent on the selected airfoil section. NACA 0015, 0018 sections have been used in several designs [2]. The turbine motion depends mainly on the aerodynamic forces on the airfoil section, Fig.2 [3]. Wind velocity is blowing on the airfoil at an angle of attack α. The lift and drag forces on the airfoil are shown normal and parallel to the wind direction. Both forces can be resolved in the direction of blade motion to calculate the thrust force (T) and the normal force (N). The thrust and normal force coefficients are related to the lift and drag coefficients and the angle of attack as follows: CT = CL sin (α) – CD cos (α) CN = CL cos (α) – CD sin (α) (3) (4) Where (CT) is the thrust force coefficient driving the turbine, and (CN) is the normal force coefficient. The variation of the angle of attack according to the azimuth position of the blade is given by the following relation, Fig.3. α = tan-1[(sin θ)/(λ+cos θ)] where θ is the azimuthal angle and λ is the tip speed ratio. As can be seen in Fig. 3, for high speed ratio (λ>3) the angle of attack is less than 15o. Such angle is close to stall angle of symmetric airfoils. For lower speed ratios, the angle of attack may exceed the stall angle and the turbine blade thrust force diminishes during most of the cycle of rotation. Thus, a turbine blade would develop useful thrust during a quarter of the cycle only (~90o). Fig.1: Three bladed H-rotor Darrieus turbine [9]. Fig.3: Angle of attack variation with azimuth position. For a Darrieus rotor diameter (D), height (H) and free stream velocity (U∞), the mechanical torque coefficient Cm and the power coefficient Cp can be written: Cm = [2T/ρARU2 ] (5) And, Cp = [2P/ρAU3 ] (6) where (T) and (P) are the torque and the power developed, respectively, and (A) is the swept area of the rotor. A = Drotor Hrotor (7) Fig.2: Force coefficients of a blade element airfoil [3]. 2 Copyright © 2013 by ICFD11 Typical values of the power coefficient of Darrius turbine can reach 35% at a tip speed ratio between 5 and 6 (Sandia SAND0015/47 – NACA 0015 airfoil sections) [1]. Several investigations have been reported in the literature to improve the performance of the H- rotor turbine using CFD. These investigations have shown the validity of numerical techniques to reproduce qualitative and quantitative agreement with the experimental data available for Darrius turbines. Castelli et al [4] presented a numerical model for the evaluation of energy performance and aerodynamic forces acting on a straight bladed vertical-axis Darrius wind turbine using 2-D simulations of a classical NACA 0021 threebladed rotor. The obtained results have shown the reduction of blade relative angles of attack passing from lower to higher TSR values, due to the increasing influence of blade translational speed in the near-blade flow field. The azimuthal positions of maximum power extraction along blade trajectory have been located inside the 4th and 5th octants, probably due to the combination of a great energy extraction exerted by the rotor blade (due to the upwind operation of the rotor blade itself) and a relative high lever arm with respect to the rotor axis. Vassberg et al. [5] reported efficiency improvement of a vertical-axis wind turbine through the application of the CFD capabilities through the simulation of the dynamic motion of a turbine blade spinning about a vertical axis and subjected to a far-field uniform free-stream velocity flow field. Roynarin et al. [6] have studied power curves for a prototype of an H-rotor and their test results showed improved performance. Their theoretical results predict a maximum CP of 0.54 at a tip speed ratio of 2.5 for a small H-rotor. The investigation made by Argren et al. [7] also show very promising results for the performance of the H-rotor. Their high theoretical CP makes the authors question if the Betz limit is the upper limit of the power coefficient for VAWTs. Mertens et al. [8] have showed that the power coefficient of an H-rotor is higher than the power coefficient of a HAWT when the turbine is placed on a rooftop. Experimental results from different studies on straight bladed H-rotors from the literature were summarized in [1] too. The maximum Cp was 0.43 at a tip speed ratio of 3. The objective of the present work is to apply the CFD technique to investigate the performance of the H rotor turbine. Further, a modified airfoil section is proposed to improve the performance at low tip speed ratios. The Model is validated by reference to experimental measurements reported in the literature. GOVERNING EQUATIONS AND NUMERICAL SOLUTION SCHEME In the present work the unsteady Reynolds averaged Navier Stokes equations are solved. For incompressible flow, these equations are written in tensorial form: Continuity Equation ∂u i ∂u i + =0 ∂t ∂xi (8) Momentum Equation ∂u i ∂u ∂ 1 ∂P +uj i = − − ∂t ∂x j ρ ∂xi ∂x j ⎡ ⎛ ∂u i ∂u j 2 ∂u l ⎞⎤ ∂ ⎟⎥ + + − δ ij − ui′u ′j ⎢ν ⎜⎜ ⎢⎣ ⎝ ∂x j ∂xi 3 ∂xl ⎟⎠⎥⎦ ∂x j ( (9) Equations 8 and 9 include three unknowns; the mean velocity ui , mean pressure P and the Reynolds stresses − ui′u ′j . To solve these equations a model for the Reynolds stresses should be prescribed. In the present work the Bousinesq approximation of the Reynolds stresses is adopted, which is written [12] ⎛ ∂u ∂u j − u i′u ′j = ν t ⎜ i + ⎜ ∂x ⎝ j ∂xi where ν t is ⎞ 2⎛ ⎟ − ⎜ k + ν t ∂u m ⎟ 3⎜ ∂x m ⎝ ⎠ ⎞ ⎟⎟δ ij ⎠ (7) the kinematic eddy viscosity, k is the turbulent kinetic energy and δ ij is the unit tensor. The model is completed by obtaining the kinematic eddy viscosity. Spalart-Allmaras (S-A) model [11] has been chosen for the turbine simulation using the vorticity-strain based production. This modification to the model has been proposed [12] to take into account the effect of mean strain on the turbulence production. including both the rotation and strain tensor more correctly. Therefore, the model accounts for the effects of rotation on turbulence as it reduces the production of eddy viscosity and consequently reduces the eddy viscosity itself in regions where the measure of vorticity exceeds that of strain rate. Spalart-Allmaras model has been shown to give good results for boundary layers subjected to adverse pressure gradients. It is also gaining popularity in the turbomachinery application [13]. The model also has several favorable numerical features, as it requires only moderate grid resolution in the near-wall region and has the capability of fast converging comparing with the two-equation models. CFD MODEL VALIDATION A 2D computational model was constructed for an H-rotor Darrius turbine. Table 1 represents the main geometrical features of the tested model which has been chosen identical to the experimental model presented in [4]. Table.1: Turbine main geometrical features. Drotor[m] Hrotor[m] N[-] Blade profile C [mm] σ[-] 3 1.03 1 3 NACA 0021 85.8 0.25 Copyright © 2013 by ICFD11 ) Choosing a suitable computational domain is a key step in correctly reproducing fluid-dynamic phenomena. Firstly, the computational domain has to be suitable for reproducing the wind turbine rotation allowing a full development of the wake. The domain also has to be optimized, since using too large domain would lead to unnecessary increase in the number of cells and hence the computational time. A circular domain was selected to enable good quality meshing. The domain diameter was selected to be 20 times the turbine rotor diameter [9]. A multi zone domain was constructed as shown in Fig. 4. The rotating zone, which encloses the rotor blades, has an inner diameter of 0.75 Drotor and an outer diameter of 1.25 Drotor. The dimensions of the different zones are shown in table 2. Table.2: Main computational domain dimensions. Outer domain 20 Drotor Rotor sub-domain 2 Drotor Ring outer diameter 1.25Drotor Ring inner diameter 0.75Drotor Fig. 5 Rotating zone (in yellow color) Spatial discretization of the flow domain was the result of a series of grid independency tests. The grid size was gradually refined until the difference between the numerical results of the same simulation was negligible resulting of different mesh size ranging from 150,000 up to 500,000 cells. An unstructured grid was generated for the rotor sub-domain and the rotating ring. Following the work of T.J. Baker [10], the hybrid grid was chosen for the airfoil surface to be able to fully resolve the viscous sub-layer with high accuracy. The first cell height was set to be 0.005 mm, to keep the value of y+<1for all azimuthal positions of the blades. The used mesh in this work is shown in Fig. 6. Fig. 4 The solution domain Fig. 5 shows an enlarged view of the rotating zone which includes the rotor blades. The blades rotate in the counter clock wise direction. The rotating zone has two sliding mesh surfaces which are connecting this zone to the inner and outer flow zones. Fig.6: The hybrid grid near airfoil leading edge. The unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes euations were solved by the ANSYS Fluent 14 solver using the Sliding Mesh Model (SMM) to consider the physics of rotor rotation effects. Following Castelli et al. [4], the unsteady performance of the turbine rotor was simulated with a constant inlet velocity 4 Copyright © 2013 by ICFD11 of 9 m/s, while changing the rotor rotational speed to obtain different tip speed ratios. The time step size has been set for each rotational speed corresponding to a rotation angle of 1◦. The SIMPLE algorithm for pressure-velocity coupling, whereas the discretization has been performed using the finitevolume method with third-order (MUSCL) scheme for flow variables and second-order implicit for time discretization. In the iterative process of equation solving, the solution was considered to be converged when the continuity residual was less than 10-5 for each time step. Residuals of other flow variables were less than 10-8. The calculations were carried on until reaching the cyclic behavior of the power coefficient where the last two cycles have the same average torque coefficient with a deviation of less than 1%. The average Cm presented in this work was the average of last two cycles for the each simulation. Each case may require from 6 up to 17 cycles to reach the quasi-steady solution. Fig. 7 presents how the computed average torque coefficient approaches the quasi-steady state for the validation case at λ = 3.3. Fig. 8 shows a comparison between the predicted and measured values of the turbine rotor power coefficient variation with tip speed ratio for the selected three bladed rotor [4]. The figure shows that the model results are in very good agreement with the measurements reported in [4]. The power coefficient was obtained by averaging the power developed over two complete cycles. The results show that the power coefficient has a maximum value 0f 0.32 near a tip speed ratio of 2.65. Cm avg. . Cycles Fig. 7 Variation of average moment coefficient with number of cycles (λ=3.3). Fig. 8 Comparison between computed (present) and experimental [4] variation of power coefficient with tip speed ratio for 3 bladed rotor. MULTI ELEMENT AIRFOIL GEOMETRY The concept of multi element airfoil geometry was developed in the aeronautical industry in order to increase the lift capacity of blasé sections used for aircraft wings by adding leading edge slats and trailing edge flaps. The former modification aims at generating a wall jet at the leading edge of the airfoil which can delay boundary layer separation at high angle of attack. The trailing edge flap also aims at increasing lift force by extending the airfoil downstream and increasing its effective camber. In the present work leading edge slat was found to have adverse effect on the turbine performance due to the increased drag which is effective over three quarters of the blade cycle. Addition of trailing edge flap was found to improve the power coefficient at low speed ratios. Therefore, the results of simulations using trailing edge flap only will be presented. Using NACA 0021 section the trailing edge flap was added with the dimensions proposed by Lowry and McKay [14]. The geometry of the flap is shown in Fig. 9 and table 4. Three angles of the flap were tested in order to obtain maximum power coefficient for the turbine rotor at speed ratio of 2.65. Figure 10 shows the computed results for the three angles of 10, 20 and 30 degrees compared with the results of airfoil without flap. Slight improvement of the power coefficient was found with flap angle of 10 degrees. Therefore, results for this flap shall be presented for other tip speed ratios. Fig. 11 shows the airfoil geometry with the mesh used with the flap. 5 Copyright © 2013 by ICFD11 Fig.9 Modified airfoil and flap dimensions [11]. Table.4: Modified airfoil and flap dimensions [11]. Flap section NACA 0021 X 3.83% C Y 3.45% C Cf (Flap chord length) 0.2566 C Fig.10 Optimization of flap angle of inclination (λ=2.65). Fig. 11 Airfoil geometry and mesh with trailing edge flap RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 12(a-c) shows the predicted variation of the instantaneous torque coefficient during one cycle for tip speed ratios 2.0, 2.33 and 2.5, respectively, for the three bladed rotor with and without blade flaps. In each figure three peaks of the torque coefficient are observed, each one corresponds to one blade of the three bladed rotor. Although introducing the trailing edge flap was not able to increase the maximum instantaneous Cm, it leads to diminishing the negative values for the shown tip speed ratios. The trailing edge flap effect is more pronounced for the lower speed ratio, Fig. 12 a. However, for high speed ratio the torque coefficient is very close to that predicted without flap. The increased torque coefficient at low tip speed ratio could decrease the problem of Darrieus turbine self-starting discussed in [15]. The presence of the flap increases the airfoil lift at high angles of attack encountered at low rotational speed of the turbine when the main turbine airfoil blade has a high incidence angle with the relative wind velocity vector. Figure 13 shows the predicted variation of the average power coefficient of the turbine rotor with tip speed ratio, with and without blade flaps. As can be seen in the figure, at low speed ratios the turbine rotor with trailing edge flap results in increasing the power extracted by turbine rotor blades due cancelling the negative torque on the rotor blades at low speed ratios. The peak power coefficient is close to that predicted without flap and occurs at close value of the tip speed ratio. Figure 14 and 15show the predicted streamlines around the three blades of the turbines which are positioned 120 degrees apart. Blades 1, 2 and 3 are located at 0, 120 and 240 degrees. This orientation of the rotor blades corresponds to the minimum value of the torque coefficient of the turbine rotor as shown on Fig. 13. The streamlines around blade 1 are almost identical for the original blade and the blade with trailing edge flap. For blade 2, however, the presence of the flap causes reattachment over the back side of the blade which reduces the drag on the blade and cancels the negative torque on the blade. Similar effect is shown on blade 3 too. The reattachment on the trailing edge flap results due to the leak flow through the gap between the main airfoil section and the trailing edge flap. CONCLUSION In this paper, unsteady RANS equations were solved with the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model to simulate the flow around the H-shaped three bladed VAWT rotor using a 2D modeling approach. The model results in accurate values of the power coefficient of the three bladed turbine using NACA 0021 airfoil section compared to the experimental results. The simulations were extended to examine the effect of introducing trailing edge flap to the airfoil on the turbine rotor performance compared with the original blade design without trailing edge flap. The results showed that the modified design results in high values of the power coefficient at low speed ratios. This effect is attributed to the cancelation of the negative torque on the turbine rotor observed at some azimuthal angles of the turbine rotor. This effect was attributed to the reattachment of the flow on the trailing edge flap at the positions of high angle of attack which corresponds to negative thrust force on the turbine blades. This effect can also improve the self-starting capability of the turbine. 6 Copyright © 2013 by ICFD11 Fig.12.a Instantaneous moment coefficient variation with azimuthal angle (λ=2.0) Fig.13 Comparison of the Cp variation with tip speed ratio, with and without the flap (10 degree flap) Fig.12.b Instantaneous moment coefficient variation with azimuthal angle (λ=2.33) Fig.12.c Instantaneous moment coefficient variation with azimuthal angle (λ=2.5) 7 Copyright © 2013 by ICFD11 WITHOUT TRAILING EDGE FLAP WITH TRAILING EDGE FLAP Blade 1 at 0 degree Blade 1 at 0 degree Blade 2 at 120 degree Blade 2 at 120 degree Blade 3 at 240 degree Fig. 14 Streamlines around turbine rotor blades at minimum torque with flap Blade 3 at 240 degree Fig. 15 Streamlines around turbine rotor blades at minimum torque without flap 8 Copyright © 2013 by ICFD11 NOMENCLATURE A [m2] rotor swept area c [mm] blade chord CF [mm] flap chord length CD [-] drag coefficient CL [-] lift coefficient CT [-] thrust force coefficient CN [-] normal force coefficient CP [-] rotor average power coefficient Cm [-] rotor instantaneous torque coefficient Drotor [m] rotor diameter Hrotor [m] rotor height N [-] number of rotor blades R [m] rotor radius U [m/s] absolute wind velocity α [o] blade relative angle of attack θ [o] blade azimuth position ρ [kg/m3] air density σ [-] rotor solidity ω [rad/s] rotor angular velocity λ [-] tip speed ratio ABBREVIATIONS CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics HAWT Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine MUSCL Monotone Upstream-centered Schemes for Conservation Laws SIMPLE Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure Linked Equations SMM Sliding Mesh Model VAWT Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Proceedings from IMAREST conference MAREC 2002, Newcastle, UK. 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