Welcome to WCCA’s Junior High! De p a r tme n t C h a ir p e r s o n a n d W C C A V ic e Pr in c ip a l Mr . Mik e J o n e s Curriculum Basics WCCA They will soar on wings like Eagles ... Isaiah 40:31 Junior high students need stability in a world that seems to be falling apart at the seams! They need grounding in “the basics” within the framework of a biblical worldview. The Academy’s basics begin with… BIBLE – Our Overall Goal Junior high students are standing on the brink…the immediate future holds uncertainty, changes, unknowns, and choices. They are seeking identity, wanting consistency and fairness, questioning the values and beliefs of adults, experiencing physical changes, manifesting a high sense of justice, seeking peer approval, lobbying to express themselves, and beginning to form their own convictions. Accordingly, WCCA strives to provide students with direction and a solid foundation for making choices and confronting the challenges of the future. “All truth is God’s truth” is more than a statement of fact. It provides the biblical foundation necessary for a Christian education. Irrefutably, every school should teach “in the shadow of the cross.” This is our goal! The Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God, speaking to everyone and crossing denominational lines. We clearly present the Bible’s teaching without apology. It is our earnest prayer that each junior higher might come to know Christ as personal Savior and begin to mature spiritually. 6th GRADE The sixth grade text, Winning the Race, uses the theme of an athlete in competition to lead students to see the Christian life as one of courage and inner strength. Six units provide Bible teachings with an emphasis on character development. Drawing from studies of various Bible characters and an overview of Revelation, students learn how the principles of God’s Word can help them gain victory in the race of life. Two Bible projects, four Christian biography book reports, and two service projects are due each year. 7th GRADE In seventh grade, Route 66 is a Bible survey course giving students an overall view of the Bible. They become acquainted with the Bible as a whole, as foundations are laid for future studies. They discover each book’s content and its relation to other books. Students make application of basic biblical principles that will enrich their lives as they are challeng ed to examine their lives in light of God’s Word. They also complete four Christian fiction book reports, two service projects, and two Bible projects during the year. 8th GRADE Perhaps no other book in all of God’s Word deals with so many areas that relate directly to life as the book of Proverbs. Preeminently a book of principles, it provides the basis from which the rules of life are drawn. In the eighth-grade text, Wise-Up, teens are confronted with origins of rules, conduct, and character. They also complete four Christian book reports during the year and several service and Bible projects including the Apologetics book “A Case for Faith”, where tough questions about Christianity are explored and answered. SOCIAL STUDIES – History classes at WCCA equip students to see God’s sovereign plan throughout all history in all parts of the world. Our goal is for students to graduate with a deeper understanding of God’s redemptive plan. Students in grades 6 through 8 participate in the National Geographic Geography Bowl. Sixth grade history is a study of ancient civilizations from Creation through the Middle Ages. As part of their studies, students are guided to think critically about the differences between religions of the world and Biblical truth. Seventh grade history begins the year with a brief survey of history from Creation to the beginning of the early church and the rise of Islam. Students then study the development of history in the M iddle East, Europe, the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Oceania fro m about 1000 AD to the present. Eighth grade students study U.S. history from the Civil War to the present during the first semester. During the second semester, students are introduced to the U.S. government including the foundations of government, the Constitution, and the three branches of the Federal government. Special projects complement the course study. SOCIAL STUDIES TEXTS: 6th grade – Heritage Studies 6, B.J.U. Press 7th grade – World Studies, 3rd Edition, B.J.U. Press 8th grade – The American Republic, 3rd Edition, B.J.U. Press WCCA Junior High Curriculum Basics Continued… MATHEMATICS – It is our general goal to graduate students who are proficient in mathematic operations and prepared to meet the world’s day to-day mathematical challenges. In addition to grade-level math, WCCA offers an acc elerated math program (6th), Pre-Algebra (7th), and Algebra (8th) to students who qualify for advanced math. New or reviewed concepts in junior high math include the following: 6th GRADE: Patterns and Variables Number Theory and Fractions Data and Graphs Ratios, Proportions, and Percents Integers Using a Compass and Protractor Probability Exponents Equations and Inequalities Estimation Consumer M ath M easurement Pre-Algebra (7-B): Algebraic Expressions and Integers Decimals and Equations Operations with Fractions Solving Equations and Inequalities Solving One-Step Equations and Inequalities Factors, Fractions, and Exponents Ratios, Proportions, and Percents Pre-Algebra (8-B): Spatial Thinking Area and Volume Data Analysis and Probability ALGEBRA (8-A): Expressions, Equations, and Functions Factoring and Quadratic Equations Linear equations Linear Functions and Relations Linear Inequalities Polynomials Linear Functions and Graphing Right Triangles in Algebra Nonlinear Functions and Polynomials Quadratic and Exponential Functions Radical Functions and Geometry Rational Functions and Equations Statistics and Probability Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities TEXTS: Grade 6 - Prentice Hall Mathematics Course 1 by Pearson/Prentice Hall Pre-Algebra 7-B – Prentice Hall Mathematics – Pre-Algebra by Charles, Davison, Landau, M cCracken, & Thompson Pre-Algebra 8-B – Prentice Hall Mathematics – Pre-Algebra by Charles, Davison, Landau, M cCracken, & Thompson Pre-Algebra 7-A – Prentice Hall Mathematics – Pre-Algebra by Charles, Davison, Landau, M cCracken, & Thompson Algebra I 8-A - Algebra I by Glencoe M cGraw-Hill WCCA Junior High Curriculum Basics Continued… WCCA Schedule Junior High Schedule Our general science philosophy isWCCA to expandSample the students’ understanding of scientific concepts through higher -order thinking and SCIENCE – hands-on activities. Our foundational belief that we desire to instill in students is that God designed, created, and maintains the universe, both physical and biological. Included in our science courses are experiments, demonstrations, graph making, mo dels, reports, internet research, PowerPoint presentations, collections, and student created videos. 6th GRADE: Defining Science, The Scientific M ethod Chemistry: Atoms and M olecules Physics: Electricity and M agnetism, M otion and M achines Geology: Earthquakes and Volcanoes, Weathering and Erosion, Natural Resources Astronomy: Stars, The Solar System Ecology: The Ecosystem, Relationships Between Organisms Human Physiology: The Nervous System, The Immune System Sample projects include building a compound machine that incorporates the six simple machines; writing and illustrating a children’s book about the solar system; and writing a report (including graphs, diagrams, and a model) about an energy source. 7th GRADE: Life Science: Life and Scienc e, Classification, Cell Structure and Function M itosis and Genes, Heredity Biblical Creationism, Biological Evolution M icroscopic Organisms Plant Structure, Activities, and Reproduction Vertebrate and Invertebrate Animals Support and M ovement, Internal Balance, Energy, and Control of the Body Sample projects include dissecting a frog; constructing models of DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis; producing a cell brochure ; building an imaginary animal based on dominant, recessive, and incompletely dominant traits ; and producing a visual display of a specific animal’s classification, ecology, origin, and relationships. 8th GRADE: Earth Science: Introduction: Earth science; matter, forces, and energy; maps and mapping The Restless Earth: Earth’s structure and resources; tectonics; earthquakes; mountains and hills; volcanoes and volcanism Earth’s Rocky M aterials: minerals and ores; rocks; fossils; weathering, erosion, and soils The Water World: oceans and seas; ocean motions; ocean exploration; surface wat ers; groundwater Atmosphere: structure; weather; storms and weather prediction; climate and climate change The Heavens: sun, moon, and earth systems; solar system; stars, galaxies, and the universe; space exploration Some of the eighth-grade projects include: constellation diagrams, famous astronomer PowerPoint; sundial and astrolabe construction; North Star/moon altitude graphs, PowerPoint presentations covering safety procedures for thunderstorms, hurricanes, and tornadoes; Bay Area water supply study with emphasis on EBM UD; topographical map construction and interpretation, annual Bay Area rainfall graph; solar cooker construction; a T.V. game show video production on planets, asteroids, comets and meteors; Power Point presentation in conjunction with an English research paper covering the topics of erosion, mass wasting, glaciers, and ground water systems; and internet research. TEXTS: 6th grade – Science 6 for Christian Schools by Bob Jones University Press 7th grade – Life Science for Christian Schools by Bob Jones University Press 8th grade – Earth Science by Bob Jones University Press WCCA Junior High Curriculum Basics Continued… ENGLISH Fundamental to success in both the academic and career world is the development of proficient skills in language arts, including written and oral expression, reading comprehension, and vocabulary mastery. Building on the foundation of previous grades, junior high students explore the narrative, expository, persuasive, and descriptive modes of writing. In addition, specific instruction in writing research repor ts and test writing to a prompt assist students now and in high school. Instruction and assessment are rubric -based, so students know what is expected and how they will be evaluated. Writing is taught as a process which is modeled, practiced, and then applied to the student's own work. Although grammar, mechanics, and usage skills are integrated into the writing curriculum, the A Beka textbooks provide detailed, direct instruction in these important fundamentals. In addition, various opportunities are provid ed to develop oral expression in all subjects. Reading, interpreting, and analyzing quality literature is also an integral part of English classes. Students are taught to evaluate a variety of literature genres through a biblical worldview as they explore such components as setting, plot development, theme, vocabulary, the author's purpose, and literary devices. Complementary to our language arts program are the ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International) Creative Writing Festival, Speech Meet, and Spelling Bee, in which our students regularly excel. Research papers are written in conjunction with either the science or geography classes. ENGLISH TEXTS: 6th grade – God’s Gift of Language C by A Beka 7th grade – Grammar and Composition I by A Beka 8th grade – Grammar and Composition II by A Beka PEACEMAKERS is a school-wide program designed to equip students with the social and biblical skills to appropriately handle conflict. MINI CLASSES: SPELLING and STUDY SKILLS Each grade studies spelling every other quarter, and selected students participate in the ACSI Regional Spelling Bee. On alternate quarters, students learn Study Skills curriculum. ELECTIVES – Students also select an elective for three days a week from among the following: Art; Office, Teacher, or Library Aide; Computers; Spanish; Student Council; Yearbook; Drama; M oney M anagement; and Choir/Guitar. HEALTH Junior high health is taught during seventh period physical education class. Health is taught in one - to three-week sessions on a rotating basis along with other physical education activities. The class is divided by grade, and each grade level receives nine weeks of health instruction per school year. The Christian text used for the three-year course is Health in Christian Perspective (A Beka Books). In sixth grade a supplement from the California Dairy Council, Exercise Your Options, is also used. Sixth Grade Topics: Developing a Healthy Body, Exercise Your Options (nutrition/exercise), and M aintaining Personal health. Seventh Grade Topics: Keeping a Sound Mind, Practicing Personal Safety, Emergency Preparedness, and First Aide Procedures. Eighth Grade Topics: Preventing Diseases, Avoiding Drug Abuse, and Pursuing Right Relationships. PHYSICAL EDUCATION – As Christians, our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit. These temples are a blessing from God, and we have a responsibility to be good stewards. The department seeks to encourage students to first accept themselves as special creations of God and then to see that God’s will for them is to use their “temples” for His honor and glory. Through rotating physical education units, intramurals, and interscholastic sports, students learn about their bodies and physical activities, develop psychomotor skills, enjoy fitness and recreational activities, and develop social skills (character trait s) through friendly competition. WCCA is also a member of the Bay Area Christian Schools Athletic League, which is made up of twenty two schools among four divisions. Cross country, basketball, volleyball, soccer, and track and field are league sports with teams for both boys and girls. Girls’ softball and boys’ flag football are also league sports. In general, practices are held immediately after school, with games on Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning at 3:30 p.m. Those chosen as team members must maintain a minimum 70% grade average with no failing grades. There is a team fee for each sport played. Parents must be aware that participation in the league sports program requires that the student’s family accident and dental insurance cover team participation. Also, it is strongly recommended that the stud ent have a complete physical and be certified by the doctor that he/she is physically fit to participate in the sports program. Final Thoughts from WCCA’s Junior High SPECIAL ACTIVITES – In the fall, sixth graders travel to M ission Springs Christian Camp and Conference Center in Scotts Valley (near Santa Cruz) for our required Outdoor Education Week. All activities, from classes to campfires, are designed to foster spiritual growth. Th e camp’s naturalists are trained to intentionally weave spiritual lessons throughout the natural science lessons of the day. At night, this integration of faith with the real world continues when the naturalists share during campfires and evening programs. Every other year, seventh and eighth graders may opt to join a weeklong fall tour of Washington, D.C. This hands-on history lesson is the highlight for many and provides a once -in-a-lifetime opportunity to study American history in the very places where it was made. Junior high has several field trips throughout the year, including at least one to a performing arts venue. They also enjoy participating in CARE groups that help foster relationships as they meet to share prayer requests and praises. And finally, every junior higher eagerly anticipates the special “End-of-Quarter” activities to celebrate the culmination of another grading period! Junior high offers an optional enrichment class, called SOAR, that is in place of the spelling and study skills classes that are typically offered during third period every other Monday and every Friday. This class is open to sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students who are on the Eagles Nest Honor Roll. This will provide them with the opportunity to explore topics covered in school to a greater depth, create projects that can be shared with other students, practice higher level thinking skills, explore hands-on real life applications, game making, etc. The content of the class and the teachers change each quarter. Quotes from Parents… “We feel that the larger projects the 6th and 7th graders are given really have great value and provide a learning and growing experience for the children (for example Science and Bible). The goal of these projects is not just the end product, but having the children learn how to think through something, how to organize, how to read and follow directions, obtain supplies and materials and then actually assemble or create the project. I really like that parents are encouraged to work with their children so it can be an even better experience. We also appreciate the importance that WCCA puts on world history and particularly geography. It provides the children a better concept of the world for learning and understanding.” Rolando and Sandra Paredes We welcome your visit to our campus and classrooms! Please call the school office at (925) 935-1587 to schedule an appointment. And for even more information about WCCA, please visit our website at wccaeagles.org. “We are thoroughly pleased with the education provided to our children by Walnut Creek Christian Academy. The students are exposed to what can be termed a “whole person” educational philosophy. That is to say that not only does WCCA provide an excellent Academic Program equaled by none, but there is also an emphasis upon the Physical, Relational, and we believe more importantly, the Spiritual aspects of growth and maturity necessary to developing children soon to be young adults. The care and love that the staff here at WCCA provides to our children allows them to use the gifts, which they have been given, in order that they may become all that God would desire in their lives. There is no other school in the San Francisco Bay Area, and dare we say all of California, that can remotely approach the quality of education found here at Walnut Creek Christian Academy.” Daniel and Charlotte Diaz WCCA Junior High Sample Schedule PERIOD ROOM 1 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY C-24 SCIENCE 6 SCIENCE 6 SCIENCE 6 SCIENCE 6 SCIENCE 6 C-25 BIBLE 7 BIBLE 7 BIBLE 7 BIBLE 7 BIBLE 7 A-13 BIBLE 8 BIBLE 8 BIBLE 8 BIBLE 8 BIBLE 8 C-28 HISTORY 6 HISTORY 6 HISTORY 6 HISTORY 6 HISTORY 6 A-12 GEOGRAPHY 7 GEOGRAPHY 7 GEOGRAPHY 7 GEOGRAPHY 7 GEOGRAPHY 7 A-13 ALGEBRA 8-A ALGEBRA 8-A ALGEBRA 8-A ALGEBRA 8-A ALGEBRA 8-A C-24 PRE-ALGEBRA 8-B PRE-ALGEBRA 8-B PRE-ALGEBRA 8-B PRE-ALGEBRA 8-B PRE-ALGEBRA 8-B 8:30 TO 9:22 2 9:25 TO 10:08 10:08 TO 10:21 BREAK 3 BREAK BREAK BREAK CHAPEL EVERY OTHER MONDAY STUDY SKILLS / SPELLING/ SOAR (EVERY OTHER MON. & EVERY FRI.) ELECTIVES EVERY TUES., WED., THURS.) 10:25 TO 11:08 4 BREAK C-25 BIBLE 6 BIBLE 6 C-24 PRE-ALGEBRA 7-B PRE-ALGEBRA 7-B PRE-ALGEBRA 7-B PRE-ALGEBRA 7-B PRE-ALGEBRA 7-B A-13 PRE-ALGEBRA 7-A PRE-ALGEBRA 7-A PRE-ALGEBRA 7-A PRE-ALGEBRA 7-A PRE-ALGEBRA 7-A ENGLISH 8 ENGLISH 8 11:11 TO C-28 BIBLE 6 ENGLISH 8 BIBLE 6 ENGLISH 8 BIBLE 6 ENGLISH 8 11:54 11:54 TO LUNCH AND LUNCH AND LUNCH AND LUNCH AND LUNCH AND 12:27 LUNCH RECESS LUNCH RECESS LUNCH RECESS LUNCH RECESS LUNCH RECESS A-13 MATH 6-A MATH 6-A MATH 6-A MATH 6-A MATH 6-A C-25 MATH 6-B MATH 6-B MATH 6-B MATH 6-B MATH 6-B C-24 SCIENCE 7 SCIENCE 7 SCIENCE 7 SCIENCE 7 SCIENCE 7 12:31 TO A-12 HISTORY 8 HISTORY 8 HISTORY 8 HISTORY 8 HISTORY 8 C-25 ENGLISH 6 ENGLISH 6 ENGLISH 6 ENGLISH 6 ENGLISH 6 A-12 ENGLISH 7 ENGLISH 7 ENGLISH 7 ENGLISH 7 ENGLISH 7 C-24 SCIENCE 8 SCIENCE 8 SCIENCE 8 SCIENCE 8 SCIENCE 8 P.E. / HEALTH P.E. / HEALTH P.E. / HEALTH P.E. / HEALTH P.E. / HEALTH 5 1:14 6 1:17 TO 2:00 7 2:00 TO 2:50 GYM Rev. 12/11/13