1/09/2015 Issue 27 With all the winter colds and flus, we can all feel a little worn down at times. Lean on me…or you - Psalm 45:1, 2, 6-9 Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew11:28 The other day, as I was driving, I went past a parent-child tandem bike; the bike at the front full size and the other a child’s bike. An adult was on the front bike pedalling hard uphill into the wind whilst the child up the back was blissfully unaware simply enjoying the ride and admiring the view. At that time in that relationship the adult was clearly doing the lifting and the child the leaning. In some relationships the balance between two people never changes, yet in others it may change depending on the circumstances. A well person may support one who is sick, someone who is feeling low may be helped by a friend who has it all together. Our relationship with God is one where we know that when it comes to the heavy lifting we are never on our own – He is there to ease our burden. Let us thank God that nothing is too big or heavy for us to take to him. He wants to take the things that burden us. Let’s also thank the people in our lives who allow us to lean on them. Heavenly Father, please take my burdens and the burdens others. Thank you for carrying me. In Jesus' name. Amen. (adapted by Lutheran Media from a devotion written by Jacqui Tepper. Thank You To our SRC who organised our house colours clothes day and coin line last Friday. With a total of nearly 100metres of coins laid in four house team lines, we look forward to our SRC announcing the results at tomorrow’s Assembly. Thank you to Camp Australia who will match dollar for dollar the money we have raised. St Mark’s Upcoming Events and Activities Our Year 3 students toured Mt Barker local sites today as part of their history unit. Our whole school Assembly will be held tomorrow at 9:00 am in our hall. Our 6K class will be presenting at assembly. Whole school Chapel @ 9:00am this Friday lead by Pastor Clayton as Pastor Stephen is unwell. Coffee’n’Chat will follow in the library. Our cross country carnival will be held on Friday 4th September. All students will participate in the event which will be held at Keith Stephenson Park between recess and lunch. Details are in today’s newsletter. SPLASH theatre will visit our school and give a performance on Friday afternoon beginning at 2.15pm. Hats are back for Spring Today we experienced our first official day of Spring, although the forecast for this week looks little different. As I reminded us last week, the start of Spring means students are required to wear their school hats at recess, lunch and for outdoor sport activities. If they don’t have their hat, they are asked to stay under the verandah areas of buildings. Enrolment at St Mark’s in 2016 In the last weeks, we have begun to receive enquiries for enrolment at St Mark’s in 2016. To enable us to accurately determine positions available, I request that any families who have students (other than current Year 6) not continuing enrolment with us next year, to please advise me in writing. If your circumstances are unsure, I ask you to please contact me to discuss your enrolment. Cont’d o/page ... 37 Hampden Road, Mt Barker SA 5251 T 8391 0444 E contact@stmarks.sa.edu.au W ww.stmarks.sa.edu.au 2015 NAPLAN Reports Our Year 3 and 5 students have today brought home their NAPLAN student reports with a covering information letter. We will, as a matter of course, review the individual and collective results to celebrate our areas of strength and examine areas for review. It is my belief that as NAPLAN is a one off formal assessment, the greatest benefit to us as a school is the trend data we have since 2008 of our overall levels of student achievement in these assessments of literacy and numeracy. The individual student results are of course useful to assist us checking our more detailed school based data of individual student achievement. If you have any questions regarding your child’s results, please make an appointment to discuss the results with your child’s teacher. James Heyne Principal Prayer Points This week we pray for the following families: Debbie Z and Cooper & Siena L Sean L & Kelly Pederick and Blake Nicholas & Mrika L and Grace David & Justine L and Levi, Isaac & Sophie Joseph & Jade L and Regan Darren & Samantha L and Poppy Scott & Charlene L and Harrison Michael & Rebecca M and April Joshua & Jessica M and William Congratulations to Mark & Esther Z on the arrival of a beautiful baby girl, Jazmin on Friday 28th August weighing 3.8kg. A little sister for Kezia, Suzelle, Azayla and Jozef. We wish you God’s blessings as you celebrate this special gift from Him. Senior Choir News On Tuesday August 25, the Senior Choir shared their beautiful voices with the Women’s Fellowship of St Mark’s Lutheran Church. They sang two songs and were very well received. They should be proud of being wonderful representatives of our school. We now continue practising for our performance at the Junior Primary Concert in Week 10, on Wednesday September 23 at 7pm. If you have any spare pairs of sunglasses we would appreciate being able to borrow them for our practises and our item. If you would like them returned, please ensure they are named. Simply send into Miss Juers at school ASAP, either in person or via the front office. Thank You! Library News Premier’s Reading Challenge Friday this week is the due date for the Reader’s Challenge forms to be handed in. I have received LOTS of forms so there will be many happy children receiving medals and certificates this year. Book Club Book Club forms have been sent home today. Orders and payment are due by Wednesday next week ( 9th Sept). Louise Paterson, Librarian Registration of Enrolment for Year 7 in 2018 Year 4 families received a letter last week from Cornerstone College regarding registration of interest for their child for Year 7 in 2018. If parents wish to take up this option, it is up to you to ensure you return the form direct to Cornerstone College by Friday 4th September to secure a position for your child. If you have misplaced your form and you require another one, please see Julianne in the front office. BUSSING Due to the Mt Barker High School’s Student free days on Friday 4th September & Monday 7th September, NO school buses will be operating on these days. Therefore alternative transport arrangements will need to be made for your children. The Strathalbyn bus will run as normal. On Friday 25th September (end of term), due to Mt Barker High School concluding at 2.10pm, NO afternoon buses will be running. The Strathalbyn bus will run as normal. St Mark’s will conclude at the normal time of 3.15pm. SOS! WOOL WANTED! YOU CAN DO IT! Please keep an eye out for this week’s information sheet from the Kids Matter website. This week, the topic is ‘About fears and worries’. Janene Overton on behalf of the Student Wellbeing Team If any family has any wool they have lying around and would like to donate it for the Year 2K ‘tom boys’ project, please drop off to the front office or the classroom. Thank you. CANTEEN - Online Ordering There is a new online ordering system we are now using for canteen orders. It is called FlexiSchools. This system allows parents to place orders from home or work. Payment is done online. For information on how to do this, go to the school’s website (www.stmarks.sa.edu.au) News & Events/Lunch Orders for easy to follow instructions. Canteen day is on a Tuesday. Crazy Cra zy Colours Day If your child is away on canteen day, please email Yvette Mitchell (Cornerstone College) on ymitchell@cornerstone.sa.edu.au or phone 8398 6036 by 12noon to cancel your order. You will be credited on your FlexiSchools account. You can modify canteen orders only on the day you order (and before 4.30pm). The cutoff time for orders is 8am on the Monday prior to canteen day. Junior Primary Concert Tiddalick! Who’s Tiddalick? Well we might just find out at the Junior Primary Concert. Congratulations to Chelsea C who had a very successful day at the Eastern Fleurieu School Interschoool Gymkhana held at Strathalbyn on Saturday 29th August with some 40 schools from around the state and over 170 competitors. Chelsea was riding her pony Mighty Murphy and represented St Mark’s Lutheran School in the 9 Years & under section. Chelsea received a number of placings for the day as well as Best Presented 9 years and under, 1st Place Smartest on Parade 9 years and under, 1st Place Open Pony 13hh ne 14hh, 1st Place Pleasure/Learners Pony and 1st Place Champion Pony Hack Rider 9 years and under. Chelsea went on to win the Aggregate Trophy (overall winner) for 9 years and under and Best Presented in the School Parade. Well done Chelsea - you certainly did St Mark’s proud! Please join us for a fun filled performance on….. Matinee Performances Wednesday September 23rd, 2015 9:30am for Band, Foundation S, 1M, 2K, 3SM & 4H 11:30am for Choir, Foundation H, 1UM, 2L, 3S & 4S Evening Performances Wednesday September 23rd, 2015 7:00pm with Choir, Foundation S, 1M, 2K, 3SM, & 4H & Thursday September 24th, 2015 7:00pm with Band, Foundation H, 1UM, 2L, 3S & 4S A reminder please to return your reply slip regarding number of seats required for your family. What’s What’s On Need a gift for FATHER’S DAY, a birthday or special occasion? Check out our beautifully wrapped St Mark’s Cookbooks, complete with gift tag. ONLY $25.00. Available in the front office. • Mt Barker Cricket Club Registration Day on 13th September from 11am-12.30pm. We will be holding a BBQ lunch on the day to fundraise for the club, so come down and register yourself for the fast approaching season and meet some of our members. Milo Cricket, U10’s, 12’s, 14’s, 16’s/17’s and Seniors grades. Further information from: mountbarkercc@gmail.com or Alexander Lee on 0422 957 710, www.mtbarkercricketclub.com.au, or Facebook page at Mount Barker Cricket Club. • Mainly Music Program at St Mark’s Lutheran Church A fun, interactive music session for parents and caregivers and their young children. Children develop gross and fine motor skills, language, imagination, mathematical and pre-reading skills as well as socialise with others. Children are introduced to music, creativity and more. The session lasts for 30 minutes and is a fun and rewarding program. Morning tea is served to both adults and children. Held weekly during school terms and we welcome anyone from the local area to come along and be part of this community. Held at the Church Hall on Mondays from 9.30-11.00am. Enquiries to the school. Woolies Earn & Learn Program Please keep collecting your stickers as we are hoping to gain some fantastic educational resources and equipment for our school this year. Stickers/booklets can be dropped off at the front office or deposited in the box near the upper primary entrance. This program closes on Tuesday 8th September - thank you for your support.