Info about Textbook

Algebra and Trigonometry
by Sheldon Axler
Here are some textbook/WileyPlus combinations available for purchase in the
Loyola Bookstore and Beck’s Bookstore.
(1.) The textbook bundled with WileyPlus access code for $177.00 new. The good
thing is that if you start with Math 117, then it is good for both Math 117 and Math
118. Otherwise, it's really expensive for you. With the access code you do get an ebook.
(2.) Textbook with solution manual without WileyPlus access code for $170.50 new
and $128.00 used. It seems that the solution manual is not very useful. All the oddnumbered exercises, not problems (there is a difference in the text), are worked out
in detail in the text anyway. The problems are intended to be more thoughtprovoking than the exercises, which are more drill-type questions.
(3.) WileyPlus access code alone (with e-book) for $67.50.
(4.) Digital edition of the text alone for $88.50.
(5.) Book rental without access code for $68.20.
Important note about Wiley Plus
You will be able to access WileyPlus for free for the first two weeks of the semester.
After Monday, September 10, you will have to have purchased registration in order
to continue using the supplement.