Student Quick Start for WileyPLUS in Blackboard

Student Quick Start for WileyPLUS in Blackboard
The following information will show you how to register for your WileyPLUS course and access your course materials
through Blackboard Learn™.
1. Log in to Blackboard, locate your course and click a Module link in the Course Menu. The content of your course
appears. Select a WileyPLUS link within a folder.
2. The Launch WileyPLUS Link page appears.
In the User Privacy Information section of the Launch WileyPLUS Link page, choose whether to share your
personal information (First, Last name, and Email Address) with Wiley. (Note: Agreeing to share your personal
information is not necessary to access your readings and is done so at your own risk. Wiley information is stored
on a US server and is outside of the control of Mount Royal University).
In the Acknowledgement section you are notified that you are leaving Blackboard and technical support is to be
found with Wiley (see technical support section of your Blackboard site for more information). Note: You can
check the box next to “Do not show me this message again” or this notification will show each time you click a
WileyPLUS link.
Click the Launch button to proceed.
4. Click Launch, and End User License Agreement page appears. In the End User License Agreement page read the
terms of the agreement and click Accept.
5. The Registration Code screen appears. Enter your registration code into the left portion of the screen exactly as
it was provided and click Continue. You are directed into your WileyPLUS course.