UPS Worldship -

Fast Shipping using Barcode Scanning
Barcode Scanning with SerialMagic, LaserChamp, osCommerce and UPS Worldship™
ABSTRACT: The following document will outline how to integrate osCommerce
2.2 (modified by with UPS Worldship utilizing SerialMagic with
LaserChamp barcode scanners.
It has been demonstrated that using this solution can cut order processing time by
50% and more over using website for shipping (even when automated scripts
are used in concert with
Fast Shipping with Barcode Scanning
The following document outlines the procedure that a company can use to process
United Parcel Service (UPS) shipments generated on an online store. This procedure
outlines how four major components are used in harmony to provide extremely efficient
shipping on a very small budget: osCommerce (Open Source Commerce, United Parcel Service’s (UPS) Worldship™ software, the
LaserChamp™ barcode scanner, and SerialMagic™ Professional software for Windows.
The first part of the solution is osCommerce (OSC). OSC is one of the most
popular commerce engines on the Internet. Some of the features outlined in this
document are not built-in to OSC 2.2 that this solution is based on. OSC was modified to
facilitate this implementation. For example, a custom feature we have implemented is the
ability to select several “pending” orders at once and print all the packing slips at one
time. The starting point was a contribution, but it too required modification. Another
important feature that has been implemented is to include a barcode on each packing slip.
This barcode contains the OSC order number. The barcode on the packing slip is used to
streamline the order fulfillment process by allowing a quick scan with a the LaserChamp
barcode scanner to pull the order information from osCommerce database into
Worldship. (for information on OSC modifications please contact
The UPS Worldship application is used to process the shipments and print the
proper shipping labels. To streamline order shipments, Worldship is connected to the
osCommerce Orders database by utilizing an ODBC connection in concert with an
“Import Key” (see below). The LaserChamp scanner is an important component in the
shipping procedure. The LaserChamp barcode scanner functions much like a perfect
keyboard user (one that is 100% accurate, and very fast). When the barcode is scanned
information is sent to the computer and placed in the desired application. There are three
places where using barcode scanning saves time and eliminates human typing error. First
it’s used to scan in the Order number from the packing slip. Next it’s used to scan the
serial numbers of the products being shipped, which also helps when tracking inventory.
Finally, it takes the UPS tracking number from the printed Worldship shipping label and
scans it into the UPS Tracking number field on the order.
But none of this would work seamlessly and effortlessly without our silent hero,
SerialMagic Professional. SerialMagic Pro does a number of things during this process.
The main function of our software is to communicate with our LaserChamp scanner and
deliver scans to the desired application. The software runs in the background, waiting for
data to come across to the computer, via a cable connection or wirelessly via Bluetooth.
When SerialMagic receives the data, it first examines the information, and then performs
certain functions based on the pattern of the data. This is all user configurable by using
SerialMagic Action Profiles (SMAP for short).
The SerialMagic Action Profile that has been created for our Worldship process
below does a number of things. When it recognizes a packing slip barcode, SerialMagic
opens the web browser, types in the proper URL of the order in our online store, and also
posts the Import Key in UPS Worldship, importing the shipping information. Later on in
the procedure, it recognizes serial numbers of products and clips unnecessary characters
from the barcode before posting the data. There is another pattern programmed to
recognize UPS tracking numbers.
Copyright 2006-2007
Fast Shipping with Barcode Scanning
With the process outlined here, shipping is literally, a few scans, a couple clicks
of the mouse, packing the order, and you’re done. It has been demonstrated that using this
solution can cut order processing time by 50% and more over using website for
shipping (even when automated scripts are used in concert with
UPS Worldship Procedure
-Print packing slips (check all the desired packing slips)
-Load UPS shipping labels (self-adhesive) into the printer
-Match Product(s) to packing slips
-Locate shipping method and service requested (Ground, 1-Day, 2-Day, etc)
-Find the appropriate packaging for the orders (e.g. 1-Day can use express packaging
from UPS, Ground uses other packaging)
-Place the product, packing slip and any other info such as: store flyers or marketing
into packing
-Pile/ stack all filled orders next to computer for processing
-Double-Click on the SerialMagic Pro icon - Click “Start” on the program
(If not already running)
-Double-Click on the “UPS Worldship” icon to bring up the program
Copyright 2006-2007
Fast Shipping with Barcode Scanning
-Click on the “UPS Online Connect” button on the menu bar- select “Keyed Import”
then select “1 SIO_WS_SHIP”
-Open up the Serialio orders page with web browser
-Use the appropriate Packing Slip (example below)
Copyright 2006-2007
Fast Shipping with Barcode Scanning
-Use the scanner to scan the barcode on the Packing Slip, this will bring the
customers shipping info into Worldship. The LaserChamp barcode scanner scans the
code, SerialMagic received the barcode, strips off the “PKS” portion, and inserts the
number into the WorldShip Enter Import Key field (shown below)
Verify the shipping address, service type, and weight matches the packing slip
-Click on “Process Shipment” and the label will print
Get the label from the printer
-Next the Orders window in the OSCommerce admin view gets updated
Copyright 2006-2007
Fast Shipping with Barcode Scanning
-If the order has item(s) that have serial number(s), click on the Add Serial # link, and
scan the serial number barcodes from the products for that order.
-Confirm the numbers are entered, and then click Update
Click in the “UPS Tracking Number” field, and then scan the barcode on the
shipping label; it will then be entered on the OSCommerce form
-Add comments, and then click Update
(note this version of OSCommerce has a Javascript enhancement that automatically
changes the order status to “Shipped” when the shipping number is entered. Since
this occurs after the focus goes away from the tracking number field, it may not be
completely evident that the status has been changed. By clicking outside the tracking
number field this can be confirmed)
Copyright 2006-2007
Fast Shipping with Barcode Scanning
-Verify order shows that it was shipped
-Verify all paperwork
-Close package(s) and put label on the package: It is now ready for UPS pickup
-Repeat as needed for all Pending orders
Copyright 2006-2007
Fast Shipping with Barcode Scanning
-If this is the last order for the day, click on the “End of Day” icon to print Shipment
Summary for the day
-When UPS pickup occurs, make sure all packages are picked up and the UPS driver
scans the End-Of-Day sheet and signs the Shipment Summary
Copyright 2006-2007