orchard park elementary school

24 Calverley Street, Orillia, ON L3V 3T4
Phone: (705) 325-7772 Fax: (705)
School Web Page http://orc.scdsb.on.ca
Follow us on Twitter: @OrchardParkPS
Eileen Wise
February 2015
January seemed like a short month and Mother Nature robbed us of a
few days. Report cards and assessment is key for everyone right now.
Students are busy making sure assignments are completed and handed
in so teachers can write wonderful things. Report cards go home
February 20, 2015!
Feb 2
– School Council Meeting @6:30
Feb 5
- National Sweater Day
Feb 4-6 – Book Fair
Feb 11 - Health & Wellness
Feb 16 – Family Day (holiday staff & students)
Feb 18 – March Food Orders Due
Feb 20 – Reports go home
Feb 25 – Spirit Day – Pink Anti-bullying theme
April 7 & 8 - Dental Screening for JK,SK, 2 & 8
All visitors and volunteers coming into our school must sign in at the
front office immediately after being buzzed in. Our job is to keep our
students safe. Please do not come into the school to wait for your
children at the end of the day. When we have parents and strollers in
the hall while children are getting ready, it can become quite congested.
If the fire alarm goes off, this can be a tremendous safety issue. Thank
The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit is reporting that influenza
cases are at the seasonal average in our area. Like a cold, influenza
will cause coughing and runny nose, but symptoms also include
headaches, high fever, weakness, body aches and extreme fatigue –
and it can last for many more days than a common cold. For
vulnerable people, such as young children, the elderly and people with
compromised immune systems, it can weaken the body, allowing
secondary infections such as pneumonia. To help
prevent getting the flu and prevent it from
spreading, take the following precautions:
Wash your hands often with warm
soapy water, especially after coughing and sneezing,
before eating, and after using the washroom
Take good care of yourself by eating healthy foods, getting
plenty of sleep and staying active
Consider getting a flu shot at your local pharmacy (where
Shelly Long-Bokma
Vice Principal
For more information, visit the Health Unit’s website at:
The dental Screening will take place on Tuesday, April 7th &
Wednesday, April 8th, 2015. They will be screening children in JK,
SK, Grades 2 and 8. Individual children from
other grades may be seen as well. For more
information about this or other oral health
programs offered by the Simcoe Muskoka District
Health Unit, please call 705-721-7520 x 8804 or
call toll free at 1-877-721-7520.
Mark your calendar!
Join us for Orchard Park PS’s
Health and Wellness Evening
on Wednesday, March 11th
(time to follow with flyer)
Come and see how your school and
community can support you and your family
with such topics as healthy eating, growth
and development, stress management,
anxiety and coping skills.
Look for our detailed flyer coming home
Our Safe Arrival Program is vital to the safety of all of our students.
Please remember to call the Safe Arrival Line if your child will be late
or absent from school. To report an absence or late arrival, call the
school (705) 325-7772 and press 1 to leave a message. Include the
student’s name, teacher, reason for absence and expected date of
return in your message. This service is available 24/7 for your
convenience. We need parents to take ownership of calling the school.
It can take sometimes up to three hours for us to call families about
their child’s absence. This is not acceptable, so we need your help to
call the school. Imagine getting a phone call 3 hours after the 9am
bell being asked if your child is at home when they walk to school
alone and you say, “They should be at school”...
Do you (or someone you know) have a child who was born in 2011
and live in the Orchard Park area? If so, it’s time to register them for
Jr. Kindergarten in the Simcoe County District School Board!
Beginning on January 26, 2015, Simcoe County’s public schools are
registering children for Junior Kindergarten classes for the 2015-16
school year. Contact our school at 705-325-7772 for registration
information. For more information, visit:
Registration can be done in the school office during the day. You will
be required to bring proof of birth, immunization record and proof
of address. To be eligible for attendance a pupil must be 4 years of age
by December 31, 2015. During recent years there has been an increase
in the number of situations where parents do not have appropriate
documentation to register students in our schools. Land Registry
offices no longer offer same day service for the processing of birth
certificate applications. Presently, birth certificate applications take
approximately 6 - 8 weeks to be processed in Thunder Bay. Encourage
parents who are registering their kindergarten children to start the
process now to obtain a birth certificate in time for the 2015-2016
school year.
The Board standard for acceptable documentation for
proof of age for new kindergarten students will
include any of the following:
• Canadian Birth Certificate
• Canadian Passport
• Certificate of Canadian Citizenship
• Canadian Certificate of Registration of Birth
• Confirmation of Permanent Resident document
• Permanent Resident Card/Record of Landing
(IMM 1000)
• First Nation Status Card
• Statement of Live Birth (long version with seal)
• Current Canada Immigration and Citizenship
documentation (not visitor visa) – contact
Newcomer Welcome Centre, 725-8360
ext. 304 for more information.
The Simcoe County Student Transportation Consortium (SCSTC)
recently announced that school vehicle cancellations are now
available via Twitter. Simcoe County students and parents can follow
@SCSTC_SchoolBus for timely updates on school vehicle
With the winter weather season in full swing, everyone is also
reminded that this information can also be found on the SCSTC
website at www.simcoecountyschoolbus.ca. Efforts are made to post
and announce school vehicle cancellations between 6 and 6:30 a.m. on
the SCSTC website (www.simcoecountyschoolbus.ca) and via Twitter
Our final, Scholastic Book Fair will take place between Feb. 4-6. It
should be understood that some of the titles will be
repeats of the ones on our previous book fair in
September. Although there will be no night
viewing of the fair, as there was in September, you
are welcome to visit our second book fair to purchase
books for your child during the school day on Feb. 4
between 9 -3:00p.m. or Feb. 5 between 9- 10:30 a.m. Students in
grades 1-8 may purchase books on Thursday, Feb. 5 and Friday, Feb.
6 during periods one and two. Proceeds from this book fair will be
used to purchase materials for the library, provide special library
programs and author visits.
Planning has begun for year-end activities. Information has been sent
home with grade 8 students to participate in a year-end trip to Ottawa.
As a fundraising option you may choose to participate in selling
chocolates and the other fundraising options. Every bit your
son/daughter earns will go towards their purchase of the trip.
We will be holding our next spirit day on Thursday, Feb. 25. Our
theme will be Anti-Bullying Character day. Students can dress in pink
clothes or accessories. Any students dressed, or accessorised in pink
will earn house points. Gr. 6-8 students will also earn credit towards
their activity points.
If you are interested in volunteering at our school please drop by to
pick up an application form to receive a “free” criminal records
The SCDSB Annual Report provides highlights from the 2013-2014
school year. There is so much to celebrate in our schools and school
board. You can read about some of the highlights of the 2013-14
school year in our annual report at www.scdsb.on.ca/annualreport.
Follow us to be the first to know about new programs and initiatives
by subscribing to receive news from www.scdsb.on.ca
We have many unclaimed items in our lost & found box that we
would like you to take time to go through. It is located outside the
school office. All unclaimed items will be donated to a local charity
on February 13th.
Under the Simcoe County District School Board procedures (APM
A7000), it is possible for students to apply for and receive permission
to attend an out-of attendance-area school.
Students will be permitted to continue in attendance as long as
space is available. They may be required to return to their home
school or transfer to another school when the capacity of the
school they are attending has been reached and space is required
for students residing within the attendance areas.Even with this
permission, however, the responsibility for transportation to and from
school is borne by the out-of-attendance-area student and/or
Nominations invited for Character Recognition Evening
The Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) recognizes
students, staff and volunteers who demonstrate good character in their
daily lives at our annual Character Recognition Awards Evening,
taking place on May 21 this year. Each year, nominations from
schools and the Education Centre are received highlighting the good
character of our students, staff and volunteers. All nominees are
invited to the Education Centre on May 21 to celebrate those who
exemplify the SCDSB Commit to Character attributes .The
nomination process opens on February 2 and ends on February 20,
2015. Recommendations can be made by email or fax. More
information and the Character Recognition nomination form is
available at www.scdsb.on.ca under ‘About Us’ and then click on
‘Commit to Character.’ Free parenting courses this winter
Free parenting programs are available this winter in Barrie, Midland
and Orillia. Courses include:
Making the Difference Together Parenting Program (Cool
Parent Talk (for LEAP students only)
Triple P: Parenting Your 2 - 10 Year Old
Triple P: Parenting Your Pre-teen or Teen (for parents of
children ages 10-16)
These courses will help parents develop understanding, knowledge,
skills and specific techniques that can be used at home to support and
encourage the healthy development of their child. Parents will also
discover ways to build a positive relationship with their child's school.
Find out more, including registration information, by visiting
www.scdsb.on.ca – ‘Parents’ menu, then click on ‘Workshops.’
Circle of Learning Parent Academy - Free workshops to help you
boost your child’s success
As a parent/guardian, you were your child’s first teacher and you are
still his or her most important teacher. Your involvement in your
child’s education has an impact on success. Register to attend
workshops throughout the year designed to help you support your
child’s learning and development. The workshops are:
March: Make the difference in math with a growth mindset
April: Math 101 - all parents can support their children in math
May: Resilience: Nine things kids need from their families,
schools, and communities
Find workshop dates, times, descriptions and register online at
The Circle of Learning Parent Academy is hosted by the Simcoe
County District School Board’s Parent Involvement Committee and
made possible with the support of the Ministry of Education through a
Parents Reaching Out Grant.
International Language courses in Barrie for high school students
High school students have the opportunity to learn a new language in
Semester 2 with the Barrie Learning Centre's International Language
courses. German (Level 2), Spanish (Level 2), Mandarin (Level 2)
and Japanese (Level 1) will be offered Tuesdays and Thursdays from
6 to 9 p.m. from Feb. 10 to June 2. The Barrie Learning Centre is
located in the Bayfield Mall, 320 Bayfield Street. More information
can be found at The Learning Centres website at
http://www.thelearningcentres.com/ (click on ‘High School Students’
then ‘International Languages’). Registration is available online
through the Student Portal or through school guidance departments.
Learn to drive at one of our high schools
Simcoe County District School Board’s Driver Education program,
for teens and adults who currently have their G1, includes 20 hours of
in-class instruction, 10 hours of independent work and 10 hours of
individual in-car instruction. The program meets all Ministry of
Transportation requirements and is a Ministry Approved Beginner
Driver Education provider.
There are sessions beginning in February at Stayner Collegiate
Institute, Elmvale District High School and Nottawasaga Pines
Secondary School. The cost is $600 plus HST. Courses are also
offered at SCDSB’s six Learning Centre locations.
Visit The Learning Centres’ website (www.thelearningcentres.com –
click on ‘High School Student’, then ‘Beginner Driver Education’) for
more information, registration forms, and Frequently Asked
Questions. To register, print and complete the registration form, and
take the completed form to your local Learning Centre or call 705725-8360 for more information.
It’s flu season – protect yourself and your family
The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit has issued a declaration of
widespread influenza activity in Simcoe Muskoka. To protect yourself
and your family, consider getting the flu shot. Stay home if sick, cover
your cough and wash your hands frequently. More information about
the flu is available on the health unit’s website at
www.simcoemuskokahealth.org, or by calling Health Connection at
705-721-7520 or 1- 877-721-7520 weekdays, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Car seat safety reminder - use a booster seat until the seat belt fits
your child correctly
Adult sized seatbelts are not designed for small children. Children
between the ages of 4 to 9 do not fit into a seat belt properly. If a child
is moved out of a booster seat too soon they can be hurt or killed in
the event of a crash.
Seatbelts are made for people who are at least 4’9” or 145
cm tall
A booster seat lifts your child up so that the seat belt fits
your child correctly
A properly fitting seat belt crosses low on the hips with the
chest strap lying across the shoulder and middle of the
For more information on booster seat safety see Parachute Canada’s
Guide to Installing a Booster Seat video or visit
www.parachutecanada.org (search ‘injury topics’ – ‘car seats’).
Getting out the door on time in the morning
Ah, the morning chaos of a household waking up: cleaning, dressing,
eating and racing out the door… Any number of things can make for a
stressful morning: lack of sleep, a child needing reminders every step
of the way, the last minute lunches. The key is organization. Be
realistic about how much time you need to get ready in the morning.
Time pressures add stress to everyone.
Some tips from the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit:
Get yourself ready first, before your child. Go to bed at a
reasonable hour so you wake up rested and ready for the
Plan ahead: pack lunches, find the mittens, and pick clothes
the night before.
Keep the television off! Electronics and TV can be very
disruptive first thing in the morning. If there is extra time,
let them use it to read, chat, or help out.
Be clear and realistic about what your child can do. Praising
them when they do something well encourages them to do it
again and gain new skills.
Remember to have patience. Your child learns from watching you
and you have the unique opportunity to show these skills. In time
your child will learn to plan ahead, be organized, and develop
patience. For more information you can call Health Connection at
705-721-7520 or 1-877-721-7520 and speak with a public health
nurse or click on the health unit website at
www.simcoemuskokahealth.org or visit www.triplepontario.ca. For
more tips, check out SCDSB’s Sharing Simcoe blog at
www.sharingsimcoe.com and read the post “Resolve to have an
organized household this year – 6 tips to get you started” (posted Jan.
Free Computer Basics course offered at the Barrie Learning
Do you have the skills you need for today’s culture of internet, online
and technical job search? The Barrie Learning Centre is offering no
cost evening computer classes starting February 2 (Monday, Tuesday
and Thursday evenings from 6 to 8:30 p.m.). Call 705-725-8360
x45165 for more information and to register.
Students in Grades 7 to 12 encouraged to apply for the Minister’s
Student Advisory Council
The Ontario Ministry of Education is seeking local students for the
2015-16 Minister’s Student Advisory Council (MSAC). The MSAC is
a group of 60 students from all parts of the education system
(English/French, Public/Catholic) and regions from across the
province. Student members share their ideas and advice with the
Minister of Education on how to ensure Ontario's schools remain the
best in the world.
The deadline for students to apply is Feb. 28. The MSAC is open to
students in grades 7 to 12. Everyone is welcome and no special
qualifications are required. The council honours diversity and
inclusion and encourages applications from students who combine
lived experience with a perspective that they are genuinely interested
in sharing and representing. For more information or to apply, visit
the Ministry’s website at
Nominate a school for the 2014-15 Premier’s Awards for
Accepting Schools
The Premier's Awards for Accepting Schools recognize exceptional
and innovative work being done in schools to create welcoming
environments. The SCDSB welcomes staff, students and community
members to nominate a local school for the Premier’s Awards for
Accepting Schools. Schools should be considered who show
initiative, creativity, and leadership in at least three areas related to
school climate. More information, including the nomination form,
FAQs and a tip sheet can be found at
www.ontario.ca/acceptingschools. The deadline for nominations is
Feb. 20, 2015.
The Primary classes have enjoyed getting fit this
month by playing "Super Soccer" and
challenging ourselves with a fitness circuit, while
continuing to jog indoors. We have celebrated
our winter wonderland with snowshoeing, crazycarpeting in the primary yard, broom-ball and
snow hockey! Primary house league has provided
many fun-filled fitness breaks that have left us breathless !!!
Here's to more fun and getting outside in February!
From Mrs. Helleman and Mr. Barsevich
Orchard Park will also be collecting gently used sweaters to be
donated to shelters and the less fortunate in Orillia and Simcoe
County. Please dig deep in those closets and dressers and send those
unwanted sweaters into the school over the next week. Thank you for
helping those in need.
Since 2010, over a million Canadians have participated
in National Sweater Day. National Sweater Day is a fun
way to learn about the importance of saving energy, and inspired you
to use less heat all winter. Heating accounts for 80% of residential
energy use in Canada, and is a significant source of emissions. If all
Canadians lowered their thermostats by just 2 degrees Celsius this
winter, it would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 4
megatons – equivalent to shutting down a 600 megawatt coal-fired
power station. At Orchard Park we will be turning down the heat on
February 5th please participate by wearing a sweater and show how we
can make a difference to climate change by reducing waste and
pollution. This year Orchard Park is going for GOLD. That is gold
certification with the Ontario Eco Schools program. With this
program we look at ways our school can reduce our environmental
footprint. There are five areas including waste minimization, energy
conservation, school ground greening, curriculum connections to the
environment and environmental teamwork and leadership. Waste
minimization is an important factor at school. School lunches are a
major source of waste in Ontario – the average student’s lunch
generates a total of 30 kilograms of waste per school year, or an
average of 8,500 kilograms of waste per school per year. With your
assistance, we can make a great contribution to reducing waste, every
day. Please try to use reusable lunch containers and recycle waste in
the proper bins. By using reusable lunch containers you can:
Reduce the cost of waste disposal so that education funding
can be put to better use.
Encourage fresh and nutritious lunches (many pre-packaged
lunch items contain significant amounts of sodium, sugar,
preservatives and fat).
Help you reduce the cost of lunches: a waste-free lunch can
cost as little as $2.50 per day, whereas a regular lunch
containing pre-packaged items can cost $4.50 or more per
Thank you for doing your part in reducing the lunch time waste.