Periodic Table of Elements

Periodic Table of Elements
Groups- numbered 1-18
Families- Groups given names
Rows- called periods
Firsts in row an active metal- last an inactive gas
Organization: Metals
Left of zig-zag
Physical Properties
High melting points
Good conductors of electricity
High densities
Chemical Properties
1,2,3,4 valence electrons (electron in last energy level)
Usually lose valence electrons
Corrode easily (rust, tarnish)
Organization: Non-metals
Right of zig-zag line
Physical properties
No luster-dull
Do not conduct electricity
Break easily
Low density
Low melting point
Chemical Properties
5,6,7,8 valence electrons
Tend to gain electrons
If 8 valence- won’t react with other elements
Organization: Metalloids
Elements along zig-zag line
Act like both metals and non-metals
Solids- shiny or dull
Conduct heat better than non-metals
Family: Alkali
Group 1
Single valence electron
Never uncombined in nature
Store in oil to keep from reacting with air
React violently with water to produce hydrogen gas
Family: Alkaline
Group 2
Two valence electrons
Never uncombined in nature
Reactive- but not as reactive as alkali
Family: Transition Metals
Between groups 2 and 13
Most shiny and used a great deal in daily life
1 or 2 valence electrons to lose during reactions
Family: Boron
Group 13
Contains metals, non-metals and metalloids
Aluminum- most abundant metal on earth
3 valence electrons
Family: Carbon
Contains 4 valence electrons
Carbon- most abundant element in compounds
Silicon- 2nd most abundant element on earth
Family: Nitrogen
5 valence electrons
Nitrogen makes up 78% of atmosphere
Tend to share electrons in reactions
Family: Oxygen
6 valence electrons
Share electrons
Oxygen is most abundant element in earth’s crust- 2nd in
Family: Halogens
Group 17
Most reactive of non-metals
7 valence electrons
Gain 1 electron easily
Not found uncombined in nature
Family: Noble Gases
Group 18
Called inert as do not react with other elements
8 valence electrons
Family: Rare Earth
Separated to make reading table easier
Lanthanoid series
Soft, malleable metals
Actinoid Series
Radioactive- all but three synthetic
Periodic Properties
Number of Valence electrons going across
Valence Numbers going across
Elements on left lose electrons
Elements on right gain electrons
Energy needed to lose electrons increases as go left to right
Atomic size increases going down family
Atomic size decreases as go across period
Metallic properties decrease left to right
Most metallic at bottom left