tfaft fiftfr - welcome to chemistry class!Mrs. Chan

Periodic Table Quiz (1) Study Guide
3.1 Explain the relationship of an element's position on the periodic table to its atomic number.
Identify families (groups) and periods on the periodic table.
What is Family?
What is Period? ft Another
fJ p name for family?
Properties of all families? Locations?
Alkali Metals _
_\e Earth Metals
Outer Transition Metals
Inner Transition Metals _
Noble Gases
3.2 Use the periodic table to identify the three classes of elements: metals, non metals, and metalloids.
Properties of Metals? _
Identification of metals, non-metals, and metalloids (Wbere can you find them?)
(tfaft fiftfr
Which one is bigger? Al3* o/Al^Circle one
Which one is bigger? Cl oi/cFj)Circle one
What ion does metal tend to form? _ O%ff£V\e or gain electrons?
What ion does non-metal tend to form?
What is an octet rule? M dtifoQj$<>
Lose or gain electrons? _
c. M»± -h> ,70^ -Q^O
3.3 Relate the position of an element on the periodic table to its electron configuration and
compare its reactivity with other elements in the table.
What is the element with group 2 and period 4?
Metal)/ Non-metal / Metalloid?
—etal / ^on-meta* / Metalloid?
f~^^\t is the element with group 1 and period 7?
What is the element with group 14 and period 3?
Metal / Norwnetal / Metalloid?,
What is the element with group 18 and period 2?
Metal / Non-metal / Metalloid?
Given an element with atomic number 17:
a) Write the electron configuration: |_^
b) Group #
c) Family
- Valence # _
_ Period # _
_ Shell #
d) Metal /Non-metal-'/ Metalloid (Circle one)
What is the trend for metal reactivity? Draw both ways
What is the trend for non-metal reactivity? Draw both ways
Ranklhe following elements in the decreasing order of reactivity:
|P>O > 3
Which element is the most reactive non-metal? _
Which element is the most-awweactive »**ft-metal? , r,
PERIODIC TABLE Ou v (> ) <fodu
1. Where are the most active metals located?
Ctb[UJfi H
2. Whore are the most active nonmetals located?
Cl!tfji^ ^
[firt&iLp I
^ L£ff>O~f> ' ' /
As you go from left to right across the period, the atomic radi
As you travel down a group, the atomic radii (decreases / (ncreases.
5. A negative ion is Qargepy smaller) than its parent atom.
a. Why?
6. A positive ion is (larger / m a l l e j than its parent atom,
aAs you go from left to right across a period, the first ionization energy generally
(decreases / increases).
As you go down a group, the first ionization energy generally (decreases / increases).
( Where is the highest eloctronegativity found? _
.Where is the lowest electroncgativity found?
11. Elements of Group 1 are called „
12. Elements of Group 2 are called __
13. Elements of Group 3-12 are called _
u. AS you go from itift to right across the perte^p r-ihk-:. the elements go from
n metaiS'7 non metals) to (metals(^TonmelaJ«)T
15, Group 17 elements are called _
_____ _
16. Compounds that contain elements from group 17 are commonly called
17. The most active element in Group 17 is
18. Group 18 elements are called _
Q/X <J? "> /
a. Why? :i&,_ $&&_J$^^
1 9. The majority of elements in the periodic table are /metals Aionmetals).
20. Elements in the periodic table are arranged according to their
21. An element with both metallic and nonmetallic properties is called a
22. Metals are usually solids under ordinary conditions. List one exception.
23. Nonmetals cart be solids, a liquid or-*4*<«- gases under ordinary conditions.
a. List the gases;__ .
b. List the liquid:^
24.The noble gases contain
Q _ electrons in their outer energy ievel.
25. Suppose oxygen formed an ion.
a) What is the charge of the 0 ion? _
b) How many electrons does an O ion have?_
c) How many protons does an 0 ion have?
d) Write the name for the O ion.
26. Use the following list of elements to answer the questions below. You may have more than
one correct answer per questions.
Rb, Ca, Co, Mn, Hg, Ga, Pb, Sb, P, S, F, I, He, Kr, U
a) Which of the above elements is in group 9?
b) Which of the above elements is in perioo/J? _
c) Which of the above elements is a metal?
( (\ C)<A / rlH
(M)^ Cfl / Cd / H** / ntX,
d) Which of the above elements is a non-metal?
I' /
*"' J. , /-fp ,
e) Which of the above elements is a metalloid? _
f) Which of the above elements is a transition metal?
rffl f
g) Which of the above elements is a alkaline earth metal?__
h) Which of the above elements is a noble gas? _
i) Which of the above elements is a halogen? _
Which of the following is a rare earth motal?
k) Which of the above elements is an alkali metal?
[. What is the charge of tho following ion, copper H?
CPA Chemistry
The Periodic Table
Ch 4 Section Review
REMEMBER 5 out of 14 are on the quiz!!!
1. State the periodic law.
2. What do elements in the same period have in common?
3. What do elements in the same group have in common?
4. Why do groups among the main-group elements display similar chemical behavior?
5. How do the valence electron configurations of the alkali metals compare with each other?
6. Why are the alkaline-earth metals less reactive than the alkali metals?
7. In which groups of the periodic table do the transition metals belong?
8. Why properties do the halogens have in common?
9. Why are the nuclear structures of the actinides more important than the electron configurations
of the actinides?
10. What is an alloy?
11. Why is hydrogen so unique than the other elements?
12. How was Moseley's arrangement of the elements in the periodic table different from
13. What property do the noble gases share? How do the electron configurations of the noble
gases give them this shared property?
14. How do the electron configurations of the transition metals differ from those of the metals in
Groups 1 and 2?
Periodicity Review Worksheet
member of the following pairs would have a larger radii?
Br o
(Lj/br Li
2. Whkh one are more reactive?
3 . a) On the periodic Table, which element is the most reactive metal? Why?
b) Ontne periodic Table, which element is the most reactive non-metal? Why?
because rt oA -*c** fe-u ^uCj. Ajg 7
-C ~ "fe
4. What is the difference between a cation and an anion?
5. Consider all elements in period 3 for the following (Na through Ar)
I\JJ^_ is the most reactive metal
Cf is the most reactive non metal
is the least reactive
are metalloids
"A ftjare most likely to be cations
. ^. C f are most likely to be anions
f\ loses 3 electrons to have noble gas configuration
gains 3 electrons to have noble gas configuration
6. Consider all elements in group H(0 through Po)
._ is the least reactive
is the most reactive
7. In a given period, are cations larger or are anions bigger?
8. Is the radius of a cation larger or smaller than the neutral atom? Why?
9. Is the radius of an anion larger or smaller than the neutral atom? Why?
Answer the following questions:
10. How many valence electrons are in Is22s22p63s23p64s23dl°4p3? What neutral element has this
Order the following from largest to smallest radius; N, As, Bi, P.
12. Order the following from most reactive to least reactive; Mg, Sr, Ca. Ba,
13. Order the following from least reactive to most reactive; C, F, 0, N.
C <c /U <. d C ~F
14. What is the group name of the elements with 8 valence electrons?
Which element fits each of the descriptions below:
1 5 . The metalloid in the 2nd period.
16. A halogen with 10 electrons in its ion.
W. Which element has the largest atomic radius in nittogefl's family?
tjIfvWut the following in order of increasing reactivity; Mg. K.ft I &
19. Elements in a group have the same number of
0 ^
and the same
20. What is a metalloid? What are the^sEv^n metalloids?
O, WJ?
21. What are the 7 diatomic elements on the first half of the periodic table? What does it mean to be
22. Which halogens are in solid? Liquid? Gases?
Cot^l - J^ccp^o. y /feibcfc*^ / Z^
23. Given an atomic number, explain how to find group number and period number without using periodic
table. UJvlt?, <^c£ vJLficftQA. t ^ u J r A } ^ >» - v ^