The Outsiders (movie/book comparison) - Reeths

The Outsiders (movie/book comparison)
Name: ______________________
Date: _____________ Hour: _____
Directions: Thoroughly answer the following questions in complete sentences!
1. Do you feel more like a greaser or a social? _______________________
What characteristics do you relate to?
2. Why, in the movie, do Johnny and Ponyboy not go home and go to the lot instead?
3. Do you think Johnny really had to kill someone?
4. What does Dally’s reaction when the boys ask for help show about Dally’s character?
5. Now after seeing the church in the movie, compare which one do you like better. Give examples!
6. What does getting Gone with The Wind show about Johnny?
7. Describe Ponyboy’s relationship to Darry and how it changes through the novel.
8. Compare the scene in the book and the movie for the fire.
9. What do you think is the biggest difference between book and movie?
10. Describe the Curtis’ house in the movie and draw a picture.