Plant Diversity Laboratory Manual Asst. Prof. Dr. İsmail EKER • • • • • • CHAPTER I. ALGAE Algae are not classified into kingdom plantae and are found two different kingdoms. Prokaryotic ones (Cyanobacteria) are placed in the kingdom Monera while eucaryotics are found in the kingdom Protista They are mostly photosynthetic They range from unicellular species to multicellular ones Unlike plants they do not have a cuticle and they do not have multicellular gametangia (reproductive organs). They all contain chlorophyll a and yellow and orange carotenoids. Classification of different groups of algae is based on the presence of other types of photosynthetic pigments. Algae are important as primary producers of organic matter at the base of the food chain. Kingdom Monera Division: Cyanobacteria (Blue-green algae) • Photosynthetic prokaryotes, lacking nucleus membrane and the other membranous organelles, such as chloroplast. • Cyanobacteria are generally aquatic and can be unicellular, colonial or filamentous • e.g. Nostoc, Oscillatoria, Spirulina, Anabaena, Chrococcus, Gleocapsa, Microcystis Kingdom Protista Division: Dinophyta = Pyrrhophyta (Dinoflagellates) • About 2100 species • Most are unicellular but some form colonies • Their cells are covered by interlocking cellulose plates, and contain 2 grooves, each with its own flagellum • Most are photosynthetic (chlorophyll a and c, carotenoids, and fucoxanthin (yellow-brown pigment) • Some are endosymbiotic in jellyfish, corals and mollusks and are called zooxanthellae. They provide host with photosynthetic carbohydrates. • Some free-living forms cause red tides – dinoflagellate blooms in ocean waters. They release a poison that is toxic to both fish and humans. • e.g. Ceratium, Gonyaulax (red tide) Division: Bacillariophyta (Diatoms) • More than 5600 living diatoms are recognized, with almost as many more known only as fossils; most are unicellular • Most are photosynthetic (chlorophyll a and c, carotenoids, and fucoxanthin (yellow-brown pigment). They do not have flagella. • Have shells that are composed of 2 halves; one fitting into the other.; they are either radially or bilaterally symmetrical. Shells contain silica, or glass like material in it. • When they die, their shells do not decompose, but rather fall down to ocean sediments to later become sedimentary rocks. Geologic upheavals can later expose these rocks as diatomaceous earth (a white rock that is used in filtering and abrasives). • e.g. Achnanthes, Cyclotella, Stephanodiscus,Cymbella,Diatoma, Fragilaria, Navicula, Nitschia, Pinnularia, Surirella, Synedra, Tabellaria Division: Chrysophyta (Golden Algae) • Chrysophytes, or golden algae, are common microscopic chromists in fresh water. Some species are colorless, but the vast majority are photosynthetic. As such, they are particularly important in lakes, where they may be the primary source of food for zooplankton. They are not considered truly autotrophic by some biologists because nearly all chrysophytes become facultatively heterotrophic in the absence of adequate light, or in the presence of plentiful dissolved food. When this occurs, the chrysoplast atrophies and the alga may turn predator, feeding on bacteria or diatoms. • Contain chlorophyll a and c, and carotenoids, which are masked by the accessory pigment fucoxanthin. • e.g. Dinobryon, Synura Division: Xanthophyta (Yellow Algae=Yellow-green Algae) • Include more than 600 species. • Photosynthetic organisms which live primarily in freshwater, though some are found in marine waters, in damp soil, or on tree trunks. • Completely lack the brown pigment fucoxanthin. Contain chlorophyll a and c, and carotenoids. • e.g. Vaucheria, Botrydium Division: Charophyta (stoneworts) • These are the 'stoneworts' - a type of green alga that grows with little plant-like filamentous stems which have whorls of short branches appearing at intervals. They grow in fresh or brackish water. • the most closely related group of organisms to the Plantae • show apical growth and are differentiated into nodal and internodal regions • Contain chlorophyll a and b, and carotenoids • e.g. Chara Division: Euglenophyta (Euglenoids) • About 1000 species • Most are unicellular flagellates (contain 2 flagella). They can change shapes because their outer covering (the pellicle) is flexible rather than rigid • Most are photosynthetic with chlorophyll a and b, and carotenoids. Like plants. However they are not considered to be closely related to plants and green algae. • They are also heterotrophs because they ingest other protists and bacteria. • They have an eyespot, an orange or redish spot near the base of their flagellum that they use to help orient them to the light. • The reproduce asexually. • e.g. Euglena,Trypanasoma Division: Rhodophyta (Red Algae) • There are about 4000 species; most are multicellular. • In addition to chlorophyll a and carotenoids, they also contain phycoerythrin (a red pigment). • Their cell walls contain polysaccharides that are important commercially. Both agar and carrageenan are extracted from them. Both are thickening agents. • Red algae carry out a complex form of sexual reproduction in which there is an alternation of generations • They live primarily in warm ocean waters • e.g. Corallina, Polysiphonia, Batrachospermum Division: Phaeophyta (Brown Algae) • About 1500 species, all of which are multicellular • Range in size from several cm to about 60 m (giant kelps of California). Bodies are differentiated into blades (leaf like tissues), stipes (stems), and holdfasts (root like structures). These structures are not homologous to the similar structures on plants • They have chlorophyll a and c, carotenoids, and the yellow-brown pigment fucoxanthin. • Commercially brown algae are used as a source of algin, a thickening agent used in various products. • Reproduction is also complex with alternation of germinations. • Common in cooler marine waters and especially in rocky intertidal areas. • e.g. Dictyota, Cytoseira, Laminaria, Ectocarpus, Padina, giant kelp Nereocystis and Macrocystis, gulf weed Sargassum (alginates to thicken ice cream) Division: Green Algae (Chlorophyta) • About 7000 species, across which there is a huge variety in form. • Exhibit many different body forms and methods of reproduction • Body forms include unicellular, colonial, multicellular, and coenocytic. • They contain chlorophyll a and b, and carotenoids. They store excess food as starch, and have cell walls composed of starch. • Reproduction includes asexual, sexual, conjugation. o Asexual: many form reproductive cells called spores by mitosis (zoospores if they have flagella). Each spore can give rise to a new individual. o Sexual: Involves the formation of gametes in unicellular gametangia. Three types of sexual reproduction are recognized, all of which are based on the relative size of the female and male gametes: isogamous, anisogamous, and oogamous o Conjugation: Some species align up with each other and exchange genetic material with each other (that is the DNA from one goes into the other cell). • Green algae are very important ecologically because they form the base of the food chain in many fresh water aquatic environments. • e.g. Acetabularia, Chlorella (Chlorellin antibiotic), Chlorococcum, Cladophora, Enteromorpha, Oedogonium, Oocystis, Ulva, Volvox, Gonium, Pandorina, Eudorina, Zygnema, Ulothrix, Closterium, Scenedesmus, Pediastrum * Experiment Procedures a) for microscopic samples - Take a drop of the sample water with a dropper - Add it on the slide and place the coverslip - Observe it under 10X and 40X magnifications - Draw your observations under 40X magnification - Try to determine names of division and/or genus according to algae atlas b) for macroscopic samples - Draw your observations with the naked eye and write the names of division and/or genus CHAPTER II. SLIME MOLDS, TRUE FUNGI AND LICHENS A. Slime Molds Slime molds; - lack a cell wall - move about like an amoeba - resemble some protozoa - produce walled spores during reproduction Two distict divivisions of slime molds are known. In the acellular slime molds, the cells agregate to produce a plasmodium, which is a multinucleate. Cellular slime molds contain cellulose, whereas cellulose is lacking in the plasmodial slime molds. 1. Asrasiomycota (Cellular slime molds): They live in soil as independent haploid cells that move and feed by producing extentions Single, amoeba-like cells emerge from spores, crawl, and feed. called pseudopods. These extensions surround and engulf food such as bacteria. The best-studied genus is Dictyostelium (Figure 1). Pseudoplasmodium migrates toward light, forms fruting body in which spores are produced When food becomes scarce, cells aggregate into a sluglike mass called a pseudoplasmodium Figure 1. The life cycle of a cellular slime mold 2. Myxomycota (Acellular = Plasmodial slime molds): They consist of a mass of cytoplasm that may spread thinly over an area of several square meters. Although the mass contains thousand of diploid nuclei, the nuclei are not confined in seperate cells surrounded by plasma membranes, Figure 2. The acellular slime mold Physarum (Physarum oozes over a stone on the damp forest floor) as in most multicellular organisms. This structure, called a plasmodium, explains why these protists are described as “acellular”. The plasmodium oozes through decaying and rotting logs, engulfing food such as bacteria and particles of organic material (Figure 2). Dry conditions or starvation stimulate the plasmodium to form a fruting body, on which haploid spores are produced. The spores germinate under favorable conditions and give a new plasmodium. The mass may be bright yellow or orange. The best-known genus is Physarum. B. True Molds (=True Fungi=Eumycota) All true fungi, except some unicellular yeasts, consists of long, branched filaments of cells called hyphae. Hyphae form a mass of strands called a mycelium. Some hyphae have no cell wall (nonseptate), while others contain septa (walls that divide the hyphae into individual cells with one or more nuclei; oftentimes these walls have huge pores in them allowing cytoplasm and nuclei to pass through) (Figure 3). Fungi are eukaryote heterotrophs and their cell walls are made of chitin. They secrete digestive enzymes onto living or dead organic material and then absorb small organic molecules of the predigested food through their cell walls and membranes. Thus specifically they are saprotrophs, while some are parasites. They can grow in a wide range of environments Figure 3. The flementous body of a fungus ( a. A fungal mycelium spreads over decaying vegetation. The mycelium composed of b. a tangle of microscopic hyphae, only one cell thick, portreyed in cross section c. to show their internal organization. There are approximately 60.000 species of fungi. True fungi are seperated into six main divisions. These divisions; Oomycota, Chytridiomycota, Zygomycota, Ascomycota, Basidiomycota and Deuteromycota. Oomycota and Chytridiomycota are aquatic molds. Zygomycota are terrestrial. These three divisions of true fungi are primitive members of fungal kingdom (Lower fungi). They have a multinucleate, nonseptate, or rarely a septate thallus. Zygomycota (zygomycetes) – the bread molds • About 765 species of bread molds; they are typically the molds that you see develop on foods in your refrigerator. • Asexual reproduction: the hyphae produce fruiting bodies called sporangia (spore sacs). Each one through mitosis produces asexual spores (Figure 4). • Sexual reproduction: Occurs when hyphae of different mating types come together. They grow together, produce a gametangium each which later fuse to make a diploid nucleus. This new cell will then become zygospore which can wait out harsh conditions. Just before germinating the diploid zygospore will undergo meiosis and then produce a sporangium. The sporangium will then produce spores via mitosis. Note that the zygospore is the only diploid structure in zygomycota (Figure 4). Figure 4. The life cycle of zygomycotes Ascomycota and Basidiomycota are higher fungi and have a septate thallus (Figure 3). Ascomycota (ascomycetes) – the sac fungi • About 30.000 species. Called sac fungi because their sexual spores are produced in little sacs called asci. • These include yeasts, powdery mildews, and most of the blue-green, pink, and brown molds that cause food to spoil. Some cause serious plant diseases (e.g., Dutch-elm disease). • Asexual reproduction: specialized hyphae known as conidiophores are produced. At their tips conidia (spores) are produced by a pinching off process of the ends of the hyphae. • Sexual reproduction: opposite mating types come together and fuse. A new dikaryotic hyphal network is produced. These will later produce a fruiting body called ascocarp. On the ascocarp in specialized cells called asci, the 2 nuclei fuse. Then through meiosis, haploid spores are produced (called ascospores) (Figure 5). • Yeasts are unicellular ascomycetes. They reproduce sexually by 2 single cells fusing together, then undergoing meiosis and then producing spores. a b Figure 5. a) The morel. b) The cup-shaped fruiting body of the scarlet cup fungus. Basidiomycota (basidiomycetes) – the club fungi • About 16,000 species. Include the familiar mushrooms, puffballs, and bracket or shelf fungi. Called club fungi because they produce club-shaped reproductive structures. • Asexual reproduction: Uncommon • Sexual reproduction: hyphae from opposite mating types fuse to from a dikaryotic mycelium (the secondary mycelium) which will then continue growing extensively. At some point, compact masses of buttons develop along the mycelium. These buttons will develop into the familiar mushrooms. Mushrooms are composed of a stalk and cap. Underneath the cap on thin plates of cells are gills. On the gills develop basidia, special, enlarged club like cells. It is in the basidia where the two nuclei fuse. The new cell then undergoes meiosis and produces basidiospores. Note that the basidia are the only diploid structures (Figure 5). Haploid nuclei fuse to form diploid zygote Mushrooms gills bear reproductive basidia Mushroom developes from aggregated hyphae Compatible hypha fuse and grow into mycelium, but haploid nuclei within mycelium remain seperate Figure 6. The life cycle of a typical basidiomycota Basidiospores germinate, forming haploid hypha a b c Figure 7. a) Coprinus sp. b) Agaricus sp. C) Amanita sp. Ecological Importance of Fungi • As decomposers fungi breakdown organic matter and release nutrients back to the environment so that they can be used again • Many fungi are parasites on both plants and animals • Many form Mutualistic relationships with other organisms o Lichens – association between a fungus and a green alga. o Mycorrhizae – fungi that form associations with trees and plants Economic importance of Fungi • Yeasts ferment sugar to produce alcohol • Yeast through fermentation create air bubbles that causes bread to rise • Unique flavors of certain cheeses are produced by fungi • Soy sauce is produced by the fermentation of soy beans (via fungi). • 200 species of edible basidiomycetes (morels, truffles, portabella…) • Penicillium is used to produce penicillin, widely used antibiotic • Cyclosporine suppress immune responses in patients receiving organ transplants. • Some of the compounds produced in hospitals are used in controlled medical situations (stop uterine bleeding, treat high-blood pressure migraine head-aches). • Fungi are also used as biocontrol agent. • Other fungi are grown commercially to produce certain chemicals (e.g., citric acid) Fungal Diseases • Many fungi cause many serious plant diseases which on a plant may remain local or become systemic. • Fungi that cause plant diseases will actually invade plant cells • Others cause important human diseases such as athlete’s foot, ringworms, vaginal infections where the infection is superficial; in other cases the infections are systemic. Systematics of True Fungi Kingdom: Fungi 1. Division: Oomycota (Water molds) Genus: Saprolegnia sp. 2. Division: Chytridiomycota (Chytrids) Genus: Allomyces sp. 3. Division: Zygomycota (Coenocytic true fungi) Genus: Rhizopus sp. → bread mold Genus: Mucor sp. → bread and fruit mold 4. Division: Ascomycota (Sac fungi) Genus: Saccharomyces sp. → yeast Genus: Aspergillus sp. Genus: Peziza sp. Genus: Mochella sp. → Morel (an edible and tasty fungus) 5. Division: Basidiomycota (Club fungi) Genus: Agaricus sp. → (edible fungus) Genus: Coprinus sp. → (edible fungus) Genus: Fomes sp. Genus: Amanita sp. → (the most poisonuos species) Genus: Puccinia sp. Supplement Division: Deuteromycota (Imperfect Fungi) • About 17,000 species. • They are called imperfect because they have not been seen to undergo sexual reproduction. • Asexual reproduction: through the formation of conidiophores like ascomycota. Thus most are probably ascomycota. Genus: Penicillium sp. → penicillin mold C. Lichens About 37 species of Phycopyceae, mostly green algae, (especially Trebouxia and Trentepohlia genera) and rarely cyanobacteria (especially Nostoc sp.) with about 18.000 species of Mycophyta grow together as lichens. Approximately 25.000 lichens have been identified so far. Generally Ascomycetes, rarely Basidiomycetes and some imperfect fungi also go into such associations which called mutualism (Figure 1a,b). Fungus → CO2, H2O ↓ Algae → Fungal hyphae photosynthetic algal cells Fungal hyphae ↑ O2, food Fungus ↓ ↑ → b Figure 1 a, b. Lichen structure and mutualism: Algae provide O2 and food with photosynthesis to Mycota, Mycota supply CO2 and H2O to Algae (Mutualism). CO2, H2O a Lichens generally reproduce asexually by releasing fragments of tissue (soredia). Soredia grow as a new lichen. In sexual reproduction, only mycota reproduce spores in apotesiums and peritesiums. Spores germinate under conditions and if appropriate spores meet a suitable alga, they make a new lichen (Figure 2). Figure 2. Asexual reproductive structer in Lichens. Structurally more complex organization of the mycophyta and the phycophyta results in Crustose (crustlike), Foliose (leafy) and Furiticose (shrubby) lichen thalli (Figure 3a, b, c). a b c Figure 3. Growth forms of lichens: a) Crustose (crustlike), b) Furiticose. c) Foliose (leafy) Ecology of Lichens Lichens live on bare rocks in tropical as well as in arctic and alpine region. They also grow on dry, nutrient-poor tree barks and on rocks. Lichens can grow in extreme climate conditions (there are lichens that survive from -198 0C to 50 0C). In spite of their general durability to extreme climate conditions most lichenes are extremely sensitive to air pollution, and for this reason they are indicators of pollution in the environment. Importance of Lichens Lichens are important as food for many arctic animals, such as reindeer. Cladonia rangiferina (Reindeer Lichen) is aeten by many arctic animals and sometimes by people. A desert lichen, Lecanora (Manna Lichen) is collected and eaten in Libya. Several substances extracted from lichens were formerly used in dyeing yarns and as acid-base indicators such as litmus (Roccella tinctoria and Rocchella fuciforme (Litmus lichens)). Orcein, derived from a lichen, was once used extensively in cytological preparations for staining chromosomes. Synthetic dyes have now replaced lichen dyes for commercial and laboratory use. Usnic acid derived from lichens (especially Usnea sp.) has antibiotic properties againist a number of fungi and bacteria, including human pathogens. Some lichens (Evernia prunastri (Oak lichen); Pseudoevernia furfuraceae (tree lichen)) are the sourch of an oily substance used in perfume industry. Systematics of Lichens Division: Lichenes 1. Classis: Ascolichenes (Ascomycetes + Phycophyta or Cyanobacteria) Evernia sp. (Oak lichen) → Foliose (leafy) Lecanora sp. (Manna lichen) → Crustose (crustlike) Xanthoria sp. → Foliose (leafy) Usnea sp. → Furiticose (shrubby) Rochella sp. (Litmus lichens)→ Foliose (leafy) Cladonia sp. (Reindeer Lichen) → Furiticose (shrubby) Lobaria sp. → Foliose (leafy) 2. Classis: Basidiolichenes (Basidiomycetes + Phycophyta or Cyanobacteria) Cora sp. → Foliose (leafy) Dictyonema sp. → Foliose (leafy) Supplement Group: Lichenes imperfecti: Unknown and not exactly identified lichens. CHAPTER III. BRYOPHYTES • Bryophytes are considered the simples plants because they are the only nonvascular plants. Because they have no way to transport water, they must remain in moist environments. • Bryophytes include 3 groups of plants (mosses, liverworts, and hornworts) • About 17,000 sp. Mosses (Phylum Bryophyta) • About 9000 species • Because they lack vascular tissues they lack true roots, stems and leaves. They have rhizoids (root-like structures for anchorage and some water absorption), stem-like stalks, and leaf-like blades. • The gametophyte generation is dominant; it is leafy and green. The sporophyte is dependent on the gametophyte • Plants bear antheridia and archegonia. Rain water is needed to transport sperm to egg cells. • The resulting sporophyte plant develops where the archegonium was at and attaches to the gametophyte at that point. The sporophyte is composed of three structures. • Foot – where it attaches to the gametophyte • Seta – stem-like stalk • Capsule – the sporangium that contains spore mother cells. These cells will undergo meiosis to form spores. Later the capsule explodes and the spores are released into the environment. • The spores germinate into a thread of green filamentous cells called the protonema. This later will produce buds where the moss plants will develop from. • Mosses colonize moist places and begin to create an environment that is suitable for other plants by creating soil and breaking down rocks. Figure 1. Life cycle of a moss Figure 2. General structures and life cycle in mosses Liverworts (Phylum Hepaticophyta) • Like mosses, liverworts lack vascular tissues, and are restricted to moist and damp environments. • About 6000 sp. • Liverworts are either thalloid or leafy. The classical Marchantia that is shown in textbooks is thalloid • The thallus consists of lobes of relatively flat photosynthetic tissue. Underneath the thalli are rhizoids that help anchor the plants. On top of the thalli, liverworts produce their antheridia and archegonia. • The life cycle of liverworts is very virtually identical to that of mosses. The only differences are where the structures are borne and their morphology. o The gametophyte generation is the dominant one in liverworts. o Gametophytes produce antheridia that look like giant umbrellas and archegonia that look like coconut palm trees. Sperm cells produced in the antheridia must travel via water to the archegonia to fertilize the egg cells. o The resulting embryo, grows into a sporophyte that is dependent on the gametophyte nutritionally. It too has a foot, stalk, and capsule the bares spores. o Sores are explosively released to start the new gametophyte generation. Figure 3. Marchantia sp. • Liverworts reproduce asexually as well by baring tiny reproductive bodies called gemae in gemae cups. These cups are located on the thallus. Hornworts (Phylum Anthocerotophyta) • About 100 species. • Hornworts like mosses and liverworts are nonvascular and need to live in moist places • They resemble liverworts by having a leafy thallus. • But they differ from both mosses and liverworts in a few respects o They have a single large chloroplast in the cells o They archegonia and antheridia are embedded in that thallus o The sporophytes (which grow out of the thallus) continue to grow and lengthen from the base for the remainder of the gametophyte’s life. CHAPTER IV. SEEDLESS (LOWER) VASCULAR PLANTS Seedless vascular plants include nonflowering plants that have a vascular system of fluid-conducting (xylem and phloem). The vascular system connects the leaves, roots and stems.Seedless vascular plants include the divisions Pteridophyta (ferns), Lycodophyta (club mosses), Psilophyta (whisk ferns), and Equisetophyta (horsetails). Ferns represent a separate group of seedless plants distinguished by the presence of megaphylls, which are large leaves with several to many veins. The remaining seedless vascular plants possess microphylls (small leaves with one vein). However, all seedless vascular plants possess sporophylls, which are leaflike structures of the sporophyte generation that bear spores. Sporophylls may be large and have several to many veins (as in the megaphylls of ferns), or they may be smaller and have one vein (as in the microphylls of the other divisions of seedles vascular plants). Division: Pteridophyta (Ferns) The phylum Pterophyta is a group of non-seed plants which consists of about 12.000 living species. Most are found in the tropics where tree ferns may grow as high as 40 feet. The stems of ferns which called rhizomes grow underground. The leaves that called fronds grow up from the rhizome each spring. Blade is the flat expanded part of a leaf as distinguished from the petiole (Figure 1). Figure 1. The parts of a fern Reproduction of Ferns 1-The Sporophyte Generation The plant we recognize as a fern is the diploid sporophyte generation (Figure 2). Sori form on the fronds (Photo 1). Each contains many sporangia mounted on stalks. Within each sporangium, the spore mother cells undergo meiosis producing four haploid spores each. Photo 1. The sori on the underside of the leaflets of a fern. When the humidity drops, The thin-walled lip cells of each sporangium separate. • The annulus slowly straightens out. Then the annulus snaps forward expelling the spores. 2- The Gametophyte Generation If a spore is blown to a suitable moist location (Figure 2), • It germinates into a filament of cells. • This grows into a prothallus with o rhizoids, which absorb water and minerals from the soil; o archegonia, which produce a single egg (by mitosis); o antheridia, which form swimming sperm (again, by mitosis). Figure 2. Fern life cycle Fertilization If moisture is plentiful, the sperm swim to archegonia (usually on another prothallus because the two kinds of sex organs generally do not mature at the same time on a single prothallus) (Figure 4). Fertilization restores the diploid number and begins a new sporophyte generation (Figure 3). The embryo sporophyte develops a foot that penetrates the tissue of the prothallus and enables the sporophyte to secure nourishment until it becomes selfsufficient. Although it is tiny, the haploid fern prothallus is a fully-independent, autotrophic plant. Figure 3. Haploid and diploid stages Figure 4. Fern life cycle (Fertilization and Meiosis) Division: Lycodophyta (Club mosses & Spike mosses) Club mosses grow wild in the wetter parts of Barbados (about 300 miles north of Venezuela). They are a relic group of plants which most being extinct. There are only two surviving genera (Selaginella and Lycopodium) today. These plants live near moisture (in order for their spores to germinate). Lycopodium sp. are essentially creeping plants with tiny leaves, termed microphylls, spirally arranged around the stem. There are separate sterile and fertile leaves and the spore-bearing (sporophylls) leaves are grouped to form cones or strobili at the shoot tips (Photo 2). In Selaginella sp., the sporophyte has a creeping habit and is dorsiventrally flattened. The roots are typically borne on a rhizophore which extends from the stem (Photo 3 and Figure 5). Photo 2. Lycopodium with cones Photo 3. Selaginella serpens Figure 5. The parts of Selaginella Division: Equisetophyta (Horsetails) The horsetails are recognizable by their erect, jointed stems ringed by microphylls (small leaves at the nodes) and topped by cones (the apical strobilus) (Figure 6 and Photo 4). Only a single genus Equisetum survives today with a few temperate species. Figure 6. Equisetum arvense Photo 4. This is a fertile shoot tip of Equisetum Division: Psilophyta (whisk ferns) The whisk ferns (Psilophytes) have no roots and usually no leaves. Instead of roots they have rhizomes with absorptive rhizoids. They live in tropical to sub-tropical areas and are terrestrial or epiphytic. There are only 2 genera (Psilotum and Tmesipteri), and only a few living species (Photo 5). Photo 5. Pisilotum nudum bearing sporangia Ecological importance of seedless vascular plants 1. Rhizomes and rhizoids of ferns help to prevent erosion by holding soil together. 2. Ferns help form soil as they decay. 3. Some animals such as muskrats eat seedless vascular plants that grow along stream bank. Economic importance of seedless vascular plants 1. Some ferns are cultivated in homes, gardens and conservatories and are often used in floral arrangements. 2. Some fiddleheads are canned or frozen and sold as food (popular in New England and places in Canada). 3. Seedless plants that died 300 million years ago are responsible for our coal deposits. CHAPTER V. GYMNOSPERMS Higher plants are divided into two main groups: angiosperms and gymnosperms. Angiosperms include all flowering plants which are again divided into monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants. Both gymnosperms and angiosperms have vascular tissue and both produce seeds. However, the seeds of angiosperms are surrounded by the wall of the ovary of the flower which forms the fruit, whereas gymnosperms do not possess this structure. Their seeds are described as naked (Gymnosperm from the Greek: gymnos - naked, sperm - seed). Botanists place the angiosperms in the group (division) Angiophyta but the Gymnosperms are separated into four divisions. Coniferophyta : The Coniferophyta or conifers, are the most well known and dominant gymnosperms. This group includes the Pines, Yews, Spruces, Junipers, Cedars etc. The high latitudes of the northern hemisphere are dominated by extensive forests of conifers. Pines of major economic importance provide much of the wood and paper pulp used today. In the pine family (Pinaceae) and other conifer families which produce cones, the seeds are borne naked on the surface of the scales of the cones. The cone forms a rigid protection for the seeds. In other families e.g. Yellowwoods (Podocarpaceae) and Junipers (Cupressaceae) the seeds are surrounded by berry-like structures. Although these may appear superficially like fruit they are not the same structures as the fruit of angiosperms. Pines, cedars, spruces and yellowwoods, which belong to the group Coniferophyta or the conifers, are the largest group of gymnosperms (naked-seeded plants) and have various leaf types. Pine trees (family Pinaceae) have needle-like leaves which are grouped together in fascicles and grow from a short branch which grow no longer than one node. The cypresses and junipers (family Cupressaceae) have very small scale-like leaves which are crowded along the stem. The leaves of the Ginkgo or Maidenhair tree (the only surviving species of the group Ginkgophyta) are interesting in that they have dichotomous venation, in other words each vein divides into two near the leaf margin (Figure 1). (a) (b) (c) Figure 1. a) A pine have needle-like leaves which are grouped together in fascicles b) A juniper twig covered with very small scale-like leaves c) A ginkgo leaf showing the dichotomous venation. Cycadophyta : The cycads from Southern Africa are slow growing palm-like plants with leaves which are borne together on the top of the trunk. The seeds are carried on the surface of the scales of cones in Encephalartos (Photo 1). Photo 1. Two plants belonging to the Cycadophyta. A Cycas species (left) and another species of cycad (right) showing a large cone. Gingkophyta : This group contains only a single living species, and was once widely distributed in the Northern hemisphere (Ginkgo biloba). Ginkgo Biloba is one of the oldest living tree species, dating back over 300 million years, and individual trees can live for over 1,000 years. It is therefore referred to as a "living fossil (Photo 2). Photo 2. Ginkgo Biloba Gnetophyta : This is a mixed group of plants with certain characteristics in common with the Angiosperms (e.g. the xylem contains vessels and they have pollen-producing structures which superficially resemble stamens). The division includes a genus of tropical lianas (Gnetum), the joint-firs (Ephedra) and the very strange plant Welwitschia mirabilis which grows in the Namib Desert in Namibia (Photo 2). The oldest living organisms on earth are found among the gymnosperms and include the Welwitschia, some of which are between 1000 and 2000 years old and the Bristle-cone pine of the south western USA, some of which are estimated to be 4500 years old. The gymnosperms also contain the tallest trees, the Californian redwoods, which may reach 82 m in height (Photo 3, 4, 5). Photo 2. The remarkable (Welwitschia mirabilis) of the Namib Desert is one of the oldest living plants. Bottom right are details of the cones. Welwitschia only ever have two leaves which grow continuously from the base and slowly decay or are worn away at the outer edges. Photo 3. The Californian redwoods (Sequoiadendron giganteum ) are the largest living plants. These trees may attain a height of over 80m. Photo 4. A Bristle-cone Pine (Pinus longaeva) on a cliff edge, USA. Photo 5. Ephedra distachya CHAPTER VI. FLOWERING PLANTS (Angiosperms: Anthophyta: Magnoliophyta) • Vascular plants that reproduce sexually by forming flowers and afterwards seeds within fruits. • Angiosperms have ovules enclosed within an ovary which will later become the fruit. In gymnosperms, the ovule is not enclosed. • Most successful plant family (235,000 sp) • Flowering plants are often divided into two major groups - dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants. Although these two groups are no longer considered valid by taxonomists, they are useful for gaining a general understanding of how plants function. Below are the general characteristics of the two groups, note that there are exceptions to all these characteristics. Dicotyledonous One embryo leaf - cotyledon Tap root system - one main root with side roots Leaves with net venation Secondary growth in stems Whorls in flowers made up of four or five parts Monocotyledons One embryo leaf or cotyledon Adventitious root system - no one root dominant Leaves with parallel venation Usually no secondary growth in stems Whorls in flowers made up of three parts Flowering Plant Life Cycle • Flowering plants produce sexual organs called flowers which include 4 parts: sepals, petals, stamens and ovaries. • Stamens are the male portion of the flowers. In the anther, which is the yellow sac at the end of the stamens are several microsporangia. The microsporangia contain spore mother cells which divide by meiosis to produce haploid spore cells. These spore cells will then divide once to form an immature male gametophyte (a pollen grain). Pollen grains have 2 nuclei, the generative nucleus (which will later divide to form 2 sperms cells) and the tube nucleus which will be in charge of creating the tube. • The pistil, the female portion of the flower contains the ovary. Ovaries may contain 1 to main ovules each (structures that contain egg cells and later develop into seeds). Each ovule has a megaspore mother cell that divides by meiosis to form 4 unequally sized cells (1 very large). The 3 smaller disintegrates and the 1 becomes the megaspore. This will divided by mitosis 4 times to form the 8 nucleate embryo sac (7 cells, 8 nuclei), the mature female gametophyte. One of the cells is the egg cell. Another cell has 2 nuclei called the polar nuclei. Figure 1. Basic flower parts • Pollination: Insects, wind, or water, transfers pollen to the receptive surface of the pistil (the stigma) • Fertilization: the pollen grain germinates, the pollen tube grows down the style and into the ovules in the ovaries. The generative nucleus splits into 2 sperms cells. 1 sperms cell fertilizes the egg cell . The other fuses with the 2 polar nuclei. This is called double fertilization. It is unique in all of life. • The triploid structure now divides to become the endosperm, the nutritive tissue the developing embryo will feed on. The fertilized egg will divide into an embryo. The entire ovule becomes the seed. And the ovary becomes the fruit. • Sometimes fruits and seeds will develop through a process called apomixis (production of seeds without the sexual process). This is a type of asexual reproduction. Success of Flowering Plants • Flowering plants are the dominant plant forms on the planet and the most diverse. • Yet the have only been around about 100 million years whereas all others have been around much longer • Many factors may account for their success Production of seeds and their dispersal by animals Use of pollinators to aid in fertilization Efficient vascular system and photosynthetic system Overall adaptability of the sporophyte. • Evidence of flowering plants goes back to 127 million years ago (pollen). • Closest living relatives are the Gnetophytes (a gymnosperm) • Flowering plant once they evolved rapidly took over. A Survey of Flowering Plant Diversity • There are over 300 families of flowering plants, many of which are important to humans. • They form the base of many ecosystems. • Magnolia family (Magnoliaceae; 220 sp; ex. Southern magnolia and tulip tree): Perhaps one of the most primitive plant families. Important ornamentals and timber trees. Have large showy flowers. • Walnut family (Junglandaceae; 50 sp; ex. Walnut, hickories, and pecans): This family is important because it provides many nuts for both humans and wildlife. It also provides good lumber. • Cactus family (Cactaceae; 2000 sp; ex. Prickly pear cactus and saguaro cactus): An important component of dry habitats. Their bodies are modified to conserve water and in some cases retain it. Typically produce very showy flowers. Common house plants • Mustard family (Brassicaceae; 3000 sp; ex. Cabbage, broccoli, mustard, etc.). Very important family as far as human food crops go. Range world wide. Typified by have 4 petals. • Rose family (Rosaceae; 3370 sp; ex. Rose, apples, cherries): common ornamental and fruit family. Flowers typically have 5 petals to many stamens. Fruits include (apples, pears, peaches, nectarines, cherries, apricots, plums, almonds, strawberries, raspberries,..). Rose plants are a classic part of many gardens. • Pea family (Fabaceae; 17000 sp; ex. Beans, peas, royal poinceana). Contains many food and feeder crops (beans and soybeans). Many tree members of this family are common landscape plants for tropical regions • Potato family (Solanaceae; 2000 – 3000 sp. Ex. Potatoes, tomatoes, petunias). Also important food and ornamental family. Many members of this family produce toxic alkaloids, some of which have been used in medicines. • Grass family (Poaceae; 9000 sp. Corn, grasses, sugar cane). The most important crop family. Without it there would be no major starches (rice, wheat, corn etc). Grasses grow everywhere in the world • Agave family (Agavaceae; 600 sp. Century plants). Important ornamentals and tequila. Succulent plants of dry regions. Also used to make fibers. • Orchid family (Orchidacaceae; 30,000 sp;). Important ornamentals and part of tropical canopy forests. Provide source of pheromones for many tropical bees.