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Keefe (1990) A Simulation of the Draping of Bidirectional Fabrics over Arbitrary Surfaces, Journal of The Textile Institute, 81:4, 448-460 To link to this article: PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. 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Downloaded by [Virginia Tech Libraries] at 10:07 14 July 2013 Received 12.6.1990 Accepted for publication 27.6.1990 The development of a graphical simulation to descrihe the draping of hidirectional fabrics over arhitrary surfaces is reported. The simulation applies to any surface, descrihed either analytically or numerically, and allows any numher of draped configurations on a surface. A unique draped configuration results when one warp thread and one weft thread are constrained to specific paths on the surface. The warp and weft crossover-point locations are calculated hy numerically solving the intersection equations ofthe surface and two spheres that represent all possible positions of the ends of a warp and weft; segment. Fahric-wrinkling and £abric-hridging over surface depressions are extreme cases of deformation, which, as with thread orientation, can he controUed by the placement of the constrained threads on the surface to be flraped. Several surfaces are draped with the simulation, which is used as a design tool for selecting suitahle draped configurations for specific surfaces. 1. INTRODUCTION The draping of fabrics is of interest to the textile industry, which has long been concerned with the conformance of fabrics to surfaces having compound curvature, such as the human body. The draping of fabrics has recently become of interest to the manufacturers of structural components made from composite materials, which consist of reinforcing fibres embedded in a solid matrix. A fabric composed of reinforcing and matrix fibres is draped over a mould surface and consolidated under heat and pressure into a rigid component. Certain properties of the component, such as strength, stifEhess, thermal expansion, and conductivity, are dependent on the reinforcing-fibre paths within the component. Should the fabric be unable to conform to an underljring surface owing to wrinkling or bridging, the structural integrity or utility of a formed component may be compromised. The prediction of fibre paths within a component is therefore an advantage to composites manufacturers. Bidirectional fabrics undergo in-plane shear deformation when forced to conform to a surface having compound curvature. This deformation, coupled with the kinematics of mapping paths from a flat plane onto a curved surface, makes the prediction of thread paths on the surface non-trivial. This paper describes a draping simulation that predicts thread paths at all points on a surface draped with a bidirectional fabric. The simulation predicts the location of wrinkling and bridging based on given fabric-deformation limits. The draped surface is graphically displayed and shows thread paths and areas of wrinkling and bridging. The simulation was used to study the draping of various surfaces of particular interest. The ability to select the draping constraints allowed the simulation to be \ised as a design tool with which acceptable draped configurations for specific surfaces were selected. J. Text. Int.. 1990. 81 No. 4 C TextiU InMtituU A Simulation ofthe Draping of Bidirectional Fabrics over Arbitrary Surfaces Downloaded by [Virginia Tech Libraries] at 10:07 14 July 2013 2. BACKGROUND Mack and Taylor^ derived differential equations for fitting fabrics to surfaces of revolution. Tbe fitting equations were based on the shearing deformation of fabric whereby a square cell boimded by pairs of warp and weft threads is deformed into a rhombus having unequal angles at adjacent comers. Deformation causes the cell to elongate along one diagonal direction while it contracts in the perpendicular diagonal direction. The cell diagonal lines remain at right angles for all degrees of deformation. Thus a rectangle of fabric, cut on a 45" bias to warp and weft threads and draped onto a surface symmetrical about one axis, will have cell diagonals that are parallel to surface longitude and latitude lines everywhere on the surface. The total length of diagonals across the width ofthe fabric will match the surface circumference at a latitude line. The model solves for the intersection of trace-geodesic lines and tbe surface and is limited to analytical surfaces of revolution draped with fabric on a 45° bias. Robertson et al^ developed a computational procedure for draping a spherical surface that involved finding the intersection points of three spheres. One sphere represents the surface being draped, and the other two spheres represent all possible positions ofthe ends of a warp segment and a weft segment whose other ends already lie on the surface at known points that coincide with the centres ofthe two spheres. The intersection equations are solved analytically, and one ofthe two sphere-intersection points is chosen as a warp/weft crossover point. In a second paper, Robertson et al. ^ extended their results to the treatment of a conical surface with a spherical apex. The cone and sphere are treated separately, and special conditions are required where yam segments cross the boundary between cone and sphere. Although the formulation was specifically restricted to cones and spheres, the method may be applied to an arbitrary surface provided that at every point on the surface an analytical description of the surface can be derived. Smiley and Pipes* applied Robertson's sphere-intersection method of a draping simulation to numerically defined surfaces of revolution. A cubic curve is interpolated through specified points and a surface generated by sweeping the curve around a central axis. The intersection equations are solved numerically. A simulation was developed by Bergsma and Huisman^ for draping fabrics over numerically generated surfaces approximated by fiat triangular facets. The authors assumed pivoted joints and trellis type deformation in the fabric. Draping starts at tbe point of greatest elevation on the surface, where four fabric nodal points are specified that determine the orientation ofthe fabric. Subsequent points are found by iteratively seeking the intersection of warp and weft segments and the surface triangles. A feature ofthe simulation is that fabric-cell deformation angles are continuously summed and minimized by iteration to minimize total fabric deformation. This minimization of deformation at each step ofthe draping process is the constraint that allows a unique draping configuration to be achieved. Experiments were performed by physically draping symmetrical surfaces, and good agreement with simulations was foimd. The use of triangular facets in generating a curved surface simphfies the intersection equations but introduces an error in proportion to the size of the facets. The deformationminimization feature permits only one draped configuration to be determined for each geometry and results in only symmetrical draping of symmetrical surfaces. Minimizing the total deformation at each step of the draping process does not necessarily preclude the formation of local wrinkling. (It is possible that, by inducing a high degree of deformation, such as stretching at some step in the draping process, the formation of a wrinkle at a later step can be avoid(xi*.) Experiments were performed only on symmetrical surfaces draped in symmetrical configurations. J. nxt Irut.. 1990. at No. 40 TextiU InstituU 449 Van West, Pipes, and Keefe Downloaded by [Virginia Tech Libraries] at 10:07 14 July 2013 Heisey and Haller^ developed a computational method forfittingwoven fabric to non-analytical surfaces by using numerical-analysis techniques. An advantage of their method is that the thread segments follow the contour ofthe surface and are not straight between thread-crossover points as assumed by other methods. Equations are derived for two lines on the surface inscribed about two known thread-crossover points. The lines are loci of points equidistant over the surface from the known crossover points. One ofthe two intersection points ofthe lines IS a new crossover point. Tofindthe equations ofthe two locus lines, the equation for the surface must be known. The authors give an example of a surface in a cylmdrical co-ordinate system where four non-linear equations are derived by integration and solved by iteration. The surface illustrating the method was selected so that the results could be compared with those of Mack and Taylor^. The derivation of intersection equations for more complicated surfaces could prove difficult. Although it is stated that the method applies to non-analytical surfaces, no examples with such surfaces were given. 3. SIMULATION 3.1 Assumptions The following assumptions of Mack and Taylor^ conceming the kinematics of draping are adopted in the draping simulation. (a) The threads are inextensible. (6) Crossover points of warp and weft threads act as pivoting joints. (c) No slippage of warp and weft threads relative to one another occurs at the pivotal points. (d) The length of a thread segment between adjacent warp and weft threads IS much less than the radius of curvature ofthe surface. (e) Thread segments are straight between pivotal points. (f) The fabric is everywhere in contact with the surface. The assumption of inextensibility ofthe threads is justified by the high elastic modulus of most fibres, resulting in insignificant axial strain under the loads experienced dunng draping. It was found previousl/^ that warp and weft thread-crossover points may be treated as pivoting joints except at fabric-shear deformations near the locking limit. The thread-segment length is arbitrarily selected m the simulation and does not necessarily match the spacing between threads, which m most fabrics is very small. The thread-segment length must be selected so that it is much smaller than the surface local radius of curvature «r f,-^^°^^^® **^ draping may lead to wrinkling or bridging in the fabric WrmkUng is defined in this context as an excess of fabric over that needed to cover the surface, resulting in the excess fabric's not being in contact with the surface. Bndging occurs when the fabric cannot deform sufficiently to drape into a concavity in the surface, which results in the fabric's covering the concavity without contacting the surface. 3.2 Uniqueness Constraints A surface may be draped in an infinite number of configurations, depending on where the drapmg process begins, how the fabric is initially oriented relative to 450 J. Text. iTut., 1990, 81 No. 4 €> TextiU tnstitutt A Simulation ofthe Draping of Bidirectional Fabrics over Arbitrary Surfaces the surface, and how it is manipulated to conform to the surface. To achieve a unique draped configuration, constraints must be imposed tbat uniquely determine all thread paths. If one warp and one weft thread are selected as in Fig. 1 to follow specific paths on the surface, the remainder ofthe thread paths on the surface are uniquely determined given the assumptions listed previously. An intersecting warp/weft pair divide the fabric into quadrants, which drape independently of one another. By specifying the paths ofthe constrained threads, the severity of deformation and the existence and location of wrinkling and bridging can be controlled. _ constrainec warp yarn draping _ start point Downloaded by [Virginia Tech Libraries] at 10:07 14 July 2013 \ s / \ A B y^^ s C constrained weft yarn D Fig. 1 Fabric with constrained yamB and quadrants A, B, C, and D Fig. 2 A parametric sui-face patch with tangent vectors'" 3.3 Surface Generation The draping simulation is performed by generating a surface, computing fabricnodal-point locations, and displaying the draped surface. The surface is generated by using commonly applied geometric modelling techniques, such as those described by Mortenson"* and by Rogers and Adams'^ The surface is defined by a set of co-ordinate points, which lie in the surface, and the tangent and twist vectors at those points. The surface is divided into patches, each patch containing four comer points, as shown in Fig. 2. Locations on the patch surface are described by the parameters u and w, in a co-ordinate system lying in the surface, which range between 0 and 1, with the 0 and 1 values representing the pateh boundaries. The tangent and twist vectors ofthe surface boundary points iu*e known. (A tangent vector expresses the slope of a line in terms of magnitude and direction. A twist vector is the cross derivative of a slope, also expressed as a magnitude and direction.) For simplicity, the vector magnitudes are normalized. Text. IrM.. 1990. 81 No. 4 C TextiU InatituU 451 Van West, Pipes, and Keefe Tangent and twist vectors at points between the boundaries are calculated by cubic-spline interpolation, the co-ordinates and vectors of a patch are used to develop parametric bicubic polynomial expressions locating any point on a patch. (A bicubic polynomial is the simplest mathematical expression that can describe changes in slope, inflexion points, and twist in a surface, since the existence of a second derivative is assured.) A discontinuity in slope must not occur witliin a particular patch owing to the inability of a bicubic polynomial to describe it but may occur at a patch boimdary if the surface and draping models are developed to accommodate it. The geometrical form of a bicubic-surface patch equation is: Downloaded by [Virginia Tech Libraries] at 10:07 14 July 2013 (1) where U = [u^ u^ul]andVf = [w^ w^ w 1], u and w are parameters of a co-ordinate system that lies on the surface patch, M is a transformation matrix that depends on the surface model and continuity constraint, B is the boundary-condition matrix for a patch, and p is a position vector with components x, y, and z. Expanded, the bicubic-surface equation for the x co-ordinate is: 2-2 -3 1 r 3-2-1 x(,u,w) = 0 0 1 0 •^00 "^Ol 00 "10 U * 0 0 ^ O l -^OO ^ O l 0 0 0 0 2-3 0 1 -2 3 0 0 1-2 1 0 .1-1 0 0 (2) w 1 where x^^ is a patch-corner co-ordinate, with u and w equal to 0 or 1, X" is the tangent vector, or slope, 6x/6u, in the u direction, x^ is the tangent vector, or slope, 6x/6w, in the w direction, X""' is the twist vector, or change in slope, 5^x/5u6w. The equations for the y and z co-ordinates are similar: 462 J. TexL Inst.. 1990. 81 No. 4 C TextiU InttituU A Simulation ofthe Draping of Bidirectional Fabrics over Arbitrary Surfaces 2 -2 -3 1 1 y ^01 3 -2 -1 V y.. V ** VI Ul w y{u,w) = (u^ u^ u 1) 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 \i " V " ^01 •' 0 0 -y 01 I UW UUPa yio >!,"•'10 -y 11 2 -3 0 1 -2 3 0 0 1 -2 1 0 1 -1 0 0 J (3) Downloaded by [Virginia Tech Libraries] at 10:07 14 July 2013 X '2 - 2 1 z iu,w) = -3 r 0 0 0 0 1~ ^00 ^0. 1 Z^i 'o" Z ^ ir Ui ( -2 -1 ^10 ^11 1 0 ^oo" z " 0 0 z " z " *10 2 -3 0 1 -2 3 0 0 1 -2 1 0 w 1 -1 0 0 1 1) 01 * UtC w'~ (4) X A limitation of a bicubic poljTiomial expression for a surface patch is that it does not exactly describe all surfaces. However, to compensate, the number of coordinate points describing the surface can be increased, with a subsequent reduction in patch size, until the desired accuracy is attained. 3.4 Constrained-thread Paths Constrained-thread paths are defined by the co-ordinates of points on the surface through which the threads pass. The distance between adjacent co-ordinate points is held constant and thereby determines the thread-segment length and fabric-mesh cell size. The point where the two constrained threads intersect becomes the starting point ofthe draping process. Two intersecting constrained threads must be selected, and these divide the fabric into a maximum of four quadrants, as shown in Fig. 1. Fewer quadrants may result. For instance, if the constrained threads are located at two edges ofthe fabric, a single quadrilateral results. The choice of con strained-thread paths is arbitrary £md is a means of controlling fibre orientation and fabric-shear deformation. Once the paths are chosen, the co-ordinates ofthe points defining the paths must be calculated. This requires an equation for the surface where each point is located. If the surface itself is defined by point co-ordinates, equations for each of the surface patches must be generated before constrained-thread-path co-ordinates can be calculated. J. Text. Inat., 1990.81 No. 4 0 TextiU ln*tituU 453 Van West, Pipes, and Keefe The technique is similar to that used to generate interpolated co-ordinate points as described in the previous section, requiring nujnerical-solution methods. Downloaded by [Virginia Tech Libraries] at 10:07 14 July 2013 3.5 Draping The mathematical modelling of the draping process consists in calculating the co-ordinates of all warp- and weft-crossover points on the surface. The process is graphically depicted in Fig, 3. The constrained threads are shown as heavier lines along which all crossover, or nodal, points are known. The first points from the starting point on the constrained-thread paths, shown as p(i, j - 1) and p(i - 1, j), are the centres of spheres having radii equal to a thread-segment length. The spheres and the surface intersect at two points, one of which is the starting point and the other the desired nodal point, shown as p(i, j). The new nodal point is then coupled with another known point, either on the constrainedthread path or previously calculated, tofindthe next nodal point. The procedure is repeated until all points are found in all quadrants. constrained yarns P(U-V V sphere center - drape Starting point sphere center warp-weft node —-— yarn segment length, r P(U) sphere-surface intersection Fig. 3 Determination of sphere/surface interBectdon To find the new point co-ordinates, the intersection equations of the two spheres and the surface are solved. The equation for a sphere centred at point p(i-lj)is: j-^i~Ajr = r' (6) and that for the sphere centred at point p(ij - 1 ) is: wherex,y, and 2 are the co-ordinates of points on the spheres, and r is the threadsegment length. Equations (2), (3), and (4) for the surface point {x.^., y.., z..) are substituted into Equations (5) and (6), the result being two inter'seciion equations with two unknowns, u and w, the surface-patch length parameters. The two equations are solved numerically for u and w by using a non-linear solution technique '*^'* J. Hwrt. /BX.. l^Q. 81 No. 4 C TtxtUe InstUuie A Simulation ofthe Draping of Bidirectional Fabrics over Arbitrary Surfaces Downloaded by [Virginia Tech Libraries] at 10:07 14 July 2013 producing two u and w root pairs, one for each intersection point. The root pairs are back-substituted into Equations (2), (3), and (4) to result in two (x, y, z) coordinate sets for point p(i, j). The co-ordinate set locating point p(i, j) furthest from the starting point of draping is selected. Each surface patch has a unique bicubic description owing to its unique location on the surface and boundary-condition matrix. The content of the sphere/surface-intersection equations is therefore dependent on the patch ia which the nodal point is located. A containment algorithm is used to determine the identity ofthe patch in which the nodal point is expected to lie, and, after calculating the point's co-ordinates, the patch in which the point lies is identified, and the co-ordinates are recalculated if necessary. 3.6 Examples Several surfaces were draped both to demonstrate the functioning of the simulation and to provide guidance on the control of fabric deformation. The surface were draped in more than one configuration to study the eflfect on fabric deformation. The hemisphere is a common surface adopted by many of the previous researchers'•^••'•^'"^'' as a means of comparing theoretical and experimental results. Part of a simulation was superimposed on a photograph ofthe physiciil model of a draped hemisphere, and the result is shown in Fig. 4. The comparison shows good correlation of thread orientation. The spacings between threads of the physical model and those of the simulation do not match, so only thread orientations and not locations are comparable. The draping of a comer has been simulated to demonstrate control of fabric deformation by the choice of constrained-thread paths. If the constrained threads are positioned parallel to the edges, then, as can be seen in Fig. 5, the underlying surface for the comer quadrant D is much smaller than areas covered by the other fabric quadrants A, B, and C. One would expect severe fabric deformation to occur in the comer quadrant D, with a possible wrinkle, and this is illustrated in Fig. 5. To exercise control over fabric deformation, the constrained Fig. 4 Superimposed view of physical model and Bimulation of draped hemisphere J. Ttxt. liut.. 1990, 81 No. 4 © T^tik Institute 455 -n nrli Bi^f ii • Downloaded by [Virginia Tech Libraries] at 10:07 14 July 2013 Van West, Pipes, and Keefe Fig. 5 Simulation of draped comer with wrinkle i^^^Wi Fig. 6 456 Simulation of draped comer with evenly spaced constrained yams J. 7bct ItM., 1990, 81 No. 4 O T^ile InatUute Downloaded by [Virginia Tech Libraries] at 10:07 14 July 2013 A Simulation ofthe Draping of Bidirectional Fabrics over Arbitrary Surfaces threads were positioned on the surface in such a way that the surface area between them was approximately evenly distributed. The intention was to minimize the maximum shear deformation occurring in the fabric. Fig. 6 shows that the maximum deformation in all quadrants is approximately equal and wrinkling has been eliminated. The simulation results were confirmed with physical models'^. The draped surface simulated in Fig. 7 is of interest to the manufacturers of composite-material structures and represents the end of a stiffening bead in a plate. This example demonstrates the use of the simulation to develop an acceptable draped configuration, which, for the purpose ofthe demonstration, is defined as having no wrinkles. The surface can be draped without wrinkling if one ofthe constrained threads Ues on the crest ofthe bead and if the fabric can accommodate the induced deformations. If the surface is draped in such a way that one constrained thread lies entirely on the plane to one side ofthe bead, a wrinkle forms on the other side ofthe bead, as shown in Fig. 8. In many cases, there are several stiffening beads in a plate, which the manufacturer may wish to drape sequenticdly. Fig. 9 illustrates the result of draping across two beads. Draping is terminated at the second bead when the fabric is stretched to the point at whicb fabric-bridging begins to occur. Along the line between a and b in Fig. 10, an enlarged view ofthe bridging area, the fabric has been stretched to its deformable limit so that the sides of a rhombic cell have become colUnear. To the right of the line ab, the numerical rootsolver is unable to find roots for the intersection equations, since the spheres representing segment-end locii no longer intersect. The conclusion is that a multi-beaded surface may be draped without wrinkling if each bead is draped with a constrained thread along its crease £ind with the required amount of fabric allotted to drape the surface between beads. surface profiles si pi 1 constrained yarns 1 ft f f 1 I 1^ I I I I I f L-- f - Fig. 7 Simulation of draped staffening bead with constrained yam on creet J. TkxL Inat.. 1990. 81 No. 4 O TtxtiU InttttuU 467 Van West, Pipes, and Keefe constrained yarns Downloaded by [Virginia Tech Libraries] at 10:07 14 July 2013 _,=- wrinkle Fig. 8 Simulation of draped stiffening bead with constrained yam on plane constrained yarns bridging Fig. 9 Simulation of two stiffening beads draped sequentially Other examples of surfaces draped by means ofthe simulation may be found in earlier work of one ofthe present authors'^. 3.7 Liiiiitations The simulation has limitations, which may introduce inaccuracies and restrict the application, for which the user must compensate. (o) The bicubic-polynomial-surface expressions do not accurately describe all surfaces, such as spheres. The inaccuracy may be reduced by increasing the number of surface-definition points, which has the effect of reducing the arc length. For arc angles ofless than 45", the error 6R IR is less than 5 X 1(H, where R is the spherical radius^**. 458 J. Text Intt., 1990. 81 No. 4 O TextiU InatituU Downloaded by [Virginia Tech Libraries] at 10:07 14 July 2013 A Simulation ofthe Draping of Bidirectional Fabrics over Arbitrary Surfaces Fig. 10 Enlarged view of thread-bridging area (6) The surface to be generated has restrictions on the locations of slope discontinuities. A bicubic equation cannot describe a surface patch containing a slope discontinuity. However, a surface can be divided at a slope discontinuity into adjoining patches. (c) The assumption that no slippage occurs at warp- and weft-crossover points is not realistic at extreme fabric deformations. Near the locking limit, slippage occurs at the intersections, which changes the spacing between adjacent threads. A slippage parameter, such as that proposed earlier^, could be included in the draping simulation, increasing the accuracy of the simiilation when greater-than-moderate fabric-shear deformations occur. (d) The assumption that the local surface radius of curvature is much larger than a thread-segment length is necessary because the thread segments are assumed straight between nodal points and do not follow the surface arc. Thus, surfaces with a small local radius of curvature cannot be draped accurately in such areas, unless the thread-spacing is reduced. (e) An additional factor affecting the accuracy ofthe simulation is fabricmesh size. The work of Smiley and Pipes* includes a study of the convergence of deformation angles and data point co-ordinates relative to their convergent values as a function of the distance between nodal points. It was found that the angle between intersecting yams at the border of a fabric quadrant and the equator of a hemisphere is withia 0.1% of the convergent value for a nodal-point spacing of 17% of the hemispherical radius. The study also revealed that a nodal point on a hemisphere, halfway between the pole and equator and halfway betweea quadrant boimdaries, is within 0.1% ofthe convergent location when the nodal-point spacing is within 10% ofthe hemisphere radius. This spacing occurs when there are about sixteen nodal points between the hemisphere a pole and its equator. J. "Dnct Int.. 1990. 81 No. 40 TextiU IruUlutt 459 Downloaded by [Virginia Tech Libraries] at 10:07 14 July 2013 Van West, Pipes, and Keefe 4. CONCLUSIONS A mathematical model and graphical simulation ofthe draping of bidirectional fabrics over arbitrary surfaces has been developed. The model calculates the locations on the draped surface of warp and weft crossover points from which fibre orientations and fabric-shear deformation can be determined. By specifying the limiting angles of shear deformation in a fabric, the presence and location of fabric-wrinkling and fabric-bridging can be predicted. The simulation models an infinite number of draped configurations, dependent on the selected constrainedthread paths. Defining the constrained-thread paths results in a unique draped configuration and allows control of fibre paths and the existence and location of fabricwrinkHng. The quadrants created by defining constrained-thread paths drape independently of one another. The simulation has advantages over previously published simulations. (a) The surface is defined as a series of patches, each with a unique bicubicpolynomial description, providing greater accuracy in surface definition than a surface defined by triangular facets. (6) An infinite number of draped configurations may be generated. (c) The simulation applies to arbitrary surfaces that do not necessarily have known analj^ical expressions. The surface is defined numerically by the co-ordinates of points lying on the surface. The simulation may be used as a design tool allowing draped configurations to be selected that best meet the designer's needs in terms of thread paths, fabric deformation, and, in the case of structural components, material and mechanical properties. A useful development of the simulation would be to begin with a draped configuration, sufficiently described to meet the designer's needs and to ensure mathematical uniqueness, and to perform tbe simulation in reverse, determining the constrained-thread paths necessary to drape as required. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors would like to thank BASF Structural Materials Inc., of Charlotte, N.C., U.S.A., for sponsoring the work reported in this paper. ' * ^ * ' s ' " * '* " " REFERENCES C. Mack and H.M. Taylor. J. Text. Inst., 1956,47, T477. R.E. Roherteon, E.S. Hsiue, E.N. Sickaftis, and G.S.Y. Yeh. Polym. Compos., 1981, 2,126. R.E. RobertaoD, E.S. Hsiue, and G.S.Y. Yeh. Polym. Compos., 1984, 5,191. A.J. Smiley and R.B. Pipes. 'Fiber Placement during the Forming of Continuous Fiber-reinforced Thermoplastics' (Technical Report EM 87-129), Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1987. O.K. Bergsma and J. Huisman in CadComp Conference, Southampton England, 1988. M.F. Culpin. J. Text. Inst., 1979, 70, 81. F.L. Heisey and K.D. HaUer. J. Text. Inat., 1988, 79, 250. K.D. Potter. Composites, 1979,10,161. Materials Science Corporation. "Woven-fabric-reinforced Composites for Automotive AppUcationB' (Technical Report MSC TFR1605/8102), National Science Foundation, 1986. M.E. Mortenson. 'Geometric Modeling,' Wiley, New York, 1985, Chapter 3. D.F. Rogers and J A. Adams. TMathematicai Elements for Computer Graphics', McGraw-Hill, New York, 1976, Chapter 6. B.P. Van West. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Delaware, 1990. 30/90 460 J. Text. Int.. 1990, 81 No. 4 O TextUe IiutituU