Lesson Plans for Erika Rodriguez, York JH - 049 Week of Monday, March 24, 2014 Monday, March 24, 2014 Day 127 Tuesday, March 25, 2014 Day 128 Wednesday, March 26, 2014 Day 129 Thursday, March 27, 2014 Day 130 Friday, March 28, 2014 Day 131 ELA and Reading, Grade 7 Level and ELA and Reading, Grade 7 Level and ELA and Reading, Grade 7 Level and ELA and Reading, Grade 7 Level and ELA and Reading, Grade 7 Level and ESL III ESL III ESL III ESL III ESL III Warm Up: All of the below is in The Writing Coach book--have them do 5 from each section (they can choose which 5) Students fill in scaffolded power point notes over the upcoming STAAR and 'What Every 7th Grader Should Know' Objective: Activities: Assessment: Warm-Up Warm-Up Students fill in ABC Brainstorming over Writing STAAR Writer Idol Winner Pg 549--Practices 1-4 Pg. 550--Practices 5-8 Resources/Activities: Resources/Activities: Students complete STAAR Revising/Editing Activity with and without Answer choices. Pg. 629 Practices 2-4 Pg. 630 Practices 6 and 7 Continue from previous class Stations Activity to review for STAAR WRITING Resources: **Go over at the end of class--have races at the board to complete sentences** Students can use their assignments. ELA and Reading, Grade 8 ESL II and III ELA and Reading, Grade 8 ESL II and III ELA and Reading, Grade 8 ESL II and III ELA and Reading, Grade 8 ESL II and III ELA and Reading, Grade 8 ESL II and III The student is expected to... » Comprehension of Literary Text/ Poetry – Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of poetry and provide evidence from text to support their understanding.[8.4] » compare and contrast the relationship between the purpose and characteristics of different poetic forms (e.g., epic poetry, lyric poetry)[8.4A] The student is expected to... » Comprehension of Literary Text/ Poetry – Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of poetry and provide evidence from text to support their understanding.[8.4] » compare and contrast the relationship between the purpose and characteristics of different poetic forms (e.g., epic poetry, lyric poetry)[8.4A] The student is expected to... » Comprehension of Literary Text/ Poetry – Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of poetry and provide evidence from text to support their understanding.[8.4] » compare and contrast the relationship between the purpose and characteristics of different poetic forms (e.g., epic poetry, lyric poetry)[8.4A] The student is expected to... » Comprehension of Literary Text/ Poetry – Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of poetry and provide evidence from text to support their understanding.[8.4] » compare and contrast the relationship between the purpose and characteristics of different poetic forms (e.g., epic poetry, lyric poetry)[8.4A] The student is expected to... » Comprehension of Literary Text/ Poetry – Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of poetry and provide evidence from text to support their understanding.[8.4] Objective: Become familiar with poetry terms Objective: Understand and analyze poetry Objective: Analyze a poem using using TPCASTT TPCASTT Activities: Students will go over the poetry vocabulary (handout) with the teacher. TSW identify examples of the vocab. in their own song that they brought in. Activities: Activities: TSW analyze the poem "The Teacher will introduce TPCASTT Eagle and the Mole" on their own using (handout) to the students. The teacher TPCASTT will demonstrate how to use TPCASTT to analyze a poem using the poem, Cinderella by Sylvia Plath Assessment: analysis of poem - daily Assessment: particiaption Assessment: Participation Activities: Go over yesterday's quiz with the students. Students will then write their Activities:TSW read the peom Midnight own poem. and use TPCASTT to analyze it. They will will write an I AM.. poem also answer the STAAR questions over the poem. THIS IS A QUIZ!!! Assessment: QUIZ Assessment: poem - daily grade Monday, March 24, 2014 Day 127 Tuesday, March 25, 2014 Day 128 Wednesday, March 26, 2014 Day 129 Thursday, March 27, 2014 Day 130 Friday, March 28, 2014 Day 131 ELA and Reading, Grade 7 and ESL ELA and Reading, Grade 7 and ESL ELA and Reading, Grade 7 and ESL ELA and Reading, Grade 7 and ESL ELA and Reading, Grade 7 and ESL 1 and Reading 1 and Reading 1 and Reading 1 and Reading 1 and Reading Differentiated Instruction: Assessment: Differentiated Instruction: Resources/Activities: Warm-Up Warm-Up Students fill in ABC Brainstorming over Writing STAAR Writer Idol Winner Assessment: Resources/Activities: Resources/Activities: Resources/Activities: Students complete STAAR Revising/Editing Activity with and without Answer choices. Resources/Activities: Students fill in scaffolded power point notes over the upcoming STAAR and 'What Every 7th Grader Should Know' All of the below is in The Writing Coach book--have them do 5 from each section (they can choose which 5) Pg 549--Practices 1-4 Pg. 550--Practices 5-8 Pg. 629 Practices 2-4 Pg. 630 Practices 6 and 7 Continue from previous class **Go over at the end of class--have races at the board to complete sentences** Students can use their assignments. Stations Activity to review for STAAR WRITING