PACE EIGHT THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER (Second Section)' BIRTHS Dec, 6,' starting at 10:30. Each member is requested to bring a covered dish for the noon day meal. Jonathan Creek News Marion Leatherwood, Mrs. Lowery Owen, and Rev. C. O. Newell, assisted. Special music was given by Mrs. Ernest Chambers. A business session followed the study. A delicious dinner was enjoyed at the noon hour and a day of fellowship in general marked the occasion .There were 24 present. Cullowhee, spent the home. week-en- d ter, Sarah Laouise, of Charlotte. Miss Polly Allison of Bridgeton, N. J., is visiting her grandmother, Mrs, Alice Allison, and her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Plott. The Woman's Society of ChrisService of the Crabtree tian MRS. W. T. RAINER Cha. ge met with the Society of the John Kennedy, of Atlanta, spent Shady Grove church, at the Shady week-en- d with his parents, the Nov. Thursday, parsonage on Grove Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hill, of Hazel-wooThe Jonahtan Home DemonstraMr. and Mrs. F. R. Kennedy. study on mission fall the 21, for announce the birth of a son tion Club wtl hold their November-DecembJack Allison and Gene Howell India. on November 28. meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Corzine had of Lake who are attending school at WestMrs. Cecil Heckard Mrs. K. W. Howell on Friday, Junaluska, led the discussion. Mrs. ern Carolina Teachers College, as their guests for Thanksgiving Mr .and Mrs. Ralph Surritt, of Canton, announce the birth of a daughter on November 28. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Miller, of Waynesville, announce the birth of a son on November 27. er Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Miller, of Canton, announce the birth of a daughter on November 28. WATPH , Sam Colt, inventor of the Colt revolver, gave exhibitions of laughing gas in traveling shows to obtain the cash needed to patent his revolver. DAVIS-SMIT- w 4 ., Mello-Gl- XOV NW SMITH'S 50c mil os BINKY TOYS - - - - - Kay Daumit's Shampoo Lustre-Crem- e and Mrs. Ben Tcague. of Waynesville, announce the birth of Twin daughters on November Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ray. of Waynesville. announce the birth of a daughter on December 1. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Thomas, of Canton, announce the birth of a son on December 2. GIFT STATIONERY DUSTING POWDER - tit WjJSkif CIGARETTE LIGHTER 39c Nylon Bristles BOTTLE BRUSH - - Roger & Gallett DUSTING POWDER Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stephens, of Waynesville, announce the birth of a daughter on December 2. mm tr3-m- - . $1.50 , Visit our of Canton, announce the birth of a daughter on December 3. 4 i. A x r .. CHEN YU CLOUDSILK MAKE-Uand LIPSTICK P Makes a Lovely Set PRIMROSE HOUSE 1 T MAKE-U- P $1.50 co BOND STREET PERFUME $2.50 up MAKE-U- P Mountain Laurel Bath Set $1.00 FOR A GIFT...or for . . a pretty box LOUIS JORDAN JOHNNY LONG In A Shanty In Old Shanty Town Blue Skies lffl IP I ft IDEAL CHRISTMAS GU TS Albums Table Radios Portable Radios Phono Radio Combinations Bonded Electronic Technicians Guaranteed Service Work HI WM &" iM con- j OLS1 Pf PlgSS JONES RADIO SERVICE PINAUD LILAC VEGETAL 50c Size LILAC TALC Both For $1.00 79c SOFTOL CUTICLE SET SOFTENS AND REMOVES CUTICLE WITHOUT CUTTING $1.00 Set KODAK FILM FINISHING Two-Piec- e ANY SIZE ROLL 6 throat. Ill frggggss CI quick, ready mustard pod 3 for fights COLDS r CHEST AM BOB HOPES improved $1.35 pEPSODEN 79c up delightfully fresh, woodsy Mountain Laurel fragrance. TOBACCO POUCHES $1.00 up $1. Larger set, $2. $1.00 up Up Gents' Leather FITTED CASES - - Unfitted 21-In- CROWN LUGGAGE Large $1.00 Size Mennen's EVENING IN SKIN BRACER PARIS - Williams VELVA - - Shave Lotion 50c AQUA $1.00 New triple vanity of sparkling metal designed with - Hair Tonic WILDROOT great artistry, polished like gold! The slender case includes a removable lips'ick built into the top, matching rouge and a tight compartment for loose powder . . ; complete make-u- p essentials in one lovely accessory. - - - - - - Gem, Gillette or STAR RAZORS Coty or Yardley SHAVING BOWLS 2 25c Tubes Listerine Up 50c Size 39 AA y BRUSHLESS SHAVE CR. - 5.00 plot tax WITH V.V or 8 EXPOSURES BABV HA.R Y.s'YoBt Radios, Record Players and Guaranteed Repair Work Appliances PLUS LIGHTERS Value for 98c lar MUSTARD 74c Carton Dusting taining shaker-to- p bottle of Powder and a with scented Both Cologne. Value for 79c For Softer, Whiter Hands $U0 Size jtWtWJ) 7 -y' Lb. Can TRIO PACQUIN'S HAND CREAM MILLS BROTHERS You Broke The Only Heart That Ever Loved You I'm Afraid To Love You OHO DANCO PIPES BOX FACE POWDER $1.38 JAR CREAM $1.93 pfi fL George Washington Smoking Tobacco 'Plmka. 55c HOAGY CARM1CHAEL Huggin' And Chalkin' I May Be Wrong In the Block ond Gold Jors qQC Popular Brands LADY ESTHER BEAUTY DIVIDEND Choo Choo Ch' Boogie That Chick's Too Young To Fry masagJ see thediffei CIGARETTES DREAM FLOWER FACE POWDER LIPSTICK AND ROUGE JULIA LEE Gotta Give Me Whatcha Got Lies Your hoi Yes... Smoking Tobacco 81c Lb. Can z. YARDLEY POND'S Waynesville, N. C. PETAL-TIN- LIQUID CREAM PERRY COMO If I'm Lucky One More Vote 1 both $3.50 for RECORDS 1 with Pufi $1.00 Simply hands with Solslin Prince Albert Sir Walter Raleigh 3b Yanky Clover, 3 Flowers, Violet Sec I you use Solslin. Proved relid CHEST Cd bronchitis. RICHARD HUDNUT DUSTING POWDER ENTIRELY TOO Bl'SY PHILADELPHIA So engrossed were members of the Beta Eta Chapter of the Theta Kappa Psi medical fraternity in their studies that they paid no attention to a noise they heard on the first floor of their house. However, the next morning the chef found that a baked ham, a roast of beef, several pounds of butter and four cartons of eggs were gone from the refrigerator, not to mention a carton of bacon, two bags of sugar, a quantity of canned soups and canned vegetables and fruit juices missing from a food locker. V- up $3.29 l5fl0 Mr. and Mrs. Harley Warlick. of Waynesville, R.F.D. No. 1. announce the birth of a son on December M Pieces A Perfect Gift 3 to 24 If V" SMOKERS' GIFT DEPARTMENT LADIES' DRESSER SETS Burrell. I JHonds thrilling to touch! wg m Mr. and Mrs. Walker Wood, of Hazelwood. announce the birth of a daughter on December 3. Mr. and Mrs, Woodrow RICHARD vjll oMfiC $2.50 Genuine Zippo Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Swanger of Canton, announce the birth of a son on December 2 Mr. and Mrs. VVoodrow Green, of Waynesville, announce the birth of a daughter on December 2. 1 SHWf H. H. Ayer 60c YOA iSe-O- Size FOAMING BATH SACHET Makes Rich, Creamy Bubbles. Five Luxurious Scents . . . Only $1.00 Wide Assortment ifJI FOR STERILIZER Sterilizes 8 Bottles at One Time. Enough for an Entire Day ... $6.95 COMPACTS Fred Dixon, of Canton, announce the birth of a daughter on November 30. Mrs smoother hani o ELECTRESTEEM Metal or Plastic 30. Mr. H 30 Main Street NEW HANDY WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY Bound in Flexible War Tex, 384 Pages Only 25c 25c ffel Sanitary, Washable Howard Hall, of Canton, announce the birth of a son on November 29th. Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Warren, of Canton, announce the birth of a daughter on November 30. REPAIRING 39c DRUG STORES Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and and jfvvi , ... FACE POWDER CUT-RAT- E Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jenkins, of Waynesville. announce the birth of a son on November 29. rt nTr uvu Mrs. S. A. Burrier and Mrs. E. C. Clark of Knoxville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kennedy last Sunday. Softer, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Drake, of Canton, announce the birth of a daughter on November, 29. it, Clasjfiedjdj V Mr. and Mrs. Buford Messer. of Bryson City, announce the birth of a daughter on November 29. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Amnions, of Bethel, announce the birth ot a son on November 29. Use The daugh- at Mr. and Mrs. DeFrairo and Get Extra Prints of Your Favorite Snapshots And Give Them to Friends 1: " :, -, bbyn - lighted. Mainline.1-"- I1 I- NESJ u.i.m"'-- B '