SANGKHIM CANAAN SCHOOL PO Box 0422 Kampong Chhnang, Kingdom of Cambodia NEWSLETTER - August 2014 SPECIAL TEACHERS’ TRAINING Three teachers from Singapore came to conduct a week-long kindergarten teacher training from 9-13 June. Lynette Khong, Mah Lai Ying, and Christy Koh all have many years of experience teaching kindergarten. They first observed the teachers to find out the real needs before showing them how to incorporate “learning corners” in their classrooms to keep students engaged. They also gave pointers on how to encourage creativity and independence. Our teachers were delighted to gain new insights to improve their teaching. Christy introduced hand bells and helped in the concert items for the graduation ceremony in August. Our teachers are looking forward to having these dear sisters again in November for further training! E-LEARNING IN FULL SWING Our parents consider English one of the most important subjects as it opens up more opportunities for their children. It is also one of the main reasons that parents choose our school over others. Thanks to generous donors, the school was able to purchase more than 20 laptops dedicated for e-learning. The Internet connection was also upgraded using fiber optic line. Our primary school subsribed to an interactive online English literacy program from Australia which allows our students to access over 550 e-books (most of them animated) along with 1000 fun, interactive activities and games.This method is effective since every student is able to read independently in a fun way and progress at their own pace.. TEEN CIRCUIT RIDERS ON AN EXCITING MISSION Teen Missions International sends hundreds of young people on mission trips all over the world. We had the privilege of hosting the Cambodia team on 14 July. The team comprised 11 members who shared the message of hope through drama, music, and puppets. Our children enjoyed the interaction with these fun American teenagers who spent four weeks in Kampong Chhnang, traveling on their motorbikes and camping out in tents, to share God’s love in different villages. NEW SCHOOL LIBRARY Our Singaporean friends donated many English books for our school library. Whenever visitors came, they brought over the books. Twelve bookshelves and four desks, as well as some Khmer books, have been recently ordered for the new library. Ong Ming Ann and her mother, both experienced educators, came to help set up the library for a few days in June. They gave a presentation on the usage of the library to our teachers and trained one of them to maintain the system. We welcome parents to volunteer for the “Read-to-Me” program in the Library. Please contact our teacher i/c Sambath. Staff and family members celebrating with thanksgiving dinner at the end of the academic year. The new academic year will start in October 2014 1|P ag e 5TH KINDERGARTEN GRADUATION AND THANKSGIVING 49 K2 students graduated on 2 August and received certificates from two guests of honor Mr Hi Nath, the Provincial Deputy Governor (Education) and Senator Chhit Kim Yeat. About 400 guests, parents and students enjoyed the concert. Students presented song and dance items using colorful costumes and lively music. There was also an open house for visitors to tour the classrooms, computer lab and library. Parents and guests were impressed by the students, staff and school facilities. STUDY TRIP TO SINGAPORE (4-11 August 2014) A team lead by our Principal Mr Hort Hor visited four kindergartens and one primary schools to gain a better understanding and appreciation of the holistic education program in Singapore. Team members are Ponita, Nary and Maril. They also learned about teachers’ roles in teaching, class management & curriculum development. We like to thank Bethesda AMK kindergarten, Bethesda BDW kindergarten, Creative O Preschoolers’ Bay, Gracefields Kindergarten & Child Care and Hougang Primary School for hosting the visits and extending hospitality. CONGRATULATIONS! We like to congratulate our Computer and PE teacher Men Siwath who married recently. Our English teacher Im Maril is expecting her firstborn at the beginning of next year. We are thankful for the ways God has blessed our dear teachers who are committed to serve at Sangkhim Canaan School. Watch a video of our school online or visit our website or Facebook using these QR Codes THANKSGIVING AND PRAYER POINTERS 1. 2. Thank God for the 5th Kindergarten Graduation and Thanksgiving on 2 August. Thank God for the 200 students; pray for their growth physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually. Pray for the salvation of their family members and friends through contact with the school. 3. Pray that the Executive Committee will be given the wisdom in planning for the school’s next phase (construction of Primary School facilities), and that brethren worldwide will be stirred to come alongside. 4. Pray for the Lord’s guidance on the preparation for the new school year starting in October. Pray for more students to join the school. 5. Pray for strength and wisdom for our current teaching staff to persevere in this noble vocation of molding pupils with sound values. Pray that they will continue to be imbued with the passion to teach their young wards and equip them with the relevant knowledge, skills and attitudes. Pray that they will continue to bond together as a team and work towards the vision and mission of the school. 6. Pray for the non-teaching staff (admin, caretaker, security guards, driver, cook and cleaner) as they tirelessly labor for the school. Pray that they will see themselves and the teachers as one team working towards the vision and mission of the school. Pray that the school will be a shining testimony for God in the community through excellence in every area, winning favor and trust of the community, so that more parents will send their children to the school. About Sangkhim Canaan School Established in 2009, the Sangkhim Canaan School is a Christian-run institution committed to the education of young Cambodians. The School provides holistic education that encompasses biblical values, preparing students to meet and excel the national curriculum, and to become responsible l eaders of the community. 2|P ag e