March 2015 - Keystone - Porsche Club of America

March 2015
----- Bill Simon III
This year's giant Porsche-Only Swap Meet will be held on Saturday, April
18th, in Hershey, Pa. The event runs all day and is put on by our
neighbors to the south, the Central Pennsylvania Region of PCA, and has
been held for years on parking lots at the HersheyPark Amusement Park
and the Giant Center (sports arena) in Hershey. If you've never been to
this event, you'll find it to be absolutely amazing. Entire (running and
non-running) Porsches will be available for sale, as well as every Porsche
part, T-shirt, book, magazine, cleaning product, model car, or whatever
else you think you need (and probably don't need) for your P-car, usually
at very good prices. It is virtually impossible to browse the many
vendors' booths and not find something you've been looking for.
Directions: If you're in or passing through the State College area: A local
State College group of members will be gathering at the Country Inn &
Suites hotel to convoy together to Hershey. Gather up at the Inn, and
enjoy their complimentary continental breakfast (Thank You, Mike
Szczesny!) from about 7:30 thru 8:15 AM on Saturday, April 18th.
Around 8:15, we'll depart, in formation, for the convoy drive to Hershey.
Country Inn & Suites is at 1357 East College Avenue (814.234.6000, if
you're lost). Take the East College Ave. exit from I-99/US-220/US-322,
aka the Mt. Nittany Expressway, which runs along the east side of State
College and the Penn State campus. Exiting the highways, turn west on
East College Ave, toward downtown State College, and the Country Inn &
Suites will be on your right within about a half mile. It's set back from the
road, but look for W.R. Hickey's beer distributor, and your'e there.
If you're coming from the eastern portion of the Keystone Region: A
group of Keystoners from your side of the Region will be gathering at
Susquehanna Mall, Rt.15 Selinsgrove, near Friendly's, 8:30 AM.
Logistics: So we know whom to wait for, if you're planning to join up at the Comfort Inn and Suites, please drop
Bill Simon a quick e-note at or give him a quick call at 814.235.1356.
More Logistics: If you're coming from the eastern areas of the Keystone Region, please drop Bob Cornell a quick
e-note at or give him a quick call at 570.884.7000 to let him know to wait for you.
I was having this dream. No, not that dream, this one was about the weather. There was Jen
Carfagno, from The Weather Channel, saying that it was above freezing and the snow was
melting. She went on to say that sometime in the near future, I might be able to get the
Porsche out and ACTUALLY DRIVE IT! Well campers, keep your fingers crossed-it might
really happen.
On Saturday we officially opened our 2015 Porsche season with a Cars & Coffee. We had
over thirty hungry (for breakfast and good weather) people and were honored to have Cheryl
Taylor, our Zone 2 rep, and her husband Claude join us. Thanks to all of you who came, and
too bad for the rest of you. It was a great way to start the year.
We also just had our second board meeting and have put together a solid schedule of events
for this year. They should all be listed in this issue of Keynotes and also on the web-site. I'm
happy to report that Eric and Karon Swendrowski are bringing back the Canyon Cruise, plus
we have four or five other driving events. Many thanks to our members who have stepped up
with ideas for events and the willingness to put them together. We can't be successful without
that kind of participation.
Thanks to Mike Szczesny we have new region patches. Check them out, they're really nice.
OK, enough from me. But remember, the success of our club depends on your participation.
So come out and enjoy your Porsche with us. Also remember, it's not just about the cars, it's
about the people.
Bob Cornell
PENNDOT is lowering the cost of all organizational plates
like our PCA PA PLATE. Penn dot’s website has been updated
with the new info and new PENDOT form:
at Restless Oaks Restaurant
The sun was actually shining on us
on Saturday, March 7th for our first
Cars and Coffee of the 2015
season. You could tell our
Keystoners were having a bad case
of cabin fever by the huge turnout 33 members - our biggest C and C
yet !!!!
To make it even better, we were
joined by our Zone 2 rep, Cheryl Taylor and her husband Claude, who made the trek to
McElhattan from snowy Baltimore. They had a great time chatting with everyone and loved
the ambience of Restless Oaks.
Thanks to all our members who turned out - Bill Simon, Dick and Nan Meyer, Dave and
Carol Durrwachter, Steve Ryder and Jacque Weaver, Steve Olson, Maggie and Larry Emery,
Katarina, Alexandra, Karon and Eric Swendrowski, Don, Heidi and Taylor Leitzell, Bob
Fredrickson, Jim and Dewane Stuck, Mike Szczesny and Penny Condo, Judy and Fred Sears,
Jim Hagerty, Dave, Steve and Kelly Gundy, Butch Thompson and Bob and Gwen Cornell.
A special welcome to Dave and Cheryl Gundy - new members of the Club - and, of course,
to their Cayman P-car. We hope to see you all soon at upcoming events. Your Board has a lot
of exciting events planned throughout the year.
Gwen Cornell
For the most up to date info on events, specials
and live entertainment check us out online at: & facebook
208 Bellefonte Ave. Lock Haven, PA 17745 570-893-7638
Our website is now constantly updated with current information on the Keystone Region.
For the calendar of events, newsletters, classifieds, photos, and more, please visit
Keystone Region
Porsche Club of America
c/o 109 Wildernest Lane
Port Matilda, PA 16870
March 7
April 18
May 16
June 28
July 11
August 22
Sept. 26
Oct. 24
Cars & Coffee
Hershey swap meet
Canyon Cruise
Elk Creek Tour and Sunday brunch
Cars & Coffee Restless Oaks McElhattan, PA
Bedford County Tour and Lunch at the Jean Bonnet tavern
Meritt Museum tour and lunch-Eagles Mere area
Cars & Coffee Eat N Park State College (date tentative)
PRESIDENT: Bob Cornell
5 Fairway Drive, Selinsgrove, PA 17870
880 West Aaron Drive
State College, PA 16803 814-235-1356
2528 Bernel Rd. State College, 16803
TREASURER: Mike Szczesny
18 Cricklewood Circle,
State College, PA 16803
SECRETARY: Gwen Cornell
15 Fairway Drive, Selinsgrove, PA 17870
MEMBER AT LARGE: Richard A Meyer
141 Scarlet Oak Circle State College, Pa. 16803
Black Walnut Body Works
1620 Zion Road
Bellefonte, PA 16823
Eric Swendrowski 840 Oregon Hill rd.
Morris, pa 16938
109 Wildernest Lane, Port Matilda, PA 16870
WEBMASTER: Steve Ryder
Zone 2 rep: Cheryl Taylor
If you're not receiving the club e-mails
or if your e-mail address has changed recently,
please send your e-mail address to Bob Cornell:
Keynotes is the official publication of the Keystone Region of the Porsche Club of America. All opinions, views, and information
appearing are those of the authors and not necessarily those of PCA, Keystone Region, its officers, or the editor. The editor encourages
submissions for publication, but reserves the right to edit such materials. Permission is granted to other PCA regions to reprint any material
provided full credit is given to the author and Keynotes. Contact Eric Swendrowski, Editor, at 570-353-2711, or at