PHED 2007 The Science of Nutrition TheScienceofNutritionAssignedReading WhatNutritionScientistsDo(pg11‐15): 1. What do scientists do? Describe the method they use to do research. 2. Define the following research terms. a) Blind experiment b) Case study c) Control group d) Experimental group e) Correlation f) Intervention studies g) Randomized control study h) Placebo i) Epidemiological study j) Laboratory study k) Anecdotal evidence p 21 l) Quackery p 21 3. When is a finding considered confirmed? 4. What are some of the concerns with media reporting of nutrition information? How do “real scientists” work towards making recommendations? 5. Describe the components of a research article. 6. What are some tips to reading nutrition news with an educated eye? SortingtheImpostersfromtheRealNutritionExperts(pg21‐26): 7. Where do most people get their nutrition information from? Why is this a concern? 8. How can you identify valid nutrition information? 9. What are the earmarks of nutrition quackery? 10. How can you identify a reliable website? 11. Who are nutrition experts? What degree credentials should you look for? Introductory Nutrition 1 | P a g e