Principal Authors Jeffrey Michael is the Principal Investigator and Director of the Business Forecasting Center at the University of the Pacific in Stockton, California. His areas of expertise include regional economic forecasting and environmental economics including work on the economic impacts of the Endangered Species Act, climate change, and regulation on land use, property values and employment growth. Robert Pyke is an individual consultant on geotechnical, earthquake and water resources engineering. He has forty years of practical experience on a variety of civil engineering projects but has had a particular focus on dams and levees. He served as an expert witness in the litigation that followed both the 1982 flooding of McDonald Island and the 1986 failure of the Yuba River levee that flooded the townships of Linda and Olivehurst (the Paterno case). Margit Aramburu is the Director of the Natural Resources Institute at the University of the Pacific. Her areas of expertise include regional planning and environmental management. Ms Aramburu has over 30 years experience in the field of regional planning, including 12 years as Executive Director of the Delta Protection Commission. Pete Dangermond is President of The Dangermond Group, which he founded in 1983. He brings to his consulting practice a life-long professional career devoted to parks and recreation and allied fields of wildlife conservation and open space preservation. Prior to establishing The Dangermond Group, Mr. Dangermond was Director of the State of California Department of Parks and Recreation. Prior to joining the State Parks Department, he worked as parks director for the Counties of Monterey and Riverside. Thomas Pogue is the Project Manager and Assistant Director of the Business Forecasting Center at the University of the Pacific in Stockton, California. His current research interests include sustainable regional economic development; human resource mobility; monitoring, evaluation, and learning systems; the economics of technological change; and collaborative innovation. Ben Sigman is a Vice President in the Berkeley, California office of Economic & Planning Systems. He is a land use economist with expertise in the areas of real estate development and natural resource economics. His project work includes market and financial analyses, development and sustainability strategies, economic and fiscal impact assessments, and land use regulation and policy. Karin Winters is Vice-President of The Dangermond Group, where she has worked since 2001, managing diverse recreation and land conservation related projects, with a focus on financing projects, land acquisition, grant proposals, strategic planning, implementation strategy planning, meeting facilitation, and management and administration. David Zehnder is a Managing Principal in the Sacramento, California office of Economic & Planning Systems. His areas of expertise include real estate feasibility, public-private partnership, public finance, and economic development strategy. He is the Chair of the Urban Land Institute’s Sacramento District Council and is a member of both the International Economic Development Council and the California Association for Local Economic Development. Economic Sustainability Plan for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Page 286 Contributing Authors and Researchers Ron Baldwin Peterson Brustad, Inc. Tepa Banda Economic & Planning Systems, Inc. Robert Benedetti Jacoby Center, University of the Pacific Shawn Callahan Business Forecasting Center, University of the Pacific Mike Conrad Sapper West Joe DeCredico Garcia DeCredico Studio Doug Gardner The Dangermond Group Kerry Gates The Dangermond Group Penny Hill Penny Hill Public Relations Pam Jones Kerns & West Benedict Leong Business Forecasting Center, University of the Pacific Jason Moody Economic & Planning Systems, Inc. Jesse Neumann Business Forecasting Center, University of the Pacific John Nicolaus Mogavero Notestine Associates Mike Notestine Mogavero Notestine Associates Megan Quinn Economic & Planning Systems, Inc. Vaughn Quoss Independent Consultant Edward Sullivan Economic & Planning Systems, Inc. David Sunding University of California, Berkeley Jesse Walker Economic & Planning Systems, Inc. Arianna Yepez Jacoby Center, University of the Pacific Economic Sustainability Plan Chapter Authors Chapter 1: Introduction Jeffrey Michael Chapter 2: Overview of the People and Economy of the Delta Jason Moody and Ben Sigman Chapter 3: The Delta Ecosystem and Economic Sustainability Robert Pyke and Jeffrey Michael Chapter 4: Review of Key Policies and Planning Processes Margit Aramburu, Jeffrey Michael and Robert Pyke Chapter 5: Flood, Earthquake and Sea-Level Rise Risk Management Robert Pyke, Ron Baldwin, Mike Conrad, and Jeffrey Michael Chapter 6: Framework for Analysis Jeffrey Michael Chapter 7: Agriculture Jeffrey Michael and Vaughn Quoss Chapter 8: Recreation and Tourism Pete Dangermond, Karin Winters, and Ben Sigman Chapter 9: Infrastructure Thomas Pogue and Robert Pyke Chapter 10: Legacy Communities David Zehnder, Ben Sigman, Jesse Walker, Joe DeCredico, and Margit Aramburu Chapter 11: Integrated Issues for Delta Economic Sustainability Jeffrey Michael, Karin Winters, and David Zehnder Chapter 12: Recommended Strategies and Actions for Economic Sustainability Written collaboratively by the Consultants and the Delta Protection Commission Economic Sustainability Plan for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Page 287 Acknowledgements The authors would like to acknowledge the assistance of many individuals and organizations who have contributed to the ESP. While these contributions have been important in the development of the ESP, the contents do not necessarily reflect their policies or opinions. In particular, we would like to acknowledge: Steve Michelson of Applied Water Resources; Warren Bogle of Bogle Winery; Mark Rogerson of Brown & Meyer & Cook; Mike Hardesty of the California Central Valley Flood Control Association; Bill Wells of the California Delta Chambers & Visitor's Bureau; Justin Fredrickson of the California Farm Bureau Federation; Dennis Cadd and Eric Fredricks of Caltrans; Tom Zuckerman of the Central Delta Water Agency; Phil Harrington of the City of Antioch; Jeff Willett, Larry Parlin, and Robert Granberg of the City of Stockton; Dominic Demare of the Clarksburg General Plan Advisory Committee; Ken Kirby, Loren Bottorff, and Will Betchart as consultants to DWR; Ann Spaulding, Bob Whitley, Gary Craft, and Mike Coughlin of the Contra Costa Council; John Greitzer of Contra Costa County; Deanna Sereno, Greg Gartrell, and Maureen Martin of the Contra Costa Water District; Bill Emlin, Clifford Covey, and Kathy Barnes-Jones of the County of Solano; Emily Pappalardo and Gil Labrie of DCC Engineering; Campbell Ingram and Elisa Sabatini of the Delta Conservancy; Dave Mraz, Doug Rischbieter, Geoff Shaw, Kamyar Guvetchi, Mike Inamine, Mike Mirmazaheri, Rod Mayer, Sean Bageban, Steve Bradley, and Steve Mahnke of the DWR; Nancy Kaiser of the East Bay Regional Park District; Doug Wallace and Eileen White of EBMUD; Gina van Klompenburg of CA Fish and Game; Mark Morais of Giusti's; Dominick Gulli of Green Mountain Engineering; Kevin Tillis of Hultgren-Tillis Engineers; Linda Garcia of the Isleton Police Department; Basil Rudnick and Jay Sorensen of the Jolly Jay Guide Service; Kande Korth of Korth's Pirate's Lair Marina; Bill Darsie and Chris Neudeck of KSN, Inc.; Shirley Roberts of the Locke Homeowners Assocation; Les Lyman of the Lyman Group, Inc.; Chris Lauritzen of the Marine Recreation Association; Gil Cosio, Michael Moncrief, and Nate Hershey of MBK Engineers; Anna Fock of MHW Americas, Inc.; Melinda Terry and Steve Mello of the North Delta Water Agency; Jeff Wingfield of the Port of Stockton; Roy Shlemon of R. J. Shlemon & Assoc., Inc.; Tom Myers of Rio Vista Fire; Stan Simi of the River Delta Fire District; Barbara Moore of the River Delta USD; Jan Leroy of the Ryde Hotel; David Shebazian of the Sacramento Area Council of Governments; Connie Ford, Don Thomas, and George Booth of Sacramento County; Laura Grossman and Marla Andrade of the Sacramento County Sheriff; Alison Whipple of the San Francisco Estuary Institute; Mel Lytle of San Joaquin County; George Fink of the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission; Nicky Suard of Snug Harbor Resorts; David Okeda of the Solano County Water Agency; John Herrick of the South Delta Water Agency; Cheryl Essex and Dan Ray of State Parks; Pablo Garza of The Nature Conservancy; Bart McDermott of the US Fish & Wildlife Service; Dennis Clarke of the USACE; Brian Atwater of the USGS; Henry Matsunaga of Wagner & Bonsignore; Joe Enos of the Walnut Grove Homeowners Association; Mark Wilson of Wilson Farms; David Morrison, Petrea Marchand, and Wes Ervin of Yolo County; Lieutenant Martin Torres, Rosario Ruiz-Dark, and Sgt. Al Williams of the Yolo County Sheriff; Emily Barnett; and Mary McTaggart. Economic Sustainability Plan for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Page 288 Bibliography Agricultural Issues Center. 2011. “AIC Delta Study Final.” University of California, Davis. Accessed online: Akers, Patrick. 2010. “Aquatic Weed Integrated Vegetation Management Plan – Contra Costa Delta.” Updated 10/9/2010. Accessed online: Atwater, B. 1982. “Geologic Maps of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California.” USGS Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-1401. U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Department of the Interior. Baldwin, R. 2011. “San Joaquin County Comments on the First Staff Draft of the Delta Plan.” Delta Stewardship Council. Accessed online: Betchart, Will B. 2008. “Delta Levees – Types, Uses and Policy Options.” Prepared for Delta Vision, August. Betchart, Will B. 2011. Memo to Delta Levees and Habitat Advisory Committee, California Department of Water Resources, with attached MOU. 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