Important Terms Chapters 5-8 George III Treaty of Paris 1763 Writs

Important Terms Chapters 5-8
George III
Treaty of Paris 1763
Writs of Assistance
Admiralty Courts
Chief Pontiac
1763 Proclamation Act
George Grenville
1764 Sugar Act
1764 Currency Act
Stamp Act
Quartering Act
Sons of Liberty
Virginia Resolves
Patrick Henry
Stamp Act Congress
Charles Townshend
Samuel Adams
John Hancock
Boston Massacre
Crispus Attucks
Lord North
British East India Co.
Boston Tea Party
Committees of Correspondence
Coercive Acts
Intolerable Acts
Lexington & Concord
When / Where does the "Revolution" begin?
Declaration of Independence:
04 July 1776
Lexington & Concord:
19 April 1775
1st Continental Congress:
Sept./Oct. 1774
2nd Continental Congress
May 1775
Boston Tea Party:
December 1773
Boston Massacre:
05 March 1770
Townshend Acts:
Stamp Act Congress:
October 1765
Sons of Liberty:
Summer 1765
Stamp Act/Quartering Act:
March 1765
Sugar Act:
Spring 1764
"Imperial Crisis":
1754 - 1763
Molasses Act / Navigation Acts: 1651 - 1733
Bunker Hill / Breed’s Hill
Thomas Paine
Common Sense
Declaration of Independence
Battle of Trenton
Patriots / Whigs
Loyalists / Tories
Benedict Arnold
Valley Forge
Baron von Steuben
Banastre Tarleton
Thomas Sumter
Francis Marion
(The Gamecock)
(The Swamp Fox)
Battle of Camden
Battle of King’s Mountain
General Charles Cornwallis
Battle of Yorktown
Peace of Paris
Articles of Confederation
Northwest Ordinance
Shay’s Rebellion
James Madison
Alexander Hamilton
Constitutional Convention
Virginia Plan
New Jersey Plan
The “Great Compromise”
The Federalist
Supreme Court
John Jay
Whiskey Rebellion
John Adams
Alien & Sedition Acts
Thomas Jefferson