1 Plate Tectonics 2 Continental Drift In 1912, Alfred Lothar Wegener (1880-1930), a German meteorologist, published the idea of continental drift. Wegener proposed that all of the continents were once joined together as one supercontinent that he called Pangea. He also compiled a great deal of evidence to support his hypothesis, including the distribution of fossils and mountain ranges. • Introduction • Predecessor of plate tectonics: Continental drift hypothesis • What is the theory of plate tectonics? • What is a plate? • How do we find their edges? • How many plates are there? • Why is plate tectonics important? • Types of relative plate movements (and related stresses) • Types of plate boundaries • Plate boundaries and earthquake depths • Measuring plate motions • Why do plates move? This Dynamic Earth - USGS 3 Fossil evidence for once joined continents Later studies have allowed the positions of the continents at different times in Earth history to be determined, and have documented the breakup of Pangea. 4 This Dynamic Earth - USGS This Dynamic Earth - USGS Plate Tectonics Today, we know that it isn’t just the continents that have moved. Rather, the Earth’s surface is broken into pieces of continental and/or ocean crust called plates. Plate tectonics deals with the nature of these plates, what happens at their boundaries, how and why they move, etc. 5 6 Plate tectonics also explains the locations of earthquake faults, volcanoes, and major mountain ranges. Photos from: This Dynamic Earth (USGS) and Understanding Earth Fig 20.3 - Understanding Earth 1 Active continental margins (plate boundary) vs. Passive continental margins (no plate boundary) 7 Zones of progressively deeper earthquakes revealed the existence of 8 subduction. This led to an understanding of how ocean crust is recycled at ocean trenches. The western margin of North America is an active area with earthquakes (yellow) and volcanic activity (red). In contrast, the eastern margin of North America is quiet with no active volcanoes and few earthquakes. The eastern margin is passive. We now know that the active zones coincide with the boundaries between plates (blue). Geology 2nd ed. Chernicoff USGS The discovery of extensive ocean ridges and young ages for the ocean floor (in the 1940s and 1950s) provided another important clue. 9 10 What is a plate? – The brittle outer part of the earth (crust and uppermost mantle) is called the lithosphere. The lithosphere is broken into plates that move on the asthenosphere, a part of the mantle which is plastic (able to flow). Fig 17.27 Understanding Earth This Dynamic Earth - USGS Types of relative plate movements and boundaries and related stresses and fault types 11 12 Compression Extension Reverse and thrust faults Normal faults Folding Stretching and thinning Shear Strike-slip faults Shearing This Dynamic Earth - USGS 2 The mid-ocean ridge (shown in red) winds its way between the continents much like the seam on a baseball This Dynamic Earth - USGS 13 14 Fig 1.15 - Understanding Earth This Dynamic Earth - USGS Mid-Atlantic Ridge at Iceland 15 16 Continental Rifting Africa East African Rift SOUTH Gulf of Aden Red Sea East African Rift Continental rifting: The Afar Triangle Photo from Space Shuttle: STS061-079-024 - NASA This Dynamic Earth - USGS Fig 20.3 - Understanding Earth Next: 20-Plate Divergence.mov (Red Sea rift) 17 Geology 2nd ed. - Chernicoff (originally from Bullard, 1969, The Origin of the Continents: Scientific American) 18 Transform Boundaries This Dynamic Earth - USGS 3 Transform plate boundary San Andreas fault, California 19 20 Ocean-ocean convergent boundary This Dynamic Earth - USGS Fig 1.17 - Understanding Earth 21 22 Ocean-continent convergent boundary This Dynamic Earth - USGS Japan, an example of an oceanic island arc Photo from Space Shuttle: STS059-218-044 - NASA 23 Intrusive igneous rocks formed along an ancient volcanic arc: Part of the Sierra-Nevada batholith in Yosemite National Park 24 Continent-continent convergent boundary This Dynamic Earth - USGS Next: 20-Ocean-Continent.mov (Andean subduction zone) 4 25 Formation of the highest mountains on earth by continent-continent collision 26 Plate boundaries and earthquake depths All types of plate boundaries can produce shallow earthquakes. The deepest earthquakes (and some of the largest earthquakes) occur in subduction zones. This Dynamic Earth - USGS Next: 20-Continent-Continent.mov (India-Asia collision zone) Measuring plate motions using hot spots 27 Fig 20.11 - Understanding Earth 28 Hotspots and plate movements Geology 2nd ed. - Chernicoff Map of part of the Pacific ocean floor showing the 6,000-km-long Hawaiian Ridge-Emperor Seamounts chain – This volcanic trail of the Hawaiian “hotspot” could be related to a mantle plume This Dynamic Earth - USGS Ages of the ocean crust Fig. 10-16 Chernicoff - Geology Hot spots and the opening of the south Atlantic Ocean http://earth.leeds.ac.uk/dynamicearth/plates_move/hotspots/index.htm 29 30 A GPS ground receiver -- here set up on the flank of Augustine Volcano (Cook Inlet, Alaska) -- recording the signals sent by four or more of the orbiting GPS satellites. Artist's conception of a Global Positioning System satellite in orbit also shown. Source: USGS 5 31 32 Major plate boundaries and their rates of movement Fig 20.12 - Understanding Earth Projected future positions of the continents - 100 million years from now: If current plate movements continue unchanged, part of California will become an island off the coast of Washington, the Mediterranean Sea may close, and eastern Africa may become an island. Geology 2nd ed. - Chernicoff 33 34 Plate Tectonics: Why do plates move? The general scientific consensus is that plate movements are related to convection within the Earth’s mantle, although the direction and speed of a moving plate doesn doesn’tt always equal the movement in the mantle beneath it. The convection results from the escape of heat from the Earth’s interior and involves the pull of gravity on rocks of different densities. Possible mechanisms to drive plate motions Fig 20.25 - Understanding Earth Fig 1.13 - Understanding Earth Slab pull - cold, relatively dense lithosphere is pulled downward at subduction zones and pulls the rest of the plate along behind it 35 36 Ridge push - sliding down slope away from the ridge which results in tension at the rift valley and also pushes the rest of the plates apart - the tension allows molten rock to rise toward the surface and form new ocean crust Lithosphere Rift Valley Oceanic crust partial melting upwelling Asthenosphere Image source: This Dynamic Earth – USGS http://pubs.usgs.gov/publications/text/dynamic.html 6 37 This Dynamic Earth - U.S. Geological Survey http://pubs.usgs.gov/publications/text/dynamic.html Paleomap Project - Continent locations of the past, present and future. http://www.scotese.com/ Plate Tectonics - U.S.G.S. Cascades Volcano Observatory http://vulcan.wr.usgs.gov/Glossary/PlateTectonics/framework.html What is Plate Tectonics? – USGS and National Park Service http://www2.nature.nps.gov/geology/usgsnps/pltec/pltec1.html Plate Tectonics Animations – USGS and National Park Service http://www2.nature.nps.gov/geology/usgsnps/animate/pltecan.html 7