Compare contrast essay

Douglass 1
Victoria Douglass Ms. Choi English 9, Period 2
12 September 2013 Compare and contrast essay How would you feel to be the one in danger? It doesn't sound so fun right? Well, these stories deal with lots of danger. Even though one is an autobiography while the other is non-fiction, they teach us life lessons. They teach us that we should stay on the right path we are suppose to be on. If you go off that path you will hit danger at some point. "A Sound of Thunder" and "Being Prey" are similar, but yet different in many ways.They both take place in the outdoors where they are not familiar with the location. In "A Sound of Thunder", the location is back in time when the dinosaurs were around, they were in a jungle of some sort. In "Being Prey", the location is in a swamp with crocodiles. This takes me to my next difference.
"In a Sound of Thunder," the prey is a Tyrannosaurs Rex, that they are trying to kill. In "Being Prey" the prey is Val Plumwood. She is being attacked by a crocodile. One prey was killed while one got away. Which one got away you ask? While that would be Val Plumwood! She escaped the death roll after 3 Douglass 2
times. Unlike the dinosaur who got shot and killed. You must always stay on the path! In "A Sound of Thunder" Eckles, the main character, goes off the path. He gets frightened when he sees the Tyrannosaurs coming towards him and ran off the path. He killed a butterfly and you wouldn't think that butterfly do a thing to the future right? I mean come on its just a little butterfly.Wrong! It changed the future in several ways. Spelling was different, the result of the president election was different, all because he went off the path and killed a little butterfly. Same with Plumwood, except she was going to do a research on rock formation, when she forgot which river canal to go down in her canoe. She didn't have a map and took the wrong canal straight to all the crocodiles. That's when she turned into prey. The crocodile came after her and got her in the death roll three times before she finally escaped. She ended up getting away but that just shows how we should stay on the right path.
You never know what's going to happen. You might think, oh nothing's going to happen; its just a short cut or just a different route. Still, always listen to what you are told and stay on the right path. You never know what will happen. For all you know you can be the next prey.