SAFT GROUPE S.A. A joint-stock company (société anonyme) with a

A joint-stock company (société anonyme) with a Management Board
and a Supervisory Board
Share capital: €27,672,002
Registered office: 12 rue Sadi Carnot, 93170 Bagnolet, France
Registered with the Bobigny Companies Registry under number 481 480 465
The English-language version of these bylaws is a free translation from the original,
which was prepared in French. All possible care has been taken to ensure that the
translation is an accurate representation of the original. However, in all matters of
interpretation of information expressed therein the original language version of the
document in French takes precedence over this translation.
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Legal Form
The Company is a joint-stock company (société anonyme) with a Management Board
and a Supervisory Board, governed by French law, including the provisions of Book II
of the French Commercial Code (Code de commerce).
Corporate Purpose
The Company’s purpose, directly and indirectly, and in any and all countries, is to:
1 - Research, create, operate, manage and administer any and all types of business or
commercial, industrial, real-estate or financial undertaking;
2 - Acquire, rent, lease (either with or without an undertaking to sell), build and operate
any and all types of factory, workshop, office or other premises;
3 - Acquire, manage, operate, lease (either with or without a purchase option), and, to a
lesser extent, sell, any and all capital goods, stationary or movable equipment,
machines and tooling, as well as all forms of land, sea or air vehicles;
4 - Directly or indirectly participate in all forms of transaction or undertaking by (i)
setting up real-estate, commercial, industrial or financial companies, establishments or
groupings, (ii) participating in the creation of such entities or (iii) injecting capital into
existing companies;
5 - Manage a portfolio of investments in equity and marketable securities as well as any
related transactions or operations;
6 - Own and manage any type of building;
7 - Research, develop, manufacture, sell and lease any and all types of accumulators,
electric storage and other batteries and their components, as well as all derivative
applications, and generally any and all mechanical, electrical or electronic equipment
that may contribute to the proper functioning thereof, as well as any and all products
that may be manufactured therefrom; and to manufacture and sell any and all forms of
electric or electronic materials;
8 - Acquire, use, sell or transfer any and all patents, licenses, manufacturing processes
and secrets, know-how, models or trademarks concerning the equipment and materials
set out in paragraph 7 above; and
9 - Generally conduct any and all transactions of an industrial, commercial or financial
nature or involving real estate or other assets that relate directly or indirectly, in whole
or in part, to any of the purposes set out above or to any similar or related purposes.
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Company Name
The Company’s name is:
In all deeds and documents issued by the Company, this name must always be preceded
or followed by the words “a joint-stock company (société anonyme) with a
Management Board and a Supervisory Board” (or “Société anonyme à directoire et
conseil de surveillance” in French), and by the amount of the issued capital.
Registered Office
The Company’s registered office is located at 12, rue Sadi Carnot, 93170 Bagnolet,
France. Upon decision of the Supervisory Board the registered office may be
transferred to another location in the same département or a neighboring département
subject to ratification by the next Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting. The transfer of the
registered office to any other location is subject to a decision by an Extraordinary
Shareholders' Meeting.
If the Supervisory Board decides to transfer the registered office in accordance with the
law, the Management Board will be authorized to amend the bylaws accordingly.
The Company has been incorporated for a period of ninety-nine years but may be
wound up in advance.
Fiscal Year
The Company’s fiscal year begins on January 1 and ends on December 31.
Share Capital
The Company’s share capital amounts to €27,672,002 divided into €27,672,002 shares
with a par value of €1 each, all in the same class.
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Amendments to the Company’s Share Capital
The Company’s share capital may be increased, reduced or redeemed in accordance
with the provisions of the French Commercial Code.
Payment for Shares
Shares subscribed for in cash are issued and paid up in accordance with the provisions
of the French Commercial Code.
Form of Shares
1 - Fully paid-up shares may be held either in registered or bearer form, at the
shareholder’s discretion.
2 - Other than in the case where shares are registered in the name of an intermediary in
accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, evidence of share ownership is
provided by the shares being recorded in the shareholder’s name as follows: (i) For
registered shares – in the share register held either by the Company or the Company’s
representative, and (ii) For bearer shares – in the register held by an accredited financial
3 - In order to identify the holders of bearer shares the Company may request the
information provided for in Article L. 228-2 of the French Commercial Code from the
central depository responsible for holding its securities account. Accordingly, the
Company is entitled to request, at any time, in exchange for a fee, the name – or, in the
case of corporate shareholders, the registered name –, nationality, year of birth – or, in
the case of corporate shareholders, the year of incorporation – and address of holders of
securities carrying immediate or deferred voting rights at Shareholders’ Meetings, as
well as the number of securities held in each case and details of any restrictions
applicable to the securities concerned.
4 - After reviewing the information provided by the central securities depository, if the
Company believes that any individuals or legal entities included in the list manage
securities accounts on behalf of the ultimate owners of the securities, it may contact
such individuals or legal entities – either directly or through the depository – to obtain
details of the identity of said ultimate owners. Any such individuals or legal entities
acting in the capacity of intermediary are under the obligation to disclose the identity of
the ultimate owners of the securities. The information is provided directly to the
accredited financial intermediary that manages the Company's securities account,
which is responsible for passing on said information either to the Company or the
central depository, as applicable.
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5 - For registered shares and other securities carrying immediate or deferred rights to
the Company’s capital, any intermediary holding the securities on behalf of a
shareholder that is domiciled outside France must disclose the identity of the person or
entity for whom it is acting as well as the number of shares held by each, upon simple
request by the Company or its representative, which may be made at any time.
6 - Where the Company receives details concerning the identity of a party that it
believes is holding securities on behalf of an ultimate owner, it is entitled to require the
party concerned to provide details of the identity of the ultimate owner(s) of the
securities. The Company may also request from any corporate shareholder holding over
2.5% of the Company’s capital or voting rights, information concerning the identity of
individuals or legal entities holding either directly or indirectly over one third of the
corporate shareholder’s capital or voting rights.
7 - In the event of a failure to comply with the above requirements, the corresponding
shares or other securities carrying immediate or deferred rights to the Company’s
capital will be stripped of voting rights for all Shareholders’ Meetings held until the
relevant identification request has been fulfilled. The payment of any corresponding
dividends will also be deferred until that date.
8 - In addition, if the registered individual or legal entity deliberately ignores their
obligations, the Company or one or more shareholders holding at least 5% of the
Company’s capital may apply to the court of the place in which the Company’s
registered office is located to obtain an order to totally or partially strip the shares
concerned of their voting rights and the corresponding dividend, for a maximum period
of five years.
Share Transfers
1 - The Company’s shares are freely transferable, unless otherwise provided for under
the applicable laws and regulations.
2 - Transfers of registered and bearer shares by both the Company and third parties are
carried out by way of an inter-account transfer in accordance with the applicable laws
and regulations.
3 - No inter-account transfers may be made for shares which have not been fully paid
up to the extent called.
Disclosure Thresholds
1 - In accordance with the provisions of the French Commercial Code, any individual
or legal entity, acting alone or in concert with others, who becomes the owner of a
number of shares in the Company representing over one twentieth, one tenth, three
twentieths, one fifth, one quarter, three tenths, one third, half, two thirds, eighteen
twentieths or nineteen twentieths of the Company’s share capital and/or voting rights,
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must notify the Company and the French securities regulator (Autorité des marchés
financiers) of the total number of shares and/or voting rights that such individual or
legal entity then owns, at the latest before the close of trading of the fourth trading day
following the crossing of one of these disclosure thresholds. Said information is made
available to the public in accordance with the conditions set down in the General
Regulations of the Autorité des marchés financiers. The same information must be
disclosed in cases where a shareholder's interest falls below any of the above
2 - In the event of a failure to comply with these disclosure requirements, the shares not
disclosed pursuant to the law as described above, will be stripped of voting rights at any
and all Shareholders' Meetings held within the two-year period from the date when the
omission is remedied.
3 - Any individual or legal entity, acting alone or in concert with others, who becomes
the owner – directly or indirectly – of a number of shares representing at least 1% of the
Company's share capital and/or voting rights (or any multiple thereof), must disclose to
the Company, within five trading days of crossing the disclosure threshold(s), the total
number of shares and securities carrying rights to the Company’s capital and/or voting
rights, by registered letter with return receipt requested.
4 - In the event of a failure to comply with these disclosure requirements, at the request
of one or several shareholders holding at least 1% of the Company’s capital and/or
voting rights, duly recorded in the minutes of the Shareholders’ Meeting, the
undisclosed shares will be stripped of voting rights at all Shareholders’ Meetings held
within the two-year period from the date when the omission is remedied.
5 - The same disclosures are required – under the same timeframe and conditions – in
cases where a shareholder's interest falls below any of the above thresholds.
Indivisibility of shares – Beneficial ownership
1 - Shares are indivisible vis-à-vis the Company.
2 - Joint owners of shares that are indivisible are represented at Shareholders’ Meetings
by one of the owners or by a jointly appointed agent. In the event of disagreement, said
agent will be appointed by the Commercial Court at the request of the first joint owner
to enter a petition.
3 - Voting rights attached to the Company’s shares are exercisable by the beneficial
owner (usufruitier) at Ordinary Shareholders’ Meetings and by the bare owner
(nu-propriétaire) at Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meetings. However, where the title of
shares is split between bare owners and beneficial owners, the said parties may agree on
any other form of division for the purposes of exercising their voting rights at
Shareholders’ Meetings. In such a case the owners concerned shall inform the
Company of their agreement by way of a registered letter sent to the Company’s
registered office. The Company will respect said agreement for all Shareholders’
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Meetings held after the expiry of a one month period following the date on which the
registered letter was sent (as evidenced by the post mark).
Rights and Duties Attached to Shares
1 - Each share entitles its holder to a proportion of profits and net assets based on the
proportion of capital represented by the share. Each share confers the right to (1) vote, it
being understood that this right to one vote for each share held shall prevail
notwithstanding any provision of non-mandatory law or regulation to the contrary.
2 - Shareholders are liable for losses only up to the amount of their capital
contributions. The rights and duties attached to shares are transferred with title to the
shares. Share ownership automatically requires shareholders to comply with the
Company’s bylaws and the decisions made by Shareholders’ Meetings.
3 - Heirs, creditors, beneficiaries or any other representatives of a shareholder may not
apply for the Company's assets to be placed under seal or to be sold or divided, and may
not interfere in the running of the Company. All rights of said persons are governed by
the Company’s applicable rules and regulations and decisions of Shareholders’
4 - Where a shareholder must own a specific number of shares to exercise a particular
right relating to the exchange or allocation of shares, a reverse stock-split, a capital
increase or decrease, a merger or other corporate action, shareholders owning fewer
than the number of shares required to exercise the rights concerned will be personally
responsible for obtaining said number, through share purchases or sales if necessary.
5 - Unless prohibited by law, all tax exemptions or offsets as well as any tax payable by
the Company, shall be applied to all of the Company’s shares equally prior to any
allocation or redemption, throughout the term of the Company or upon its liquidation,
in order to ensure that all shares in the same class receive the same net amount, based on
their respective par values and cum-rights dates.
Management Board
1 - The Company is managed by a Management Board comprising individuals
appointed by the Supervisory Board (including the Chairman of the Management
Board) for two-year terms of office.
2 - The number of members of the Management Board is set by the Supervisory Board
and – apart from in exceptional cases and as permitted by law – must be no fewer than
two and no more than seven.
3 - No member of the Supervisory Board may be a member of the Management Board.
If a member of the Supervisory Board is appointed as a member of the Management
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Board, his/her term of office on the Supervisory Board will terminate when he/she joins
the Management Board.
4 - The duties of Management Board members cease when their terms of office expire,
as well as in the event of death, personal bankruptcy, resignation or removal from
office. A resigning member must give the Management Board and the Supervisory
Board at least three months’ notice of his/her resignation by way of a registered letter
with return receipt requested.
5 - Members of the Management Board may be removed from office by shareholders at
a General Meeting or by the Supervisory Board.
6 - Management Board meetings are called by the Board’s Chairman or by half of its
members and are held at the Company's registered office or any other venue specified
in the notice of meeting.
7 - Subject to the applicable laws and regulations, members of the Management Board
may participate in Board meetings by any means of telecommunication. Members who
take part in meetings via such means are deemed present for the purpose of calculating
majorities. Decisions by the Management Board are adopted based on a straight
majority of the Board members present. Absent members may be represented by
another member of the Board but each Board member may only represent one other
member at each meeting.
8 - The members of the Management Board are not required to hold any of the
Company’s shares.
Powers of the Management Board
1 - The Management Board has the broadest powers to act in all circumstances in the
Company's name, for all matters falling within the scope of the Company's corporate
purpose, except for those matters which, by law, may only be dealt with by the
Supervisory Board of by shareholders in a General Meeting.
2 - In its relations with third parties, the Company will be bound by any actions of the
Management Board that fall outside the scope of the Company's corporate purpose,
unless it can be demonstrated that the third party knew – or in light of the circumstances
could not have been unaware – that such actions exceeded the remit of the corporate
purpose. Publication of these bylaws does not, in itself, constitute such proof.
3 - Pursuant to the law, the Management Board must obtain the prior approval of the
Supervisory Board for any proposed sale of real property or equity interests, or the
granting of any security interests or any other form of guarantee, in accordance with the
applicable regulations.
4 - The Management Board must also obtain the prior approval of the Supervisory
Board before committing the Company to any investments or divestments that would
change the scope of consolidation of the Company and its subsidiaries.
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5 - The Supervisory Board’s prior approval is also required for any investments relating
to an external growth operation or any commitment representing over €30 million
which does not fall within the scope of the Company’s budget and does not correspond
to a routine operating transaction.
6 - In addition, the Management Board must obtain prior approval from the
Supervisory Board in order to issue bonds and to use any authorization granted by
shareholders in a General Meeting, including for the issuance of shares or any other
securities carrying immediate or deferred rights to the Company’s capital.
7 - The Chairman of the Management Board represents the Company vis-à-vis third
parties. The Supervisory Board may also grant the same representative power to one or
more other members of the Management Board who in such a case will bear the title of
“Chief Executive Officer”.
8 - The Chairman of the Management Board and the Chief Executive Officer(s) may
delegate certain of their powers to any special representatives that they may appoint.
9 - Without prejudice to the information and consultation rights provided to members
of the Supervisory Board and shareholders both by law and by these bylaws, the
Management Board shall supply the members of the Supervisory Board, on a regular
basis and/or at the request of any such member, documents and/or, more generally,
information relating to the Company and its subsidiaries, notably concerning their
financial and cash situation (including regular reporting schedules enabling the
Supervisory Board members to assess the Group’s business levels and performance), as
well as their operations and any corporate actions.
10 - Moreover, at least once a year the Supervisory Board may ask for an audit to be
performed on a particular aspect of the Group’s operations and request to meet the
managers concerned. The expenses of such audits will be borne by the Company.
Supervisory Board
1 - The Supervisory Board comprises no fewer than three and no more than eighteen
members, who are elected by shareholders in a General Meeting.
2 - Each member of the Supervisory Board must hold a minimum of one hundred
shares throughout his/her term of office.
3 - Members of the Supervisory Board are elected for three-year terms of office. Their
duties cease at the close of the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting held during the year in
which their term expires in order to approve the financial statements for the previous
year. The terms of office of Supervisory Board members shall be scheduled in such as
way that only the terms of a portion of the Board’s overall membership come up for
renewal at any one time. On an exceptional basis, and solely for the purposes of setting
up this new staggered re-election system, shareholders in an Ordinary Meeting may
elect Supervisory Board members for a term of office of less than three years.
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4 - Outgoing Supervisory Board members may be re-elected. The duties of Supervisory
Board members cease when their terms of office expire, as well as in the event of death,
resignation or removal from office following a decision by shareholders in a General
5 - If one or more seats on the Supervisory Board fall vacant due to the death or
resignation of one or more Board members, the Supervisory Board may appoint
replacement member(s) on a temporary basis pending ratification by shareholders at
the following Shareholders’ Meeting.
6 - A maximum of one third of Supervisory Board members may hold an employment
contract corresponding to effective employment.
7 - The Supervisory Board appoints from among its members a Chairman and a
Vice-Chairman who serve in these positions for their full term of office on the
Supervisory Board.
8 - Supervisory Board meetings may be called by any appropriate method, including
orally, by the Chairman or the Vice-Chairman.
9 - Supervisory Board decisions are governed by the quorum and majority rules
prescribed by law. In the event of a split decision, the Chairman of the meeting has a
casting vote.
10 - Supervisory Board members who take part in Board meetings via
videoconferencing technology in accordance with the applicable regulations are
deemed present for the purpose of calculating quorum and majorities, except for
decisions relating to the following:
- Appointing members of the Management Board;
- Removing members of the Management Board from office;
- Recommending that a Management Board member be removed from office at a
Shareholders' Meeting.;
- Appointing the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board;
- Reviewing and auditing the annual and consolidated accounts.
11 - Matters discussed by the Supervisory Board are recorded in minutes, which are
drawn up and kept in accordance with the conditions set down by law.
Roles and Responsibilities of the Supervisory Board
1 - The Supervisory Board oversees on an ongoing basis the management of the
Company as carried out by the Management Board. In this role, it may perform at any
time of the year the verifications and controls that it deems appropriate and may request
any documents from the Management Board that it considers useful for carrying out its
2 - The Management Board reports to the Supervisory Board on the management of the
Company at least once a quarter.
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3 - Any forecasts, management documents and related analytical reports drawn up by
the Management Board must be provided to the Supervisory Board within eight days of
their being drafted.
4 - After each year-end the Supervisory Board verifies and checks the individual and,
where appropriate, consolidated financial statements drawn up by the Management
Board. These financial statements must be presented to the Supervisory Board by the
Management Board within three months of the year-end.
5 - Each year the Supervisory Board shall present to the Ordinary Shareholders’
Meeting a report containing its observations on the report of the Management Board
and on the financial statements for the year. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board is
also required to attach to this document a report on how the work of the Supervisory
Board is organized and prepared, as well as on the internal control procedures set up by
the Company.
6 - The Supervisory Board may set up Committees of the Board to assist it, in which
case the Committees’ membership and terms of reference are decided by the Board.
Said committees are overseen by the Supervisory Board and may not be delegated any
powers which are specifically attributed to the Supervisory Board by law or these
bylaws. Furthermore, the creation of such committees may not lead to a reduction or
limitation of the powers of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board.
Non-voting Supervisory Board Members
1 - Shareholders in an Ordinary Meeting may appoint a maximum of two non-voting
members of the Supervisory Board.
2 - Said non-voting Supervisory Board members are not required to be shareholders.
3 - Non-voting Supervisory Board members are appointed for a one-year term and their
duties cease at the close of the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting held during the year in
which their term expires in order to approve the financial statements for the previous
4 - The non-voting Supervisory Board members are responsible for ensuring
compliance with the Company’s bylaws. They are invited to attend Supervisory Board
meetings and they take part in the discussions on a consultative basis.
5 - The remuneration of non-voting Supervisory Board members is set by shareholders
at an Ordinary General Meeting.
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Statutory Auditors
One or more Statutory Auditors and Substitute Auditors shall be appointed to audit the
Company’s accounts. The term of such appointment(s) as well as the relevant
conditions, roles and responsibilities shall comply with the applicable law.
Shareholders’ Meetings
1 - Collective decisions of shareholders are taken in Ordinary, Extraordinary or Special
Shareholders’ Meetings depending on the type of decisions concerned.
2 - Decisions made by Shareholders’ Meetings are binding on all shareholders,
including any absent or dissenting shareholders and any that were incapable of voting.
Notice and place of meeting
3 - Shareholders' Meetings are called in accordance with the conditions set down by
law, by the Management Board or the Supervisory Board or, failing that, the Statutory
Auditors or any other person duly authorized by law.
4 - Shareholders’ Meetings are held at the Company’s registered office or any other
location specified in the notice of meeting.
5 - The agendas of Shareholders’ Meetings are drawn up by the person who issues the
notice of meeting.
6 - However, one or more shareholders, or the Company’s works council, may table
draft resolutions to be included in the agenda of a Shareholders’ Meeting, subject to the
conditions set down by the applicable law and regulations.
7 - Shareholders’ Meetings may not deliberate on any issues that are not included in
the agenda. However, as an exception to this rule, shareholders are always entitled to
deliberate on removing from office one or more members of the Supervisory Board
and/ or the Management Board, and electing their replacements.
8 - The agenda of a Shareholders’ Meeting may not be amended on the second calling
of a meeting.
9 - All shareholders are entitled to participate in Shareholders’ Meetings, either in
person or by proxy, regardless of the number of shares held, subject to proof of identity.
10 - In order for a shareholder to participate in a Shareholders’ Meeting in person, by
proxy or by casting a postal vote the shares held must be recorded in the name of the
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shareholder or the intermediary holding them on his/her behalf, either in the share
register held by the Company or in the register of bearer shares held by the applicable
accredited intermediary. The record date relating to such registration is midnight (CET)
on the third business day preceding the date of the meeting concerned.
For bearer shares recorded in the register held by an accredited intermediary, said
intermediary must provide a certificate of ownership (attestation de participation)
evidencing the recording of the shares concerned. Said certificate may be supplied in
electronic form and must be attached to the proxy or postal voting form or admission
card application drawn up in the name of the shareholder, or on behalf of any
shareholder represented by a registered intermediary.
A certification of ownership will also be provided to any shareholder wishing to attend
the meeting in person and who has not received an admission card by midnight (CET)
on the third business day preceding the date of the meeting concerned.
11 - Shareholders may give proxy to any natural or legal person of their choice. In such
a case, the proxy holder must provide evidence of his/her proxy.
12 - Alternatively, shareholders may return the signed form of proxy to the Company
without naming a person to represent them. In this case, they will be considered as
having given proxy to the Chairman of the Shareholders’ Meeting who will vote in
favor of all resolutions tabled or approved by the Management Board and will vote
against all other proposed resolutions. To cast any other vote shareholders must give
proxy to a representative who agrees to vote as instructed by the shareholder concerned.
13 - Shareholders may also cast postal votes, by returning the duly completed postal
voting form to the Company under the conditions set by the applicable laws and
regulations. For postal votes to be taken into account, the corresponding form must be
received by the Company at least three days prior to the date of the meeting.
14 - The Supervisory Board or the Management Board, as the case may be, may decide
that shareholders may attend and vote at Shareholders’ Meetings by videoconference or
any other means of telecommunications or remote technology (including the Internet)
that enables them to be identified, subject to the regulations in force when the
technology is used. Any such decision by the Supevisory Board shall be mentioned in
the Notice of Meeting published in the French legal announcements journal (Bulletin
des Annonces Légales Obligatoires).
In such cases, shareholders who submit the electronic voting form provided on the
website set up by the organizer of a Shareholders' Meeting shall be deemed to be
present at the meeting concerned for the purposes of the applicable quorum and
majority rules. Shareholders can complete and sign the electronic voting form directly
on the website, using any method that complies with the conditions set out in the first
sentence of the second paragraph of Article 1316-4 of the French Civil Code (i.e. a
reliable identification procedure for ensuring signature security), such as keying in a
user name and a password.
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Any proxies given or votes cast electronically in this way, and the related
acknowledgement of receipt, shall be deemed to be irrevocable and binding written
instructions issued by the shareholder. However, if any shares are sold prior to midnight
(CET) on the third business day preceding the meeting, the Company will take the
appropriate measures to cancel or amend any proxies given or votes cast electronically
before the shares were sold.
Voting rights
15 - Each shareholder has a number of votes equal to the number of shares that he/she
holds or represents.
Attendance register – Bureau – Minutes
16 - An attendance register is kept, pursuant to the applicable laws and regulations.
17 - Shareholders’ Meetings are chaired by the Chairman of the Management or
Supervisory Board, or in their absence, by the member of the Management or
Supervisory Board attending the meeting whose first appointment date is the oldest.
Where a meeting is called by the Statutory Auditors or any other person duly authorized
by law, said meeting is chaired by whoever issued the notice of meeting. If no such
person is designated, the Shareholders’ Meeting elects its own chairman.
18 - The role of Scrutineer of the Shareholders’ Meeting is performed by the
shareholders present who hold the largest number of voting rights – either in their own
names or through proxies – and who agree to perform the said role.
19 - The Bureau thus formed names a Secretary, who may or may not be a shareholder.
20 - The members of the Bureau are responsible for checking, certifying and signing the
attendance register, ensuring that discussions during the meeting take place in an
appropriate manner, dealing with any incidents that may arise during the meeting,
controlling the votes of the shareholders and checking that they are properly cast, as
well as ensuring that the minutes of the meeting are drawn up.
21 - The matters discussed in Shareholders’ Meetings are recorded in minutes, which are
signed by the members of the Bureau and kept in a special register at the Company's
registered office. Copies or excerpts of the minutes are signed by the Chairman or
Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board or by a member of the Management Board.
Ordinary Shareholders’ Meetings
22 - Ordinary Shareholders’ Meetings cover all matters that do not require amendments
to the bylaws. They are held at least once a year in accordance with the applicable legal
and regulatory timeframe in order to approve the financial statements for the previous
23 - Ordinary Shareholders' Meetings held on first call are only validly constituted if
the shareholders present, represented by proxy or casting a postal vote hold at least one
fifth of the shares with voting rights. There is no quorum requirement for a meeting
held on second call.
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24 - Resolutions at Ordinary Shareholders’ Meetings are adopted by a straight majority
of the votes cast by shareholders present, represented by proxy or lodging postal votes.
Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meetings
25 - Only Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meetings may amend all of the provisions of the
Company’s bylaws. Such meetings may not, however, increase the commitments of
shareholders other than by way of operations resulting from a properly performed
reverse stock-split.
26 - Extraordinary Shareholders' Meetings held on first call are only validly constituted
when the shareholders present, represented by proxy or casting a postal vote hold at
least one quarter of the shares with voting rights, and at least one fifth of the shares with
voting rights on second call.
27 - Resolutions at Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meetings are adopted by a two-thirds
majority of the votes cast by shareholders present, represented by proxy or lodging
postal votes.
Special Shareholders’ Meetings
28 - Special Shareholders’ Meetings are held for holders of a specific class of shares to
make any decisions concerning amendments to the rights attached to the class of shares
29 - Special Shareholders' Meetings are only validly constituted when the shareholders
present, represented by proxy or casting a postal vote hold at least half of the shares
with voting rights for meetings held on first call, and at least one quarter of the shares
with voting rights for meetings held on second call.
30 - Resolutions at Special Shareholders’ Meetings are adopted by a two-thirds
majority of the votes cast by shareholders present, represented by proxy or lodging
postal votes.
Annual Financial Statements
The Management Board is responsible for keeping proper accounts in relation to the
Company’s operations. It draws up annual financial statements in accordance with the
law and standard business practice.
Results of Operations – Appropriation of Net Income
1 - At least 5% of net income for the year, less any losses brought forward from prior
years, shall be transferred to the legal reserve until such time as the legal reserve
represents one-tenth of the Company’s share capital. Further transfers shall be made on
the same basis if the legal reserve falls to below one-tenth of the share capital.
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2 - Income available for distribution corresponds to net income for the year, less any
losses brought forward from prior years and any amounts appropriated to reserves in
compliance with the law and the Company’s bylaws, plus any retained earnings.
3 - Shareholders may decide to appropriate all or part of income available for
distribution to any discretionary, ordinary or extraordinary reserves or to retained
earnings. Any balance is allocated to the shareholders in proportion to the number of
shares held.
4 - Shareholders may decide to pay dividends to shareholders out of distributable
reserves, in which case the related resolution must stipulate the reserve accounts from
which the dividend is to be deducted. However, insofar as possible, dividends must be
paid from income available for distribution.
5 - The terms and conditions for the payment of dividends voted by a Shareholders’
Meeting are set by said Meeting or failing this by the Management Board in accordance
with Articles L. 232-12 to L. 232-20 of the French Commercial Code.
6 - The Shareholders’ Meeting may offer shareholders the option of receiving all or
part of the annual dividend or any interim dividend in the form of newly-issued shares
of the Company as provided for by law.
Loss of equity
1 - If, as a result of losses recorded in the accounts, the Company’s equity falls below
half of the share capital, the Management Board shall call an Extraordinary
Shareholders' Meeting in order to decide if the Company should be dissolved in
advance of term. Said meeting must be called within four months of the approval of the
accounts in which the losses concerned are recorded.
2 - If the Company is not wound up, it must increase its equity to an amount
representing at least half of its share capital by the end of the second year following the
year during which the above-mentioned losses were recorded. If the Company’s equity
is not increased to such a level within this timeframe, subject to Article L. 224-2 of the
French Commercial Code, the Company must reduce its capital by an amount at least
equal to the amount of any losses which could not be offset against reserves.
3 - If the above-mentioned provisions are not complied with, any interested party may
apply to court for the Company to be wound up.
1 - Subject to compliance with the applicable laws, the Company’s liquidation will be
governed by the following rules, it being understood that Articles L. 237-14 to L.
237-31 of the French Commercial Code will not apply.
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2 - The shareholders shall hold an Extraordinary Meeting to appoint one or more
liquidators (who may or may not be shareholders), and to set their roles, responsibilities
and remuneration. This Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting shall be subject to the
quorum and majority rules applicable to Ordinary Shareholders’ Meetings.
3 - The appointment of the liquidator(s) shall lead to the termination of the duties of the
Management Board and – unless decided otherwise by the Shareholders’ Meeting –
those of the Statutory Auditors and members of the Supervisory Board.
4 - Shareholders in an Ordinary Meeting may remove or replace the liquidator(s) at any
time and may extend or restrict their powers.
5 - Unless expressly stated otherwise, the liquidator(s) shall be appointed for the entire
duration of the liquidation process.
6 - The liquidators shall have the broadest powers, both jointly and separately, to
realize all of the Company’s assets and settle its liabilities based on the prices, costs and
conditions they deem fit.
7 - The liquidator(s) may make interim distributions during the liquidation process and
allocate the remaining balance at the end of the process without being subject to any
formalities concerning publication, announcements, or the depositing of funds.
8 - Any sums due to shareholders or creditors that remain unclaimed shall be paid to the
Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations in the year following the end of the liquidation
9 - The liquidator(s) will be authorized to represent the Company vis-à-vis third parties,
notably public and private administrative bodies, and to act for the Company in any
court proceedings in any jurisdiction either as a plaintiff or a defendant. Where more
than one liquidator is appointed this authorization shall apply to the liquidators acting
jointly as well as to each liquidator separately.
10 - During the liquidation process, Shareholders’ Meetings shall be held as often as
required in the interests of the Company without the need to respect the provisions of
Articles L. 237-23 et seq. of the French Commercial Code.
11 - Shareholders’ Meetings may be called by a liquidator or by shareholders
representing at least one fifth of the Company’s share capital.
12 - These Shareholders’ Meetings shall be chaired by one of the liquidators, or where
absent, by the shareholder with the greatest number of voting rights. They shall be
subject to the same quorum and majority voting rules as prior to the dissolution of the
13 - At the end of the liquidation process an Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting shall be
called to approve the final accounts drawn up by the liquidator(s) and to give the
liquidator(s) discharge for the performance of their duties.
14 - At this Ordinary Meeting shareholders shall also place on record the termination of
the liquidation process.
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15 - If the liquidator(s) do not call a Shareholders’ Meeting, any shareholder may apply
to the Commercial Court for an emergency order to appoint a representative to call the
16 - If the Shareholders’ Meeting called at the end of the liquidation process cannot
validly deliberate, or if it refuses to approve the liquidation accounts, the liquidator(s)
or any interested party may apply to the Commercial Court for an order to resolve the
17 - After redemption of the par value of the Company’s shares, any remaining equity
will be allocated equally between all of the shares.
18 - During the capital redemption process any taxes that the Company is required to
retain at source shall be allocated between all of the shares on a pro rata basis by
reference to the capital redeemed in respect of each share, not taking into account any
differences in issue dates or the sources of the various shares.
Dispute Resolution
Any disputes concerning the interpretation or performance of these bylaws or the
Company's affairs in general that may arise during the Company's term or during the
liquidation process, either between shareholders and the Company, or between
shareholders themselves, shall be referred to the competent courts in accordance with
the applicable law.
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