American Mineralogist, Volume69, pages 788-799,1984 The electronic structures of manganeseoxide minerals DevIo M. Snr,nueN Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences MassachusettsInstitute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts02I 39 Abstract Molecular orbital calculations,using the Xa scatteredwave method,were done for the clusters MnOl,0-, MnO?-, and MnOB- correspondingto Mn2*, Mn3*, and Mna* in octahedral coordination with O2-. Bond lengths representativeof those observed in manganeseoxides were chosenand 05 symmetrywas used for each cluster. The calculated orbital energiesand chargedistributions are usedto describethe nature of chemicalbonding in manganeseoxides. Spectroscopictransitionenergiesare calculated and these are compared with experimental optical, X-ray emission and photoelectron (Esca) spectraof manganeseoxides. The agreementbetweenthe calculatedand experimental spectroscopictransition energiesis fairly good and indicates that isolated clusters can be used to model the localizedaspectsof the electronicstructureof manganeseoxide minerals. The electronicstructureofthese clusterscan also be relatedto the crystal chemistryof the manganeseoxides. In spite of radius ratio considerations,Mna* is found to be considerably more stable in octahedral rather than tetrahedral coordination. This is demonstratedby comparingthe electronicstructureof MnOS- with that of a tetrahedral MnOX- cluster. A large degreeof covalencyin the MnOS- cluster is consistentwith the strong Lewis acidity of Mna*. In contrast, the bonding in MnOl,O-is mostly ionic. The calculated exchangesplittings of the crystal field orbitals show that low-spin Mn2* should not exist even under high-pressure,but that low spin Mn3* may substitutefor Mna* in manganese(IV) oxides. Introduction In natural environments manganeseoccurs in the Mn(II), Mn(III) and Mn(IV) oxidation states. All three valencesform a large number of oxide minerals,ranging from the simple phases manganosite(MnO), partridgite (MnzOr) and pyrolusite (MnOJ to complex mixed-valence oxides such as birnessite ((Ca,Na)(Mnt*, Mna*)zorr' 3H2o) and todorokite ((Na,Ca,K, Ba,Mn2*)zMnsOrz. 3HzO) (see,for example,Burns and Burns, 1977,1979). The classical ionic bonding model of Pauling, although often useful, cannotrationalizeall of the observedtrends in the crystal chemistry of these minerals.Many of the physical properties, crystal-chemicaltrends and consequent geochemicalbehavior of manganeseoxides can only be understoodin the context ofquantum chemistry. In this regard,the partially occupiedMn 3d orbitals, the existence of more than one formal oxidation state of manganese,and the diverse types of Mn-O and Mn-Mn interactions give rise to a number of theoretical problems not associatedwith other minerals. On a more practical side,a numberofelectronic spectroscopictechniquesare 0003-004x/84/0708-0788$02.00 of direct mineralogicalapplication to the determination of cation valence statesand coordinationenvironmentsin manganeseoxides and, in particular, the complex and poorly crystalline phases in marine manganeseoxide nodules. Such electronic spectra are difficult to interpret, however, without a theoreticalunderstandingof the nature and approximate relative energies of the electronic statesbeing investigated. In short, a greater understanding of the crystal chemistry, physical properties and electronic spectraof manganeseoxides requires an understandingof their electronic structures. A complete description of the electronic structure of a mineralcan only be achievedusing band theory. However, the accuratecalculationofelectronic energybandsin solids with more than a few atoms per unit cell is often infeasible.In theory, the electronic states of a mineral must be invariant under the operations of its crystallographic spacegroup. In practice, one often finds that the electronicstructureof a systemis only weakly dependent upon the translational periodicity of the atomic arrangements.This follows becauseelectronsin solidsare generally localized to small atomic regions. This Iocalized nature of electrons suggestsan alternative, albeit less 78E SHERMAN: ELECTRONIC STRI]CTURES OF MANGANESE 1XIDE MINERALS rigorous, approach to investigating the electronic structure of minerals. Following Tossell and Gibbs (197i), it shall be referred to as the cluster molecular orbital method(for a detaileddiscussion,seeSlater, 1974).Here, the electronic structure of a solid is approximatedby that of a finite cluster of atoms. For example,the electronic structure of MnO might be approximated by that of an octahedral MnOlo- cluster. Ideally, the atomic cluster is large enough to accommodatemost of the spatial dimensionsover which an electronis delocalizedin the solid. In general,as the atomic clusterbecomesinfinitely large,its electronic structure will converge to that of the solid. However, if the electrons in the solid are fairly localized, then this convergence limit might be approximately achieved by the electronic structure of a small cluster of atoms. There are a large number of molecular orbital methods with which one may calculate the approximate electronic structureof atomic clusters. Of these, the Xa-Scattered Wave method (described below) is the most useful for clustersand moleculescontainingtransition metals.The cluster molecular orbital approach, using the Xa-scatteredwave method,has beenappliedto severaltransition metal oxides. For example,Tossell et al. (1974)investigatedthe electronicstructureofiron and titanium oxides using molecular orbital calculationson FeOl,o-, FeOland TiO[-. The close agreementbetweenthe calculated molecular orbital energies and the experimental spectra of iron and titanium oxides demonstratethat the cluster approach can provide a good approximation to the electronic structure of minerals. In the crystal structures of the manganeseoxides, manganesecations are octahedrally coordinated by oxygen anions; the resulting MnO6 polyhedraare linked by either edgeor corner sharingto form infinite chain, sheet, and three-dimensionalunits. The presence of shared edgesallows for cation-cation interactions. Goodenough (1960, l97l), however, has shown that in most of the manganeseoxides, theseinteractionsare very weak and that the Mn 3d-electronsare essentiallylocalizedto their parent cation and its immediate coordination environment. Accordingly, the electronic structures of these minerals should be fairly well approximated by those of simpleMnOf,- clusters. In this paper, the results of molecular orbital calculations (using the Xa scattered wave method) on such MnO6clustersare presented.Calculationswere done for MnOl0-, MnOl- and MnOE- correspondingto manganesein the 2+, 3+ and 4+ oxidationstates,respectively. For all three clusters, octahedral (Oj symmetry was used. In the structuresof manganeseoxides, however, the point group symmetries of the MnO6 clusters are usuallymuch lower (e.g., Czu).Nevertheless,small polyhedral distortions are expectedto have only a small effect on orbital energiesand chargedistributions and the use of 06 slmmetry should be a good approximation. Still, calculationson clusters of lower symmetry are desired 789 and will undoubtedly be done as specific examples warrant investigation.For a recentexample,Kai et al. (19E0) have calculated the electronic structure of MnO!- using C2, and Da6 symmetry. These results were used to interpret the optical absorption spectrum of Mn3+ in andalusite. In the octahedralclustersinvestigatedhere,the Mn2*-O, Mn3+-O and Mna*-O bond lengths are2.21A,2.04A and 1.884, respectively.These values are representativeof those observedin the manganeseoxides. The calculated molecular orbital energies and charge distributionswill be usedto describethe natureof chemical bonding in manganeseoxides. The calculated orbital energieswill then be comparedwith existingspectroscopic data (X-ray emission, Esca and optical spectra). Finally, the resultswill be appliedto the crystalchemistry of these minerals.In addition to being of direct application to manganeseoxide mineralogy, the calculationswill also serve to demonstratethe efect of metal atom oxidation stateon bonding in coordinationsitesin minerals. Theory and method of calculation The theory behind the Xa scatteredwave method has been reviewed in a number of works (Johnsonand Smith, 1973; Johnson,1973;Slater, 1974)and will only be outlined here. The MnO$- cluster is partitioned into a set of overlapping spheres corresponding to the central manganeseatom and six oxygen atoms. Within each atomic sphere, the one-electron Schrodingerequation Ul2V2+ V" + Vxldi : eih (l) is solvedfor the orbitalsfr and their energiesei.In (l), V. and V* are the coulomb and exchangepotentials,respectively.These areexpressedin termsofthe electronicchargedensitypgiven by P : I'(i)n;did' Q) where n; is the occupancy of orbital i. From the charge density the coulomb potential is evaluated using electrostatic theory (solving Poisson's equation) while the exchangepotential is evaluatedusing Slater'sXa approximation V^ = -6a l3l4r plt/3 (3) where o is an adjustable scaling factor chosen so that the Xa total energyofthe systemequalswhat would be obtainedusing the conventional Hartree-Fock approach (Schwarz, 1972). After the individual atomic potentials are calculated to self consistency,they are superimposedto give an initial molecular potential. Within eachof the atomic spheres,the new potential is spherically averaged to give a local radial potential. In the interatomic region, the superimposed molecular potentiat is volume averagedto give a simple constant potential. Finally, a local potential for the extra-molecular region is obtained by spherically averagingthe potential within the outer sphere. For each region of the cluster, the Schrodinger equation (using the appropriate potential) is solved. The solutions are then matched at the sphere boundaries using multiple scattered wave theory and the result is then used to derive a new molecular potential. The processis repeatediteratively until a self-consistentresult is obtained. 790 SHERMAN: ELECTRONIC STRTJCTURESOF MANGANESE OXIDE MINERALS Note that the familiar approximation of molecular orbitals as linear combinationsof atomic orbitals (lcao) is not used. The conceptualutility of this approach is retained in the multiple scatteredwave method, however, since the solutionsin each regionof the clusterare expressedas a summationoffunctions with definiteangularmomentacenteredat individualatomicsites (partial waves). A useful feature of the Xa approximation is that the exchange potential(equation3) for spin up electronscan be diferent from that for spin down electrons.This is done simply by settingthe chargedensityusedin the exchangepotentialto be only that due to electronswith the samespin. This approachis essentialfor a realistictreatmentof open shell systems(e.g., transitionmetals with unpairedelectrons).If unpairedelectronsare present,the exchangepotentials,and consequentlythe spin-up and spindown orbitalsand orbital energies,will be different. ln the conventionalHartree-Fock approach,the energyof a spin-orbital@ is given by e; = (E(n; - l)) - (E(nr)) (4) where(E(n)) is the total energyof the systemwhen the occupancy of orbital {; is n;. This is formally known as Koopman's theorem. Note. however. that its derivation assumesthat the orbitalsremain unchangedduring the ionization;this may often be a poor approximationinsofar as one expectsthe orbitals to "relax" about the new electronicconfigurationof the ionized state. In the Xa formalism, the orbital eigenvalueshave a somewhatdifferent meaning: If (E) is the total energy of the system,then the orbital eigenvaluese; are given by Calculated molecular orbitals General The calculated molecular orbital diagramsof the three clustersare illustratedin Figure l. Note that the energies of both the spin-upand spin-downforms of each orbital are indicated.The energy levels shown are those of the valence,crystal field, and low energy conduction band molecular orbitals, which in turn are derived from the manganese3d,4s,4p and the oxygen 2p atomicorbitals. Each molecular orbital is labelled according to its associatedirreduciblerepresentationof the Ohpoint group.The core molecular orbitals (not shown) are essentiallylhe manganesels, 2s, 2p, 3s, and 3p and the oxygen lr atomic orbitals.They are at a much lower energy,do not participatein bonding,and are localizedon either the Mn or O atoms.The core statesare of interest,however, in the interpretationof X-ray emissionand EScAspectraof Mn-oxidesand will be discussedbelow. Valence band orbitals The valence orbitals of tru symmetry are nominally composedof Mn 4p andO 2p character.Both the 511,and 6ttu orbitals, however, have essentiallyno metal atom character, indicating that the Mn 4p orbitals are not a(E(nr)) involved in bonding.The /2uand f rsorbitalsare complete(5) Ai : dni ly non-bondingsince they have no symmetry equivalent Accordingly,the physicalnatureofthe Xa orbital eigenvalues on the metal atom. The orbitals of greatest interest are those with both is similar to the notion of "orbital electronegativity". To evaluatethe energy required for a transition from stateA to metaland ligandcharacter.Theseare the valenceorbitals stateB, one could calculatethe total energyofthe systemin each of e", tzg&nd dq* symmetry, the atomic compositionsof stateand take the diference. Numerically, this would be very which are given in Table l. The most important bonding inefficient;electronictransitionenergiesare on the order ofa few orbitals are the o-bonding 2e" and the n-bonding lr2r. electron volts while total energiesare on the order of l0a-105 3d and Both of theseorbitals are composedof manganese electronvolts. Slater(1974),however, has shown that one may oxygen 2p atomic orbitals. With increasing oxidation accuratelyevaluatethe differencebetweenthe Xa total energies stateof the manganeseatom, theseorbitalsbecomemore oftwo statesofa systemby usingthe "transition state" concept. The transition state is defined as having orbital occupancies bondingin characterinsofaras they donatemore electron density to the Mn atom and become more stable. The midway betweenthosefound in the initial and final states.Given spatialnatureof thesetwo orbitalscan be seenin Figures the transitionstateconfiguration,it can be shownthat the energy differencebetweenthe initial and final statesof the system is 2 and 3 which show the wave function contours for the given by 2e, spin up a-bondingand l/2, spin up zr-bondingmolecular orbitals of the MnOl- cluster. The o-bonds(Figs. 2a (6) AE = (E)e - (4e - ) {n"(i) - ne(i)}e,.(i) and 2b) can be pictured as lobes of the Mn d(x2 - y2) and d(322- l) atomic orbitalspointingdirectly at the oxygen wheren^(i) and ne(i) are the occupanciesoforbital i in the states p-orbitals while the z'-bonds(Fig. 3) result from overlap A and B, respectively,and e,,(i) is the energyof orbital i in the of Mn d(xy), d9d and d(,rz) orbitals with O p-orbitals transitionstatewith occupancy directed perpendicularto the metal-ligandinternuclear (7) vector. The 2er o-bondsare strongly directionalin charn,.(i) = {ne(i) + ns(i)}/2 acter while the lt2, z-bonds are rather delocalizedover One importantadvantageofthe transitionstateprocedureis that the three metal-ligandplanes.Finally, the o-bonding641, it allows one to take into account the orbital relaxationwhich is importantbondingorbital in the MnOl0- clusterbut an occursduring the transition. is of lesserrelative importancein the MnO?- and MnO[The essentialcomputationalparametersused for the three clustersare given in the appendix.For all clusters,relativistic clusters.This orbital is composedof the Mn 4s and O 2p orbitals. correctionsto the core stateswere employed. 791 SHERMAN: ELECTRONIC STRUCTURES OF MANGANESE OXIDE MINERALS unofo- uno!- un4- PqP 7.ts lals Fig. I . Molecular orbital diagramsof the three clusters. Orbital energieshave beenscaledrelative to the non-bonding I r1", lr2u and 6tru orbital energies.The number ofelectrons in the highestoccupied molecular orbitals are indicated by the arrow symbols. The a and B symbols indicate spin-up and spin-down orbitals, respectively. atomic orbitals which have lost their degeneracyby electrostatic interaction with the surrounding anions: the 2t2Eorbitalstabilized by 4Dq and the 3e* orbital destabilized by 6Dq. In the molecularorbital description,the2t2" and 3e" crystal field orbitals are the corresponding anti- Crystal field orbitals The2t2"and3e*orbitalscorrespondto the one-electron crystal field states.In the pure ionic binding description used by crystal field theory these orbitals are the Mn 3d Table l. Orbital compositionsin the three clusters Inoul0- xn069- tro itnt tO In068- XInt %o XInt 7L 272 4 52 434 I I a2 108 73 1E I 6? 22 10 2 L7 64 L7 26 59 13 3eg{ 80 13 6 80 18 I 3egt 73 25 I 56 39 2t2g+ 56 2l 23 84 2t2"+ 86 E 6 2eg+ 7 90 2egr 24 75 I 43 43 13 46 43 10 lt2g* 2 73 24 c 57 36 10 56 33 Lt2"+ 7 69 23 2L 46 32 27 43 29 6a1g+ 8 76 16 8 57 34 8 62 30 6alg+ 10 76 15 10 57 33 s 61 29 792 SHERMAN : ELECTRONIC STRUCTURES OF MANGANESE OXIDE MINERALS 2ee Orbital XY-Plane As expected,the crystal field splitting(i.e., the energy separationbetweenthe 3e, and2t2, crystal field orbitals) increaseswith the formal oxidation state of the mangaoftwo factors:first, an nesecation.This is a consequence increased electrostatic interaction between the manganesecation and the oxygenanions,and, more importantly, an increaseddegreeof e, o-relativeto t2ez-bondingin the clusters. Conduction band orbitals 2es Orbital XZ-Plane The energylevels labelledTaluand7t1uin Figure I are those of the lowest energy conductionband orbitals. In the molecular orbital description, these are the o-antibondingversionsofthe 6a1,and the 5r1ubondingorbitals. In an extremely localized or ionic description, these orbitals correspond to the manganese4s and 4p atomic orbitals. Their calculatedatomic compositions(not given), however, show that they are delocalizedover the oxygen, interatomicand extra-molecularregions. Orbital exchange splittings As noted previously, when using a spin unrestricted formalism the presenceof unpaired electronswill give fise to two different potentials:one for spin up, and one for spin down electrons. In accordancewith Hund's rules, electronswith spin up (taken to be the majority spin)are lower in energythan those with spin down. The most extremecaseis Mn2* with five unpairedelectrons; the resultingenergydiference betweenspin up and spin down statesof the partially filled orbitals (the exchange splitting) is quite large. Since the unpaired electronsin each cluster are localized on the metal atom center, the molecular orbitals with the most metal atom character exhibit the greatestexchangesplitting. Fig. 2. Wave function contoursfor the 2e* sigmabonding orbitalin theMna*centered MnOS-cluster.Solidlinesindicate thewavefunctionis negativewhiledashedlinesindicatepositive values.Contourintervalsare givenat 0.005,0.01,0.02,0.04, 0.08,and0.16. 1t2sOrbital bonding versions of the lt2s and 2eEbonding orbitals. Note that as the metal atom character of the bonding lt2n and2esorbitalsincreases,the ligandcharacterofthe antibonding 2t2, and 3e, orbitals increases accordingly. Hence, as the lt2s and zeeorbitalsbecomemore bonding in character,the 2t2" and3e" crystal field orbitalsbecome more antibonding.In spite of their antibondingnature, the averageenergyofthe crystal field orbitals,relative to the O 2p valenceband orbitals,decreaseswith increasing oxidation state of the manganeseatom. Since these orbitalsare mostly manganesein character,their increasing stabilityis a cbnsequence ofthe increasingelectronegativity of the manganeseatom. This has importantconsequenceson the ligandto metal charge-transferspectraof Fig. 3. Wave function contoursfor the zr-bondingspin-uplr2" manganeseoxides and will be discussedbelow. orbital in MnOS-. Contour intervalsare as in Fig. 2. SHERMAN: ELECTRONIC STR{JCTI]RES OF MANGANESE OXIDE MINERALS Electronic spectra of manganese oxides General The calculated results can be verified by comparingthe theoreticalorbital energieswith existingX-ray emission, tsca and optical spectra of manganeseoxides. The calculated orbital energies can also be used to interpret electronic spectra when band assignmentsare uncertain. It is important to recognize, however, that the Xa scattered wave calculations, like all molecular orbital methods,are done using a one-electronformalism.Spectroscopic transitions, however, are between multielectronic wave functions(spectroscopicstates).As a consequence of interelectronic repulsion, a given electronic configuration over several one electron orbitals can generate several multielectronic states (see, for example, Lever, 1968).For example, the ground state electronic configurationof Mna* in MnO[- is (2t2,1)3.This configuration gives the multielectronicstateaA2r.However, the excited state configuration(r2,1)' @rt)t yields the two states 4T2, and aTl*. Hence, the energy of the oneelectrontransition 2t2"-->3e, correspondsto a weighted averageof the energiesof the spectroscopictransitions 4Aze- aT2"and,4Aze- aTlr. As a secondexample,the excited state configuration (2t2r1)2(2tzel)tof MnOEgives the states2E, I 272"+ 221u.Hence, the energy of the one-electrontransition 2t2"1 --->2t2sJcorrespondsto an average energy for the spin-forbidden spectroscopic transitions+Aze- 2E", oAzr-- 2Tzs,and aA2,- 2Tte.ln some cases, an electronic transition between two oneelectron orbitals correspondsto a unique transition between two multielectronicspectroscopicstates.An example is the 2t2"1 to 3e, 1 transitio-nin MnO?-; this correspondsexactly to the '8, - )T2* spectroscopic transition. Such casesprovide an opportunity for direct comparisonbetweencalculatedand experimentalresults. Optical spectra Transitionsbetween the crystal field orbitals occur in the near-ultraviolet, visible and near-infrared spectral regions.Apart from transitionsto higher energy crystal field states,two additional types of transitionsoccur in the near-ultraviolet: ligand to metal charge transfer and metal to conduction band transitions. Ligand to metal charge-transfertransitionsare betweenthe non-bonding ligand orbitals and the metal crystal field orbitals. With reference to the molecular orbitals in Figure I these are the 6tru-- 2tzeand /2u-- 2tzctransitions.The 1r1,--- 2tze transitionis Laporte forbidden.Metal to conductionband transitions, however, are from the 2t2" and 3e* crystal field orbitals(localizedon the metal atom) to the 7a1uand 7/1uconduction band states. Becausethese transitions may be Laporte allowed, absorptionbands are of much greater intensity than those due to crystal field transitions, and often result in an absorptionedgein the visible region spectraof transitionmetal-bearingminerals. 793 Severalinvestigationshavebeenmadeofthe spectraof Mn2* in oxides and silicates. Pratt and Coelho (1959) obtained the optical spectrum of MnO and estimated valuesfor the ligandfield parameters,but thesewere later revisedby the high resolutionspectrumof MnO obtained by Huffman et al. (1969). Keester and White (1968) present spectraof Mn2* in a number of minerals. The ground state d5 electronicconfigurationgives rise to the 65 Russel-Saunders term which in turn, gives rise to the 641 spectroscopicstate in the crystal field. The excited state d-electron configurationswhich result from promoting a d-electron to one of the spin down d-orbitals, however, give rise to several quartet Russel-Saunders terms. Each of these is split into several states in the crystal field. Hence, a one-electronorbital schemecan provide only the crudest descriptionof the crystal field spectraarising from a high-spind5 system. The visible and near-infraredspectrum of Mn2* in octahedralcoordiag, nationconsistsof the uAr- oTt,uAr --t nT, and6Ar'-aA transitions. The first two transitions are of the set which arise from the 3er( t ) --> Ztze(J ) one-electron transition. The 641 --t oE, oAr and higher energy transitions arise from the 2tze(I) -- 2tze(J) and 3er(f ) -3er(J ) one-electrontransitions.ln particular, these two "spin-flip" transitions give rise to the quartet states whoseenergiesare independantof 10Dq in the TunabeSuganoor Orgel diagramfor a high-spind5 system.One approach to relating the one-electron orbital energiesof the Mnd60- calculation with experimental spectra is to calculate the ligand field parameter l0Do. Ligand field theory, however, is cast in a spin-restrictedformalism. Hence, a spin-restrictedXa calculationmust be done to evaluate ligand field parameters (the correct relation between ligand field theory and the Xa approach is presentedby Sambe and Felton, 1976).From such a calculation,the crystal field splittingis found to be 10,9fi) cm-l; this is in good agreementwith the best experimental value of 10,100cm-r for MnO (Hutrmanet al., 1969). Messicket al. /l97D have obtainedthe near-ultraviolet spectrum of MnO. Transition state calculations were done for the lowest energy absorption features and are compared with the experimental results in Table 2. The calculatedresultsare in good agreementwith experimental absorptionband energies,yet the band assignments given here are somewhatdiferent. Messick et al. (1972) assignedmost of the featuresbetween4.5 and 7.0 eV to transitionsfrom the valenceand crystal field bandsto the conductionband. Other transitions,basedon their temperature dependance, were assigned as metal-metal charge-transfer(i.e., 2Mn2+---rMn* Mn3*). No features were assigned as ligand to metal charge-transfer. The calculatedresults, however, indicatethat the first ligand to metal charge-transfertransition is at a very high energy (7.0eV). At lower energies,but still well into the ultraviolet, are the O 2p to conduction band and the metal to conductionband transitions. Optical absorption spectra are useful for the identifica- 794 SHERMAN: ELECTRONIC STRUCTURES OF MANGANESE OXIDE MINERALS Table 2. Calculated (and observed)optical spectral band energiesin manganeseoxides One-E lectron Trans i t ion E(catc. )' Corresponding Transitions'" Spectral References ( M n O 6) E - 92- + M C T rt2q( +) 2t,2g( t ) 5. L7 6t1a( * ) 2 1 2 9 (+ ) 4.32 62- ' 4tz ' M C{ (ca. 1 4.3) 2 t 2 s (+) 3 e g (r ) 3. 33 2 r 2 s (+) 2 t 2 g ( +) 2.95 4 r 2 1 z . a n >, 4 ' t t 4tz , 2 8 , 2 T r , 2 T 2 6.27 02-+MCT I ( Mno6)91t2a(+) + 2t,2g(+) 6 t 1 u ( +) + 2 t 2 s ( + ' ) 02-+MCT 6t1y(r ) | 3es(r) 4.65 02- 2t2s( r ) + 3 e g ( r ) 2.42 5B r 51, 2t29(+) ' 2t2E(+') 3.42 r M Cl (4.O9,4.2,4.5\ e.2S-2.79) 2 3,4,5 ( MnO6 ) l0+ M C-I (7.2, 6 6t1u( * ) 2 t 2 9 (+ ) 7. O0 02- 1 t 1 g (r ) Tttu( t) 5.80 vB + CB (5.7) 6 2 t 2 g ( +) T t l u ( +) 5.t7 cF ' 6 +Energies 6.9) cB (5.4?) rtobserved spectral in ev (1 ev = 8.066 ' 1g3 q6-1;. given in pa.rentheses. References: 1. Geschwind et 41.(1962); Abu-Eid (1979); 3. Burns end Strens (1967); 4. Burns (1970); 5. Halenius (1978);6. Messlck et eI. (19?2). tion of Mn3+cationsin oxidesand silicates(Burns, 1970). The calculated energy for the tE" - 5T2, crystal field transitionin the MnOl- cluster is 19,520cm-r. This also correspondsto the l0Do parameterof ligandfield theory. In most Mn3*-bearingminerals the local coordination environmentis distortedto tetragonal(Do,) synrmetryby the Jahn-Teller effect. There has been some confusion as to the definition of l0Do in non-cubic symmetriesand hence the l0Do values reported for Mn3* in epidote (Burns and Strens, 1967),manganophyllite(Burns, 1970) and andalusite(Halenius, 1978;Kai et al., 1980)do not colTespondto the cubic crystal field value of l0Do. In Da6 symmetry, the cubic crystal field parameter 10Dqcorrespondsto the sB1,--+582sspectroscopictransitionenergy (see, for example, Konig and Kremer, 1977).From the spectra of Mn3+ in epidote (Burns and Strens, 1967), manganophyllite(Burns, 1970)and andalusite(Halenius, 1978)the cubic l0Do values are therefore found to be lE,l70 cm-r, 19,050cm-rand 22,000cm-r, respectively. Hence, the value calculated for the MnO?- cluster is reasonable.McClure (1962), however, has obtained a l0Dq value of 19,470cm-l for Mn3* in corundum; since the Mn3+-0 bond length in -thisphaseis expectedto be much shorter than the 2.(XA used in this calculation,it appearsthat the value of 10Doobtained here may be too high. On the other hand, the l0Do value of the Mnr* aquocomplexis 21,000cm-r (Orgel, 1966). The only near-ultravioletspectral data for Mn3* in features 2. Langer and minerals, from which one may obtain ligand-to-metal charge-transferenergies,is the spectrum of piemontite obtained by Langer and Abu-Eid (1977). Strong bands were observedat 33,000and 34,000cm-r. Thesemay be assignedto the 6t1u--+3e, transitionwhich is calculatedto be at 4.6 eV (37,000cm-r) in the MnOB- cluster. Calculated values for other spectral band energiesare given in Table 2. The spectrumof Mn4+ in corundumhas beenobtained by Geschwindet al. (1962).As noted previously,the oneelectronorbital transition 2tz, (I ) --+3e" ( t ) in MnOSaA2---> corresponds to the two spectroscopic transitions aT2andoAr--oTr.Inthe spectrumof Mn4+in corundum, however,only the oAr'- oTrtransitionwas observedand its energy'was 2l ,300cm- r. The energy calculatedfor the 3enis 26,860cm-l' one-electronorbital transition 2t2n---> Sincethis correspondsto an averageof the two spectroscopic transition energies, it is in qualitative agreement with experiment. Finally, the energy of the first ligand to metal charge-transfer transition was estimated to be about 35,0fi)cm-r. This agreeswith the calculatedvalue of 34,850cm-r for the 6tru --;Ztzsligand to metal charge transfer transition. The calculated energies for the remaining ligand to metal charge-transferand crystal field orbital transitionsof MnO[- are given in Table 2. The energiesofthe ligand to metal charge-transferand metal to conductionband transitionsin the three clusters correlate with the relative oxidation and reduction poten- 795 SHERMAN: ELECTRONIC STRUCTURES OF MANGANESE OXIDE MINERALS tials of the three valencesof manganese(e.g., Huheey, 197E).In the Mnd60- cluster,the first metalto conduction band transition is much lower in energy than the first ligand to metal charge-transfer transition; likewise the oxidation of Mn2* to Mn3+ requiresless energythan the reductionof Mn2+ to Mn+. In the MnO[- cluster however, the first ligand to metal charge transfer transitions are much lower in energy than the first metal to conduction band transitions;Iikewisethe reductionof Mna* to Mn3+ is more energetically favorable than the oxidation of Mna+ to Mn5+. An intermediatesituationis provided by MnO!- where the two types of transitionsare of similar energies. et al., 1976; Wood and Urch, 1976). The agreement between theory and experiment is good for the case of MnO although the KB energiesmay be overestimatedfor the case of MnO2. The results can also be used to interpret the Kp spectra of MnO, Mn2O3 and MnO2 phases. The assignmentof KB" (Koster and Mendel, 1970)or "peak A" (Tsutsumiet al., 1976)to the O 2s ---> Mn ls crossovertransitionseemsto be correct.Similarly, the assignment of Kp" to a transition of an excited electron in the Mn 4p (7t1) orbital to the Mn ls orbital (Koster and Mendel, 1970)seemsreasonable.An additional satellite peak, labeled KB', was attributed by Koster and Mendel (1970) to a discrete energy loss processwhereby a Kp1 photon excitesa Mn 3d electron X-ray emission spectra into the Tttuconductionband. Basedon the ground state When an electron from a ls core orbital has been energies,this does not appearto be correct. Tsutsumiet photoejected,transitionsfrom the higherenergyoccupied al. (1976)attribute this feature to exchangesplitting of the orbitals to the ls orbital occur. The emitted photons KB1peak. accompanyingthe relaxation give rise to the K spectrum. For first row transitionmetals,the transitionsof greatest X-ray photoelectron spectra (esce) interest are those that originate from the n : 3 atomic Valence region photoelectronspectraof MnO, Mn2O3 orbitals (M-shell) since these are strongly influencedby and Mn3Oa have been investigated.A low resolution the oxidation stateand local coordinationenvironmentof spectral profile encompassingthe Mn 3d, O 2p and O 2s the metal atom. The transitionsof the type 3p312,3p1p,3d valence bands of MnO (Wertheim and Hufner, 1972; etc. ---) ls define the KB spectrum. The main peak in the Hufner and Wertheim, 1973)showed that the O 2p and O Kp spectrum results from the Mn 3p -.> Mn ls transition 2s bandsare separatedby their free ion value of -16 eV; and is designatedKp1. In addition to the KB1 transirion, this is in agreementwith the results obtainedhere (i.e., severaladditionpeaksare observed.The KB5peak is due the ltlr, 6tn(2p) - leg, ttu,ag(2s) energyseparations). to transitions which are nominally of the type Mn 3d, O Rao et aI. (1979) have obtained fairly high resolution 2p -, Mn ls. The satellite lines KB" and K$" are spectra profiling the O 2p and Mn 3d bands in MnO, attributed to O 2s --+ Mn ls and Mn 4p (conduction band) Mn2O3 and MnrOa. In the spectra of both MnO and --+Mn ls transitions,respectively.By analogywith the K Mn2O3,four peaks were observedand were assignedto spectrum,the I, spectrumresultsfrom transitionsto the n be the Mn 3d (er), Mn 3d (tz"), O 2p (o) and O 2p (tr) = 2 atomic levels (i.e., 2s and 2p levels).The2p level is bands. The peaks were separatedby about 1.5-2.0 eV split by spin-orbitcouplinginto the Zplpand 2p372 states. and, accordingly,are in fairly nice agreementwith the Hence, in first-row transitionmetals,two allowedtransi- groundstateenergylevel diagramspresentedin Figure l. tions are present:3d ---> 2prn(LB) and3d--+2g12(Lar.z). In the spectrumof the mixed-valencephasehausmannite The KB and La, Zp spectra of MnO and MnO2 were (MnlOe), they were able to easily resolve the Mn2+ and calculated using the transition state formalism. These Mn3* 3d-bands.These states were found to have the results are presented in Table 3 and compared with energeticorder Mn2* (e*) > Mn3* (er) > Mn2* (tz) > experimentalvalues(Koster and Mendel, 1970;Tsutsumi Mn3* (12). This orderingis in agreementwith the ground Table 3. Calculated and experimentalK and L spectra of MnO and MnO2 fn()2 fn() Band Tra.nsltlon E (erp) E (ca1c) Ksl lln 3p + l s 6 4 9 1. 8 6495.1 6490.0 6495. 1 L,2 ^6521.0 6 5 2 0 .0 6 5 2 1. 0 6528.5 I 6 5 4 1. 0 L, 2 , 3 KPtr O2s+ KB5 5 t 1 u + 1s 6 5 3 3 .2 Kgttt 7t1o * 1a ^ 6 5 4 9. 8 Lq 2 t 2 " + 2p 1s 1. Koster and llendel (1970); 643. E (exp) 6532.4 6534.7 6549.5 6549.8 643. 1 643. 2. Tsutsuml et al. (19?6); E (calc 1 643. 3 3. lood and Urch (1976). 3 796 SHERMAN: ELECTRONIC STRUCTURES OF MANGANESE OXIDE MINERALS ganese(IV)oxides is mostly covalent. The strong covalency of the Mn4+-O bond is also in agreementwith the strong Lewis acidity of Mna* in aqueousenvironments. In contrast, the bonding in the Mn2+ cluster is mostly Applications to the crystal chemistry of manganese ionic; this is in agreementwith the tendencyfor Mn2* to oxides act as a weak Lewis acid and as an exchangablecation in sedimentaryenvironments. Molecular orbital calculations on finite clusters can be It can be seenthat in the Mn3+ and Mna* clustersmost usedto assessthe stability of a given cation valencestate and electronicconfiguration(e.9., high-spinvs. low-spin) of the metal-ligand interaction is through the e, o-type in a given coordinationenvironment.Ideally, this infor- bonds(Mn 3d4 2p overlap).There is also an appreciable mation can then be applied to understandingmineral degree of zr-type bonding interaction as well. Since the stabilities,cation site occupancies,and the speciationand former bond type is quite directional in character, it is transport of transition metals in geochemicalenviron- expectedthat the stabilities of these cations in oxides should have a strong dependence on coordination site ments. geometry.Molecular orbital calculationson MnO?- and Chemical bonding in manganese oxides MnOS-clustersusingdifferentsitegeometriesmightthereOf fundamentalimportanceis the relative ionic versus fore be of interest. In contrast, most of the metal-ligand covalentnatureof the manganese-oxygen bond. Of addi- interactionin the MnOl0- clusterresultsfrom the spheritional interestis the exact nature of the covalentinterac- cally symmetric a4 o-type interaction and the spatially tion. In eachof the clusters,electronicchargeis donated diffuse tlu interaction. This situation, together with the from the 02- anionsto the Mn2+, Mn3* or Mna+ cations. fairly ionic natureof the Mn2+-O bond, suggeststhat the One way to describethe natureofthe manganese-oxygen stability of a Mn2+ cations should exhibit a weaker dependenceon its coordinationgeometry. bond in each cluster is to calculatethe net amount of electronic charge donated to the manganesecenter by eachof the differenttypes of metal-ligandbondinginter- Octahedral versus tetrahedral coordination actions.For eachorbital, however,the relativeamountof In the crystal structuresof the manganese(IV)oxides, electronicchargein the atomic versusinteratomicregions the Mua+ cations are only in octahedral coordination is a function of the atomic sphere radii used in the (Burns and Burns. 1977 1979D. The ionic radiusof Mna* calculation.To eliminatethe dependanceof the bonding (Shannonand Prewitt, 1969),however, is less than or descriptionon the sphereradii, it is necessaryto partition equal to that of several cations which often occur in the intersphereelectronic charge among the manganese tetrahedral coordination (e.g., Al3*, Fe3*, and even and oxygen atomic regions. A reasonableway of doing Mnt*). Crystal field theory explainsthe greater stability this is according to the ratio of manganeseto oxygen of octahedrallycoordinatedMna* since a d3 transition atomicspherecharges.This was donefor eachorbital and metal cation will have an octahedral site preference the calculatednet amountofelectronic chargedonatedto energyof 38/45Ao".(where A is the crystal field splitting the manganesecenter by the different types of orbital and it is assumedthat A,"1= 4/9Ao"t).Given the calculated interactionsis presentedin Table 4. crystal field splitting of the d-orbitals in the MnOSBy summingthe amount of electronicchargedonated cluster, the octahedralsite preferenceenergyis found to by each type of orbital interaction,one may calculatea be 2.79 eV. This is an extremely large value and it relative degree of covalancy of the bonding in each accounts well for the absenceof tetrahedrally coordinatcluster. The calculationsshow that the bondine in man- ed Mna* in minerals. Although crystal field theory has beenquite successful when applied to the crystal chemistry of the transition Table4. Net electronicchargedonatedto themanganese cations metals(Burns, 1970),its physical basis is unfounded.A by eachtypeof orbital. more physically correct approach is molecular orbital theory. To apply molecularorbital theory to understanding the stability of octahedrally coordinated Mn4* in xtr068xnO6loxn069oxide minerals, a calculation was done for a tetrahedral -t.624 -o, L24 -0.986 eg(o) MnOl- cluster.The bond lengthis taken to be the sum of -0.831 -0.096 -o .549 tzs(, ) the Shannon and Prewitt (1969) ionic radii for fourfoldo . 2 7 -o.224 o . coordinated Mna* and twofold-coordinatedO2-. The | alg( o ) 2 13 resulting molecular orbital diagram is compared with that o . 2 7 2 -o.261 -0. 156 tlu( o ) of the octahedral MnOS- cluster in Figure 4. In the molecular orbital formalism, the notion of octahedral site -0.589 -2.078 -2.945 I q preferenceenergyis somewhatcomplicated;still, several 69. 3 73.6 n.5 f Covaleqcy differencesbetweenthe two clustersare apparent.Relative to the top of the oxygen 2p valence band (the tr state electronic structures of the isolated MnOl0- and MnO?- clusters if their orbital energiesare related by settingthe interspherepotentialsto be equal(asin Fig. l). SHERMAN: ELECTRONIC STRTJCTURESOF MANGANESE OXIDE MINERALS unoXt-9 >4 g) o c u2 o go ltr 3ar o G = ii; Fig. 4. Molecularorbitaldiagramfor tetrahedralMnOl-G : t.744). 797 unlikely, and that Mn2* in the Earth's mantle is in the high-spinstate. In contrast, the smaller exchangesplitting of the 2t2" orbital and the larger crystal field splitting in the MnO!cluster suggestthat a high-spinto low-spin transition of Mn3* can occur. When the Mn-O distancein the MnO?cluster is decreasedfrom 2.04 to 1.88A, the low-spin configurationis found to be the most stable;this suggests that low-spin Mn3* may substitute for Mna* in the manganese(IV)oxides, the ionic radii of Mna+ and lowspin Mn3+ being fairly similar (Shannon-and Prewitt, 1969).It shouldbe noted, however,that Mnr* distortsits coordination environment via the Jahn-Teller effect and that the resulting tetragonal distortion will stabilize the high-spinconfiguration.Spin-unrestrictedcalculationson fvtnO?- clusters with Da6 symmetry should therefore be done to investigatethis problem. Stability of Mnt+ cations in oxides The Mn3* ion is often unstableand frequently disproportionatesto Mn2+ and Mn3* ions (Stummand Morgan, orbital in Td symmetry and the rlg orbital in 06 slmme1970;Huheey, 1978:,Cotton and Wilkinson, 1980).The try), the occupied Mna* crystal field orbitals are less molecular orbital diagrams in Figure I suggestthat the stablein the tetrahedralcluster. Moreover, in T6 slmmestability of the MnO?- cluster is approximatelymidway try one electron must occupy the least stable5t2 orbital betweenthat of the MnOl0- and MnO[- clusters.Hence, which is o-antibonding.Finally, the bonding molecular in oxides, the energy requiredfor the disproportionation orbitalsin the MnOS- clusterare more stable(by about I of two Mn3* ions shouldbe quite low. Following Tossell eV) than the analogousorbitals in the MnOf- cluster. (1973),one may perform a transitionstatecalculationfor This is probably due to an increaseddelocalizationofthe the disproportionationof two MnOl- clustersto a MnO[,valenceorbital electronsin the largerMnO[ cluster.The and a MnOA0- cluster as follows: 0.5 electrons are molecular orbital approach shows that Mna* is more removedfrom the 3e, orbital of the MnOl,0- cluster and stablein octahedralcoordinationalthoughit is somewhat addedto the 3e, orbital of the MnO[ cluster.The orbital ambiguousas to how one may define an octahedralsite energiesofthe two isolatedclusterscan be placedon the preferenceenergy. samescaleby equatingtheir constantinterspherepotentials. The resultingenergydifferencebetweenthe MnOB High- versus Low-spin Mnz* and Mn3* and MnOl0- 3enorbitals would correspondto the energy Transition metals with more than three electronscan required for the disproportionation.This is found to be exist in both high spin and low spin statesin octahedral less than 0.25 eV. This approach,however, neglectsthe coordination.The two spin statesof a transition metal electrostaticcomponent of the cluster energies.Morecation have different ionic radii (Shannonand Prewitt, over, the Mn3* cation will stabilizeitself by inducing a 1969)and, hence, different crystal-chemicalbehavior. tetragonal distortion of its coordination environment. The spin-unrestrictedcalculations can provide insight Still, the calculationsseemto be qualitativelyconsistent into the stability of the high-spinrelative to the low-spin with the known chemicalbehavior of Mn3* and suggest configurationin a given coordination environment. As that one may relate trends in redox chemistry with noted previously, the calculationsshow that both Mn2+ theoreticalvalenceorbital energies. and Mn3* are in high-spin configurations at the metalligand bond distanceused for the MnOAO-and MnO!Conclusions clusters.The exchangesplitting of the Mn2* crystal field orbitals (Fig. l) is quite large (4.5 eV); this indicates that The agreement between the calculated results and the high-spinconfigurationt2" (l)3e"(t)2 of Mn2* is experimentalspectraof manganeseoxides demonstrates much more stable than the low-sprn configuration r2*(t ) that isolated clusters can be used to model chemical trrr( I )t . It is known that with increasingpressuretransi- bondingin theseminerals. tion metals may undergo a high spin to low-spin transiAs the formal oxidation state of the manganeseatom tion. Such a transitionof Fe2* is inferred to occur in the increases,the Mn-O bond becomesmore covalent, the Earth's mantle (Fyfe, 1960;Strens, 1969;Burns, 1970). crystal field splittingincreasesand the exchangesplitting The electronicstructureof the MnOlo- cluster,however, of the d-orbitals decreases.The covalent nature of the implies that a high-spinto low-spin transitionof Mn2* is bondingin the MnO[- clusterexplainsthe low solubilities 798 SHERMAN: ELECTRONIC STRUCTURES OF MANGANESE OXIDE MINERALS of manganese (IV) oxides in solutions where strong complexing agents are absent. In contrast, the ionic nature of the bonding in the MnO[o- cluster is in agreement with the higher solubility of Mn2+ in aqueous solutionsand the ability of Mn2* to act as an exchangeable cation in complex oxides. In terms of crystal field theory, the large crystal field splitting in the MnOS- cluster explains the absenceof tetrahedrallycoordinatedMna* in minerals.In terms of molecular orbital theory, a comparison of the calculated electronic structures of octahedral MnOE- and tetrahedral MnOf- clusters indicates that Mna+ is much less stablein tetrahedralcoordination. Becausethe bonding in the MnOl0- cluster is mostly ionic, the Mn2+ 3d-orbitalelectronsare stronglylocalized on the metal atom. Since there are five unpaired electrons, this gives rise to a large exchangesplitting of the crystal field orbitals. This, in turn, indicatesthat a highspin to low-spintransitionof Mn2* in oxidesand silicates at high pressureis unlikely. Finally, the calculationsare in qualitative agreement with the tendencyfor Mn3* cations to disproportionate. In addition, it is found that at the Mn-O bond distances found in the manganese(IV) oxides, Mn3* would be in a low-spinconfiguration.This suggeststhat low-spin Mn3* may substitutefor Mna* in manganeseoxides. Acknowledgments grateful I am especially to JackTossell,Dept.of Chemistry, Universityof Maryland,for initialguidance andencouragement. I wouldalsoliketo thankRogerBurns,KeithJohnson andPaco Leonfor manyhelpfuldiscussions. Thisworkwassupported by NASA grantNSG-7604 and NSF grantNo. EAR E0-16163 to RogerBurns. References Burns,R. G. (1970) Mineralogical Applications of CrystalField Theory.Cambridge UniversityPress,London. Burns,f.. G. andBurns,V. M. (1979) Manganese oxides.In R. G. Bums,Ed.,MarineMinerals, Reviewsin Mineralogy, Vol. 6, p. l-46. Mineralogical Societyof America,Washington, D.C. Burns,R. G. andBurns,V. M. (1977) Mineralogy of manganese nodules. In G. P. Glasby,Ed.,MarineManganese p. Deposits, 185-24E. Elsevier,New York. Burns,R. G. andStrens,R. C. J. 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For the MnO?- and MnOS- calculations sphere radii were chosen using the above procedure but without taking into account the Watson spheressurroundingthe oxygenatoms.The Mn, O and outer sphereradii usedin the MnO?- calculation were 2.2580, 1.7099and 5.5656 bohrs, respectively.This choice gave a virial theorem coemcientof 1.008.The Mn, O and outer sphere radii and 5.2610 usedin the MnOS- cluster were2.0790,1.7080 bohrs, respectively.The resulting virial theorem coefficient was In each cluster, partial waves up to / = 2 were used for manganese,/ = I were used for oxygen, and / : 4 were usedfor the Outer sphere.