Local Coverage Determination (LCD): Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC) (L27489) Contractor Information Contractor Name Novitas Solutions, Inc. LCD Information Document Information LCD ID L27489 LCD Title Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC) AMA CPT/ADA CDT Copyright Statement CPT only copyright 2002-2013 American Medical Association. All Rights Reserved. CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association. Applicable FARS/DFARS Apply to Government Use. Fee schedules, relative value units, conversion factors and/or related components are not assigned by the AMA, are not part of CPT, and the AMA is not recommending their use. The AMA does not directly or indirectly practice medicine or dispense medical services. The AMA assumes no liability for data contained or not contained herein. The Code on Dental Procedures and Nomenclature (Code) is published in Current Dental Terminology (CDT). Copyright © American Dental Association. All rights reserved. CDT and CDT-2010 are trademarks of the American Dental Association. CMS National Coverage Policy Original Effective Date For services performed on or after 07/11/2008 Revision Effective Date For services performed on or after 08/21/2014 Revision Ending Date N/A Retirement Date N/A Notice Period Start Date 05/15/2012 Notice Period End Date 07/05/2012 Title XVIII of the Social Security Act, Section 1862(a)(1)(A) states that no Medicare payment shall be made for items or services which are not reasonable and necessary for the diagnosis or treatment of illness or injury. Title XVIII of the Social Security Act, Section 1862(a)(7). This section excludes routine physical examinations. Title XVIII of the Social Security Act, Section 1833(e) states that no payment shall be made to any provider for any claim that lacks the necessary information to process the claim. Coverage Guidance Coverage Indications, Limitations, and/or Medical Necessity Compliance with the provisions in this policy may be monitored and addressed through post payment data analysis and subsequent medical review audits. The following Indications and Limitations are pertinent to any and all Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC) services in general, regardless of the procedure performed or the anesthesia drug(s) administered. With advances in modern medical technology, there has been a shift in supplying some surgical and diagnostic services to an ambulatory, outpatient or office setting. Accompanying this, there has been a change in the provision of anesthesia services from the traditional general anesthetic to a combination of local, regional and certain mind-altering drugs. Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC) requires careful and continuous evaluation of various vital physiological functions and the diagnosis and treatment of any clinical observations or deviations. MAC can be provided by a variety of qualified anesthesia personnel. However, such personnel must have training and experience involving: • • patient assessment continuous evaluation and monitoring of patient physiological functions • diagnosis and treatment (both pharmacological and non-pharmacological) of any and all deviations in physiological functions. Also, adequate medical and pharmacological equipment must be readily available at all times during MAC. Coverage for MAC is allowed only when all of the following are satisfied: • • • • the service is properly coded documentation is clear and all documentation requirements are met the service is reasonable and necessary the facility requirements are met MAC must be provided by qualified anesthesia personnel. These individuals must be continuously present to monitor the patient and provide anesthesia care. During MAC, the patient's oxygenation, ventilation, circulation and temperature (for those patients at risk for hypothermia or malignant hyperthermia) should be evaluated by whatever method is deemed most suitable by the attending anesthetist. Close monitoring is necessary to anticipate the need for general anesthesia administration or for the treatment of adverse physiologic reactions such as hypotension, excessive pain, difficulty breathing, arrhythmias, adverse drug reactions, etc. In addition, the possibility that the surgical procedure may become more extensive, and/or result in unforeseen complications, requires comprehensive monitoring and/or anesthetic intervention. During monitored anesthesia care, the attending anesthetist must provide a number of specific services, including but not limited to all of the following: • • • • • • Pre-procedure visit and evaluation Intraprocedure monitoring of patient's vital signs, maintenance of the patient's airway and continual evaluation of vital functions Diagnosis and treatment of any clinical problems which occur during the procedure Administration of sedatives, analgesics, hypnotics, anesthetic agents or other medications as necessary to ensure patient safety and comfort Provision of medical services as needed to accomplish the safe completion of the procedure Post-procedure anesthesia management Facility-Equipment Requirements The following facility and equipment requirements encourage quality patient care, but observing them cannot guarantee any specific patient outcome. These requirements pertain to any and all MAC services performed. • • • • MAC location must have a reliable source of oxygen adequate for the length of the procedure. There must also be a backup supply. MAC location must have an adequate and reliable source of suction. Suction apparatus that meets operating room standards is encouraged. MAC locations in which inhalation anesthetics are administered must have an adequate and reliable system for scavenging waste anesthetic gases. Each MAC location must include: a. a self-inflating hand resuscitator bag capable of administering at least 90 percent oxygen as a means to deliver positive pressure ventilation b. adequate anesthesia drugs, supplies and equipment for the intended anesthesia care, and c. adequate monitoring equipment to allow for all patients monitoring noted in documentation requirements d. each MAC location shall have immediately available an emergency cart with defibrillator, emergency drugs and other equipment adequate to provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requirements for this type of anesthesia are the same as for general anesthesia. Specifically, the requirement includes the performance of pre-anesthetic examination and evaluation, prescription of the anesthesia care required, the completion of the anesthesia record, the administration of necessary oral or parenteral medications and the provision of indicated post-operative anesthesia care. Appropriate documentation must be available to reflect the pre and post-anesthetic evaluations and intraoperative monitoring. Reimbursement for MAC will be the same amount allowed for full general anesthesia services if all the requirements listed under these indications are met. The provision of quality MAC is mandatory and requires the same expertise and the same effort (work) as required in the delivery of a general anesthetic. If the requirements are not fulfilled or the procedures are unnecessary, payment will be denied in full. The MAC service rendered must be reasonable, appropriate and medically necessary. The presence of an underlying condition alone, as reported by an ICD-9 code, may not be sufficient evidence that MAC is necessary. The medical condition must be significant enough to impact on the need to provide MAC such as the patient being on medication or being symptomatic, etc. The presence of a stable, treated condition in and of itself is not necessarily sufficient. The codes listed in the "CPT/HCPCS Codes" section of this policy illustrate procedures that do not usually require anesthesia services. However, MAC may be covered when the patient's condition requires the presence of qualified anesthesia personnel to perform monitored anesthesia in addition to the physician performing the procedure. The necessity for the MAC service must be clearly reflected in the medical record. Moderate anesthesia ( 99143, 99144, 99145, 99148, 99149, and 99150) is inherent in the procedures listed in "Appendix G of CPT. It is usually provided by the attending surgeon, is included in the global fee, and is not usually separately reimbursable. Moderate (conscious sedation) is a drug induced depression of consciousness during which patients respond purposefully to verbal commands, either alone or accompanied by light tactile stimulation. No interventions are required to maintain a patent airway and spontaneous ventilation is adequate. Cardiovascular function is usually maintained. Moderate sedation does not include minimal sedation, deep sedation or monitored anesthesia care ( 00100-01999). However, in certain instances, monitored anesthesia care (MAC), provided by anesthesia personnel may be necessary for these procedures or other surgical procedures, if the patient’s diagnosis or pertinent medical history is reflective of one or more of the conditions found in the "ICD-9 Codes That Support Medical Necessity" section of this policy. Of the code range used to identify monitored anesthesia care ( 00100-01999) the anesthesia procedures listed in the CPT/HCPCS Codes section of this policy are the more likely anesthesia procedures to be billed separately from the CPT codes in Appendix G of CPT. This policy defines the circumstances in which these additional anesthesia services may be considered reasonable and necessary for those procedures, as well as any circumstances for which MAC may be billed, provided all the other conditions of monitored anesthesia care are met. Also, the following indications/conditions will be considered on an individual basis when reported for one of the services listed in the "CPT/HCPCS Codes" section of this policy. Documentation to support the medical necessity of the service must be maintained in the patient's clinical record. For coding guidelines specific to the indications/conditions listed below, refer to the corresponding article for Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC) (to follow). • • • • • • • Combative patients Patients with low pain thresholds, who suffer severe pain or who are unable to tolerate the planned procedure without MAC by documented history or as the procedure gets underway) Intraoperative expansion of procedure or strong possibility of expansion of a procedure Any condition in a pediatric patient, Medicare eligible Mental retardation (e.g., patients who are uncooperative due to a lack of understanding caused by their mental disability) The medically necessary administration of the anesthetic drug, propofol, which requires the expertise of an M.D., D.O. (not directly performing the surgical/diagnostic procedure) or a CRNA trained in its use. The mere use of fentanyl, versed, or stadol, does not, justify the medical necessity of monitored anesthesia care, since use of these is inherent in the surgical procedure itself. Medical Necessity for Monitored Anesthesia Care requires that the patient meet one of the conditions listed below from the Diagnoses that Support Medical Necessity In summary, MAC may be necessary and justified when one of the CPT codes listed in the "CPT/HCPCS Codes" section of this policy or propofol is coupled with one of the codes listed in Appendix G of CPT or other minor procedures not usually requiring anesthesia to insure safety by the prevention of adverse physiologic complications, in patients with one of the qualifying ICD-9-CM codes. When reporting services that do not usually require MAC, append the appropriate anesthesia modifier and the QS modifier (when a co-existing condition the "ICD-9 Codes That Support Medical Necessity" exists). Limitation Any MAC service reported not meeting the guidelines outlined in the "Indications and Limitations of Coverage and/or Medical Necessity" section of this LCD is considered not reasonable and necessary. Coding Information Bill Type Codes: Contractors may specify Bill Types to help providers identify those Bill Types typically used to report this service. Absence of a Bill Type does not guarantee that the policy does not apply to that Bill Type. Complete absence of all Bill Types indicates that coverage is not influenced by Bill Type and the policy should be assumed to apply equally to all claims. 999x Not Applicable Revenue Codes: Contractors may specify Revenue Codes to help providers identify those Revenue Codes typically used to report this service. In most instances Revenue Codes are purely advisory; unless specified in the policy services reported under other Revenue Codes are equally subject to this coverage determination. Complete absence of all Revenue Codes indicates that coverage is not influenced by Revenue Code and the policy should be assumed to apply equally to all Revenue Codes. 99999 Not Applicable CPT/HCPCS Codes Group 1 Paragraph: Italicized and/or quoted material is excerpted from the American Medical Association, Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes. Below are anesthesia procedures for which anesthesia personnel provided services (MAC) are usually not needed but may be medically necessary in certain limited situations (see "Indications and Limitations of Coverage and/or Medical Necessity"). Group 1 Codes: ANESTHESIA FOR PROCEDURES ON SALIVARY GLANDS, INCLUDING BIOPSY ANESTHESIA FOR PROCEDURES ON EXTERNAL, MIDDLE, AND INNER EAR 00124 INCLUDING BIOPSY; OTOSCOPY 00148 ANESTHESIA FOR PROCEDURES ON EYE; OPHTHALMOSCOPY ANESTHESIA FOR PROCEDURES ON NOSE AND ACCESSORY SINUSES; NOT 00160 OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ANESTHESIA FOR PROCEDURES ON NOSE AND ACCESSORY SINUSES; 00164 BIOPSY, SOFT TISSUE ANESTHESIA FOR ALL PROCEDURES ON THE INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM, 00300 MUSCLES AND NERVES OF HEAD, NECK, AND POSTERIOR TRUNK, NOT OTHERWISE SPECIFIED 00100 ANESTHESIA FOR PROCEDURES ON THE INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM ON THE 00400 EXTREMITIES, ANTERIOR TRUNK AND PERINEUM; NOT OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ANESTHESIA FOR PROCEDURES ON CLAVICLE AND SCAPULA; BIOPSY OF 00454 CLAVICLE 00524 ANESTHESIA FOR CLOSED CHEST PROCEDURES; PNEUMOCENTESIS 00532 ANESTHESIA FOR ACCESS TO CENTRAL VENOUS CIRCULATION ANESTHESIA FOR PROCEDURES ON UPPER ANTERIOR ABDOMINAL WALL; 00702 PERCUTANEOUS LIVER BIOPSY ANESTHESIA FOR UPPER GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPIC PROCEDURES, 00740 ENDOSCOPE INTRODUCED PROXIMAL TO DUODENUM ANESTHESIA FOR LOWER INTESTINAL ENDOSCOPIC PROCEDURES, 00810 ENDOSCOPE INTRODUCED DISTAL TO DUODENUM ANESTHESIA FOR INTRAPERITONEAL PROCEDURES IN LOWER ABDOMEN 00842 INCLUDING LAPAROSCOPY; AMNIOCENTESIS ANESTHESIA FOR PROCEDURES ON MALE GENITALIA (INCLUDING OPEN 00920 URETHRAL PROCEDURES); NOT OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ANESTHESIA FOR PROCEDURES ON MALE GENITALIA (INCLUDING OPEN 00921 URETHRAL PROCEDURES); VASECTOMY, UNILATERAL OR BILATERAL 01130 ANESTHESIA FOR BODY CAST APPLICATION OR REVISION ANESTHESIA FOR ALL CAST APPLICATIONS, REMOVAL, OR REPAIR 01420 INVOLVING KNEE JOINT 01490 ANESTHESIA FOR LOWER LEG CAST APPLICATION, REMOVAL, OR REPAIR ANESTHESIA FOR SHOULDER CAST APPLICATION, REMOVAL OR REPAIR; 01680 NOT OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ANESTHESIA FOR SHOULDER CAST APPLICATION, REMOVAL OR REPAIR; 01682 SHOULDER SPICA ANESTHESIA FOR PROCEDURES ON VEINS OF UPPER ARM AND ELBOW; NOT 01780 OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ANESTHESIA FOR PROCEDURES ON VEINS OF UPPER ARM AND ELBOW; 01782 PHLEBORRHAPHY ANESTHESIA FOR FOREARM, WRIST, OR HAND CAST APPLICATION, 01860 REMOVAL, OR REPAIR 01916 ANESTHESIA FOR DIAGNOSTIC ARTERIOGRAPHY/VENOGRAPHY 01922 ANESTHESIA FOR NON-INVASIVE IMAGING OR RADIATION THERAPY 01999 UNLISTED ANESTHESIA PROCEDURE(S) ICD-9 Codes that Support Medical Necessity Group 1 Paragraph: It is the provider’s responsibility to select codes carried out to the highest level of specificity and selected from the ICD-9-CM code book appropriate to the year in which the service is rendered for the claim(s) submitted. Group 1 Codes: 038.0 STREPTOCOCCAL SEPTICEMIA 038.10 - STAPHYLOCOCCAL SEPTICEMIA UNSPECIFIED - METHICILLIN 038.12 RESISTANT STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS SEPTICEMIA 038.19 OTHER STAPHYLOCOCCAL SEPTICEMIA 038.2 PNEUMOCOCCAL SEPTICEMIA 038.3 SEPTICEMIA DUE TO ANAEROBES 038.40 - SEPTICEMIA DUE TO GRAM-NEGATIVE ORGANISM UNSPECIFIED 038.44 SEPTICEMIA DUE TO SERRATIA 038.49 OTHER SEPTICEMIA DUE TO GRAM-NEGATIVE ORGANISMS 038.8 OTHER SPECIFIED SEPTICEMIAS - UNSPECIFIED SEPTICEMIA 038.9 242.00 - TOXIC DIFFUSE GOITER WITHOUT THYROTOXIC CRISIS OR STORM UNSPECIFIED ACQUIRED HYPOTHYROIDISM 244.9 SECONDARY DIABETES MELLITUS WITHOUT MENTION OF 249.00 - COMPLICATION, NOT STATED AS UNCONTROLLED, OR UNSPECIFIED 249.91 SECONDARY DIABETES MELLITUS WITH UNSPECIFIED COMPLICATION, UNCONTROLLED DIABETES MELLITUS WITHOUT MENTION OF COMPLICATION, TYPE II OR 250.00 - UNSPECIFIED TYPE, NOT STATED AS UNCONTROLLED - UNSPECIFIED 253.9 DISORDER OF THE PITUITARY GLAND AND ITS HYPOTHALAMIC CONTROL 254.0 - PERSISTENT HYPERPLASIA OF THYMUS - UNSPECIFIED DISORDER OF 255.9 ADRENAL GLANDS 276.0 - HYPEROSMOLALITY AND/OR HYPERNATREMIA - ELECTROLYTE AND 276.9 FLUID DISORDERS NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED 278.01 MORBID OBESITY 290.0 - SENILE DEMENTIA UNCOMPLICATED - UNSPECIFIED TYPE 295.95 SCHIZOPHRENIA IN REMISSION BIPOLAR I DISORDER, SINGLE MANIC EPISODE, UNSPECIFIED - BIPOLAR I 296.00 DISORDER, SINGLE MANIC EPISODE, IN PARTIAL OR UNSPECIFIED 296.05 REMISSION MANIC AFFECTIVE DISORDER RECURRENT EPISODE UNSPECIFIED 296.10 DEGREE - MANIC AFFECTIVE DISORDER RECURRENT EPISODE IN 296.15 PARTIAL OR UNSPECIFIED REMISSION MAJOR DEPRESSIVE AFFECTIVE DISORDER SINGLE EPISODE 296.20 UNSPECIFIED DEGREE - MAJOR DEPRESSIVE AFFECTIVE DISORDER 296.25 SINGLE EPISODE IN PARTIAL OR UNSPECIFIED REMISSION MAJOR DEPRESSIVE AFFECTIVE DISORDER RECURRENT EPISODE 296.30 UNSPECIFIED DEGREE - MAJOR DEPRESSIVE AFFECTIVE DISORDER 296.35 RECURRENT EPISODE IN PARTIAL OR UNSPECIFIED REMISSION BIPOLAR I DISORDER, MOST RECENT EPISODE (OR CURRENT) MANIC, 296.40 UNSPECIFIED - BIPOLAR I DISORDER, MOST RECENT EPISODE (OR 296.45 CURRENT) MANIC, IN PARTIAL OR UNSPECIFIED REMISSION BIPOLAR I DISORDER, MOST RECENT EPISODE (OR CURRENT) 296.50 - DEPRESSED, UNSPECIFIED - BIPOLAR I DISORDER, MOST RECENT 296.55 EPISODE (OR CURRENT) DEPRESSED, IN PARTIAL OR UNSPECIFIED REMISSION BIPOLAR I DISORDER, MOST RECENT EPISODE (OR CURRENT) MIXED, 296.60 UNSPECIFIED - BIPOLAR I DISORDER, MOST RECENT EPISODE (OR 296.65 CURRENT) MIXED, IN PARTIAL OR UNSPECIFIED REMISSION 296.80 BIPOLAR DISORDER, UNSPECIFIED - ATYPICAL DEPRESSIVE DISORDER 296.82 296.89 OTHER AND UNSPECIFIED BIPOLAR DISORDERS, OTHER 296.90 UNSPECIFIED EPISODIC MOOD DISORDER 296.99 OTHER SPECIFIED EPISODIC MOOD DISORDER 297.0 - PARANOID STATE SIMPLE - OTHER SPECIFIED PERVASIVE 299.81 DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS, RESIDUAL STATE 300.00 ANXIETY STATE UNSPECIFIED - HYSTERIA UNSPECIFIED 300.10 300.20 PHOBIA UNSPECIFIED - OTHER ISOLATED OR SPECIFIC PHOBIAS 300.29 304.01 - OPIOID TYPE DEPENDENCE CONTINUOUS USE - UNSPECIFIED DRUG 304.93 DEPENDENCE IN REMISSION 305.00 - NONDEPENDENT ALCOHOL ABUSE UNSPECIFIED DRINKING BEHAVIOR 305.02 NONDEPENDENT ALCOHOL ABUSE EPISODIC DRINKING BEHAVIOR 305.20 - NONDEPENDENT CANNABIS ABUSE UNSPECIFIED USE - NONDEPENDENT 305.22 CANNABIS ABUSE EPISODIC USE 305.30 - NONDEPENDENT HALLUCINOGEN ABUSE UNSPECIFIED USE 305.32 NONDEPENDENT HALLUCINOGEN ABUSE EPISODIC USE 305.40 - SEDATIVE, HYPNOTIC OR ANXIOLYTIC ABUSE, UNSPECIFIED 305.42 SEDATIVE, HYPNOTIC OR ANXIOLYTIC ABUSE, EPISODIC 305.50 - NONDEPENDENT OPIOID ABUSE UNSPECIFIED USE - NONDEPENDENT 305.52 OPIOID ABUSE EPISODIC USE 305.60 - NONDEPENDENT COCAINE ABUSE UNSPECIFIED USE - NONDEPENDENT 305.62 COCAINE ABUSE EPISODIC USE NONDEPENDENT AMPHETAMINE OR RELATED ACTING 305.70 - SYMPATHOMIMETIC ABUSE UNSPECIFIED USE - NONDEPENDENT 305.72 AMPHETAMINE OR RELATED ACTING SYMPATHOMIMETIC ABUSE EPISODIC USE 305.80 - NONDEPENDENT ANTIDEPRESSANT TYPE ABUSE UNSPECIFIED USE 305.82 NONDEPENDENT ANTIDEPRESSANT TYPE ABUSE EPISODIC USE 308.3 OTHER ACUTE REACTIONS TO STRESS 319 UNSPECIFIED INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES 324.0 INTRACRANIAL ABSCESS 331.0 345.00 345.91 391.0 391.2 394.0 397.9 401.0 402.00 402.01 402.10 402.11 402.90 402.91 404.00 404.03 404.11 404.13 404.91 404.93 405.01 405.91 410.00 410.02 410.10 410.12 410.20 410.22 410.30 410.32 ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE GENERALIZED NONCONVULSIVE EPILEPSY WITHOUT INTRACTABLE EPILEPSY - EPILEPSY UNSPECIFIED WITH INTRACTABLE EPILEPSY ACUTE RHEUMATIC PERICARDITIS - ACUTE RHEUMATIC MYOCARDITIS MITRAL STENOSIS - RHEUMATIC DISEASES OF ENDOCARDIUM VALVE UNSPECIFIED MALIGNANT ESSENTIAL HYPERTENSION MALIGNANT HYPERTENSIVE HEART DISEASE WITHOUT HEART FAILURE - MALIGNANT HYPERTENSIVE HEART DISEASE WITH HEART FAILURE BENIGN HYPERTENSIVE HEART DISEASE WITHOUT HEART FAILURE BENIGN HYPERTENSIVE HEART DISEASE WITH HEART FAILURE UNSPECIFIED HYPERTENSIVE HEART DISEASE WITHOUT HEART FAILURE - UNSPECIFIED HYPERTENSIVE HEART DISEASE WITH HEART FAILURE HYPERTENSIVE HEART AND CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE, MALIGNANT, WITHOUT HEART FAILURE AND WITH CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE STAGE I THROUGH STAGE IV, OR UNSPECIFIED - HYPERTENSIVE HEART AND CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE, MALIGNANT, WITH HEART FAILURE AND WITH CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE STAGE V OR END STAGE RENAL DISEASE HYPERTENSIVE HEART AND CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE, BENIGN, WITH HEART FAILURE AND WITH CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE STAGE I THROUGH STAGE IV, OR UNSPECIFIED - HYPERTENSIVE HEART AND CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE, BENIGN, WITH HEART FAILURE AND CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE STAGE V OR END STAGE RENAL DISEASE HYPERTENSIVE HEART AND CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE, UNSPECIFIED, WITH HEART FAILURE AND WITH CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE STAGE I THROUGH STAGE IV, OR UNSPECIFIED - HYPERTENSIVE HEART AND CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE, UNSPECIFIED, WITH HEART FAILURE AND CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE STAGE V OR END STAGE RENAL DISEASE MALIGNANT RENOVASCULAR HYPERTENSION - UNSPECIFIED RENOVASCULAR HYPERTENSION ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION OF ANTEROLATERAL WALL EPISODE OF CARE UNSPECIFIED - ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION OF ANTEROLATERAL WALL SUBSEQUENT EPISODE OF CARE ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION OF OTHER ANTERIOR WALL EPISODE OF CARE UNSPECIFIED - ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION OF OTHER ANTERIOR WALL SUBSEQUENT EPISODE OF CARE ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION OF INFEROLATERAL WALL EPISODE OF CARE UNSPECIFIED - ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION OF INFEROLATERAL WALL SUBSEQUENT EPISODE OF CARE ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION OF INFEROPOSTERIOR WALL EPISODE OF CARE UNSPECIFIED - ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION OF INFEROPOSTERIOR WALL SUBSEQUENT EPISODE OF CARE ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION OF OTHER INFERIOR WALL EPISODE 410.40 OF CARE UNSPECIFIED - ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION OF OTHER 410.42 INFERIOR WALL SUBSEQUENT EPISODE OF CARE ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION OF OTHER LATERAL WALL EPISODE 410.50 OF CARE UNSPECIFIED - ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION OF OTHER 410.52 LATERAL WALL SUBSEQUENT EPISODE OF CARE 410.60 - TRUE POSTERIOR WALL INFARCTION EPISODE OF CARE UNSPECIFIED 410.62 TRUE POSTERIOR WALL INFARCTION SUBSEQUENT EPISODE OF CARE 410.70 - SUBENDOCARDIAL INFARCTION EPISODE OF CARE UNSPECIFIED 410.72 SUBENDOCARDIAL INFARCTION SUBSEQUENT EPISODE OF CARE ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION OF OTHER SPECIFIED SITES EPISODE 410.80 OF CARE UNSPECIFIED - ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION OF OTHER 410.82 SPECIFIED SITES SUBSEQUENT EPISODE OF CARE ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION OF UNSPECIFIED SITE EPISODE OF 410.90 CARE UNSPECIFIED - ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION OF 410.92 UNSPECIFIED SITE SUBSEQUENT EPISODE OF CARE 411.0 - POSTMYOCARDIAL INFARCTION SYNDROME - INTERMEDIATE 411.1 CORONARY SYNDROME 411.81 ACUTE CORONARY OCCLUSION WITHOUT MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION OTHER ACUTE AND SUBACUTE FORMS OF ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASE 411.89 OTHER 413.0 ANGINA DECUBITUS - PRINZMETAL ANGINA 413.1 413.9 OTHER AND UNSPECIFIED ANGINA PECTORIS CORONARY ATHEROSCLEROSIS OF UNSPECIFIED TYPE OF VESSEL 414.00 NATIVE OR GRAFT - CORONARY ATHEROSCLEROSIS OF ARTERY 414.04 BYPASS GRAFT CORONARY ATHEROSCLEROSIS OF NATIVE CORONARY ARTERY OF 414.06 TRANSPLANTED HEART CORONARY ATHEROSCLEROSIS OF BYPASS GRAFT (ARTERY) (VEIN) OF 414.07 TRANSPLANTED HEART 414.10 ANEURYSM OF HEART (WALL) - DISSECTION OF CORONARY ARTERY 414.12 414.19 OTHER ANEURYSM OF HEART 414.4 CORONARY ATHEROSCLEROSIS DUE TO CALCIFIED CORONARY LESION 414.8 - OTHER SPECIFIED FORMS OF CHRONIC ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASE 414.9 CHRONIC ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASE UNSPECIFIED 415.0 ACUTE COR PULMONALE 415.13 SADDLE EMBOLUS OF PULMONARY ARTERY 416.0 - PRIMARY PULMONARY HYPERTENSION - CHRONIC PULMONARY HEART 416.9 DISEASE UNSPECIFIED 420.0 ACUTE PERICARDITIS IN DISEASES CLASSIFIED ELSEWHERE 420.90 ACUTE PERICARDITIS UNSPECIFIED - ACUTE IDIOPATHIC PERICARDITIS 420.91 420.99 421.0 421.1 421.9 422.0 422.90 422.93 422.99 423.0 423.2 423.8 423.9 424.0 424.3 424.90 424.91 424.99 425.0 425.9 426.0 427.69 427.81 427.89 428.0 428.9 430 - 431 432.0 432.1 432.9 433.00 433.01 433.10 433.11 433.20 433.21 433.30 433.31 OTHER ACUTE PERICARDITIS ACUTE AND SUBACUTE BACTERIAL ENDOCARDITIS - ACUTE AND SUBACUTE INFECTIVE ENDOCARDITIS IN DISEASES CLASSIFIED ELSEWHERE ACUTE ENDOCARDITIS UNSPECIFIED ACUTE MYOCARDITIS IN DISEASES CLASSIFIED ELSEWHERE ACUTE MYOCARDITIS UNSPECIFIED - TOXIC MYOCARDITIS OTHER ACUTE MYOCARDITIS HEMOPERICARDIUM - CONSTRICTIVE PERICARDITIS OTHER SPECIFIED DISEASES OF PERICARDIUM - UNSPECIFIED DISEASE OF PERICARDIUM MITRAL VALVE DISORDERS - PULMONARY VALVE DISORDERS ENDOCARDITIS VALVE UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED CAUSE ENDOCARDITIS IN DISEASES CLASSIFIED ELSEWHERE OTHER ENDOCARDITIS VALVE UNSPECIFIED ENDOMYOCARDIAL FIBROSIS - SECONDARY CARDIOMYOPATHY UNSPECIFIED ATRIOVENTRICULAR BLOCK COMPLETE - OTHER PREMATURE BEATS SINOATRIAL NODE DYSFUNCTION OTHER SPECIFIED CARDIAC DYSRHYTHMIAS CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE UNSPECIFIED - HEART FAILURE UNSPECIFIED SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE - INTRACEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE NONTRAUMATIC EXTRADURAL HEMORRHAGE - SUBDURAL HEMORRHAGE UNSPECIFIED INTRACRANIAL HEMORRHAGE OCCLUSION AND STENOSIS OF BASILAR ARTERY WITHOUT CEREBRAL INFARCTION - OCCLUSION AND STENOSIS OF BASILAR ARTERY WITH CEREBRAL INFARCTION OCCLUSION AND STENOSIS OF CAROTID ARTERY WITHOUT CEREBRAL INFARCTION - OCCLUSION AND STENOSIS OF CAROTID ARTERY WITH CEREBRAL INFARCTION OCCLUSION AND STENOSIS OF VERTEBRAL ARTERY WITHOUT CEREBRAL INFARCTION - OCCLUSION AND STENOSIS OF VERTEBRAL ARTERY WITH CEREBRAL INFARCTION OCCLUSION AND STENOSIS OF MULTIPLE AND BILATERAL PRECEREBRAL ARTERIES WITHOUT CEREBRAL INFARCTION OCCLUSION AND STENOSIS OF MULTIPLE AND BILATERAL PRECEREBRAL ARTERIES WITH CEREBRAL INFARCTION 433.80 433.81 433.90 433.91 434.00 434.01 434.10 434.11 434.90 434.91 435.0 435.3 435.8 435.9 436 437.0 437.9 490 - 496 500 - 505 506.0 506.4 506.9 508.0 508.1 508.2 508.8 508.9 OCCLUSION AND STENOSIS OF OTHER SPECIFIED PRECEREBRAL ARTERY WITHOUT CEREBRAL INFARCTION - OCCLUSION AND STENOSIS OF OTHER SPECIFIED PRECEREBRAL ARTERY WITH CEREBRAL INFARCTION OCCLUSION AND STENOSIS OF UNSPECIFIED PRECEREBRAL ARTERY WITHOUT CEREBRAL INFARCTION - OCCLUSION AND STENOSIS OF UNSPECIFIED PRECEREBRAL ARTERY WITH CEREBRAL INFARCTION CEREBRAL THROMBOSIS WITHOUT CEREBRAL INFARCTION - CEREBRAL THROMBOSIS WITH CEREBRAL INFARCTION CEREBRAL EMBOLISM WITHOUT CEREBRAL INFARCTION - CEREBRAL EMBOLISM WITH CEREBRAL INFARCTION CEREBRAL ARTERY OCCLUSION UNSPECIFIED WITHOUT CEREBRAL INFARCTION - CEREBRAL ARTERY OCCLUSION UNSPECIFIED WITH CEREBRAL INFARCTION BASILAR ARTERY SYNDROME - VERTEBROBASILAR ARTERY SYNDROME OTHER SPECIFIED TRANSIENT CEREBRAL ISCHEMIAS - UNSPECIFIED TRANSIENT CEREBRAL ISCHEMIA ACUTE BUT ILL-DEFINED CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE CEREBRAL ATHEROSCLEROSIS - UNSPECIFIED CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE BRONCHITIS NOT SPECIFIED AS ACUTE OR CHRONIC - CHRONIC AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED COAL WORKERS' PNEUMOCONIOSIS - PNEUMOCONIOSIS UNSPECIFIED BRONCHITIS AND PNEUMONITIS DUE TO FUMES AND VAPORS CHRONIC RESPIRATORY CONDITIONS DUE TO FUMES AND VAPORS UNSPECIFIED RESPIRATORY CONDITIONS DUE TO FUMES AND VAPORS ACUTE PULMONARY MANIFESTATIONS DUE TO RADIATION - CHRONIC AND OTHER PULMONARY MANIFESTATIONS DUE TO RADIATION RESPIRATORY CONDITIONS DUE TO SMOKE INHALATION RESPIRATORY CONDITIONS DUE TO OTHER SPECIFIED EXTERNAL AGENTS - RESPIRATORY CONDITIONS DUE TO UNSPECIFIED EXTERNAL AGENT EMPYEMA WITH FISTULA EMPYEMA WITHOUT FISTULA SPONTANEOUS TENSION PNEUMOTHORAX PULMONARY COLLAPSE - ACUTE AND CHRONIC RESPIRATORY FAILURE FOLLOWING TRAUMA AND SURGERY ACUTE RESPIRATORY FAILURE - OTHER PULMONARY INSUFFICIENCY NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED ACUTE AND SUBACUTE NECROSIS OF LIVER - OTHER CHRONIC NONALCOHOLIC LIVER DISEASE 510.0 510.9 512.0 518.0 518.53 518.81 518.82 570 571.8 572.0 ABSCESS OF LIVER - OTHER SEQUELAE OF CHRONIC LIVER DISEASE 572.8 584.5 586 780.1 780.31 780.33 780.39 785.50 785.59 786.1 995.0 995.4 995.60 995.69 ACUTE KIDNEY FAILURE WITH LESION OF TUBULAR NECROSIS - RENAL FAILURE UNSPECIFIED HALLUCINATIONS FEBRILE CONVULSIONS (SIMPLE), UNSPECIFIED POST TRAUMATIC SEIZURES OTHER CONVULSIONS SHOCK UNSPECIFIED - OTHER SHOCK WITHOUT TRAUMA STRIDOR OTHER ANAPHYLACTIC REACTION - SHOCK DUE TO ANESTHESIA NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIED ANAPHYLACTIC REACTION DUE TO UNSPECIFIED FOOD ANAPHYLACTIC REACTION DUE TO OTHER SPECIFIED FOOD UNSPECIFIED COMPLICATION OF PROCEDURE NOT ELSEWHERE 998.9 CLASSIFIED V44.0 TRACHEOSTOMY STATUS V58.83* ENCOUNTER FOR THERAPEUTIC DRUG MONITORING Group 1 Medical Necessity ICD-9 Codes Asterisk Explanation: *Use V58.83 solely for propofol use, when it is warranted and there is no other ICD-9-CM to describe the condition of the patient. Report this in conjunction with the verbiage, “propofol” in the narrative section of the claim. ICD-9 Codes that DO NOT Support Medical Necessity Paragraph: All those not listed under the “ICD-9 Codes that Support Medical Necessity” section of this policy. N/A General Information Associated Information Documentation Guidelines 1. All documentation must be maintained in the patient’s medical record and available to the contractor upon request. 2. Every page of the record must be legible and include appropriate patient identification information (e.g., complete name, dates of service(s)). The record must include the physician or non-physician practitioner responsible for and providing the care of the patient. 3. The submitted medical record should support the use of the selected ICD-9-CM code(s). The submitted CPT/HCPCS code should describe the service performed. 4. The medical record documentation must support the medical necessity of the services as directed in this policy. The following Documentation Requirements are pertinent to any and all MAC services in general, regardless of the procedure performed or the anesthesia drug(s) administered. Clear and complete documentation is a factor in the provision of quality care. Supportive documentation is the responsibility of the anesthetist, and mandatory for Medicare coverage and reimbursement. While anesthesia care is a continuum, it is viewed as consisting of preanesthesia, perianesthesia and postanesthesia components. Monitored anesthesia care (MAC) must be documented to include the following: I. Pre-anesthesia evaluation A. B. C. D. E. Patient interview to include medical history, anesthesia history, medication history Appropriate physical exam Review of objective diagnostic data (e.g., laboratory, ECG, X-ray) Assignment of physical status (e.g., ASA physical status protocols) Formulation and discussion of an anesthesia plan with the patient (and/or responsible adult) and patient's attending surgeon II. Perianesthesia (time-based record of events) A. Immediate review prior to initiation of anesthetic procedure: 1. Patient re-evaluation 2. Check of equipment, drugs, gas supply B. Monitoring of the patient 1. Qualified anesthesia personnel shall be present in the room throughout MAC 2. The patient's oxygenation, ventilation, circulation, and temperature shall be continually evaluated. C. Amounts of all drugs and agents used, and times given D. The type and amounts of any/all intravenous fluids used, including blood and blood products, and times given E. The technique(s) used F. All unusual events during the anesthesia-monitoring period G. Status of patient at conclusion of anesthesia and procedure III. Postanesthesia A. Patient evaluation on admission and discharge from postanesthesia B. C. D. E. F. A time-based record of vital signs and level of consciousness All drugs administered and their dosages Types and amounts of intravenous fluids administered Any unusual events including postanesthesia or postprocedural complications Postanesthesia visits and any follow-up prescribed When reporting MAC for one of the procedures listed in the "CPT/HCPCS Codes" section of this policy or for propofol, in conjunction with a CPT code from Appendix G of CPT or a procedure that does not usually require MAC, the presence of an underlying condition alone, as reported by an ICD-9 code, may not be sufficient evidence that MAC is necessary. The medical condition must be significant enough to impact on the need to provide MAC and be clearly reflected in the medical record. All services required to fulfill the definition of the service for MAC must be performed when this service is billed for one of the CPT codes or for propofol. Services other than for propofol that usually do not require MAC and are not supported by an underlying condition represented in the "ICD-9 Codes That Support Medical Necessity" section of this policy, may be reviewed on an individual consideration basis. All supporting documentation must be forwarded to the contractor upon request. ICD-9 V58.83 (Encounter for therapeutic drug monitoring) should be used when patient provided MAC monitoring secondary, or integral, to the use of propofol. Include the verbiage, “propofol” in the narrative field of the claim. Appendices N/A Utilization Guidelines In accordance with CMS Ruling 95-1(V), utilization of this service(s) should be consistent with locally acceptable standards of practice. Sources of Information and Basis for Decision Contractor is not responsible for the continued viability of websites listed. AANA-ASA Joint Statement Regarding Propofol Administration April 14, 2004 American Medical Association, Current Procedural Terminology; CPT 2000 American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, publication #1016 ASA Position on Monitored Anesthesia Care (Approved by the ASA House of Delegates on October 21, 1998), December; 1998 Vol. 62 Carrier Medical Director's Workgroup Template policy Coursin DB, Maccioli GA, Murray MJ. Perioperative Medicine; Anesthesiology Clin North America. Sept.;2000;18 (3). Deng Xin-sheng, Simpson VJ, Deitrich RA. Department of Pharmacology, Nitric oxide and Propofol University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado, USA 80262 Heine J, Jaegar A, Osthaus N, et al. Anaesthesia with propofol decreases FMLP-induced neutrophil respiratory burst but not phagocytosis compared with isoflurane; British Journal of Anaesthesia 2000; 85(3) 424-430. Leffler TM, Propofol for sedation in the endoscopy setting: nursing considerations for patient care; Gastroenterol Nurs. 2004 Jul-Aug 27; (4):176-80 Medicode ICD-9, 1999 Practice Guidelines For Sedation And Analgesia By Non-Anesthesiologists, (Approved By The House Of Delegates On October 25, 1995, And Last Amended On October 17, 2001) An Updated Report By The American Society Of Anesthesiologists Task Force On Sedation And Analgesia By Non-Anesthesiologists Practice Guidelines for Acute Pain Management in the Perioperative Setting (Approved by the House of Delegates on October 16, 1994, and last amended on October 15, 2003), Developed by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Acute Pain Management The American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.; Practice Guidelines Tung A. New anesthesia techniques; Thorac Surg Clin. 2005 Feb15;(1):27-38. Other Contractors' Policies Contractor Medical Directors Advisory Committee Meeting Notes This policy does not reflect the sole opinion of the contractor or Contractor Medical Directors. Although the final decision rests with the contractor, this policy was developed in cooperation with advisory groups that include representatives from Anesthesiology. CAC/IAC Distribution: 04/01/2008 CAC Distribution: 05/15/2012 Revision History Information Please note: Most Revision History entries effective on or before 01/24/2013 display with a Revision History Number of "R1" at the bottom of this table. However, there may be LCDs where these entries will display as a separate and distinct row. Revision History Date Revision History Number 08/21/2014 R3 11/15/2012 R2 Revision History Explanation LCD updated on 08-13-2014 for administrative purposes only. No content changes have been made to this LCD version. Reason(s) for Change • Other (Administrative purposes.) • Other (CPT/ HCPCS codes formerly in ranges now listed as separate codes.) • Coverage Change (actual change in medical parameters) LCD revised to remove procedure code ranges and individually list each applicable CPT/HCPCS code. 09/27/2012 L27489 Final LCD posted for notice and will become effective for dates of service on and after 11/15/2012. 05/15/2012 DL27489 Draft LCD posted for comment. 04/02/2012 L27489 LCD revised to reflect contractor name change from Highmark Medicare Services to Novitas Solutions, Inc. 11/15/2012 R1 10/01/2011 L27489 LCD revised effective 10/01/2011 to reflect the ICD-9-CM update. The following codes have been deleted: 425.1 and 518.5. The following codes have been added: 294.20, 294.21, 414.4, 415.13, 425.11, 425.18, 508.2, 518.51, 518.52, and 518.53. The following code descriptors have been revised: 319, 995.0, and 995.60-995.69. Some of these changes may be within code ranges. 02/21/2011 L27489 Per Change Request 7135, this LCD is effective for dates of service on and after 02/21/2011 for those providers in the states of Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and the District of Columbia serviced by Wisconsin Physicians Service (WPS), contractor number 52280, that are being transitioned to Highmark Medicare Services, contractor number 12901, effective 02/21/2011. 10/27/2010 L27489 LCD revised effective 10/27/2010. The following changes are per the annual ICD-9-CM code update: ICD-9CM code 276.6 removed for dates of service on and after 10/01/2010. ICD-9CM codes 276.61, 276.69 and 780.33 added for coverage effective for dates of service on and after 10/01/2010. Some of these changes are in code ranges. 10/08/2009 L27489 LCD revised effective 10/09/2009. LCD revised due to ICD-9CM annual updates. The following ICD-9CM code changes are effective 10/01/2009. These changes are within code ranges. Revised code descriptors 572.2, 584.5, 584.6, 584.7, 584.8, 584.9. Added new codes: 416.2, 995.24. 12/12/2008 L27489 LCD effective 12/12/2008 for Pennsylvania Part B. LCD is now effective for DC Part A and DCMA Part B; Delaware Part A and Part B; Maryland Part A and Part B; New Jersey Part A and Part B; Pennsylvania Part A and Part B. 11/14/2008 L27489 LCD effective 11/14/2008 for New Jersey Part B and Delaware Part A. LCD is now effective for DC Part A and DCMA Part B; Delaware Part A and Delaware Part B; Maryland Part A and Maryland Part B; New Jersey Part A and New Jersey Part B; Pennsylvania Part A. 09/24/2008 L27489 The following ICD-9 code changes will be effective 10/01/2008 due to ICD-9-CM annual updates. Revised code descriptor for code 038.11. Added new codes 038.12 and 249.00-249.91. Some of these changes are within a code range. LCD revision effective 09/25/2008. 08/29/2008 L27489 LCD effective 09/01/2008 for New Jersey Part A. Effective 09/01/2008, New Jersey Part A will be added to the other jurisdictions already effective: DC Part A and DCMA Part B; Maryland Part A and Maryland Part B; Pennsylvania Part A; and Delaware Part B. 08/01/2008 L27489 LCD effective 08/01/2008 for DC Part A, Maryland Part A, and Pennsylvania Part A. LCD is now effective for DC Part A and DCMA Part B; Maryland Part A and Maryland Part B; Pennsylvania Part A; and Delaware Part B. 05/23/2008 L27489 Original LCD posted for notice. LCD to become effective 07/11/2008 for Maryland Part B, DCMA Part B and Delaware Part B. 04/01/2008 Draft J12-D17 Original LCD posted for comment. Associated Documents Attachments N/A Related Local Coverage Documents N/A Related National Coverage Documents N/A Public Version(s) Updated on 08/13/2014 with effective dates 08/21/2014 - N/A Updated on 03/23/2013 with effective dates 11/15/2012 - 08/20/2014 Updated on 10/04/2012 with effective dates 11/15/2012 - N/A