Unrelenting Voices Read-In

Unrelenting Voices Read-In
A Celebration of Freedom, Justice, Mandela, and More
8 January 2015
presented by
McCarter Theatre Center
Princeton Public Library
Trenton Free Public Library
New Brunswick Free Public Library
Online Resources Bibliography
Adler, Margot. “Before Rosa Parks, There Was Claudette Colvin – 2 March, 1955.” (NPR Weekend
Edition, 15 March 2009.) [Includes excerpt from Philip Hoose’s National Book Award-winning
Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice (Farrar, 2009).]
Angelou, Dr. Maya. “His Day is Done; a tribute poem for Nelson Mandela.”
8 December 2013. http://www.nelsonmandela.org/news/entry/dr.-maya-angelou-his-day-isdone-a-tribute-poem-for-nelson-mandela.
Asim, Jabari. “’The Talk,’ a poem inspired by Ferguson, MO.’” The Washington Post, 15 August
2014. http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-talk-a-poem-inspired-by-fergusonmo/2014/08/15/aa367992-23f0-11e4-8593-da634b334390_story.html.
Baker, Ella. “Keynote Speech, Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party State Convention.”
(Masonic Hall, Jackson, MI, 6 August 1964). In Ella Baker and the Black Freedom
Movement by Barbara Ransby. UNC Press, 2003:335.
Baldwin, James. “Unnameable Objects, Unspeakable Crimes.” Originally published in Ebony
Magazine (August, 1965). http://www.blackstate.com/baldwin1.html .
Booker, Cory. “Why Have I List Control?” The Stanford Daily (201:52: 6 May 1992).
Declaration of Independence (US, 1776).
Espada, Martín. “Litany at the Grave of Frederick Douglass; Mt. Hope Cemetery,
Rochester, NY, November 7, 2008.”
The Freedom Charter. Adopted by The Congress of the People, Kliptown, South Africa
(25-26 June 1955). http://www.anc.org.za/show.php?id=72 .
[Nelson Mandela, then superintendent of the Transvaal chapter of the African National
Congress, presided. Racial makeup of The Congress of The People discussed at
Fugard, Athol, John Kani, and Wilson, Ntshona. “Sizwe Banzi is Dead.” In Statements [a
collection of 3 plays developed 1972-74]. (Theatre Communications Group, 1993).
See also McCarter Theatre website http://www.mccarter.org/sizwebanzi/ .
Gandhi, Mohandas K. An Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with Truth
[originally published in Gujarati in 1927] (Beacon, 1993).
http://www.columbia.edu/itc/mealac/pritchett/00litlinks/gandhi/part2/208chapter.html .
Hayden, Robert. “Runagate, Runagate.” Published in Collected Poems (Liveright, 1985).
http://www.poetryfoundation.org/poem/237678 .
Hughes, Langston. “Kids Who Die” (1938). The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes. Arnold
Rampersad, ed. (Vintage Vlassics, 1995).
Johnson, James Weldon. “Lift Every Voice and Sing.” In his Complete Poems (Penguin Classics,
2000). http://www.poetryfoundation.org/poem/175885.
[First performed in celebration of a Lincoln’s Birthday visit by Booker T. Washington to Stanton
School, Jacksonville, FL (12 February 1900). Set to music composed by JWJ’s brother
Rosamond, it has become known as “The Black National Anthem.”]
Recording by the Morehouse College Glee Club (1978) at
King, Martin Luther, Jr. “Letter From Birmingham Jail,” 16 April 1963.
http://www.uscrossier.org/pullias/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/king.pdf .
Mandela, Nelson. The Long Walk to Freedom. (Little Brown, 1995).
----. “Nobel Peace Prize Lecture.” (Oslo, Norway, 10 December 1993).
----. “On Occasion of Opening of [Third] Parliament.” (Capetown, 9 February, 1996).
----. “Statement from the Dock at the Opening of the Defence Case in the Rivonia Trial,”
20 April 1964. http://www.rfksafilm.org/html/speeches/mandela.php .
McKay, Claude. “If We Must Die.” The Liberator Magazine, ed. Max Eastman (July, 1919);
subsequently published in Harlem Shadows: The Poems of Claude McKay (Harcourt, 1922).
Myre, Greg. “The Day Nelson Mandela Walked Out Of Prison.” NPR Blogs, 27 June 2013.
National Action Committee of the ANC. “Bulletin on the Campaign in Defiance of Unjust Laws.”
(South Africa, 18 August 1952). [forwarded by George M. Houser, Secretary,
Americans for
South African Resistance.]
Ngugi wa Thiong’o. Decolonising the Mind: The Politics of Language in African Literature,
(Heineman, 1986). http://www.swaraj.org/ngugi.htm.
Norris, Michele. “The Race Card Project.”
Obama, Barack. “Transcript: Barack Obama’s Speech on Race.” (Philadelphia Convention Center,
18 March 2008). The New York Times.
Okri, Ben. “Will You Be at the Harvest?” From Mental Fight - an anti-spell for the 21st century.
(Phoenix House, 1999). http://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/31425.Ben_Okri.
“Ordinance for the City of Birmingham, Alabama, Section 369: Separation of Races, 1952.”
Reagon, Berenice Johnson. “Ella’s Song” (lyrics and music). Sweet Honey in the Rock online
video clip at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6Uus--gFrc.
Robeson, Paul. Here I Stand. (Dobson, 1958; paper: Beacon, 1998).
----. “Let My People Go.” Recording of traditional African-American spiritual also known as “Go
Down, Moses.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtLcELU1brA.
Selected Statutes of the Union of South Africa (pdf files):
“Group Areas Act; Act No. 41 of 1950” (413-15). blogs.loc.gov/law/files/2014/01/Grouphttp://Areas-Act-1950.pdf.
“Natives Act; Act No. 67 of 1952” (1025).
“Reservation of Separate Amenities Act; Act No. 49 of 1953” (328).
Soweto Gospel Choir. “Nkosi Sikilel’ iAfrika/South African National Anthem.” Online video
clip. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTtINHRja4k.
----. “Thula Baba – An Afrikan Lullaby (Zulu).” Recording.
Truth, Sojourner. “Ain’t I a Woman?” Speech at the Women’s Convention, Akron Ohio, 1851.
Tutu, Desmond. “It Takes Generations before People Forget.” Interview with Spiegel
Magazine (21 March, 2005). http://www.spiegel.de/international/spiegel/spiegelinterview-with-desmond-tutu-it-takes-generations-before-people-forget-a-347838-2.html.
----. Nobel Peace Prize Lecture. Oslo, Norway, 11 December 1984.
West, Cornel. “Foreword” to The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander. (New Press, 2012).
Special thanks to Mary Williams for compiling this wonderful document.