Tulsa County Request for Proposal Case Management System REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR CASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PURPOSE: The Board of County Commissioners on behalf of Tulsa County Court Services and Tulsa County Public Defender’s Office, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, is soliciting proposals for a Case Management Software System. It is the intent to enter into a contract for software and services as described herein. INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS: Firms or companies desiring to provide a solution, as described in the Scope of Work and its attachments, must submit one (1) signed original proposal including the original signed and notarized “Affidavit for Filing with Competitive Bid”, W-9, five (5) additional printed copies, and a CD or DVD containing all printed materials in the original proposal no later than 4:00 p.m. Central Time on Friday February 5, 2010 to be opened February 8, 2010. The Office of the Tulsa County Clerk Tulsa County Administration Building, Room 117 500 South Denver Tulsa, OK 74103 The signed original, Affidavit, W-9, and additional printed copies and the electronic copy must be received by the time and at the place mentioned above. All proposals will be opened publicly, and the names of all proposers will be read aloud. Proposals received after the specified time will not be considered. The time/date stamp clock located in the Tulsa County Clerk’s Office will serve as the official authority to determine lateness of any proposal. Tulsa County Request for Proposal Case Management System TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1. The Tulsa County Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, in whole or in part, with or without cause, to waive technicalities or minor irregularities, or to accept the proposal which, in its sole judgment, best serves the interests of Tulsa County or to award a contract to the next most qualified proposer if a successful contract cannot be negotiated with the selected vendor within thirty (30) days after the award of the proposal. 2. The Tulsa County Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to request clarification of information submitted and to request additional information of one or more proposers. 3. Any proposal may be withdrawn until the date and time set above for the submission of the proposals 4. The contract resulting from the acceptance of a proposal shall include both the RFP and submitted proposal as attachments. 5. The successful proposer shall not assign any interest in the contract and shall not transfer any interest in the same without prior written consent of the Tulsa County Board of County Commissioners. 6. A proposer may wish to sub-contract a portion of the work or combine its talents and resources with another proposer in responding to this Request for Proposals. However, in those instances, a prime proposer must be designated that will be accountable for the entire proposal and any contract that may result. 7. Costs for preparation of a response to this Request for Proposal are solely those of the proposer. The Tulsa County Board of County Commissioners assumes no responsibility for any such costs incurred by the proposer. All proposals become the property of the Tulsa County Board of County Commissioners and are subject to the Oklahoma public records law. 8. The proposer receiving the award will obtain or possess the following insurance coverage, and will provide Certificates of Insurance to Tulsa County to verify such coverage. • Workers' Compensation - The proposer shall provide coverage for its employees with statutory workers' compensation limits in compliance as set forth by the laws of the State of Oklahoma. Tulsa County Request for Proposal Case Management System • 9. Commercial General Liability – In the amounts of not less than $100,000/$300,000/$100,000 with $1,000,000 in the aggregate naming the Tulsa County Board of County Commissioners as additional insured. The Tulsa County Board of County Commissioners may short-list several companies’ proposals, request oral onsite presentations, and then visit the locations where the proposer’s Case Management System is installed in order to assess how the proposer’s system will meet Tulsa County’s needs prior to the final acceptance of a proposal. QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS RFP: Except as specified below, a proposer shall not direct any queries or statements concerning its proposal to the Tulsa County staff during the selection process, from the time of release of the RFP until the execution of a contract. All questions or concerns regarding this Request for Proposal must be submitted in writing – by letter, fax, or email to: Linda Dorrell, Tulsa County Purchasing Director 500 South Denver Tulsa, OK 74103 (fax) (918) 596-4647 (email) ldorrell@tulsacounty.org All questions must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. January 14, 2010. All questions and responses will be provided to all proposers in the form of a formal addendum no later than January 25, 2010. ON-SITE VISIT The mandatory pre-bid conference will be held Wednesday, January 6, 2010 at 1:30 p.m. at: Tulsa County Administration Building Room 119 500 South Denver Tulsa, OK 74103 Tulsa County will provide a walk-thru of the Court Services records area with a question and answer session to follow. This will be a mandatory meeting, responses will not be accepted from vendors not attending the meeting. Tulsa County Request for Proposal Case Management System PROPOSAL FORMAT: Proposers must respond in the format delineated below: 1. Deliver the proposal in a sealed envelope or box clearly marked as a proposal for the Case Management System 2. Qualifications of Staff A. Include a listing and brief resumes of key staff to be assigned to provide the required services, describing experience, training, and education in the required services. B. Identify staff experience working with governmental entities and list those projects. C. Identify the project manager who will be in charge of the project for the proposer from commencement until completion. 3. Qualifications of the Firm A. Provide a description and history of the firm focusing on previous similar experience. Preference may be given to similar services provided to other county recorders. B. List at least five (5) references for which the firm has performed work similar in nature and volume, including the contact name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and date of the contract. 4. Technical Approach A. Provide a statement in response to each specification in the Scope of Work (Attachment A). Product literature or brochures may also be included. B. Proposers may offer alternative solutions/options to achieve successful completion of the Scope of Work outlined. C. Provide a detailed description of the firm’s approach to the project, delineating phases, if any, and including your “best professional judgment” time line for delivery of services. If phases are utilized or recommended, indicate costs per phase on the Fee Schedule (Attachment B). Be sure to include testing, quality control, and staff training. D. Confirm the firm’s agreement to deliver the software to meet the requirements of this Request for Proposal. E. Provide specifications for any hardware which the proposer believes needs to be on site to fulfill the requirements of the Scope of Work. Tulsa County intends to purchase any hardware needed for this project directly from hardware vendors. Tulsa County Request for Proposal Case Management System 5. Fee Schedule A. Each Proposer must complete and submit the Fee Schedule included herein as Attachment B. The fees shall include ALL costs associated with performance of the contract including travel and out-of-pocket expenses. B. Additional information may be attached to the Fee Schedule in order to clarify further the detailed cost proposal(s), reflecting various components of the proposal. C. All prices must reflect services delivered and ready for use to: Tulsa County Tulsa County Administration Building 500 South Denver Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74103 6. Additional Forms to Be Submitted A. Affidavit for filing competitive bid (Attachment C) B. W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification (Attachment D) Event Calendar Issue the RFP December 7, 2009 9:30 AM Mandatory meeting January 6, 2010 1:30 PM Deadline for questions January 14, 2010 4:00 PM Deadline for answers January 25, 2010 4:00 PM RFP responses due February 5, 2010 4:00 PM Open RFP responses February 8, 2010 9:30 AM Tulsa County Request for Proposal Case Management System SELECTION CRITERIA FOR FINALISTS: CRITERIA WEIGHT Qualifications of Staff Qualifications of Firm Technical Approach References Fee Schedule/Proposal TOTAL 10 15 35 15 25 100 A selection team made up of representatives from Tulsa County’s Court Services, Public Defender, Purchasing and IT departments will evaluate all submitted proposals based on the above criteria. Representatives from Tulsa County may visit locations in which these systems are installed to receive first-hand information about the product(s). Tulsa County reserves the right to request clarification of information submitted and to request additional information of one or more proposers. Attachments Attachment A Attachment B Attachment C Attachment D Attachment E Attachment F Attachment G Scope of Work Fee Proposal Affidavit for filing competitive bid W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification Background Information on Court Services Current Operations Background Information on Public Defenders Current Operations Glossary of Acronyms and Terminology REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR CASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK The Tulsa County staff may evaluate the proposals by demonstrations at Tulsa County and/or off-site visits to clients of the proposer with the system installed. The Tulsa County Board of County Commissioners is not willing to consider a hosted solution. Tulsa County will provide all necessary hardware. Proposer will be required to provide recommended hardware list, including but not limited to, servers, work stations, scanners, printers, operating systems, scanning software, and any other software. The case management software application, the software application should include the following: Section A: GENERAL REQUIREMENTS and DESIGN A A A A A A 1 2 3 4 5 6 Requirement The software application should be compatible with Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 Vendor should supply hardware requirements for the software application. The software application provider must have an established and stable customer base in the United States. What versions of MS SQL Server are supported (2000, 2005, etc)? The software application should be deployed and updated from a central server(s). The software application should be installed, working and in use by other probation and public defender jurisdictions. A 7 The software application should not require administrator-level access for updates on system user workstations. A 8 The software application must integrate with Microsoft Exchange. A 9 The software application should be fully accessible and usable via a web browser (Windows Internet Explorer preferred) by any authorized user with authorized access without the purchase of additional thin-client software. A 10 The software application should utilize N-tier architecture. A 11 The software application should provide the ability for Tulsa County application administrator(s) to define required fields and screens. A 12 Screen configuration and display should be configurable by Tulsa County application administrator(s). A 13 All screen displays, fields, coded values and system views must be entirely defined by Tulsa County and provide each user their own view of the case management application based on system login, and agency/sub-agency involvement. A 14 Each functional group, user, team must have a unique view of the case management application, while still providing Tulsa County Administrators a global view on all system performance, cases and name/party records. A 15 The software application should provide agency definable “dashboard” functionality for each user, functional group, team to display key reports, searches and displays providing the user a view of their cases, calendar, and reports. Comply Yes No Explanation / Descriptions Requirement Yes A 16 The software application should be GJXDM / NIEM compatible. A 17 The software application's database design should be normalized, for example, name/party records must be entered only once and associated to other database tables. A 18 The software application should support unified case management. For example, Tulsa County can define an unlimited number of additional case types, without the purchase of additional case type specific modules. Each Tulsa County defined case type should support the following functionality: A19 - A21 A 19 When Tulsa County case types are entered, only those codes and values (i.e. events, documents, and statutes) that are applicable to those case types are displayed and available for entry for systems users. A 20 Only those Tulsa County defined users, or groups of users can add or access Tulsa County specified case types. A 21 Each Tulsa County defined case type can have different Tulsa County defined business rules. Vendor must fully describe limitations and functionality of reporting tool(s): A22 - A27 A 22 Provide drill down / hyperlink functionality (i.e. clicking on a hyperlinked case will open up the case record in the case management system). A 23 Provide automated, scheduled email reporting to staff and external stakeholders using Microsoft Exchange. (i.e. every Thursday, report is delivered to Judge email inbox.) A 24 Provide graphing functionality (i.e. ability to use pie charts and graphs). A 25 Ability to export and print all report contents. Export to multiple formats, without the purchase of additional third party software. (Please specify export formats) A 26 The software application should provide secure, view only access via the web for staff, administration, external case participants or Tulsa County stakeholders (e.g. law enforcement officers, judges). A 27 For security purposes the data accessed must be able to be defined by Tulsa County technical staff based on groups, roles, or users. For example, a court officer can only query certain data of the software application while administrators can query the entire application database. Databse Connectivity and Architecture: A 28 Does your product use ODBC or another adapter interface to connect to the database or is a direct connection used? Provide additional explanation if required A 29 What type of database security is supported? Ie, windows, SQL logins, domain groups, etc. A 30 Does the initiall supplied database include application or functional level roles to which users and groups can be assigned? A 31 Do you use triggers and stored procedurs? If so, provide examples of how they are used. A 32 What naming conventions do you follow to name your database objects? For example,what it the name of a typical table, stored procedure, trigger, view and other database objects? A 33 Can transactions be rolled back off the database once they have been committed? If so, how is this achieved. Section B: GENERAL SYSTEM USE No Explanation / Descriptions Comply Requirement Yes B 1 The software application should maximize the use of function/hot keys for single-keystroke execution of key commands, drop down codes, save, search and navigation functions. B 2 Function/hot keys definition should be completely defined by Tulsa County Administrator. B 3 Data entry screens should not allow the entry or modification of data until users explicitly instruct the application to do so. B 4 The software application should provide for the mandatory use of agency-specified “codes” in certain fields. B 5 The software application should provide the ability for system or warning prompts to be displayed based on Tulsa County defined business rules. B 6 Tulsa County may have the need for mandatory fields; some may be agency specific. Tulsa County administrator should have the ability to include these required fields on the necessary screens. B 7 Based on Tulsa County business rules, selected fields must be required based on other field values. For example, cases cannot be closed without a disposition. Vendor should describe any and all limitations. No Explanation / Descriptions Requirement Yes B 8 Tulsa County administrator should have the ability to define free form notes on selected data entry screens if not already included with the solution. Vendor should describe notes options. B 9 Only fields and case documents should be visible based on other fields. For example, juvenile cases will only display those documents, case plans, and events that apply to juvenile cases. B 10 The software application should allow for easy modifications or additions to drop down menus. B 11 The software application should support auto-filtering on all coded lookup fields, e.g., typing 'M' in the Gender fields automatically fills 'Male' in the data entry box. B 12 The software application should store and link information with the appropriate case, using electronic case folders that contain automatically generated documents or any valid system file. B 13 The software application should be able to track correspondence by individual and by individual involvement to a particular case. B 14 The software application should provide a method for automatically linking/triggering events, case status changes, documents, and correspondence (i.e. a certain event will automatically trigger a document). B 15 The software application should allow for the ability to open any third party software application, file or website from the software application (i.e. Westlaw, Lexis-Nexis, and Internet Explorer). B 16 The software application should allow for renaming any or all system fields to meet local agency or user requirements. No Explanation / Descriptions B 17 The software application should include or allow a method to prioritize case assignments for staff. B 18 Describe the method used by the software application to support multiple agencies and/or divisions (i.e. Can they share selected master files, does each agency require a separate DB, or other method). B 19 The software application should include the ability to electronically route cases, work tasks and notify system users of those routed items. Section C: INQUIRIES Comply Requirement Yes C 1 The software application should provide global, web-style searching which ranks, sorts and lists search results to quickly locate case and name records. Each search result should provide link for name and case access. C 2 The software application should provide the ability to search for records using almost any data or combination of data contained within the record(s) and display or export search results. (Please specify export format options) No Explanation / Descriptions C 3 The software application should provide the ability to search on parts of names, addresses, and other data elements and display or export in multiple formats all search results. (Please specify export format options) C 4 The software application should provide the ability to search on ranges of information in applicable fields, such as date and prioritized fields and display or export in multiple formats all search results. (Please specify export format options) C 5 The software application should permit Soundex name search. C 6 The software application should provide for administration and managerial searches to be conducted on screen, and provide number counts of search performed globally, and by users or groups (e.g., number of cases of certain type, with certain status will visually display how many records met the criteria). C 7 The software application should be capable of restricting searches performed by system users, or groups based on Application Administrator defined setup. Section D: SECURITY AND DESIGN Comply Requirement Yes D 1 Please explain how software utilizes Microsoft Active Directory. D 2 Security measures must ensure the confidentiality of all data within the software application. A unique login and password must be available to each user, and must be associated to the defined application for each user. No Explanation / Descriptions Requirement Yes D 3 The software application should support the use of user or group access rights to restrict or grant access to specific data or content. D 4 The software application administrator must be able to maintain a security system as directed by Tulsa County Administrator which can be modified in minutes with no programming required. Please explain internal security for software application. D 5 The software application should provide multi-agency, multi-division, and multi-jurisdiction security for Case records such that employees of one agency can be restricted from viewing/modifying/inserting/deleting the Case records and subsequent case type coded values of another agency. No Explanation / Descriptions D 6 The software application should provide for security based on the type of case, for example, access to juvenile cases can be restricted to authorized users or groups. D 7 The software application should provide for security based on the type of name, for example, access to confidential name types can be restricted to authorized users or groups. D 8 The software application should provide for security on at least the following levels: table, function (viewing/modifying/inserting/deleting) fields, coded values and case type. D 9 For specified data, such as name and case information, the software application should track the date, time, and login of the person who added the record, and the date, time, and login of the person who last modified the record. Please describe auditing features of software application. D 10 The software application should allow an authorized application administrator to define what departmental functions a user or group can access. D 11 The software application should provide comprehensive auditing and logging giving administrators a granular view of what data is being edited, viewed, deleted, and added by system users with date/timestamp. Section E: REPORTING Requirement E 1 The software application should provide integrated reporting from the case management system. E 2 The software application should include a report writer to create custom reports for statistical and managerial reports. E 3 Application Administrator should have the ability to apply user or group security for any or all supplied or custom developed reports. E 4 The software application should provide the ability for reports to be exported to multiple formats without the purchase of additional third party software. (Please specify export format options) E 5 The software application should provide the ability for reports to be distributed to and viewed by personnel not using the application. E 6 Does the report writer allow reports to be created using multiple paper sizes and viewing layouts? Please describe. E 7 The software application should include a collection of commonly used standard reports. E 8 The software application should allow the general user to easily run reports without having any report writing knowledge. E 9 The software application should allow for the placement of reports in user-defined locations in order for eased execution of reports. (e.g. calendar reports are run from the calendar screens or tables, financial reports are run from the financial screens or tables, etc.) E 10 The software applications business and event rule system must allow for system reports to be automatically generated based on event and Tulsa County defined rules. E 11 The software application should provide for the ability to automatically email Application Administrator defined system reports to key involved people based on Tulsa County defined event and business rules using Microsoft Exchange. Comply Yes No Explanation / Descriptions Requirement Yes E 12 The software application should provide the ability to distribute supervision reports electronically to other agencies who are not system users (e.g., courts, court support agencies, CJ agencies, and Non-CJ agencies) in accordance with Tulsa County rules, or procedures based on Tulsa County defined business rules. Each Tulsa County defined case type should support the following functionality: E13 -E24 E 13 The software application should capture and track number and duration of staff activities by user-specified criteria such as assigned staff and type of activity. E 14 The software application should be able to produce information showing required court appearances or other activities by probation officer. E 15 The software application should be able to produce reports that summarizes scheduled activities (e.g., by probation officer, case, case status, offender, case category). E 16 The software application should be able to produce information that permits monitoring of program provider (e.g., drug rehabilitation) assignments, decisions, performance criteria, services, and programs. E 17 The software application should be able to produce summary status of documents sent or served. E 18 The software application should be able to provide mandatory exception reporting when scheduled events and groups of events do not conform to Tulsa County defined rules or procedures. E 19 The software application should be able to generate overall case closure reports (e.g., cases closed over specific period with reason closed). E 20 The software application should be able to produce detail reports for specific individuals, by case and groups of cases (e.g., offender has multiple cases) with requested data in chronological order. E 21 The software application should be able to generate client-centered report on offender criminal activity summary (prior arrests and convictions, aliases, duplicate identifiers). E 22 The software application should be able to generate case and offender information on maintenance and administration, release, termination pursuant to court orders, forfeitures, detail and summary status, audit trails, non-compliance with pretrial intervention or supervision requirements, and history (including offender name, case number). No Explanation / Descriptions E 23 The software application should be able to produce report on case notes by selected criteria (e.g., date, range, type, author). E 24 The software application should be able to produce report identifying financial status for each offender (e.g., fines, fees, restitution) by offender and case. Section F: DOCUMENT GENERATION, PREPARATION and FILE MANAGEMENT Comply Requirement Yes F 1 The software application should include a utility at no additional cost to automatically generate documents using data contained in the software application database. Please describe document functionality. F 2 The software application should allow documents to be created with Microsoft Word (2007 or higher) from within the application without manually having to open the word processor programs. F 3 The software application should allow generated documents to be associated to a case or name file for future reference. F 4 Does the software application allow any file type to be stored in the “electronic” case file folder without the user being required to utilize any utility other than the software application? Please provide detail and examples. F 5 All files, documents, and other files that are stored in the “electronic” case file folders must be searchable. Please provide description of search functionality. F 6 The software application should allow for the digital signing of auto-created documents. F 7 The software application should allow for batch document production. The software application should include integrated electronic document management functionality including: F8 - F11 F 8 Integrated document scanning F 9 Document routing F 10 Document OCR and indexing No Explanation / Descriptions Requirement Yes F 11 Document searching F 12 The software application should have the ability to perform image editing after scanning (despeckle, deskew, redaction). Please describe image editing capabilities and formats. F 13 The software application should provide the ability for Tulsa County defined document authors to have the ability to create additional templates for system users. F 14 The software applications business and event rule system must allow for documents to be automatically generated based on event and Tulsa County defined rules. F 15 The software application should provide for the ability to automatically email (using Microsoft Exchange) Application Administrator defined case documents to key involved people based on Tulsa County defined event and business rules. No Explanation / Descriptions F 16 The software application should generate identifier labels for manual case files. Please describe label functionality. F 17 The software application should maintain current location (e.g., storage facility, location in facility, person) for hard copy files. F 18 The software application should track manual case file history from time checked out through each borrower (including those external to the user agency such as the court) until returned. Information should include location, borrower, date removed, reason file needed, date returned or transferred, and any other necessary information. Please describe “Check In /Checked Out” functionality. Section G: VENDOR DELIVERY, SUPPORT, AND MAINTENANCE Comply Requirement Yes G 1 The software application vendor must deliver the software within 90 days of receipt of the signed contract, given full functionality of the hardware and no other custom developed applications or conversions. Please provide expected delivery time line once contracts are signed. G 2 The software application vendor must provide annually renewable support and maintenance contracts that include software support and regular software releases at no additional cost. G 3 The software application vendor should maintain a customer accessible section of their web site in order for enhancement/bug submission, message board/forum access, and online access to support representatives and for the sharing of documents, and reports with other software application customers. Please describe support procedures. No Explanation / Descriptions G 4 Please provide a Gantt chart outlining your proposed implementation schedule. G 5 Should local, state, or federal laws change requiring modifications to the application software, vendor agrees to make the required changes as quickly as possible. Vendor agrees to provide any additional training required as a result of those changes. Section H: TRAINING Comply Requirement Yes H 1 The software application should provide a practice database, independent of the actual database, for training purposes. Tulsa County may require a complete, independent development or training environment. H 2 The software vendor must provide training using detailed training plans. Provide samples for administrator training and end user training. H 3 The software vendor must provide a detailed training schedule prior to implementation. H 4 If you host an annual user conference provide details, including conference cost from the most recent conference. No H 5 Describe the options available for post-implementation training for administrators, report creators, and end users. Section I: ACCOUNTING Comply Explanation / Descriptions I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 I9 I 10 Requirement Yes Requirement Yes The software application should include an integrated accounting program that is provided at no additional cost. A third party component will not be considered. The software application should have the capability or a module that provides integrated supervision fees and costs tracking. The software application should have the capability or a module that provides for the collection and allocation of supervision fees and costs payments paid by involved parties. The software application should have the capability or a module that allows for automatic or manual allocations of payments for one case or multiple case financial obligations. The software application should have the capability or a module that provides security to restrict and permit users to only view financial cases. The software application should have the capability or a module that provides for Tulsa County defined batch style delinquent payment report generation and printing. Report must include the following information: Payee Name, Payee Address, Case Number, Total Amount of Supervision fees, Total Amount Paid, Total Due, Set Amount of Payment, Last Payment Date, and Last Payment Amount. The software application should have the capability or a module that provides for Tulsa County defined batch style delinquent payment letters. Letters must include the following information: Payee Name, Payee Address, Total Due, Set Amount of Payment and Case Number. The software application should be able to compute and enter monetary penalties (e.g., supervision fees and costs) based on court orders received by Tulsa County. The software application should allow manual entry of case note information upon receipt of notification of fee payment by payee to outside agencies. The software application should associate payment with proper case and defendant when funds are collected. I 11 The software application should allow for full, partial, and installment payments by various methods. I 12 The software application should allow multiple types of payments in single transaction. I 13 The software application should allow single payment for multiple cases with capability to process separately for each case. I 14 The software application should generate and produce receipts with proper identifiers (e.g., fee, fine, location and address) and supporting information (e.g., amount collected, payment type, installment or partial payment plan, next due date and balance) based on collections with user option to receive single or multiple copies. I 15 The software application should maintain front-counter bookkeeping information on receipts (e.g., payer, receipt number, case number, and purpose of payment). I 16 The software application should compute totals, list transactions, and balance for each cash drawer, register, cashier, and payment (e.g., fee) type. I 17 The software application should produce summary for each cashier including totals for each type of payment (e.g., cash, check, credit card, fee waiver). I 18 The software application should permit transactions that arrive after end-of-business day close-out to be entered as transaction for next day. I 19 The software application should list (as required) any discrepancies between payments, receipts, offenders, and cases over specific periods for each cashier for whom above summary shows imbalance for any type of payment. I 20 The software application should generate and print (including ability to reprint) multiple receipts from one financial transaction covering payment for multiple cases. I 21 The software application should establish, maintain, and track various types of bank accounts. I 22 The software application should be able to print system-wide daily cash receipts journal. I 23 The software application should be able to produce detailed and summary lists of financial transactions (e.g., fees, voided transactions listed by type or chronologically) for specific accounts over specific periods (e.g., daily, monthly, for life of case). No No Explanation / Descriptions Explanation / Descriptions Requirement Yes I 24 The software application should compute and produce costs and fees based on occurrence of specific event (e.g., UA testing fees). I 25 The software application should maintain standard tables for costs, fees, and fines. I 26 The software application should record funds collected from other state, local, and private agencies for payment of specific case and payee’s costs and fees. I 27 The software application should be able to produce detailed and summary lists of financial transactions (e.g., fee, fine, receipts, court cost assessments, fee assessments, monetary judgments, participation fees, urinalysis testing fees, and voided transactions) for specific cases and defendants over specific periods (e.g., daily, monthly, for life of case). No Explanation / Descriptions I 28 The software application should be able produce documents such as payment notices. I 29 The software application should be able to create payment schedule, collect payments, apply payments collected to scheduled amount due (e.g., amount in judgment), and produce reports on overdue amounts (e.g., for previously-waived fees). I 30 The software application should be able to identify (i.e., input or compute) and record payment delinquencies, generate alerts when scheduled payments not made (e.g., for unpaid assessments now due), and take or prompt user to take appropriate action (e.g., refer to collection agency, or notify appropriate court and judge). Section J: PERSON, CASE, EVENT, and CALENDARING FEATURES Comply Requirement Yes J 1 The software application should accommodate single Name record entry in a fully relational table; for example, a name is entered only once and can then be associated with information anywhere else in the application. The software application should require that all name records be entered in the same table. J 2 The software application should be able to track an unlimited number of addresses, phone numbers and e-mails for any name. J 3 The software application should provide the ability to automatically close a case based on business rules in accordance with Tulsa County, rules, or procedures. J 4 The software application should provide the ability for the closure of a case to auto-create Tulsa County court required reports, events, system reports, and notifications. J 5 The software application should provide ability to record reason for case closure (e.g., court ordered compliance, provisional compliance, dismissal, death, and transfer to another jurisdiction). J 6 The software application should provide a facility for reopening previously closed cases retaining previous case closure and current reopening information. J 7 The software application should provide case verification status and produce results (e.g., acceptance, non-acceptance, reason). J 8 The software application should provide for separate (multiple) individual identifiers for each offender from the originating criminal justice agency or court. These identifiers must be fully defined by Tulsa County, must be searchable on screen, exportable to documents in multiple formats (Please specify export formats) and reportable with report writer. J 9 The software application should be able to track an unlimited number of relationships (i.e. sister, brother, employer, employee) between Name records. J 10 The software application should be able to track the dates associated with address changes. J 11 The software application should be able to generate a detailed case involvement sheet for each offender/defendant. J 12 The software application should allow users to view all involvements to a name on one screen, i.e., a name inquiry identifies, at a minimum, all aliases, all cases, the person's relationship to each case (for example, offender, employer, victim, witness, or parent/guardian of juvenile) and any associated charges. J 13 The software application should allow users to view all involvements to a case on one screen, i.e. a case inquiry identifies the defendant, co-defendant, victim, witness, parent/guardian of juvenile, and any related cases. J 14 The software application should store an unlimited number of aliases. No Explanation / Descriptions J J J J J 15 16 17 18 19 J 20 J 21 J 22 J 23 J 24 J 25 J 26 J 27 J 28 J 29 J 30 J 31 J 32 Requirement Yes The software application should allow for an unlimited number of witnesses and victims per case. The software application should record an unlimited number of charges per case, per offender/defendant. The software application should visually prompt users if an individual is a juvenile. The software application should be able to link to associated cases. The software application should allow user to designate the nature of the relationship between multiple cases involving the same defendant (e.g., governing sentence, financial obligation, hierarchy of offense severity, consecutive, or concurrent sentences). The software application should be able to associate law enforcement and court numbers to specific Tulsa County cases. These law enforcement and court numbers must be completely searchable to find cases. To force data entry and for proper document formatting, number entry must be masked based of Tulsa County defined standards (e.g. law enforcement numbers may follow a numbering convention 04-1234, compared to a court number with a numbering convention of CF-2009-1234). The software application should allow for the entry of probation term and expiration date of probation. The software application should allow capability for entry of probation release recommendations and conditions and must allow for the auto-creation of Tulsa County defined documents, reports, events, and notification based off of these probation release recommendations and conditions. The software application should provide the ability to record referrals for services and programs (e.g., counseling, treatment, education, employment) and allow for the auto-creation of Tulsa County defined documents, reports, events, and notification based these referrals for services and programs. The software application should allow for the auto-creation of Tulsa County defined documents, reports, events, and notification based on probation terms and status. The software application should provide ability to create, activate, and deactivate case warning functions and notices (e.g., sealed cases, expunged records, warrants) based on Tulsa County defined business rules. The software application should provide the ability to initiate schedule of future tasks on individual or group events based on occurrence of prior tasks or events (e.g., schedule probation appearance after most recent urinalysis results are available) based on Tulsa County defined business rules. The software application should permit users to designate cases with special scheduling needs (e.g., interpreter, disabilities). The software application should produce schedules for individuals, events, tasks, and dates upon user request (e.g., probation officer’s schedule by date). These schedules should be printable and exportable to multiple formats (Please specify export formats) The software application should provide tickler, alert, and prompt capability, including the ability to identify events coming due or overdue, periods about to expire or expired, and events of which user should be aware based on Tulsa County defined business rules. The software application should allow users to define structure, content, and frequency with which system displays ticklers, alerts, and prompts. The software application should have the ability to easily copy entire case information including charges, sentence, and dispositional data. The software application should allow Application Administrators at appropriate level to turn alerts on and off. J 33 The software application should provide a name table that contains ALL names entered. The name table must accommodate the names of people, businesses, and group names. J 34 The software application should allow users to view all cases associated to a name and from this view allow users to go directly to a chosen case. J 35 The central name capability must allow for searching on any name in the system including judges, probation officers, offenders, victims or any other Tulsa County defined case involvement and allow users to view all cases associated to a name. From this view system should allow users to go directly to a chosen case. J 36 For each Name and Case record, the software application should provide comments and notes fields that have unlimited entry capacity (within disk storage limits) and include a rich text editor. No Explanation / Descriptions Requirement Yes J 37 The software application should allow for chronological entry of Case and Name notes by date, time, and system generated author, and time and date stamp with coding capability as to type of note(s). J 38 The software application should allow for unlimited number of Tulsa County defined visual alert prompts for users for key name and case information. J 39 The software application should allow for adding an unlimited number of user-defined fields for case and name information. J 40 The software application should allow for an unlimited number of additional numbers that can be associated to the case, charge, and name (i.e. multiple SSN’s, Driver License Numbers, local agency defined numbers, probation officer tracking numbers). J 41 The software application should allow for an unlimited number of additional system-generated numbers that can be associated to the case and name. These number schemes must be able to be completely defined by Tulsa County, must be able to include case type, agency, and/or division abbreviations, sequential number (e.g. CR-04-1234) and be generated office wide, division wide or for certain case types. J 42 The software application should allow the system user to navigate directly to names and cases with duplicate identifiers with one keystroke. J 43 The software application should be able to categorize a case with multiple case categories, such as, but not limited to DWI, Domestic Violence, Drug, and Capital Punishment. J 44 The software application should provide searching capabilities for every screen and field. J 45 The software application should store an unlimited number of associated law agencies, court agencies, or any agency involved in cases. J 46 The software application should allow for on screen searching capability to allow users to search on how many cases have been filed from a specific agency. J 47 For cases with multiple charges, the software application should allow users to automatically repeat similar charge information. J 48 The software application should track conditions of the court placed on the case. J 49 The software application should provide the ability to track event information including, but not limited to, type, location, date and time, and event notes. J 50 The software application should allow users to associate an involved person's events to a case. J 51 The software application should allow for a probation officer to have a viewable calendar for upcoming associated events. J 52 The software application should provide the ability to manually assign and reassign cases to individual or groups of probation officers. J 53 The software application should allow for each offenders/defendant to have a viewable calendar for any upcoming associated events. J 54 The system user should have the ability to search on any involved person's name and directly navigate to any upcoming events. J 55 The software application should have the ability to display office or division wide based calendars. J 56 The software application should allow for the generation of user or Tulsa County defined office calendars to be sorted on location, probation officer, and time. J 57 The software application should provide a dynamic, office- or division-wide activity list where system users can control, navigate directly to specific cases, and view events, case statuses, documents, and officer and offender activity involvements. The view of this event information is displayed based on system user searches and displays on spans of time, locations, specific events, add dates, and status. J 58 The software application should have the ability to track non-monetary provisions (e.g., work program, community service) based on court order received by Tulsa County. J 59 The software application should allow system users to view all cases and conditions, including financial obligations and community service, for each defendant or offender from Tulsa County defined views, or system provided views. This information must be printable, and exportable in multiple formats (Please specify export formats). No Explanation / Descriptions Requirement Yes J 60 From the office- or division-wide activity list system users should be able to trigger business rules defined by Tulsa County. J 61 From the office- or division-wide activity list system users should be able navigate directly to a selected case with one keystroke. J 62 The system must provide the ability to track progress, compliance, and completion on referrals for services and programs (e.g., counseling, treatment, education, and employment) and allow for the auto-creation of Tulsa County defined documents, reports, events, and notification based off progress, compliance and referral statuses. No Explanation / Descriptions J 63 The software application should provide ability to track substance abuse testing (e.g., drug, alcohol) and results of those tests. System must provide for the auto-creation of Tulsa County defined documents, events, and notification based off of these results. J 64 The software application should provide ability to document and track work actions performed by staff and provide for the auto-creation of Tulsa County defined documents, events, and notification based off on these work actions. J 65 The software application should provide ability to import information from the following other Tulsa County databases without the purchase of any additional third party tools: Jail Database and District Attorney Database. J 66 The software application should provide ability to record all arrest reports (daily docket) from Jail database for tracking declines and interviews. J 67 The software application should provide ability to enter hours worked for Tulsa County Misdemeanant Work Program per work site. J 68 The software application should provide ability to schedule hours to be worked for Tulsa County Misdemeanant Work Program per work site. J 69 The software application should provide ability to calculate days on electronic monitoring device into work hours or monetary amounts. J 70 The software application should provide ability to track electronic monitoring device inventory. J 71 The software application should provide ability to store scanned sign-in sheets by work site. J 72 The software application should provide ability to track all clients declined and interviewed. Section K: Conversion Comply Requirement Yes K 1 Convert all related data currently within the Court Services Systems. The Public Defender will be a day forward installation. No Explanation / Descriptions Tulsa County Request for Proposal Case Management System Attachment B Page 1 of 2 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR CASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FEE PROPOSAL FORM PROPOSER INFORMATION Company Name Company Mailing Address (including city, state and zip) Contact Person & Title (if any) Contact Person Telephone Number Contact Person Fax Number Contact Person Email Address Company Website. REFERENCES Organization, Organization Address, Contact Person, Telephone Number, Email Address 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Work Done for Reference Organization and When Tulsa County Request for Proposal Case Management System Attachment B Page 2 of 2 Charges (Please specify. Be sure to include data and image conversion, installation, on-site staff training, “go live” site assistance, and annual maintenance. Additional pages may be attached.) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ TOTAL COST $ ATTACHMENT E BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON COURT SERVICES CURRENT OPERATIONS The Tulsa County Pret rial Release program became known as the Tulsa Count y Division of Court Services in January of 2001. The Board of County Commissioners unanimously moved to expand an already successful pretr ial program to a more d iverse program to better serve the courts of the 14th Judicial District. Current Services Include: Unsupervised Pretrial Release Supervised Pretrial Release Special Needs Pretrial Release Pre-Sentence Court Ordered Supervision Post-Sentence Court Ordered Supervision Pre-Sentence Investigation Reporting LSI-R Assessments Indigent Urinalysis Testing Monitored Schedule for Pre and Post Sentence Offenders Electronic Monitoring Supervision Sobrietor Monitoring of Alcohol Related Offenders Mental Health Jail Diversion Participation Inmate Work Program Community Services Program (Adult and Juvenile) Inmate Work Release Program Community Sentencing Participation with Team Members Drug Court Participation with Team Members Absconder Location Services Other court related services as ordered by the respective courts on a daily basis History: 1963: The Tulsa County Bar Association instituted the original Pretrial Release Program. The program dealt primarily with misdemeanor offenders in the city jail. Soon after its inception, the need for release of non-violent felony offenders was realized with V.I.S.T.A. volunteers being utilized in the daily operation of this fast growing program. 1966: New Day, Inc. assumed supervision of the V.I.S.T.A. volunteers assigned to the pretrial release project in October of 1966. The success of the program was such that Attorney General Robert Kennedy invited a representative of the program to speak to the National Conference of Criminal Justice. 1970: New Day, Inc. requested and was granted funding from the Oklahoma Crime Commission for full time operation. 1973: New Day, Inc. requested and was granted funding from City of Tulsa Revenue Sharing Funds to replace the expired grant funding. 1974: New Day, Inc. requested and was granted funding from the Board of County Commissioners for Federal Revenue Sharing Funds. 1975: The City of Tulsa and the County of Tulsa provide joint funding for the program. 1978: New Day, Inc. requested and was granted office space in the County Courthouse. 1980: The pretrial release criteria was expanded. Many members of the Tulsa County Bar Association and the elected officials of the county believed it violated a defendantýs 14th Amendment rights to be held in jail if they were too poor to post bail. Through the power of the courts, all first time offenders charged with a non-violent crime were to be considered for release. 1983: New Day, Inc. becomes Tulsa County Pretrial Release. Due to serious jail overcrowding, the Board of County Commissioners was directed by the court to implement and operate a pretrial release program. 1985: Due to jail overcrowding, Pretrial Release expands to a 24 hour operation. 1986: Adult Community Service begins. 1992: Juvenile Community Service begins. 1994: Inmate Work Program begins. 2000: Additional supervision methods and electronic monitoring is utilized. 2001: Pretrial Release becomes Tulsa County Division of Court Services. 2002: Oklahoma Legislature passes Pretrial Act. 2005: Indigent / court requested urinalysis testing begins. 2006: Advanced electronic monitoring services with enhanced techniques utilized. 2007: Advanced urinalysis testing begins. COURT SERVICES DATA ENTRY CLERK WORK PROGRAM ENTER CLIENT INFO IN DATA INFO IN DATA BASE DOCUMENT ANY INORMATION IN NOTES SCREEN MAKE FOLDER AND LABEL FOR CLIENT ENTER HOURS WORKED PRINT REPORT OF DAILY CLOSURES FILL OUT "REPORT OF PROGRAM " OF PROGRAM " FORM COMPLETION NONāCOMPLETION FINES & COST PLACE COPY IN CLIENT FILE AND COPY TO COURT GENERATE REPORT FOR CLOSED FILES JUVENILE FAIL TO REPORT REVOKED COURT SERVICES DATA ENTRY CLERK EMP / UA TESTING ENTER CLIENT INFO IN DATA BASE MAKE FOLDER AND LABEL FOR AND LABEL FOR CLIENT GENERATE DAILY REPORT "CLIENTS DUE IN COURT" LOOK UP COURT DATES IN OSCN UPDATE COURT DATES IN DATA BASE PAID IN FULL CLOSE FILE GENERATE REPORT FOR CLOSED FILES REMOVAL FROM UNIT GENERATE REPORT FOR UA CLIENTS BY COLOR CALLED UPDATE EMP PAYMENTS UPDATE EQUIPMENT CHANGES LINK COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS FOR PAYMENTS DOCUMENT ANY INORMATION IN NOTES SCREEN BALANCE OWED PLACE INACTIVE CONTINUE TRACKING GENERATE AND FILL OUT FORM FOR UA CLIENTS COURT SERVICES DATA ENTRY CLERK PRETRIAL ENTER CLIENT INFO IN DATA BASE DOCUMENT ANY INORMATION IN NOTES SCREEN LOOK UP CASE NUMBERS IN MAKE FOLDER AND LABEL FOR CLIENT GENERATE DAILY REPORT "CLIENTS DUE IN COURT" LOOK UP COURT DATES DATES IN OSCN IN OSCN FAIL TO APPEAR CLIENT ABSCONDER OFFICER UPDATE COURT DATES IN DATA BASE LOCATE CLIENT W/VARIOUS INTERNET SERCHES CLOSE FILES WHEN COMPLETE GENERATE FTA LETTER GENERATE REPORT FOR CLOSED FILES SEND LETTER DOCUMENT IN NOTE SCREEN COURT SERVICES PROGRAMS SOBRIETOR WORK WORK PROGRAM PRETRIAL EMP GPS JUVENILE ADULT UA UA TESTING INMATE SPECIAL TY SPECIAL TY PROGRAMS WIR AAP MH DCT ATTACHMENT F BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON PUBLIC DEFENDERS CURRENT OPERATIONS In approximately November o f 1 971 the Oklahoma Le gislature f ormed t he Tulsa County P ublic Defender Office to represent indigent persons charged with crimes in Tulsa County. Annually the Public Defender Office represents 9,000 to 10,000 individuals in a variety of types of cases. Current Services Include: Criminal Cases Ranging from Traffic to Capital Murder Cases Mental Health Cases Adult Guardianship Cases Criminal Mental Health Cases Criminal Appellate Cases Drug Court DUI Court Community Sentencing Civil Division Represents Minor Children in Divorce, Custody, Visitation, Adoption & Guardianship Matters Juvenile Division Represents Delinquent & Deprived Minor Children TULSA COUNTY PUBLIC DEFENDER WORK FLOW 1. The Court appoints our office to an individual who has pending Tulsa County case(s). 2. Look each Defendant up on OSCN to see if we previously represented in any case. 3. If we have not previously represented the Defendant prepare file, label and index card with minute to open the file. See attached label and card for example of information. 4. If it is a re-appointment, the closed file and index card are pulled and updated with a minute appointing our office and information regarding current proceedings. 5. The file is assigned to an attorney and intern. Felony cases are assigned by Judge and date; misdemeanor cases are assigned through rotation. 6. Hearing dates are put on calendar of interns and attorneys. 7. Case is tallied. See attached tally sheets for example of information needed. 8. When a client goes to Court the attorney takes the file and minutes the file to reflect Court proceedings as well as any new settings. After attorney returns to the office the file is given to his/her secretary. The secretary pulls the index card and copies the minute to the card. 9. New hearing information put on appropriate calendar. 10. Letters and documents are completed as needed in each case. 11. File closed after final disposition of case. 12. If case goes to appeal, deadlines need to be tickled and reminders sent to both assigned attorney and secretary. 2009 September Statistics DELINQUENT CASES: 72 total delinquent counts (122) Judge Monday: Judge Tuesday: Judge Wednesday: Judge Thursday: 19 22 12 19 DEPRIVED CASES: Judge Monday: Judge Tuesday: Judge Wednesday: Judge Thursday: 32 09 09 07 07 INS CASES: 00 Judge Monday: Judge Tuesday: Judge Wednesday: Judge Thursday: 00 00 00 00 ______________ TOTAL 104 CERTIFICATIONS: 1 Judge Monday: Judge Tuesday: Judge Wednesday: Judge Thursday: MOTIONS: Judge Monday: Judge Tuesday: Judge Wednesday: Judge Thursday: 0 0 1 0 47 10 18 07 12 (HRP) High Risk Probation - 7 motions & 2 new petitions TWELVE MONTH RUNNING TALLY 2009 JAN. FEB. FELONY CASES 269 267 359 BOGUS CHECKS 2 2 FELONY REVOCATION 30 FELONY ACCELERATION MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. 361 317 374 351 283 330 2911 0 1 4 3 4 2 5 23 29 45 27 28 35 16 25 30 265 14 13 14 14 8 11 7 12 12 105 MOTION TO MODIFY 0 1 0 2 1 5 0 0 0 9 AFTER PH APPTMENTS 4 11 6 11 11 13 1 4 9 70 AAP 29 35 25 36 41 44 37 24 45 316 MISD. CASES (Domestic) 29 27 34 38 36 45 28 28 27 292 MISD. CASES (NON-Domestic) 54 72 79 72 64 78 101 79 89 688 MISD. ACCELERATION 6 6 5 4 9 5 1 3 4 43 MISD. REVOCATION 14 18 12 6 9 14 4 14 6 97 BOGUS CHECKS 11 12 16 36 17 34 31 26 27 210 TRAFF. CASES 24 13 31 27 32 46 32 34 25 264 MENTAL HEALTH 51 60 76 67 50 67 66 64 63 564 JUVENILE 145 124 139 146 128 142 119 101 110 1154 OVERALL TOTAL TOTAL 7011 ATTACHMENT G GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS AND TERMINOLOGY AAP Accelerated Accountability Program. BOCC Board of County Commissioners. The board meets in public session to tra nsact county business. According to law a nd to principles of g ood g overnment, the com missioners m ust a ct a s a boa rd in order to ente r into contracts, make purchases, or make any other agreements affecting the county. DCT Drug Court Program. EMP Electronic Monitoring Program. Advanced electronic monitoring services with enhanced techniques. GPS Global Positioning System a navigational system involving satellites and computers that can determine the latitude and longitude of a receiver on Earth by computing the time difference for signals from different satellites to reach the receiver. An ankle monitor device that individuals under house arrest are often required to wear. At timed intervals, the ankle monitor sends a radio frequency or GPS signal to a receiver. INS Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS): This federal agency is operated under the United States Department of Justice, and has the responsibility of overseeing the immigration of all foreign-born individuals into the United States, whether they are adults or children. Before a foreign adoption can take place, permission must first be obtained from the INS for the foreign child to be able to lawfully enter the United States for the purpose of being adopted. After this approval has been given and the child has been adopted and brought to the United States under a visa and/or a green card issued by the INS, the adoptive parents can then apply to the INS for the child to become a United States Citizen, just as if the child had been born to the adoptive parents as their biological child. LSI-R The LSI-R is a standardized actuarial instrument that contains 54 items and produces a summary risk score that can be categorized into five risk levels. Based on the Multi Health Systems (MHS) cutoff scores, ranges have been designated that indicate an individual’s risk category. Specifically, the risk categories are: 1) Low, which ranges from a 0 to 13 overall risk score; 2) Low/Moderate, which ranges from 14 to 23 overall risk score; 3) Moderate, which ranges from 24 to 33 overall risk score; 4) Moderate/High, which ranges from 34-40 overall risk score; and 5) High, which ranges from 41 to 54. Higher risk levels reflect an increase in the propensity to commit future criminal acts. MH Mental Health Jail Diversion Program. OCIS Oklahoma Court Information System. OSCN Oklahoma State Courts Network. http://www.oscn.net SOBRIETOR Uses advanced voice recognition and alcohol content measurement to determine the Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) of the client at scheduled or random intervals. UA Advanced urinalysis testing. WIR Women in Recovery Program.