Pressure-assisted filling of low-melting glasses into microcapillaries (Druckunterstütztes Füllen von Mikrokapillaren mit niedrigschmelzenden Gläsern) Der Technischen Fakultät der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades Dr.-Ing vorgelegt von Ning Da aus Jiangsu, China Als Dissertation genehmigt von der Technischen Fakultät / vom Fachbereich Werkstoffwissenschaften der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Tag der mündlichen Prüfung: 03th September 2013 Vorsitzende des Promotionsorgans: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Marion Merklein Gutachter/in: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lothar Wondraczek Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Aldo R. Boccaccini Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schwieger Acknowledgements Good time flies by fast. My four-year dissertation field research and study are coming to a close. I have benefited from great help in so many ways from the following people: First of all, I would like to express my deepest appreciation to my Ph.D advisor, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lothar Wondraczek. Without his unfailing support- both academic and personal, this dissertation would not have been finished so smoothly. He gave me freedom while at the same time also providing intellectual support on critical issues. His knowledge, perception, inspiring ideas and optimistic attitude in research and scholarship always instilled in me great interest in my project. In addition, I would like to thank Prof. Dr. rer. nat habil. Markus Schmidt. I was able to get through most of the difficulties and frustrations only with his assistance and guidance. What I have learnt from him is not only the knowledge and the research methodology but also a commitment to high scientific standards, which always inspires and motivates me. I am also sincerely grateful to the Institute of Glass and Ceramics, especially the members of my dissertation committee, for providing with me all the necessary facilities and a pleasant working environment. I want to thank Prof. Dr. Peter Greil, Prof. Dr. Andreas Rossen, Dr. Xin Jiang, Nicolai Granzow, and Howard Lee of Max-Plank Institute for their valuable discussions and suggestions. Special thanks go to Dr. Mingying Peng and his wife Qin Li, Sebastian Krolikowski, and Robert Meszaros, who offered me great help four years ago when I had just started out on a new life journey in this beautiful country. I thank my officemates Lorenz Schlier, Ingo Götschel for providing so much entertainment and humor in what would otherwise have been a somewhat monotonous and stressful laboratory environment. Lorenz’s taste in wine and Ingo’s interest in gliding drew me closer to the native culture. The financial support of the Cluster of Excellence Engineering of Advanced Materials and the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) is also gratefully acknowledged. Finally I come to the most personal gratitude. I thank my parents, my grandmother, my aunt, and my cousins for their faith in me, their understanding, support and love. III Contents Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................. III Contents .................................................................................................................................... IV List of figures ............................................................................................................................ X List of tables .......................................................................................................................... XVI Zusammenfassung ...................................................................................................................... 1 Motivation .................................................................................................................................. 2 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 3 1.1 Glass rheology .............................................................................................................. 5 1.2 Confinement effects ..................................................................................................... 8 1.3 Structure, heterogeneity and anisotropy ..................................................................... 13 2. The μ-Infiltration Technique: Pressure- and surface-assisted infiltration ............................ 14 2.1 Fluid mechanics.......................................................................................................... 16 2.2 Wettability .................................................................................................................. 18 2.3 Analytic solutions for defined time stages ................................................................. 19 2.3.1 Purely inertial time stage ................................................................................. 19 2.3.2 Visco-inertial time stage .................................................................................. 20 2.3.3 Purely viscous time stage ................................................................................ 20 2.3.4 Viscous and gravitational time stage ............................................................... 20 2.4 Shear rate in pipes ...................................................................................................... 21 2.5 Pressure- and Surface-assisted Infiltration ................................................................. 21 2.6 Viscosity of polymers measured by infiltration method ............................................ 23 IV 3. Multi-material Assessment of Viscosity under Confinement ............................................... 25 3.1 Tellurite glasses .......................................................................................................... 25 3.1.1 Introduction of tellurite glass .......................................................................... 25 3.1.2 Experimental procedure .................................................................................. 27 3.1.3 Raman spectra of TeZnNa glass and glass in capillary ................................. 30 3.1.4 Results and discussion .................................................................................... 31 3.1.5 Viscosities and flow behaviour of alkali-free tellurite glass with suction method ...................................................................................................................... 40 3.2 Interfacial reactions between tellurite melts and silica ............................................. 48 3.3 Sulfophosphate glasses ............................................................................................... 55 3.3.1 Introduction of sulfophosphate glasses ........................................................... 56 3.3.2 Experimental procedure .................................................................................. 56 3.3.3 Structure of sulfophoshate glasses .................................................................. 60 3.3.4 Rheology of phosphate and sulfophosphate glasses ....................................... 62 3.4 Germanate and sodium borate glass with suction method ......................................... 66 3.4.1 Introduction of germanate glasses ................................................................... 66 3.4.2 Introduction of borate glasses ......................................................................... 67 3.4.3 Experiments and discussion ............................................................................ 68 3.5 Conclusions ................................................................................................................ 72 4. Viscosity of chalcogenide glasses ........................................................................................ 74 4.1 Introduction of chalcogenide glasses ......................................................................... 74 4.2 Experiments and discussion ....................................................................................... 74 4.3 Non-Newtonian Flow ................................................................................................. 78 V 4.4 Conclusions ................................................................................................................ 83 5. Outlook: Fabrication of hybrid-all-solid PCF and their optical application ........................ 85 6. Conclusions and outlook ...................................................................................................... 86 6.1 Thesis conclusion ....................................................................................................... 86 6.2 Prospect ...................................................................................................................... 86 References ................................................................................................................................ 87 List of publications/Veröffentlichungen ................................................................................. 101 VI Inhaltsverzeichnis Danksagung .............................................................................................................................. III Inhalt......................................................................................................................................... IV Abbildungsverzeichnis .............................................................................................................. X Tabellenverzeichnis ............................................................................................................... XVI Zusammenfassung ..................................................................................................................... .1 Motivation .................................................................................................................................. 2 1. Einleitung ............................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Glass Rheologie............................................................................................................ 5 1.2 Confinement Effekte .................................................................................................... 8 1.3 Structur, Heterogenität und anisotrope ....................................................................... 12 2. μ-Infiltration Technik: Druck-und Oberflächen-gestützte infiltration ................................. 14 2.1 Strömungsmechanik ................................................................................................... 16 2.2 Benetzbarkeit .............................................................................................................. 18 2.3 Analytische Lösungen für definierte Zeitstufen ......................................................... 19 2.3.1 Rein Inertial Zeitstufe...................................................................................... 19 2.3.2 Visco-Inertial Zeitstufe .................................................................................... 20 2.3.3 Rein viskosen Zeitstufe ................................................................................... 20 2.3.4 Viskose und Gravitations Zeitstufe ................................................................. 20 VII 2.4 Newtonsche und nicht-Newtonschen Strömung in Rohren ....................................... 21 2.5 Druck und Oberflächen-gestützte infiltration ............................................................ 20 2.6 Machbarkeit der Viskosität von Polymeren durch Infiltration Methode gemessen ... 22 3. Multi-Material Beurteilung der Viskosität unter Einschluss ................................................ 25 3.1 Telluritgläser ............................................................................................................... 25 3.1.1 Einführung von Telluritglas............................................................................. 25 3.1.2 Versuchsdurchführung ..................................................................................... 27 3.1.3 Raman-Spektren von TeZnNa Glas und Glas in der Kapillar ......................... 30 3.1.4 Ergebnisse und Diskussion.............................................................................. 31 3.1.5 Viskositäten und Fließverhalten von Alkali-freie Telluritglas mit saugen-InVerfahren .................................................................................................................. 40 3.2 Grenzflächen-Reaktionen zwischen Schmelzen und Tellurit Silica........................... 48 3.3 Sulfophosphat glas ..................................................................................................... 55 3.3.1 Einführung von Sulfophosphatglas ................................................................. 56 3.3.2 Versuchsdurchführung ..................................................................................... 56 3.3.3 Struktur sulfophoshate Gläser ......................................................................... 60 3.3.4 Rheologie von Phosphat und Sulfophosphatglas ............................................ 61 3.4 Germanate and sodium borate glass with suction method ......................................... 66 3.4.1 Einführung von Germanat Glas....................................................................... 66 VIII 3.4.2 Einführung von Boratgläser ............................................................................ 67 3.4.3 Ergebnisse und Diskussion.............................................................................. 68 3.5 Zusammenfassung ...................................................................................................... 71 4. Die Viskosität der Chalkogenidgläser .................................................................................. 73 4.1 Einführung von Chalkogenidgläser ............................................................................ 73 4.2 Ergebnisse und Diskussion......................................................................................... 74 4.3 Nicht-Newtonsche Durchfluss ................................................................................... 78 4.4 Zusammenfassung ...................................................................................................... 82 5. Ausblick: Herstellung von Hybrid-all-solid photonischen Kristall-Fasern .......................... 85 6. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick .......................................................................................... 86 6.1 Thesis Abschluss ........................................................................................................ 86 6.2 Aussicht ...................................................................................................................... 86 Referenzen ................................................................................................................................ 87 Veröffentlichungen ................................................................................................................. 101 IX List of figures Fig.1.1 Principle types of shear flow. ......................................................................................... 5 Fig.1.2 Three kinds of confinement geometries. (a) Porous confinement, (b) plate confinement, and (c) capillary confinement ..................................................................................................... 9 Fig.1.3 A liquid droplet on a solid substrate ............................................................................. 11 Fig.2.1 Liquid droplets in equilibrium with a horizontal surface surrounded by a gas. The wetting angle θ between the horizontal layer and the droplet interface defines the wettability of the liquid. ............................................................................................................................. 19 Fig.2.2 Schematic representation of pressure cell used to fill silica PCFs and capillaries with low-melting materials. (a) Pressure, (b) suction methods, and (c) an enlargement picture of melt flowing into capillary with velocity and contact angle θ. ............................................ 23 Fig. 2.3 Viscosities of commercial honey and silicone oil byconventional rotational viscometer and the proposed infiltration method. .................................................................... 24 Fig.3.1 Structure of TeO2: (a) α-TeO2, and (b) β-TeO2 ............................................................ 26 Fig.3.2 Structural units of (a) TeO4 trigonal bipyramid (TBP) and (b) TeO3 trigonal pyramid (TP) in tellurite glass ............................................................................................................... 27 Fig.3.3 Glass transition temperature of TZN01 by calorimetry (A) and dilatometry (B), respectively. .............................................................................................................................. 28 Fig.3.4 (a) Side-view of a homogeneously TZN01 filled silica capillary; (b) A filled capillary containing cracks and bubbles; (c) SEM images of TZN01 in capillary with diameter of 15.0 µm ............................................................................................................................................ 30 X Fig.3.5 Raman measurements of TZN01 filled silica capillaries (diameters 6.25µm).The spectra have been recorded by illuminating the filling glass strands through the side of the capillary. ................................................................................................................................... 31 Fig.3.6 (a) Microscopic picture of TZN01, and (b) close-up view ofthe area in red circle in (a), blue circles are bubbles in glass after cooling. The scale bars are 100 and 20 μm in (a) and (b), respectively............................................................................................................................... 32 Fig.3.7 Viscosity analysis of the tellurite filling process at different temperatures. The upper four plots show the square of the filling length as a function of applied pressure and square of capillary radius. (a)Experimental results at 700°C, (b) simulation at 700°C, (c) experimental results at 840°C, (d) simulation at 840°C................................................................................. 33 Fig.3.8 Viscosity analysis of the tellurite filling process at different temperatures with VFT equation. (a) Viscosity of the TZN01 glass as function of temperature. Three different techniques (beam bending, sinking bar, pressure, suction method) and extrapolated data from VFT equation have been used to determine the viscosity. (b) Comparison of viscosity data measured with pressure and suction methods. ......................................................................... 34 Fig.3.9 Viscosities of TZN01 acquired by two data processing methods ................................ 38 Fig.3.10 (a) Parabolic and (b) linear fittings of filling length for TZN01 corresponding to the filling times .............................................................................................................................. 38 Fig.3.11 Contact angle between silica and TZN01 as a function of temperature for a heating rate of 3 K/min. Insets: Photographs of the TZN01 specimen on the silica wafer for selected temperatures. ............................................................................................................................ 39 Fig.3.12 Viscosities of TZN02 at different temperatures. ........................................................ 38 Fig.3.13 Glass transition determined by calorimetry of TZL................................................... 41 XI Fig.3.14 Side-view of an exemplary filling situation for a capillary with an inner diameter of 70 µm, filled with TZL at 700 °C for 36 s (a), and corresponding Raman spectrum of the filled section ............................................................................................................................. 42 Fig.3.15 Viscosities of TZL corresponding to capillary diameters at (a) 700, (b) 750 and (c) 800 °C. Contact angles between melts and capillary wall were assumed for calculation. The viscosity obtained from subtracting surface tension effect from the experiment is presented for comparison ............................................................................................................................... 44 Fig. 3.16 Simulatively stable flow of Tellurite melt in capillary at various times ................... 46 Fig.3.17 Quadratic filling length as a function of the ratio between observation time and shear relaxation time (±100Pa-1) for different capillary radii (a). Labels indicate capillary radius. In (b), the resulting plot of RLW (obtained from the slopes of linear regression lines in (a) over the real radius R is shown, together with the ratio between R LW and R. Lines in (b) are guides for the eye, obtained from a fit of RLW/R data to first order exponential decay equation and, respectively, from a fit of the RLW data to a line with slope 0.96 ............................................. 47 Fig.3.18 (a)Viscosities of TZL under different pressures, and (b) they are constantas a function of shear rate at required temperatures, respectively. .................................................. 48 Fig.3.19 Viscosity data of TZL from pressure and suction methods, respectively................... 48 Fig.3.20 Schematic diagram of silica-tellurite-silica sandwich. .............................................. 49 Fig.3.21 Raman spectra of as-made bulk TZN and TZN in a silica-TZN-silica sandwich after annealing for 80 min at 700 °C ................................................................................................ 50 Fig.3.22 Analyses of silica-tellurite interfaces after static contact experiments (sandwich experiments) at 700 °C. (a) and (b) depict SEM micrographs after 20 and 80 min annealing time, respectively. (c) is the result of EDS chemical analyses of the interface region shown in (b). Lines serve as visual guides. (d) The diffusions of the three ions into the silica plate were XII fitted with Ficker’s Law (e): XRD diagram as taken of the tellurite-silica interface ex situ after opening a sandwich which was annealed for 40 min. Labels mark peak positions and assignment for β-quartz ............................................................................................................ 52 Fig.3.23 Raman spectra of TZN01 filled silica capillaries (strand diameters about 6 µm) and bulk TZN01.Gaussian deconvolution of Raman peaks were conducted to show the bond change of TZN01 by confinement............................................................................................ 54 Fig.3.24 Raman spectra of TZL filled silica capillaries (strand diameters about 8µm) and bulk TZL. Gaussian deconvolution of Raman peaks were conducted. No obvious bond change of TZL by confinement as that of TZN01 appears. ...................................................................... 55 Fig.3.25 Tg of SP glasses determined by (a) dilatometer and (b) DSC ................................... 58 Fig.3.26 Density and molar volume of (Na, Zn) sulfophosphate glasses as a function of SO42content [143]. © 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V ................................................................... 58 Fig.3.27 Raman spectra of (Na, Zn) sulfophosphate glasses for increasing SO42- content (replacing P2O5 by SO3). Spectra of crystalline samples are shown for comparison............... 60 Fig.3.28 Deconvoluted Raman spectrum of a (Na, Zn) polyphosphate glass. ......................... 60 Fig.3.29 Cross sections of sulfophosphate glasses in capillaries (SEM pictures) (a) SP05, (b)SP09, (c)SP14, and (d)SP22 ................................................................................................ 63 Fig.3.30 Viscosity analysis of the phosphate and sulfophosphate glasses measured with (a) several viscometers at different temperatures (via beam bending, sinking bar, suction method) and (b) enlargement diagram of melt viscosities (via suction method). .................................. 64 Fig.3.31 Illustration of kinetic fragility, using the Angell plot. Lines are guides for the eye. . 64 Fig. 3.32 The influence of shear stress on the apparent viscosity of sulfophosphate melts. .... 66 Fig. 3.33 Tetrahedra structure unit of GeO4 ............................................................................. 67 XIII Fig.3.34 Boroxol group (a), layer structure of vitreous B2O3 (b), and chain structure of B2O3 (c) at high temperature ............................................................................................................. 68 Fig.3.35 (a) Viscosity of Ge.01 at respective temperature. Inset figure: microscope figures of one end of capillary dipping in crucible, which shows the evidence for deviation from the real viscosity of Ge.01. (top: 22 μm capillary at 1050℃, bottom: 35 μm capillary at 1100℃ after filling) (b) Comparison of viscosities of Bo.01 proposed by different researchers. ................ 69 Fig.3.36 SEM of germanate glasses in different capillaries with radius (a)4 , (b)10, (c)20, (d)35, and (e)75 μm. ................................................................................................................. 70 Fig.3.37 EDX results of composition concentration of Ge.01 in capillaries and diffusion or corrosion of SiO2 in the glass ................................................................................................... 70 Fig.3.38 Raman spectrum of Ge.01 in capillaries and bulk Ge.01 .......................................... 71 Fig.3.39 Viscosities of Bo.01 measured by Leedecke and Sasek, respectively. ...................... 71 Fig.3.40 Phase diagram of Na2O-B2O3-SiO2 ternary system, The red arrow represents the composition x(25Na2O-75B2O3)-(100-x)SiO2.......................................................................... 72 Fig.4.1 Viscosities of Ch.01(a), Ch.02(b), and Ch.03 (c) corresponding to external applied pressure..................................................................................................................................... 76 Fig.4.2 Fitting curves of Ch.03 with VFT, MYEGA, and AM models. Fitting with macroscopic and microscopic viscosity(a) and with only macroscopic viscosity (b). Microscopic viscosity in (b) shows the discrepancy with the fitting curves. ........................... 78 Fig.4.3 The square of the filling length as a function of the square of capillary radius corresponding to different applied pressure for Ge3As52S45 at 250 °C(a) and 300 °C(b). The slopes of the lines are proportional to 1/η of the glass, indicating the pressure dependence of viscosity. ................................................................................................................................... 79 XIV Fig.4.4 The square of the filling length as a function of the square of capillary radius for different applied pressure for As40S60 at 600 °C(a) and 650 °C(b). The slopes of the lines are proportional to 1/η of the glass, indicating the pressure dependence of viscosity. .................. 80 Fig.4.5 Viscosities of As40S60 corresponding to the shear rate of melts in capillaries at respective temperatures ............................................................................................................ 81 Fig.4.6 Fitting curves of viscosity to shear rate by Yue-Brückner equation for As40S60 .......... 83 Fig. 4.7 Structure of As2S3 (a) and stretching under shear stress ............................................. 83 Fig. 5.1 SEM images of endlessly single mode silica fibres which have been filled with lowmelting glasses (hole diameters: 1.6 µm, center distances of neighboring holes: 3.7 µm). (a) filling glass: tellurite. (b) Filling glass: chalcogenide. ............................................................. 85 XV List of tables Table 1.1 Critical cooling rate (K/s) by the impact of contact angle on heterogeneous nucleation for glass formation. ................................................................................................. 11 Table 1.2 Influence of scale amplitude r of glass structure ...................................................... 11 Table 3.1 Capillaries (d = 4.0, 6.25, 10.2, and 15.0 μm) filled under temperatures and applied pressures, and filling time. ....................................................................................................... 29 Table 3.2 Filling parameters and surface tensions for TZN01 glass at required temperatures 29 Table 3.3 Filling parameters and surface tension for TZN02 glass at required temperatures .. 30 Table 3.4 Viscosities of 75TeO2-10ZnO-15Na2O for different temperature regimes, obtained by beam bending and sinking bar viscometry (macroscopic) and from infiltration technique according to Eq. (2.2.6) (microscopic). .................................................................................... 36 Table 3.5 Tellurite alkali and alkali free glasses with their thermal properties ........................ 40 Table 3.6 Error controlling for using Eq. (2.2.8) to calculate viscosities of the TZL .............. 42 Table 3.7 Raman peak assignment of tellurite zinc sodium glasses ......................................... 53 Table 3.8 Composition and glass forming ability of examined materials (mol.%). ................. 59 Table 3.09 Assignment of experimentally observed Raman-active vibrations in sulfophosphate glasses....................................................................................................................................... 61 Table 3.10 Theoretical fraction of Qi tetrahedron of sulfophosphate glasses .......................... 62 Table 3.11 Surface tension of sulfophoshpate glasses.............................................................. 63 Table 3.12 Surface tension of germanate and borate glasses. .................................................. 68 Table 4.1 Glass compositions selected for viscosity determination ......................................... 75 XVI Table 4.2 Extrapolating log η∞ and fragility m of Ch.03 from the three viscosity-temperature models ...................................................................................................................................... 77 Table 4.1 Viscosities and Re number of Ch.02 and Ch.03 under various externally applied pressures for two temperatures, respectively. ........................................................................... 82 XVII Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Infiltrationstechnik zur Untersuchung der Rheologie von verschiedener Glasschmelzen in Mikrokapillaren angewandt. Dabei wurden der „Confinement-Effekt“ der Kapillare und der „Grenzflächeneffekt“ zwischen Schmelzen und Kapillare berücksichtigt. Die Viskosität von handelsüblichem Honigs und des Silikonöls wurde mittels der oben genannten Infiltrationsmethode analysiert und mit der Viskosität aus rotationsrheometrischen Untersuchungen verglichen. In einem weiten Bereich der Schergeschwindigkeit war die durch die Infiltrationstechnik ermittelte scheinbare Mikroviskosität konsistent mit der Makroviskosität. Dadurch ließ sich die Durchführbarkeit dieser Infiltrationsmethode zur Bestimmung der Viskosität der Glasschmelzen, die nicht mit der Kapillare in Wechselwirkung treten, nachweisen. Auf dieser Grundlage wurde die Viskosität verschiedener Schmelzen untersucht und mit VFT-, MYEGA- und AM-Modellen diskutiert. Es wurden Tellurit- und Sulfophosphatglasschmelze, welche eine Grenzflächenreaktion mit der Silicakapillare aufwiesen, wurden untersucht. Es zeigte sich, dass sowohl in der Phosphatals auch in der Sulfophosphatglasschmelze nicht newtonsches Flieβverhalten auftrat. Der pseudoplastische Effekt ließ sich durch die Kettenverhakung erklären. Telluritschmelze mit dreidimensionalen Einheiten und Pyrophsophatschmelze zeigten im untersuchten Schergeschwindigkeitsbereich ein newtonsches Fließverhalten. Während die Germananteund die Boratschmelze sehr stark die Silicakapillare korrodierten, war die Chalkogenidschmelze, die keine Benetzung und keine Korrosion mit Silika zeigte, ein guter Kandidat für die Untersuchung des Fließverhaltens. Bei der Chalkogenidschmelze wurde jedoch nicht-newtonsches Fließverhalten in bestimmten Schergeschwindigkeits- oder Viskositätsbereichen beobachtet. Dies ließ sich durch Entschlaufung oder Ausrichtung der kettenförmigen Einheiten unter Scherung in der Chalkogenidschmelze erklären. 1 Motivation Until now, comparatively little has been known about the rheology of glass melts, although the material has been used for many centuries. There are several methods for determining viscosity, but various disadvantages limit their applicability to glass melts. This work provides a new technique which may be applied in the study of viscosity of glass melts. It is based on infiltration of glass melts into a highly-confined micro geometry. The design of this new technique may offer a facile way to investigate chalcogenide and other low-melting inorganic liquids which are usually difficult-to-handle and easily oxidized. Intergrating the visicosity of glass melts and undercooled liquids, a complete viscosity to temperature diagram can be acquired, which facilitate to investigate the forming and cooling of glasses. In addition, the diagram helps better understanding and optimizing viscosity models and theories. To investigate the infiltration technique, several low melting-glasses were chosen as research objects. The glasses were selected in consideration of two aspects: the interacting ability with silica and the flow behaviour. Viscosities of these melts were then studied under external forces and in confined conditions. The rheological properties of the confined melts are closely linked with their structure but also with the surface and wetting behaviour at confinement interfaces. Besides, question that whether and how the micro confinement influence on the glass melts needs to be interpreted. First, the nano confinement on glass transition temperature was reviewed, which demonstrated the depression of glass transition temperature is proportional to the reciprocal of confinement. Then, the ignored micro confinement in the research was expatiated both theoretically and experimentally. On the other hand, infiltration of glass melts in micro-confinement geometries also offers extensive applications. For instance, all-solid photonic crystal fibres (PCFs) can be fabricated by infiltrating glass melts into a silica PCF template. This kind of all-solid PCF broadens and optimizes the merits of silica PCF, ranging from super-continuum generation to optical filters and polarizers. Another application is to fabricate dental ceramics by infiltrating glass into ceramics. This process may effectively eliminate the pores during sintering, which can improve visual appearance, strength and fracture toughness of the ceramics. Furthermore, specific studies of relaxation, solidification, and, more generally, the frozen structure of glasses after cooling in the confinement geometry can be performed. 2 1. Introduction Glass has been applied extensively in art and is widely employed as ordinary commodity and construction material. In the common understanding, glass does not bend or flow due to its hardness and brittleness. However, artists and glass workers, and even scientists would argue the state of the glass [1, 2]. For example, Philip Gibbs asked ‘Is glass liquid or solid?’ [1]. A liquid has no determinate shape and depends on the form of container under certain pressure and temperature, while a solid is rigid. To exploit this question, viscosity, a measure of the resistance of the liquids to flow, is an important characteristic. Viscosity of glasses and (supercooled) liquids spans dozens of orders of magnitude [2, 3]. Supercooled liquids are materials below their melting point without existing solids [4]. The sharp increase in viscosity may cause an undetectable flow, even of "solid" glasses. From the point of view of thermodynamics, no obvious first-order phase transition can be observed when a supercooled liquid turns to glass [5, 6]. This phenomenon confuses people, make it hard to judge whether glass is liquid or solid. On the other hand, the surprisingly high viscosity of glass resulting from little structural variation at the transition temperature (Tg) becomes one of the most attractive research fields for scientists. In this work, a new method has been developed and applied to infiltrate micro-capillaries with glass melts, and to measure their viscosity, liquid flow behaviour and other properties inside micro-confinement. In the past, various viscometers were developed and able to access a viscosity range above 1 Pa·s [7]. However, attention has rarely been paid to its application on high-viscosity liquids such as glass melts. The infiltration technique requires detailed knowledge of the flow, relaxation and solidification behaviour of the glass that is to be pumped into the capillary. More specifically, little is known about the properties of glass melts in highly constrained micro-scale geometries and under mechanical load, and further about the frozen structure after cooling inside confined geometry [8]. Phenomena like viscosity and structure related to external pressure, crystallization and solubility of gases need to be studied in the infiltration technique [8 - 19]. Compared to organic fluids (and particularly polymer melts), these areas are typically difficult to assess for glass melts because of experimental limitations [8, 20], such as complex equipment and low operating temperatures. However, the knowledge influences not only PCF fabrication but also various other applications such as micromechanical forming processes or the design of anisotropic 3 glasses [8, 20, 21]. With the new technique, we can overcome these previous boundaries but several objects need to be studied and solved: (1) How to treat the microscopic viscosity? Can it be regarded as bulk viscosity? (2) What are the influences of the interfacial effects between confined glass melts and a capillary? (3) Does the micro confinement change the flow behaviour of melts, such as, from Newtonian to non-Newtonian flow? (4) Does this flow behaviour alter the structural rearrangement of melts after cooling down? To solve these questions, the following experiments were designed. Firstly, viscosities of polymers, which do not interact with silica capillary, were studied with the present technique and compared to data obtained by conventional rotational viscometers. The results show that the viscosities obtained from micro capillaries agree well with the bulk data. Based on this observation, in the second step, several kinds of glasses were chosen to perform the viscosity measurement according to two aspects: the interaction with silica and the flow behaviour. Besides "inert" chalcogenide melts, tellurite and phosphate glasses were investigated in detail. Some chalcogenide glasses were chosen and surveyed because of their perfectly non-wetting property with silica, which excludes the influence of interfacial reactions. The technique is shown to provide a convenient route to learn about the flow behaviour of chalcogenide melts. However, close studies are still needed to answer questions (3) and (4). In collaboration with colleagues Dr. Markus Schmidt and Nicolai Granzow in the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, we have used the technique to fabricate as-yet impossible all-solid PCFs in a new way, and this will open the path to various new applications, such as optical filters and fibre polarizers. The approach was found to enable a novel route towards optical fibre devices that combine the properties of glasses which are, usually, considered incompatible because of significant differences in their thermomechanical and rheologic properties. Exemplarily, photonic band-gap guidance has been demonstrated in the soprepared silica-tellurite PCF [22]. Various potential applications, ranging from supercontinuum generation to optical filters and polarizers have been discussed for silicachalcogenide as well as silica-tellurite waveguides [22 - 24]. This thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter 1 gives an introduction of the background of this project. In addition, a literature review concerning glass rheology, confinement effects, structure, heterogeneity and anisotropy of glasses is presented. Chapter 2 describes the 4 infiltration technique and theoretical background. Chapter 3 gives experimental procedures and discusses viscosities of various glasses and the interfacial reaction between glass melts and capillary. Chapter 4 describes the viscosity and flow of chalcogenide melts in capillaries under different shear rates. Chapter 5 presents the outlook for optical application by the infiltration technique. 1.1 Glass rheology Viscosity is a property of a liquid which describes its resistance to shear flow. It is b ( )n , the proportionality between shear stress (σ) and shear rate ( )n. Viscosity is defined as η = / [6]. Then, Ostwald-de Waele's relationship turns to b ( )n1 [25]. The value of the exponent n defines the type of flow in the respective liquid. It is n = 1 for ideal Newtonian flow. If n < 1, viscosity decreases with increasing shear rate, which is called "shear thinning". Shear thickening occurs when n > 1. The principal types of flow are illustrated in Figure 1.1. Shearing stress, Bingham plastic Shear thinning n<1 Newtonian n=1 Shear thickening n>1 Shear strain rate Fig.1.1 Principle types of shear flow. Most fluids exhibit non-Newtonian characteristics and this is often related to the influence of the externally applied stress on the structure of a flowing medium [26]. Therefore, the examination of non-Newtonian behaviour has often been used to explore the structural state of a liquid. Several theories have been developed for investigating the relation between flow behaviour and structure. For instance, the Grasseley theory proposes that entanglement of structural units is responsible for the shear thinning effect in polymeric liquids [27]. Another 5 example is the non-Newtonian flow theory proposed by Bottinga, who finds a dependence of the viscosity on applied shear stress [28]. In typical supercooled liquids, viscosity may vary with temperature over a large range. It increases continuously and steeply when the supercooled liquid freezes into a glass. In industrial glass fabrication, this behaviour being made use of as each forming process (pressing, blowing, drawing, rolling, ...) can be performed only in a certain range of viscosity§ [29, 30]. Besides, the quality of glasses, such as homogeneity, striae, inclusions, and bubbles, depends on the viscosity of glass melts during processing, as well. Viscosity has a direct influence on whether bubbles or solid inclusions can be removed from the melt [31]. Viscosity theory and data on supercooled liquids have received much attention in recent years [32 - 37]. Classical techniques, such as beam bending method (measuring range: 109 to 1013 Pa·s) [38, 39], sinking bar method (measuring range: 101 to 104 Pa·s) [40], and rotational method (measuring range: 100 to 107 Pa·s) [29], were developed. Several empirical or semiempirical models have been established to describe the temperature dependence of viscosity. —————————————————— § Viscosity ranges for glass making operations, taken from [29, 30] Glass melting 0.5 to 1.5 Sealing glasses to other glasses or to metals 2.5 to 2.8 Producing gobs for container forming 2.6 to 3.2 Glass pressing 3.0 to 5.3 Surface of a bottle during blowing 4.7 to 9.0 Sinter glass powder to a solid body 5.0 Sinter glass powder to form a porous body 7.0 to 7.8 Dilatometric softening point 10.3 to 0.7 Annealing range 11.0 to 3.0 Stress release occurs in a few seconds 11.8 Temperature for matching expansion curves for seals 13.0 to 3.5 Stress release too slow to be useful Above13.6 Note: values are given as log (viscosity in Pa·s) 6 The most popular empirical model is Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann equation (VFT equation) [41 43], log10 (T ) log10 B T T0 (1.1) where the empirical fit parameter T0 is often understood as the temperature at which the majority of sub-Tg structural relaxations cease to exist. η∞, B, T0 are fitting constants specific to a given glass. This model has been extensively employed for viscosity-temperature fitting and industrial production, but it converges to infinity at T = T0. The alternative AvramovMilchev (AM) model [44] is derived from an atomic hopping consideration, where the activation energy of viscosity changes with temperature. To account for this, a stretched exponential is introduced, (T ) 0 exp( ) (1.2) T where η0, α, τ are fitting parameters. VFT and AM models can only describe the temperature and viscosity relationship at intermediate temperatures. The VFT equation overestimates the viscosity below the glass transition temperature. Semi-empirical first principles approaches to viscosity usually follow Adam and Gibbs [45]. They assumed that a liquid is a combination of a number of cooperatively rearranging regions. The size of these regions grows as the liquid is cooled down, being similar to the growth of a crystal. Therefore, the configurational entropy of the system decreases until the cooperatively rearranging regions become one configurational state [46 - 49]. This process induces sharply decreasing entropy of the liquid, which leads to infinitely high viscosity. log log B TS (1.3) where log η∞ is the logarithmic viscosity at infinite temperature, S is the entropy of the material, B is a constant, and T is the temperature. Viscosity is inversely proportional to the entropy of the materials determined by their configurational distribution. At a high (or low) temperature, the Arrhenius equation is usually suitable to describe the viscosity with low (high) activation energy Ea. A· exp E / RT (1.4) a 7 where A is a constant, and R is the ideal gas constant. Only a few supercooled liquids, such as SiO2, GeO2, exhibit more or less Arrhenian behaviour. Most other supercooled liquids display super-Arrhenius behaviour, that is, a hyperbolic curve of viscosity with regard to temperature. The curvature extent that the viscosity η deflects from Arrhenius behaviour defines the liquids as either strong or fragile [46]. Therefore, SiO2, and GeO2 are defined as strong glasses. There are systematic or physical problems existing in the above models, even though they are successful in fitting and predicting a viscosity to temperature relationship. Recently [47], the Mauro-Yue-Ellison-Gupta-Allan (MYEGA) model was proposed to account for these problems, in particular, for ‘the dramatic rise in viscosity as the supercooled liquid cools towards the glass transition with very little change in structural features’. The model starts from the Adam-Gibbs equation and is compared to the VFT and AM models. In short, it circumvents convergence of the VFT equation as well as divergence of the configurational entropy when approaching low or high temperature as in the AM model [47]. 1.2 Confinement effects With decreasing scale of devices, the behaviour of liquids in nano-confinement has received wide attention [50 - 59]. While it should be noted that the present work reports on the flow of melts in micro-capillaries, it is still worthwhile to have a brief look at the potential effects which liquids are exposed to in sub-micrometric or even nanometric confinement. Figure 1.2 presents three confinement geometries. The dark regions in Fig.1.2 (a) indicate confining walls. Two plates confine a fluid to flow between them in Fig.1.2 (b). The fluid is confined in cylindrical space in Fig.1.2(c). Jackson and McKenna have found that the glass transition temperature Tg of a supercooled liquid changes significantly when it is confined in pores with r around ~1-3 nm [0]. A shift of glass transition temperature, both positive and negative, has also been observed for supercooled liquids in nano-geometry [53]. Approaching the glass transition temperature, there occurs a pronounced slowing down of structural unit motion of supercooled liquid in nano-confinement. This slowing down is generally attributed to an increasing length scale of cooperativity of units (ζ, 1 to 3 nm). Even given the comparability between the ζ and r, the reasons for the pronounced change in glass transition temperature can be either (i) the interfacial reaction between the supercooled liquid and the walls of nano pores, or (ii) the exact finite size of the pores, or both. F. He et al. studied a molecular glassformer, 2-methyltetrahydrofuran (MTHF), infiltrating it into porous glass with pores of 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5 nm. The same procedure was also performed in a silanized porous glass [53]. The comparison of these experiments displays the importance of the interfacial reaction between 8 the two contacting media and suggests that severe confinement does not necessarily contribute to the variation in characteristic properties [53]. Other studies show that a glass transition temperature depression increases linearly with the inverse of the pore radius [53, 54]. Fig.1.2 Three kinds of confinement geometries. (a) Porous confinement, (b) plate confinement, and (c) capillary confinement. The glass transition temperature of a liquid in a confined substance can be described by the second Ehrenfest relation, which is an equation of irreversible thermodynamics[55], dTg dP VTg C p (1.8) where V, , and C p are the molar volume of the supercooled liquid, the isobaric changes of the thermal expansion coefficient and heat capacity at Tg, respectively. Davies and Jones have successfully investigated many pressure-related glass transition cases with the second Ehrenfest relation[55,56]. Jonas et al. applied the second Ehrenfest relation to phenomenologically explain the glass transition of a liquid in confined geometries. On the other hand, the pressure reduction ∆P of liquid inside a cylindrical pore with the radius of r could be derived by Kelvin equation[57], P 2 r (1.9) where is the interfacial tension of the liquids. Therefore, by combing Eq.(1.8) and Eq.(1.9), Jonas et al. derived an equation interpreting the depression of the glass transition of liquid to the geometrical confined pore size r. 9 T VTg 2 C p r (1.10) The authors noted that the depression ratio of T is less than 5% for the smallest pore [55], Tg which is proportional to the reciprocal of confinement. Therefore, the depression ratio of T Tg could be neglected if the glasses were restricted in the smallest micro confinement. In addition to the influence on glass transition by confinement, crystallization of materials can be significantly affected. J. C. Dore et al. reported the effects of confinement on the liquid-toplastic crystal transition and the plastic-to-brittle crystal phase transition for cyclohexane confined in porous silica [58], in which the nucleation point of the plastic crystal phase is depressed by over 30 oC [59]. Interfacial reaction or confinement effects need to be clarified as they do on Tg. For bulk glasses, the interface impact on crystallization has been studied, which is heterogeneous nucleation [60]. Wettability of a liquid droplet on a solid substrate (Fig.1.3) affects the slowest cooling rate required for avoiding nucleation, as listed in Table 1.1 [60]. It can be deduced that the critical cooling rate of heterogeneous nucleation may be lower than that of homogeneous nucleation, for example, for Na2O·2SiO2 and CaO·Al2O3·2SiO2 when the contact angle is larger than 100°[60]. Under confinement, the high surface-area-to-volume ratio will be a significant factor influencing the behaviour of crystallization of materials. Therefore, other than the effect of confinement, the interfacial reaction itself will either inhibit or promote the crystallization of materials depending on the properties of the materials. Above noted Na2O·2SiO2 and CaO·Al2O3·2SiO2 glass can be fabricated at a relatively slow cooling rate if confined in a small capillary, which has a contact angle larger than 100°with the glass melt. With regard to the effect of confinement alone, fabrication of a single crystal of organic materials along the axis of mico glass capillaries has been successfully demonstrated [61]. 10 Fig.1.3 A liquid droplet on a solid substrate Table 1.1 Critical cooling rate (K/s) by the impact of contact angle on heterogeneous nucleation for glass formation, taken from [60]. Materials Homogeneous Nucleation (K/s) Heterogeneous nucleation (K/s) θ=100° θ=80° θ=60° θ=40° SiO2 9×10-6 1×10-5 2×10-4 8×10-3 2×10-1 GeO2 3×10-3 3×10-3 3×10-2 1 20 Na2O·2SiO2 6×10-3 8×10-3 3×10-1 10 3×102 CaO·Al2O3·2SiO2 3×102 3×102 5×103 2×105 2×106 Microfluidic motion in geometries with a characteristic scale length of between 1.0 and 100.0 μm has received much attention [62, 63], for example, because of the trend to miniaturization in biotechnology, manufacturing all solid hybrid PCFs, and liquid flow in lab-on-a-chip devices which all require detailed knowledge of liquids flowing in micro-scales. Table 1.2 Influence of scale amplitude r of glass structure on the properties of glasses, taken from [64]. Structure Property Short range Colour, optical absorption Ligand field effects: distortion-induced violation of symmetry selection rules in rareearth and transition-metal ions Electronic defect-like states, gap states Electronic excitations Ultraviolet absorption and transmission Raman oscillations Energetic contribution to thermal expansion = nearest-neighbour interaction r < 0.5 nm Medium range = atom-specific structure elements and their interconnection 0.5 nm < r < 2.0 nm Transport properties: Diffusion, ionic conductivity, viscosity Non-radiative heat conductivity Relaxation Vibrational excitations: Infrared absorption and transmission 11 Brillouin light scattering Boson peak Nucleation Stability against: Phase separation/decomposition Crystallization/devitrification Low-temperature anomalies: Specific heat Heat conductivity Transformation temperature Fluctuations of concentration and density Long range Chemical durability Phase separation/decomposition Crystallization Opacity, micro-porosity Rayleigh and Mie light scattering colour of “striking” glasses photochromism, photosensitivity >> ASE dimensions 2.0 nm < r < 100.0 nm Structure insensitive Density Elastic moduli, strength, hardness Refractive index, dielectric constant Gas solubility Radiative heat conductivity Specific heat = macroscopic = averaging orientation and volume (inhomogeneity) r < 100.0 nm In our case, the characteristic length-scale of confinement is just in the range of ~ 1.0 to 100.0 μm. In order to optimize the design and performance of the devices, a detailed understanding of the flow of melts in such scales is necessary. For example, with our infiltration technology, the structure of the undercooled liquids may remain after quick freeze. The structure of the undercooled liquids, which affects the properties of glasses, is also influenced by the shear rate. Therefore, by controlling the flow of the supercooled liquids, different structural arrangements may be obtained, further optimizing the properties of glasses. Table 1.2 lists the influence of scale amplitude r of glass structure on the properties of glasses [64]. It can be found that optical performance of luminescent activators in glasses will change, if the structure state is altered in a scale less than 0.5 nm; stability of glasses can be modified if structure varies in the intermediate range. However, the ignored µm-confinement effect on glasses has been theoretically demonstrated by Eq. (1.10). Furthermore, the glasses should present more macroscopic distinctness comparing µm-confinement and nm-confinement if there was. Analysis of different glasses reveals no properties dependence of glasses under different µm-confinement conditions, such as undetected structure change of glasses and no viscosity dependence on the scale of capillaries, which will be discussed in Chapter 3. 12 Therefore, different with nano-confinement, the research does not consider the µmconfinement. 1.3 Structure, heterogeneity and anisotropy The structure of glasses lacks the periodicity of crystals, nevertheless, a short-range-order remains. The composition of glasses can be extended to a much broader range than crystalline materials as no building laws and laws of stoichiometry have to be taken into account - at least in principle. Zachariasen proposed the random network theory to describe the tendency of glass formation, which is the most used model for glass structure [6]. Structural units less than 0.5 nm are the fundamental bricks for building a bulk glass. Together with adjacent structural units, a short range ordered network is formed. Some parameters, such as bond length, angle distribution, connectivity and coordination number, define the unit structure. The structure of a larger dimension, the intermediate range order between 0.5 nm and 2.0 nm, further contributes to the influence on transport properties, relaxation, nucleation, etc. of glasses [64]. Some properties of glass are still structure sensitive until the research area reaches above 100 nm. Various characterization techniques have been developed for revealing the structure of glass from short order to long order scale. A. C. Wright [65] employed neutron diffraction to vitrified silica and cristobalite at the short range, which testified the same structural unit for both cases. The difference between glass and crystal was displayed only at longer scale. On the other hand, glass is in a thermodynamic non-equilibrium state. The structure of melts is frozen after supercooling, which results in the non-periodicity and heterogeneity. The heterogeneity originates from the density fluctuation, which dissipates within characteristic relaxation times. As Tg is approached, the characteristic relaxation times become very long, which induces the freezing in of "dynamic" heterogeneity [66]. Techniques, such as Brillouin scattering and small angle X-ray scattering, have been employed to study the heterogeneity of glass at both intermediate and long range [67]. Since the glasses are frozen to the structure of supercooled liquid at a certain temperature, which is denoted as fictive temperature Tf, thermal history will influence the heterogeneity of glasses. Besides, additional pressure added on supercooled liquid will change the structure of glasses, which influence the heterogeneity of glasses as well. Y. Takahashi concluded that the denser regions in the heterogeneity area are precursors of nuclei in the supercooled phase based on investigating the Boson peak during crystallization [68]. As mentioned in section 1.3, under nano confinement, a positive or negative shift of glass transition can be observed. This confinement scale is in the range of heterogeneity of glasses, which is a possible reason for 13 the shift of glass transition. However, until now there has been no research on the influence of micro confinement on supercooled liquids. It will in the future be interesting to study its influence on heterogeneity of glasses, or investigate the crystallization of supercooled liquids. Structural anisotropy may be induced in usually isotropic glasses as a result of unrelaxed flow of supercooled liquids, such as in rapid drawing of a fibre. Anisotropy may be reflected in various structural changes which are, however, still rather unexplored. For example, a fibre drawn to the dimension of 10 μm may have an anisotropy expressed in birefringence of Δn = 10-5, which can be reduced by thermal treatment [69]. Here, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was used to show a coordination number shift from 3 to 4 of boron as a result of fibre drawing [0]. However, such a coordination change may equally well be caused simply by varying cooling rates [0]. 2. The μ-Infiltration Technique: Pressure- and surface-assisted infiltration The dynamic flow of liquid inside a capillary had not been studied extensively until the derivation of the Lucas and Washburn equation [70, 71]. The equation was derived based on Poiseuille’s law [72] and proven through surveying the dynamic flow of water in given capillaries under controlled time and external pressure. The coincidence between theoretical derivation and experiments demonstrates the possibility of measuring the viscosity of liquid based on this principle. The Lucas-Washburn equation is derived from Newton’s second law 14 without considering the chemical structure of liquids. Therefore, the Lucas-Washburn equation should be effective in describing the flow of viscous glass melts as well. Researchers in the polymer domain employed a capillary viscometer with external pressure for determining viscosity based on the Lucas-Washburn equation [73, 74]. The critical conditions of the viscometer, however, inhibit its application on viscous mineralic melts. For example, the flow effects at the entrance to the capillary can only be neglected provided that long dies have the length to radius ratio of less than 60 [73]. The aperture must be machined precisely, since the tube radius has a remarkable influence on viscosity. Moreover, the pressure drop for viscosity determination is difficult to measure directly because of the geometry of the viscometer [73, 74]. The viscosity temperature range needs to be considered carefully for the safety of the equipment, since inorganic glasses normally have much higher melting temperatures than polymers. On the other hand, a conventional rotational viscometer can measure a viscosity to as low as 1.0 Pa·s or less. It is currently the most popular viscometer for measuring viscosity of glass melts in this regime [34, 36, 75]. However, a variety of factors involving glass types, cost, required quantity the employed melt and safety in the case of toxic or hazardous glasses must be taken into account. In my Ph.D project, I have applied the infiltration technique, including pressure and suction methods, to measure viscosities of different glass melts, such as, tellurite, sulfophosphate, chalcogenide, borate and germanate glass melts. With the infiltration technique, a viscosity range of 0.01 to 10 Pa·s can be covered. The experimental equipment system is designed according to the Lucas-Washburn equation. Silica capillaries are chosen as flow matrix for glass melts. For the pressure method, a pressure system with pressure as high as 200.0 bar is applied as external force to pump melts into capillaries. For the suction method, a vacuum pump is used to suction the melts. In the process of the pressure method, a suitable pressure and capillary size are chosen according to pre-estimation of viscosity, for example, by choosing one capillary and filling it for a certain time under pressure. After the filling procedure, the length of glass inside the capillary is measured. Other parameters, (pressure, radius of the capillary, and filling time) are known and used for calculating viscosity. Finally, we can use this pre-viscosity value to set the appropriate filling length, pressure, and time to obtain more accurate results according to the Lucas-Washburn equation. In the process of suction method, two forms of analysis, with and without vacuum pump are performed: (1) The surface tension dominates the flow of melts without evacuating. (2) With vacuum pumping, an unbalanced pressure less than one atmosphere is introduced as external force. Now the surface tension and the unbalanced pressure dominate the flow of melts. The surface tension effect can be subtracted from the 15 Lucas-Washburn equation. Then, an accurate value of viscosity will be acquired. Application of the infiltration technique is discussed from both the theoretical and the experimental point of view. Possible influences of the interfacial interaction between melts and silica capillaries are considered and surveyed; for example, tellurite glasses, exhibit perfect wetting with silica, and a stationary layer forms at the TeO2-SiO2 interface by interfacial reaction. This layer causes a deviation of the effective radius in the Lucas-Washburn equation as it does on actual viscosity. Nevertheless, this deviation becomes smaller as the radius of the employed capillary increases. When capillary radii are ≥ 10 µm, the deviation of effective radii will be less than 5%, and the corresponding deviation of viscosity will be at most 10 %. Similar deviation may be caused by interfacial reaction as with phosphate, borate, and germanate glasses. In order to avoid interfacial reactions between the filling materials and the silica wall, chalcogenide glasses are selected. It is well-known that chalcogenide glasses are perfectly non-wetting with respect to silica; consequently, any viscosity deviation due to interfacial layer formation will be excluded. Therefore, to find answers to the questions provided above, the following chapters will be introduced and discussed: (1) Theory and technique of the infiltration method; (2) Assessment of as-chosen glass melts and their interfacial reaction with silica matrix; (3) Flow behaviour of chalcogenide melts under micro-confinement condition; (4) Application of the infiltration method in fabricating all-solid PCFs and their optical applications. 2.1 Fluid mechanics Jean Louis Marie Poiseuille experimentally derived, formulated and published the Poiseuille's law, known nowadays as the Hagen-Poiseuille equation [76], PR4 8L (2.1.1) where Π is the volumetric flow rate, ΔP is the pressure drop, R is the characteristic length of the capillary (its radius for tabular capillary), η is the dynamic viscosity and L is the length of the fluid column. To utilize this equation, laminar stationary flow of a uniformly viscous liquid with zero compressibility is assumed (Newtonian flow). Lucas [70] and Washburn [71] extended Eq. (2.1.1) by considering the dynamics of capillary rise: d 2 L dL 2 8 L dL P PE 2 2 R dt dt dt (2.1.2) 16 This equation describes a typical experimental situation, where a capillary is dipped into a liquid of density (ρ). As a result of the total effective pressure ΣP, over a certain time t, the liquid will rise and form a column of height L. ΣP consists of hydrostatic pressure Ph=ρgL (g: acceleration of gravity), the capillary pressure Pc=2γcosθ/R (with surface tension and contact angle θ) and other applied body forces PA [8]. The right-hand side of Eq. (2.1.2) includes the first term for viscous resistance and the second term for inertial effects. The inertial effect is neglected for laminar flow. If the gravitational effect is neglected, in the absence of any other forces, Eq. (2.1.2) reduces to P Pc 2 cos 8 L dL 2 R R dt (2.1.3) which yields, after integration, L2 R cos t 2 (2.2.4) If an additional pressure PA is applied, the left side of Eq. (2.1.3) should be corrected by ΣP=Pc+PA. Then, integration leads to R cos R 2 PA L2 t 4 2 (2.1.5) Eq. (2.1.5) can be rearranged to yield the dynamic viscosity (2 R cos R 2 PA ) t 4 L2 for 2 cos (2.1.6) RPA , body forces dominate over surface forces. For example, if the employed capillary radius is larger than 10 μm, and an external pressure of 10 bar is applied, 2 cos will be much less than RPA, since the surface tension of glass melts is much less than 1.0 N/m. In the pressure technique, the calculation will be based on this simplification of Eq. (2.1.6) to R 2 PA t 4 L2 (2.1.7) In the case in which an additional pressure PA is less than 1.0 bar, the gravitational and surface tensional effect need to be considered. In order to obtain an estimate of the impact of 17 gravitational pressure PH, the column equilibrium length LE, which would be necessary to compensate for capillary and atmospheric forces, can be estimated from the balance. gLE PA +2 cos / R (2.1.8) If the experimentally obtained filling length is less than 3% of LE, the effect of PH can be neglected. This is generally the case for R < 10.0 µm, which will generate a high equilibrium length LE. If gravitational effects are not negligible, Eq. (2.1.2) becomes PA d 2 L dL 2 2 cos 8 L dL gL 2 L 2 R R dt dt dt (2.1.9) For laminar flow, neglecting inertial effects, PA 2 cos 8 L dL gL 2 R R dt (2.1.10) and after integration, 2 cos RPA gR 2 gRL tL ln(1 ) 8 gR 2 cos RPA (2.1.11) if contact angle θ and surface tension are known, Eq. (2.1.11) can be employed to calculate the apparent dynamic viscosity from the length of the filled capillary section obtained after a certain filling time. 2.2 Wettability Wettability or wetting of liquids within the capillary is a parameter that controls the kinetic flow of the liquid inside the capillary. A contact angle is formed when a liquid droplet spreads on the surface of a horizontally solid substrate. This angle is determined by a force balance between adhesive and cohesive forces [77]. The contact angle θ varies from 0 to 180°, as illustrated in Fig 2.1. The liquid is regarded as wetting when 0 < θ <90°and non-wetting when 90° < θ < 180°. θ = 0, 180°correspond to perfect wetting and perfect non-wetting, respectively [77, 78]. Perfect wetting means that the droplet spreads and forms a film on the surface of the substrate. Perfect non-wetting means that the drop forms a sphere on the surface of the substrate. 18 θ θ θ Fig.2.1 Liquid droplets in equilibrium with a horizontal surface surrounded by a gas. The wetting angle θ between the horizontal layer and the droplet interface defines the wettability of the liquid. In fact, the interfacial tension of the liquid determines the wetting angle θ, which is a thermodynamic variable [78]. With l , g denoting the interfacial tension due to the liquid-gas surface, s ,l denoting the interfacial tension due to the solid-liquid surface and s , g denoting the interfacial tension of the solid-gas surface, in thermodynamic equilibrium the wetting angle θ is given by Young's law [79], s , g s.l l , g cos (2.2.1) For two-phase flow in porous media or in capillary, the wetting angle influences the strength of the capillary pressure Pc in a pore of size R [80], Pc 2 l , g R cos (2.2.2) Therefore, the interfacial wettability between glass melts and the capillary should be considered for obtaining an accurate viscosity value. 2.3 Analytic solutions for defined time stages The dynamic flow of liquids in a capillary can be separated into several stages depending on the development of various forces acting on liquids. The flowing states of the liquid will be classified in the following parts [81, 82], where an external force PA is always considered. 2.3.1 Purely inertial time stage At the moment of a capillary coming into contact with the liquid, the viscous and the gravity terms in Eq.(2.1.2) can be neglected so that it becomes [83], 19 d 2 L dL 2 2 cos PA L 2 R dt dt (2.3.1) The length of the liquid column flowing into the capillary can be solved through this differential equation when the liquid flows at a constant velocity. 2 cos PA R R Lt (2.3.2) 2.3.2 Visco-inertial time stage Later, the flow transfers into a transition stage. A solution is presented by Bosanquet [81], which considers the inertial as well as viscous terms, d 2 L dL 2 8 dL RPA 2 cos L 2 2 L R dt dt R dt (2.3.3) Solving this differential equation yields R(2 cos RPA ) R 2 8 L t (1 exp( 2 t )) 8 8 R 2 (2.3.4) It is noted that in a micro-capillary, if viscosity is too low, flow will become turbulent if one certain pressure is applied. Thus, the obtained viscosity value is not a real but an apparent value. 2.3.3 Purely viscous time stage One period later, an equilibrium stage is reached where the Lucas-Washburn equation becomes valid (inertia and gravity being neglected), L2 R(2 cos RPA ) t 4 (2.3.5) 2.3.4 Viscous and gravitational time stage With the increase in length of the liquid column inside the capillary, the gravity effect can no longer be neglected. For example, 7.6 cm Hg is equal to 0.1 atmosphere pressure. Fries and Dreyer [81, 82] show that gravity must be considered for L 0.1LE . An analytic solution (neglecting inertia) was presented 20 2 cos RPA gR 2 gRL tL ln(1 ) 8 gR 2 cos RPA (2.3.6) The time from the purely inertial stage to the visco-inertial stage and from the visco-inertial stage to the purely viscous time stage is proportional to R 2 / . Considering the dimension of the capillaries (μm) and viscosities of the liquids (less than 10 Pa·s), the transition time is much less than 1 min, which is shorter than our experimental time scale. Therefore, the inertial effect can be neglected when deriving the Eq. (2.1.3) and the Lucas-Washburn equation is applied for viscosities. 2.4 Shear rate in pipes To define the flow behaviour of liquids, the viscosity as a function of shear rate in a pipe needs to be surveyed. The shear rate follows the equation 4Q R3 (2.4.1) where Q is volumetric flow rate, R is the radius of the pipe or capillary. According to the relationship between viscosity and shear rate discussed in section 1.1, the viscosity of a Newtonian liquid will be constant. Otherwise, non-Newtonian flow is present. 2.5 Pressure- and Surface-assisted Infiltration The design of the infiltration technique, including pressure and suction methods, is shown in Fig.2.2 (a) and (b). The pressure method is to apply pressurized argon to press glass melts into a capillary. The suction method is to employ a vacuum pump to suck glass melts into a capillary. The advantages of the infiltration technique over conventional rotational viscometers are: (1) Requirement of only a small amount of as-melted samples; (2) Safety in operating toxic or hazardous melts; (3) A lower viscosity operating regime can be achieved. In addition, it overcomes the drawbacks of the capillary viscometer as used for polymeric / organic liquids. The procedure in the pressure technique involves the following steps: (1) Setting a specialized furnace with a pressure system at a required temperature for measuring viscosities; 21 (2) Preparing a silica crucible with inner radius of 2.00 mm that can contain the glasses; (3) Placing capillaries into the silica crucible. The upper ends of the capillaries are sealed by fusing; (4) Placing the crucible and capillary into a steel tube; (5) Transferring the steel tube into the furnace. With the present system, a pressure up to 200 bar could be generated. As a result, a capillary with a nanoscale inner diameter can be filled with melts within an acceptable experimental duration [24, 84]. In contrast to the high pressure applied in the "pressure method", a vacuum pump may be employed. For the "suction method", which has an unbalanced pressure less than 1.0 bar, a capillary with pore size of several micrometers is placed vertically into a gold crucible which contains the melts. The upper end of the capillary is connected to a mechanical vacuum pump as shown in Fig 2.2 (b). Once the vacuum is turned on, with the assistance of the surface tension the unbalance external pressure draws the glass melts into the capillary. After preset filling-time, the capillary is taken out immediately. The length of melt filled into the capillary is then measured with an optical microscope. Based on the Lucas-Washburn theory, viscosities are calculated and plotted against temperatures. The difference in the magnitude of external pressure between these two methods determines the choice of capillary radius and experimental filling time, which is important for the viscosity measurement. For example, less filling time means less interfacial corrosion between the glass melts and the employed silica capillary. Chalcogenide glasses are measured with the pressure method for safety reasons, and the chalcogenide melts are situated in a sealed silica tube as shown in Fig.2.2 (a). Viscosities of some other glasses, such as tellurite, phosphate, borate glasses can be measured with both the pressure and the suction methods. Fig.2.2(c) depicts the kinematic behaviour of a glass melt flowing into a capillary. 22 (a) exhaust (b) (c) 2R pressurized argon connector vacuum capillary sealed capillary s , g s,g s ,l silica tube l,g s ,l L furnace glass melt crucible refractory glass melt Fig.2.2 Schematic representation of pressure cell used to fill silica PCFs and capillaries with low-melting materials: (a) pressure, (b) suction methods, and (c) an enlargement picture of glass melt flowing into a capillary with velocity and contact angle θ [8]. 2.6 Viscosity of polymers measured by infiltration method One commercial honey (Blüten honey, made by EUCO GmbH, Hamburg) and one silicone oil (WACKER® AK 20), which are Newtonian fluids, were chosen for referencing the infiltration technique to rotational viscometers. The structure formula of silicone oil is (CH3)3SiO[Si(CH3)2O]nSi(CH3)3. Its kinematic and dynamic viscosity is 20 mm2s-1 and 19 mPa·s at 25 oC, respectively [85]. As there is no interfacial reaction between these two materials and silica, the difference of viscosity between these two methods should be attributed to the internal effects of the infiltration technique, or to confinement issues. The experiments show consistent viscosities from both methods for honey (Fig.2.3). For silicone oil, two viscosities were measured by the rotational method. The upper data is first acquired by increasing the shear rate, then the lower one is obtained by decreasing the shear rate, which are 28.0 and 18.3 mPa·s, respectively. The viscosities measured by the infiltration method are marked with red half circles, which correspond to a shear rate above 240 s-1. There is a discrepancy between the data obtained from increasing and decreasing shear rate by the rotational viscometer. The possible reason is that the molecular structure of silicone oil is stretched out after employing shear stress because a molecule of silicone oil has dozens of Si(CH3)2O [85]. Therefore, the molecules are entangled, which presents a apparently higher viscosity. This entanglement is decreased when the shear stress is employed 23 for a certain time or when the shear rate exceeds a threshold value. Several glasses that have been mentioned in the introduction will be classified and surveyed with regard to their flow behaviour and interfacial reaction with silica capillary. (a) 30 Viscosity (Pa·s) Honey rotational data infiltration data 27 24 21 18 (b) 240 6 12 300 -1 360 0.04 Viscosity (Pa· s) 18 Shear rate (s ) 24 30 420 rotational results infiltration results increasing shear rate 0.03 0.02 decreasing shear rate 0.01 0.00 0 50 100 -1 150 Shear rate (s ) 200 Fig. 2.3 Viscosities of commercial honey and silicone oil by conventional rotational viscometer and the proposed infiltration method. 24 3. Multi-material Assessment of Viscosity under Confinement Four typical glass melts from tellurite, sulfophosphate, germanate, and borate, were chosen and investigated. These glasses exhibit (1) well-defined polymerization grade, (2) preexisting knowledge on their structural units, and (3) low melting temperatures for applicability of silica capillaries. In addition, the optical properties of these glasses are also attractive for further applications by using the infiltration technique. For borate glass, another goal was to try to find structural change of borate units under micro-confinement because two structural units, planar [BO3] and tetrahedral [BO4] units co-exist in borate glasses, depending on the fraction of modifier ions. However, there is still one issue that needs to be taken into account, that is, the interfacial reaction of the four studied melts with the silica matrix. In this chapter, the following problems will be investigated and discussed: (1) Can the microscopic viscosities be regarded as bulk viscosity? (2) What is the influence of the interfacial effects between the as-confined glass melts and a capillary? (3) Does the micro confinement change the flow of melts from Newtonian to non-Newtonian flow? (4) Does the flow behaviour alter the structural state of glass melts after cooling? 3.1 Tellurite glasses The tellurite glass was chosen as a research object for two reasons: (1) The well-defined structure of bulk glass can be a reference and compared to the glass inside micro- capillary when exploring potential changes due to confinement; and (2) excellent optical properties, which will be of importance in the fabrication of all-solid PCFs. 3.1.1 Introduction of tellurite glass Tellurite glasses have been extensively studied for several years. Their optical advantages make them promising candidates for fabricating integrated optical amplifiers, fibre lasers, chemical sensors etc. [86, 87]. They exhibit a high refractive index and optical nonlinearity, a 25 wide transmission range (0.35-5μm), good glass stability, and corrosion resistance [7, 86 - 88]. Compared to silicate and phosphate glasses, tellurite glasses have excellent rare-earth ion solubility and relatively low phonon energy (780 cm-1), which are advantages for designing efficient lasers and optical amplifiers [86]. Being different from other glass network formers SiO2, GeO2, TeO2 itself cannot form glass without the addition of network modifiers [86]. From various spectroscopic measurements, it is found that two or more structure units may exist in tellurite glasses [89 - 91]. These structure units are analogous to those of TeO2 crystalline, which consists of tetragonal α - TeO2, rhombic β - TeO2, etc. (Fig. 3.1) [91 - 93]. Fig.3.1 Structure of TeO2: (a) α-TeO2, and (b) β-TeO2 [90]. There are four coordination oxygens in pure TeO2: Two axial oxygen and two apical oxygen atoms along the long axis [94]. There is still one pair of electrons according to Pauling’s second rule. With the addition of network modifiers, which means that more oxygen atoms are introduced, a TeO3 trigonal pyramid (TP) structural unit appears. Unlike TeO4, the trigonal pyramid TeO3 has a non-bridging oxygen with a double bond, two bridging oxygen atoms, and a lone pair of electrons. Therefore, according to the number and type of modifier and intermediate ions, the oxygen coordination number of Te4+ is 3, 3+δ, and 4 [91, 92]. Figure 3.2 shows the structural units of TeO4 trigonal bipyramid (TBP) and TeO3 trigonal pyramid (TP) [91]. 26 Fig.3.2 Structural units of (a) TeO4 trigonal bipyramid (TBP) and (b) TeO3 trigonal pyramid (TP) in tellurite glass [91]. 3.1.2 Experimental procedure Tellurite glasses with nominal compositions of 75TeO2-10ZnO-15Na2O (mol.%) (TZN01) and 80TeO2-10ZnO-10Na2O (mol.%) (TZN02) were prepared by a conventional melting and quenching technique. Reagent grade powders of TeO2, ZnO, and Na2CO3 were weighed, mixed, and then melted in an Au crucible at 800 oC for 60 min. To improve the homogeneity of the glasses, the melts were stirred manually with an alumina rod for ~ 1 min. Laboratory glass transition temperatures Tg of TZN01 were determined by calorimetry (calorimetric Tg, Tg-c, Netzsch DSC 404 F1), dilatometry (dilatometric Tg, Tg-d) and viscometry (beam bending viscometer, T12, Bähr VIS402, assuming that Tg corresponds to the temperature at which the viscosity equals 1012 Pa s [95). The heating rates are 20 and 10 K/min in the temperature range of 50~430 and 30~300 °C, respectively for calorimetry and dilatometry. Figure 3.3 shows the glass transition temperature of TZN01 by calorimetry and dilatometry to be 273.5 and 271.1 °C, respectively [8]. The viscosity of TZN01 glass was measured by the pressure method and conducted in silica capillaries with inner diameters (d) of 4.0, 6.25, 10.2, or 15.0 μm (drawn from Heraeus Suprasil 301, outer capillary diameter 200.0 µm). It is noted that all the capillaries used in the thesis are drawn from Heraeus Suprasil 301 with outer capillary diameter 200.0 µm. The experimental setup is shown in Fig. 2.2(a). A small quantity of the TZN01 (< 0.25 cm 3) to be pumped into the capillary was placed in a home-made 2 ml silica crucible. The silica crucible was then placed inside a 70.0 cm long silica tube with inner diameter of 1.5 cm. A vertical tubular resistance furnace accommodating the whole silica tube was used for further pressurizing procedure at the required temperatures [8]. 27 (a) (b) exo 0.0 0.6 -0.1 dL/L0 (%) Heat flow (V/mg) 0.5 273.5 -0.2 274.4 271.1 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 -0.3 0.0 -0.4 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 -0.1 50 100 150 200 250 300 o o Temperature ( C) Temperature ( C) Fig.3.3 Glass transition temperature of TZN01 by calorimetry (a) and dilatometry (b), respectively. Capillaries with lengths of ~ 50.0 cm were placed in the tube with one end immersed in the TZN01 melt. The other end of these capillaries was sealed. Filling times were chosen with reference to preliminary experiments in which the expected filling length was estimated. Since one end of the capillary was sealed, depending on the degree of filling, a counter pressure created by the residual air built up inside the capillary, acting opposite to the filling pressure. The maximum filling length is in the range of 30.0 cm, which in the extreme case corresponds to a counter pressure of ~ 2.0 bar. The average filling length was ~ 15.0 cm corresponding to a counter pressure of ~ 1.4 bar. Therefore, compared to the filling pressure larger than 10.0 bar, its presence can be neglected in all further calculations [8]. The whole set-up was stabilized at the temperatures for 1.0 min to allow the glass to be melted, and then the silica tube was pressurized by argon. The pressure (1.0, 10.0, 20.0, and 30.0 bar) was monitored and held constant with an automated pumping system. During this procedure, the glass melt was pressed into the hollow channels in the capillaries. The microscopic viscosity of the filling melt was controlled by varying filling temperatures (700.0, 750, 800 and 840 °C for TZN01 as shown in Table 3.1). After a certain filling time, capillaries were taken out of the hot tube and quenched in air, and thus became frozen filling state. The suction method was employed for TZN01 (Table 3.2) as well. Filling experiments were conducted in silica capillaries with inner diameter (d) of 20.0 μm. The experimental set-up used for this filling procedure is similar to the pressure method employed above with one major difference: instead of applying an elevated pressure to pump the melt into the capillary, vacuum was used to suck in the melt (Fig. 2.2(b)). As a consequence, the filling dynamics are 28 Table 3.1 Capillaries (d = 4.0, 6.25, 10.2, and 15.0 μm) filled under temperatures and applied pressures, and filling time. Temperature (°C) Pressure (bar) Filling time (min) 700 10.0 20.0 30.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 750 10.0 20.0 30.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 800 10.0 20.0 30.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 840 10.0 20.0 30.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 dominated by capillary forces and, hence, surface tension and wetting behaviour of the tellurite melt. Isothermal filling experiments were conducted at three different temperatures, i.e. 700, 750, and 800 °C. About 5 g of glass was put into a 150 ml Au crucible and re-melted at the targeted filling temperature, using a ~ 0.5×0.5×0.5 m3 furnace with a highly homogeneous temperature distribution (calibrated with a thermocouple). An about 40 cm long capillary section was then vertically dipped into the melt for a controlled duration of time by using a stop watch. Vacuum (20 mbar) was applied and monitored on the other side of the capillary, resulting in an unbalanced pressure of 960 mbar. After the respective filling time, the capillary was rapidly removed from the furnace and quenched in air. For a better precision, each filling procedure was carried out ten times. Table 3.2 Filling parameters and surface tensions for TZN01 glass at required temperatures. Temperature (°C) Pressure (bar) Surface tension* (N/m) Time (s) 700 0.96 0 60 60 120 0.168 750 0.96 0 60 60 120 0.167 800 0.96 0 40 40 80 0.166 * Surface tension of the TZN01 glass taken from Sciglass [96]. The suction method was also employed for the TZN02 glass (Table 3.3). The experimental procedure was the same as that for TZN01 glass. The isothermal filling temperatures were 500, 530, and 600 °C, and the employed capillary had an inner diameter of 44.0 μm. The viscosities of the TZN02 melt would be higher at low temperatures. In order to save experimental time and further reduce the effect of interfacial reaction between the glass melt and silica capillary, capillaries with large diameter were used. 29 Table 3.3 Filling parameters and surface tension for TZN02 glass at required temperatures. Surface tension* (N/m) Temperature (°C) Pressure (bar) 500 0.96 200 400 600 0.16 530 0.96 100 200 300 0.16 600 0.96 20 40 60 0.16 Time (s) * Surface tension of the TZN01 cited from Sciglass [96]. The filling lengths of the glasses in capillary were then measured ex situ by imaging the capillary from the side with an optical microscope (Nikon Eclipse LV100; Fig.3.4 (a) and (b)). In addition to optical microscopy, dispersive Raman spectrometry (Nicolet Almega XR) was employed to monitor the filled section of the capillary to confirm the existence of glasses and structural rearrangement inside the capillary. For comparison with the microfluidic data obtained by the infiltration technique, macroscopic viscosities of the TZN01 were determined by beam bending viscometry within the range of 1013 to 109 Pa.s [97], and by the sinking bar technique with the range of 103 to 101 Pa.s [98]. On selected capillaries, the cross-section was monitored by electron microscopy (SEM, Fig. 3.4(c)). The SEM was operated at 20 kV with a current of 1.24 nA. Fig.3.4 (a) Side-view of a homogeneously TZN01 filled silica capillary; (b) A filled capillary containing cracks and bubbles; (c) SEM images of TZN01 in capillary with diameter of 15.0 µm. 3.1.3 Raman spectra of TeZnNa glass and glass in capillary [8] Raman spectrometry is a useful technique to investigate the structure of glasses. It was performed systematically on the side-views of the TZN01 glass-in-capillary in order to unambiguously confirm the presence of tellurite glass in the filled section (Fig. 3.5). The Raman spectrum of the filled section of the capillary with TZN01 (diameter = 6.0 µm) clearly matches that of the corresponding bulk reference. Three characteristic [94, 99, 100] scattering peaks can be detected in the case of tellurite filling, corresponding to symmetric stretching 30 and bending vibrations of Te-O-Te linkages between TeO3, TeO3+δ and TeO4 structural units (~ 460 cm-1), antisymmetric vibrations of Te-O-Te linkages (~ 660 cm-1) and Te-O-stretching vibrations in TeO3+δ polyhedra or TeO3 pyramids (~770 cm-1). The shape and position of the bands do not vary significantly between the bulk and confined glass at first consideration. However, the peak at 660 cm-1 is a little sharper in the capillary than that of the bulk reference, which implies that a structural change or crystallization may have happened during cooling. This can be explained by (i) structural change induced by the confinement condition; (ii) diffusion of ions caused by the interfacial reaction between SiO2 and TZN01, which further affects the Raman spectrum. This will be discussed in detail in section 3.2. The structural change is a result of freezing of the melts, while viscosities are obtained at melting temperatures. Therefore it will not change the measuring accuracy of viscosity of melts. Intensity (a.u.) TZN01 in capillary Bulk TZN01 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 -1 Raman frequency (cm ) Fig.3.5 Raman measurements of TZN01 filled silica capillaries (diameters 6.25µm).The spectra have been recorded by illuminating the filling glass strands through the side of the capillary [8]. 3.1.4 Results and discussion [8] After the glass melt flows into the capillary, uncontrolled and/or fast cooling usually results in the formation of cavities or cracks in the filled section (Fig. 3.4(b)). There are several reasons for this. Firstly, the thermal expansion mismatch between silica and the filler is to be considered. The thermal expansion coefficient of the filling glasses is about 30 times higher than that of silica (0.6×10-6 K-1 for silica, and 17×10-6 K-1 for tellurite, respectively), which means that a remarkable shrinkage of the tellurite glass will happen after cooling. At the silica-filling glass interface, pronounced tensile stresses are to be expected after cooling. The magnitude of these stresses depends primarily on the difference between Tg of the filling glass 31 from ambient temperature, on the applied cooling process and on the interface structure [19]. The subsequent procedures, such as removing the capillary from the furnace will cause the formation of cracks. Besides thermally induced stresses and volume contraction, filling defects may be induced by reboiling of dissolved gases, particularly argon (used as the compression medium). If pressure is released too fast at too low a viscosity, oversaturation may lead to gas release and bubble formation. This explanation would be supported by the fact that the density of bubbles is much less by the suction method than by the pressure method. Additionally, it is critical to melt a bubble free glass itself. These bubbles in glass melts would probably be introduced into capillary during the filling procedures. To get rid of the bubbles, a refining procedure has to be performed. In glasses, the distance (d) traveled by a bubble follows the equation d 2 gR 2 t 9 (3.1.1) where g is the gravitational acceleration constant, R is the radius of the bubbles, ρ and η are density and viscosity of the melts, respectively. It will take more than one hour for a bubble to move 1.0 cm with the condition of R = 5µm, ρ = 5.0×103 kg/m3 and η = 0.1 Pa·s. Therefore, it is very difficult to remove the bubbles formed in capillaries. Figure 3.6 presents the microscopic picture of the TZN01 glass, which has many bubbles and cracks after quenching. Fig.3.6 (a) Microscopic picture of TZN01, and (b) close-up view of the area in the red circle in (a), blue circles are bubbles in glass after cooling. The scale bars are 100 and 20 μm in (a) and (b), respectively. Regardless of the length of the filled section, a single discontinuity (cavity or crack) will strongly degrade the optical transmission of the waveguide. Therefore, in order to achieve 32 optical waveguiding, pressure release, cooling and a glass melting procedure must be performed in a controlled way. In Fig. 3.7, the square of the filling length is plotted versus r2 and p for a constant filling time of 180 s for TZN01. Stable flow (approximately linear filling speed) was obtained after an initial filling time of 2.0 min at 700 °C, 1.0 min at 750 °C, and < 1.0 min at higher temperatures. Since Eq. (2.3.5) is valid only for steady state conditions, the Fig.3.7 Viscosity analysis of the tellurite filling process at different temperatures. The four plots show the square of the filling length as a function of applied pressure and square of capillary radius. (a) Experimental results at 700°C, (b) simulation at 700°C, (c) experimental results at 840°C, (d) simulation at 840°C, taken from[8]. © 2010 Published by Elsevier B.V length of the capillary section that was filled during this initial period was omitted from further calculations. The ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces can be described by the dimensionless Reynolds number Re, Re 2 R (3.1.2) where ρ and η are density and viscosity of liquid, respectively, ν is the flow velocity, and R is the radius of capillary. Here, values less than 20 are obtained for TZN01 filling over the whole experimental temperature range, which clearly indicates laminar flow of the glass inside capillary and PCF, respectively, during the filling process [102]. 33 While filling kinetics were measured at various temperatures for TZN01 melts, in Table 3.4, effective viscosity data as obtained from Eq. (2.3.5) are compiled together with macroscopic information measured by beam bending and sinking viscometries. The most commonly used function to fit the viscosity-temperature relationship of a glass melt is the Vogel-FulcherTamann (VFT) equation as mentioned in [41 - 43]. As already noted in the introduction section, it is now widely accepted that this formula starts to break-down close to Tg and for η < 1.0 Pa·s [37]. It must therefore be noted that in the following, the VFT equation is used only as an estimate for data interpolation. For the tellurite glass used, the VFT fit produces A = −2.20, B = 1004 K and T0 = 475 K with regard to the macroscopic viscosity data. From this, a glass transition temperature (η = 1012 Pa.s) of 272.6 °C is extrapolated, compared to the experimentally determined 271.1°C (dilatometer) and 274.4°C (calorimeter), respectively. Figure 3.8 presents the viscosity as a function of temperature for TZN01 glass. Through the VFT parameters, the viscosities were extrapolated to glass melt. In Fig.3.8, two sets of viscosities for TZN01 melt were presented by the pressure and suction methods, respectively. (a) (b) -0.4 log in Pa· s) log (in Pa· s) 9 6 3 -0.8 -1.2 -1.6 0 -3 500 pressure=10bar pressure=20bar pressure=30bar suction method 75TeO2-10ZnO-15Na2O suction in method pressure method VFT extrapolated data 12 600 700 800 900 1000 -2.0 960 1100 1000 1040 1080 1120 Temperature (K) Temperature (K) Fig.3.8 Viscosity analysis of the tellurite filling process at different temperatures with VFT equation. (a) Viscosity of the TZN01 glass as a function of temperature. Three different techniques (beam bending, sinking bar, pressure, suction method) and extrapolated data from VFT equation have been used to determine the viscosity [8]. (b) Comparison of viscosity data measured with pressure and suction methods. Compared to the extrapolated macroscopic viscosities, 3D plots in Fig. 3.7 were generated to reveal the impact of confinement and pressure on the flow behaviour of the filling glasses. As already noted, systematic Raman analyses did not reveal significant differences between bulk glasses and glasses that were frozen-in under expectations provided that the lateral confinement does not exceed a critical diameter (presently unknown, but certainly below 1.0 34 µm). However, Raman spectroscopy was performed ex situ. While it provides information on the as-frozen state of the melt, it does not take into account kinetic data, long-range anisotropy or fast relaxation processes that occur during freezing. For this reason, the effective viscosity according to Eq. (2.2.6) was considered. The square of the filling length that is plotted in Figs. 3.7 may be taken as a direct measure of this parameter. Then, an ideal filling situation (L2(p, R2)) may be simulated by assuming a viscosity that is independent of pressure and capillary diameter: using viscosity data as obtained for a given temperature immediately enables the prediction of L2 for a given filling time and capillary diameter. If these predicted values are compared to actual experimental data, deviations between experimental viscosity (as a function of pressure and capillary diameter) and the assumed constant value are revealed by changes in the symmetry of the 3D plots. In addition to its systematic contributions, pressure may act on the flow in two different ways: by actually (isotropically) impacting viscosity or by initiating non-Newtonian effects [8]. The former effect is well-known in inorganic glasses, particularly silicates, when the applied pressure approaches the GPa regime [19]. For example, a shift in the glass transition temperature of ~ ±5-20 K/GPa is a reasonable estimate for most silicate glasses [10]. This shift is more pronounced in low-melting (highly fragile) phosphate glasses with low network connectivity, e.g. ~ +100K/GPa. Therefore the viscosity will change corresponding to this shift, log log (12.5 log )( Tg ( p) T ) (3.1.3) On the other hand, Fig.3.8 shows that these two infiltration methods present two sets of viscosities at the same temperatures. The pressure induced data is almost ten times higher than that measured by the suction method. Besides the possible reason of the shift of glass transition, the liquid may become more viscous after densification by pressure. The free volume theory has been employed to interpret the viscosity of a supercooled liquid in dependence on pressure It states that the structure has a thermodynamic minimum volume (V0). The specific volume (V) of a material will increase with increasing temperature. Then the liquid will flow more easily, and be reflected in lower viscosity. Eq. (3.1.4) describes the variation of viscosity corresponding to pressure at a constant temperature according to [9], ( ( p, T ) )T ( ) p ( p, T ) T p (3.1.4) 35 Table 3.4 Viscosities of 75TeO2-10ZnO-15Na2O for different temperature regimes, obtained by beam bending and sinking bar viscometry (macroscopic) and from infiltration technique according to Eq. (2.2.6) (microscopic) [8]. Infiltration techniques Beam bending Sinking bar VFT extrapolated Pressure method Suction method T (°C) 269 275 280 285 300 348 369 390 412 433 476 700 750 800 840 700 750 800 840 717 770 810 850 log (η/Pa·s) 12.4 11.3 10.7 10.2 9.0 4.2 3.4 3.1 3.0 2.1 1.4 - 0.2 -0.4 -0.5 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -1.0 -1.2 -1.6 -1.7 -1.9 -1.9 36 where κ is isothermal compressibility, α is isobaric thermal expansion coefficient. As κ > 0, α<0 and ( ) p 0 , ( )T 0 . Therefore, the viscosity measured by high pressure is T p probably higher than that measured by the suction method. L. H. Thamdrup et al. provided another possible explanation by studying the bubble formation during capillary filling [103]. The results show that a small bubble may increase the fluidic resistance, which reduces the filling speed of the liquid [103]. If lots of bubbles exist in the glass melt during the filling process, they will correspondingly reduce the filling length, and thus increase the apparent viscosity. J. Bico discussed the bubble formation and motion inside the capillary and proposed designing the geometry of capillary so as to prevent bubbles from being trapped, which often occurs in a circular capillary [104]. In the suction method, the filling dynamics are dominated by capillary forces and, hence, also surface tension and wetting behaviour of the tellurite melt. From the equation (2 R cos R 2 PA ) t , two data processing methods can be conducted to determine the 4 L2 apparent viscosities of melts, respectively. (1) Checking the part R cos closely. The 2 surface tension of melts is first identified from literature or the Sciglass database, then viscosity is calculated assuming a constant dynamic contact angle. It is noted that the dynamic contact angle here is not the same as the static contact angle, which is about zero for tellurite melts at our experiment temperatures. Figure 3.9 shows the apparent viscosities by assuming different dynamic contact angles with the surface tension of melts from Sciglass as shown in Table 3.2. (2) Setting the part R cos as unity, and performing a separate filling procedure 2 without vacuum pump. This process means that the liquid flow is driven only by surface tension, L2 L12 R cos t 2 will be measured. The L12 is then subtracted from 2 R cos R 2 PA R 2 PA t as discussed in Chapter 2. A direct relationship L2 L12 t 4 4 between external unbalanced pressure PA and viscosity is established, where only PA is responsible for the filling length. This data processing method is named the UP method in the following. Assuming the equality of the viscosities calculated from these two methods, the 37 = o 0 o 30 o 45 o 60 Viscosity (Pa·s) 0.028 0.024 UP method 0.020 0.016 0.012 680 720 760 800 o Temperature ( C) Fig.3.9 Viscosities of TZN01 acquired by two data processing methods. (a) (b) 8 60 2 L12(cm ) L (cm) 6 4 o 0 20 800 C o 750 C o 700 C 2 0 40 80 120 160 40 0 200 o 800 C o 750 C o 700 C 0 40 80 120 160 Time(s) Time (s) Fig.3.10 (a) Parabolic and (b) linear fittings of filling length for TZN01 corresponding to the filling times. dynamic contact angle can be calculated as 50°, 43°, and 29° for 700, 750, 800 oC, respectively. The result agrees with thermodynamics so we can expect that the contact angle decreases with increasing temperature for wetting liquids. The filling length L1 and its square L12 are presented in Fig.3.10, which obeys the characteristic of Lucas-Washburn equation L12 R cos t . In a further experiment, the macroscopic wetting behaviour of TZN01 was 2 observed in a hot-stage microscope (HT 04/17S, Nabertherm GmbH, Lilienthal, Germany). A cubic TZN01 glass sample (5×5×5 mm³) was placed on a silica wafer. The wetting angles between the tellurite glass and the wafer were observed during heating, using two digital cameras. Comparative runs were conducted at two heating rates, 3 K/min and 1 K/min between 200 and 500 °C, as shown in Fig. 3.11. The static contact angle decreases sharply when the temperature increases. At around 430 °C, the static contact angle is about 24°. 38 Considering this trend, it can be deduced that the contact angle will be about zero with increasing temperature, which agrees with the conclusion that the static contact angle is smaller than the dynamic contact angle in the infiltration method. Not only in glass melts, this discrepancy between dynamic and static contact angle has also been observed in polymer and water [106, 107]. Fig.3.11 Contact angle between silica and TZN01 as a function of temperature for a heating rate of 3 K/min. Insets: Photographs of the TZN01 specimen on the silica wafer for selected temperatures, taken from [109]. © 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V Similarly, viscosities of TZN02 obtained with the suction method are shown in Fig.3.12. An obvious deviation at 500 oC results from the crystallization of TZN02. 0.5 Viscosity (Pa·s) 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 500 520 540 560 580 600 o Temperature ( C) Fig.3.12 Viscosities of TZN02 at different temperatures. 39 3.1.5 Viscosities and flow behaviour of alkali-free tellurite glass with suction method Replacing alkali ions (Na+) with lanthanide ions will improve certain properties of tellurite glasses. M. R. Sahar et al. studied tellurite zinc erbium glasses and found that the glass stability increases with the addition of Er2O3 [107]. Thermal properties, glass transition temperature Tg, crystallization temperature Tc of TeO2-ZnO-RxOy (R=Na, or Er) are listed in Table 3.5, which shows (i) the improvement in the glass stability and (ii) that tellurite glasses containing lanthanide ions are more thermally stable than those containing alkali ions, since Tc- Tg is used to assess the glass thermal stability. In the thesis, lanthanide compound Er2O3 was replaced by La 2 O 3 and a tellurite gl ass with a nominal composition of Table 3.5 Tellurite alkali and alkali free glasses with their thermal properties, taken from [94, 107] Temperature (oC) Composition (mol.%) TeO2 ZnO Er2O3 Tg Tc Tc-Tg 79.5 20 0.5 321.0 420.0 99.0 79 20 1.0 322.0 442.0 120.0 78 20 2.0 323.0 460.0 137.0 77.5 20 2.5 335.0 475.0 140.0 TeO2 ZnO Na2O 80 10 10 284.0 386.0 102 70 10 20 259.0 372.0 113 60 10 30 233.0 346.0 113 77TeO2-20.5ZnO-2.5La2O3 (mol.%) (TZL) was prepared by conventional melting and quenching. Reagent grade powders of TeO2, ZnO, La2O3 were weighed, mixed and melted in an Au crucible at 700 oC for 30 min. To improve homogeneity, the melts were stirred manually with an alumina rod for ~ 1.0 min. Laboratory glass transition temperatures Tg of the samples were determined by calorimetry (calorimetric Tg, Tg-c, Netzsch DSC 404 F1). The heating rate is 20 K/min in the temperature range 50~430 oC for calorimetry. Figure 3.13 shows the glass transition temperature, which is 340.5 oC determined by calorimetry. The viscosities of TZL glass melt were obtained through both pressure and suction methods. In the suction method, filling experiments were conducted with silica capillaries having inner diameters d of 4.0, 8.0, 20.0, and 44.0, 70.0, 160.0 μm. The experimental filling set-up and procedure is the same as that of the TZN glasses. Capillary lengths were chosen with reference to Eq. (2.2.6), using an estimation of the melt viscosity to obtain the expected filling 40 Heat flow (V/mg) 0.00 exo -0.05 -0.10 340.5 -0.15 347.3 -0.20 -0.25 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 o Temperature ( C) Fig.3.13 Glass transition of TZL determined by calorimetry. length. The experimental filling time was estimated according to an expected filling length of ~ 4.0 cm ( d ≤ 8.0 µm ), 10.0 cm ( 8.0 µm < d < 160.0 µm ) or 20.0 cm ( d = 160.0 µm ), respectively. After the respective filling time, the capillary was rapidly removed from the furnace and quenched in air, thus freezing-in the filling state. The data acquisition process is the same as that of the TZN glasses. As there is applied pressure, a condition is defined at which the hydrostatic pressure effect can be neglected. The condition is set at a hydrostatic pressure not exceeding 3% of hE. hE is the equilibrium length of the liquid in capillary under external and capillary pressure. In our case, the unbalanced atmospheric pressure PA is the vacuum pressure, which is 0.96·105 Pa. We assume that the hydrostatic pressure equals the applied external pressure plus the capillary pressure, ρghE = 0.96·105 +2γcosθ/R If the filling length is less than 3% of hE, the hydrostatic pressure is neglected; otherwise, the hydrostatic pressure should be considered to calculate the viscosity of the glasses. Then, hE and 3% hE for capillaries with different radii (assuming contact angle equals 30°) are calculated in Table 3.6, where 10% hE is given as well. Surface tension and density of TZL melts were cited from Sciglass for calculation §. ——————————————————— § Surface tension and density of TZL glass melt at three temperatures [96] Temperature (°C) 700 750 800 Surface tension (mN/m) 143.8 143 142.6 Density (g/cm3) 5.162 5.147 5.108 41 Table 3.6 Error controlling for using Eq. (2.2.8) to calculate viscosities of the TZL. Radius R (µm) 2 Assumed filling length (cm) 4 5 10 22 4 35 80 10 20 hE1 at 700°C (cm) 435.9 312.8 288.2 239 212.1 203.8 195.9 3% hE1 (cm) 13.1 9.4 8.6 7.2 6.4 6.1 5.9 10% hE1 (cm) 43.6 31.3 28.9 23.9 21.2 20.4 19.6 hE2 at 750°C (cm) 436.2 313.2 288.7 239.5 212.7 204.4 196.4 3% hE2 (cm) 13.1 9.4 8.7 7.2 6.4 6.1 5.9 10% hE2 (cm) 43.6 31.3 28.9 24.0 21.3 20.4 19.6 hE3 at 800°C (cm) 438.5 315.1 290.5 241.1 214.2 205.9 197.9 3% hE3 (cm) 13.2 9.5 8.7 7.2 6.4 6.2 5.9 10% hE3 (cm) 43.9 31.5 29.1 24.1 21.4 20.6 19.8 An exemplary filling situation is shown in Fig. 3.14(a) for a capillary with an inner diameter of 70.0 µm, filled with TZL at 700 °C for 36 s (ex situ optical microscopy). The figure is the upper end of the tellurite column (vacuum applied on the left side) which can be divided into three sections: the not-yet-filled silica capillary (left), the tellurite meniscus (middle) and the filled capillary section (right). In this example, the meniscus has a length of ~ 400 µm. From the meniscus, the effective static wetting angle can be estimated. In practice, its very low value leads to the occurrence of a thin tellurite film over the greater part of the meniscus (~200 µm, due to the high refractive index of TZL visibly darker than the unfilled section to (b) Intensity (a.u.) 751cm 660cm 420cm 400 -1 -1 477cm 300 -1 500 -1 611cm 600 805cm -1 700 800 -1 900 -1 Raman frequency (cm ) Fig.3.14 Side-view of an exemplary filling situation for a capillary with an inner diameter of 70 µm, filled with TZL at 700 °C for 36 s (a), and corresponding Raman spectrum of the filled section (b) [109]. © 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V 42 the left side of Fig. 3.14(a). Importantly, Fig. 3.14 was taken ex situ after quenching the filled capillary. Therefore, some viscous retraction of the tellurite column must be considered when using Fig. 3.14 to discuss the wetting behaviour. The interior of the as-filled capillaries was examined systematically by micro-Raman spectroscopy on side-views as shown in Fig. 3.14(b). The primary objective of these analyses was to confirm the presence of tellurite glass in the filled section. Secondly, spectra were screened for eventual changes that might have been induced by confinement or by chemical reactions between the filling melt and the silica capillary. A best-fit of the spectra was obtained by deconvolution into six Gaussian peaks (Fig. 3.14(b)). These peaks correspond [94, 99, 100, 108] to symmetric stretching and bending vibrations of Te-O-Te linkages between trigonal TeO3 pyramids, TeO3+δ polyhedral and trigonal TeO4 bipyramids (~ 420 and 477 cm-1), vibration of the continuous network of TeO4 bipyramids (~ 611 cm-1), antisymmetric vibrations of Te-O-Te linkages (~ 660 cm-1), stretching vibrations between tellurium and non-bridging oxygen sites(~ 751 cm-1), and Te-Ostretching vibrations in TeO3+δ polyhedral or TeO3 pyramids (~805 cm-1). Figure 3.15 shows the apparent viscosities of the TZL melt obtained by employing capillaries with various scales at 700, 750, and 800 oC, respectively. Generally, viscosity is understood as a measure of the timescale of shear relaxation, τ, η = τ.G∞ (where G∞ is the shear modulus at infinite shear frequency). Experimentally, a dependence of τ on lateral confinement has not yet been demonstrated for inorganic glasses. It appears, however, that such dependence exists already for µm-confinement. For capillary radii of ≥ 20 µm, we consider viscosity as independent of capillary diameter. The deviation of viscosities corresponding to capillary radius is observed at lower radii. In a first consideration, various effects, such as slip or variation in surface tension, interfacial tension, and bubbles formed in the capillary are Viscosity (Pa· s) (a) 0.13 0 30 45 UP method 0.12 0.11 o T=700 C 0.10 0 10 20 Radius (m) 43 30 40 (b) 0 30 45 UP method Viscosity (Pa· s) 0.075 0.070 0.065 0.060 o T=750 C 0 10 20 Radius (m) Viscosity (Pa· s) (c) 0.050 30 40 0 30 45 UP method 0.045 0.040 o T=800 C 0 10 20 Radius (m) 30 40 Fig.3.15 Viscosities of TZL corresponding to capillary diameters at (a) 700, (b) 750 and (c) 800 °C. Contact angles between melts and capillary wall were assumed for calculation. The viscosity obtained from subtracting the surface tension effect from the experiment is presented for comparison. considered to be responsible for this deviation, whereas, an equilibrium viscosity can be observed when the capillary radius is ≥ 20.0 µm. The obtained data were processed with the same methods as those performed in TZN01. In the following, this value is taken as the actual value of the dynamic viscosity of the tellurite melt at the respective temperature (viscosity values of 0.111 Pa.s, 0.064 Pa.s, 0.040 Pa.s for TZL at 700, 750 and 800 °C, respectively), which agree with the data processing method by experimentally subtracting the surface tension filling length L12 2 R cos t (discussed in section 3.1.4 in detail, and named the UP 4 method). 44 The software Fluent 6.3.26 was used to simulate the melt's flowing stage inside the capillary. Melt flow under 700 oC was chosen as an example. The process parameters include radius of capillary (10μm), viscosity (0.111 Pa.s) and unbalanced pressure (0.96 bar). The melt is assumed to be a non-compressible and Newtonian fluid. The simulation is based on the (1) law of conservation of mass and (2) Navier-Stokes momentum equation. Figure 3.16 presents the inlet velocity distribution of the melt after flowing into a capillary at different times, 2.3, 9.1, 36.2, 227, and 910 μs, respectively. As mentioned in section 2.3, liquid flow in the tube can be separated into several stages [80]. After 48 μs, the TZL melt will behave as purely viscous [80]. The corresponding velocity distribution should be between Fig. 3.16 (a) and (d). The simulation results show that the melt moves at laminar flow after 227 μs, which is higher than 48 μs. Nevertheless, this time is much shorter than that of the experimental operation. Therefore, the Lucus-Washburn equation can be applied. The y axis stands for the velocity profile along the radius of the capillary. In order to obtain a better view of the confinement effects on the rheologic behaviour of the melt, the quadratic filling length was plotted over the ratio between filling time and the timescale of shear relaxation (expressed as dynamic viscosity) for various filling lengths (Fig. 3.17 (a)). According to L2 2( L2 L12 ) 2 R cos R 2 PA R cos t , R2 , the t and L12 2 PAt 4 capillary radii can be extracted from the slope of the obtained curve. The thus obtained value is denoted as the effective radius, RLW. Non-linear deviations between RLW and R directly reflect deviations from the Lucas-Washburn equation. Figure 3.17(b) clearly illustrates nonlinear deviation for capillary radii below about 20.0 - 40.0 µm. For example, a deviation of RLW -0.98R was found for a capillary diameter of 40.0 µm. According to Eq. (2.2.12), this deviation may have several causes: (1) Gravitational effect. Given the designed filling length corresponding to capillary radius and error estimation (Table 3.6), the gravitational effect would be more obvious when the radius increases, that is, the deviation of RLW should be the smallest for capillary with a radius of 2.0 μm. On the contrary, the deviation is largest for capillary with the minimum radius. (2) The surface tension effect might change after employing external pressure, which accelerates the kinetic movement of liquid flow. (3) Confinement-induced pressure in wetting behaviour might have been present or, for instance, non-Newtonian flow might have occurred during the experiment. For the present case, however, the third aspect is excluded as dominant contributions to the deviation from LucasWashburn behaviour since no signs of a deviation from Newtonian flow could be found in the 45 Fig. 3.16 Simulated stable flow of Tellurite melt in capillary at various times. previous experiments at least for filling pressures of up to 30.0 bars. It is assumed that the tellurite melt follows Eq. (2.2.12), but the effective radius Re = RLW of the capillary is reduced by the formation of a stationary layer at the TeO2-SiO2 interface. The thickness of this reaction layer is dependent on the degree of confinement (capillary diameter). The diameter46 dependence decreases with increasing diameter and approaches value of about 2.5 µm at R = 80.0 µm. The comprehensive effect of the gravity and stationary layer induces the deviation of effective radius. (a) 0.05 1.00 (b) 80 0.04 0.02 0.01 0.96 40 0.94 20 0.00 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 0 10000 RLW/R RLW(m) 0.03 2 L2- L1 (m2) 0.98 60 0 20 40 60 80 0.92 Radius(m) -1 t/( Pa ) Fig.3.17 Quadratic filling length as a function of the ratio between observation time and shear relaxation time (±100Pa-1) for different capillary radii (a). Labels indicate capillary radius. In (b), the resulting plot of RLW (obtained from the slopes of linear regression lines) in (a) over the real radius R is shown, together with the ratio between RLW and R. Lines in (b) are guides for the eye, obtained from a fit of RLW/R data to first order exponential decay equation and, respectively, from a fit of the RLW data to a line with slope 0.96 [109]. © 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V With the pressure method, external pressure of 10.0, 20.0, and 30.0 bar was applied (Figs. 3.18). The measured viscosities of TZL maintain a constant value with shear rate, implying Newtonian flow of the TZL melt, at least for the range of the currently employed shear stress. The consistence of viscosity acquired from both the pressure and the suction methods indicates the feasibility of these two methods for measuring viscosity of TZL melts, though there is diffusion of glass compositions and interfacial reaction. Differences of viscosity behaviour under pressure between TZN glass and TZL glass may be caused by the pronounced diffusion of Na+ ions, which is much more subtle for La3+ in TZL glass, or a smaller free volume space in TZL glass, which significantly decreases the viscosity change under pressure. The standard deviations shown in Fig. 3.19 are within experimental errors. 47 (b) (a) -0.8 0.16 o 700 C o o Viscosity (Pa· s) log ( in Pa· s) 700 C o 750 C -1.0 o 800 C -1.2 750 C o 0.12 800 C 0.08 0.04 -1.4 0.00 10 15 20 25 30 0 300 600 900 Shear rate (s 1200 1500 ) -1 Pressure (bar) Fig.3.18 (a)Viscosities of TZL under different pressures, and (b) they are constant as a function of shear rate at required temperatures, respectively. suction method pressure method log ( in Pa·s) -0.90 -1.05 -1.20 -1.35 700 720 740 760 780 800 Temperature ( C) o Fig.3.19 Viscosity data of TZL from pressure and suction methods, respectively. 3.2 Interfacial reactions between tellurite melts and silica [109] In section 3.1, the apparent microscopic viscosities of tellurite melts identified using infiltration techniques have been measured and discussed. It is demonstrated that an interfacial reaction between as-filled melts and silica capillaries more or less influences the precision of the viscosities of melts The particular interfacial reactions that occur at the filling temperature between the filling medium and the silica matrix must be controlled. In the case of tellurite-filling, such reactions may involve diffusion of tellurite species into the silica matrix, dissolution of silica in the tellurite melts, interfacial crystallization and phase separation. Secondly, process-induced volume reactions may occur such as the generation of structural anisotropy as a result of shear flow [13, 14], isotropic changes in the network topology as a result of the applied body forces [12], solution and re-boiling of gases [18, 110], or pressure and confinement-dependent crystallization or phase-separation processes [111]. In a first consideration, especially the interfacial reactions would lead to the occurrence of 48 scattering centers inside the waveguide and, hence, to very high optical loss. While such reactions are less critical for chalcogenide melts (which typically do not wet silica), they are of significant importance for the fabrication of tellurite-silica hybrid devices [22]. TZN01 was used to study the interaction with silica glass in the temperature regime of about 400 °C to 800 °C. Production and isothermal annealing of silica-tellurite-silica sandwiches was conducted according to the following procedure: a small amount of tellurite glass was crushed and milled. The obtained glass powder was then compressed to the form of thin sheets (thickness of 300 µm) using a hydraulic press. As depicted in Fig. 3.20, sandwiches were prepared by placing one such tellurite sheet in between two silica wafers (Heraeus Suprasil SU 1). These sandwiches were then placed into an electric furnace and preheated in the desired isothermal reaction temperature (400-700 °C, 20.0 - 80.0 min). During this procedure, the tellurite sheet re-melted to form an approximately 40 µm thick film between the two silica wafers. On the reacted sandwiches, Raman spectra were collected (Fig.3.21). In addition, electron microscopy was performed, using EDS for chemical analyses of the film and the silica-tellurite interface. Fig.3.20 Schematic diagram of silica-tellurite-silica sandwich. A result of macroscopic analyses (optical dilatometry) of the wetting angle of tellurite on silica is shown in Fig.3.11 for TZN01 glass. At a heating rate of 3 K/min, the onset of softening was found at 323 °C, the maximum wetting angle of ~ 120°at 370 °C. Subsequently, the wetting angle decreases rapidly to < 10°at 500 °C. These data lead to an assumption of total wetting at the respective filling temperature. The observation of a deviation between RLW and R discussed in section 3.1.5 and the occurrence of a stationary interfacial layer between silica and the tellurite melts is in good agreement with ex situ analyses of static contact experiments. A typical result of such an 49 experiment is summarized in Fig.3.22, which is representative of a silica-TZN01-silica sandwich heat-treated at 700 °C for various periods of time. bulk TZN o Intensity (a.u.) sandwich, 700 C 80 min 300 400 500 600 700 -1 800 900 Wavelength (cm ) Fig.3.21 Raman spectra of as-made bulk TZN and TZN in a silica-TZN-silica sandwich after annealing for 80 min at 700 °C [109]. © 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V Figure 3.22(b) shows a close-up view at the interface region after prolonging the annealing time to 80 min. EDS chemical analyses were performed on the interface regions as well as on the different precipitates which are visible in the tellurite layer. These led to three principal observations: (1) for both treatment times, observed precipitates are silica-rich, (2) diffusion of sodium ions from the tellurite melt into the silica wafer occurs to a depth of about 8 - 10 µm (80 min) and silicon ions into tellurite layers diffuse to a depth of about 6 – 8 µm (80 min), and (3) for the longer treatment time, the presumable crystalline interfacial precipitates are replaced by a continuous silica-rich interfacial tellurite layer and almost homogeneously distributed spherical precipitates of narrow size distribution throughout the tellurite layer. Notably, while on the SEM micrograph, the size distribution appears broad, the fact that the image reflects the cross-section of particles which are embedded at different depths must be considered. A statistical analysis reveals practically equivalent diameter for all spheres. In Fig. 3.22(c), an EDS line scan of the interfacial region is shown. Notably, a clear dependence of the diffusion depth on ion size and charge is detected, which means the smaller the ions, the more deeply the ions diffuse. The diffusions of the three ions into the silica plate were fitted with Ficker’s Law (Fig.3.22 (d)). The distributions of the three ions follow the equation y C1 exp( x2 / C2 ) , where C1 and C2 are related to the diffusion coefficient. Actual probing locations are marked in Figs. 3.22(a) and (b). In terms of reaction time, a typical capillary 50 filling experiment is best reflected by the faster sandwich experiments. However, if a diffusion process is assumed to be the dominating interface reaction, and if sodium ions are assumed to be the most mobile species, reaction times of stationary sandwich experiments (representing a non-infinite sodium source) and the dynamic filling process can not readily be compared. Rather, all three cases of Fig. 3.22 must be considered. Generally, Fig. 3.21(b) indicates a reaction layer thickness of about 2 µm. With respect to the composition and regardless of whether or not this layer is crystalline, it exhibits a significantly higher viscosity than the tellurite filling glass and, hence, should be practically stationary at 700 °C. Spherical precipitates in Fig. 3.22(b) seem to exhibit the same composition as the reaction layer and presumably result from liquid-liquid separation of a silica-rich phase after silica dissolution in the tellurite melt. For the interface region, the ex situ XRD pattern (Fig. 3.22(e)) indicates the (b) (a) (c) Element concentration (at.%) 3 e 2 e 1 e 0 Silica plate e -1 e TeZnNa film -2 e Na Zn Si Te -3 e -4 e Interface -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 Position (m) 51 2 4 6 8 (d) 20 Na Zn Te Element diffusion (at.%) 16 12 8 4 0 0 2 4 6 Position (m) 8 10 Intensity (a.u.) (e) 15 20 25 30 35 40 2 ( 45 o 50 55 60 65 70 ) Fig.3.22 Analyses of silica-tellurite interfaces after static contact experiments (sandwich experiments) at 700 °C. (a) and (b) depict SEM micrographs after 20 and 80 min annealing time, respectively. (c) is the result of EDS chemical analyses of the interface region shown in (b). Lines serve as visual guides. (d) The diffusions of the three ions into the silica plate were fitted with Ficker’s Law (e): XRD diagram as taken of the tellurite-silica interface ex situ after opening a sandwich which was annealed for 40 min. Labels mark peak positions and assignment for β-quartz [109]. © 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V presence of β-quartz crystallites, while no other crystalline species can be detected. In contrast, no crystalline species could be found on samples which were treated at the same temperature for 80 min, i.e. the sample shown in Fig. 3.22(b). Interfacial precipitates seen in Fig. 3.22(a) are therefore assigned as β-quartz crystallites, which are further indicated also by their morphology. Spherical precipitates in Fig. 3.22(b) are presumably glassy. It is assumed that interfacial crystallization is triggered by the diffusion of alkali species into the silica layer. 52 This is well-known to strongly facilitate devitrification of silica. For example, while at 700 °C, practically no devitrification can be observed from pure vitreous silica for any observation time, at the same temperature, the crystallite growth rate approaches about 20 µm/min for a Na2O-content of 0.69 mol.%. Notably, under the same experimental conditions, the crystallization reaction could not be observed in alkali-free TZL while phase separation occurs in a similar manner. As mentioned in section 3.1, at first consideration, the Raman spectrum of the bulk TZN01 is similar to that of the glass in the capillary. However, variation of scattering peaks can be observed by investigating the spectra closely. The Raman peaks of bulk TZN01 and glass in the capillary were deconvoluted by assuming that the overlapping peaks are all Gaussian distribution. The resulting separate peaks are presented in Figs.3.23(a)-(c). An obvious shift of peaks and a strong difference in intensity imply a structural change in the TZN01 glass after being frozen inside the capillary. In the tellurite zinc sodium glasses, the five peaks at 455, 610, 669, 720, and 780 cm-1 are assigned in Table 3.7. Table 3.7 Raman peak assignment of tellurite zinc sodium glasses. Frequency Assignment ~ 455 cm-1 Symmetric stretching and bending vibrations of Te-O-Te linkages ~ 610 cm-1 Vibration of the continuous network composed of TeO4 TBP ~ 660 cm-1 Antisymmetric vibrations of Te-O-Te linkages ~ 720 cm-1 Stretching vibration between Te and non-bridging oxygen (NBO) sites ~ 780 cm-1 Vibration of the continuous network composed of a Te-Ostretching vibration of TeO3+δ polyhedra or TeO3 TP (a) Intensity (a.u.) TZN01 in capillary Bulk TZN01 300 400 500 600 700 -1 Raman frequency (cm ) 53 800 900 (b) Intensity (a.u.) Bulk TZN01 300 450 600 750 -1 900 Raman frequency (cm ) (c) Intensity (a.u.) TZN01 in capillary 300 450 600 750 Raman frequency (cm -1 ) 900 Fig.3.23 Raman spectra of TZN01 filled silica capillaries (strand diameters about 6 µm) and bulk TZN01.Gaussian deconvolution of Raman peaks were conducted to show the bond change of TZN01 by confinement. Firstly, the peak at around 455 cm-1 has generally been attributed to the deformation vibration modes of the glass network's bridging oxygens. Not only has the intensity increased, the frequency has also shifted to a higher value of 478 cm-1. In addition, the shape becomes asymmetric. The peak at 455 cm-1 is assigned to symmetric stretching and bending vibrations of corner sharing units of TeO4, TeO3+δ, and TeO3. The increase in intensity and frequency shift reflect reduction of TeO3+δ and TeO3 relative to TeO4. The ratio of (I720+I780)/I660 present the ratio of the fractions of TeO3 TP/ TeO4 TBP, which is 1.60 and 1.46 for bulk TZN01 and TZN01 in capillary, respectively. It agrees with the analysis of the increase of the peak at 455 cm-1. Peaks at 720 and 780 cm-1 correspond to the stretching vibration between tellurium and non-bridging oxygen and the vibration of the continuous network composed of Te-Ostretching vibration of TeO3+δ polyhedra or TeO3 TP, respectively. Intensities of the peaks at 54 720 and 780 cm-1 behave oppositely for bulk glass and glass in the capillary, which may be influenced by the diffusion of Si atoms into TZN01 in capillary. The alkali free glass TZL, however, has no Raman spectral difference on intensity and frequency position as shown in Fig. 3.24 (a) and (b), which has less ions exchange. The comparable Raman spectra between TZN01 and TZL glasses suggest that the interfacial reaction has a significant influence on the glass structure. It is concluded that all structural changes observed here result from this reaction, and not from confinement. (a) Intensity (a.u.) Bulk TZL 300 450 600 750 900 -1 Raman frequency (cm ) (b) -1 751cm Intensity (a.u.) TZL in capillary -1 660cm -1 420cm -1 -1 477cm 300 450 -1 805cm 611cm 600 750 900 -1 Raman frequency (cm ) Fig.3.24 Raman spectra of TZL filled silica capillaries (strand diameters about 8µm) and bulk TZL. Gaussian deconvolution of Raman peaks was conducted. No obvious bond change of TZL by confinement as that of TZN01 appears. 3.3 Sulfophosphate glasses Sulfophosphate melts of the type ZnO-P2O5-SO3-Na2O may form stable ionic glasses [112]. The melt becomes increasing depolymerized when replacing P2O5 with SO3. Correspondingly, the chemical heterogeneity on short length scale can be detected in the sulfophosphate melts. 55 Reibstein et al. investigated the heterogeneity of this system and found that density fluctuation increases with increasing amount of SO3 [112]. On the other hand, the structural change by modifying the compositional ratio of P2O5 to SO3 must have some impact on the rheology of sulfophosphate melts. 3.3.1 Introduction of sulfophosphate glasses To vitrify sulfate-rich ashes, Arkhipov and Mamoshin et al. first investigated the sulfophosphate glass system in the early 1980s [113 - 119]. Later, potential applications were proposed and studied by employing sulfur-containing iron phosphate glasses or polymersulfophosphate blends for immobilization of nuclear waste and moulding, respectively [120 126]. Recently, sulfophosphate glass ceramics were introduced, which acts as an effective matrix for some luminescent species [127]. In a more general way, low melting inorganic glasses - glasses with a glass transition temperature Tg well below 400 °C and a softening temperature below 500 °C – are receiving extensive attention, such as for organic-inorganic hybrid systems [128, 129], moulding [130], sealing and melt-infiltration of rigid preforms [129]. Compared to some typical glass forming systems ranging from phosphates, particularly zinc [131 - 133] and tin phosphates [134], to bismuthates, tellurites and chalcogenides [135], sulfophosphate glasses can overcome some drawbacks such as the presence of toxic or rare components, weak chemical durability and high reactivity with water and a strong devitrification tendency [136, 137]. Sulfophosphate glasses can be easily prepared below 800 °C with Tg below 330 °C [136]. Additionally, with the substitution of P2O5 by SO3 in Na2O-ZnO-P2O5-SO3, kinetic fragility and Tg generally decreases [136, 137]. Rheologic properties of sulfophosphate melts appear to be related to topology and topological heterogeneity [112]. Brückner et al. investigated the rheologic properties of phosphates by choosing the composition range around the transition from the three-dimensionally connected ultra phosphates to the one-dimensionally connected polymetric chain-like polyphosphates. It was found that Newtonian flow of ultra phosphates transforms to non-Newtonian flow in poly-phosphates [139]. In the sulfophosphate glasses we studied here, the glass type transforms from polyphosphate to orthophosphate. 3.3.2 Experimental procedure Glass formation in the system ZnO-P2O5-SO3-Na2O was studied by varying the ratio of SO3 to P2O5 (Table 3.9). The SP0x (x=0, 5.1, 9.1, 14.1, 19.1, 22.1) is the abbreviation of the sulfophosphate glasses with the composition of 42.2ZnO-19.6Na2O-xSO3-(38.2-x)P2O5. 56 Batches of ZnO, Na2CO3, ZnSO4•7H2O and NH4H2PO4 were first calcinated at 300 °C for 3 h, then melted at 800 °C for 30 min (heating rate of 2.8 K/min). Glass slabs of about 300 g were produced by pouring the melt onto a pre-heated graphite plate and subsequent annealing for one hour at 300 °C. Melting was performed in Pt crucibles. Viscosities of the six glass compositions were measured with beam bending, sinking bar, and suction methods. Glass slabs (5.0 cm × 0.6 cm × 0.3 cm) were cut for the beam bending viscometer. 30 g of each glass were chosen for the sinking viscometer. 2.0 g of each glass were put into platinum crucible for the suction viscometer. Capillaries with a diameter of 70.0 μm were employed. Laboratory glass transition temperatures Tg of the glasses were determined by calorimetry (calorimetric Tg, Tg-c, Netzsch DSC 404 F1) and dilatometry (dilatometric Tg, Tg-d). The heating rates are 20 and 10 K/min in the temperature range 50 ~ 430 ℃ and 30 ~ 360 ℃, respectively for calorimetry and dilatometry as shown in Fig.3.25. Chemical composition of as-melted glasses was verified by ICP-OES with an accuracy of 0.1 mol.% or better (Spectroflame Modula FTM 08, Spectro Analytical Instruments), revealing a systematic absolute volatilization loss of SO3 of about 2.0-3.0 mol.%. The chemical composition of the filled glasses in capillaries was detected by Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS) (Table 3.8). Starting from the eutectic pyrophosphate and gradually (nominally) replacing P2O5 by SO3, structural characterization was performed on the basis of density measurements (He pycnometer Accu-Pyk 1330, Micromeritics, employing bulk glass samples of ~ 2 g), Raman spectroscopy (Nicolet Almega XR, employing SiC/isopropanol polished glass disks of 10 mm × 10 mm × 1 mm). For the employed sample mass, the accuracy of density measurements was ± 0.01 g/cm3. Following substitution of P2O5 by SO3, density increased from 3.13 to 3.22 ± 0.01 g/cm3, and molar volume was found to decrease from about 34.9 to 27.3 ± 0.1 cm3/mol (Fig.3.26). 57 (a) 0.7 SP00 SP05 SP09 SP14 SP19 SP22 0.6 dL/L0 (%) 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Temperature ( C) o Heat flow (mV/mg) (b) 0.0 exo SP09 SP14 SP19 SP22 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 50 100 150 200 250 300 Temperature (oC) 350 400 Fig.3.25 Tg of SP glasses determined by (a) dilatometer and (b) DSC . 3.24 36 34 -3 32 3.16 30 V (cm3 mol-1) (gcm ) 3.20 28 3.12 0 5 10 15 26 20 SO42- (mol.%) Fig.3.26 Density and molar volume of (Na, Zn) sulfophosphate glasses as a function of SO42- content [137]. © 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V 58 Table 3.8 Composition and glass forming ability of examined materials (mol.%) [137]. ZnO Ref. Na2O # ICP EDX (±0.1 mol%) (capillary) SO3 * ICP EDX (±0.1 mol%) (capillary) P2O5 * ICP EDX (±0.1 mol%) (capillary) nom. chem. chem. sd¶ nom. chem. chem. sd nom. SP00 43.0 42.78 27.7 13.3 21.0 20.04 36.8 8.6 0 0.2 SP05 42.2 44.27 38.8 1.5 19.8 19.40 26.1 1.2 5.1 SP09 42.2 43.5 34.7 2.9 19.8 20.5 30.2 2.7 SP14 42.2 43.9 34.3 1.0 19.8 20.6 31.6 SP19 42.2 44.1 37.1 0.2 19.8 20.1 24.4 SP22 42.2 43.9 19.8 19.7 EDX* (±0.1 mol%) (capillary) sd nom. chem. chem. sd 0 0 38.0 37.18 35.5 4.7 3.98 3.7 0.5 32.9 32.35 31.3 0.5 9.1 6.4 6.7 0.8 28.9 29.6 28.3 0.8 1.3 14.1 10.8 9.8 0.1 23.9 24.7 24.2 0.3 3.4 19.1 15.9 17.3 0.7 18.9 19.9 21.3 0.9 22.1 18.8 15.9 17.7 # (4.0±2.0)% SiO2 in SP00 filled into capillary * 1.0% - 2.0% SiO2 is found in glasses filled into capillaries. ¶sd is the standard deviation of EDX analysis. 59 chem. chem. ICP 3.3.3 Structure of sulfophoshate glasses Vibration bondings of the series of sulfophosphate glasses were detected with Raman spectrometer (Fig.3.27). For the SO42--free polyphosphate glass, contributions from nine individual vibrations can be detected after best-fit deconvolution of the experimental spectrum into multiple Gaussian peak functions (600 - 1300 cm-1, Fig.3.28). SP22 Intensity (a.u.) SP19 SP14 SP09 SP05 SP00 -1 999cm -1 Na2SO4, cryst. 634cm -1 993cm -1 618cm 400 600 800 ZnSO47H2O, cryst. 1000 1200 -1 Wavenumber (cm ) Fig.3.27 Raman spectra of (Na, Zn) sulfophosphate glasses for increasing SO42- content (replacing P2O5 by SO3). Spectra of crystalline samples are shown for comparison, taken from [137]. © 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V Fig.3.28 Deconvoluted Raman spectrum of a (Na, Zn) polyphosphate glass, taken from [137]. © 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V 60 These can be assigned to various P-O-related vibrations (Table 3.10 [140, 141]. Note that the Q0-resonance at 790 cm-1 could not be resolved in the polyphosphate glass because only a very small amount of Q0-species is present in this case, which is presented in detail as follows). Table 3.09 Assignment of experimentally observed Raman-active vibrations in sulfophosphate glasses, taken from [137]. Frequency Assignment ~ 702cm-1 (POP)sym stretch (bridging oxygen), Q2 species ~ 758cm-1 (POP)sym stretch (bridging oxygen), Q1 species ~ 910cm-1 (POP)asym stretch (bridging oxygen), Q2 species ~ 970cm-1 (PO4)sym stretch (non-bridging oxygen), Q0 species ~ 1010cm-1 P-O stretch, Q1 chain terminator ~ 1052cm-1 (PO3)sym stretch (non-bridging oxygen), Q1 species ~ 1138cm-1 P-O stretch, Q1 chain terminator ~ 1206cm-1 (PO2)sym stretch (non-bridging oxygen), Q2 species ~ 1252cm-1 (PO2)asym stretch (non-bridging oxygen), Q2 species ~ 614cm-1 (SO42-)asym bending ~ 997cm-1 (SO42-)sym stretch When SO42- species are added, two new resonances appear at 614 and 997 cm-1 (Fig.3.27). These can be assigned to asymmetric bending and symmetric stretching vibrations, respectively, of the SO42- - group [140]. No S-O-P links can be detected. To confirm the assignment of SO42--related vibrations, comparative data on crystalline Na2SO4 and ZnSO4•7H2O (analytical grade) were added to Fig.3.26. In the sulfate-containing glass, the relevant resonance energies appear to lie between those of the crystalline zinc and sodium sulfate species. The degree of polymerization can hence be described by the relative quantity of [POO3/2]0, [POO2/2O]–, [POO1/2O2]2 –, and [POO0/2O3]3 – groups, respectively, where x in Ox/2 stands for the number of bridging oxygens ions and y in Oy for the number of nonbridging oxygens (NBO) in each tetrahedron. For simplicity, [POO3/2]0, [POO2/2O]–, [POO1/2O2]2–, and [POO0/2O3]3– are denoted Qi (i = 3, 2, 1, 0), respectively, where ‘i’ represents the number of bridging oxygens per tetrahedron. Raman spectroscopy clearly shows a transition in predominance from Q1 groups to Q0 groups with an increasing amount of SO3. At the same time, no indication can be found in Raman data that SO42--species contribute to network formation, or indeed link in any way to 61 phosphate groups. This indicates that SO42- groups are incorporated into the structure as isolated ions. This assumption is confirmed by the observation of strongly decreasing molar volume and increasing density with increasing amount of SO3. Then, the depolymerization of the phosphate network can be calculated on the basis of subsequent pseudo-reactions [131], starting from a completely polymerized fictive network of PO43- - tetrahedra and accounting for compensation of cation charges by formation of NBO: 2 [POO3/2] 0+Na2O(ZnO) 2 [POO2/2O]– +2 Na+(Zn2+) 2 [POO2/2O] – + Na2O (ZnO) 2 [POO1/2O2]2 –+2 Na+( Zn2+) 2 [POO1/2O2] 2 –+ Na2O (ZnO) 2 [POO0/2O3]3 – +2 Na+( Zn2+) In this calculation, eventual partitioning of 2Q1 → Q2 + Q0 is neglected. SO42- is treated as completely ionic, requiring two cation charges which do not consequently contribute to phosphate depolymerization. We conservatively assume an absolute error of 5 % for this estimation. Derived data are shown in Table 3.10. Table 3.10 Theoretical fraction of Qi tetrahedron of sulfophosphate glasses. Glass types Q2 (%) Q1 (%) SP00 31.6 68.4 SP05 27.1 72.9 SP09 17.0 83.0 Q0 (%) SP14 99.6 0.4 SP19 73.0 27.0 SP22 49.1 51.9 Substitution of P2O5 by SO3 clearly results in further depolymerization of the pyrophosphate network until a state is reached in which essentially only Q0 and Q1 species are present in the glass, both of them in equal amounts. Accordingly, the glass must then be understood as purely ionic, being built-up by an assembly of [SO4]2-, [POO1/2O2]2 –, [POO0/2O3]3 –, Na+ and Zn2+. 3.3.4 Rheology of phosphate and sulfophosphate glasses The micro-viscosities of the melts were obtained through the suction method. Surface tension of sulfophosphate glasses was listed in Table 3.11 [96]. The EDS results demonstrated that about 1.0% - 2.0% SiO2 diffused into the as-filled glasses in the capillary. Figures 3.29 shows 62 the cross section of the glasses in the capillary by SEM. In Fig.3.29(d), there is a big bubble, which has been discussed above. Table 3.11 Surface tension of sulfophosphate glasses cited from Sciglass, taken from [96]. Surface tension (N/m) Temperature (oC) SP00 SP05 SP09 SP14 SP19 700 0.267 0.266 0.268 0.271 0.271 750 0.266 0.265 0.267 0.270 0.273 800 0.264 0.264 0.266 0.268 0.272 Fig.3.29 Cross sections of sulfophosphate glasses in capillaries (SEM pictures) (a) SP05, (b) SP09, (c) SP14, and (d) SP22. A complete viscosity-temperature diagram is shown in Fig.3.30(a). Fig.3.30(b) shows the enlargement of viscosities of melts by the suction capillary filling method shown in Fig.3.30(a). With increasing SO3 content, the steepness of the viscosity curve decreases; glasses become longer. The kinetic glass transition temperature, T12, the temperature at which the viscosity equals 1012 Pa·s, varies from 329 oC (SP09; S: P=0.11) to 310 oC (SP22; S:P=0.54; note that high-temperature data on composition of SP22 could not be obtained because of the occurrence of devitrification during sinking bar experiments; in other samples, 63 (b) 12 10 log ( in Pa·s) 5 SP00 SP05 SP09 SP14 SP19 SP22 8 6 Viscosity (Pa·s) (a) 4 2 SP00 SP05 SP09 SP14 SP22 4 3 2 1 0 600 700 800 900 1000 0 1100 700 720 740 760 o 780 800 Temperature ( C) Temperature (K) Fig.3.30 Viscosity analysis of the phosphate and sulfophosphate glasses measured with (a) several viscometers at different temperatures (via beam bending, sinking bar, suction method) and (b) enlargement diagram of melt viscosities (via suction method). no signs of devitrification could be detected by visual inspection). Similarly, the dilatometric softening point T10.3 (maxima of the expansion curves, Fig.3.25(a)) decreases from 348 oC to 330 oC. Plotting viscosity versus the normalized temperature T12/T reveals decreasing kinetic fragility for increasing SO3 content (Fig.3.31). Notably, while this occurs at the same time, the relative amount of network formers drops from 44 at.% to 39 at.%. Using the VFT fit, the steepness index m= d / d (T12 / T ) |T T12 was found to shift from 107 to 78 [136]. The viscosity of liquid melts decreases from SP00 to SP19 corresponding to the increasing ionic characteristic of sulfophosphate glasses. log (in Pa·s) 12 8 SP00 SP05 SP09 SP14 SP19 4 0 -4 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Tg/T (K/K) Fig.3.31 Illustration of kinetic fragility, using the Angell plot. 64 Building on Brückner’s classical study [137], the investigation of viscosity as a function of shear rate for sulfophosphate glasses was performed in microcapillaries, Fig. 3.32. In this experiment, two kinds of capillaries with radius of 20 and 35 μm were employed, respectively. In order to produce lower shear rates, the capillaries with radius of 20 μm were used. The data in the red frames in Fig.3.32 were obtained from the capillaries with radius of 20 μm. Only investigating the data obtained from the capillaries with a radius of 35 μm, a decrease of viscosities to shear rate can be observed for SP00, which becomes much less obvious in SP09 and SP14. This non-Newtonian flow for SP00 can be explained by: (1) the interfacial reaction. However, the interfacial reaction does not affect the flow behaviour of tellurite melts. Besides, no silica-phosphate layer was observed in the as-filled capillaries, which will not influence viscosities too much as discussed in tellurite glasses. Among the as-studied glasses, SP14 has the highest proportion of modifier ions. Therefore, the diffusion of the modifier ions into the silica capillary should be strongest, resulting in fewer modifier ions in the glasses. Fewer modifier ions in phosphate glasses means that possible Q2 structural units may be formed for SP14 in capillaries, which do not exist in bulk SP14 glass (Table 3.10). If so, the SP14 may exhibit non-Newtonian flow. (2) Chain-like polyphosphates inducing the non-Newtonian flow. Among these three kinds of glasses, SP00 and SP09 are polyphosphates. They have networks based on Q2 chains (– P – O – P –) terminated by Q1 tetrahedra as discussed in section 3.3.3. While the network structure of SP14 is dominated by phosphate dimers, two Q1 tetrahedra are linked by a common bridging oxygen [131]. In SP00 melts, Q2 chains which are coiled and entangled at low shear rate gradually become disentangled. This change in micro-structures facilitates flow, leading to the decrease of the apparent viscosity with shear. With the breakage of Q2 chains to Q1 in SP09 and SP14, the coiled and entangled chains gradually disappear and only phosphate dimers exist in the melts. In our shear range, the external shear stress cannot change the structure of SP14 melts, therefore, the apparent viscosity does not vary with shear rate, which represents Newtonian flow behaviour. It is assumed that the shear thinning behaviour may happen when shear stress is high enough to break the bridging oxygen, decreasing the size of the fluid units. 65 2.2 5.0 Viscosity (Pa·s) SP09 2.0 4.5 1.8 4.0 SP14 3.5 1.6 SP00 3.0 4 8 12 16 -1 Shear rate (s ) 20 24 1.4 Fig. 3.32 The influence of shear stress on the apparent viscosity of sulfophosphate melts. 3.4 Germanate and sodium borate glass with suction method Germanate glasses are well known for fabricating optical waveguides in the infrared region. Similar to the tellurite glass, the germanate glass has a high refractive index, however, the germanate glass is more stable than the tellurite glass. Various fibre lasers and amplifiers were studied by doping rare earth ions and transition metals into germanate glasses because they have a much lower melting temperature compared with silicate glasses [144, 145]. As for borate glasses, the influence of micro confinement is interesting because of its potential effect on the distribution of planar [BO3] and tetrahedral [BO4] units. 3.4.1 Introduction of germanate glasses The dioxide of germanium, GeO2, forms glass consisting of a 3D framework with a continuous random network of GeO4 tetrahedra linked by corner shared oxygens, somewhat similar to the network former SiO2 as shown in Fig. 3.33. To satisfy the requirements of optical applications, many modifier species have been added to pure GeO2 [145 - 153]. Especially Bi4Ge3O12 (so called “BGO”) crystals have received attention as a scintillator [154] due to their high optical density and radiation hardness. The difficulty and high cost of fabricating large single crystals have motivated the development of glassy systems. These may exhibit properties similar to those of crystals with the advantages of lower cost and easier fabrication. In the Bi2O3-GeO2 binary glass system, the composition ratio determines glass transitions and crystallization temperatures. After heat treatment, two main crystalline phases Bi4Ge3O12 and Bi2GeO5 were observed [155 - 156]. The infiltration technique provides a route for post-processing such glasses into hybrid fibre form. The confinement in 2D may 66 either restrict the crystal growth, which is prone to grow along the axis of the capillaries, or lower devitrification and phase separation of the glass system. Fig. 3.33 Tetrahedra structure unit of GeO4. 3.4.2 Introduction of borate glasses The structure of vitreous B2O3 has been studied with X-ray diffraction, which proved the existence of planar [BO3] triangles [156]. The planar [BO3] units connect with each other and form a boroxol group, a planar, six-membered ring of alternate boron and oxygen atoms, as shown in Fig. 3.34(a). The vitreous B2O3 itself has poor chemical stability and a large expansion coefficient, even though the bonding energy of B-O is a little larger than that of SiO. The reason may be due to its particular structure. The layer structure of vitreous B2O3 is formed by connections between boroxol groups and planar [BO3] units through bridging oxygens. At high temperature, the layers disconnect and break to transform to a chain structure, shown in Fig. 3.34(b) and(c). The layers or chains are linked to each other by the weak Van der Waal’ s forces. A coordination change of boron from three to four occurs with the addition of alkali oxides. The oxygen atoms provided by alkali ions behave as bridging oxygen instead of the non-bridging role which they have in silicate glasses. The addition of bridging oxygens then transforms the layer structure of vitreous B2O3 into a framework structure. This is known as boron anomaly. However, the bridging oxygens no longer appear in the structure when the amount of alkali oxide reaches a certain value. The excess oxgyen ions will then be non-bridging, which again depolymerizes the framework of borate glasses and makes them behave as usual silicate glasses above a certain threshold value of modifier species. 67 Fig.3.34 Boroxol group (a), layer structure of vitreous B2O3 (b), and chain structure of B2O3 (c) at high temperature. 3.4.3 Experiments and discussion Germanate glasses with nominal compositions of 60GeO2-5WO3-35Bi2O3 (mol.%) (Ge.01) and borate glass 75B2O3-25Na2O (mol.%) (Bo.01) were prepared by conventional melting and quenching. Reagent grade powders of GeO2, WO3, Bi2O3, HBO3, and Na2CO3 were weighed, and mixed. Ge.01 was melted in an alumina crucible at 1100oC for 30 min and Bo.01 was melted in a Pt crucible at 900 oC for 60 min. To improve the homogeneity of the glasses, the melts were stirred manually with an alumina rod for ~ 1 min. 2 g of each glass were put into platinum crucible for the suction viscometer. Capillaries with inner radius of 22 μm and 35 μm for Ge.01, and 35 μm for Bo.01 were employed, respectively. Surface tensions of both glasses were taken from SciGlass (Table 3.12)[96]. Figures 3.35 present the apparent viscosities of Ge.01 and Bo.01. It can be seen that glass corrosion has a non-negligible effect on the viscosity of Ge.01. As the temperature increases, an inflection point appears at 1100 oC. The end of the capillary dipping into the melt was strongly corroded after this process as shown in the inset figure of Fig.3.35(a) by optical microscopy. The problem becomes much more serious as the temperature increases. Good accordance with literature data was obtained only up to a maximum filling temperature of about 1150 °C. Table 3.12 Surface tension of germanate and borate glasses cited from [96]. Surface tension (N/m) Glass types 800°C 850°C 900°C 950°C Bo.01 0.156 0.155 0.154 0.154 0.153 0.152 Ge.01 0.244 0.243 0.242 0.241 0.239 0.238 68 1000°C 1050°C 1100°C 0.237 (a) -0.4 log in Pa· s) 60GeO2-5WO3-35Bi2O3 -0.5 -0.6 -0.7 -0.8 1250 1300 1350 1400 1450 1500 Temperature (K) (b) 1.5 log in Pa·s) 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 Li Leedecke Matusita Sasek Frumin Our work 1080 1140 1200 1260 1320 Temperature (K) Fig.3.35 (a) Viscosity of Ge.01 at respective temperatures. Inset figure: microscope figures of one end of capillary dipping in crucible, which shows the evidence of deviation from the real viscosity of Ge.01 (top: 22 μm capillary at 1050 °C, bottom: 35 μm capillary at 1100 °C after filling), (b) Comparison of viscosities of Bo.01 proposed by different researchers. EDX was performed on the cross section of glasses in capillaries with different radius (Fig.3.36). The results in Fig. 3.37 show that a very high concentration of SiO2 is present in the germanate core glass when the radius of the capillary is ≤ 35 μm. It can be seen that in a capillary with radius of 10 μm, the glass inside the capillary exhibits a Ge/Si molar ratio of 100/80. When a larger capillary is used, e.g. 75 μm, the concentration of SiO2 in germanate glass becomes much less because of the much reduced filling time and the much higher quantity of germanate glass inside the capillary. Raman spectra provide a confirmation of the significant dissolution of SiO2 (Fig. 3.38). 69 Fig.3.36 SEM of germanate glasses in different capillaries with radius (a) 4, (b) 10, (c) 20, (d) 35, and (e) 75 μm. Composition concentration 1.0 4m 10m 22m 35m 75m 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 GeO2 WO3 Bi2O3 SiO2 Glass compositions Fig.3.37 EDX results of composition concentration of Ge.01 in capillaries and diffusion or corrosion of SiO2 in the glass. 70 Intensity (a.u.) Glass 22m 35m 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 -1 Raman frequency (cm ) Fig.3.38 Raman spectrum of Ge.01 in capillaries and bulk Ge.01. Viscosities of Bo.01 were presented and compared to available data (Fig.3.35(b)) [157]. Leedecke and Sasek measured the temperature at viscosity from 101 to 104 Pa·s with rotational viscometers, as shown in Fig. 3.39. It is found that the same viscosity corresponds to different temperatures. Meanwhile the difference between the two temperatures increases with increasing temperature. The distinct results may be caused by the gradually rising temperature of the sample after the measurement starts [158]. 4.0 Leedecke Sasek log in Pa·s) 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 Temperature (K) Fig.3.39 Viscosities of Bo.01 measured by Leedecke and Sasek, respectively. With regard to our results, the viscosities are higher than the other data. This can be explained through investigating the phase diagram of Na2O-B2O3-SiO2 (Fig. 3. 40). The red arrow in Fig. 3.40 represents the composition x(25Na2O-75B2O3)-(100-x)SiO2. The liquid temperatures are from 700 to 1000 oC, when the molar amount of SiO2 is from 0 to 70%. The interfacial 71 reaction between Bo.01 melt and silica capillary, or the corrosion of capillary by Bo.01 happens when the infiltration measurement starts. This corrosion or interfacial reaction becomes strong when the infiltration temperature increases. So the difference between our results and others grows larger with the increase of infiltration temperature. Fig.3.40 Phase diagram of Na2O-B2O3-SiO2 ternary system, The red arrow represents the composition x(25Na2O-75B2O3)-(100-x)SiO2, taken from [159]. © 1993 Published by John Wiley & Sons 3.5 Conclusions The apparent viscosities of various melts were obtained with the infiltration technique. Flow behaviour of several glass melts was investigated as well. For mild corrosion glass melts, tellurites and sulfophosphates, Newtonian as well as non-Newtonian flow was observed. The strong corrosion for germanate and borate melts on silica prevents study of their flow behaviour at high temperature. With regard to the extent of the effect of the interfacial reaction between melts and silica, the detail needs to be studied. Interfacial reactions between silica glass and tellurite melts were studied under confined conditions. Isothermal heat-treatment was performed on tellurite film, confined in a silica/tellurite/silica – sandwich. For temperatures > 500 °C, the reaction process between the two compounds can be described as follows: Silica is completely wet by the considered tellurite melts. Tellurite melts attack the silica substrate, leading to gradual dissolution of silica. Ahead of the reaction front, cationic diffusion of Na+ and Te4+ into the silica substrate 72 occurs to a depth of several µm per hour. At 700 °C, the thickness of the stationary silicatellurite reaction layer is about 2 µm. In a capillary filling experiment, this leads to an apparent deviation of the filling dynamics from Lucas-Washburn behaviour. Dissolved silica was observed to re-precipitate from the tellurite melt by liquid-liquid phase separation. When an alkali-containing tellurite glass is used as the reaction medium at 700 °C, in the early reaction stages, as a result of alkali diffusion into the silica substrate, β-quartz crystallizes at the silica-tellurite interface. With respect to fabrication of microstructured silica-tellurite optical waveguides, TZL was preferred over TZN for two reasons: interfacial crystallization is largely avoided by the absence of alkali species and, as demonstrated here, the glass exhibits a lower viscosity and can thus penetrate the silica matrix at significantly lower temperature. Raman spectra of TZN and TZL were resolved and analyzed. A significant peak variation was found on intensity and position comparing TZN01 in capillary to bulk glass. The results of TZN01 and TZL glasses suggest that the interfacial reaction or ion exchange has a predominant influence on the structural change of some glasses in capillary. 73 4. Viscosity of chalcogenide glasses Chapter 4 discussed the interfacial reaction between the filled melts and silica capillary, and its impacts on viscosities of melts. In order to avoid interfacial reactions between the filling materials and the silica wall, chalcogenide glasses are selected and investigated. Indeed, it is well-known that some chalcogenide glasses are perfectly non-wetting on silica. Any apparent viscosity deviation from real viscosity due to interfacial layers will therefore be excluded. 4.1 Introduction of chalcogenide glasses Chalcogenide glasses have been extensively studied due to their advantages in the far infrared (IR) transmission range, and semiconductor properties. They contain one or more of the chalcogen elements sulphur (S), selenium (Se) or tellurium (Te), in conjunction with other electropositive elements such as As, Ge, P, Sb, Bi, Si, Sn, Pb, B, AI, Ga, In, T1, Ag, lanthanides,and Na [160]. In simple S, Se and Te melts, rings and chains are the basic structural morphology. The vitrification of chalcogen compounds is realized through the bridging ability of chalcogen elements. Heteropolar links, such as in Ge-S, As-S bonds can form when other elements are added to simple S melts. Therefore, chalcogenide glasses can contain elements from groups IVA (Si, Ge, Sn) and VA (P, As, Sb, Bi), which are not limited to the chalcogen elements [60]. The molecular formula of elemental sulphur is S8, which has a ring structure. Each S atom has a sp3 bonding state, resulting in two covalent bonds. The ring structure of S molecules will open and form a chain-like structure when S is heated. Vitreous S can be prepared after quenching in cold water. The chain lengths can exceed 106 atoms. Se and Te contain shorter chains [6, 60]. Addition of elements such as Ge and As can result in a highly cross linked structure [6, 60, 135]. Stable glass compositions As2S3 and As2Se3 are the most important systems [135]. However, chalcogenide glasses typically exhibit also a high thermal expansion coefficient and low chemical and mechanical stability [8]. Recently, N. Granzow et al. fabricated a chalcogenide-silica waveguide for supper-continuum generation employing the high nonlinear properties of chalcogenide glasses and using the infiltration technique described in this study [24]. 4.2 Experiments and discussion Chalcogenide glasses were provided from J. Troles (University of Rennes 1, Rennes, France). The glass compositions and melting temperatures are listed in Table 4.1. Laboratory glass 74 transition temperatures Tg of the samples were determined by calorimetry (calorimetric Tg, Netzsch DSC 404 F1, heating rate: 20K/min). Table 4.1 Glass compositions selected for viscosity determination. glass compositions (in mol.%) Tg(°C) Tm(°C) Ch.01 Ga4Ge21Sb10S65 315.0 - Ch.02 Ge3As52S45 39.0 - Ch.03 As40S60 176.6 - Filling experiments were conducted in silica capillaries with inner radius R of 2.0, 4.0, 10.0, and 22.0, 35.0, 70.0 μm (outer diameter: 200.0 µm). The experimental setups used for the filling procedure are those employed previously for the production of all-solid PCFs, including the pressure and suction methods [22, 24]. The pressure method, with external body force (from 10.0 to 60.0 bar), was employed to acquire the viscosity of chalcogenide glasses [22, 24]. Viscosities of a series of chalcogenide melts were acquired with the pressure method (Figs.4.1). (a) 1.5 O 630 C log in Pa·s) 1.2 O 680 C 0.9 0.6 O 730 C 0.3 0.0 10 20 30 40 Pressure (bar) 75 50 60 (b) 0.6 T= o 250 C o 300 C Viscosity(Pa·s) 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Pressure (bar) (c) 7 6 12 Viscosity(Pa·s) 5 o 500 C 4 10 3 o 650 C 2 8 1 0 -1 10 15 20 30 6 Pressure (bar) Fig.4.1 Viscosities of Ch.01(a), Ch.02(b), and Ch.03 (c) corresponding to external applied pressure. An obvious viscosity pressure dependence of Ch.02, and Ch.03 above a certain temperature has been observed, which will be discussed in section 4.3. As already noted, in past decades, VFT (Eq.(4.2.1)) and AM (Eq.(4.2.2)) models have been extensively applied to interpolate viscosity results with sufficient accuracy within a certain temperature range, even though, systematic errors and physically non-realistic values exist in these two models, log( / Pa s) A B T T0 (4.2.1) log( / Pa s) C ( ) x T (4.2.2) 76 where A, B, T0, and C, , x are fitting parameters for VFT and AM models, respectively. As the glass transition occurs when the viscosity is about 1012 Pa·s, and the fragility index m is defined as m log |T Tg , the MYEGA equation can also be used for viscosity interpolation Tg / T [47], log log (12 log ) Tg Tg m exp[( 1)( 1)] T 12 log T (4.2.3) where log η∞ and m are first taken from the fitting data. Fig.4.2 shows the fitting curves corresponding to these three models for the viscosity of Ch.03. The curves in Fig.4.2(a) are calculated by fitting the combined viscosity of macroscopic and microscopic viscosity, the latter being obtained from the infiltration technique. Macroscopic data are obtained from A. S. Tverjanovich [164]. Viscosity log η∞ tends to be extremely low when microscopic viscosity is not taken into account (Fig.4.2(b)), because the microscopic viscosity constrains the divergence of fitting curves. Note that all of these three models present a good fitting in the low temperature range, when considering only macroscopic viscosity, but split at high temperatures. Viscosity log η∞ at infinite temperature and fragility index m is listed in Table 4.2. Table 4.2 Extrapolating log η∞ and fragility m of Ch.03 from the three viscosity-temperature models. log η∞ model Fragility m Fig.4.1(a) Fig.4.1(b) Fig.4.1(a) Fig.4.1(b) VFT -5.4 -11.6 41.2 35.9 AM -2.2 -7.1 39.1 35.7 MYEGA -3.85 -10. 4 40.0 35.8 According to the Maxwell equation [165], η∞ can be deduced from G , where is atomic vibration and G is shear modulus of glass at infinite frequency [165]. G v 2p is less than 6.5 GPa for Ch.03, where ρ is the density and v p is the velocity of shear acoustic waves at infinite frequency [164, 165]. Note that the ρ and v p employed for calculation, are estimated at glass transition, and will be less at high temperature. is between 10-12 and 1014 s. log η∞ will be lower than -2.2. With current microscopic viscosities, log η∞ derived from all models coincides with the Maxwell equation, while many other glasses derived from the AM model present higher logη∞ [166]. We note that no dependence of viscosity on radius was 77 observed with two capillary dimensions (radii of 10.0 μm and 22.0 μm) for acquiring the microscopic viscosity data. Note that viscosity of Ch.03 at 500 °C is 11.6 Pa·s with a standard deviation of 0.5 Pa·s, which is 10 Pa·s in [167]. Therefore, it is possible to regard the microscopic viscosity as bulk viscosity and integrate with macroscopic data for model fitting. (a) 12 log in Pa·s) 8 VFT model MYEGA model AM model experimental viscosity 4 0 -4 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.8 1.0 Tg/T (K/K) (b) 12 log in Pa·s) 8 4 VFT model MYEGA model AM model macroscopic viscosity microscopic viscosity 0 -4 -8 -12 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Tg/T (K/K) Fig.4.2 Fitting curves of Ch.03 with VFT, MYEGA, and AM models. Fitting with macroscopic and microscopic viscositiy (a) and with only macroscopic viscosity (b). Microscopic viscosity in (b) shows the discrepancy with the fitting curves. 4.3 Non-Newtonian Flow In section 4.2, the viscosities of three kinds of chalcogenide glasses in molten state have been discussed. It can be seen that viscosities of Ga4Ge21Sb10S65 keep a constant value at a temperature when the externally applied pressure is in the range of 10.0 to 60.0 bar, which indicates Newtonian flow. However, a pressure dependence of viscosity was detected for 78 Ge3As52S45 and As40S60 samples (Table 4.1 and Fig.4.2). The apparent viscosities of Ge3As52S45 decrease by about a factor of two and three at 250 and 300 °C, respectively, when the pressure increases from 10 to 30 bar. Figures 4.3 and 4.4 show the square of the filling length as a function of the square of capillary radius corresponding to different applied pressure for Ge3As52S45 at 250 °C (Fig.4.3(a)) and 300°C (Fig.4.3(b)), and As40S60 from 550 (a) o 250 C 60bar 1200 800 50bar 30bar 2 2 L (cm ) 40bar 400 20bar 10bar 0 0.0 0.4 0.8 2 6 1.2 1.6 2 PR t (10 bar·m ·s) (b) 400 o 300 C 30bar 2 L (cm ) 300 2 200 20bar 100 0 0.00 10bar 0.02 0.04 2 0.06 6 0.08 0.10 2 PR t (10 bar· m · s) Fig.4.3 The square of the filling length as a function of the square of capillary radius corresponding to different applied pressure for Ge3As52S45 at 250 °C(a) and 300 °C(b). The slopes of the lines are proportional to 1/η of the glass, indicating the pressure dependence of viscosity. to 650 °C, respectively. The slopes of the lines are proportional to 1/η of the glass. It is obvious that the viscosity of the glass varies under different applied pressures for Ge3As52S45 at 250 °C and 300 °C, respectively, which means a non-Newtonian flow of Ge3As52S45 melt appears at temperature above 250 °C at least. On the other hand the pressure dependence of viscosity occurs in As40S60 when the temperature is above 600 °C. 79 (a) 700 o 600 C 600 2 400 2 L (cm ) 500 300 o 550 C o 650 C 200 o 500 C 100 0 0 1 2 3 4 6 2 PR t (10 bar·m · s) 2 5 6 (b) 90 o 650 C 80 30bar 70 2 2 L (cm ) 60 50 20bar 40 30 10bar 20 10 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 PR t (10 bar· m · s) 2 6 2 Fig.4.4 The square of the filling length as a function of the square of capillary radius for different applied pressure for As40S60 at 600 °C(a) and 650 °C(b). The slopes of the lines are proportional to 1/η of the glass, indicating the pressure dependence of viscosity. Two possibilities could be responsible for the pressure dependence of viscosity: (1) Shear thinning, i.e. a negative dependence of viscosity on directional stresses and deformation rate. A viscosity to shear rate diagram can be figured to demonstrate the flow behaviour of liquids. Figure 4.5 shows the viscosities of As40S60 and Ge3As52S45 corresponding to the shear rate. At 500 and 550 oC, no shear thinning phenomena can be found. It is possible that the shear rate is not high enough to initiate a shear thinning. In another words, shear stress cannot rearrange the structure of As40S60 in this condition. However, a shear thinning becomes obvious when the shear rate is higher than 100 s-1. 80 3.5 14 o 500 C o 550 C o 600 C o 650 C 2.5 13 12 2.0 1.5 11 1.0 Viscosity (Pa·s) Viscosity (Pa· s) 3.0 10 0.5 0.0 0 100 200 300 400 9 500 Shear rate (s ) -1 Fig.4.5 Viscosities of As40S60 corresponding to the shear rate of melts in capillaries at respective temperatures. (2) Turbulent flow of the liquid. The Reynolds number Re 2 vR 2 PRt is frequently l used to characterize and differentiate laminar and turbulent flow, where R is the radius of the capillary, Δt, Δl are time of the moment that the applied pressure acts on the liquid melt and the glass length in the capillary before applying pressure, and ρ and η are the density and viscosity of the liquid, respectively. If Re was less than 2300, the flow would be laminar. Turbulent flow occurs when Re > 4000. In the interval between 2300 and 4000, laminar and turbulent flows are both possible. Considering the pressure and capillary dimension in our case, Re is calculated in Table 4.1. Re would be less than 2300, the value defined as the upper boundary for laminar flow in a pipe of radius R, for the Ge3As52S45 and As40S60 samples at temperatures of 250 - 300 and 600 - 650 °C, respectively (Table 4.1), assuming Δt = 0.01 and Δl = 5.0 mm. It can be seen that Re is less than 2300 for As40S60, which implies that the turbulent flow would not happen. Therefore, shear thinning is responsible for the pressure dependence of viscosity of As40S60 glass, given that the applied pressure is lower than 30.0 bar. For Ge3As52S45, if Δt = 0.01 s, Re is less than 2300 as well and laminar flow dominates, namely, shear thinning causes the pressure dependence of viscosity. To understand the mechanics of non-Newtonian flow, several physical equations were proposed and discussed several decades ago. Based on configurational entropy theory, Bottinga developed a model explaining the shear thinning effect [168, 169]. As mentioned in Chapter 1, rheology on polymer materials has been surveyed extensively. From the molecular 81 Table 4.1 Viscosities and Re number of Ch.02 and Ch.03 under various externally applied pressures for two temperatures, respectively. Ge3As52S45 Temp. (250°C) As40S60 Temp. (300°C) Temp. (600°C) Vis. (Pa·s) Re Δt (s) = 0.01 Vis. (Pa·s) Re Δt (s) = 0.01 10 0.60 66.9 0.20 59.3 1.66 24.0 0.68 23.4 20 0.38 211.0 0.13 182.3 1.08 74.0 0.28 111.9 30 0.32 377.0 0.06 587.3 0.83 143.5 0.25 188.0 40 0.31 510.0 0.11 50 0.38 523.0 60 0.32 760.5 Press. (bar) Vis. (Pa·s) Re Δt (s) = 0.01 Temp. (650°C) Vis. (Pa·s) Re Δt (s) = 0.01 0.83 theory, Grasseley proposed an entanglement principle to describe the shear thinning effect of polymers [27]. Yue and Brückner derived one set of phenomenological equations, which presents a good fit of experiment results with regard to non-Newtonian flow. Viscosities vary with the shear rate of liquids as follows [170], (0 ) exp( / g ) (4.3.1) where η0 is the Newtonian viscosity, η∞ is the ultimate Binghamian viscosity at → ∞, g is the flow relaxation rate [170]. Viscosities of As40S60 at 600 and 650 oC are fitted with Eq. (4.3.1) as shown in Fig. 4.6. A best fit can be obtained. These three parameters (η0, η∞, g ) for 600 and 650 oC are (2.75, 0.35, 187.84) and (1.23, 0.25, 91.11), respectively. It is known that rings and chains are the basic structural element that interacts to form a vitreous structure (Fig. 4.7(a)). The entangled structural units of the melts were stretched to oriented chains under shear, which facilitates the flow of melts (Fig. 4.7(b)). Therefore, the apparent viscosity decreases under shear. The resistance of the structural units to realignment is high at low temperatures, which explains why the shear thinning happens easily above a certain temperature. It can be deduced that the melts with rings and chains as basic structural units will show non-Newtonian flow as long as shear stress reaches a certain value. 82 3.0 o 600 C o 650 C Viscosity (Pa·s) 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Shear rate ( s ) -1 Fig.4.6 Fitting curves of viscosity to shear rate by Yue-Brückner equation for As40S60. Fig. 4.7 Structure of As2S3 (a) and stretching (b) under shear stress. 4.4 Conclusions The presented infiltration technique has been applied to chalcogenide melts. The absence of corrosion and interfacial reaction of the chalcogenide melts with the silica capillary promotes a reliable viscosity determination at high temperature. Furthermore, the absence of capillary dimension dependence of the as-obtained viscosity indicates that the microscopic viscosity can be regarded as bulk viscosity, which means that the infiltration technique can be employed as a reliable method to determine the melt viscosity of glasses. Viscositytemperature models VFT, AM, and MYEGA have been used to fit complete viscosity data. The high log η∞ of chalcogenide glass indicates either the incompleteness of the employed fitting model or illustrates that viscosities at high temperature are required for realistic fitting. An apparent viscosity dependent on shear rate was observed in chalcogenide glasses. As there is no interfacial reaction between chalcogenide glass and silica, this dependence can be 83 regarded as a result of shear thinning. The structural disentanglement and orientation of chalcogenide melts are responsible for the viscosity decrease under shear. Yue and Brückner’s equation was used to describe the extrapolated shear thinning behaviour of As40S60 melts. 84 5. Outlook: Fabrication of hybrid-all-solid PCF and their optical application In a collaboration with colleagues at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen, the presented infiltration technique was employed to prepare all-solid PCFs where a silica matrix fibre is infiltrated with a low-melting glass. As examples, silica solid core PCFs with a hexagonal array of holes (diameter of 1.6 µm, spacing between holes 3.7 µm) are depicted, filled with tellurite (Fig. 5.1(a)) and chalcogenide (Fig. 5.1(b)) glass. The optical properties and applications of such devices are numerous. Corresponding studies are ongoing [22 - 24, 171, 172]. Fig. 5.1 SEM images of endlessly single mode silica fibres which have been filled with low-melting glasses (hole diameters: 1.6 µm, center distances of neighboring holes: 3.7 µm). (a) Filling glass: tellurite. (b) Filling glass: chalcogenide, taken from [8]. © 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V 85 6. Conclusions and outlook 6.1 Thesis conclusion This thesis introduced the infiltration technique for investigating the rheology of various glass melts in micro capillaries. The confinement effect of capillaris and interfacial effects between filled melts and capillaries were considered. Viscosities of commercial honey and silicon oil were studied and compared with conventional rotation viscometers in order to initially judge the infiltration technique. Over a wide range of shear rates, the apparent micro-viscosities obtained from the infiltration technique are consistent with the macro-viscosities of bulk liquids, demonstrating the feasibility of the infiltration technique for measuring the viscosities of melts which do not interact with the capillary. On that basis, the viscosities of various melts were measured and discussed using VFT, MYEGA and AM models. Tellurite and sulfophosphate melts that exhibit pronounced interfacial reactions with silica capillaries are also studied. It was found that non-Newtonian flow can be observed in sulfophosphate melts. The chain entanglement is responsible for the shear thinning. Tellurite melts with 3D structure units and pyrophosphate melts show Newtonian flow under the investigated shear rate range. At temperatures above about 1100 °C, a strong corrosion effect (shown for germanate and borate melts) prevents application of the capillary viscometer. Non-Newtonian flow was also observed in chalcogenide melts. This can be explained by the disentanglement or orientation of the chain-like structural units under shear. The infiltration technique provides a route for fabricating all-solid glass-glass PCFs. This kind of PCFs can take advantage of the properties of the filled glasses that silica does not possess. 6.2 Prospect The infiltration technique offers a method of correlating the rheology of melts with the structure of glasses in confinement. This correlation will enable us to know the origin of glasses better. With these results, all-solid glass-glass PCFs could be fabricated. Furthermore, the structure of glasses could be modified in PCFs to improve the performance of the fibres. For example, the structure of chalcogenide melts could be modified under the shear rate. The structure under a certain shear rate could be maintained under fast cooling. Consequently, the properties of chalcogenide glasses can change. 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Striepe, N. Da, J. Deubener, Lothar Wondraczek. Micromechanical properties of (Na,Zn)- sulfophosphate glasses, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 358(2012)1032-1037. 2, N. Da, O. Grassmé, K.H.Nielsen, G.Peters, L.Wondraczek. Formation and structure of ionic (Na, Zn) sulfophosphate glasses, J.Non-Cryst. Solids, 357(2011)2202-2206. 3, N. Da, A. A. Enany, N. Granzow, M. A. Schmidt, P. St. J. Russell, L. Wondraczek. Interfacial reactions between tellurite melts and silica during the production of microstructured optical devices, J. Non-Crystal. Solids, 357(2011)1558-1563. 4, M. A. Schmidt, L. Wondraczek, H. W. Lee, N. Granzow, N. Da, P. St. J. Russell. Complex Faraday rotation in microstructured magnetooptical fibre waveguides, Adv. Mat., 23(2011) 2681-2688. 5, S. Reibstens, N. Da, J.- P. Simon, E, Spiecker, L. Wondraczek. Phase separation and crystal precipitation in supercooled sulphophosphate ionic melts, Phys. Chem. Glass 53(2012) 61-67 6, Q. Yan, Y. Liu, G. Chen, N. Da, L. Wondraczek. Photoluminescence of Mn2+ centers in chalcohalide glasses, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 94(2011)660 - 662. 7, W. Wang, Q. Yan, J. Ren, G. Chen, N. Da, L. Wondraczek. Ultrabroad near-infrared photoluminescence from Bi/Dy/Tm co-doped chalcohalide glasses, Phys. Chem. Glasses: Eur. J. Glass Sci. Technol. B 52(2011)221 - 224. 8, N. Da, L. Wondraczek, M. A. Schmidt P. St. J. Russell. High index-contrast all-solid photonic crystal fibres by pressure-assisted melt infiltration of silica matrices, J. Non-Crystal. Solids 356(2010)1829-1836. 9, N. Da, S. Krolikowski, L. Wondraczek. Viscosity and softening behaviour of alkali zinc sulfophosphate glasses, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 93(2010)2171-2174. 10, N. Da, M. Peng, S. Krolikowski, L. Wondraczek. Intense red photoluminescence from Mn2+-doped (Na+;Zn2+) sulfophosphate glasses and glass ceramics as LED converters, Optics Express 18(2010)2549-2557. 101 11, G. Gao, N. Da, S. Reibstein, L. Wondraczek. Enhanced photoluminescence from mixedvalence Eu-doped nanocrystalline silicate glass ceramics, Optics Express 18(2010)A575A583. 12, M. Peng, N. Da, L. Wondraczek. Luminescence from Bi2+-activated alkali earth borophosphates for white LEDs, Optics Express 17(2010)21169-21178. 13, M. A. Schmidt, N. Granzow, N. Da, L. Wondraczek, P.St. J. Russell. All-solid bandgap guiding in tellurite-filledsilica photonic crystal fibres, Optics Letters 34(2010)1946~1948. 102