WEATHER SEP 30, 2014
Climate Change Skeptics
Could Reach Catastrophic
Levels By 2020
High: 80 • Low: 50
True Fun of Waiting For An
Oil Change Communicated
To Potential Customers Via
Blow Up Wavy Arm Guy
page 8
Inspiring Art Director tells
her team, “Have Fun with
It.” page 4
Copyright @2014 the Terrain Inc. All Rights Reserved
to Sweden
NFC is definitely the
“Next Big Thing” says
NFC spokesman page 4
Misunderstanding of
Guerrilla Marketing Nearly
Ends Tragically page 3
McDonald’s Acquires
Naming Rights To
Upcoming Beyoncé Baby
page 3
NEW YORK CITY, NY—Advertising
Week, the world’s premier annual
gathering of marketing and communication leaders descended on New
York City this week. Greeting them
were protesters who demanded more
attention and increased targeting by
the brands represented at Advertising
25-year-old Dawson Fitzpatrick told
us: “As a Millennial with plenty of
disposable income, the brands I love
most are the ones that hit me across all
of my devices and use stereotypes to
speak to me. After all, it’s true that just
like everyone I know, I do love EDM
Music, neon colors, and the chance to
show off my purchasing power.”
Sally, a self-described Soccer Mom
participating in the protest said,
“Once I heard major brands like Verizon and Yahoo would be here, I knew I
had to come down and let them know
firsthand that I want more marketing.
I just love their way of authentic storytelling on subjects that have nothing
to do with their brands.”
One agency representative acknowledged the protesters’ amazing welcome to Advertising Week attendees,
stating: “Clearly this indicates we’re
on the right track. To see all types of
segments, demographics and targets
coming out is great.
WOODGROVE, AZ - When Michael Schwartz, brand ambassador
for IKEA, successfully launched the
new store in the Woodgrove Shopping Complex, he had no idea he
was attracting his next big client: The
United States Government. “I did a
bunch of extra work on that gig, including some really cool interactive
concepts out in the parking lot,” said
Schwartz. The work Schwartz did to
get the IKEA brand on the minds
of the entire Scottsdale community
drew the attention of the Obama Administration.
see SWEDEN, page 2
see PROTESTERS, page 5
Follow-Up Followed Up
page 4
Under Armour Engaged to Consumer
BALTIMORE, MD - In a brash move,
multi-billion dollar brand Under Armour proposed to Jessica McCarry on
Wednesday night. The two long-time
partners are finally engaged.
Make The Logo Bigger:
Proof That Consumers
Really Do Respond page 4
“I had no idea Under Armour was
going to do this! We were having a
nice dinner at B&O American Brasserie, and when the dessert came there
was a ring on the top of my Espresso
Cheesecake! At first I thought it was a
see ENGAGEMENT, page 2
U2 Announces
Plan To Hang Out
With You All Day
ENGAGEMENT from page 1
Under Armour and his groom’s men get ready for the big day.
But then, I looked up and saw the
look in Under Armour’s eyes. I knew
in my heart that of all the brands I’ve
ever spent time with, Under Armour
was the one I want to settle down with.
I pulled the ring out of the cheesecake, licked it clean, and said yes. I’d
never been more sure of a decision in
my entire life!”
PALO ALTO, CA -- Everybody knows
the key to brand identity is to have a
deep relationship with the consumer.
But are marketers going deep enough?
Not according to Stanford University Professor Thomas Pritchard:
“Consumers today want more than
to be marketed to. They want to feel
like they are wanted.” Pritchard recently published a new study that
proves consumers have a desire to be
stalked by their favorite brands. “It’s
one thing to get their attention at the
right time and place,” said Pritchard.
“But today’s consumer wants more.
They have a longing for their favorite
laundry detergent to stalk them on social media, maybe even follow them
home. It’s quite simple, really.”
Have your brand “like” everything consumers posts online.
Repeatedly attempt simple
messaging that promotes engagement. “U havin fun?” or “U
up?” Continue this until consumer responds.
Tantalizing photos will up the
Have your brand approach consumers at the grocery store and
offer to help carry their bags to
the parking lot.
Figure out when and where your
consumer is during normal daily activities, like dropping kids
off at school or getting the mail.
Sponsor elements accordingly
so your target consumer is guaranteed to see you. “John Adams Elementary School recess
brought to you by Haines” has a
nice ring to it.
Use available CRM data and
other intel to determine a birthday gift with the greatest emotional response. Producing a
replica of Nana’s wedding ring
or sending your consumer to
their favorite childhood vacation spot goes a long way.
Enroll your brand for every online dating site available. Hint:
SWEDEN from page 1
The White House called last week
and appointed Schwartz as the new
United States Ambassador to Sweden.
President Obama released this statement: “Michael worked tirelessly to
get that brand in front of customers.
I believe his experience will help improve our reputation throughout the
entire Scandinavian region.”
Although Schwartz has no experience with diplomacy, foreign affairs
or with government in general, he’s
excited for the challenge. “I’m stoked.
I mean, c’mon - the skiing alone is
worth it. And besides, I’ll actually get
to meet the people who write the assembly instructions!”
Under Armour says it was a logical
choice: “Jessica is great, she fits the
demographic, has a great network of
friends and she deserves a brand that
is loyal. Our agency is always telling
us to engage the consumer, so we finally stepped up.”
erson said, “Really, I’m happy for
Fruit-of-the-Loom really
messed with her head. I wasn’t sure
she would ever recover from that.
And we still don’t mention Lululemon
around her. That was a disaster. Under Armour has always been simple,
honest, well-fitting and economic. It
really is a good match. But, if she asks
Victoria to be her Maid of Honor, I
swear to God, I’ll cut a bitch.”
No date has been set, but the colors
of Siberian Iris and Neo Pulse have
been chosen for the wedding palette.
Jessica’s friends were equally surprised. Longtime friend Mindy RickU2 DAY from page 1
DUBLIN, IRELAND - Based on the
social media success of U2’s straightto-iPhone release of Songs of Innocence, the band has announced a
project to further engage fans and
non-fans alike. U2 put out a statement on Monday stating they have
already accessed your iCalendar, canceled all of your appointments, and
plan to hang out with you all day on
Thursday. “We’ll stop by Thursday,
around 10am, and we’ll just hang out
all day,” said the band’s front man,
Bono. “So plan some fun things for us
to do together, but remember, I don’t
eat gluten anymore, and The Edge
likes to nap around 3PM.”
This came as a surprise to Mike Anderson of McHenry, Illinois, who had
plans that day. “I’m not really prepared for U2. My apartment is kind of
a mess and I’ve been traveling a lot so
I don’t have a lot of food.” The sports
equipment salesman added, “It’s a
little presumptuous for a band to assume everybody likes them so much
that they can just show up in our
lives whenever they want. I mean, if
it were Lady GaGa maybe. Ever since
my daughter turned me on to her”
ST. LOUIS, MO - A Guerilla marketing campaign almost ended in tragedy after gorillas were let out of their
cages by local marketers who broke
into the St. Louis Zoo. “Our bad. We
misunderstood what Guerilla marketing meant,” said Mark Brazer, an assistant account manager for the local
marketing firm, AwarenessX.
Authorities say that a team led by two
deputy brand ambassadors scaled a
fence, unlocked the cages and tried to
hand a box of branded key chains and
Frisbees to a troop of adult Mountain
Gorillas. The goal was to have the gorillas hand out the swag to zoo patrons
and start local buzz about a new product. “The gorillas did not take the merchandise,” said Lt. Police Commander
Jake Simon. “Instead, they ran out of
the cage and attacked three unpaid
zoo interns, who were later released
from the hospital with minor injuries.”
The gorillas were eventually captured
outside the Verizon store on Randall
Road where they were thought to be
waiting for the store to open.
Brazer is being charged with trespassing and failing to pay zoo entrance
fees. Brazer added, “Well, we wanted
to get the word out about our product
without investing a ton of money. So I
guess I did my job.” No word yet as to
whether or not Verizon will try to capitalize on the gorilla’s surprise visit to
their St. Louis location.
OAK BROOK, IL - A press conference was held earlier today for an
astounding announcement regarding the naming of Beyonce & Jay-Z’s
next child. The exclusive rights have
been acquired by burger-juggernaut
McDonald’s for an undisclosed sum
rumored to have been a mix of cash,
stock options and McFlurry’s.
Beyoncé began the press conference with a medley of “Crazy in Love,”
“Naughty Girl” and “Single Ladies,”
and ending with “I’m Loving It” (performed with Kelly Rowland & Shakira). Following the McMedley, the
CMO of McDonald’s took the stage
waving Beyoncé CD’s and a 6-Piece
McNugget meal and exclaimed, “Beyoncé is a globally known superstar.
McDonald’s is a revolutionary presence in the global market. Together,
we are proud to announce that Beyoncé is expecting a boy that will inherit his parent’s vast empire and the
McDonald’s name.”
Beyonce then invited Jay-Z on stage
as they announced the name for their
upcoming child, “McDylan Lawrence-Thomas or McDLT for short”
The CMO went on to announce the
re-launch of the classic sandwich, the
McDLT this Fall. No word on the exact date the new baby will drop.
In related news, Kanye West is rumored to be in closed doors discussions with Southwest Airlines.
Followed Up
CHICAGO, IL – Bad news out of
Howarth Global Agency as they are
reeling from the loss of pillar account
Microsoft. At issue was not the agency’s work, which had earned them
A.O.R. status in 2012. According to
multiple sources the reason for Microsoft’s sudden move is the result of a
particularly awkward series of events
following a routine status meeting last
As the team ended Thursday’s meeting, they realized their success in
pitching multiple opportunities resulted in the need to follow up on a
series of key items. “We didn’t want to
lose momentum” said Project Manager, Bart Kias, “so we decided we
should circulate a follow-up to the
With this new idea of a follow-up
on the table and looking to really
over-deliver, the creative team took to
brainstorming potential content and
format for said follow-up. According
to Creative Director Mike Winstead,
“We had a lot of ideas on how to remind ourselves of the content of our
Thursday meeting - so many that we
had to find a solution to keep track
of the follow-up.” This resulted in the
forming of a new Follow Up team. This
team, comprised of the children and
relatives of agency execs was tasked
with creating and executing a 30-step
follow-up process. However, between
ensuring their process was compliant
with their Paris based Holding Company’s follow up guidelines, and connecting with their special follow up
digital programmer based in Shanghai, things went awry.
“We didn’t want to
lose momentum”
said Project Manager, Bart Kias, “so we
decided we should
circulate a follow-up
to the meeting.”
sourced, real time, drone activated,
digitally enhanced follow up request.
Upon delivery to the client it became
apparent they had lost sight of the
point. Sources inside Microsoft have
confirmed the follow up not only
didn’t actually ask for time to regroup
on key action items, it also flooded
their Outlook inbox with Email and
jammed their paper printers that
were unable to print in anything but
2D. When asked about the failure,
Kias remained optimistic: “Once we
hire in a new level of people and train
them on our culture, we’ll begin to
look to iron out the kinks. Of course,
being good agency partners we would
be happy to welcome Microsoft back
and credit back the hours used to develop the follow up tool.”
By Friday morning, the newly
formed Follow Up Team had created
a mobile friendly, 3D printed, crowd
Make the logo bigger: Proof that
consumers really do respond
BOULDER, CO - In an effort to attract and maintain brand loyalty,
researchers at the University of Colorado have shocked the advertising
world: Size matters. Stephen Weinberg is a professor of marketing at the
school: “What do we know about today’s consumers? They have poor vision. Some even are color blind. Most
have A.D.D. So we need logos that aren’t complicated. Just bigger. It used
to be that you needed to differentiate
your brand with an engaging, sophisticated logo. That may still be true, but
just make it bigger. Like, awkwardly
The researchers took famous logos,
and with the graphic design software
Photoshop, enlarged the graphics.
“Through the advanced process of
cropping and changing dimensions
you can take the logo from a passive
4 inches, to a breathtaking 9 inches. Sometimes you have to deal with
aspect ratio, but we have people for
The researchers approached consumers between the ages of 55-80 and
showed them two different slides, one
with the smaller logo and one with
the bigger logo. 95% chose the bigger
logo. The remaining 5% didn’t understand the point of the study.
Weinberg warns that you need to be
careful not to make it too big. “You
can go too large. You don’t want it to
pixelate. And you don’t want the consumer to be scared of its size, but you
definitely want to push it.”
from page 1
We should phosfluorescently integrate efficient models so we can compellingly reintermediate innovative
synergy. We should phosfluorescently
integrate efficient models so we can
compellingly reintermediate innovative synergy. We should phosfluorescently integrate efficient models so
we can compellingly reintermediate
innovative synergy. We should phosfluorescently integrate efficient models so we can compellingly reintermediate innovative synergy. We should
phosfluorescently integrate efficient
models so we can compellingly reintermediate innovative synergy.
Foam Finger
Struggles to
Keep its Title as
Most Powerful
Marketing Tool
In startling news, the foam finger is
no longer #1. A new ranking of most
effective marketing tools has the iconic foam finger slipping to #2, with the
very popular “complimentary flash
drive” taking over the top spot. John
Klasen is the assistant brand manager for Foam Finger, LTD. “This is
definitely a setback. We’ve been #1
for years. I mean, our whole concept
is predicated on being #1. It’s hard to
fathom being #2. We just don’t know
what that feels like.”
But the team at Foam Finger, LTD
isn’t giving the finger to this news.
Instead they see it as an opportunity.
“Maybe we have been thinking about
this all wrong. Maybe we need bigger fingers,” said Klasen. “Or different
colors. Maybe people hate yellow. Or
don’t like bragging. We need more research.”
Baby’s First Steps
Lead to Big Money
in Digital Ad Buy
Klasen and his team also question
the accuracy of the survey. “You are
telling me that people don’t respond
to a foam hand declaring that whatever is printed on the palm is #1? I find
that hard to believe. I think we keep
doing what we do best. And that’s
allowing the public to declare something #1. At the end of the day, there’s
just something about the finger.”
PROTESTORS from page 1
WINTER HAVEN, FL - When Richard Seng posted footage of his son,
Rich Jr.’s first steps to YouTube, and
emailed a link to friends and family,
he never thought the act would help
pay for Pampers. According to local
reports, Nana (Mr. Seng’s Mother-inLaw), who lives in Cleveland was so
excited she single handedly watched
the clip tens-of-thousands of times,
making the video eligible for pre-roll
I just hope they’re still checking out
Facebook and watching YouTube ads
while they’re here. We’ve steered all of
our clients to those platforms.”
The presence of these consumers is
creating some discomfort however,
with several senior marketers never
having actually met a real customer.
Said one marketing executive, “I’m
used to terabytes of data rolling up to
an imaginary figure we call “Graham”.
Actually shaking hands with a real live
person was a little intimidating...but
No one recognized the video as a
grainy low-def clip of Rich Jr. taking
three steps before tumbling back to
the floor, and soon major brands began to appear before the clip. As little Rich’s grandma kept clicking and
sharing with her Bridge group, brands
like Johnson & Johnson, Gap Kids and
Miller Light started popping up before
the clip. Soon, the cost to run a 15 second ad reached Super Bowl territory.
Ironically Mr. Seng and Nana both
agree the brands that have appeared
before the clip succeeded in convincing them their products are superior.
“I never thought about it, but knowing
Miller Light cares so much about me,
to the point of sponsoring my son’s
first steps, makes me realize the rare
moments I have to enjoy a beer are
better spent with Miller Light” said
Seng. Nana added: “Every time I think
about my grandson’s first steps, I can’t
help but think about those iconic Gap
ads. They’re almost as memorable as
the cigarette ads I remember seeing in
the 70’s and 80’s.”
While each brand refused to comment on media buying strategy, it’s
safe to assume some feel this micro-targeting, however accidental
its discovery was, is the next hot approach to digital advertising.
NFC is definitely
the “Next Big Thing”
says NFC spokesman
heels of Apple’s release of the iPhone
6 and 6 Plus, the NFC Forum released
the following statement:
This is REALLY BIG guys. The best
news. We’ve been talking about how
great NFC is for over a decade. NFC is
the biggest thing to hit tech in a generation. We’ve heard from consumers,
and NFC is what everybody is asking
We are stepping up our marketing
efforts. We are launching a huge logo
this week and we will be ramping up
our value exchange. We are definitely ready for the wave of publicity that
is sure to come from this announcement.
This is a tremendous day for NFC.
It is only a matter of time before everyone in the world is using NFC. We
can’t be more excited for our future.
When asked what “NFC” stands for,
the Forum responded with, “NFC.”
HOLLYWOOD, CA - On the heels of a recent barrage of celebrity
endorsers the Screen Actor’s Guild (SAG) released a study that
stated today’s consumers would rather listen to celebrities than
statistics, facts and informed opinion from a reliable source.
According to a recent study released by SAG, in 2014, products promoted by celebrities experience an 83% lift in awareness and sentiment compared to similar products that focus
on driving organic word of mouth. This is an incredible boost in
celebrity impact that had lagged in recent years.
Campaigns like Samsung’s partnership with Ellen during the
Oscars, Kate Upton’s recent work with Hardees, and George
Clooney’s voice over work are a small sample of the awesome
power celebrities hold.
According to John Wesley, spokesman for SAG, consumer insights are a “thing of the past.” Wesley went on to say that the
Obama administration recognized this trend and had recently
signed an agreement with SAG to provide celebrity spokespeople to deliver all news for the Center for Disease Control, the
World Health Organization and the White House. Wesley added, “Celebrities are already a proven hit. People want to believe
them so this trend we’re seeing makes sense.”
If you are looking to get ahead this week, try these tried and true tips
on for size:
1. When talking to someone you’ve just met, always maintain intense eye
contact with the name of the company they work for on their badge
2. Dress up like the mood board from your latest campaign
3. Ingratiate yourself with potential connections by laughing at everything they say while turning to those around you and loudly saying
“this guy!”
4. Make yourself memorable to industry leaders by pinning your vision
statement to their hotel door with a knife from room service
5. Practice faking empathy, interest
6. Stand out in the crowd by publicly berating those that cannot advance
your career
7. Discretely place your card in someone’s coat pocket, purse, or briefcase. Trust us, they’ll appreciate your tenacity
Like the rest of your message, tailor your handshake to your audience.
Depending on who you’re engaging, adjust the strength used, length of
time, even hand used to show your audience you care about them.
from page 1
We should phosfluorescently integrate efficient models so we can compellingly reintermediate innovative
synergy. We should phosfluorescently
integrate efficient models so we can
compellingly reintermediate innovative synergy. We should phosfluorescently integrate efficient models so
we can compellingly reintermediate
innovative synergy. We should phosfluorescently integrate efficient models so we can compellingly reintermediate innovative synergy. We should
phosfluorescently integrate efficient
models so we can compellingly reintermediate innovative synergy. We
should phosfluorescently integrate efficient models so we can compellingly
reintermediate innovative synergy.
We should phosfluorescently integrate efficient models so we can compellingly reintermediate innovative
synergy. We should phosfluorescently
integrate efficient models so we can
compellingly reintermediate innovative synergy. We should phosfluorescently integrate efficient models so
we can compellingly reintermediate
Beautiful Blond on West Bound I-94
On my morning drive to work, I was
caught by your beauty. Your flowing locks and your tantalizing stare
caught me so off guard I had to slam
on my breaks to avoid the car in front
of me. You are the definition of beauty, but the flow of traffic wouldn’t
allow me the time to gawk or absorb
your poetry. I have to know, what
does your ad copy say? tally look like a jock or something! I
mean, are like a senior or something,
because you look totally mature. I
saw you pick up my Orange Crush
shirt, but when your mom told you
that you had to pick, you chose the
#AWESOME shirt instead. Orange
Crush would treat you better than any
hashtag, plus my logo totally brings
out the blue in your eyes. Can we try
this thing again? If you’re into it, I’ll be
in the Clearance section waiting.
Candy Crush to Kimberly Brown, Denver
Axe Body Spray popup ad to IMDB visitor
9/15, 3:15 PM
Kimberly, I hope you find this expression of my desire for you more appealing than my other attempts. Even
though all of the women in your family interact with me, you have avoided me like the plague. I know you
changed your notification settings
and even blocked me from inviting
you to join in the fun. Maybe that was
too generic. So with the most sincerity
this candy lover can muster, will you
try me out?
I saw you at Kohl’s Shopping with your
Mom 9/15 7:45 PM
Hey handsome high school guy with
the ironic sense of fashion. You to-
Was that you? I was just popping up to
make the next visitor self-conscious
about their body scent, but I felt we really had a connection. I see you were
looking at the page for The Fault In
Our Stars, a movie based on a Young
Adult novel, and that you arrived at
that page from a link on a Ansel Elgort
fan site, but you should know that I
don’t just appear on the landing page
for anyone. Let me know if you feel
the connection between you and our
new Winter Sports Scent, even though
you are most likely a young woman. I
just wanted to let you know that Axe
is a manly scent that will set you apart
while you attempt sexual advances.
Let’s get together and see what’s possible.
innovative synergy. We should phosfluorescently integrate efficient models so we can compellingly reintermediate innovative synergy.
We should phosfluorescently integrate efficient models so we can compellingly reintermediate innovative
synergy. We should phosfluorescently
integrate efficient models so we can
compellingly reintermediate innovative synergy. We should phosfluorescently integrate efficient models so
we can compellingly reintermediate
innovative synergy. We should phosfluorescently integrate efficient models so we can compellingly reintermediate innovative synergy. We should
phosfluorescently integrate efficient
models so we can compellingly reintermediate innovative synergy. We
should phosfluorescently integrate efficient models so we can compellingly
reintermediate innovative synergy.
BLUE (The Color, Not Ivy)
SAN FRANCISCO, CA - Ever since
Amun’s Candle Shoppe in rustic Cairo in 613 B.C., the color blue has been
a staple when it comes to identifying
corporations to the public. Known
for its ability to fill a consumer with
a sense of trustworthiness, dependability, security and responsibility,
blue has remained a popular go-to for
many corporate logos over the centuries.
However, the death knell came for
the beloved hue when TechCrunch
Disrupt 2014 winner “Alfred” announced they’d be changing their
logo to the last remaining unused
shade of blue, Pantone 3255C.
It is sad to see such a rich and powerful and calming color become unusable, but for the consumer, there
are still many ways to remember, and
keep the blue alive.
The public can always look to Facebook, Twitter, Vimeo, LinkedIn, Dropbox, Allstate, Safari, Blue Cross Blue
Shield, Sun Microsystems, Toronto
BlueJays, Visa, Pepsi, Hewlett Packard, NFL, MLB, NBA, Skype, Captain America, GE, Wordpress, Ulster
Bank, JP Morgan Chase, Pfizer, GM,
Ford, Samsung, Volkswaagen, The
Weather Channel, PayPal, Pabst, Intel, Dell, Lowe’s, Oreo, NASA, Flickr,
OceanSpray, Adidas, Microsoft - or
any startup with a mobile phone app
released in the last 7 months.
In lieu of flowers, the family would
like to request donations be made in
blue’s name to any company brave
enough to use a color other than blue
in their logo.
We should phosfluorescently integrate efficient models so we can compellingly reintermediate innovative
Wacky Wavy Inflatable
Arm Flailing Tube Man
Transforms Local Business
DAYTON, OH - When the Precision
Auto Care on Dorothy Avenue found
its business getting overlooked for
new competition, the owner found
a way to stand out. “I wanted to let
commuters along Route 48 know that
this isn’t your Father’s Oil Change Station,” said Manager Jim McWilliams.
and waving his arms about. McWilliams wanted customers to know that
his prices are so reasonable that it
might induce a similar type of “happy dance”. His lobby, now filled with
new patrons, is proof that this dancing, a-sexual creature is just what the
public wanted.
What did McWilliams do to set himself apart from Jiffy Lube and Valvoline? He placed a plastic sleeve
adorned with arms and a face on top
of a humongous industrial sized fan.
When turned on, the sleeve gives the
illusion of a very tall thin man dancing
“There are a lot of options along Dorothy Avenue,” new customer Freddy
Mowery told us while waiting for the
oil change on his vending machine
supply truck, “I guess, maybe, this one
seemed a little more fun. And I think
I deserve that.”
CHICAGO, IL - In a brash move at
cross-platform, digital messaging,
marketing agency Digital Noize, Senior Art Director Shipley West sat her
team down on Wednesday afternoon
and boldly stated, “Guys, I’m tired of
drop shadows and reflections and soft
brush techniques. If we’re going to
win this pitch, we need to show them
something new. Something different.
Have fun with it!”
The team, comprised mostly of
Junior Level Designers and Intern
Copywriters, sat in stunned silence for
a few moments, letting the words and
their impact fill them with inspiration.
One of the senior most Junior Designers, Thomas Ross, 22, said, “No
one had ever blatantly said that to me
before. I mean, I know that I’m supposed to do good work, and I really
try, every day, but to just have Ship
say that -- I’m now questioning everything I’ve ever handed in before.”
Copywriting Intern Yaswith Groo, 20,
is still recovering. “Being an English
major, I read a lot. I’ve read Churchill’s speech, I’ve read the St. Crisp-
in’s Day speech, I’ve read the speech
Bill Pullman delivers in Independence Day, but none of those hit me
as hard as Ms. West’s direction. It was
so succinct and pointed. I knew she
was talking directly to me. I have to
remember this moment, and emulate
it in my writing. Somehow.”
different. Show
me something
different! Have
fun with it!”
Close friends of Ms. West say she is
so inspired and emboldened by her
team’s feedback, she is considering
telling them to “think outside the box”
and that “there are no bad ideas” at
their next brainstorm session.