Child Safe Code of Conduct

Note: In this document, for the sake of simplicity and in accordance with the law,
‘children’ includes all young people under the age of 18.
Our organisation Synergy & TaikOz Ltd and our two professional music groups,
Synergy Percussion and TaikOz, provide a welcoming, open and safe environment for
every child participating in our music programs and related activities. All our
teachers and others who assist them are dedicated to introducing children to the joys
of music and helping them develop their potential as performers.
We seek advice, guidance and feedback from children, parents and our colleagues to
ensure that our standards of Child Safety are maintained and our systems are
constantly reviewed.
We also expect that children, their parents and carers will behave courteously to
others, show respect to teachers and classmates and act cooperatively for the good of
the group as a whole.
Code of conduct for Synergy Percussion and TaikOz
Each of our musicians, teachers, associates, staff, volunteers and others who have
contact with children taking part in our music programs:
DO Strive to be a positive role model for children in every aspect of our children’s
programs and activities
DO Treat everyone – children, parents, colleagues and others - with respect,
sensitivity and honesty
DO Avoid favouritism or the appearance of favouritism and are careful to treat all
children fairly
DO Set and maintain clear standards of appropriate behaviour
 by children and between children
 between adults and children
DO Encourage children to report bullying, abuse or other conduct that affects
their safety or wellbeing – or that of other children
DO Act on complaints, report complaints and other problems to Synergy & TaikOz
Ltd and strive to achieve remedies
DO At all times have paramount regard for children’s physical and psychological
safety and wellbeing
DO Check that children use ear protection whenever loud music is played
This Code of Conduct applies to all activities involving children under the age of 18, conducted on
behalf of Synergy & TaikOz Ltd or with its consent.
DO Have physical contact with children only where it is strictly necessary to do
so in order to demonstrate safe performance techniques, such as how to hold,
strike or move a musical instrument. Where physical contact is necessary, act
with propriety and make sure the child understands the purpose of the
DO Comply at all times with all the elements of our Child Safe System
Children’s Code of Conduct
The parents and carers of children in our programs are asked to ensure that their
understand what behaviour we expect from them;
comply with our expectations; and
talk to us and to you if they are troubled, distressed or concerned about
anything that has happened or is happening in our classes or other activities.
DO Treat others as you would expect them to treat you; co-operate with fellow
students and be friendly and polite.
DO Co-operate with your teachers and comply with their requests or
DO Remember that your teachers and others who participate in our children’s
programs are bound by strict requirements in their dealings with children
and that in everything they do, their most important consideration is to
ensure child safety and wellbeing.
DO Please assist your teachers by complying with their directions: it’s for your
own safety and security.
DO Understand that we will not tolerate bullying, cyber-bullying, intimidation or
victimisation and that we will require offenders to leave our programs.
DO Report instances of bullying, unfair or hurtful conduct, whether it affects you
or others.
DO Understand that your teachers and others working on behalf of Synergy
Percussion and TaikOz do not communicate personally with children on social
DO Have fun – and practise hard!
Synergy & TaikOz Ltd
ABN 67 003 352 181
PO Box 829 Kensington NSW 1465Email:
Phone 61 2 9663 5532 Fax 61 2 9697 9661