Problem-Cause-Solution Design Worksheet

Adapted from: Osborn and Osborn (1998)
Specific Purpose:
Thesis Statement:
I. Introduction
A. Attention material:
B. Credibility material:
C. Tie to the audience:
D. Thesis/Preview:
(Transition into body of speech)
II. Body
A. Main point #1 (Statement of problem)
1. (Description of problem)
a. (Signs, symptoms, effects of problem)
b. (Example, narrative, or testimony)
2. (Importance of problem)
a. (Extent of problem)
i. (Facts/statistics)
ii. (Expert testimony)
b. (Who is affected)
i. (Facts/statistics)
ii. (Example/narrative)
3. (Consequences of problem)
a. (Expert testimony)
b. (Example/narrative)
(Transition into main point 2)
B. Main point #2 (Argument of Cause)
1. Statement of the cause of the problem
a. (Evidence for the link, statistics, expert testimony or facts)
b. (Continued evidence)
2. Development of how this cause can be overcome -- leading to the solution
a. How the cause is being handled currently
b. How this current condition is inadequate
c. How it might be handled differently
(Transition into main point 3)
C. Main point #3 (Statement of solution)
1. (Description of solution )
a. (How solution fits problem)
b. (Example)
2. (How solution can be implemented)
a. (Plan of action)
(1) (Step 1 of plan)
(2) (Step 2 of plan)
(3) (Step 3 of plan)
(4) (Step 4 of plan)
b. (Costs and efforts)
3. (Picture results)
a. (Describe expected results)
b. (When results expected)
c. (Additional benefits)
(Transition into conclusion)
III. Conclusion
A. Brakelight
B. Summary
C. Tie back to the audience
D. Memorable End