Personal Testimony Presented before the __________ Committee on __________ Date Time by Your Name Bill Number, Bill Title Chair ________, Vice Chair _________, and Members of the Committee: [if a joint hearing, name the chairs and vice chairs of all committees, and make “Committee” plural.] My name is _______________, and I am a job title with the University of Hawaii at Department/College/Unit I am pleased to provide personal testimony on Bill Number. This testimony does not represent the position of the University of Hawai‘i or Department/College/Unit. [Insert your testimony here.] Thank you for the opportunity to testify on this bill. ____________________________________ An important caution: do not use official letterhead for your personal testimony. Also, be prudent when submitting testimony by e-mail. It is recommended that if you use your work e-mail address to submit testimony, submit the testimony as an attachment to the e-mail and not as part of the body of the e-mail.