Date of Dream: 12-21-15 Dream Theory Utilized: Information

Date of Dream: 12-21-15
Dream Theory Utilized: Information Processing
Personal Recollection of the Dream:
I overslept on a game day when we didn’t have school. I actually slept through game time. I
obviously wasn’t able to play in that game, but I also faced consequences of not being able to
even play in a game for an extended period of time.
I remember feeling extremely upset with not only myself for being stupid, but also Rebecca for
not waking me up in time for the game even though she was there with me. I felt extremely
guilty when I had to go apologize to Mrs. Maternowsky because I feared her disappointment and
Personal Interpretation of the Dream:
I was sick for the days prior to this dream, so the dream content may have been my mind
worrying about the consequences that would occur if I were to be sick and miss school on a
game day.
Analysis of the Dream Using Psychological Theory:
This dream was my mind’s way of weighing the consequences that would occur if I were to miss
school or a day of practice due to illness. The dream helped me prepare for what would happen if
I missed a day, which coincidentally happened the day after my dream. I ended up not starting
the next game, and Mrs. M could have become upset with me for letting down my team, but in
the end my health and the team’s health is more important that whether or not I start at Barron
tomorrow night.
Date of Dream: 12-20-15
Dream Theory Utilized: Activation Synthesis
Personal Recollection of the Dream:
The dream involved a lot of singing in groups and individually by myself in front of a lot of
people I knew and also some I didn’t know.
Personal Interpretation of the Dream:
I’ve had a sore throat for the past few days, so this dream could be latent fears that my throat will
restrict my singing capabilities for a while.
Analysis of the Dream Using Psychological Theory:
My brain was so worried about the quality of my singing voice while I was sick that it dreamt up
a scenario where everything was fine and dandy and all was well using information I
accumulated throughout the day.
Date of Dream: 3-10-99
Dream Theory Utilized: Wish Fulfillment
Personal Recollection of the Dream:
The main focus of the dream was a game-show. I was a participant in it, and the grand prize was
a full-ride to an amazing college.
Personal Interpretation of the Dream:
Money is obviously a large concern of mine moving towards college application and attendance,
so getting a full-ride to a good school would (literally) be a dream come true.
Analysis of the Dream Using Psychological Theory:
While my parents tell me not to worry about financial things when it comes to college, it’s still a
large concern of mine, so this dream may be my brain’s way of reminding me all will be well
and everything will work out in the end.
Date of Dream: 1-22-16
Dream Theory Utilized: The Collective Unconsciousness
Personal Recollection of the Dream:
A re-enactment of Lord of the Rings, except characters were substituted with people from my
own waking life. For example, I was Frodo, Dusty was Samwise, and my fazza was Gandalf. We
were on a journey to White Castle to get sliders.
Personal Interpretation of the Dream:
Well, I really really enjoy White Castle, and I also enjoy spending time with both my father and
my friends. This dream was a way to allow both things to happen at once.
Analysis of the Dream Using Psychological Theory:
By placing those I know in the place of famous character archetypes, my mind could be telling
me about how important they both are. The hero cannot survive without the supporting character,
but the hero also cannot survive without the support and guidance of the wise man.