Fourth Grade Spanish Unit 6: Como Vivimos

Elementary World Language
Book D Unit: Nuestro Ambiente Spanish Language Overview. In this unit, students learn about the country of Spain. Students will describe
the months of the year and the different seasons, the most important means of
transportation, the geographical characteristics of Spain, and how to discuss the weather. Essential Questions: ● What are the months of the year and the different seasons? (week 1) ● What are some of the most important means of transportation? (week 2) ● What is Spain’s geography like and how do we describe its characteristics? (week 3) ● How do we talk about the weather? (week 4) Enduring Understandings: ● Spain is a country that speaks Spanish. ● The weather and seasons affect our daily lives. ● People get from one place to another in different ways. ● Transportation is affected by weather and geography. CURRICULUM STANDARDS / STUDENT OUTCOMES Communication 1.1 Interpersonal - Students will: ● Ask and answer questions about the weather ● Ask and answer questions about travel and transportation. ● Share information about the calendar ● Ask and answer questions about the geography of Spain. 1.2 Interpretive Reading and Listening - Students will: ● Read and listen to descriptions about travelling in Spain. ● Listen to and watch a forecast for the weather in Spain. ● Identify geographic features based on a description. ● Read a travel brochure and identify words related to transportation. ● Identify the past tense of the verb ir. ● Identify simple commands. ● Identify words that begin with v and b. 1.3 Presentational Speaking and Writing- Students will: ● Describe different geographical features of Spain. ● Describe the how people use different modes of transportation for travel. ● Describe the weather. ● Describe a trip they took in the past. ● Describe activities they did in the past. Culture 2.1 Practices and Perspectives - Students will: ● Discuss the geographical features of Spain. Elementary World Language
Book D Unit: Nuestro Ambiente Spanish Language 2.2 Products and Perspectives - Students will: ● Identify and describe different climates in Spain. ● Identify the geographical features of Spain on a map. Connections 3.1 Cross-curricular - Students will: ● Identify geographical features. ● Identify geographic names and places to capitalize. ● Identify different climate regions of Spain. ● Identify words beginning with v and b. ● Identify and describe the weather conditions yesterday, today and tomorrow. ● Identify diphthongs. 3.2 Target Culture - Students will: ● Acquire information events in Spain through Spanish language media sources. Comparisons 4.1 Language - Students will: ● Compare words for transportation, weather, climate, geography and seasons
between Spanish and English. ● Identify words beginning with the letters v and b and their sounds in Spanish and
English. ● Demonstrate one-to-one correspondence between spoken and printed word. ● Recognize and use diphthongs. 4.2 Culture - Students will: ● Compare geographical features found in Spain with those found in the United
States. ● Compare and contrast climate regions in Spain with those in the United States. ● Compare and contrast weather in Spain with weather in the United States. ● Compare and contrast common modes of transportation found in Spain with those found in the United States. Communities 5.1 Beyond the School - Students will: ● Participate in simulations that replicate authentic conversations about weather,
geography, climate and transportation. 5.2 Lifelong Learner - Students will: ● Utilize the language to experience news and entertainment available through print
and electronic Spanish language media. Elementary World Language
Book D Unit: Nuestro Ambiente Spanish Language LANGUAGE
FUNCTION Identify the seasons
and the months of the
year. CONTENT VOCABULARY Seasons: ● primavera ● verano ● otoño ● invierno Months: ● enero ● febrero ● marzo ● abril ● mayo ● junio ● julio ● agosto ● septiembre ● octubre ● noviembre ● diciembre LANGUAGE
STRUCTURE ● ¿Cuáles son los meses
del año? ● (Months). ● ¿Cuáles son las
estaciones? ● (Seasons). ● ¿Qué es el mes? ● (Months). ● ¿En qué mes te gusta
(activity)? ● En (months). Discuss different
Climate: climates and
● bisiesto geographic directions. ● clima ● region ● rima Weather: ● tiempo ● soleado ● hace frío ● hace calor Directions: ● oeste ● noreste ● sur ● este ● ● ¿Cómo es el clima? ● (Climate) ● ¿Cómo es el elima en tu
ciudad? ● (Climate). Identify popular
● ¿Qué medio de
Transportation: Elementary World Language
means of
transportation and
travel. ●
Book D Unit: Nuestro Ambiente Spanish Language auto autobús avión barco bicicleta bus carro tren/trencito Descriptions of transportation ● antiguo ● precioso ● veloz ● viejo Locations: ● pueblo Examine the
geography of Spain. Geography: ● continente ● islas españolas ● montaña ● océano Descriptions: ● despacio ● separado Commands: ● camina ● sube ● ten ● toma Verbs: ● caminar ● correr ● montar ● nadar ● pasear ● tomar ● viajar ● visitar Describe the weather. Weather: ● Está/estaba/estará nublado ● Está/estaba/estará lluvioso ● Está/estaba/estará soleado transporte prefieres? ● (Transportation). ● ¿Cómo viajas desde
(locations)? ● (Transportation). ● ¿Cómo es la geografía
de España? ● (Descriptions)/(Geogra
phy). ● ¿ Cómo viajas por
(transportation)? ● (Verbs). ● ¿Cómo
está/estaba/estará el
hoy/ayer/mañana? Elementary World Language
Book D Unit: Nuestro Ambiente Spanish Language ● Está/estaba/estará ventoso ● Está/estaba/estará nevando ● (Weather). 