Digestive System

Digestive System
The digestive system is made up of the
alimentary canal and the other abdominal
organs that play a part in digestion, such as
the liver and pancreas.
The digestive tract is the long tube of
organs — including the esophagus, the
stomach, and small and large intestines —
that runs from the mouth to the anus.
An adult's digestive tract is about 30 feet
The function is to breakdown and absorb
nutrients that are necessary for growth and
Digestive System
The digestive system breaks down food two ways:
 mechanical digestion- the chewing (in the
mouth) and churning (in the stomach) that can
be used by the body.
 chemical digestion- with the help of enzymes,
into substances that cells can absorb and use.
This occurs in the mouth, stomach and small
What is the role of the digestive system in the human body ?
The Digestive System
Purpose: it breaks down food into molecules the body can
use, the molecules are absorbed into the blood and carried
throughout the body, and wastes are eliminated from the body.
Major Organs and their Functions:
Mouth – to chew and grind up food
-- saliva also begins the chemical breakdown
What is the role of the digestive system in the human body ?
The Digestive System
Purpose: it breaks down food into molecules the body can
use, the molecules are absorbed into the blood and carried
throughout the body, and wastes are eliminated from the body.
Major Organs and their Functions:
Esophagus – pipe connecting mouth to stomach
What is the role of the digestive system in the human body ?
The Digestive System
Purpose: it breaks down food into molecules the body can
use, the molecules are absorbed into the blood and carried
throughout the body, and wastes are eliminated from the body.
Major Organs and their Functions:
Stomach – secretes an extraordinarily strong acid (pH = 2)
leads to breakdown of food and churns the food
-- once the food is broken down in the stomach and
mixed with digestive juices, it is called chyme
What is the role of the digestive system in the human body ?
Pancreas – produces the hormone insulin that regulates
blood sugar levels
-- also help neutralize stomach acid
Liver – produces bile, which breaks down fats in foods
Gallbladder – pouch-like organ that stores bile for future use
What is the role of the digestive system in the human body ?
Small Intestine – after digestion is complete, the chyme
enters the small intestine where it is absorbed into the
-- the chyme is propelled along by folded surfaces
called villi, on the intestine
What is the role of the digestive system in the human body ?
Large Intestine – removes water from the chyme and gets the
waste ready for excretion
The Digestive System
Purpose: it breaks down food into molecules the body can
use, the molecules are absorbed into the blood and carried
throughout the body, and wastes are eliminated from the body.
Major Organs and their Functions:
Mouth – to chew and grind up food
-- saliva also begins the chemical breakdown
Esophagus – pipe connecting mouth to stomach
Stomach – secretes an extraordinarily strong acid (pH = 2)
leads to breakdown of food
-- once the food is broken down in the stomach and
mixed with digestive juices, it is called chyme
Pancreas – produces the hormone insulin that regulates
blood sugar levels
-- also help neutralize stomach acid
Liver – produces bile, which breaks down fats in foods
Gallbladder – pouch-like organ that stores bile for future use
Small Intestine – after digestion is complete, the chyme
enters the small intestine where it is absorbed into the
-- the chyme is propelled along by folded surfaces
called villi, on the intestine
Large Intestine – removes water from the chyme and gets the
waste ready for excretion