Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated Gamma Sigma Omega

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated
Gamma Sigma Omega Chapter
Sigma Tau Chapter
Ogeechee Theatre, Student Union Building
Armstrong Atlantic State University
10:00 AM
February 9, 2013
Soror Tarangula B. Scott, Presiding
Call to Order: 10:05 AM
Hymn/pledge: yes
Prayer & Meditation: Soror Henrietta Gray (GSO): “The Way of Love” 1st Corinthians 13
Sisterly Poem: Soror Christian Upton, (ST): “What You Mean To Me”
Adoption of Agenda: Correct Technology Sharon Stallings of GSO instead of Sigma Tau. Moved by Soror
Johnye Gillans and seconded by Soror Amanda Smith to accept the agenda with the correction.
Officers’ Reports:
Hodegos: Soror Tara Scott-Brown (GSO) –written - Recognized February Birthdays and Anniversaries.
Two visitng sorors: Sorors Amanda Payton and April Scott. Highlighted courtesies extended.
Sigma Tau: Soror Patrese Jackson -Recognized birthdays.
Episteleus: Soror Diann Scott (GSO) - written - Thank you from the family of Mr. Clarence Williams
(Soror Lois Williams) and Mr. John Moore (Soror Eudora Allen). Dr. Cheryl Dozier’s Inauguration April
20 Marriott Riverfront. Gamma Sigma Omega Founders’ Day and 75th Anniversary, Soror Ella Springs
Jones, speaker, 3:00 PM, Rededication 2:15 PM. We are invited to worship with Living Hope Community
Fellowship on Sunday morning.
Sigma Tau: Soror Jatoria Little: written: Highlighted Founders’ Day
Basileus – (GSO) - Soror Tarangula Barnes-Scott -: written: Highlighted South Atlantic Regional
Conference and attire. Reminded sorors to sign up to serve on committees. Received a “Thank you”
letter from Greenbriar Childrens’ Center for volunteering at Gift wrap center. Received an Invitation to
join Greenbriar Children’s Center on Februrary 21, 2013 – 12:00 noon at L. Scott Stell, Jr. Christian
Educational Fellowship Building for the Annual Board of Directors Meeting and Awards Luncheon.
Sigma Tau - Soror Patrese Jackson: Highlighted Pink Goes Red/Kardio with the K’s. Thanked sorors for
serving dinner at Old Savannah City Mission. Visited Bartlett Middle School to meet with EYL. Founders’
Day March 3, 2013 - 4:00 PM at Armstrong Atlantic University in the Student Union Building. Attire:
uninterrupted black.
Officers’ Report:
Soror Renee Grant (GSO): Written - Highlighted EYL activities, Pink Goes Red, Thursday Trot, Housing
Fair with City of Savannah and EOA. Also, 2013 “Great Savannah Kickoff” partnering with Omega Phi Psi.
Soror Cleo Usry – ST: Written – Highlighted Initiatives and Founders’ Day
Technology: Soror Sharon Stallings - Demonstrated GSO’s website.
Founders’ Day: Soror Taqwaa Saleem (GSO) - Requested $350.00 for Founders’ Day expense in addition
to the amount budgeted. It was moved by Soror Henrietta Gray that we approve the $350.00 and
seconded by Soror Margaret Pearson. Request approved.
Founders’ Day: Soror Cleo Usry (ST) – Written –Founders’ Day, March 3, 2013, 4:00 PM in the Ballroom
of the Student Union Bldg, Armstrong Atlantic State University.
Awards & Recognition: Soror Audrey Singleton (GSO) - No awards will be presented this year due to
incomplete applications. It was moved by Soror Eudora Allen and seconded that we accept the report.
February 15, 2013 is the deadline to submit awards applications.
Delegates: Soror Tarangula Scott: Gamma Sigma Omega has 109 financial members currently, and is
entitled to nine delegates to the South Atlantic Regional Conference. The following sorors were
nominated to serve as delegates: Sorors Jessie DeLoach, Lakechia Bryant, Diann Scott, Lakyah Hatcher
and Clemontine Washington. Sorors Virginia Parham and Nicole Williams will serve as alternates. It was
moved by Soror Maxine Jackson and seconded by Soror Jessie DeLoach that we accept the nominations.
Unfinished business: None
New Business: None
Announcements: Soror Melinda Pippen Miller (GSO) 59 sorors - two visiting sorors - late fees - $15.00
Soror Carolyn Gant passed Friday February 8, 2013
Graduate Council, please meet with Soror Audrey Singleton after meeting
3rd Annual Education Gala honoring Dr. Annette Brock , March 1, 2013, 6:30 PM - DeSoto Hilton.
Sorror Eleanor Murdock received her Gold Platinum Life Membership Card
Soror Lucile Brown’s mother passed.
Social Committee – Potluck Dinner from 2:00-5:00 PM, March 16, 2013 at the Hoskins Center –Mercer
Auditorium. Please wear pink and green - mostly green.
Soror Bresa Daise (ST) – 18 sorors present – Reminder regarding the Regional Conference
Adjourned: 11:19 AM
Soror Mary Coleman, Grammateus
Officer: Basileus
Executive Meeting: _____
Announcement: _______
Regular Meeting: ________
Date: _March 9, 2013
Report: __X___
Recommendation: _______
As the official representative of our chapter, the following activities were completed:
 February 1: Attended Pink Goes Red event
 February 17-18: Attended AKA Day at the Capital
 February 20: Met with Soror Conyers to transmit funds
 February 22-23: Assisted with the SITE Investigation for Gamma Upsilon
 February 24: Attended Gamma Sigma Omega’s Founders’ Day/70th Chapter Anniversary
 March 3: Bought greetings on behalf of Gamma Sigma Omega at Sigma Tau’s Founders’
Day Program
 March 4: Attended emergency chapter meeting for Gamma Upsilon at Savannah State
 To Sorors Taqwaa Saleem, Connie Cooper, and the Founders’ Day Committee on a
successful, well-attended Founders’ Day/70th Chapter Anniversary Celebration; the
Chapter Anniversary video was well-done and well-received, everyone enjoyed it.
Operational Pointers:
 Please remember that the Basileus is an ex-officio member of all committees. Therefore,
please inform the Basileus of all committee meetings/conference calls at least 48 hours
in advance.
 Please inform the Basileus and the Hodegos of any sorors who experience a loss,
become ill or are otherwise in need of our sisterly support and love.
Below are highlights from the January 19th SARC Steering Committee Meeting:
Hostess Attire:
 Wednesday – AKA paraphernalia
 Thursday – Business black with stole
 Friday – Pink and green with stole (Rededication: NO PANTS)
 Saturday – Business attire with stole
 Sunday – uninterrupted seasonal white dress or suit (Ivy Beyond the Wall
Ceremony – NO PANTS)
If this is your first SARC a First Time Attendee Orientation will be held Thursday, April 18
at 3:00p.m. If you are interested in attending, please see me for the form.
If you are interested in serving as a Workshop Convener or Recorder, please see me to
complete the paperwork. You must attend an orientation Thursday, April 18 at 3:30 p.m.
Conference/Regional Committee Meeting: The following names have been submitted
for SARC Committee Participation. The committee meetings will be held Thursday, April
18th from 3:30-4:30 p.m.
Terri Lewis
Charlene Jones
Tara Scott-Brown
Mary Coleman
Audrey Singleton
Harriette Brinson
Virginia Parham
Annette Mitchell
Hope Johnson
Kimberly Nixon
LaShawna Mullgrav
Sheila Hutcherson
Margaret Pearson
Maxine Jackson
Henrietta Gray
Diann Scott
Sonia R. Grant
Ashle’ King
Joyce Dingle
Anne Mahone
Hope Johnson
Melinda Miller
Terri Lewis
Denise Weems
Taqwaa Saleem
Time and Place:
Audrey Singleton
Charlene Jones
Taqwaa Saleem
Virginia Parham
Michelle Mincey-Gwyn
Ivy Richardson
Diann Scott
Tarangula Scott
Ericka Washington
Calling all singing sorors – the SARC Choir is seeking sorors to participate. Contact Soror
Carolyn Brown, 843-810-1150, 843-763-5679, or
Submitted by,
Soror Tarangula B. Scott
Committee: Program
Executive Meeting _______ Regular Meeting ____X___ Date: March 9, 2013
Announcement____________ Report ____X______ Recommendation ______
Gamma Sigma Omega Chapter Update
I. Emerging Young Leaders Initiative – the chairpersons are Ashle’ King and Courtney Eaton
 The EYL members attended the Grand Festival Day on Saturday, February 9, 2013, at the
Civic Center from 12 noon to 3:00pm.
 The EYL members will meet following our chapter meeting today at the West Broad
YMCA and the theme is “Teen Self-Esteem /Because You’re Worth it in the Mirror
II. Health Initiative- the chairpersons are LaTanya Thompson and Lorna Jackson.
 The Sorors participated in the “Great Savannah Clean up” on March 2, 2013 in AKA GSO
Adopt A Park. Wells Park is located on 38th and Montgomery Streets. The sorors managed
the staging area, coordinated the volunteers, and managed the Registration and
Refreshment tables. A special thanks to……
Queen Barnes
Ethel Hunter
Virginia Parham
Juanita Denson
Terri Lewis
Diann Scott
Eleanor Ginn
LaTanya Thompson Moore
Honey Don’t Caleb Nixon
Renee Grant
Kimberly Nixon
Honey Don’t KiaraNixon
 American Heart Month (Health) -Power to End Stroke and Cardiovascular Disease
Awareness Month Thursday Trot - Walking club every Thursday at 5:30pm at Daffin
Park- Bee Road and Victory Drive.
 On March 7, 2013, the walkers participated in the joint event of Sigma Tau and Gamma
Sigma Omega Chapters “Take Back to the Night Walk”.
 Below is an updated list for the Adopt-A-Park Press Conference, a few sorors names were
omitted. Again, Thanks to all who attended. Updated List (2-12-13)
Queen Barnes
Carol Bell
Patricia Clark
Mary Coleman
Alberta Collier
Emma Conyers
Johnye Gillans
Eleanor Ginn
Renee Grant
Ethel Hunter
Alvernia Jackson
Vanessa Kaigler
Terri Lewis
Betty Milledge
Melinda Miller
Annette Mitchell
Virginia Parham
Margaret Pearson
Emma Preer
Diann Scott
Tara Scott-Brown
Dorothy Speed
Clemontine Washington
Vedelle Williams
Dorothy Wilson
III. Economic Security Initiative – the chairperson is Denise Cooper.
 Housing Fair April 27, 2013 – Our chapter will partner with EOA Savannah and City of
Savannah to present a Housing Fair. The event will be held from 8:30am to 1:00pm. The
theme is “Spring into Homeownership” and the event is open to the public. Committee
members attended the steering meeting this morning at 10:00am at EOA Savannah. Soror
Renee, Soror Tara and Soror Denise Cooper are the chairs for the Donations and Gifts
committee. Sorors are needed to assist with the Registration and Refreshments tables.
IV. Social Justice and Human Rights Initiative – the chairperson is Clemontine Washington.
 The following Sorors attended the Greenbriar Children’s Center Board of Directors Annual
Meeting & Awards Meeting and Awards Luncheon on Wednesday, February 27, 2013 at
Eudora M. Allen
Johnye W. Gillans
Virginia M. Parham
Carol Bell
Janie B Bruen
Mary Coleman
S. Renee Grant
Charlene Jones
Annette Mitchell
Taqwaa F. Saleem
Diann Scott
Clemontine F. Washington
Albertha Collier
Jessie Collier DeLoach
Eleanor Murdock
Dorothy B. Wilson
Congratulations to Soror Annette Mitchell as the Greenbriar Children Center Volunteer of
the year. (Community Service hours for Top Ladies of Distinction)
Congratulations to Soror Clemontine F. Washington, she was installed as the President of
the Board of Directors for Greenbriar Children Center. Soror Dorothy Wilson, Soror
Virginia Parham and Soror Johnye W. Gillans were in charge of the Installation Services.
2. On March 7, 2013, Sigma Tau and Gamma Sigma Omega Chapters hosted “Take Back
the Night Walk” in observance of Women’s Empowerment Month. A special thanks to
those Sorors that participated. The following sorors were present:
3. Gamma Sigma Omega Chapter will participate in the Women’s Suffrage March hosted
by Savannah Alumnae Chapter, Delta Nu and Tau Alpha Collegiate Chapters of Delta
Sigma Theta on March 23, 2013 at 10:00am at Forsyth Park. All sorors are asked wear
comfortable shoes and AKA paraphernalia.
Global Poverty Initiative – the chairpersons are Taqwaa Saleem and Terri Lewis.
1. National Can Food Month – On February 15, 2013, Gamma Sigma Omega presented of
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority donated non perishable food to Blessings in a Book Bag as
part of the Global Poverty initiative. These items were donated during the February Joint
The Global Poverty Committee wishes
to thank those Sorors who generously
donated to Blessing In A Book Bag Inc.
Blessings In A Book Bag Inc. is a nonprofit organization based out of Savannah, GA
at Bartow Elementary that assists over 50 children and their families every Friday
with a bag filled with non perishable food to sustain them over the weekend.
Blessing In A Book Bag Inc. is designed to feed elementary school children on the
weekends whose families qualify for the Free & Reduced Meal Plan and have little
or no food to eat on the weekends. Better test scores, improved reading skills,
positive behavior, improved health and increased attendance have all been
attributed to the success of this program. It costs $80 to feed one American school
child in our program for an entire 38-week school year.
2. The Old Savannah City Mission is a local 501 (c)(3) funded by people who care about the
less fortunate and demonstrate it by giving of their time, talent and treasure. The Old
Savannah City Mission works with a bare-bone Staff of seven employees. These dedicated
servants work with hundreds of volunteers to deliver services to our community most
vulnerable and needy citizens in a highly cost effective way. The Old Savannah Mission is
located on 2414 Bull Street.
The Global Poverty Committee wishes to thank those Sorors who volunteered to participate
at the Old Savannah City Mission. Gamma Sigma Omega and Sigma Tau chapters
volunteer to serve meals at the Old Savannah City Mission the first Monday of each month.
A special thanks to the following sorors who served meals on March 4, 2013.
Queen Barnes
Margaret A. Pearson
Patrese Jackson - Sigma Tau
Lakyah Hatcher
April Scott
Erika Moultrie - Sigma Tau
Terri Lewis
Audrey B. Singleton
Amanda Smith - Sigma Tau
Virginia M. Parham
Dorothy D. Speed
Christian Upkins - Sigma Tau
Don’t forget to have your Smart buck validated at each GSO Program event that you attend. At
the end of year, the Soror who attended the most GSO Program events will win a prize.
Submitted by
Soror Renee Grant
Committee: Protocol
Executive Meeting: ____
Regular Meeting: ____X___
Date: ___3/9/2013____
Announcement: ___
Report: __X__ Recommendation: _______
South Atlantic Regional Conference Protocol reminders:
1. Business attire, unless otherwise noted, is required for plenary sessions. Flip-flop type
shoes and sneakers are unacceptable.
2. Sorors must wear their badge for all meetings and events.
3. Only members with badges will be admitted to plenary sessions.
4. Stand for the procession of dais members.
5. Receive the Regional Director and Supreme Basileus by standing when they are
6. Refrain from walking during dais introductions, the meditation and when the Regional
Director of the Supreme Basileus is giving her address to the delegation
7. Respect designated seating for delegates, Diamond/Golden Sorors, the physically
challenged and reserved seating for conference guests.
8. Turn off all electronic communication devices. Please step out of the meeting if you
must use a phone.
9. Table hostesses are beneficial during meal functions to remind us to keep quiet during
presentations and/or performances at the dais.
10. Please be considerate of other conference attendees and take only ONE
gift when they are distributed at functions.
11. Refrain from overloading your plate during receptions. One of two of each food item
is appropriate.
12. Must purchase ticket to attend all paid meal functions including Mary Shy Scott
Leadership Breakfast, Norma Solomon White Legacy Luncheon, Undergraduate
Luncheon (except Undergraduates) and Golden/Silver Star Reception.
Conference Attire
60 Sister-to-Sister Fun Night
EAF Luncheon
Committee Meetings
Pre-Conference Workshop
Diamond/Golden/Silver Star
Public Meeting
Mary Shy Scott Leadership
Plenary Sessions
Solomon White Legacy Luncheon
Step Show and Stroll Competition
Undergraduate Luncheon
Plenary Sessions
Dinner/Dance Gala
Ivy Beyond the Wall Ceremony
Ecumenical Worship Service
Closing Plenary Session
Submitted by,
Soror LaShawna K. Mullgrav
AKA Paraphernalia
Business Green/White
Business Casual
Business Casual
Ritzy with Silver and/or Gold
Business (No pants for Rededication
Casual/AKA Paraphernalia
Chapter Business Attire
Seasonal White dress or suit (no color
trim), white shoes, and complimentary
Pants and hats are not permitted
Continuing to Support the “Sole” of Our
Alpha Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement Foundation, Inc.
2013 South Atlantic Region Shoe Rally Fundraiser
February 12th to April 2nd
Size 10….Soror you’re in!
Size 9….Soror you’re too fine!
Size 8….Soror you’re looking great!
Size 7….Soror you must be from heaven!
Size 6….Soror you’re in the mix!
Size 5… Soror you’ve arrived!
Sorors – we are seeking 100% participation in the South Atlantic Region’s 2013 Educational
Advancement Foundation fundraiser -- “Supporting the Sole of Our Future” Shoe Rally!
All you have to do is generously contribute your shoe size to EAF – that’s it!
Let’s step out together in support of the “sole” of our future – the education of our youth!
Sorors of Gamma Sigma Omega, your “sole “ful participation is requested. Please wear your
pink, green or pink and green shoes to the March Sorority meeting. You will receive a special
recognition. Those who contribute their shoe size will have your name place in a live drawing for
Thank you for your “sole”ful support!
Please make your check payable to: GSO-EAF and on the memo line write, “Educational Advancement
Officer: _____Monifa Johnson___________
Committee: __Connections_______
Executive Meeting: _____
Regular Meeting: ___X__
Date: __________3/9/13______
Announcement: _______
Report: __X___
Recommendation: _______
Over 270 sorors from across the State of Georgia participated in the Georgia AKA Day at the
Capitol 2013. Eleven sorors from Gamma Sigma Omega Chapter were in attendance: Connie
Cooper, Denise Cooper, Taqwaa Saleem, Diann Scott, Annie Mahone, Henrietta Gray, Audrey
Singleton, Virginia Parham, Terri Lewis, Monifa Johnson and Tarangula Scott, Basileus. Two
undergraduate sorors from Sigma Tau were also in attendance: Patrese Jackson, Basileus and
Amanda Smith, Connections Chairman.
Photos courtesy of Soror Terri Lewis
Committee/Officer: Graduate Advisor—SSU
Executive Meeting____ Regular Meeting X
Report X
Graduate Advisor: Soror Patricia Clark
Date: March 9, 2013
February 2013 Activities of Gamma Upsilon Chapter
Wednesday, January 30, 2013, our regional director, Soror Marsha Lewis Brown emailed Supreme
Basileus Soror Carolyn House Stewart, Sorors Nicole Barrett, Patricia Watkins, Patricia Clark, Zena
McClain, Gladys Feely Robinson, Melanie Bales, and Jean Hickman advising of the pending SITE
Investigation of Gamma Upsilon Chapter the weekend of February 22-24, 2013. Members of the
investigation team are Gladys Feely Robinson, Team Leader, Melanie Key Bales, and Jean Hickman.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013, 10:00 p.m. The Savannah State University Greek Life Office, Mr. Shed
Dawson, Coordinator, held a second emergency called meeting with Gamma Upsilon Chapter.
The following attended the meeting:
Mr. Shed Dawson, Jr., Facilitator, Coordinator of Greek Life
Mr. Desmond Stowe, Member of the SSU Hazing Work Group
Lt. R. Hall, Member of the SSU Hazing Work Group
Attorney J. Steffens, SSU Legal Council
Mr. Shaunce Riley, On-Campus AKA Advisor
Ms .Patricia Clark, AKA Graduate Advisor, Gamma Upsilon Chapter
The purpose of this meeting was to inform Gamma Upsilon Chapter that it is still on suspension.
Wednesday, February 19, 2013 Thirteen (13) members of Gamma Upsilon Chapter received official
notice of a Summary Suspension which ordered them to vacate all university premises immediately. The
students were allowed to return to campus Saturday, February 23, 2013 to attend the SITE investigation
The SITE Team completed its investigation Sunday, February 24, 2013. Team Leader informed the
Gamma Upsilon Graduate Advisor that her report will be completed in approximately 30 days then sent to
the regional director who will probably review with two (2) weeks (this will be done probably after the
regional conference). A final report will probably be sent to Gamma Upsilon by early May 2013.
SITE Team Leader Gladys Robinson advised Gamma Upsilon Chapter that they will remain on the
Savannah State University Suspension until Alpha Kappa Alpha makes its decisions based on the
Thank you to all Gamma Sigma Omega Chapter Graduate Council Members for taking time from your
busy schedule to participate in the investigation interviews, and to assist with maintaining order with
Gamma Upsilon Chapter as requested by Team Leader Gladys Robinson.
Submitted by,
Patricia J. Clark
Committee/Officer: Graduate Advisor– AASU Graduate Advisor: Soror Audrey B. Singleton
Executive Meeting _ _ Regular Meeting X__ Date March 9, 2013
Announcement ________ Report _X_ Recommendation ___________
March’s Spotlight
Pink Goes Red!
On Feb.8, 2013, Sigma tau members conducted “A Valentine Social” for the EYLs at Bartlett
Middle School. The topic for the day dealt with Middle School Expectations for the remaining of
the school year. In observance of American Heart Month, Soror Hailee discussed heart disease
with the girls and presented each of them a red ribbon. Afterward, the girls made jewelry boxes
for their mothers for valentine. Members present were Sorors Hailee, Amanda, Samecia,
Aukiera, Jatoria, Erika, Jontavia, Stanasia, Shonique, Demetra and Soror Singleton.
This is mid-term exam week and sorors are usually stressed during this time. Soror Hailee
presented a workshop entitled “How Can I Manage Stress?” on February 24, 2013. This
workshop was also in observance of American Heart Month. Topics discussed were What is
stress?, How does stress make you feel?, How can I cope with it? and How can I live a more
relaxed life? It was an interested workshop.
Second Harvest Food Bank: On Friday, Mar. 1st, the members donated 83 pounds of canned and
parish foods to the Second Harvest Food Bank. Sorors Jatinique, Christian and Patrese presented
the canned goods. Soror Singleton was also present.
Old Savannah City Mission:
On Monday, March 4, 2013, 4 members of Sigma Tau Chapter and 8 members of Gamma Sigma
Omega Chapter served dinner to the residents at Old Savannah City Mission. Sorors present
were (Sigma Tau Chapter) Amanda Smith, Christian Upkins, Erica Moultrie, Patrese Jackson and
advisor, Audrey Singleton; (Gamma Sigma Omega Chapter) Virginia Parham, Dorothy Speed,
April Scott, Margaret Pearson, Queen Barnes, LaKyah Hatcher, Terri Lewis and Audrey Singleton.
There were also 5 members from William and Mary College in Williamsburg, VA.
In observance of Women’s Empowerment Month, Sigma Tau and Gamma Sigma Omega
Chapter will team together to present a “Take Back The Night Walk” on Thursday, Mar.7, 2013
at 6:00 on AASU’s campus. This event is to raise awareness and fight to end sexual assault,
domestic violence, dating violence, sexual abuse and all other forms of sexual violence.
In observance of Black History Month, Sigma Tau members participated in College Week at
Shuman Elementary School by reading to kindergarten students and discussing academic goals
and preparations for college to the fifth graders. They were presented a certificate for their
participation. Members participated were: Sorors Hailee, Erika, Patrese, Samecia, Jatinique and
On February 18, 2013, Sorors Patrese Jackson, Basileus and Amanda Smith, Connection
Chairman, attended AKA Day at the Capitol. The information received was very useful. Soror
Amanda has start making plans to utilize her position as Connection Chairman. Also present was
Soror Singleton, Graduate Advisor of Sigma Tau Chapter.
Sigma Tau Chapter celebrated with Gamma Sigma Omega at their Founders’ Day Program. After
the program, they met Soror Ella Springs Jones and she gave them a few words of advice and
encouragement. Members present were Sorors Demetra Squires, Shonique Dunn, Bresa Daise,
Amanda Smith, Cleo Usry, Christian Upkins, Jatinique Lucas, Patrese Jackson and Erica Moultrie.
Also Sorors Singleton and Stallings, advisors.
Sigma Tau Chapter held their Annual Founders’ Day Program on Sunday, March 3, 2013 at 4:00 p.m.
The speaker was Soror Emma Conyers. She was very good and if you didn’t attend, you missed a
magnificent speech. Soror Terri Lewis was surprised with an Appreciation of Service plaque. Thanks
to Gamma Sigma Omega for all your support and love for Sigma Tau. Those in attendance were:
Sorors Jessie Collier DeLoach, Johnye Gillans, Terri Lewis, Mary Coleman, Margaret Pearson, Ethel
Hunter, Tarangula Scott, Queen Barnes, Nicole Williams, Taqwaa Saleem, Sheila Hutcherson, Tamika
Wright, Henrietta Gray, Virginia Parham, Diann Scott, Emma Conyers, Ezenwanyi Onwuzuruoha,
Charlene Jones, Maxine Jackson, Ellen Evans, LeKara Simmons and Patricia Clark.
Soror Emma delivering a dynamic speech
Members of Sigma Tau Chapter
 Sigma Tau Chapter hosted the Joint Sorority Meeting with Gama Sigma Omega on Feb. 9, 2013
 Sigma Tau & Gamma Sigma Omega Chapters attended AKA Day at the Capitol on Feb. 18, 2012
 Sigma Tau members attended Gamma Sigma Omega’s Founders’ Day Program on Feb.24, 2013
 Gamma Sigma Omega members attended Sigma Tau’s Founders’ Day Program on Mar. 3, 2013
Submitted by
Soror Audrey B. Singleton
Graduate Advisor, Sigma Tau Chapter
Committee: Founders’ Day
Executive Meeting __X__ Chapter Meeting __X__ Submitted: March 9, 2013
A successful open Founders’ Day Observance and 70th Chapter Anniversary Celebration was held
Sunday, February 24, 2013 at 3pm in the Savannah Ballroom within the King-Frazier Student Center at
Savannah State University. More than one hundred Sorors attended with more than forty guests.
Sorors attending represented Gamma Sigma Omega and Sigma Tau Chapters or were general members
and visiting Sorors. Sorors wore uninterrupted black and GSO members wore chapter corsages. Guests
represented Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity,
Inc. Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc., the Wesleyan Gospel Choir (Savannah State University), and other
community groups. Savannah Mayor Edna Branch Jackson sent a framed letter to the chapter
congratulating them on the celebration. Soror Ella Springs Jones, 16th South Atlantic Regional Director,
came to Savannah with one Soror traveling companion to serve as speaker for the event.
The theme was “Looking Back While Moving Forward: Reflections and Remembrance of Timeless
Service”. Articles with the current chapter photo were printed in Savannah Herald and The Savannah
Tribune highlighting the event.
A rededication (short form) for active Sorors only was held at 2:15pm with Soror Tarangula Barnes Scott
and Soror Ella Springs Jones as the leaders. Soror LaShawna Mullgrav, Protocol Chairman, helped
coordinate the rededication with the Protocol Committee and Founders’ Day Chairman.
During the program Soror Connie S. Cooper, Founders’ Day Co-Chairman, announced the processional
and Soror Margaret Anne Roberts Pearson lead the dais processional into the ballroom. Soror Taqwaa F.
Saleem, Founders’ Day Chairman, presided over the program; Sorors Vanessa M. Kaigler and LaTanya
Thompson Moore did a Founders’ Reflection playing the role of Sorors Ethel Hedgeman Lyle and Nellie
M. Quander; Soror Denise M. Cooper gave the welcome and occasion; Soror Henrietta S. Gray provided
the invocation; Soror Emma Jean Conyers lead the opening selection of “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing”; Soror
Clemontine F. Washington introduced the speaker; Soror Ashle’ S. King introduced the Chapter
Anniversary Tribute; Soror Tarangula Barnes Scott gave closing remarks. Over twenty members of the
Wesleyan Gospel Choir shared a moving selection. No chapter awards were presented at the program.
Soror Tara M. Scott-Brown, Hodegos, helped serve refreshments along with Sorors Terri E. Lewis, Lorna
Jackson, and Margaret Anne Roberts Pearson. Refreshments were provided by the Woodville-Tompkins
Technical and Career High School Culinary Arts students under the advisement of Chef Carl DysonBosier.
Two members of the Delta Eta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and one member of the Alpha
Gamma Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. served as ushers for the program. Soror Terri E. Lewis
served as the event’s photographer and Founders’ Day Committee members were hostesses.
Soror Terri E. Lewis also produced the eloquent and inclusive video presentation highlighting 70 years of
Gamma Sigma Omega from 1943 through 2013. Soror Taqwaa F. Saleem narrated the project and
several former basilei participated in interviews including Sorors Clemontine F. Washington, Johnye W.
Gillans, and Virginia Mercer Parham along with the current chapter basileus Soror Tarangula Barnes
Scott. Gamma Sigma Omega’s 5th basileus, Soror Kathryn Bogan Johnson, participated in a phone
interview with Sorors Terri E. Lewis and Taqwaa F. Saleem. Soror Johnson also attended the event and
was recognized. Several other former basilei graciously donated photos and archived documents for the
After the celebration and reception, Soror Ella was taken to a private dinner at Pearl’s Saltwater Grille.
While visiting, she was gifted with tokens of sisterly appreciation for speaking at the event.
Soror Kimberly Chappell-Stevens, formerly of GSO and now a general member, sent a lovely email of
appreciation and congratulations regarding the event.
The hardworking members of the Founders’ Day Committee were Sorors Taqwaa F. Saleem, Chairman,
Connie S. Cooper, Co-Chairman, Denise M. Cooper, S. Renee Grant, Ashle’ S. King, Terri E. Lewis,
Margaret Anne Roberts Pearson, Tara M. Scott-Brown, Clemontine F. Washington, and Tarangula Barnes
Scott (ex-officio).
Many heartfelt thanks to the committee members, the Protocol Committee, and all Sorors who
participated in and supported the event.
Submitted by,
Soror Taqwaa F. Saleem, Chairman
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Gamma Sigma Omega Chapter
Savannah, Georgia
Officer: Epistoleus Report
Executive Meeting: X
Regular Meeting: X
Report: X
Date: March 9, 2013
The following correspondence(s) were received:
Thanks You Card(s):
The Williams Family wishes to thank all sorors for their support during their time of
UNCF’s Mayor’s Breakfast, Wednesday, March 6, 2013, 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m., Hilton Savannah
Desoto, 15 East Liberty St. Guests: Mayor Edna Jackson and Senator Lester G. Jackson. Host:
Vanguard International.
Special Requests:
Soror Diann B. Scott
Officer: Hodegos
Executive Meeting __X__ Chapter Meeting __X__ Submitted: March 9, 2013
Chapter courtesies (cards) were extended to:
Soror Joyce Dingle – For the Passing of her aunt.
Soror Rebecca Cooper – For the Passing of her niece.
Soror Clemontine Washington – Installation of the Board of Directors for Greenbriar.Children
Center, Inc.
Soror Annette Mitchell – Outstanding Community Service Award for Top Ladies of Distinction,
Inc. awarded by Greenbriar Children Center, Inc.
Chapter Courtesies (flowers) were extended to:
Soror Lydia Young – Hospitalization
Soror Lucille Brown – For the Passing of her mother.
Ivy Beyond the Wall Ceremony – Soror Carolyn Gantt – former Basileus of Gamma Sigma
Omega from 1971-1972.
Kudos to the Sorors of Gamma Sigma Omega and Sigma Tau who served on the February
Sisterly Chefs Team.
Below are the Sorors who are the designated Sisterly Chefs for the March Meeting.
Diann Scott
Queen Barnes
Lakechia Bryant
Michelle M. Gwyn
LaShawna Mullgrav
Terri Lewis
Eudora Allen
Eleanor Murdock
Cheryl Dozier
Neldra Flint
Jacqueline Tomlin
Submitted by,
Soror Tara Scott-Brown, Hodegos
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated
Gamma Sigma Omega Chapter
2013 Projected Sisterly Chefs Schedule as of 3/5/2013
This year our meals will be “Theme Centered”. So we are asking each Committee to work simultaneously with
the Basileus, Anti-Basileus and Membership Chair to provide delicious, health conscious refreshments for
monthly chapter meetings. Whether you’re a master in the kitchen or excellent at dialing a caterer, you are a
sensational Sisterly Chefs!
Jessie Collier DeLoach
Tara Scott-Brown
Margaret Pearson
Taqwaa Saleem
Virginia Parham
Albertha Collier
Sheila Hutcherson
Audrey Singleton
Charlene Jones
Tammy B. Scott
Renee Grant
Melinda Pippen-Miller
Johnye Gillans
Emma Conyers
Patricia Clark
Diann Scott
Queen Barnes
Lakechia Bryant
Michelle M. Gwyn
Terri Lewis
Eudora Allen
Eleanor Murdock
Connie Cooper
Denise Cooper
Ethel Hunter
Lolita Hickman
Brenda Jenkins
Kimberly Nixon
Emma Preer
Henrietta Gray
Eleanor Ginn
Lydia Young
Mary Coleman
Cheryl Dozier
Latondia Gadson
Kellyn McGee
LaSonya Stovall
Maxine Jackson
Rebecca Cooper
Irene Davis
Neldra Flint
Jacqueline Tomlin
Sharon Stallings
Juanita Denson
Dorothy Wilson
Linda Jordan
Denise Weems-White
Wanda Williams
LeKara Simmons
Monifa Johnson
Annie Mahone
Kayla Knight
Carmelita Maynard
Shaneterrica MooreLuckett
Nicole Neal
Annette Mitchell
Dorothy Speed
Carol Gamble
Glenda James
Deonn Stone
Andrea Johnson
Marjory Varnedoe
Joyce Dingle
Ivy Richardson
Jacquelyn Grant
LaVertta Perry
Cora Thompson
Nicole Fields
Ethel Gibbs
Serdalia Singleton
Regina ThomasWilliams
Lois Vedelle Williams
Vanessa Kaigler
Carolyn Russell
Gwendolyn Smith
Carol Bell
Alvernia Jackson
Carolyn Drayton
Cheree Powers
Ellen Evans
Betty Milledge
Lorna Jackson
Courtney Eaton
Emily Crawford
Ashle’ King
Doris D. Wood
Andrea Williams
Hope Johnson
Nicole Williams
Lucille Brown
Janie Bruen
Johnnie Holmes
Julie Jackson
Annie Jackson
Tanesha Lester
April Scott
The Hodegos is available to work with the Soror requested to chair each month. If those Sorors requested to chair are
unable to serve in that capacity, please let the Hodegos know ASAP so that adjustments may be made.
Thank you for your continued sisterly support!
The chair for each month is asked to coordinate the menu with Basileus, Anti-Basileus, Membership
Chair and the Sorors on her team as well as set-up, serve (optional), and clean-up refreshments at the
meeting so that we will all be on one accord. The chair should also let the Hodegos know what serving
supplies are needed so that she may coordinate the retrieval of those available items from the chapter’s
storage unit.
*Each Sisterly Chefs team is entitled to a budgeted allowance of $90. Please save all receipts
and submit them to the Hodegos at or before each monthly chapter meeting so that she may
complete and submit a voucher for approval and reimbursement (up to that $90). The chair will
coordinate the use of the allotted funds and collection of necessary receipts. *
“And we work with a smile…”
Submitted by Soror Tara Scott-Brown, Hodegos
912.441.9555 Mobile Email Address
Basileus – Tarangula Barnes Scott
Anti-Basileus – S. Renee Grant
Grammateus – Mary Coleman
Anti-Grammateus – Virginia Parham
Epistoleus – Diann Scott
Tamiouchos – Emma Conyers
Anti-Tamiouchos/EAF Captain – Charlene Jones
Pecunious Grammateus – Sheila Hutcherson
Member-at-Large – Annie Mahone
Parliamentarian – Johnye Gillans
Philacter – Melinda Pippen Miller
Ivy Leaf Reporter – Eudora Allen
Hodegos – Tara Scott-Brown
Historian – Nicole Williams
Chaplain – Henrietta Gray
Graduate Advisor, SSU – Patricia Clark
Assistant Graduate Advisor, SSU – Clemontine Washington
Graduate Advisor, AASU – Audrey Singleton
Assistant Graduate Advisor, AASU – Sharon Stallings
Pan-Hellenic Representatives – Hope Johnson & Courtney Eaton
Archives – Nicole Williams
Budget – Emma Conyers
Connection – Monifa Johnson
Bylaws – Johnye Gillans
Executive – Tarangula Scott
Graduate Advisory- Patricia Clark & Audrey Singleton
Hospitality – Tara Scott-Brown
Social – Margaret Ann Pearson
Protocol – LaShawna Mullgrav
Membership – Clemontine Washington & Michelle Mincey-Gywn
Nominating – Connie Cooper
Program – S. Renee Grant
Emerging Young Leaders Initiative – Ashle’ King
Health Initiative – LaTanya Thompson & Lorna Jackson
Global Poverty Initiative – Taqwaa Saleem & Terri Lewis
Economic Security Initiative – Denise Cooper
Social Justice & Human Rights Initiative – Clemontine Washington
Public Relations – Eudora Allen
Standards – Vanessa Kaigler
Technology – Sharon Stallings
Mentoring – Lolita Hickman
Ad-Hoc Committees
Awards – Audrey Singleton
Audit – Taqwaa Saleem
Founders’ Day – Taqwaa Saleem & Connie Cooper