QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ TABLE OF CONTENTS Regional Director’s Letter Supreme Basileus’ Letter Conference Chairman and Northern Western Virginia Cluster Coordinator Conference Co-Chairman, Operations Letter Conference Co-Chairman, Programs Letter Conference Co-Chairman, Undergraduate Activities Letter Conference Host Chapters 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 GENERAL INFORMATION Regional Conference Contacts Important Dates & Deadlines Conference Attire Conference Travel Checklist Golden Café Conference Protocol Conference Vendors 11 12 16 17 18 19 20 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION & SCHEDULE Conference at Glance Conference Workshops Conference Registration Information Conference Health Planning Checklist Conference Emergency Contact Form Conference Hotel Conference Transportation Conference Mobility Information 22 24 30 34 35 36 41 42 CHAPTER RESPONIBILITIES & INFORMATION MARC Service Project MARC Service Project Form New Dimensions of Leadership –Fellows Program Financial Officers Certification Training Graduate Advisor’s Certification Training MARC-EAF Fundraiser Parliamentary Procedure Training Session Basilei Training Institute Form Delegate Certification Form Chapter Submission & Award Assessment Form Chapter Eligibility Form Launching New Dimensions of Service Program Awards Chapter Exhibit Submission Form Jewel’s Recognition Form Ivy Beyond the Wall Form Proposed Constitution and Bylaws Amendments Form Proposed Recommendations & Resolutions Form Souvenir Advertisement Form for Chapters and Sorors Souvenir Advertisement Form for Organizations and Businesses Undergraduate Step Show Guidelines MARC Platinum Pearls Club Form MARC Music Form Chapter Travel Form Regional Conference Committee Responsibilities & Participation Form Workshop Facilitator & Recorder Responsibilities Form 44 45 46 48 49 55 57 59 60 62 63 64 66 67 68 69 71 72 73 74 77 79 80 81 85 SPECIAL EVENTS Jazzercise Leadership Breakfast Jewel’s Luncheon Ivy Daze-EU Step Show EAF Breakfast Undergraduate Awards and Honor Luncheon Ivy Nights Worship & Closing Breakfast Children’s Events Men’s Activities Flying Squirrels Baseball Game MAR Inaugural Golf Tournament Downtown Richmond Restaurant Guide 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority INCORPORATED Alpha Kappa Alpha Corporate Office • 5656 South Stony Island Avenue • Chicago, IL 60637-1906 • (773) 684-1282 • Fax (773) 288-8251 Office of: Joyce Henderson Mid-Atlantic Regional Director 5911 Edsall Rd. #411 Alexandria, VA 22304 Home: (703) 370-0426 Cell: (703) 901-4091 E-mail: jhenderson@aka1908.com Sorors of the Marvelous Mid-­‐Atlantic Region: Welcome to the 62nd Mid-­‐Atlantic Regional Conference, “We’re on the Move: Together Toward Tomorrow!” As the Regional Director, I am honored to serve in this capacity and pleased that you have joined us for this conference, one that I hope will provide an enriching environment for our special community of women dedicated to sisterhood and service to all mankind. We assemble here as sorors with a responsibility to continue Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority’s one hundred seven years of excellence in public service. In this spirit, we come together to learn how to better promote academic achievement, healthy relationships among college and professional women and public service in the global community. Therefore, I encourage undergraduate and graduate chapters to join forces to share best practices and creative strategies for implementing the Supreme Basileus Soror Dorothy Buckhanan Wilson’s international program, “Launching New Dimensions of Service.” I applaud the host chapters and sorors of the Northern Western Virginia Cluster for their stellar work in planning the series of workshops, meetings, and luncheons to offer you a productive and enjoyable experience. In fact, the events will conclude with an empowering Ecumenical Service featuring Grammy Award winning singer Karen Clark-­‐Sheard. This conference represents the culmination of our region’s accomplishments, and also signifies an important moment to inspire a stronger commitment to excellence in sisterhood and supreme service. As we conduct the business of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®, let us work together to elevate our region toward greater heights by contributing our talents; for we all have a role to play together as we move toward the shining light of tomorrow. I look forward to working with you on our journey to fulfill my motto, “To Lead Is To Serve!” Enjoy the Conference…We’re On the Move! Sisterly yours, Soror Joyce Henderson Mid-­‐Atlantic Regional Director 2 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, INCORPORATED® Alpha Kappa Alpha Corporate Office ▪ 5656 South Stony Island Avenue ▪ Chicago, IL 60637-1997 ▪ (773) 684-1282 OFFICE OF: Dorothy Buckhanan Wilson Supreme Basileus P.O. Box 250841 Milwaukee, WI 53225 December 11, 2014 Soror Joyce Henderson Mid-Atlantic Regional Director 5911 Edsall Road #411 Alexandria, VA 22304 Greetings Sorors! Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® is at the halfway mark of our inaugural year of Launching New Dimensions of Service! Sorors have embraced the new theme by focusing on community outreach and our mission of sisterhood and service to all mankind. This April, The Marvelous Mid-Atlantic Region will host its 62nd Regional Conference in Richmond, VA -- this will also be the first regional conference led by your newly installed Mid-Atlantic Regional Director. With Regional Director, Soror Joyce Henderson at the helm, sorors from 124 chapters throughout Virginia and North Carolina will be asked to absorb the information and training provided at the regional conference to ensure a successful program year in their local chapters. The following items are key points all sorors should be focused on in preparation for the conference: Attendance is a must! Being fully engaged regional conference attendees will prepare sorors to effectively run their chapters, and will allow them to develop professionally and personally as leaders within the organization and in their community. This venue allows us to share best practices in planning our service programs. Many chapters host the same events. However, they may execute them differently or more effectively. We will have an opportunity to delve into how to best promote our programs through outreach, stakeholder engagement and efficient utilization of our resources. All sorors have voices and are valued, whether we are Undergraduate or Graduate members. We have committed ourselves to our great sisterhood, and in attending regional conferences, all generations have the ability to come together, learn from one another, and celebrate Alpha Kappa Alpha. We must always remember that her perpetuity exists because of our membership and sisterly engagement with one another. I look forward to seeing you at the upcoming conference, as we collectively work to enhance our sorority knowledge, empower one another as you converge in Richmond, and provide service to all mankind! Sisterly yours, Soror Dorothy Buckhanan Wilson Soror Dorothy Buckhanan Wilson Supreme Basileus 3 y It is an honor and pleasure to invite you to attend the 62nd Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference on behalf of the sorors of the Northern Western Virginia Cluster. We are excited to host the Conference in the home cluster of our Regional Director, Soror Joyce Henderson. Sorors, we are on the move towards “Launching New Dimensions of Service.” Join us in Richmond to fellowship with your sorors from across the region as we continue to learn about Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated. The sorors of the Northern Western Virginia Cluster have been working very hard to make this Conference an enjoyable, fresh, and exciting experience for all in attendance. Richmond is located in the heart of Virginia and you will feel the flavor of all of the cities of the Northern Western Virginia Cluster while you’re there. I would like to thank Madam Regional Director, Soror Joyce Henderson, for allowing me to serve as the Chairman of this Conference. It has been an awesome experience to work with the sorors in the Northern Western Virginia Cluster. A very special “thank you” to Soror Tracey D. Watkins, Co-Chairman, Programs and Soror Nieta Scott Dunmore, Co-Chairman Operations, and Soror Destini Orr, CoChairman for Undergraduate Activities for their dedication in making this a successful Conference - planned just for you. The planning would not have occurred without the talented and dedicated sorors of the Northern Western Virginia Cluster, who have worked tirelessly to make this a conference to remember. Sorors, pack your bags, make your hotel reservation and map out your trip to Richmond, VA. We look forward to seeing you in April. With Sisterly Love and Admiration, Soror Michelle M. Jones RICHMOND, VIRGINIA y “We’re On the Move – Together Toward Tomorrow” My Dear Sorors of the Marvelous Mid-Atlantic Region: 62ND MID-ATLANTIC REGIONAL CONFERENCE Michelle M. Jones, Conference Chairman Nieta Scott-Dunmore, Conference, Co-Chairman, Operations Tracey D. Watkins, Conference Co-Chairman, Programs Destini Orr, Co-Chairman, Undergraduate Activities APRIL 9-12, 2015 Joyce Henderson, Mid-Atlantic Regional Director y I am honored and humbled to be your Co-Chairman of Operations for the 62nd Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference. I want to welcome all of my sisters to The Commonwealth of Virginia and its capital, RICHMOND….The River City!!! From the shorelines of the James River and Manchester Docks in Shockhoe Bottom, where slaves were upon auction blocks, to the exquisite skyline which includes museums, banks, monuments and the post-civil war predominantly African-American neighborhood, Jackson Ward, the Northern Western Virginia Cluster welcomes you. The sorors of this Cluster are letting” nothing stand in our way,” in order to make this Regional Conference, with a Northern Virginia City flavor, one of the most exciting events this century. As sorors and our “sister’s keeper,” we all set personal standards that are high and seek lofty challenges which mandate excellence in everything we do for our illustrious organization, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated.® And just as three great Richmond natives, Maggie L. Walker, Bill “Bojangles” Robinson and Arthur Ashe recreated our culture and history, we embrace the vision to “move ahead” and focus upon unchartered territories. The “movers and shakers” of this Conference rest within the Operations team, as our duties and responsibilities focus upon the decorative sights of each event, technologically sound presentations, transportation ease, the One Million Backpacks service project, courtesies and hospitality, as well a well-publicized conference from Richmond to the cities to our North. One of the highlights of this conference is the Grand Opening of the Golden Café...a place for quiet, rest and sisterly conversations with our precious Golden Sorors. Get excited, Sorors, as this conference will boast in excess of 50 vendors for your shopping pleasure and in excess of 2000 of your “gorgeous” sisters! “Ain’t No Stopping Us Now,” Sorors….WE ARE ON THE MOVE…Together Towards Tomorrow! On behalf of the Operations Team of Portfolio Coordinators, Committee Chairmen, Co-Chairmen and Committee Members….WELCOME TO RICHMOND!! Sisterly, Soror Nieta J. Scott-Dunmore, Delta Omega Chapter Petersburg, Virginia RICHMOND, VIRGINIA y “We’re On the Move – Together Toward Tomorrow” Sorors of the MARVELOUS Mid-Atlantic Region 62ND MID-ATLANTIC REGIONAL CONFERENCE Michelle M. Jones, Conference Chairman Nieta Scott-Dunmore, Conference, Co-Chairman, Operations Tracey D. Watkins, Conference Co-Chairman, Programs Destini Orr, Co-Chairman, Undergraduate Activities APRIL 9-12, 2015 Joyce Henderson, Mid-Atlantic Regional Director y Welcome to the 62nd Mid-Atlantic Conference! This Marvelous Conference has been planned to fulfill your Alpha Kappa Alpha needs. The Program Committees have made a checklist and checked it twice. Training and Workshops? Check…we have informative sessions designed to strengthen your knowledge of our Sorority and its programs. Leadership development? Check….from our Certification classes to our Leadership Breakfast, you will have opportunities to hone your leadership skills and add to your Sorority resume. Silver and Gold on the horizon? Check…join us at the regal Jewels Luncheon. Sisterly Relations? Fellowship? Check and check…we have exciting events that include Friday night’s “Ivy Daze” with EU featuring Sugar Bear and Saturday’s glamorous “Ivy Nights” Gala. From Thursday’s Public Meeting to the worshipful atmosphere of Sunday’s Closing Breakfast, we have built it for you to come! As the Programs Chairman, it has been my sincere pleasure to work with the most dedicated and committed sorors in this Region. Working day and night, they have ensured that this Conference will be one to remember and filled with crisp concepts and world-class ideas. Special thanks to our Regional Director, Soror Joyce Henderson, our Conference Chairman, Soror Michelle Jones, Conference Co-Chairman for Operations, Soror Nieta Scott-Dunmore and Soror Destini Orr, Co-Chairman for Undergraduate Activities, for the wonderful opportunity to serve in this capacity. I am grateful and appreciative for this exceptional experience. Sorors, this is your Conference. As Graduate and Undergraduate members and leaders of our beloved Sorority, we truly recognize the time and talent it takes to make our Sorority flourish. Because of this, we hope that this Conference nourishes your spirit, increases your knowledge and tickles you pink. Sisterly Always, Soror Tracey D. Watkins, Co-Chairman - Programs RICHMOND, VIRGINIA y “We’re On the Move – Together Toward Tomorrow” Dearest Sorors, 62ND MID-ATLANTIC REGIONAL CONFERENCE Michelle M. Jones, Conference Chairman Nieta Scott-Dunmore, Conference, Co-Chairman, Operations Tracey D. Watkins, Conference Co-Chairman, Programs Destini Orr, Co-Chairman, Undergraduate Activities APRIL 9-12, 2015 Joyce Henderson, Mid-Atlantic Regional Director y I am Soror Destini Orr, the CoChairman for Undergraduate Activities for our 62nd MidAtlantic Regional Conference and is with great excitement, that I invite you to Richmond, VA where sorors from the Northern Western Virginia Cluster are waiting to greet you with smiles, hugs, and sisterly love upon your arrival. The Virginia Tourism Associations says that, “Virginia is for Lovers,” and I am sure you will agree that Virginia loves Alpha Kappa Alpha, Sorority, Inc. It is through this love that we will launch “New Dimensions of Service” while sharing the vision of Alpha Kappa Alpha’s programs through our Conference activities. During the past few months, we have been busy planning activities for your enjoyment. We are more than confident that this will be an enjoyable and memorable weekend with sorors from the Mid-Atlantic Region. As we continue to excel and build upon our foundation, I ask each of you to take the time to remember the true meaning of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® and to get ready to feel the sisterly love that awaits you. Enjoy the Conference! Sisterly, Soror Destini Orr, Co-Chairman Undergraduate Activities RICHMOND, VIRGINIA y “We’re On the Move – Together Toward Tomorrow” Greetings, Mid-Atlantic Sorors: 62ND MID-ATLANTIC REGIONAL CONFERENCE Michelle M. Jones, Conference Chairman Nieta Scott-Dunmore, Conference, Co-Chairman, Operations Tracey D. Watkins, Conference Co-Chairman, Programs Destini Orr, Co-Chairman, Undergraduate Activities APRIL 9-12, 2015 Joyce Henderson, Mid-Atlantic Regional Director QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ +267('%< 7+(1257+(51:(67(519,5*,1,$&/867(5 Soror Joyce Henderson Mid-Atlantic Regional Director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Archie McCorkle 9763 Mallard Glen Drive Charlotte, NC 28262 0$,/72 6RURU-HQQLIHU&RQJOHWRQ 5R\DO'ULYH :LQWHUYLOOH1& 0$,/726RURU.LPEHUO\&RQQHU 0LG$WODQWLF)LQDQFLDO6HFUHWDU\ 32%R[ $OH[DQGULD9$ 6RURU/XOD+LFNV 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQ7UHDVXUHU ILQDQFH#PLGDWODQWLFDNDRUJ 6RURU,UHQH/RJDQ OIORJDQ#FRPFDVWQHW 5HJXODU5HJLVWUDWLRQ )HEUXDU\ /DWH5HJLVWUDWLRQ 0DUFK )HEUXDU\ February 28, 2015 )HEUXDU\ )HEUXDU\ 0DUFK 0DUFK 0$,/726RURU1DGLQH9DUJDV6WHZDUW 0LG$WODQWLF($)5HJLRQDO&RRUGLQDWRU 'HHS&HGDU'ULYH :HQGHOO1& 0DUFK 6RURU-DFNLH5RXQGWUHH MURXQGWUHH#DROFRP )HEUXDU\ &ODVVVL]HOLPLWHGWRSDUWLFLSDQWV QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ *HQHUDO,QIRUPDWLRQ :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQ&RQIHUHQFH$WWLUH 7KXUVGD\ $SULO± ³&KDSWHU3ULGH'D\´ &RQIHUHQFH$WWHQGHHV5HJLVWUDQWV &KDSWHU6KLUWVDQG3DUDSKHUQDOLD *UDGXDWH$GYLVRUV¶,QVWLWXWH± /HYHO, %XVLQHVV&DVXDO$WWLUH *UDGXDWH$GYLVRUV¶,QVWLWXWH/HYHO,, %XVLQHVV&DVXDO$WWLUH 3DUOLDPHQWDULDQ&HUWLILFDWLRQ:RUNVKRS %XVLQHVV&DVXDO$WWLUH )LQDQFLDO2IILFHU&HUWLILFDWLRQ:RUNVKRS %XVLQHVV&DVXDO$WWLUH 67(0QRORJ\6HPLQDU± 2SHQWR6RURUVDQG*XHVWV %XVLQHVV&DVXDO$WWLUH 3XEOLF0HHWLQJ5HFHSWLRQ %XVLQHVV$WWLUH 3XEOLF0HHWLQJ %XVLQHVV$WWLUH )ULGD\ $SULO :KLWH'D\ ZLWK /1'6 6FDUI DQG 3LQ /HDGHUVKLS%UHDNIDVW %XVLQHVV$WWLUH ,Y\%H\RQGWKH:DOO5HGHGLFDWLRQ 5LWXDO:KLWHQRSDQWV )LUVW3OHQDU\6HVVLRQ -HZHOV¶/XQFKHRQ 6HFRQG3OHQDU\6HVVLRQ )ULGD\1LJKW(YHQW(8IHDWXULQJ6XJDU%HDU 8QGHUJUDGXDWH6WHS6KRZ0L[HU :KLWH$WWLUHZLWK/1'66FDUIDQG3LQ %XVLQHVV$WWLUH&HOHEUDWRU\$WWLUH %XVLQHVV$WWLUHZLWK/1'66FDUIDQG3LQ ¶V$WWLUH +%&83DUDSKHUQDOLD$.$3DUDSKHUQDOLD 6DWXUGD\$SULO 3LQNDQG*UHHQ'D\´ ($)%UHDNIDVW :RUNVKRS6HVVLRQV 8QGHUJUDGXDWHV¶$ZDUGV+RQRUV/XQFKHRQ 7KLUG3OHQDU\6HVVLRQ ³,Y\1LJKWV´*DOD %XVLQHVV$WWLUH %XVLQHVV$WWLUH %XVLQHVV$WWLUH %XVLQHVV$WWLUH 5RDULQJ¶V%LJ%DQG$WWLUH 6XQGD\$SULO± ³6XQGD\%HVW´ 3UD\HU%UHDNIDVWZLWK.DUHQ&ODUN6KHDUG +DWV*ORYHVDQG3HDUOVRSWLRQDO Cologne/perfume Make-up Make-up remover Hair products/ comb Flat/Curling iron Personal prescriptions Motion sickness medicine First Aid kit Aspirin Sleep aid Diarrhea medicine Laxative Comfy Shoes (Hotel is large!) Coat/jacket/sweater/wrap Mini umbrella Pajamas Socks Underwear Hose Sewing Kit Miscellaneous Medication Beauty Toothbrush Toothpaste/floss Mouthwash Deodorant Lotion Razor Contacts & solution Personal hygiene items Toiletries Essentials Laptop iPad/Tablet Stylus Travel Speakers Camera/SD Card Flash drive Cell Phone Chargers Ear buds Watch/clock Batteries Credit Cards ATM Cards Cash Travelers Checks Money Constitution & Bylaws Manual of Standard Procedure Protocol Manual Requested PreConference/Workshop Materials Financial Card Driver’s License Registration Confirmation Flight Information Hotel Information Transportation Reservations Area Guide Book/Maps Address Book Documents Electronics Necessities Marvelous Mid-Atlantic Travel List Pink Formal Dresses Requested Leadership Breakfast – Business Attire Ivy Beyond the Wall/Rededication – Ritual White (no pants) st 1 Plenary Session – White Attire/Business Attire with LNDS Scarf Jewels’ Luncheon – White Attire/Business Attire with LNDS Scarf nd 2 Plenary Session – White Attire/Business Attire with LNDS Scarf Friday Night Event - EU featuring Sugar Bear – 80’s Attire Undergraduate Step Show/Mixer – HBCU Paraphernalia / AKA Paraphernalia Attire SCARF) FRIDAY (WHITE DAY & LNDS Public Meeting Reception/Meeting – Business Attire Business Casual Pre-Conference Classes - PRIDE DAY Ϳ THURSDAY (CHAPTER Events Finalize Airport Transportation Register & Confirm Conference Events Travel Tips & Reminders Worship & Prayer Breakfast SUNDAY (SUNDAY BEST) Closing Gala: “Ivy Nights” Roaring 20’s/Big Band Attire Business/Chapter Outfits Undergraduate Luncheon: Business Attire EAF Breakfast – Business Attire Workshops/Plenary Session: SATURDAY (PINK & GREEN DAY) Events continued… Events GOLDEN SORORS! THIS ONE’S FOR YOU : Thursday – Friday: 10:00am -4:00 -4:00pm 0pm Saturday: 12:00pm – 5:00pm m Pearls of Protocol Sorors must display their registration badges to gain access to conference meetings, events, vendors’ area, and as requested by the Host Committee. Sorors should be on time for all sessions and be prepared to conduct Alpha Kappa Alpha business. Sorors please be sisterly and do not hold seats. If a soror asks for a seat, offer it to her with a smile. Sorors should sit in areas designated for their designation. If an area is reserved for Delegate, Diamond/Golden Soror, Special Needs/Disabled, Very Special Guest, or Emergency Medical Team, and you do not fit into those categories, please find a seat that suits your designation. Sorors should turn off (or silence) all electronic devices during all sessions and not record or take photos during business meetings. Adhere to appropriate conference attire recommendations for each scheduled event. Always stand when the Regional Director, Supreme Basileus, former Supreme Basilei, and dais guests enter a room. Please limit walking during programs/sessions, especially during meditations and introductions and when the Regional Director or Supreme Basileus are addressing the audience. QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ Vendor Hours of Operation Greater Richmond Convention Center (GRCC) Exhibit Hall C Thursday, April 9, 2015 – 1:00pm – 10:00pm Friday, April 10, 2015 – 8:00am – 10:00pm Saturday, April 11, 2015 8:00am – 6:00pm Invited Vendors (Full List provided in your Conference Registration Packet) Adjua Acua LLC/Greek Street Apparel 1800Love & Company LLC Alfies African Treasures 3 Sisters Embroidery, LLC Alpha Girl, LLC Addie Amelia Alpha One Greek & Promotional Items Ambience, LLC APGG/stuff4Greeks Anne's Beautiful Creations Ashley Nicole Kiss Art by Cleatress B&J Greek Stop Arvensis Crystal Jewelry BeDazze Jewelry Designs Attorney Wright, LLC Believe Accessories Aularale Cosmetics Bertram's Exclusives, LLC Because of Them We Can LLC Betty's Import Emporium Ben's House of Music, LLC Bling Name Badges (TES Engraving&Signs) BJ's Hats and Accessories Buffalo Dallas Bovanti Cosmetics Carolyn Isaac & Company Brianna's Bangles and Beads Chasity Pritchett/Personal Fashion Stylist Bringar Specialties Chelsea's Corner Captivations, LLC Chris' Things Cerese D. Jewelry Classic Collections Cherry Stitch, LLC, The Clouds Fashions CJB Accessories Collegiate Creators, LLC College Crib, Inc. Creative Creations Inc. Creations by Margo Lynn, Inc. Creative Options Creative Knitwear, Inc. Da Tru Vine Collections LLC Cultural Exchange, The Danielle White Custom Cretaions, LLC Dazsling Designs Debi's Ordinary People Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference Vendor sales are open only to Conference Registrants QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ &RQIHUHQFH 5HJLVWUDWLRQ6FKHGXOH :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ :HGQHVGD\$SULO±³&DVXDO$WWLUH´ DP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP 0$5&2IILFH 5HJLVWUDWLRQRSHQIRU3ODQQLQJ&RPPLWWHH0HPEHUVDQG(DUO\$UULYDOV &RQIHUHQFH5HJLVWUDWLRQ&KHFN,Q+RVW&KDSWHUV6RURUVDUULYLQJHDUO\HWF 3ODQQLQJ&RPPLWWHH0HHWLQJ DP±SP DP±SP DP±SP DP±SP DP±SP DP±SP DP±SP DP±DP DP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP 0$5&2IILFH &RQIHUHQFH5HJLVWUDWLRQ'HOHJDWH&HUWLILFDWLRQ 0$5&6HUYLFH3URMHFW%DFNSDFN'URS2II *UDGXDWH$GYLVRUV¶,QVWLWXWH±/HYHO,±%XVLQHVV&DVXDO$WWLUH *UDGXDWH$GYLVRUV¶,QVWLWXWH±/HYHO,,±%XVLQHVV&DVXDO$WWLUH 3DUOLDPHQWDULDQ&HUWLILFDWLRQ:RUNVKRS±%XVLQHVV&DVXDO$WWLUH )LQDQFLDO2IILFHU&HUWLILFDWLRQ:RUNVKRS%XVLQHVV&DVXDO$WWLUH 67(0QRORJ\±2SHQWR6RURUVDQG*XHVWVJUDWLV±&DVXDO$WWLUH *ROGHQ&DIp*ROGHQ6RURUV2QO\ *HQHUDO0HPEHUV0HHWLQJDQG'HOHJDWH6HOHFWLRQ±&DVXDO$WWLUH 9HQGRUV2SHQ 0$5&&KRLU5HKHDUVDO )LUVW7LPH1HZDQG5HDFWLYDWHG6RURUV2ULHQWDWLRQ &RQIHUHQFH5HJLRQDO&RPPLWWHH0HHWLQJV±*URXS, $UFKLYHV $ZDUGV &RQQHFWLRQ &RQVWLWXWLRQ &RUSRUDWH6SRQVRUVKLS ($)&KDSWHU&DSWDLQV (YDOXDWLRQ 'LDPRQG*ROGHQ6RURUV *UDGXDWH$GYLVRUV 0HPEHUVKLS 1RPLQDWLQJ 3KLODFWHUV 5LWXDOV /HDGHUVKLS'HYHORSPHQW &RQIHUHQFH5HJLRQDO&RPPLWWHH0HHWLQJV±*URXS,, 3URJUDP 3URWRFRO &RPPXQLFDWLRQV3XEOLFLW\ 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQV 5HVROXWLRQV 5XOHV 6FKRODUVKLSV 6WDQGDUGV 7HFKQRORJ\ 7HOOHUV 7LPH3ODFH 8QGHUJUDGXDWH$FWLYLWLHV 6WUDWHJLF3ODQQLQJ %DVLOHL7UDLQLQJ,QVWLWXWH :RUNVKRS3UHVHQWHU)DFLOLWDWRUV5HFRUGHUV0HHWLQJ 7KXUVGD\$SULO³&KDSWHU3ULGH'D\´ QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP 5HJLRQDO:HOFRPH&RPPLWWHH5HKHDUVDO 3XEOLF0HHWLQJ5HFHSWLRQ±%XVLQHVV$WWLUH 3XEOLF0HHWLQJ±%XVLQHVV$WWLUH )ULGD\$SULO±³:KLWH/1'66FDUI'D\´ DP±DP DP±DP DP±DP DP±SP DP±SP DP±SP DP±SP DP±SP DP±SP DP±SP DP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±DP -D]]HUFLVH)LWQHVV 5HJLRQDO:HOFRPH&RPPLWWHH5HKHDUVDO /HDGHUVKLS%UHDNIDVW±%XVLQHVV$WWLUH 0$5&2IILFH 9HQGRUV2SHQ &RQIHUHQFH5HJLVWUDWLRQ'HOHJDWH&HUWLILFDWLRQ 0$5&6HUYLFH3URMHFW%DFNSDFN'URS2II 0$5&,QDXJXUDO*ROI7RXUQDPHQW±*XHVW$FWLYLW\ VW3OHQDU\6HVVLRQ±,Y\%H\RQGWKH:DOO5HGHGLFDWLRQ5LWXDO:KLWH$WWLUH *ROGHQ&DIp*ROGHQ6RURUV2QO\ &KLOGUHQ¶V0XVHXPRI5LFKPRQG±&KLOGUHQ¶V$FWLYLW\ -HZHOV¶/XQFKHRQ±%XVLQHVV$WWLUH QG3OHQDU\6HVVLRQ±%XVLQHVV$WWLUHZLWK/1'66FDUI 5HKHDUVDO7LGHZDWHU&OXVWHUUG0$5&,QYLWDWLRQ 5LFKPRQG)O\LQJ6TXLUUHOV%DVHEDOO*DPH±*XHVW$FWLYLW\ )ULGD\1LJKW(YHQW(8IHDWXULQJ6XJDU%HDU±5LFKPRQG0DUULRWW*UDQG %DOOURRP±V$WWLUH 8QGHUJUDGXDWH6WHS6KRZ0L[HU±*5&&+%&83DUDSKHUQDOLD$.$ 3DUDSKHUQDOLD 6DWXUGD\$SULO³3LQNDQG*UHHQ'D\´ DP±DP DP±DP DP±SP DP±SP DP±SP DP±SP DP±DP DP±DP DP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP±SP SP SP±SP SP±DP -D]]HUFLVH)LWQHVV ($)%UHDNIDVW±%XVLQHVV$WWLUH 0$5&2IILFH &RQIHUHQFH5HJLVWUDWLRQ2SHQ 0$5&6HUYLFH3URMHFW%DFNSDFN'URS2II 9HQGRUV2SHQ :RUNVKRSV6HVVLRQ,±%XVLQHVV$WWLUH ³)DWKHUKRRG0HQWRULQJ´$IULFDQ$PHULFDQ0DOH6\PSRVLXP :RUNVKRSV6HVVLRQ,,±%XVLQHVV$WWLUH 8SWRZQ$OOH\%RZOLQJ%LOOLDUGV*DPHV±*XHVW$FWLYLW\ *ROGHQ&DIp±*ROGHQ6RURUV2QO\ 8QGHUJUDGXDWHV¶$ZDUGV+RQRUV/XQFKHRQ±%XVLQHVV$WWLUH UG3OHQDU\6HVVLRQ±%XVLQHVV$WWLUH ³,QYLWDWLRQWRWKHUG0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFH´ 6HUYLFH3URMHFW3UHVHQWDWLRQ ³,Y\1LJKWV´*DOD±5RDULQJ¶V%LJ%DQG$WWLUH 8QGHUJUDGXDWH+RVSLWDOLW\6XLWH 6XQGD\$SULO³6XQGD\%HVW´ DP±DP DP±DP DP±DP DP±SP 0$5&2IILFH 3UD\HU%UHDNIDVWZLWK.DUHQ&ODUN6KHDUG6SHDNHU 5HJLRQDO'LUHFWRUV'H%ULHILQJZLWK1:9$&OXVWHUQG0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO &RQIHUHQFH3ODQQLQJ&RPPLWWHH 5HJLRQDO'LUHFWRUV%ULHILQJZLWK7LGHZDWHU&OXVWHUUG0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO &RQIHUHQFH3ODQQLQJ&RPPLWWHH QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ 62nd Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference WORKSHOP/MEETING SCHEDULE Thursday, April 9, 2015 The training sessions presented below will be held on THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 2015. Please indicate on the Soror Registration Form your workshop preferences for each session. 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Graduate Advisor Certification (Level I) Training for candidates for Graduate Advisor and Graduate Advisory Committee members and sorors in Leadership positions who have never been certified. Cost: $40.00 Requirements: x Original Graduate Advisor Certification Application and Affidavit (submitted by February 15) x A sealed Official Transcript or Letter (with raised seal) from college or university showing soror is at least a five year post baccalaureate graduate x Copy of the cashier’s check or money order payable to Corporate Office in the amount of $40 for training document fees. NOTE: Cashier’s check or money order payable to: “Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.” in the amount of $40.00. 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM Graduate Advisor Certification (Level II) Training for candidates for Graduate Advisor and Graduate Advisory Committee members and sorors in chapter leadership positions who are seeking recertification. Cost: $40.00 Requirements: x Copy of Graduate Advisor Certification Form NOTE: Cashier’s check or money order payable to: “Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.” in the amount of $40.00. 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM Parliamentarian Certification This training session is offered through the National Association of Parliamentarians (NAP), a professional society dedicated to educating leaders throughout the world in effective meeting management through the use of parliamentary procedure. Session participation will prepare participants for the NAP membership exam. Prior to the session, attendees are encouraged to study the exam questions available for free from www.parliamentarians.org/applyjoin/examination/. 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM This Parliamentary Procedure training workshop will assist sorors want to take the membership exam either on-site at the Conference following the workshop or in the very near future. Participants must complete the special MARC Registration Form and register at the National Association of Parliamentarians for the exam. *Class size limited to 50 participants. STEMnology STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering and Math are hot topics for career focus. Join us for an exciting panel discussion on STEM opportunities. QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ 62nd Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference WORKSHOP/MEETING SCHEDULE 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Financial Officer Certification 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM The financial officer certification training will be offered to current and aspiring Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority chapter financial officers. This one-day, interactive, hands on certification is designed to assist the graduate chapter Tamiouchos and Pecunious Grammateus in executing their operational responsibilities. Sorors will be trained in the proper implementation of financial procedures as outlined in the Guide to Chapter Financial Procedures and referenced in several other sorority documents. Sorors who successfully complete this training will earn the designation of Certified Chapter Financial Officer. Note: Class size limited to 50 Sorors. Each participant must bring to the training a laptop that has a disk drive or USB port for a flash drive. General Members Meeting and Delegate Selection This meeting will review the general rules for the Conference, along with delegate instructions and selection. Thursday, April 9, 2015 (continued) 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM First-Time, New and Reactivated Soror Orientation This workshop is intended for newly initiated, reactivated, and first time conference attendees. A welcome from the Regional Director and other conference leadership will kick off a session of tips for positioning yourself to grow in knowledge, to expand your network of sorors, and to seek opportunities to serve. Come and learn how to get the most from your conference experience. Workshop Facilitators and Recorders Meeting Sorors serving as workshop facilitators or recorders are required to attend this meeting to receive final instructions and obtain the required materials needed for the Saturday workshop sessions. Will include a final walk-through. Please plan to attend this meeting if you have signed up for a workshop facilitator or recorder and/or are interested in serving in this capacity. Saturday, April 11, 2015 The workshops presented below will be held on SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 2015. Please indicate on the Soror Registration Form your workshop preferences for each session. SESSION I: 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM WK01 Ready, Set, Launch: “Launching New Dimensions of Service” This workshop is designed for program chairmen and program committee members. Chapter implementation tactics regarding each program target, excluding the signature program, will be discussed including goals, objectives, chapter activities and partnerships. Sorors’ understanding of the five program targets will be assessed by participating in a facilitated discussion of best practices for program implementation. WK02 Just Like a Sistah: Perception, Behavior, Self-Awareness This workshop is designed to foster and support sisterly behavior at all levels of the organization. By engaging participants in interactive activities that focus on perception, behavior, and self-awareness, the design will illustrate how differing points of views can lead to conflict, but how an understanding of another's point of view can lead to gaining a better understanding of each other and build better relationships. QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ 62nd Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference WORKSHOP/MEETING SCHEDULE WK03 Standards: Exceeding Expectations of Excellence (#E3 ) The perpetuity of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® requires all chapters to grow and remain vibrant. In order to achieve this, the International Standards Committee is committed to create a positive chapter operations’ environment. This interactive workshop is designed to broaden the understanding of the standards process and expectations of every member for a stress-free chapter assessment and evaluation. Saturday, April 11, 2015 (continued) SESSION I: 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM WK04 Financial Workshop 101: “Managing Chapter Financial Operations using Financial Fundamentals” This workshop is designed for all chapter financial officers; and it will review financial fundamentals required for effective chapter financial operations. This interactive workshop will cover the responsibilities of the financial officers and how to be efficient in the planning, handling, and reporting of chapter's finances. Workshop includes information on budget development, auditing, and recommended internal controls. WK05 WK06 WK07 WK08 WK09 It’s All About YOU!: Strengthening Alpha Kappa Alpha Through a Meaningful Membership Intake Process This workshop will focus on ways to enhance the sorority’s current intake process. A special focus will be on the simplification of the selection process on both the undergraduate and graduate levels. The ongoing MIP evaluation process, including membership survey preliminary results, will also be discussed and shared. Game On! Who wants to be a Parliamentarian? As we launch new dimensions of service, it is important that sorors learn the tenets of parliamentary procedure. All sorors should be knowledgeable of the basic tools for conducting effective and efficient chapter meetings. This interactive workshop will enable participation and collaboration. Sorors must bring their 2014 Constitution and Bylaws and Manual of Standard Procedure. Poised and Polished…Launching New Dimensions of Protocol I Every soror should be knowledgeable about our sorority protocol. This workshop provides an overview of general protocol guidelines, procedures and practices of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®. The content will give sorors a thorough review of the Soror Code of Ethics, appropriate attire for Rituals/AKA events, chapter decorum, gifts and courtesies, correct titles, terminology, and an update on additions and revisions. All attendees should bring a copy of The Official Guide to Alpha Kappa Alpha Protocol (2014). Launching New Dimensions of Communications – 101 Sorors will learn the ‘Who, What, When, Where, Why and How’ in delivering and developing the message of Alpha Kappa Alpha to the media. This workshop will include tactics including: working with and engaging the media; delivering the message; and effectively using the web and social media. Highly recommended for Ivy Leaf Reporters and Publicity Chairmen. “Going Green 2: Launching New Dimensions of Technology for Chapter Efficiency” The Green Team Strikes Again With An App For That! Bring your smart phones and tablets to learn how your International Technology Committee is focused on helping sorors and chapters improve overall efficiency through innovative tools. Launch New Dimensions of Technology to further our sorority’s going green efforts. Attendees will experience a workshop full of technology tips that highlight how to better connect, organize, save time and save money. Chapters are invited to share best practices at this workshop. QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ 62nd Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference WORKSHOP/MEETING SCHEDULE WK10 WK11 Launching New Dimensions of Service—Keeping our Heritage Reel Get up close and personal with History. This workshop will provide chapters with in-depth information on how to improve their Archive Collection, with tips for better retrieval and examination of our historical artifacts and digital archiving. Chapters will learn how to conduct oral history interviews, focusing on the rich legacy of Diamond/Golden Sorors and chapter charter members. A special highlight of the workshop will feature a "live" or "taped" interview with your region's Diamond Gems. Building Basics 101: Introduction to Commercial Property Ownership As chapter foundations consider the purchase of properties to house chapter operations and/or to generate revenue, commercial property ownership comes with great responsibility. This workshop is designed to introduce some important issues as chapters consider property purchases. Topics to be discussed will include zoning, due diligence, and initial financial commitment/investment. Saturday, April 11, 2015 (continued) PUBLIC FORUM: BLACK MALE SYMPOSIUM This forum is open to Sorors and guests; no registration required. 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM “Fatherhood and Mentoring”- African-American Male Symposium Panel discussion on the role of fatherhood and the need for mentoring in the African-American community. Join us for insightful and informative dialogue! SESSION II: 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM WK12 WK13 “ASCEND to a New Dimension” This workshop is designed for program chairmen, ASCEND Lead Coaches and ASCEND program committee members. During this workshop, sorors will receive in depth information regarding the Supreme Basileus’ signature program, ASCEND. Goals, objectives and ASCEND cycle timelines will be reviewed in detail. Sorors’ understanding of ASCEND will be assessed by participating in a facilitated discussion of best practices for program implementation. Truth Or Myth: For Undergraduates Only! The International Undergraduate Activities Committee presents an interactive and engaging workshop that facilitates the discussion of the gray areas of Soror conduct, hazing, and protocol. By the end of this workshop, undergraduate Soror should have a clear understanding of how to exhibit the Alpha Kappa Alpha brand in a positive manner at all times. WK14 “Rituals: Let’s Do it Right – Do the Right Thing” Alpha Kappa Alpha Rituals ceremonies are the most revered, sacred, and solemn activities conducted by sorors in our illustrious sorority. The ceremonies help us to create an awareness and connection to our founders. This workshop will provide an interactive presentation and review of the four most requested ceremonies allowing sorors in attendance to increase their knowledge of the ceremonies, ensure appropriateness of attire for each ceremony, understand the various roles of the ceremony participants, and complete the set-up of each ceremony confidently. WK15 Launching New Dimensions - Sorors take A.C.T.I.O.N. This workshop is targeted to Chapters Connection Chairs and all sorors who are interested in serving on their chapters Connection Committee. The 2014-2018 Connection Program will be introduced. This interactive workshop will empower participants to develop local connection activities that answer the call to take A.C.T.I.O.N. (Advocate, Communicate, Train, Influence, Organize and Network). Participants will also be introduced to the Voter Registration & Education Campaign – “Be the Voice!” AKA Days at the Capitol and the debut of the new AKA Public Policy Conference to be held in Washington, DC will also be reviewed. QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ 62nd Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference WORKSHOP/MEETING SCHEDULE WK16 WK17 Poised and Polished…Launching New Dimensions of Protocol II The role of the protocol team in the pre-planning of chapter, cluster, joint chapter events and regional conferences will be reviewed during this workshop. The duties and tasks before and during the events will be explored so that sorors gain the knowledge of appropriate notification to VSGs, dais seating, introductions, and appropriate amenities. All attendees should bring a copy of The Official Guide to Alpha Kappa Alpha Protocol (2014). EAF: Launching New Dimensions of Educational Excellence This workshop will focus on providing an understanding of the structure of the EAF as a 501(c) (3) organization. EAF representatives will discuss ways in which donors and members can support the mission of EAF. EAF Ambassadors will learn best practices for representing EAF at the Chapter, Cluster and Regional levels. Strategies introduced will cultivate understanding and knowledge of and excitement for the EAF initiative, “leaving a lasting legacy” through the establishment of endowments and fellowships by chapters, organization s and individuals. EAF representatives will also provide detailed descriptions of EAF’s scholarships and community assistance programs.. Saturday, April 11, 2015 (continued) SESSION II: 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM WK18 WK19 WK20 WK21 WK22 The Alpha Kappa Alpha Brand A brand is a concept, an ideal that people hold in their minds and in their hearts when they think about a product, individual, or organization. For Alpha Kappa Alpha, at its core, the brand is a promise of what the Sorority represents and what it means to those for whom we serve. This workshop will introduce Sorors to the information in the newly developed Alpha Kappa Alpha Brand Guidelines. With all sorors in mind, this session will introduce branding and demonstrate the appropriate use of our brand for internal and external communication. Launching Your Chapter’s Strategic Plan: Why? When? How? Create your chapter’s strategic planning roadmap with a chapter mission, vision and goals for successful programs and activities. Develop your action plan and keep asking the questions where are we now and where do we want to go? Participants in this workshop will review the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority 2010-2020 Strategic Plan and use the sorority’s goals, objectives and priorities as the foundation for the chapter’s strategic plan. Every chapter is encouraged to have a representative participate in this workshop. So You Want to Run For Office The workshop will familiarize the sorors with the training requirements and the candidate certification process for the various positions. Honorary Members and Awards Workshop 101: “How Will You Know? Designed for Chapter Basilei, Anti-Basilei and/or Chapter Awards Committee Chairmen, this workshop will take the mystery out of how honorary members are selected and how award recipients are chosen. Sorors will receive an overview of criteria per our Constitution and Bylaws and Manual of Standard Procedure; will be informed of the process and procedures for nominations; will know where and how to access forms; and will be provided opportunities for questions and answers for this prestigious chapter privilege. BE IN THE KNOW! Building Basics 201: Facilities Management Now that the property has been purchased, how is it maintained? As with any property purchase, preventative maintenance is crucial to property sustainability. This workshop is designed for chapters that own property or whose foundations own property. Topics to be covered include professional property management, preventative maintenance, and capital improvement plans. QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ 62nd Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference WORKSHOP/MEETING SCHEDULE Workshop FAQs Are sorors allowed to attend the workshops for which I’m registered? Yes, workshops will be monitored and sorors should only attend workshops for which they are registered. Remember, accommodations are based on registration, so let’s be courteous to our fellow sorors. Can I get workshop materials in advance? Yes, Sorors will be able to download workshop materials for workshops for which they are registered, if available. Advanced notification will be sent to registered sorors prior to the Conference. QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ 5HJLVWUDWLRQ,QIRUPDWLRQ 72 The Marvelous Mid-Atlantic Region )520 6RURUV'DUD-'XJJHUDQG$Q’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³SXUFKDVH RUGHU´DVWKHPHWKRGRISD\PHQW ZKHQUHJLVWHULQJ7RH[SHGLWHSURFHVVLQJ&KDSWHUV XWLOL]LQJWKLV PHWKRG RI SD\PHQW IRU JURXS UHJLVWUDWLRQ PXVW PDLO WKH 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PDWHULDOV GXULQJ &RQIHUHQFH UHJLVWUDWLRQ KRXUV RI RSHUDWLRQ 7LFNHWVDUHUHTXLUHGIRUDGPLWWDQFHWRDOOHYHQWV/RVWWLFNHWVZLOOQRWEHUHSODFHG 3OHDVHFRQWDFWWKH&RQIHUHQFHKRWHOGLUHFWO\IRUUHVHUYDWLRQVDQGVSHFLDOURRP DFFRPPRGDWLRQV )RUJHQHUDOUHJLVWUDWLRQTXHVWLRQVDQGRQOLQHUHJLVWUDWLRQDVVLVWDQFHSOHDVHHPDLO 6RURU.LP.HQGULFNDWUHJLVWUDWLRQ#PLGDWODQWLFDNDRUJ 6RURU$XUHOLD7:LOOLDPVVKRXOGEHFRQWDFWHGDWWHFKQRORJ\#PLGDWODQWLFDNDRUJIRU DVVLVWDQFHLQUHVROYLQJWHFKQLFDOLVVXHV 5HJLVWUDWLRQ5HPLQGHUV o 7KHUHZLOOEHQRRQVLWHUHJLVWUDWLRQ o 2QFH\RXUUHJLVWUDWLRQKDVEHHQVXEPLWWHGYHU\OLPLWHGPRGLILFDWLRQVZLOOEHDOORZHG o <RXDUHHQFRXUDJHGWRWDNH\RXUWLPHVRWKDW\RXUUHJLVWUDWLRQLVVXEPLWWHGDVDFFXUDWHO\DV o o SRVVLEOH 5HPRYDORIDFWLYLWLHVIURP\RXUH[LVWLQJUHJLVWUDWLRQLVQRWDOORZHG $GGLQJ DFWLYLWLHV WR \RXU H[LVWLQJ UHJLVWUDWLRQ FDQ EH GRQH EHIRUH 0DUFK XVLQJ WKH RQOLQH UHJLVWUDWLRQV\VWHP o 5HJLVWHU³*XHVWV´RQOLQHDVDSDUWRI\RXUVRURUUHJLVWUDWLRQ o 7KH6RURUDQG*XHVW5HJLVWUDWLRQ)RUPVDUHIRUUHIHUHQFHRQO\DQGVKRXOGQRWEHPDLOHGLQ 2Q6LWH&KHFN,Q 3OHDVHEULQJ\RXUILQDQFLDOFDUGUHJLVWUDWLRQFRQILUPDWLRQDQGSKRWRLGHQWLILFDWLRQZLWK \RXWRFKHFNLQ 5HJLVWUDWLRQKRXUVDUH :HGQHVGD\$SULO 7KXUVGD\ $SULO )ULGD\$SULO 6DWXUGD\$SULO SPWRSP DPWRSP DPWRSP DPWRSP QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ Soror Registration Form Last Name: First: MI: E-mail: Home Phone: Financial #: Cell Phone: Current Office/Role: Chapter Name: Cluster: Classifications (check all that apply) Graduate Basileus First Time Undergraduate Diamond Soror Inductee Diamond Soror Golden Soror Inductee Golden Soror Current Directorate Member Former Directorate Member General Member Graduate Advisor Silver Star Inductee Silver Star Soror Honorary Member Life Member Special Guest Delegate Alternate Cluster Coordinator REGISTRATION DEADLINES REGISTRATION FEES Graduate $150 Graduate (Late) $250 Undergraduate Undergraduate (Late) $85 $115 ACTIVITY FEES Payment from Chapters for online group Basilei Training Institute General Members Meeting First Time Attendees & Reactivation Session EAF Breakfast Financial Officer Certification Grad Advisors’ Level I Training Grad Advisors’ Level II Training Jewels’ Luncheon Leadership Breakfast Ivy Nights Gala Public Meeting/Reception Friday Night Event – EU Step Show Worship & Closing Breakfast Undergraduate Luncheon Undergraduate Mixer (Undergraduate/ Graduate Advisor) Undergraduate Mixer (Graduate Soror Price if not attending the step show). TOTAL Workshops: Regular Registration: Closes on February 21, 2015. Late Registration: Closes on March 9, 2015. Gratis Gratis Gratis $40 $30 $40 $40 $45 $40 Gratis Gratis $40 $25 $45 $45 Gratis $25 registration must be made by chapter checks, cashier’s or certified check, or money order payable to: AKA MidAtlantic Region. Request for refunds must be e-mailed to Soror Lula Hicks, Mid-Atlantic Region Treasurer, at finance@midatlanticaka.org by March 25, 2015. Refund requests (Conference registration fee only) will be considered and processed after all conference expenses have been paid. A $35.00 processing fee will be assessed. We will not be able to honor refund requests after March 25, 2015 due to planning commitments Please check if applicable: Vegetarian Meal Special Needs $ nd 2 Choice st 1 Choice I WILL NOT BE ATTENDING THE IVY NIGHTS GALA QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ Guest Registration Form Last Name: First: MI: E-mail: Home Phone: Cell Phone: Gender: Female Male Age Group: Adult Child/Youth Sponsoring Soror’s Name: Financial #: Note: Only guests registered for the conference may participate in the scheduled activities noted below. The registration fee includes a conference badge and admittance to the hospitality suite and the vendor area. Guests must officially register to attend all guest activities. THIS FORM MUST ACCOMPANY THE SOROR’S REGISTRATION FORM REGISTRATION FEES REGISTRATION DEADLINES Cost $75 $175 $40 $70 Guest-Adult Guest (Late)-Adult Guest-Child/Youth Guest (Late)- Child/Youth ACTIVITY FEES $45 Uptown Alley $50 $25 Step Show/Undergrad Mixer Ivy Nights Gala $65 Public Meeting/Reception Gratis CHILDREN AND YOUTH ACTIVITY FEES Children’s Museum of Richmond/Imax Theater $25 (Ages 5 +) TOTAL Payment from Chapters for online group registration must be made by chapter checks, cashier’s or certified check, or money order payable to: AKA Mid-Atlantic Region. Request for refunds must be e-mailed to Soror Lula Hicks, Ivy Daze – Friday Night Event featuring EU Richmond Flying Squirrels Baseball Game MENS ACTIVITY FEES Golf Tournament “Fatherhood & Mentoring”African-American Male Symposium Workshop Uptown Alley Bowling Regular Registration: Closes on February 21, 2015. Late Registration: Closes on March 9, 2015. $20 Mid-Atlantic Region Treasurer, at finance@midatlanticaka.org by March 25, 2015. Refund request (Conference registration fee only) will be considered and processed after all conference expenses have been paid. A $35.00 processing fee will be assessed. We will not be able to honor refund requests after March 25, 2015 due to planning commitments Please check if applicable: Vegetarian Meal Special Needs ΨϭϬϬ Gratis $50 $ QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«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a5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ (0(5*(1&<&217$&7 1DPH 5HODWLRQVKLS &HOO +RPH :RUN (PHUJHQF\+HDOWK,QIRUPDWLRQ $OOHUJLHVWRPHGLFDWLRQDQGIRRGZLWKUHDFWLRQV 0HGLFDWLRQ1DPHGRVDJHDQGIUHTXHQF\ 6SHFLDO1HHGVVSHFLI\ (PDLO QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ (DVW%URDG6WUHHW 5LFKPRQG9$ 3KRQH 7ROOIUHH3KRQH )D[ ZZZULFKPRQGPDUULRWFRP 5DWHVH[FOXGLQJWD[HVDQGIHHV 6LQJOH'RXEOH 7ULSOH4XDG 7KH5LFKPRQG0DUULRWW'RZQWRZQLVH[FLWHGWRVHUYHDVWKH2IILFLDO+HDG4XDUWHUV+RWHOIRU$OSKD .DSSD$OSKD6RURULW\,QF0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFH:HDUHVLWXDWHGLQWKHKHDUWRI DOOWKDWGRZQWRZQ5LFKPRQGKDVWRRIIHUDQGDUHORFDWHGGLUHFWO\EHVLGHWKH*UHDWHU5LFKPRQG &RQYHQWLRQ&HQWHUZKLFKFDQHYHQEHDFFHVVHGYLDVN\ZDONIURPWKHKRWHO:HDUHYHU\HDV\DFFHVV IURP,QWHUVWDWHDQGDUHRQO\VHYHQPLOHVIURPWKH5LFKPRQG,QWHUQDWLRQDO$LUSRUW 2XUKRWHORIIHUVJXHVWURRPVRQIORRUV(DFKRIWKHVHJXHVWURRPVRIIHUV¶IODWVFUHHQ+'79V IOH[LEOHZRUNVSDFHV:LUHGIRU%XVLQHVV-DFN3DFNVDVZHOODV0DUULRWW¶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a5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«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credit card and will be charged for one night as a guarantee. (DFK PHPEHU PD\ RQO\ UHVHUYH RQH URRP SHU FUHGLW FDUG SHU QDPHDQGWKHUHLVDRQHQLJKWJXDUDQWHHSHUURRPERRNHG7KLVZLOOHQVXUHWKDW ZHPHHWRXU URRPUHTXLUHPHQWVDQGQRWLQFXUDWWULWLRQFRVWVIURPWKHKRWHO QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ 6RXWKWK6WUHHW 5LFKPRQG9$ ZZZRPQLKRWHOVFRPKRWHOVULFKPRQG 5DWHH[FOXGLQJWD[HVDQGIHHV 6LQJOH'RXEOH 7KH2PQL5LFKPRQGLVORFDWHGLQWKHKHDUWRI5LFKPRQG¶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¶V0DQVLRQWKH &KLOGUHQ¶V0XVHXPRI9LUJLQLDWKH(GJDU$OOHQ3RH0XVHXP6FLHQFH0XVHXPRI9LUJLQLDWKH'LDPRQG KRPHRIWKH5LFKPRQG)O\LQJ6TXLUUHOVWKH'RXEOH$$%DVHEDOODIILOLDWHRIWKH6DQ)UDQFLVFR*LDQWV DQGRQO\PLOHVIURP.LQJV'RPLQLRQDPXVHPHQWSDUN *URXS1DPHIRU%RRNLQJ0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHIRU$OSKD.DSSD$OSKD /DVWGD\WRERRNE\0DUFK 5HVHUYDWLRQ/LQN0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFH <RX ZLOO EHUHTXLUHGDWWKHWLPHRIERRNLQJWRSURYLGHD credit card and will be charged for one night as a guarantee. (DFK PHPEHU PD\ RQO\ UHVHUYH RQH URRP SHU FUHGLW FDUG SHU QDPHDQGWKHUHLVDRQHQLJKWJXDUDQWHHSHUURRPERRNHG7KLVZLOOHQVXUHWKDW ZHPHHWRXU URRPUHTXLUHPHQWVDQGQRWLQFXUDWWULWLRQFRVWVIURPWKHKRWHO QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«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credit card and will be charged for one night as a guarantee. (DFK PHPEHU PD\ RQO\ UHVHUYH RQH URRP SHU FUHGLW FDUG SHU QDPHDQGWKHUHLVDRQHQLJKWJXDUDQWHHSHUURRPERRNHG7KLVZLOOHQVXUHWKDW ZHPHHWRXU URRPUHTXLUHPHQWVDQGQRWLQFXUDWWULWLRQFRVWVIURPWKHKRWHO QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ &DQDO6WUHHW 5LFKPRQG9$ 3KRQH 7ROO)UHH )D[ ZZZFURZQHSOD]DFRPULFGRZQWRZQKWWSZZZFURZQHSOD]DFRPULF GRZQWRZQ!KWWSZZZFURZQHSOD]DFRPULFGRZQWRZQ! 5DWHH[FOXGLQJWD[HVDQGIHHV .LQJ'RXEOH 7KH&URZQH3OD]D5LFKPRQG'RZQWRZQLVORFDWHGLQ5LFKPRQG¶VILQDQFLDOGLVWULFWRQWKHEDQNVRIWKH -DPHV5LYHUQHDUWKH&DQDO:DONDQGDOORIWKHDWWUDFWLRQVRI6KRFNHG6OLS¶VXQLTXHGLQLQJDQGQLJKWOLIH DUHZLWKLQZDONLQJGLVWDQFH:HDUH6L[EORFNVIURPWKH5LFKPRQG&RQYHQWLRQ&HQWHUDQGQLQH PLOHVIURPWKH5LFKPRQG,QWHUQDWLRQDO$LUSRUW0LQXWHVIURP,QWHUVWDWHVDQGWKH'RZQWRZQ ([SUHVVZD\ +RWHO$PHQLWLHVLQFOXGH&RPSOLPHQWDU\:L)LWKURXJKRXWDOOSXEOLFVSDFHV3DYLOLRQ&DIp)XOO6HUYLFH UHVWDXUDQWVHUYLQJ%UHDNIDVW/XQFKDQG'LQQHU*UHDW5RRP/RXQJHVHUYLQJ\RXUIDYRULWHOLEDWLRQVDQG ³*UDEDQG*R´VQDFNVZLWKVRIWVHDWLQJODUJHIODWVFUHHQ79¶VZLUHGDQGZLUHOHVVKLJKVSHHG,QWHUQHW FRQQHFWLRQVWUXO\PDNHLW³7KH3ODFHWR0HHW´,QGRRU6ZLPPLQJ3RROZLWK)LWQHVV&HQWHULQFOXGLQJD ZKLUOSRRODQGVDXQDORFDWHG/REE\/HYHODQGDEXVLQHVVFHQWHU *URXS1DPH$OSKD.DSSD$OSKD0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO /DVWGD\WRERRNE\0DUFK 5HVHUYDWLRQ/LQN KWWSZZZFURZQHSOD]DFRPUHGLUHFW"SDWK KGEUDQG&RGH FSORFDOH&RGH HQUHJLRQ&RGH KRWHO&RGH 5,&&6B30,' *3& $.$ <RX ZLOO EHUHTXLUHGDWWKHWLPHRIERRNLQJWRSURYLGHD credit card and will be charged for one night as a guarantee. (DFK PHPEHU PD\ RQO\ UHVHUYH RQH URRP SHU FUHGLW FDUG SHU QDPHDQGWKHUHLVDRQHQLJKWJXDUDQWHHSHUURRPERRNHG7KLVZLOOHQVXUHWKDW ZHPHHWRXU URRPUHTXLUHPHQWVDQGQRWLQFXUDWWULWLRQFRVWVIURPWKHKRWHO &RQWDFW (PDLOYLUJLQLDDLUOLQN#JPDLOFRP 5HVHUYDWLRQ5HTXLUHGKWWSYLUJLQLDDLUOLQNFRPVKXWWOH PVKXWWOH 5DWHV'RZQWRZQIODWIHHHDFKDGGLWLRQDOSDVVHQJHU 5DWHV2WKHU=LS&RGHV3ULFHVPD\YDU\ 0RGHVRI$UULYDO$LURQO\ 1RWHV6HFWLRQDGG$OSKD.DSSD$OSKD,QF0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQ 6KDUHG5LGH9DQ6HUYLFH2XUPRVWSRSXODUVHUYLFH'RRUWRGRRUVHUYLFHDWGHVLJQDWHGWLPHVIRUD ORZSULFH$YDLODEOHRQO\LQVHOHFWHG0HWUR5LFKPRQG=,3FRGHVIRUWUDQVSRUWDWLRQWRDQGIURP5,& $LUSRUW &RQWDFW (PDLOUHVHUYDWLRQV#JURRPHWUDQVFRP 5HVHUYDWLRQ5HTXLUHGKWWSULFKPRQGJURRPHWUDQVSRUWDWLRQFRPJURRPHVDPSOHSDJH 5DWHV'RZQWRZQSDVVHQJHUYHKLFOHSDVVHQJHUYDQ 5DWHV2WKHU=LS&RGHV3ULFHVPD\YDU\ 0RGHVRI$UULYDO$LURU7UDLQ 1RWHV6HFWLRQDGG$OSKD.DSSD$OSKD,QF0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQ &RQWDFW0,187('(/,9(5<7,0(720267 /2&$7,216 :HEVLWHZZZULFKPRQGPRELOLW\FRP $//02%,/,7<352'8&76$5(&/($1('$1'7+(%$77(5,(6 $5()8//<&+$5*(':+(1'(/,9(5(' $OO0RELOLW\6FRRWHUV$QG3RZHU&KDLUV'LVDVVHPEOH,QWR/LJKWZHLJKW 6HFWLRQV,Q/HVV7KDQ0LQXWH:LWK2QH+DQG$XWR/DWFK6\VWHP 0DNLQJ7KHP(DV\7R)LW,QWR$Q\9HKLFOH 0HQWLRQWKDW\RXDUHDUHWXUQLQJFXVWRPHUDQGJHWD',6&2817 RQ\RXUUHQWDO3UHVHQWRU5HWLUHG0LOLWDU\'LVDEOHG3HUVRQV3HRSOH <HDUVRI$JHDQG2OGHU6HQLRU'LVFRXQWDQG$$530HPEHUVJHWD ',6&2817RQ\RXUUHQWDO 3ULGH9LFWRU\6FRRWHU 'D\ 'D\0LQLPXP '$<21/<5(17$/ 3ULGH(OLWH7UDYHOHU 3OXV6FRRWHU 'D\ 'D\0LQLPXP ,QYDFDUH7UDFHU6; 7UDFHU(;:KHHOFKDLU :HHN:HHN0LQLPXP '$<21/<5(17$/ 3ULGH*R&KDLU'D\ 'D\0LQLPXP '$<21/< 5(17$/ Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® and its subsidiaries (Regions and Chapters) do not endorse or warrant use of the products herein and is not responsible for damages incurred as a result of any accident or incident related to use of the products provided. QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ &KDSWHU 5HVSRQVLELOLWLHV,QIRUPDWLRQ :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ Please complete the One Million Backpack Mid-Atlantic Tracking Form and submit with your donation. Donations Drop-off: GRCC, Registration Room #2 (behind Conference Registration) Name: Position/Title (if applicable): Cluster: Chapter: City/State: Quantity Item Description Backpack 3-ring binder 1-inch, 3-ring binder 2-inch, 3-ring binder Notebook dividers 2-pocket folders 3-hole pocket folder Spiral notebooks Spiral notebooks (wide ruled) Notebook paper, wide ruled (100 count) Notebook paper, wide ruled (500 count) #2 Pencils Pencils (all styles) Box of colored pencils Plastic pencil box Highlighters Markers Sharpie marking pens Colored ballpoint pens Crayons (all count) Pink pearl erasers Big erasers Glue sticks (small) Glue sticks (large) 4-oz bottle school glue Ruler (all designs & styles) 1 set each multiplication and division flash cards Small sticky notes Calculator Composition Book Index cards Scissors Total ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA SORORITY, INCORPORATED® and ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA EDUCATIONAL ADVANCEMENT FOUNDATION® L AU NCHING NEW DIMENSIONS OF SERV ICE New Dimensions of Leadership 36TH ANNUAL LEADERSHIP FELLOWS PROGRAM About the Leadership Fellows Program Application Requirements • Completed application • Current official transcript (only item that can be mailed but must be postmarked by 2/25/15) to: Leadership Fellows Program, 661 Ashley Court, Cheshire, CT 06410-3246 • Current professional resume • Color professional photograph (600dpi) The Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® Leadership Fellows Program began in 1979 to facilitate and provide educational and professional leadership development for undergraduate sorors. The purpose of the Leadership Fellows Program is to cultivate transformational leaders through a holistic and dynamic curriculum. Undergraduate sorors will receive professional career training and coaching, Alpha Kappa Alpha leadership development, as well as internship and job placement opportunities through their participation in this enrichment program. • THREE LETTERS OF REFERENCE • Graduate advisor recommendation (referencing leadership within the sorority) NOTE: graduate advisor must attest that they reviewed applicant’s application. • University official recommendation (referencing campus leadership and academic performance) • Community leader recommendation (referencing leadership in the applicant’s school or home community) NOTE: This person cannot be the same as the university official recommender listed above. If the community leader is a soror, she must write her letter based on her professional capacity. • ESSAY QUESTION AND REQUIREMENTS • Transformative leaders identify change, create a vision and inspire others. How have you exhibited this type of leadership on your campus, community and/or chapter? Additionally, why is it important to cultivate leadership skills and how will these skills impact your career goals? • Must be no more than two pages, double-spaced with 1-inch margins on all sides. Under the current program theme, Launching New Dimensions of Service, Leadership Fellows participants will engage in meaningful workshops in order to advance their personal, professional and sorority goals. The program will take place from May 26-30, 2015 in Austin, TX. As a new dimension to the Leadership Fellows Program, participants will receive valuable support and year-long coaching from experienced and knowledgeable mentors who are top professionals in their fields. Alpha Kappa Alpha remains dedicated to ensuring that fellows advance to “New Dimensions of Leadership,” as we have done for the past 35 years. • Applications must be submitted electronically by 11:59 p.m. on February 25, 2015 to Leadership Fellows chairman, Soror Elicia Pegues Spearman at leadershipfellowsspearman@gmail.com Expenses Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority will provide transportation, meals and lodging costs for the duration of the program. Who Can Apply? Applicants must… • • • Have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA Be an active member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® in good academic standing Be classified as a sophomore, junior or senior Note: All majors are welcomed to apply THE INTERNATIONAL LEADERSHIP FELLOWS COMMITTEE WILL JUDGE ALL SUBMISSIONS AND EACH APPLICANT WILL BE NOTIFIED REGARDING THE OUTCOME OF HER APPLICATION. 78 — IVY L EAF® • Fall 2014 Leadership Fellows Program 36TH ANNUAL LEADERSHIP FELLOWS P R O G R A M A P P L I C AT I O N PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY Name: FIRST MIDDLE LAST FINANCIAL CARD NO. CURRENT CHAPTER: Applicant Address — CHAPTER & DATE INITIATED INTO AKA: WHILE AT SCHOOL: NUMBER AND STREET City: State: ZIP: Phone ( ) UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE NAME & ADDRESS: NUMBER AND STREET City: State: ZIP: Your Classification: ) Expected Graduation Date: Major: APPLICANT ADDRESS — Phone ( Minor: Grade-Point Average: WHILE AT HOME: NUMBER AND STREET City: State: ZIP: Your E-mail Address: Phone ( Fax: ( Name of aas Parent(s)/Guardian(s) or Spouse: ) ) Relationship: Their Address: City: State: ZIP: Activities in Which You Have Participated (CAMPUS, Phone ( ) CHURCH, COMMUNITY, SORORITY): UR MARITAL STATUS: No AGE(S) OFFICES HELD (CAMPUS, CHURCH, SORORITY, OTHER): APPLICANT’S SIGNATURE: F O R G R A D U AT E A D V I S O R U S E GRAD. ADVISOR SIGNATURE (ABOVE LINE) REGION: DATE: Chapter: Phone: E-mail: Mobile: DATE SIGNED Fall 2014 • IVY L EAF® — 79 U U p" 2"$"# % !#%! 3ǤǤǤ͵Ȁͳ͵ȀʹͲͳͷ -444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 -444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 $ 2$!71616:3-4444444444444444444444444444444444 $-4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 -44444444444444444444444444444444444444 2$$&#*!&#$(#%% %!.3 !######################################################### !############################################## !############################################# " 6. !&#*!&# %#"%#%!"#%"%0!#!#$$%!' %#$!$+2)7!#%(!%3.!#!#$#& %!'%%!& % "$$%%!! %(%%* . 7. #%"%#!#%%!%!& %! % %$!#%!!#!# #$%(#% /% %! !!# %!# :656"##' ,7<:=6 8. "%#$&$(#' %!%#$$' ( *!&# $#'. 9. "%#$(%=5>!#!##$"#%"% (#'#! %! %%;7 /% %! ! # . !%-& $#'(! %%!(#% !* #$! !( %& !#%/% %! . This training session is offered through the National Association of Parliamentarians (NAP), a professional society dedicated to educating leaders throughout the world in effective meeting management through the use of parliamentary procedure Session participation will prepare you for the NAP membership exam. Prior to the session, you are encouraged to study the exam questions available for free from www.parliamentarians.org/applyjoin/examination/. This ĐŽŵƉůŝŵĞŶƚĂƌLJParliamentary Procedure training workshop willenable Sororsto take the ŽƉƚŝŽŶĂů membership exam on-site at the Conference following the workshop. Cost $90.00/VA and $91.00/NC. Demonstrate and show off your parliamentary knowledge by attending this course! Registration required on MARC form. Exam fees must be paid on-site prior to beginning of ƉƌŽĐƚŽƌĞĚĞdžĂŵ͘ Presenter: Maurice S. Henderson, 2011-2013 President, National Association of Parliamentarians, Detroit, MI QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ PARLIMENTARY PROCEDURE WORKSHOP FORM (Class size limited to 50 participants) Soror: ___________________________________ Cluster: ____________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________ State: NC VA Chapter Basileus: ______________________________ Zip: ________________________ Email: _____________________ Chapter Address: ________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________ State: NC VA Zip: _______________________ I am attending the Course only – No charge I will take the National Association of Parliamentarians® Exam at the Conference: Virginia $90.00*** North Carolina $91.00*** Fees, made payable to NAP, to be paid on-site prior to the beginning of the Session Please submit this form by February 28, 2015 to: Soror Jackie Roundtree jroundtree@aol.com Offered Through: QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ Basilei Training Institute Form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a5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«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a5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ 'HOHJDWH&HUWLILFDWLRQ)RUP Chapter: ______________________________ Undergraduate: __ Location (include name of college, if applicable): _________________________ Check One: Graduate: # of Active Members: The number of active members is the number of financial members as of February 1, 2015. The formula for determining the delegate strength is as follows: 1 to 10 active members 2 delegates 56 to 70 active members 6 delegates 116 to 130 active members 10 delegates 11 to 25 active members 3 delegates 71 to 85 active members 7 delegates 131 to 145 active members 11 delegates 26 to 40 active members 4 delegates 86 to 100 active members 8 delegates 146 and over active members 12 delegates 41 to 55 active members 5 delegates 101 to 115 active members 9 delegates Every financial chapter is entitled to no less than two (2) delegates, and no chapter shall have more than twelve (12) delegates. Please PRINT or TYPE names in alphabetical order. DELEGATES ALTERNATES 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. 6. 6. 7. 7. 8. 8. 9. 9. 10. 10. 11. 11. 12. 12. Please submit names of elected delegates and alternates to via email AND mail to: 6RURU-R\FH+HQGHUVRQ 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO'LUHFWRU 0$5&QG#PLGDWODQWLFDNDRUJ (GVHOO5RDG $OH[DQGULD9$ 7KLVIRUPPXVWEHVXEPLWWHGE\)HEUXDU\ %DVLOHXV6LJQDWXUH 'DWH *UDPPDWHXV6LJQDWXUH 'DWH *UDGXDWH$GYLVRU6LJQDWXUH 'DWH QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ CHAPTER SUBMISSION & AWARD ASSESSMENT FEE FORM ALL CHAPTERS must pay the Awards Assessment Fee by February 28, 2015. (This is a Regional Assessment for all Chapters). Only those Chapters who have submitted the award assessment fee by February 28, 2015 and their Chapter Year End Reports (by December 31, 2014) will be eligible for participation in the Chapter Awards/Exhibits Competition. Chapter: Location: Cluster (circle one): Eastern Carolina | Northern Carolina | Northern Western VA | Tidewater | Western Carolina Chapter Awards Committee Chairman: Address: City: State: Telephone #: Zip Code: E-mail: Chapter Basileus (print): Chapter Basileus Signature: Category (check all that apply): Class I (Undergraduate Chapters) Class II (Graduate Chapter: 30 members or less) Class III (Graduate Chapter: 31-75 members) Class IV (Graduate Chapter: 76 members or more) 2015 Awards Fee Assessment: GRADUATE ($40.00) UNDERGRADUATE ($25.00) Note to CHAPTERS who are SPONSORS of a Regional Award: Please submit $40 for the Sponsor Award and $40 for the Chapter Award Fee for a total of $80.00. You do not have to submit a fee for each award submitted. Name of Chapter Award(s): Remittance: $ Total Amount Enclosed: $ Make money orders, certified or Chapter check payable to: AKA Mid-Atlantic Region Please mail this form & fees postmarked by February 28, 2015 to: Kimberly Conner MAR Financial Secretary P.O. Box 22451 Alexandria, VA 22304 _ QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ CHAPTER ELIGIBILITY FORM The answers to the questions below should assist you in determining your eligibility to submit award nominations and exhibit entries in the various categories. If you qualify to enter it: D E Chapter Awards Individual Awards Responses are YES to Questions 1 thru 4 and NO to Question 5 Response is YES to Question 1 and NO to Question 2 CHAPTER AWARDS 1. Chapter’s award assessment was included with award nomination(s) or mailed under separate cover on or before February 28, 2015. 2. Chapter End of Year Report has been submitted to the Regional Director by December 31, 2014. 3. Roster of Chapter Officers was submitted to Headquarters and Regional Director by December 14, 2014. Chapter obligations for the Mid-Atlantic Region have been met for the current year (e.g., annual reports, roster, etc.) 4. 5. 6. YES NO YES NO Chapter has not been under penalty for any reason from January 1 through December 31, 2014. Fall Grades were submitted to Regional Director by February 1, 2015. (Undergraduate Chapters Only) INDIVIDUAL AWARDS 1. Soror is active in a compliant Chapter located in the Mid-Atlantic Region or is a General Member residing in the Mid-Atlantic Region. 2. Soror has not been under penalty for any reason from January 1 through December 31, 2014. Signatures Required: GRAMMATEUS BASILEUS CHAPTER AWARDS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN DATE NUMBER OF PACKAGES SENT NAME OF CHAPTER ONE COPY OF THIS FORM MUST BE SENT REGIONAL AWARDS COMMITTEE USE ONLY: Received by: Date: Please mail this form postmarked by February 28, 2015 to: Soror Trina Y. Archie McCorkle MAR Awards Chairman 9763 Mallard Glen Drive Charlotte, NC 28262 Postmark Date: QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ LAUNCHING NEW DIMENSIONS OF SERVICE INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM AWARDS FALL 2014 PRE-LAUNCH ACTIVITIES Chapter Awards: 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. LNDS: Target 1: Educational Enrichment – One Million Backpacks Achievement Award LNDS: Target 1: Educational Enrichment – Think HBCU Achievement Award LNDS: Target 3: Family Strengthening – Childhood Hunger Achievement Award LNDS: Target 3: Family Strengthening – Seasonal Wraps Achievement Award LNDS: Target 4: Environmental Ownership – 1908 Acts of Green Achievement Award LNDS: Target 5: Global Impact – UNA-USA – United Nations Association of the USA Achievement Award 7. LNDS: Collaboration Achievement Award 8. LNDS: Overall Pre-Launch Achievement Award General Guidelines: The International Program Committee created the above 2014 Pre-Launch Awards that will be presented at the 2015 Regional Conferences. x Award selections will be handled by the respective Regional Award Committee and will follow the process set forth by the Region. x The International Program Committee will NOT be involved in the selection of Regional Award Winners. x Awards given at the 2015 Regional Conference for 2014 Pre-Launch Activities are recognition based and will not move forward for Boule consideration. Boule 2016 awards will be based on 2015 and 2016 Regional Conference Awards where 1st place winners in each category will move forward to the Boule competition. The following cover sheet should accompany all awards. Awards should be placed in 3-ring binder that is no larger than 5 inches in height. The Binder should have a table of contents that identifies sections, pages and dates of program activities. QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA SORORITY, INCORPORATED® Launching New Dimensions of Service International Program Awards 2015 (BINDER COVER SHEET) Questions regarding the International Program Awards should be e-mailed to: Soror Crystal D. Lander, Mid-Atlantic Region Representative to the International Program Committee akamarprogram@gmail.com Name of Chapter: Chapter Location (City, State) Basileus Name: Basileus Email: Phone Number: ( ) Mobile Number Graduate Advisor Name: ( ) Graduate Advisor Email: (for Undergraduate Chapters Only) Phone Number: Check the appropriate box related to your Chapter size. Graduate Undergraduate Small [membership of 30 or less] Small [membership of 15 or less] Medium [membership of 31-75] Medium [membership of 16-30] Large [membership of 76 or more] Large [membership of 31 or more] Check the appropriate box related to the award category entry.* Target 1: EDUCATIONAL ENRICHMENT One Million Backpacks Think HBCU Target 3: FAMILY STRENGTHENING Childhood Hunger Seasonal Wraps Target 4: ENVIRONMENTAL OWNERSHIP 1908 Acts of Green Target 5: GLOBAL IMPACT UNA-USA Special Category SPECIAL CATEGORY Graduate and Undergraduate Launching New Dimensions of Service Pre-Launch Collaboration Overall Overall Pre-Launch Execution of Launching New Dimensions of Service * No awards will be given for Target 2: Health Promotion. QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ CHAPTER EXHIBIT SUBMISSION FORM ALL CHAPTERS must pay the Awards Assessment Fee by February 28, 2015. (This is a Regional Assessment for all Chapters). Only those Chapters who have submitted the award assessment fee by February 28, 2015 and Chapter Year End Reports (by December 31, 2014) will be eligible for participation in the Chapter Awards/Exhibits Competition. A separate exhibit registration form is required for each exhibit. All exhibits must be set up and ready for viewing by Friday, April 10, 2015. Exhibits must be dismantled by 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 11, 2015. All audiovisual equipment including but not limited to televisions, laptops, LCD projectors and expenses incurred for electronically outlets are the sole responsibility of each Chapter. Chapter: Location: Cluster (circle one): Eastern Carolina | Northern Carolina | Northern Western VA | Tidewater | Western Carolina Category (check all that apply): ______Class I (Undergraduate Chapters) ______Class II (Graduate Chapter: 30 members or less) ______Class III (Graduate Chapter: 31-75 members) ______Class IV (Graduate Chapter: 76 members or more) Chapter Basileus (print): Chapter Basileus Signature: Chapter Awards Committee Chairman (print): Chapter Awards Committee Chairman Signature: Address: City: State: Telephone #: E-mail: Requirements (check all that apply): Table Zip Code: Easel Outlet Please provide a brief description of your Chapter exhibit on a separate sheet. Print legibly or type in bold print. Please mail this form postmarked by February 28, 2015 to: Soror Jennifer K. Congleton MAR Exhibits Chairman 2718 Royal Drive Winterville, NC 28590 QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ JEWELS’ RECOGNITION FORM Chapter: ___________________________________ VA Zip: _______________________ Chapter Basileus: ______________________________ Email: _____________________ City: ______________________ State: NC Cluster: ____________________ Chapter Address: ________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________ State: NC VA Zip: _______________________ List the names of Sorors who have reached the milestone of Diamond, Golden or Silver Star since the 61st Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference and submit a current and initiation (if possible) photograph for each Soror for presentation inclusion. Use an extra page, if necessary. The Chapter Basileus and Membership Chairman are responsible for the completion of this form. The Alpha Kappa Alpha Corporate Office will verify that a recognition request has been made and a medallion purchased (Manual of Standard Procedure 2014, pg. 31). Name, Address, Telephone & Email Milestone Initiation Date, Chapter and Campus (if applicable) Colleges/Universities Attended and Special Titles Diamond Golden Silver Diamond Golden Silver Diamond Golden Silver Diamond Golden Silver Please submit this form by February 28, 2015 to: Soror Robin Pelt rgray68@msn.com QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ IVY BEYOND THE WALL FORM & INFORMATION Chapter: ___________________________________ City: ______________________ State: NC Cluster: ____________________ VA Zip: _______________________ Chapter Basileus: ______________________________ Email: _____________________ Instructions: Please complete the following for any Soror(s) who has become an Ivy Beyond the Wall since the 61st Regional Conference. Please use additional pages if needed. Name of Deceased Soror Chapter of Initiation and Year Date of Death (00/00/0000) Chapter & Cluster Please send information by March 13, 2015 to the email address below: PROalisajoy@gmail.com Or mail to: Psi Rho Omega Chapter, c/o Soror Alisa Cherry, PO Box 1606, Leesburg, VA 20177 Ceremony Instructions: The Chapter Basileus (or her designee) should arrive at the Ceremony location no later than 30 minutes prior to the beginning of the Ceremony and should sit on the front row to place an ivy sprig in a basket on the table when the Ivy Beyond the Wall’s name is called. Chapter members should stand when the name(s) of Ivy or Ivies Beyond the Wall from their Chapter is called. Attire for this solemn ceremony is seasonal white dresses or skirt suits with sleeves, coordinating white shoes and complementary hosiery. Proposed Constitution and Bylaws Amendments Form For Chapters, Chapter Members and General Members Membership Affiliation Date Chapter Chapter General Member Chapter Information Location Name of Chapter Basileus Home Phone Region Mobile Number Basileus Email Address Chapter Address Name of General Member submitting proposed amendment City: General Member Information Home Phone General Member Address City State Mobile Number State General Member Email Address Constitution and Bylaws Amendment Information Current Constitution Language: (Attach a copy of the reference section in the current Constitution and Bylaws to this form) Article Number: _______________ Section Number: ________________________ Page Number :________________ Proposed Constitution Language (The proposed amendment should clearly state the wording as it is to appear. Use additional sheets if necessary) Rationale for proposed amendment Will this proposed amendment have any fiscal impact on the sorority? Yes No If yes, please describe the anticipated fiscal impact. Signature of General Member submitting proposed amendment Signature of Chapter Basileus Date Signature of Chapter Grammateus Date Date Note : This form should be submitted to the Regional Director and MA Representative to the International Constitution Committee February 28, 2015. Proposed Constitution and Bylaws Amendments Form For Chapters, Chapter Members and General Members The section below is for the use of the Office of the Regional Director Name of Region Date Received By Regional Director Action of Region Total number of votes cast Date Transmitted to Regional Constitution Committee Date of Vote Total number of "aye" votes received Total number of "nay" votes received Date Transmitted to International Constitution Committee Comments: Name of Regional Director Signature of Regional Director QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. ~ Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference ~ 2015 Proposed Recommendations & Resolutions Form Submitting Soror Chapter Name Chapter Location Please state your proposed recommendation or resolution. Please state the rationale for the proposed recommendation or rationale. QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«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ò´[´WKHSULQWDEOHDUHDPXVW QRW H[FHHG ´ [ ´ 3OHDVH SURRIUHDG DGYHUWLVHPHQWV SULRU WR VXEPLWWLQJ DV DGYHUWLVHPHQWV ZLOOEHSULQWHGDVVXEPLWWHG3OHDVHQRWHWKDWDGYHUWLVHPHQWVDUHVXEMHFWWRDSSURYDOE\WKH0LG $WODQWLF5HJLRQDO'LUHFWRUDQGWKH6RXYHQLU-RXUQDO&RPPLWWHH&KDLUPDQ $GYHUWLVHPHQW&DWHJRU\ BBBBBBBBBBBBBB2XWVLGHEDFN&RYHU BBBBBBBBBBBBBB,QVLGHEDFN&RYHU BBBBBBBBBBBBBB)XOOSDJHZLWKSKRWR BBBBBBBBBBBBBB)XOOSDJHZRSKRWR BBBBBBBBBBBBBB+DOISDJHZLWKSKRWR BBBBBBBBBBBBBB+DOISDJHZRSKRWR BBBBBBBBBBBBBBóSDJHQRSKRWRLQFOXGHG BBBBBBBBBBBBBB3DWURQV &RVW 3OHDVHFRPSOHWHWKLVIRUPDQGLQFOXGHZLWK\RXUDGYHUWLVHPHQW (PDLOFDPHUDUHDG\DGYHUWLVHPHQWVE\)HEUXDU\WR 6RURU6DQGUD%*UDKDP6RXYHQLU-RXUQDO&RPPLWWHH&KDLUPDQDW PDUFMRXUQDO#\DKRRFRP 3OHDVHDOVRVHQGDFRS\RIWKLVIRUPZLWK\RXUSD\PHQW 0DNHFKHFNVSD\DEOHWR$.$0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDQGSRVWPDUNE\)HEUXDU\WR 6RURU.LP&RQQHU0$5)LQDQFLDO6HFUHWDU\ 32%R[ $OH[DQGULD9$ QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ 6RXYHQLU$GYHUWLVHPHQW)RUPIRU2UJDQL]DWLRQVDQG%XVLQHVVHV 2UJDQL]DWLRQ%XVLQHVVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB $GGUHVVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 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Signature of Contact Person: Date: Signature of Alternate Contact: Date: Signature of Graduate Advisor: Date: 1RWH7KLVIRUPPXVWEHHPDLOHGDQGPDLOHGE\)HEUXDU\ (PDLOFRPSOHWHGIRUPWR6RURU6LHUUD-RQHVDWMRQHVVQ#YFXHGX 0DLO5HJLVWUDWLRQIHHVDQGDFRS\RIWKHIRUPWR 6RURU.LPEHUO\&RQQRU 0$5)LQDQFLDO6HFUHWDU\ 32%R[ $OH[DQGULD9$ The MAR Platinum Pearl Club An invitation to all active Mid-Atlantic Region Sorors to participate in the Mid-Atlantic Platinum Pearl Club This distinguished annual membership is yours with a donation of $300.00 or more. Membership provides the following privileges during the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference: No waiting in lines during Registration or Program events Special seating in all Breakfast and Luncheon functions Special Guest attendance at the Regional Director’s Dinner Special recognition in the MARC Souvenir Journal Mail Form and checks to: Mid-Atlantic Region Platinum Pearl Club c/o Soror Kim Conner P.O. Box 22451 Alexandria, VA 22304 The MAR Platinum Pearl Club ALPHA KAPPA ALPAH SORORITY, INCORPORATED THE MID-ATLANTIC REGION PLATINUM PEARL CLUB MEMBERSHIP FORM The Mid-Atlantic Region (MAR) Platinum Pearl Club has been established under MidAtlantic Regional Director, Soror Joyce Henderson, as a special club of sorors who contribute $300.00 annually, above and beyond the regular dues structure for program enrichment purposes. The Club is designed to support activities within the Region. Membership in the MAR Platinum Pearl Club requires a payment of $300.00 prior to March 9, 2015. A certificate will be sent upon receipt of your contribution signifying membership. Membership in the MAR Platinum Pearl Club provides the following privileges during the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference and Cluster activities: No waiting in lines during Registration or Program events Special seating in all Breakfast and Luncheon functions Special Guest attendance at the Regional Director’s Dinner Special recognition in the MARC Souvenir Journal 1$0( (0$,/ $''5(66 &,7< 67$7( =,3 &+$37(5 &/867(5 &+$37(5 326,7,216 LIDSSOLFDEOH Mail Forms and Checks to: Mid-Atlantic Region Platinum Club Membership c/0 Soror Kim Conner P.O. Box 22451 Alexandria, VA 22304 2015 MARC MUSIC 6RURUV LQWHUHVWHGLQSDUWLFLSDWLQJRQWKH0$5&0XVLF &RPPLWWHHRUVLQJLQJLQWKH0$5&FKRLUSOHDVHFRPSOHWHWKLV IRUPDQGUHWXUQE\)HEUXDU\ 6RURU 1DPH (PDLO &HOO3KRQH 9RFDO3DUW ,QVWUXPHQW &KDSWHU %DVLOHXV 6WDWH 9$ 1& &OXVWHU &RQWDFW,QIRUPDWLRQ 6RURU 6KDQQRQ)ULHQG*ULIILQ± VIJ#JPDLOFRP 6RURU 6KHOO\/HZLV*DWOLQJ± VOHZLV#PVQFRP QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ Chapter Travel Form For Chapter Transportation Needs To be completed by Chapters traveling to the Conference by bus. Travel information is requested by Host Hotels in order to expedite the check-in process. Chapter Name Location Basileus Phone Transportation Contact Phone Alternate Contact Number of Buses Estimated Time of Arrival Email Phone Number of Passengers Departure Time Please submit this form by March 15, 2015 to: Soror Irene Logan lflogan@comcast.net QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ 5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFH&RPPLWWHH5HVSRQVLELOLWLHV $5&+,9(6 7KLVFRPPLWWHHGHVLJQVWKHEHVWSUDFWLFHVIRUSUHVHUYLQJKLVWRULFDOPDWHULDO $:$5'6 7KLV FRPPLWWHH RYHUVHHV WKH 0LG$WODQWLF 5HJLRQ¶V DQQXDO UHJLRQDO FRQIHUHQFH DZDUG VHOHFWLRQV DQG SUHVHQWDWLRQV &20081,&$7,2138%/,&,7< 7KLVFRPPLWWHHLVUHVSRQVLEOHIRUPHGLDFRYHUDJHRI0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHDFWLYLWLHVORFDOO\ UHJLRQDOO\DQGQDWLRQDOO\ &211(&7,21 7KH FRPPLWWHH LGHQWLILHV UHJLRQDO DQG QDWLRQDO LVVXHV ZKLFK LPSDFW WKH TXDOLW\ RI OLIH DQG GHVLJQ VWUDWHJLHV WR PRELOL]HFKDSWHUVWRDIIHFWFKDQJHLQSXEOLFSROLF\ORFDOO\DQGQDWLRQDOO\7KHFRPPLWWHHVHQGVVXFKLVVXHVWRWKH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RQQHFWLRQ&RPPLWWHH &2167,787,21 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Workshop Facilitator Responsibilities 1. Arrive at workshop location at least fifteen (15) minutes before workshop is scheduled to begin. 2. Consult with presenter to ensure that the room is set up appropriately and contains the equipment requested. 3. Secure each presenter’s vitae (if not available in advance) for introduction of the presenter. 4. Assist with distributing workshop materials and provide other assistance to the presenter as needed. 5. Distribute workshop evaluations before the workshop begins and collect after the workshop. 6. Call the workshop to order and provide the workshop title and number to assure sorors are in the desired workshop. 7. Introduce yourself, the workshop recorder, and the presenter to the sorors assembled. 8. Facilitate dialogue/discussion by asking questions if the sorors in the audience are reluctant. 9. Facilitate a question and answer session at the end of the workshop. 10. Serve as timekeeper for the workshop. 11. Thank the presenter for the presentation. 12. Ensure that the contact information for presenter, facilitator, and recorder is documented on the designated form provided in facilitator packet. 13. Submit each presenter’s vitae, contact information, copies of the presentation, evaluations, and the recorder’s workshop summary and notes to a designated workshop committee representative at the conclusion of the workshop session. Workshop Recorder Responsibilities 1. Arrive at workshop location at least fifteen (15) minutes before workshop is scheduled to begin. 2. Bring writing instruments – a pen or pencil for notes; a pen for the final workshop summary. 3. Introduce yourself to the presenter and facilitator and ensure that workshop attendees give complete information as designated on sign-in sheets. 4. Obtain copies of workshop handouts from the facilitator. 5. Record legible notes on designated pages in the workshop recorder’s packet, taking care to include participants’ questions, presenter’s answers, and other key points. 6. Obtain a copy of the presentation from the presenter (1 electronic and 1 hard copy). 7. Assist the facilitator in distributing and collecting the workshop evaluation forms. 8. Assure that all sign-in sheets, notes, and workshop summaries are placed in the designated envelope for the Regional Workshop Committee. 9. Place the workshop summary, notes, and copies of the presentation into the recorder’s packet and submit it to the facilitator before leaving the workshop room. QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ WORKSHOP FACILITATOR & RECORDER CHAPTER VOLUNTEER FORM Deadline: February 28, 2015 This form is for all Chapter sorors who meet the criteria and would like to serve as workshop facilitators and or recorders. Chapters are encouraged to solicit volunteers who may be interested in serving. While we prefer to receive forms from each chapter, sorors may submit individually (with a copy to the Chapter). Please keep a duplicate for your Chapter records. Upon receipt, all confirmed volunteers will be contacted by March 15, 2015. Chapter: ______________________________________ Location: _______________________________ Cluster: __________________________________ University/College: ____________________________ Basileus:__________________________________________ Preferred Phone: _____________________ Basileus E-mail: ________________________________ Alternate E-mail Workshop Facilitator Sign-Up NAME EMAIL ADDRESS PHONE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Workshop Recorder Sign-Up NAME EMAIL ADDRESS PHONE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Please e-mail or mail all forms (must be postmarked by deadline) to: 62nd Mid Atlantic Regional Conference Soror Kendra Gillespie 2327 Duke Street #A3 Alexandria, VA 22314 marcworkshops@aka-zco.org Thank you in advance for your willingness to serve! If you have any questions in the interim, feel free to contact that Workshops Committee Chairman, Soror Kendra Gillespie, at marcworkshops@Ăka-zco.org. QG 0LG$WODQWLF5HJLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHa5LFKPRQG9$a$SULO±$SULO :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ 6SHFLDO(YHQWV :H¶UHRQWKH0RYH«7RJHWKHU7RZDUGV7RPRUURZ )ULGD\$SULODQG6DWXUGD\$SULO DPWRDP %ULQJ:DWHUDQGD7RZHOJHWUHDG\WRVKDSHXS6RURUV Brigadier General Julia J. Cleckley U.S. Army Retired Keynote Speaker "Expanding A Legacy of LeadershipBuilding Bridges Together" 62ND MID-ATLANTIC LEADERSHIP BREAKFAST Friday, April 10, 2015 – 7:00 am JOYCE HENDERSON 0LG$WODQWLF 5HJLRQDO'LUHFWRU Ticket Price: $40.00 7KURXJKRXWKHU\HDUVRIVHUYLFH%ULJDGLHU*HQHUDO&OHFNOH\EURNH PDQ\PLOLWDU\EDUULHUVDQGKHOGVHYHUDOKLJKUDQNLQJSRVLWLRQV6KHZDV WKHILUVWPLQRULW\IHPDOHOLQH2IILFHUWRULVHWRWKHUDQNRI%ULJDGLHU *HQHUDOLQWKH$UP\1DWLRQDO*XDUG,QDGGLWLRQSULRUWREHFRPLQJD 2QH6WDU*HQHUDOVKHZDVWKHILUVW$IULFDQ$PHULFDQZRPDQWREH SURPRWHGWRWKHUDQNRI&RORQHOLQWKH$UP\1DWLRQDO*XDUG¶V$FWLYH 5HVHUYHSURJUDP6RURU-XOLDZLOOVKDUHKHUDPD]LQJVWRU\RIWULXPSK GHWHUPLQDWLRQDQGVWUHQJWKWRLQVSLUHXVWREHFRPHSRZHUIXO LQGHSHQGHQWOHDGHUV DOROTHY BUCKHANAN WILSON 6XSUHPH%DVLOHXV 62nd Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference Soror Joyce Henderson, Mid-Atlantic Regional Director Jewels’ Luncheon Honoring our Crown Jewels Diamond, Golden and Silver Sorors Friday, April 10, 2015 12:30pm- 2:30pm Tickets: $45.00 Join us as we Celebrate our Sorors on their Milestone Achievement! IVY DAZE EU featuring Sugar Bear World Renown Recording Artists Go-Go Band THE FRIDAY NIGHT EVENT TO REMEMBER TICKETS $40.00 Sorors $45.00 Guests 80S ATTIRE! REFRESHMENTS CASH BAR WHEN April 10, 2015 8:30pm-10:30pm WHERE Richmond Marriott Downtown “We’re on the Move, Together Toward Tomorrow” 62ND MIDATLANTIC REGIONAL CONFERENCE A l p h a K a p p a A l p h a S o r o r i t y, I n c . ™ c i t n a l t A d i M d n 2 e 6 c n e r e f n o C l a n o i g Re STEP SHOW Greater Richmond Convention Center Friday, April, 10 2015 10:30 pm- midnight Step Show Admission $25 62ND MID-ATLANTIC REGIONAL CONFERENCE ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA SORORITY, INC. ® WORSHIP & CLOSING BREAKFAST Living New Dreams INSPIRATIONAL SERVICE FEATURING KAREN CLARK SHEARD SPEAKER & SOLOIST FOUR-TIME GRAMMY® AWARD WINNER AND MULTIPLE STELLAR AND GMA DOVE AWARD WINNER Karen is renowned throughout the music industry for her signature, one-of-a-kind multi-octave vocal range and ability. Her musical style with the legendary Clark Sisters and as a solo artist has inspired a host of today’s brightest pop divas including Beyoncé, Mariah Carey, Missy Elliott, and Faith Evans, among countless others. SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 2015 TICKET COST: $45 JOYCE HENDERSON, MID-ATLANTIC REGIONAL DIRECTOR DOROTHY BUCKHANAN WILSON, SUPREME BASILEUS CHILDREN’S EVENTS Friday, April 10, 2015 Join us at the Children’s Hospitality Suite for Movie and Game Night. Snacks and games provided. Hours: 10:00am -6:00pm Children’s Museum of Richmond, 10:30am Tickets: $25.00 includes transportation and lunch Ages: 5+ Saturday, April 11, 2015 Bowling Fun! 11:00am Tickets: $50.00 includes bowling, shoes, transportation & food Ages: 16+ Registration covers: Hospitality Suite, T-shirt and Bag. External Events require a minimum of 10 participants. Contact pno.aka@gmail.com. Hospitality Hospitaliity Suite Enjoy camaraderie, food, fun and games! Hours: 10:00am – 6:00pm Friday, April 10, 2015 Bowling Outing! Tickets: $50.00 11:00am Includes bowling, shoes, transportation & food Catch the Flying Squirrels, Richmond’s Minor League baseball team v. Bowie Baysox Tickets: $20.00 7:05pm p External Events require a minimum of 10 participants. For additional information, contact pno.aka@gmail.com. Catch the Flying Squirrels! Join us for an evening of baseball with Richmond’s Minor League Team Flying Squirrels v. Bowie Baysox Friday, April 10, 2015, 7:05pm Tickets: $20.00/Includes transportation No unaccompanied minors. Event minimum: 10 participants. For additional information, contact pno.aka@gmail.com. CANAL ST. 26TH ST. 27 25 24 20 17TH ST. 23 22 14TH ST. 13 14 12 16 5 9 7 8 LEIGH ST. 19 17 18 Greater Richmond Convention Center 5TH ST. 3RD ST. 4 19TH ST. 18TH ST. E. MARSHALL ST. 042014 26 21 10TH ST. 9TH ST. 8TH ST. 7TH ST. 15 11 6 GRACE ST. ntown Richmond Restaurant Guide is provided by the er Richmond Convention Center. eater Richmond Convention Center lt as a result of regional cooperation een the City of Richmond and the surrounding counties of ULFR&KHVWHUÀHOGDQG+DQRYHU 6TH ST. 10 W. FRANKLIN ST. 5TH ST. 4TH ST. W. MAIN ST. Visit our website at 2 3 W. BROAD ST. ICHMONDCENTER.COM 3RD ST. 2ND ST. 1ST ST. FOUSHEE ST. ADAMS ST. 1 O BR W. MARSHALL ST. r more information, contact 804.783.7313 03 N ORTH T HIRD S TREET CHMOND , V IRGINIA 23219 JEFFERSON ST. Historic Shockoe Slip D OA OK R In the Neighborhood Restaurant Guide Map . ST RY A C W. CLAY ST. E. BROAD S T. GRACE ST. E. FRANKLIN ST. E. MAIN ST. E. CARY ST. THAI CORNER 9 *GRCC Sponsor 27 BOOKBINDER'S SEAFOOD & STEAKHOUSE * 26 BOTTOMS UP PIZZA * 25 SINÉ IRISH PUB * 24 KOBE JAPANESE STEAK & SUSHI * 23 LA GROTTA RISTORANTE * 22 THE DINING ROOM AT THE BERKELEY 21 THE TOBACCO COMPANY RESTAURANT 20 PADOW'S HAMS & DELI * 19 RICHMOND ON BROAD CAFÉ * 18 STARBUCKS AT THE RICHMOND MARRIOTT 17 T-MILLER'S SPORTS BAR & GRILL * AT THE RICHMOND MARRIOTT 16 THE GARDEN GRILLE/ THIRST AND FIFTH BAR AT THE HILTON GARDEN INN DOWNTOWN 15 OLIO DOWNTOWN 14 PASTURE * AT THE JOHN MARSHALL HOTEL 13 HISTORIC JOHN MARSHALL BALLROOM 12 RAPPAHANNOCK RESTAURANT 11 PENNY LANE PUB * 10 CAFÉ RUSTICA LUCY'S RESTAURANT 8 TARRANT’S CAFÉ 5 MAMA J'S * MAX'S ON BROAD 4 7 TJ’S AT THE JEFFERSON HOTEL 3 CHEZ FOUSHEE * LEMAIRE AT THE JEFFERSON HOTEL 2 6 COMFORT 1 RESTAURANT GUID DOWNTOWN RICHMO KddKD^hWW/ 19 S. 13th Street < 1.2 miles> ͘ϲϰϯͲϴϬϴϬͻ<K^d<^E^h^,/͘KD Mon - Fri 11:30am - 3pm, Sat 1 - 3pm - Thurs 3pm - 10pm, Fri - Sat 3pm - 11pm :ĂƉĂŶĞƐĞ^ƚĞĂŬŚŽƵƐĞΘ^ƵƐŚŝůŽĐĂƚĞĚŝŶ storic Shockoe Slip. Free parking. :WE^^d<Θ^h^,/ Banquets & Events 75 to 800. ϭϬϭE͘ϱã«^ãÙã < 0.4miles > 5.2323 ͻ d,:K,EDZ^,>>>>ZKKD^͘KD unch: Mon - Fri 11:30am - 2:30pm e-made southern choices. Easy Walk! ãã«:Ê«ÄDÙÝ«½½,Êã½ ®:Ê«ÄDÙÝ«½½½½ÙÊÊÃÝ Southern food made from scratch! ϬtÝãÙÊ^ãÙã < 0.4miles > .780.0004 ͻ COMFORTRESTAURANT.COM unch: Mon-Fri 11:30am - 2:30pm -Thurs 5pm - 10:30pm, Fri-Sat 5pm - 11pm ÊÃ¥ÊÙã 'ÙÄ&ÊçÝ«ÝãÙãÝ < 0.4 miles > Ϭϰ͘ϲϰϴ͘ϯϮϮϱͻ«þ¥ÊçÝ«͘Êà Brunch: Sun 10:30am - 2pm nch: Mon - Fri 11:30am - 2:30pm ŶĞƌ͗dŚƵƌƐϱƉŵͲϵƉŵ͕ĂƌƟůϭϬƉŵ Θ^ĂƚϱƉŵͲϵ͗ϯϬƉŵ͕ĂƌƟůϭϭƉŵ nch quarter cuisine. Free parking. CHEZ FOUSHEE ƵƌŽƉĞĂŶĐŽŵĨŽƌƚĨŽŽĚŝŶĂĐĂƐƵĂůĂƚŵŽƐƉŚĞƌĞ͘ ϭϰÝãD®ÄÝãÙã < 0.4miles > 04.225.8811 ͻ &Zh^d/Zs͘KD Lunch: Mon - Fri 11am - 3pm Dinner: Tues - Sat 5pm - 10pm ch: 11am - 3pm, Sunday Supper: 5pm - 9pm ¥ZçÝã® 06 East Cary Street < 1.3 miles> ϰϯͲϲϵϬϬͻKK</EZ^Z/,DKE͘KD ner: Mon - Thurs 5pm - 8:45pm pm - 9:30pm, Sun - Private Events Only ǁŶĞĚĂŶĚƵŶŝƋƵĞZŝĐŚŵŽŶĚĮŶĞĚŝŶŝŶŐ rant located in historic Tobacco Row. ZΖ^^ĞĂĨŽŽĚΘ^ƚĞĂŬŚŽƵƐĞ 1700 Dock Street < 1.2 miles> Ϭϰ͘ϲϰϰ͘ϰϰϬϬͻKddKD^hWW/͘KD d 11am - 10pm, Thurs & Sun 11am - 11pm, Fri - Sat 11am - 12am Pasta, Salads, Burgers & Sandwiches. ZŝĐŚŵŽŶĚΖƐĞƐƚWŝnjnjĂLJĞĂƌĂŌĞƌLJĞĂƌ͊ >'ZKddZ/^dKZEd 1009 E. Main Street< 0.9 miles > ϴϬϰ͘ϲϰϴͲϰϮϲϳͻPADOWS.COM Lunch: Mon - Fri 8:30am - 3pm, Sat 11am - 3pm Padow's is a Diner, Deli, Catering Service & Ham Store all wrapped up in one! WKtΖ^,D^Ι>/ ϲϬϬÝãD®Ä^ãÙã фϬ͘ϴŵŝůĞƐх ϴϬϰ͘ϳϳϱ͘ϵϱϵϳͻK>/KKtEdKtE͘KD ƌĞĂŬĨĂƐƚͬƐƉƌĞƐƐŽĂƌ͗DŽŶͲ&ƌŝϳĂŵͲϭϭĂŵ >ƵŶĐŚ͗DŽŶͲ&ƌŝϭϭĂŵͲϮƉŵ &Ƶůů^ĞƌǀŝĐĞĂƚĞƌŝŶŐĨŽƌŽƌƉŽƌĂƚĞDĞĂůƐͬǀĞŶƚƐ͘ KůŝŽŽǁŶƚŽǁŶ ϯϬϱƌŽŽŬZŽĂĚ фϬ͘ϯŵŝůĞƐх ϴϬϰ͘ϮϮϱ͘ϬϰϬϬͻŵĂdžƐŽŶďƌŽĂĚ͘ĐŽŵ >ƵŶĐŚ͗DŽŶͲ^ƵŶ͕ϭϭĂŵͲϱƉŵ ŝŶŶĞƌ͗DŽŶͲ^ƵŶ͕ϱƉŵͲϭϮĂŵ ƌƵŶĐŚ͗^ĂƚϭϭͲϯƉŵ͕^ƵŶϭϬĂŵͲϯƉŵ DĂdžΖƐŽŶƌŽĂĚ ϰϭϱEÊÙã«&®ÙÝã^ãÙã < 0.2 miles > ϴϬϰ͘ϮϮϱ͘ϳϰϰϵͻÃùݻ®ã«Ä͘Êà Mon - Thurs 11am - 9pm Fri - Sat 11am - 10pm, Sun 12noon - 7pm 'ƌĞĂƚƐŽƵƚŚĞƌŶĨŽŽĚŝŶĂƌĞůĂdžŝŶŐĂƚŵŽƐƉŚĞƌĞ͊ Entrées, sandwiches, homemade cakes, cornbread. DD:͛Ɛ ϰϬϰE͘ϮÄ^ãÙã фϬ͘ϮŵŝůĞƐх ϴϬϰ͘ϱϲϮ͘ϭϰϰϰͻ>hz^Ϯ^d͘KD >ƵŶĐŚ͗dƵĞƐͲ^ĂƚϭϭĂŵͲϯƉŵ ŝŶŶĞƌ͗dƵĞƐͲ^ĂƚϱƉŵͲϭϬƉŵ ^ƵŶĚĂLJƌƵŶĐŚ͗ϭϭĂŵͲϯƉŵ >ƵĐLJΖƐZĞƐƚĂƵƌĂŶƚ American menu featuring Virginia-grown ŝŶŐƌĞĚŝĞŶƚƐĂŶĚƐŽƵƚŚĞƌŶŝŶŇƵĞŶĐĞƐ͘^ĞĂƐŽŶĂů outdoor dining available. 101tÝã&ÙÄ»½®Ä^ãÙã < 0.5 miles > ϴϬϰ͘ϲϰϵ͘ϰϲϮϵͻ½Ã®ÙÙÝãçÙÄã͘Êà Bar: Daily 4pm - 12am, Dinner Daily 5 - 10pm >î٠ãã«:¥¥ÙÝÊÄ,Êã½ 1218ÝãÙù^ãÙã < 1.2 miles > ϴϬϰ͘ϲϰϰ͘Ϯϰϲϲͻ½¦ÙÊããÙ®ÝãÊÙÄã͘Êà Lunch: Mon - Fri 11:30am - 2:30pm Dinner: Mon - Sat 5:30 - 10pm ŶũŽLJĂƵƚŚĞŶƟĐ/ƚĂůŝĂŶĐƵŝƐŝŶĞƉƌĞƉĂƌĞĚǁŝƚŚƚŚĞ ĮŶĞƐƚĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞŝŶŐƌĞĚŝĞŶƚƐŝŶĂĐĂƐƵĂůLJĞƚĞůĞŐĂŶƚ atmosphere. ŽŵƉůŝŵĞŶƚĂƌLJƉĂƌŬŝŶŐĂŌĞƌϱƉŵ͘ PASTURE d,/KZEZ 1tÝãÙÊ^ãÙãфϬ͘ϯŵŝůĞƐх ϴϬϰ͘ϮϮϱ͘ϬϬϯϱͻƚĂƌƌĂŶƚƐĐĂĨĞƌǀĂ͘ĐŽŵ DŽŶͲdŚƵƌƐϭϭĂŵͲϭϭƉŵ &ƌŝͲ^ĂƚϭϭĂŵͲϭϮĂŵ ^ƵŶϭϬĂŵͲϭϭƉŵ dĂƌƌĂŶƚΖƐĂĨĞ 500 EastÙÊ^ãÙã< 0.1 miles > ϴϬϰ͘ϯϰϯ͘ϲϵϮϲͻKƉĞŶĂŝůLJϲĂŵͲϲƉŵ ^ƚĂƌďƵĐŬƐĂƚƚŚĞZŝĐŚŵŽŶĚDĂƌƌŝŽƩ 1327ÝãÙù^ãÙã< 1.0 mile > ϴϬϰ͘ϲϰϵ͘ϳϳϲϳͻݮĮٮݫÖç͘Êà Sun - Tues 11:30am - 12am Wed - Thurs 11:30am - 1am, Wed-Trivia Night Fri - Sat 11:30am - 2am &ŽůůŽǁƵƐŽŶ&ĂĐĞŬƚŽĮŶĚŽƵƚĂďŽƵƚƐƉĞĐŝĂůƐ͘ Featuring live entertainment on Fri-Sat. In the Neighborhood Historic S 500 E. Broad Street <0.1 miles> ϴϬϰ͘ϲϰϴ͘ϮϮϱϱͻdD/>>Z^^WKZd^Z͘ Sun - Thurs 6:30am - 12am, Fri - Sat 6:30 Enjoy sandwiches, burgers, steaks, subs, s ΘďŝŐƐĐƌĞĞŶdsƐŝŶƐŝĚĞƚŚĞZŝĐŚŵŽŶĚ ĂĚũĂĐĞŶƚƚŽƚŚĞ'ƌĞĂƚĞƌZŝĐŚŵŽŶĚŽŶǀĞŶ dd,Z/,DKEDZZ/K dͲD/>>ZΖ^^WKZd^ZΘ ϭϬϭtÝã&ÙÄ»½®Ä^ãÙã< 0.5 mil ϴϬϰ͘ϲϰϵ͘ϰϲϳϮͻ:&&Z^KE,Kd>͘K ƌĞĂŬĨĂƐƚ͗DŽŶͲ&ƌŝϳĂŵͲϭϭĂŵ͕^ƵŶϳĂ >ƵŶĐŚ͗DŽŶͲ&ƌŝϭϭĂŵͲϮƉŵ͕^Ăƚϭϭ͗ϯϬĂ ĂƌͬŝŶŝŶŐ͗&ƌŝϭϭĂŵͲϭϬƉŵ͕^Ăƚϭϭ͗ϯϬĂ d:ΖƐĂƚƚŚĞ:ĞīĞƌƐŽŶ,ŽƚĞů ϭϮϬϭĂƐƚĂƌLJ^ƚƌĞĞƚфϭ͘ϬŵŝůĞƐх ϴϬϰ͘ϳϴϮ͘ϵϱϱϱͻd,dKKKDWEz͘ >ƵŶĐŚ͗DŽŶͲ&ƌŝϭϭ͗ϯϬĂŵͲϮ͗ϯϬƉ ŝŶŶĞƌ͗DŽŶͲdŚƵƌƐϱ͗ϯϬƉŵͲϭϬƉ &ƌŝͲ^Ăƚϱ͗ϯϬͲϭϬ͗ϯϬƉŵ͕^ƵŶϱ͗ϯϬƉŵͲϵ͗ ϭƐƚ&ůŽŽƌƚƌŝƵŵ>ŽƵŶŐĞ͗ϭϭ͗ϯϬĂŵͲϮ ^/E/Z/^,Wh dŚĞdŽďĂĐĐŽŽŵƉĂŶLJZĞƐƚĂƵƌ ϲϮϲ͘ÙÊ^ãÙã < 0.2 miles > ϴϬϰ͘ϵϱϱ͘ϰϬϭϰͻÙ®«ÃÊÄÊÄÙÊ͘Êà Breakfast: M-F 7:30am - 11am, Lunch: M-F 11am - 3pm Best breakfast and lunch in downtown Richmond! Made-to-order sandwiches & salads. Soups, pastries, ĂŶĚĐŽīĞĞĚƌŝŶŬƐ͘:ƵƐƚƚǁŽďůŽĐŬƐĨƌŽŵƚŚĞ 'ƌĞĂƚĞƌZŝĐŚŵŽŶĚŽŶǀĞŶƟŽŶĞŶƚĞƌ͘ ϭϮϬϬĂƐƚĂƌLJ^ƚƌĞĞƚфϭ͘ϬŵŝůĞƐх ϴϬϰ͘ϮϮϱ͘ϱϭϬϱͻZ<>z,Kd>͘KD ƌĞĂŬĨĂƐƚ͗DͲ&ϳĂŵͲϭϬ͗ϯϬĂŵ͕>ƵŶĐŚ͗DͲ&ϭϭ͗ tĞĞŬĞŶĚƌƵŶĐŚ͗^ĂƚͲ^ƵŶϳ͗ϯϬĂŵͲ ŝŶŶĞƌ͗DŽŶͲ^Ăƚϱ͗ϯϬƉŵͲϭϬƉŵ͕^ƵŶϱ͗ϯϬ dŚĞŝŶŝŶŐZŽŽŵĂƚƚŚĞĞƌŬĞůĞLJ ĂŝůLJďƌĞĂŬĨĂƐƚďƵīĞƚ͘&ƌĞƐŚůLJƉƌĞƉĂƌĞĚĂůĂĐĂƌƚ ĚŝŶŶĞƌ͘>ŽĐĂƚĞĚĂĐƌŽƐƐƚŚĞƐƚƌĞĞƚĨƌŽŵƚŚĞ'ƌĞĂƚ ŽŶǀĞŶƟŽŶĞŶƚĞƌ͘ 501ÝãÙÊ^ãÙã < 0.2 miles 804.344.4300 Breakfast: Mon - Fri 6:30-10:30am; Sat - Sun Lunch: Mon - Fri 11:30am - 2pm, Sat - Sun 1 Dinner: Daily 5 - 9pm, Lounge to Mid d«'ÙÄ'Ù®½½ͬd«®ÙÝãΙ 'ÝãÙÊÖçãã« ,®½ãÊÄ'ÙÄ/ÄÄÊóÄã &ŽůůŽǁƵƐŽŶƚǁŝƩĞƌ͘ĐŽŵͬƚŚĂŝĐŽƌŶĞƌƌǀ Voted Top 10 Best New Restaurants 20 KŶĞďůŽĐŬĨƌŽŵƚŚĞ'ƌĞĂƚĞƌZŝĐŚŵŽŶĚŽŶǀĞŶƟ ÊÙÄÙÊ¥ϮÄÄDÙÝ«½½^ãÙãÝ < 0 804.343.2009 Lunch: Mon - Fri 11:15am-3:30p Z/,DKEKEZK& ƐĞĂĨŽŽĚƌĞƐƚĂƵƌĂŶƚƌĞǀŽůƵƟŽŶŝnjŝŶŐĨĂƌŵƚŽƚĂďůĞďƌŽƵŐŚƚ to you by Rappahannock River Oyster Company. &ĂĐĞŬ͘ĐŽŵͬZĂƉƉĂŚĂŶŶŽĐŬZs͕dǁŝƩĞƌΛƌĂƉƉĂŚĂŶŶŽĐŬ ϯϮϬĂƐƚ'ƌĂĐĞ^ƚƌĞĞƚ͕ĂƚϰƚŚфϬ͘ϮŵŝůĞƐх ϴϬϰ͘ϱϰϱ͘Ϭϱϲϱͻrroysters.com Lunch: Tues - Fri 11:30am - 3pm Raw Bar: Tues - Fri 3pm-5pm Dinner: Tues - Thurs 5pm - 10pm, Fri 5pm - 11pm Sat 3pm - 11pm, Sun 3pm - 10pm ZÖÖ«ÄÄÊ»ZÝãçÙÄã ϰϮϭ͘&ÙÄ»½®Ä^ãÙã < 0.3 miles > ϴϬϰ͘ϳϴϬ͘ϭϲϴϮͻÖÄÄù½ÄÖç͘Êà Mon - Fri 11am - 2am, Sat 10am - 2am Sun 10am to 3pm ^ŝŶĐĞϭϵϳϵ͕ĂŶŶŐůŝƐŚWƵďƐĞƌǀŝŶŐĮƐŚ͚ŶĐŚŝƉƐ͕ steaks, salads, sandwiches. Darts & pool as well! PENNY LANE PUB 416Ýã'Ù^ãÙã< 0.4 miles > ϴϬϰ͘ϳϴϬ͘ϬϰϭϲͻPASTUREVA.COM Lunch: Mon - Fri 11:30am - 2:30pm Dinner: Mon - Thurs 5pm - 10pm Fri - Sat 5pm - 11pm We’re a southern small plates restaurant with a focus on fresh local products.