Materials Science and Engineering A 527 (2010) 1704–1708 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Materials Science and Engineering A journal homepage: Characterization of 6061-T6 aluminum alloy to AISI 1018 steel interfaces during joining and thermo-mechanical conditioning Emel Taban a,b,∗ , Jerry E. Gould c , John C. Lippold a a b c The Ohio State University, Dept. of Industrial, Welding and System Engineering, 1248 Arthur E. Adams Drive, Columbus, OH 43221, USA Kocaeli University, Engineering Faculty, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Umuttepe Campus, Kocaeli 41380, Turkey Edison Welding Institute, Edison Joining and Technology Center, 1248 Arthur E. Adams Drive, Columbus, OH 43221, USA a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 14 September 2009 Received in revised form 27 October 2009 Accepted 28 October 2009 Keywords: Welding Steels Aluminum alloys Intermetallic compounds Electron microscopy a b s t r a c t Friction welds between 6061-T6 aluminum alloy and AISI 1018 steel have been examined in the as process condition and following thermo-mechanical treatment. Joints were characterized by microhardness mapping, focused ion beam with ultra high resolution scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectrum. Intermetallic layer thicknesses at the interfaces ranged from 250 to 400 nm. These intermetallics appear related to the FeAl and Fe2 Al5 phases for as-welded condition and FeAl, Fe2 Al5 , FeAl3 and FeAl6 phases following thermo-mechanical condition. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Economic and environmental considerations are constantly driving the automotive industry to unique designs and material combinations for both weight reduction and structural integrity. In particular, there is an increasing interest in lightweight materials. Materials that have been considered for vehicle structures in recent years include advanced high strength, composites, magnesium and aluminum. Of these, aluminum has been seen to offer specific advantages in terms of strength, density and availability. The cost of aluminum compared to steel has restricted its use for automobile parts. However, aluminum can be used more economically when it is incorporated into hybrid structures with steel. The introduction of aluminum alloy parts into a steel car body requires welding technologies that are reliable, efficient and economical. The formation of metallurgical bonds between steel and aluminum is challenged due to significant differences in both physical and metallurgical properties. Metallurgically, joints between aluminum and steel can result in multiple intermetallic phases that generally form by solidstate reaction. These intermetallics generally result in mechanical degradation of the joint. The formation of these phases is mainly ∗ Corresponding author at: Kocaeli University, Engineering Faculty, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Umuttepe Campus, Kocaeli 41380, Turkey. Tel.: +90 262 303 3405; fax: +90 262 335 2880. E-mail addresses:, (E. Taban). 0921-5093/$ – see front matter © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.msea.2009.10.059 driven by interdiffusion of the species, and is highly dependent on the specific time and temperature history of the welding process. The extended thermal cycles and higher temperatures/longer times that are generally associated with fusion welding result in the formation of thick intermetallic compound (IMC) layers at the joint interface. The formation of these layers is generally considered the root cause for the property degradation experienced with these types of joints [1–6]. Solid-state welding techniques provide joint formation at lower temperatures and often at very short times. The use of solid-state joining process generally is associated with reduced formation of these intermetallic phases. One such method, friction welding, has affectively been used for joining aluminum to steel in production environments. If properly applied, friction welding and its variant inertia friction welding provides joining at relatively low temperatures with an overall short thermal cycle. Recent research has addressed friction welding material combinations including mainly pure and alloyed aluminum to stainless steel [7–13]. In order to control the extent of the intermetallic layers in Al–Fe joints, it is important to understand the formation and growth behaviour and conditions of the intermetallic compounds. It has been noted that the types and distribution of phases, which occur at the interface during friction welding are relatively complex. An attempt has been made by Fukumoto et al. [11] to understand these mechanisms. The work demonstrated the presence of both FeAl and Fe3 Al phases. These phases are Fe-rich intermetallic phases with better ductility properties compared to brittle E. Taban et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 527 (2010) 1704–1708 Al-rich phases and are generally observed in joints made with fusion welding processes. Other studies [9,11] also have suggested that FeAl and Fe3 Al Fe-rich phase formation occured in friction welding of pure aluminum alloy to stainless steel. Reddy et al. [9] reported that using an Ag interlayer during friction welding of stainless steel to 1050 aluminum alloy provided the possible formation of FeAl in addition to Fe2 Al5 . Similarly, Fukumoto et al. [10,11] reported that mainly Fe2 Al5 formed and Fe3 Al and FeAl might have been formed during friction welding of non-heat treatable 1050 aluminum alloy to stainless steel. Published studies are mainly concentrated on dissimilar Al-Fe friction welding of aluminum, especially 1xxx series alloys, to stainless steels. Clearly, friction welding of aluminum alloys with low alloy steels remains of strong industrial interest [7–12]. However, the types and distributions of intermetallics that are formed in these types of joints are not satisfactorily investigated. Thus, this study aims to investigate the formation of intermetallics, in particular, Fe-rich phase formation such as FeAl and Fe3 Al in joints of heat treatable 6061 aluminum and 1018 low alloy steel during friction welding and thermo-mechanical conditioning. 2. Material and experimental procedure Dissimilar joints of 6061-T6 aluminum alloy and AISI 1018 steel were produced using friction welding with selected parameters due to the earlier experience [7–11] as well as some iterative experimental trials to provide possibly minimum IMC layer thickness at the interface. Process parameters included an initial rotational speed of 4200 rpm, a friction pressure (P1) of 23 MPa and an upset pressure (P2) of 60 MPa, a friction time (t1) of 1 s; and upset time (t2) of 5 s. Then a unique physical simulation was done with rapid heating by Gleeble thermo-mechanical simulator to promote and characterize intermetallic growth regarding the IMC layer at the interface of the joints. Particular emphasis concentrated on interfacial microstructure characterization by microhardness mapping, SEM, EDS, X-ray elemental mapping, focused ion beam with ultra high resolution SEM capability, TEM, (S)TEM-EDS and electron diffraction pattern analysis. Attempt was made to observe the conditions of IMC formation in friction welding and whether they are stable after rapid thermal cycles. Base metals for this study included a 6061-T6 aluminum alloy and a 1018 steel. These materials were prepared as rods nominally 12.5 mm in diameter and were welded using inertia friction welding process. Tensile testing of the welds revealed an average value of 250 MPa. 1705 Thermo-mechanical conditioning was done at Gleeble 3800 physical simulator. The Gleeble allowed the friction welds to be subjected to a range of secondary time/temperature combinations. Combinations investigated included temperatures at 400, 450 and 500 ◦ C, and times for 1, 2, 5 and 10 s. Note that, the temperatures at Gleeble were controlled from the aluminum side of the interfaces. The temperature data from the steel side of the interfaces were obtained during Gleeble thermo-mechanical simulation. So, the temperatures from 400 to 500 ◦ C were provided at the aluminum interfaces. Of these, only the samples exposed to combinations of 500 ◦ C at 5 and 10 s demonstrated any intermetallic growth for conditioned joints. The sample rapidly heated to 500 ◦ C for 10 s is evaluated here and compared to the as-welded specimen. For microstructural investigations, cross-sections were prepared, polished and mechanically etched. Microhardness measurements on each weld were carried out using an automated-microhardness tester with 50 g load. To produce interfacial hardness maps, about 2000 indents with a nominal spacing of 120 m were placed on each sample. The interfacial cross-sections of these welds were further investigated by scanning electron microscopy. EDS line analysis and X-ray elemental mapping were also performed using SEM with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analysis capability. X-ray elemental mapping for Al and Fe elements at the interface of both joints were studied. To determine the types of the phases that are formed at the interface of the joints, further investigations were done using TEM/STEM techniques. A thin foil specimen was extracted from the interface area using a Helios 600 focused ion beam (FIB) system with ultra high resolution (UHR) SEM capability. This allowed for enhanced characterization of the intermetallic layer at the joint interface. The FIB milling, with in situ sample preparation, was used to remove transmission electron microscopy (TEM) foil sections specifically along the aluminum steel interface. TEM/STEM analysis was performed using an analytical 200 kV FE-TEM Tecnai F20 S-Twin TEM equipped with an EDS detector. Bright field, selected area diffraction techniques were used to investigate the interfacial microstructure. EDS profiles were obtained in scanning electron microscopy (STEM) mode as EDS line and area analysis. 3. Results and discussion Temperature profiles close to the interface of the as-welded and conditioned joints were obtained with K-type thermocouple mea- Fig. 1. Thermal cycles (a) during welding TCAl max – 418 ◦ C, TCSt max – 383 ◦ C and (b) during subsequent Gleeble heat treatment TCAl max – 523 ◦ C, TCSt max – 1010 ◦ C. 1706 E. Taban et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 527 (2010) 1704–1708 Fig. 2. Hardness profiles of the interfaces of (a) as-welded and (b) conditioned joints. Fig. 3. X-ray elemental mapping of conditioned joint. surements a few millimeters away from the interfaces are given in Fig. 1. Temperature profiles during welding are provided in Fig. 1(a). During welding, peak temperatures in the steel and aluminum were observed as 383 and 418 ◦ C, respectively. Further, the duration of the thermal cycle was significantly longer on the aluminum side of the joint. The difference in thermal responses for the steel and aluminum sides of the joint is directly related to the respective thermal conductivities. Here, the thermal conductivity of the aluminum is roughly three times that of steel suggesting 3/4 of the developed heat is conducted away through that side of the joint [14]. This results in both local higher measured temperatures (at some distance from the joint line) and a longer overall thermal cycle. Temperature profiles during Gleeble treatment are shown in Fig. 1(b). Results show some overshoot on the Al side of the joint (up to 523 ◦ C). On the steel side of the joint, however, this overshoot was excessive (up to 1010 ◦ C). The overshoot on the steel side is related to the considerably higher electrical resistivity – roughly a factor of 4 – of this material compared to the aluminum [14]. As current flows in the Gleeble, the steel will excessively overheat till sufficient heat flows to the joint to achieve the set temperature. At that point, the temperature will stabilize. Of note, the temperature at the location of the thermocouple in the steel for the steady state set temperature at the interface (500 ◦ C) is roughly 660 ◦ C. The microhardness maps for both as-welded and conditioned joints are presented in Fig. 2. The results show a distinct change in hardness between the aluminum and the steel at the bond line. Of interest, little variation in hardness is observed from each base metal up to the weld interface, but a step change in transversing from aluminum to steel could be observed. Some hardness variation suggesting a heat affected zone on the steel side is observed. This may be related to re-austenization and subsequent decomposition since, as mentioned above, peak temperatures in the steel away from the interface were in excess of 1000 ◦ C during thermo-mechanical conditioning. The uniformity of hardness on the aluminum side suggests a minimal heat affected zone resulting from either welding or thermo-mechanical conditioning. SEM photos in secondary electron and backscatter electron modes of the aluminum–steel interface on the as-welded and thermal conditioned samples suggested a thin, discontinuous intermetallic layer at the bondline growing into the aluminum side of the joints. The layer thickness appears to be less than 1 m. The EDS traces along the joints from Fe to Al sides also suggest some amount of interdiffusion, particularly from iron side into the aluminum. The apparent width of the diffusion field here is relatively small compared to the electron activation volume of about 3 m, so results were considered qualitative. The electron activation volume of the equipment for X-ray elemental mapping was in the range of 1–2 m, however the elemental interdiffusion and intermetallic layer was distinguished (Fig. 3). UHR SEM photos of the joint interfaces are given in Fig. 4. Fig. 4. UHR SEM images in SE mode of (a) as-welded and (b) conditioned joints. E. Taban et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 527 (2010) 1704–1708 1707 atures above 1200 ◦ C facilitate the formation of Fe-rich FeAl and Fe3 Al intermetallic phases. This is not likely for friction welds, in that this is well above the melting point for the aluminum substrate. It may be that the intimate contact between the species combined with the heavy working on the aluminum side of the joint can facilitate the atomic diffusion phenomena to overcome the activation barrier to form this phase [4–6,8,10]. 4. Conclusions In this work, resulting microstructures of inertia friction welds and thermo-mechanically conditioned joints between a 6061-T6 aluminum alloy and 1018 steel have been characterized. Specific conclusions from this work include: Fig. 5. Bright field TEM image with Line EDS scan across the interface and the selected area diffraction pattern of IMC. Fig. 4(a) represents the as-welded condition of the workpieces. Note the fine distribution of the intermetallic phase along the bond line. A similar UHR SEM micrograph for the thermo-mechanically conditioned sample is shown in Fig. 4(b). Note that this micrograph is at the twice the magnification of Fig. 4(a). Here, the intermetallic is more continuous along the bond line. Average intermetallic penetrations were approximately 250 and 350 nm for the as-welded and thermo-mechanically conditioned samples respectively. Maximum thicknesses of the intermetallics were generally measured at the center of the samples with values of around 350 and 400 nm for as-welded and conditioned joints respectively. A bright field TEM image of conditioned sample combined with EDS line analysis and selected area diffraction pattern is shown in Fig. 5. The aluminum side of the joint demonstrates the darker contrast in this image. Aluminum, iron and silicon EDS line scans taken in STEM mode across the bond line are presented in the same figure. These results clearly show a well-defined intermetallic layer, with a range of associated Al/Fe compositions. These results have been translated into actual Al/Fe/Si compositions as a function of location. It should be noted that IMC layer thickness rather than chemistry constitutes the main emphasis in the published research [15]. The compositional results obtained by STEM-line EDS suggest that the possible intermetallic compound types found at the interfaces include FeAl and Fe2 Al5 for as-welded joint. The STEMEDS line compositional analyses suggest that these phases are also present in the thermo-mechanical conditioned joint. However, it appears that there is secondary formation of the FeAl3 and FeAl6 non-equilibrium phases seem to be formed. Diffraction pattern analysis for the thermo-mechanical conditioned sample shows a cubic structure which is consistent with FeAl type of phase [16]. Fe2 Al5 is commonly found in solid state and fusion welds of dissimilar steel and aluminum joints. However, as suggested above, FeAl is seldom found to be formed in friction welding of Al–Fe joints [9,10]. It has been reported in those studies that temper- 1. Sound joining of 6061-T6 aluminum to AISI 1018 steel has been provided by inertia friction welding (FW). 2. Thermo-mechanical conditioning by physical simulator providing rapid heating was successfully done which allowed the interfaces to be subjected to a range of secondary time and temperature combinations under a constant load. Combinations investigated included temperatures (at the aluminum interface) from 400 to 500 ◦ C, and times from 1 to 10 s. Of these, only the samples exposed to combinations of 500 ◦ C at 5 and 10 s demonstrated any intermetallic growth. The sample rapidly heated to 500 ◦ C for 10 s was evaluated here and compared to an as-welded specimen. 3. For the as-welded condition, average intermetallic layer thicknesses were approximately 250 nm while 350 nm was measured for the thermo-mechanically conditioned samples. Maximum thicknesses of the intermetallics were generally measured at the center of the samples with values of around 350 and 400 nm for as-welded and conditioned joints respectively. 4. The microstructural characterization by TEM/STEM including compositional results by STEM/EDS and diffraction pattern analysis suggest two intermetallics are present, including the Fe-rich FeAl and an Al-rich Fe2 Al5 phases for as-welded joint. For the thermo-mechanically conditioned joint, it appears that there seems to be secondary formation of the FeAl3 equilibrium and FeAl6 non-equilibrium phases in addition to FeAl and Fe2 Al5 phases. 5. Although Fe2 Al5 is commonly found in solid state and fusion welds of dissimilar steel and aluminum joints, FeAl is seldom found to be formed in friction welding of Al–Fe joints and it seems to keep its stability after thermo-mechanical conditioning in this study. Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge the contribution of the State of Ohio, Department of Development and Thomas Edison Program, which provided funding in support of Edison Technology and Industry Center services. Colleagues at Edison Welding Institute-Edison Joining and Technology Center, Department of Industrial, Welding and System Engineering-Welding and Joining Metallurgy Group, Computational Materials Group and Department of Materials Science Engineering-Campus Electron Optics Facilities at the Ohio State University are also acknowledged for their technical support. Assoc. Prof. Dr. S.S. Babu is acknowledged for valuable TEM discussions. References [1] O. Pasic, I. Hajro, D. Hodzic, Welding in the World 51 (2007) 377–384. [2] C. Thomy, A. Wirth, M. Kreimeyer, F. Wagner, F. Vollertsen, in: Procedings of the IIW International Conference on Welding and Materials-Technical, Eco- 1708 [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] E. Taban et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 527 (2010) 1704–1708 nomic and Ecological Aspects, July 1–8, 2007, Dubrovnik&Cavtat, Croatia, pp. 311–326. W.B. Lee, M. Schmuecker, U.A. Mercardo, G. Biallasb, S.B. Jung, Scripta Materialia 55 (2006) 355–358. K.J. Lee, S. Kumai, N. 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