ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OPEN TENDER FORM Tenders should be submitted in sealed envelopes addressed to Dy.Chief Engineer (TMC), Plant Depot, Mughalsarai, Distt.Chandauli (U.P.) PIN-232 101 and superscribed with the words “Tender No. ReTender/TT/2003/6075/OT, dt. 26.02-04 for supply of Charge pump A4V G 90L pump of CSM, Pt.No.- Hy704x90L/EL/210 bar, Rexroth Pt.No.- A4VG 90EP201/32 IN2 F02 F00 ISM. M/s _____________________________________________________________________________________. Tender No.Re-Tender/TT/2003/6075/OT dt. 26-02-2004 to be returned at 15.00 hrs. and to be opened at 15.30 hrs. on 04 /10 /2005. 1. Stores are to be delivered at Plant Depot, Mughalsarai, East Central Railway. Makers name and brand of stores offered must be stated, otherwise offers may not be considered. 2. The General Manager/Chief Engineer or any other Officer authorized on behalf of the General Manager does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserve the right to cancel, reduce or divide the Contact without assigning any reason for such action. 3. EARNEST MONEY @ 2.5% Rs 3900 /= is required to be deposited by the successful tenderer. Offers, without the earnest money will be summarily rejected at the discretion of Railway. The earnest money & security deposit should be in the form of Deposit Receipt and Demand Draft of SBI or any scheduled Banks, drawn in favour of FA & CAO, E.C.Rly, Hajipur or it may be deposited in cash with the Divisional Cashier. The contract and the supply will be covered by the Indian Railways standard conditions of contract (latest) & the instruction of E.C. Railway. 3.1. Following tenderers need not submit the earnest money: a) SSI Units recognized by NSIC for similar items & amount. b) Suppliers borne on the approved list of Railway for similar items & amount. c) Manufacturers and their accredited agents. Tenderers not willing to submit earnest money must submit proof of their being SSI Units/approved supplied/manufacture of their accredited agents as detailed above. 4. Tenders received with erased, overwritten, rates not given in words will be rejected. 5. Sales Tax, where laviable and intended to be claimed from the purchaser, should be distinctly shown with the price quoted together with the tender’s Sales Tax registration certificate number. Where this in not done, no claim for Sales Tax will be admitted at any later stage and any ground whatsoever. 6. (a) Tenderers desirous of escalation on account of raw material will be subjected to verification by the Financial Advisor & Chief Accounts Officer of East Central Railway with reference to the records that may be called for from them. Successful tenderer will be required to produce complete records including position of ground stack available at the time of submission of tender or verification / examination of their claims under price escalation before their claims are accepted. (b) If the tenderer fails to establish its claim by producing satisfactory records before the FA & CAO of this Railway, the claim will be disallowed and / or proportionately reduced. 7. The material shall be imported against your own license and shall be supplied against rupees payment. TO THE PRESIDENT OF INDIA, Dear Sir, In compliance with your request, the undersigned hereby tender(s) to supply the E.C. Railway Administration, the stores as specified herein. Further more, the undersigned herein certifies/certify, that he is/they are fully conversant with and agrees/ agree to observe, fulfill and keep all the conditions setforth in the Ministry of Rlys (Railway Board’s) Standard condition of Contract (Latest) and the instructions for the Guidance of Contractors issued by the Stores Department of this E.C. Railway (which shall be deemed and taken to be a part of the contract as if the same has been fully setforth herein in the even of this tender being accepted. “This tender must hold good for 90 days from the date of opening and if the undersigned fail(s) to take up the Contract within the said period, the Railway Administration shall be entitled to forfeit the Earnest Money mentioned in the certificate here under without prejudice to any other rights and remedies of the Railway administration”. Yours faithfully ___________________ (Place) Dated: _____________ ________________________________________ Signature of intending Supplier(s). ______________________________________________________________________________________ CERTIFICATE TO BE SIGNED BY THE CONTRACTOR(S). 1. I/We hereby certify that we are conversant with the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board’s) Standard Conditions of Contracts (Latest) and instructions for Guidance of the Contractors issued by the Stores Dept. of E.C. Railway. 2. Please note that I/we hold E.C. Railway Chief Cashier’s Receipt No. __________ dated ___________ for the sum of Rs. __________________ being Earnest Money deposited by me/us in respect of this tender. Dated ___________________ __________________________________ Signature of Contractor(s). ______________________________________________________________________________________ N.B.- The attention of Tenders is drawn to the rule that the rate unit must not under any circumstances be altered and quotation must be entered both in figures and in words. Any alteration made by the Tenderers in the unit column or other portion of the tender form will be sufficient cause to throw of the tender. SCHEDULE OF SUPPLY Tender No. Re-Tender/TT/2003/6075/OT, dt. 26-02-2004. Sl. No. 1. 2. DESCRIPTION Qty. UNIT Charge pump, A4VG90L pump of CSM Pt.No.-Hy-704x90L/EL/210 bar Rexroth Pt. No.-A4VG 90 EP 201/32 IN2F 02 F00 ISM. 01 Nos. Charge pump for A4VG 90L pump of FRM, Pt.No.:- Hy-704x90R. Rexroth Pt.No.A4VG 90EP2 D1/32 RNZ F02 F00/SH. 01 Nos. RATE QUOTED In Figure In Word Make :- Plasser/Rexroth. Special Conditions : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Inspection:By authorized representative of the Executive Engineer/Track Machine, Plant Depot, Mughalsarai. Test certificate & certificate of origin to be submitted at the time of supply to confirm genuineness of materials. Consignee:Depot Store Keeper, Track Machine Store, Plant Depot, Mughalsarai. Delivery period: Delivery to be completed within 45 days. The validity of offer should be for 90 days. Credentials: To be submitted along with the quotation. Guarantee : Tender(s) to submit six months guarantee from the date of supply. Suitability : Tenderer will be responsible for replacement of the supplied part in case it does not fit in the original equipment. Payment : 100% payment after receipt & acceptance of supply. Earnest Money: Earnest money as published must be submitted along with the offer in case of supplies other than those registered with Railway for similar supply and value, Original Equipment Manufacturer & their authorized representative and small scale industries registered with NSIC. Offers unaccompanied with earnest money may be rejected with discretion of Railway. Security money: Successful tenderer will be required to deposit a security deposit @ 5% of the total value at the direction of Railway for successful supply of materials. The tender will be opened at Dy.CE(TMC)/PD/MGS’s Office on 04/10 /2005 at 15.30 hrs. The firm should submit original challan of the manufacturer in confirmation to its genuineness. In case of imported materials, the firm should submit import documents of the original manufacturer in confirmation to the genuineness.