The EAR Chapter Thirteen Medical Terminology HIT # 141 Anatomy • Auricle, pinna = bilateral of the head, directs sound waves in the external auditory meatus. • External auditory meatus = short tube ends at the tympanic membrane. • Tympanic membrane = eardrum semitransparent membrane that separates the external meatus and the middle ear cavity. • Eustachian tube = connects the middle ear and the pharynx (throat). Regulates air pressure. • Ossicles = bones of the middle ear, carry sound vibrations, malleus (hammer), incus (anvil), stapes (stirrup). 1 Anatomy • Inner ear Labyrinth = bony spaces within the temporal bone of the skull. – Cochlea =snail shaped and contains the organ of hearing. – Semicircular canals & vestibule = contains receptors and endolymph that help the body maintain its balance or equilibrium. • Mastoid bone and cells = located in the skull bone behind the external auditory meatus. Combining Forms for the EAR • • • • • • • • Acou/o audi/o = hearing Aur/i aur/o = ear. Labyrinth/o = labyrinth. Mastoid/o = mastoid bone. Myring/o = tympanic membrane (eardrum). Ot/o = ear. Staped/o = stapes (middle ear bone). Tympan/o = tympanic membrane, eardrum. 2 Disease and Disorder Terms • • • • • • • Labyrinthitis = inflammation of the labyrinth. Mastoiditis = inflammation of the mastoid bone. Myringitis = inflammation of the eardrum. Otalgia = pain in the ear. Otomycosis = fungus in the ear. Otopyorrhea = discharge of pus from the ear. Tympanitis = inflammation of the middle ear. Otitis Meida. • Ceruminoma = tumor of the glands that secrete earwax. Disease and Disorder Terms • Meniere’s disease = chronic disease of the inner ear, dizziness and ringing in the ear. • Otitis externa = inflammation of the outer ear. • Otitis media = inflammation of the middle ear. • Tinnitus = ringing in the ears. • Vertigo = dizziness. 3 Surgical Terms • Labyrinthectomy = excision of the labyrinth. • Mastoidectomy = excision of the mastoid bone. • Myringoplasty = surgical repair of the tympanic membrane. • Myringotomy = incision of the tympanic membrane, performed to release pus and relieve pressure in the middle ear. • Tympanoplasty = surgical repair of the eardrum. Procedural Terms • Acoumeter = instrument used to measure, acuteness of hearing. • Audiogram = graphic record of hearing. • Audiometry = measurement of hearing. • Otoscopy = visual examination of the ear. • Tympanometer = instrument to measure middle ear functions. 4 Complementary Terms • Audiologist = one who is skilled in and specializes in audiology. • Audiology = study of hearing. • Otologist = physician who studies and treats diseases of the ear. • Otology = study of the ear. • Otorhinolaryngologist = ENT physician who studies and treats diseases and disorders of the ear, (ear, nose, & throat). Abbreviations • • • • • • • AD = right ear OD = right eye AS = left ear OS = left eye AU = both ears OU = both eyes ENT = ear, nose, throat EENT = eye, ear, nose, throat OM = otitis media Oto = otology 5 End of Chapter # 13 Speak up, I can’t hear you! 6