
BIOL 105--
Chapter 25: Ear-Hearing-Equilibrium Crossword Puzzle
Prof. Keating
1 name for the membrane which is the roof of the cochlear duct
2 involuntary rolling of the eyes in any direction or, more typically, the trailing of the eyes slowly in one direction
followed by their rapid movement in the opposite direction
5 receptor region in the ampulla which consists of a tuft of hair cells covered with a gelatinous cap or ampullary
10 membrane into which the stereocilia project
11 suspended in perilymph in the inner ear and filled with endolymph
12 system of bony, torturous chambers in the inner ear
13 area of the inner ear concerned with hearing
14 membrane which forms the floor of the cochlear duct
16 another name for the pinna of the ear; the external, skin covered cartilaginous structure encircling the auditory
canal opening
17 membrane in which hair cells in each macula are embedded and which is composed of a gelatinous material
containing small grains of calcium carbonate
18 also called the tympanic cavity; a small chamber in the temporal bone
1 term for the equilibrium receptors of the inner ear
3 area of the inner ear which is filled with endolymph and supports the spiral organ
4 aqueous fluid which fills the bony labyrinth
6 small bones found in the tympanic cavity
7 type of sensorineural deafness that occurs normally in people by the time they are in their 60s
8 type of equilibrium which monitors head position and acceleration in a straight line
9 saclike membranes found in the vestibule of the inner ear; filled with endolymph and receptor cells which are
stimulated by the bending of cilia
15 area at the base of each semicircular duct which communicates with the utricle of the vestibule
BIOL 105--
Chapter 25: Ear-Hearing-Equilibrium Crossword Puzzle SOLUTION
Prof. Keating