Shaina D. Western University of California, Davis One Shields Avenue Davis, CA 95616 EDU CATIO N University of California, Davis — PhD (June 2015). Dissertation: Hollow Commitments: An Analysis of Institutional Design and Ratification Rates. Committee: Jeannette Money (chair), Heather McKibben, and Josephine Andrews Whitworth University — B. A. (2008) Major: Peace Studies Honors: magna cum laude PE E R REVIEWED P UBLICATI O NS “Levels of Linkage: Across-Agreement v. Within-Agreement Explanations of Consensus Formation Among States” (2014). International Studies Quarterly. 58(1) (with Heather McKibben) “Why Migrant Rights are Different than Human Rights” (2015) in Gary Freeman and Nikola Mirilovic (eds), Handbook of Migration and Social Policy. Edward Elgar Press (with Jeannette Money and Sarah Lockhart), forthcoming. U ND ER REVIE W “How Do We Make a Reservation? The Type of Reservations States Enter on Human Rights Treaties?” (with Heather McKibben). AD DITIONAL PROJECTS Citizenship in Comparative Perspective (with Jeannette Money) Hollow Commitments: An Analysis of Institutional Design and Ratification Rates. “Whose Rights Matter?: An Analysis of Human Rights Treaties” “Which States Take a Bite Out of Crime?: An Analysis of the Convention on Transnational Organized Crime and Its Protocols” AWAR DS & GRA NT S Summer Collaborative Research Grant, Department of Political Science. University of California, Davis. (with Jeannette Money)—2013 Summer Collaborative Research Grant, Department of Political Science. University of California, Davis. (with Heather McKibben)—2012 International Studies Association Travel Award—2012 Best Graduate Student Paper, International Studies Association West— 2011 2011-2013 Travel Awards, Department of Political Science. University of California, Davis. T EACHING E XPE RIENCE Instructor: University of California, Davis: Introduction to International Relations (Spring and Summer 2014) Tutor: University of Strathclyde: Introduction to Politics, American Politics, U.S. National Security, and War, Terrorism and Conflict (2014-2015) University of the West of Scotland: Democracy in the UK (2015) University of California, Davis: Introduction to International Relations, Introduction to Comparative Politics, Scientific Study of Politics, Western European Politics, Politics of Global Inequality, National Security Policy, Scientific Study of War, Environmental Politics, The Presidency (2010-2014) PR O F ESS IO NAL ASS OCIATI O NS American Political Science Association and International Studies Association DEPARTMENTA L S ERVICE Graduate Association of Political Science Students • Vice President (2012-2014) • Treasurer (2010-2012) • Graduate Student Association Representative (2009-2010) Graduate Student Mentorship Program SKILLS Proficient in Stata and R. Statistical skills: duration models, Bayesian statistics, agent based modeling, and social network analysis. REFERENCES Jeannette Money Heather McKibben Josephine Andrews