Ancient Egypt Handouts


Ancient Egypt


Lower Egypt

Upper Egypt

Map of Egypt

Ancient Egypt 1

Map of Egypt-Answer Sheet

30ºE 40ºE

Mediterranean Sea


Lower Egypt

Upper Egypt

Sahara Desert

Ale xa nd ria

Ro se tta





Valley of the Kings

1st Cataract

The bes

2nd Cataract



Cata ract


Cat ara ct

5th Catara

6th Catara ct

Blu ct e N ile

W hit e N ile

Re d S ea



Middle East


Tropic of Cancer




Ancient Egypt 2

Nile River Graphic Organizer


Ancient Egypt 3

Nile River Boats

Write the answers to the Nile River

Questions in the boats. Be sure to rephrase the question in your answer and use complete sentences. Cut out your boats and arrange them along the Nile


Ancient Egypt 4

Exploring the Nile River

Answer the following questions on your Nile River boats. Use complete sentences and restate the question in your answer.

1. What is the longest river in the world?

2. In which direction does the

Nile River flow? (north, south, east, or west)

3. Into which body of water does the Nile River flow?

4. In which hemisphere (northern or southern) is the Nile River located?

5. If the Nile River flooded in the summer, in what season would the Egyptians have planted their crops?

6. If the Nile River flooded in the summer, in what season would the Egyptians have harvested their crops?

7. What type of land feature surrounds the Nile River?

8. What is the term for a triangular-shaped area of marshy land at the mouth of a river?

Ancient Egypt 5

Exploring the Nile River-answer key

Answer the following questions on your Nile River boats. Use complete sentences and restate the question in your answer.

1. What is the longest river in the world? Nile

2. In which direction does the

Nile River flow? (north, south, east, or west)


3. Into which body of water does the Nile River flow? Mediterranean Sea

4. In which hemisphere (northern or southern) is the Nile River located? Northern

5. If the Nile River flooded in the summer, in what season would the Egyptians have planted their crops? Fall

6. If the Nile River flooded in the summer, in what season would the Egyptians have harvested their crops? Winter and Spring

7. What type of land feature surrounds the Nile River?


8. What is the term for a triangular-shaped area of marshy land at the mouth of a river? Delta

Ancient Egypt 6

M od er n D ay

Gr eek

R ule

History of Egypt Graphic Organizer

Ar ch aic

4000 BC-2700 BC

Ol d

Ki ng do m

2700 BC-2050 BC

M idd le

Ki ng do m

2050 BC-1570 BC

Ne w

Ki ng do m

1570 BC-332 BC

332 BC-30 BC

1798 AD-1922 AD

4000 B.C.





2500 B.C.

2000 B.C.

1500 B.C.

1000 B.C.

500 B.C.

0 B.C.

Ancient Egypt 7

History of Egypt Graphic Organizer – Answer Key

M od er n D ay

Ar ch aic

Farmers settle in the Nile Valley.

Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt unite, capital at Memphis,

Menes is first pharaoh.

Hieroglyphics developed.

4000 BC-2700 BC

Ol d

Ki ng do m Step Pyramid designed and built by Imhotep. Great Pyramids built at Giza for the pharaoh Khufu.

Great Sphinx built at Giza. Civil War breaks out.

2700 BC-2050 BC a.k.a. The Age of the Pyramids

M idd le

Ki ng do m

King of Thebes reunites Egypt, capital at Thebes.

Hyksos from Asia conquer Lower Egypt, Hyksos had horses,

Egyptians had never seen horses before.

2050 BC-1570 BC ing do m



Hyksos defeated, New Kingdom begins. Hatshepsut’s rule begins, female pharaoh, her rule was very peaceful. Then Thutmose’s rule begins, he conquered many lands and built a great empire. Then Tutankhamen’s rule begins, became pharaoh at age nine, died at age nineteen.

Next, Ramses II’s rule begins, Moses frees the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. Kush conquers Egypt.

1570 BC-332 BC a.k.a. The Golden Age of Egypt

Gr ee k R ule Alexander the Great of Greece conquers Egypt. Capital at Alexandria (Memphis).

69 B.C.-Cleopatra’s rule begins.

30 B.C.-Rome conquers Egypt, Cleopatra commits suicide

332 BC-30 BC

1798 A.D.-Rosetta Stone is discovered in the Nile Delta by Napoleon’s troops.

1922 A.D.-Howard Carter discovers King Tut’s tomb in the Valley of the Kings

1798 AD-1922 AD

4000 B.C.





2500 B.C.

2000 B.C.

1500 B.C.

1000 B.C.

500 B.C.

0 B.C.

Ancient Egypt 8


Aspects of Egyptian Culture

pyramids & tombs mummies

Ancient Egypt 9

hieroglyphics religion animals

Ancient Egypt 10

social classes medicine astronomy

Ancient Egypt 11

Ancient Egypt 12
